;;;; the VOPs and other necessary machine specific support ;;;; routines for call-out to C ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!VM") ;; The MOVE-ARG vop is going to store args on the stack for ;; call-out. These tn's will be used for that. move-arg is normally ;; used for things going down the stack but C wants to have args ;; indexed in the positive direction. (defun my-make-wired-tn (prim-type-name sc-name offset) (make-wired-tn (primitive-type-or-lose prim-type-name) (sc-number-or-lose sc-name) offset)) (defstruct (arg-state (:copier nil)) (register-args 0) (xmm-args 0) (stack-frame-size 0)) (defun int-arg (state prim-type reg-sc stack-sc) (let ((reg-args (arg-state-register-args state))) (cond ((< reg-args 6) (setf (arg-state-register-args state) (1+ reg-args)) (my-make-wired-tn prim-type reg-sc (nth reg-args *c-call-register-arg-offsets*))) (t (let ((frame-size (arg-state-stack-frame-size state))) (setf (arg-state-stack-frame-size state) (1+ frame-size)) (my-make-wired-tn prim-type stack-sc frame-size)))))) (define-alien-type-method (integer :arg-tn) (type state) (if (alien-integer-type-signed type) (int-arg state 'signed-byte-64 'signed-reg 'signed-stack) (int-arg state 'unsigned-byte-64 'unsigned-reg 'unsigned-stack))) (define-alien-type-method (system-area-pointer :arg-tn) (type state) (declare (ignore type)) (int-arg state 'system-area-pointer 'sap-reg 'sap-stack)) (defun float-arg (state prim-type reg-sc stack-sc) (let ((xmm-args (arg-state-xmm-args state))) (cond ((< xmm-args 8) (setf (arg-state-xmm-args state) (1+ xmm-args)) (my-make-wired-tn prim-type reg-sc (nth xmm-args *float-regs*))) (t (let ((frame-size (arg-state-stack-frame-size state))) (setf (arg-state-stack-frame-size state) (1+ frame-size)) (my-make-wired-tn prim-type stack-sc frame-size)))))) (define-alien-type-method (double-float :arg-tn) (type state) (declare (ignore type)) (float-arg state 'double-float 'double-reg 'double-stack)) (define-alien-type-method (single-float :arg-tn) (type state) (declare (ignore type)) (float-arg state 'single-float 'single-reg 'single-stack)) (defstruct (result-state (:copier nil)) (num-results 0)) (defun result-reg-offset (slot) (ecase slot (0 eax-offset) (1 edx-offset))) ;; XXX The return handling probably doesn't conform to the ABI (define-alien-type-method (integer :result-tn) (type state) (let ((num-results (result-state-num-results state))) (setf (result-state-num-results state) (1+ num-results)) (multiple-value-bind (ptype reg-sc) (if (alien-integer-type-signed type) (values 'signed-byte-64 'signed-reg) (values 'unsigned-byte-64 'unsigned-reg)) (my-make-wired-tn ptype reg-sc (result-reg-offset num-results))))) (define-alien-type-method (integer :naturalize-gen) (type alien) (if (and (alien-integer-type-signed type) (<= (alien-type-bits type) 32)) `(sign-extend ,alien) alien)) (define-alien-type-method (system-area-pointer :result-tn) (type state) (declare (ignore type)) (let ((num-results (result-state-num-results state))) (setf (result-state-num-results state) (1+ num-results)) (my-make-wired-tn 'system-area-pointer 'sap-reg (result-reg-offset num-results)))) (define-alien-type-method (double-float :result-tn) (type state) (declare (ignore type)) (let ((num-results (result-state-num-results state))) (setf (result-state-num-results state) (1+ num-results)) (my-make-wired-tn 'double-float 'double-reg num-results))) (define-alien-type-method (single-float :result-tn) (type state) (declare (ignore type)) (let ((num-results (result-state-num-results state))) (setf (result-state-num-results state) (1+ num-results)) (my-make-wired-tn 'single-float 'single-reg num-results))) (define-alien-type-method (values :result-tn) (type state) (let ((values (alien-values-type-values type))) (when (> (length values) 2) (error "Too many result values from c-call.")) (mapcar (lambda (type) (invoke-alien-type-method :result-tn type state)) values))) (!def-vm-support-routine make-call-out-tns (type) (let ((arg-state (make-arg-state))) (collect ((arg-tns)) (dolist (arg-type (alien-fun-type-arg-types type)) (arg-tns (invoke-alien-type-method :arg-tn arg-type arg-state))) (values (my-make-wired-tn 'positive-fixnum 'any-reg esp-offset) (* (arg-state-stack-frame-size arg-state) n-word-bytes) (arg-tns) (invoke-alien-type-method :result-tn (alien-fun-type-result-type type) (make-result-state)))))) (deftransform %alien-funcall ((function type &rest args) * * :node node) (aver (sb!c::constant-lvar-p type)) (let* ((type (sb!c::lvar-value type)) (env (sb!c::node-lexenv node)) (arg-types (alien-fun-type-arg-types type)) (result-type (alien-fun-type-result-type type))) (aver (= (length arg-types) (length args))) (if (or (some #'(lambda (type) (and (alien-integer-type-p type) (> (sb!alien::alien-integer-type-bits type) 64))) arg-types) (and (alien-integer-type-p result-type) (> (sb!alien::alien-integer-type-bits result-type) 64))) (collect ((new-args) (lambda-vars) (new-arg-types)) (dolist (type arg-types) (let ((arg (gensym))) (lambda-vars arg) (cond ((and (alien-integer-type-p type) (> (sb!alien::alien-integer-type-bits type) 64)) (new-args `(logand ,arg #xffffffff)) (new-args `(ash ,arg -64)) (new-arg-types (parse-alien-type '(unsigned 64) env)) (if (alien-integer-type-signed type) (new-arg-types (parse-alien-type '(signed 64) env)) (new-arg-types (parse-alien-type '(unsigned 64) env)))) (t (new-args arg) (new-arg-types type))))) (cond ((and (alien-integer-type-p result-type) (> (sb!alien::alien-integer-type-bits result-type) 64)) (let ((new-result-type (let ((sb!alien::*values-type-okay* t)) (parse-alien-type (if (alien-integer-type-signed result-type) '(values (unsigned 64) (signed 64)) '(values (unsigned 64) (unsigned 64))) env)))) `(lambda (function type ,@(lambda-vars)) (declare (ignore type)) (multiple-value-bind (low high) (%alien-funcall function ',(make-alien-fun-type :arg-types (new-arg-types) :result-type new-result-type) ,@(new-args)) (logior low (ash high 64)))))) (t `(lambda (function type ,@(lambda-vars)) (declare (ignore type)) (%alien-funcall function ',(make-alien-fun-type :arg-types (new-arg-types) :result-type result-type) ,@(new-args)))))) (sb!c::give-up-ir1-transform)))) ;;; The ABI specifies that signed short/int's are returned as 32-bit ;;; values. Negative values need to be sign-extended to 64-bits (done ;;; in a :NATURALIZE-GEN alien-type-method). (defknown sign-extend (fixnum) fixnum (foldable flushable movable)) (define-vop (sign-extend) (:translate sign-extend) (:policy :fast-safe) (:args (val :scs (any-reg))) (:arg-types fixnum) (:results (res :scs (any-reg))) (:result-types fixnum) (:generator 1 (inst movsxd res (make-random-tn :kind :normal :sc (sc-or-lose 'dword-reg) :offset (tn-offset val))))) (defun sign-extend (x) (if (logbitp 31 x) (dpb x (byte 32 0) -1) (ldb (byte 32 0) x))) (define-vop (foreign-symbol-address) (:translate foreign-symbol-address) (:policy :fast-safe) (:args) (:arg-types (:constant simple-string)) (:info foreign-symbol) (:results (res :scs (sap-reg))) (:result-types system-area-pointer) (:generator 2 (inst lea res (make-fixup (extern-alien-name foreign-symbol) :foreign)))) #!