;;;; Replicate much of the ACL toplevel functionality in SBCL. Mostly ;;;; this is portable code, but fundamentally it all hangs from a few ;;;; SBCL-specific hooks like SB-INT:*REPL-READ-FUN* and ;;;; SB-INT:*REPL-PROMPT-FUN*. ;;;; ;;;; The documentation, which may or may not apply in its entirety at ;;;; any given time, for this functionality is on the ACL website: ;;;; . (cl:in-package :sb-aclrepl) (defstruct user-cmd (input nil) ; input, maybe a string or form (func nil) ; cmd func entered, overloaded ; (:eof :null-cmd :cmd-error :history-error) (args nil) ; args for cmd func (hnum nil)) ; history number ;;; cmd table entry (defstruct cmd-table-entry (name nil) ; name of command (func nil) ; function handler (desc nil) ; short description (parsing nil) ; (:string :case-sensitive nil) (group nil) ; command group (:cmd or :alias) (abbr-len 0)) ; abbreviation length (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defparameter *default-prompt* "~:[~3*~;[~:*~D~:[~;~:*:~D~]~:[~;i~]~:[~;c~]] ~]~A(~D): " "The default prompt.")) (defparameter *prompt* #.*default-prompt* "The current prompt string or formatter function.") (defparameter *use-short-package-name* t "when T, use the shortnest package nickname in a prompt") (defparameter *dir-stack* nil "The top-level directory stack") (defparameter *command-char* #\: "Prefix character for a top-level command") (defvar *max-history* 100 "Maximum number of history commands to remember") (defvar *exit-on-eof* t "If T, then exit when the EOF character is entered.") (defparameter *history* nil "History list") (defparameter *cmd-number* 1 "Number of the next command") (defvar *input*) (defvar *output*) (declaim (type list *history*)) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (export '(*prompt* *exit-on-eof* *max-history* *use-short-package-name* *command-char* alias))) (defvar *eof-marker* :eof) (defvar *eof-cmd* (make-user-cmd :func :eof)) (defvar *null-cmd* (make-user-cmd :func :null-cmd)) (defparameter *cmd-table-hash* (make-hash-table :size 30 :test #'equal)) ;; Set up binding for multithreading (let ((*prompt* #.*default-prompt*) (*use-short-package-name* t) (*dir-stack* nil) (*command-char* #\:) (*max-history* 100) (*exit-on-eof* t) (*history* nil) (*cmd-number* 1) ) (defun prompt-package-name () (if *use-short-package-name* (car (sort (append (package-nicknames cl:*package*) (list (package-name cl:*package*))) (lambda (a b) (< (length a) (length b))))) (package-name cl:*package*))) (defun read-cmd (input-stream) ;; Reads a command from the user and returns a user-cmd object (let* ((next-char (peek-char-non-whitespace input-stream)) (cmd (cond ((eql *command-char* next-char) (dispatch-command-line input-stream)) ((eql #\newline next-char) (read-char input-stream) *null-cmd*) ((eql :eof next-char) *eof-cmd*) (t (let* ((eof (cons nil *eof-marker*)) (form (read input-stream nil eof))) (if (eq form eof) *eof-cmd* (make-user-cmd :input form :func nil :hnum *cmd-number*))))))) (if (and (eq cmd *eof-cmd*) (typep input-stream 'string-stream)) (throw 'repl-catcher cmd) cmd))) (defun dispatch-command-line (input-stream) "Processes an input line that starts with *command-char*" (let* ((line (string-trim-whitespace (read-line input-stream))) (first-space-pos (position #\space line)) (cmd-string (subseq line 1 first-space-pos)) (cmd-args-string (if first-space-pos (string-trim-whitespace (subseq line first-space-pos)) ""))) (declare (simple-string line)) (cond ((or (zerop (length cmd-string)) (whitespace-char-p (char cmd-string 0))) *null-cmd*) ((or (numberp (read-from-string cmd-string)) (char= (char cmd-string 0) #\+) (char= (char cmd-string 0) #\-)) (process-cmd-numeric cmd-string cmd-args-string)) ((char= (char cmd-string 0) *command-char*) (process-history-search (subseq cmd-string 1) cmd-args-string)) (t (process-cmd-text cmd-string line cmd-args-string))))) (defun