Accumulation of half-understood design decisions eventually chokes a program as a water weed chokes a canal. By refactoring you can ensure that your full understanding of how the program should be designed is always reflected in the program. As a water weed quickly spreads its tendrils, partially understood design decisions quickly spread their effects throughout your program. No one or two or even ten individual actions will be enough to eradicate the problem. -- Martin Fowler, _Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code_, p. 360 =============================================================================== some things that I'd like to do in 0.6.x, in no particular order: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROBLEM: As long as I'm working on the batch-related command-line options, it would be reasonable to add one more option to "do what I'd want", testing standard input for non-TTY-ness and running in no-programmer mode if so. FIX: ?? Do it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROBLEM: I used CMU CL for years, and dozens of times I cursed the inadequate breakpoint-based TRACE facility which doesn't work on some functions, and I never realized that there's a wrapper-based facility too until I was wading through the source code for SBCL. Yes, I know I should have RTFM, but there is a lot of M.. (By the way, it would also be nice to have tracing behave better with generic functions. TRACEing a generic function probably shouldn't prevent DEFMETHOD from being used to redefine its methods, and should perhaps trace each of its methods as well as the generic function itself.) FIX: ?? possibility 1: Add error-handling code in ntrace.lisp to catch failure to set breakpoints and retry using wrapper-based tracing. ?? possibility 2: Add error-handling code in ntrace.lisp to catch failure to catch failure to set breakpoints and output a message suggesting retrying with wrapper-based breakpoints ?? possibility 3: Fix the breakpoint-based TRACE facility so that it always works. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROBLEM: My system of parallel build directories seems to add complexity without adding value. FIX: ?? Replace it with a system where fasl output files live in the same directories as the sources and have names a la "foo.fasl-from-host and "foo.fasl-from-xc". ?? (Perhaps something else will be required in order to port to Microsoft Windows, since its filesystem doesn't have symbolic links.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROBLEM: It might be good to use the syntax (DEBUGGER-SPECIAL *PRINT-LEVEL*) etc. to control the in-the-debug-context special variables. Then we wouldn't have to pick and choose which variables we shadow in the debugger. The shadowing values could also be made persistent between debugger invocations, so that entering the debugger, doing (SETF *PRINT-LEVEL* 2), and exiting the debugger would leave (DEBUGGER-SPECIAL *PRINT-LEVEL*) set to 2, and upon reentry to the debugger, *PRINT-LEVEL* would be set back to 2. FIX: ?? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROBLEM: I still haven't cleaned up the cut-and-paste programming in * DEF-BOOLEAN-ATTRIBUTE, DELETEF-IN, and PUSH-IN * SB!SYS:DEF!MACRO ASSEMBLE and SB!XC:DEFMACRO ASSEMBLE FIX: ?? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROBLEM: We be able to get rid of the IR1 interpreter, which would not only get rid of all the code in *eval*.lisp, but also allow us to reduce the number of special cases elsewhere in the system. (Try grepping for 'interpret' sometime.:-) Making this usable might require cleaning up %DEFSTRUCT, %DEFUN, etc. to use EVAL-WHEN instead of IR1 transform magic, which would be a good thing in itself, but might be a fair amount of work.) FIX: ?? Delete, delete, delete. =============================================================================== other known issues with no particular target date: bugs listed on the man page more regression tests byte compilation of appropriate parts of the system, so that the system core isn't so big Search for unused external symbols (ones which are not bound, fbound, types, or whatever, and also have no other uses as e.g. flags) and delete them. This should make the system core a little smaller, but is mostly useful just to make the source code smaller and simpler. adding new FOPs to provide something like CMU CL's FOP-SYMBOL-SAVE and FOP-SMALL-SYMBOL-SAVE functionality, so that fasl files will be more compact. (FOP-SYMBOL-SAVE used *PACKAGE*, which was concise but allowed obscure bugs. Something like FOP-LAST-PACKAGE-SYMBOL-SAVE could have much of the same conciseness advantage without the bugs.) hundreds of FIXME notes in the sources from WHN various other unfinished business from CMU CL and before, marked with "XX" or "XXX" or "###" or "***" or "???" or "pfw" or "@@@@" or "zzzzz" or probably also other codes that I haven't noticed or have forgotten. (Things marked as KLUDGE are in general things which are ugly or confusing, but that, for whatever reason, may stay that way indefinitely.)