+linkage-table (define-vop (foreign-symbol-dataref-address) (:translate foreign-symbol-dataref-address) (:policy :fast-safe) (:args) (:arg-types (:constant simple-string)) (:info foreign-symbol) (:results (res :scs (sap-reg))) (:result-types system-area-pointer) (:generator 2 (inst mov res (make-fixup (extern-alien-name foreign-symbol) :foreign-dataref)))) (define-vop (call-out) (:args (function :scs (sap-reg)) (args :more t)) (:results (results :more t)) (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg :offset rax-offset :to :result) rax) (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg :offset rcx-offset :from :eval :to :result) rcx) (:ignore results) (:vop-var vop) (:save-p t) (:generator 0 ;; ABI: AL contains amount of arguments passed in XMM registers ;; for vararg calls. (move-immediate rax (loop for tn-ref = args then (tn-ref-across tn-ref) while tn-ref count (eq (sb-name (sc-sb (tn-sc (tn-ref-tn tn-ref)))) 'float-registers))) (inst call function) ;; To give the debugger a clue. XX not really internal-error? (note-this-location vop :internal-error) ;; FLOAT15 needs to contain FP zero in Lispland (inst xor rcx rcx) (inst movd (make-random-tn :kind :normal :sc (sc-or-lose 'double-reg) :offset float15-offset) rcx))) (define-vop (alloc-number-stack-space) (:info amount) (:results (result :scs (sap-reg any-reg))) (:generator 0 (aver (location= result rsp-tn)) (unless (zerop amount) (let ((delta (logandc2 (+ amount 3) 3))) (inst sub rsp-tn delta))) (move result rsp-tn))) (define-vop (dealloc-number-stack-space) (:info amount) (:generator 0 (unless (zerop amount) (let ((delta (logandc2 (+ amount 3) 3))) (inst add rsp-tn delta))))) (define-vop (alloc-alien-stack-space) (:info amount) #!+sb-thread (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg) temp) (:results (result :scs (sap-reg any-reg))) #!+sb-thread (:generator 0 (aver (not (location= result rsp-tn))) (unless (zerop amount) (let ((delta (logandc2 (+ amount 7) 7))) (inst mov temp (make-ea :dword :disp (+ nil-value (static-symbol-offset '*alien-stack*) (ash symbol-tls-index-slot word-shift) (- other-pointer-lowtag)))) (inst fs-segment-prefix) (inst sub (make-ea :dword :scale 1 :index temp) delta))) (load-tl-symbol-value result *alien-stack*)) #!-sb-thread (:generator 0 (aver (not (location= result rsp-tn))) (unless (zerop amount) (let ((delta (logandc2 (+ amount 7) 7))) (inst sub (make-ea :qword :disp (+ nil-value (static-symbol-offset '*alien-stack*) (ash symbol-value-slot word-shift) (- other-pointer-lowtag))) delta))) (load-symbol-value result *alien-stack*))) (define-vop (dealloc-alien-stack-space) (:info amount) #!+sb-thread (:temporary (:sc unsigned-reg) temp) #!+sb-thread (:generator 0 (unless (zerop amount) (let ((delta (logandc2 (+ amount 7) 7))) (inst mov temp (make-ea :dword :disp (+ nil-value (static-symbol-offset '*alien-stack*) (ash symbol-tls-index-slot word-shift) (- other-pointer-lowtag)))) (inst fs-segment-prefix) (inst add (make-ea :dword :scale 1 :index temp) delta)))) #!-sb-thread (:generator 0 (unless (zerop amount) (let ((delta (logandc2 (+ amount 7) 7))) (inst add (make-ea :qword :disp (+ nil-value (static-symbol-offset '*alien-stack*) (ash symbol-value-slot word-shift) (- other-pointer-lowtag))) delta))))) ;;; these are not strictly part of the c-call convention, but are ;;; needed for the WITH-PRESERVED-POINTERS macro used for "locking ;;; down" lisp objects so that GC won't move them while foreign ;;; functions go to work. (define-vop (push-word-on-c-stack) (:translate push-word-on-c-stack) (:args (val :scs (sap-reg))) (:policy :fast-safe) (:arg-types system-area-pointer) (:generator 2 (inst push val))) (define-vop (pop-words-from-c-stack) (:translate pop-words-from-c-stack) (:args) (:arg-types (:constant (unsigned-byte 60))) (:info number) (:policy :fast-safe) (:generator 2 (inst add rsp-tn (fixnumize number))))