process-cmd-numeric (cmd-string cmd-args-string) "Process a numeric cmd, such as ':123'" (let* ((first-char (char cmd-string 0)) (number-string (if (digit-char-p first-char) cmd-string (subseq cmd-string 1))) (is-minus (char= first-char #\-)) (raw-number (read-from-string number-string)) (number (if is-minus (- *cmd-number* raw-number) raw-number)) (cmd (get-history number))) (when (eq cmd *null-cmd*) (return-from process-cmd-numeric (make-user-cmd :func :history-error :input (read-from-string cmd-string)))) (maybe-return-history-cmd cmd cmd-args-string))) (defun maybe-return-history-cmd (cmd cmd-args-string) (format *output* "~A~%" (user-cmd-input cmd)) (let ((dont-redo (when (and (stringp cmd-args-string) (plusp (length cmd-args-string)) (char= #\? (char cmd-args-string 0))) (do ((line nil (read-line *input*))) ((and line (or (zerop (length line)) (string-equal line "Y") (string-equal line "N"))) (when (string-equal line "N") t)) (when line (format *output* "Type \"y\" for yes or \"n\" for no.~%")) (format *output* "redo? [y] ") (force-output *output*))))) (if dont-redo *null-cmd* (make-user-cmd :func (user-cmd-func cmd) :input (user-cmd-input cmd) :args (user-cmd-args cmd) :hnum *cmd-number*)))) (defun find-history-matching-pattern (cmd-string) "Return history item matching cmd-string or NIL if not found" (dolist (his *history* nil) (let* ((input (user-cmd-input his)) (string-input (if (stringp input) input (write-to-string input)))) (when (search cmd-string string-input :test #'string-equal) (return-from find-history-matching-pattern his))))) (defun process-history-search (pattern cmd-args-string) (let ((cmd (find-history-matching-pattern pattern))) (unless cmd (format *output* "No match on history list with pattern ~S~%" pattern) (return-from process-history-search *null-cmd*)) (maybe-return-history-cmd cmd cmd-args-string))) (defun process-cmd-text (cmd-string line cmd-args-string) "Process a text cmd, such as ':ld a b c'" (flet ((parse-args (parsing args-string) (case parsing (:string (if (zerop (length args-string)) nil (list args-string))) (t (let ((string-stream (make-string-input-stream args-string)) (eof (cons nil *eof-marker*))) ;new cons for eq uniqueness (loop as arg = (read string-stream nil eof) until (eq arg eof) collect arg)))))) (let ((cmd-entry (find-cmd cmd-string))) (unless cmd-entry (return-from process-cmd-text (make-user-cmd :func :cmd-error :input cmd-string))) (make-user-cmd :func (cmd-table-entry-func cmd-entry) :input line :args (parse-args (cmd-table-entry-parsing cmd-entry) cmd-args-string) :hnum *cmd-number*)))) (defun make-cte (name-param func desc parsing group abbr-len) (let ((name (etypecase name-param (string name-param) (symbol (string-downcase (write-to-string name-param)))))) (make-cmd-table-entry :name name :func func :desc desc :parsing parsing :group group :abbr-len (if abbr-len abbr-len (length name))))) (defun %add-entry (cmd &optional abbr-len) (let* ((name (cmd-table-entry-name cmd)) (alen (if abbr-len abbr-len (length name)))) (dotimes (i (length name)) (when (>= i (1- alen)) (setf (gethash (subseq name 0 (1+ i)) *cmd-table-hash*) cmd))))) (defun add-cmd-table-entry (cmd-string abbr-len func-name desc parsing) (%add-entry (make-cte cmd-string (symbol-function func-name) desc parsing :cmd abbr-len) abbr-len)) (defun find-cmd (cmdstr) (gethash (string-downcase cmdstr) *cmd-table-hash*)) (defun user-cmd= (c1 c2) "Returns T if two user commands are equal" (and (eq (user-cmd-func c1) (user-cmd-func c2)) (equal (user-cmd-args c1) (user-cmd-args c2)) (equal (user-cmd-input c1) (user-cmd-input c2)))) (defun add-to-history (cmd) (unless (and *history* (user-cmd= cmd (car *history*))) (when (>= (length *history*) *max-history*) (setq *history* (nbutlast *history* (1+ (- (length *history*) *max-history*))))) (push cmd *history*) (incf *cmd-number*))) (defun get-history (n) (let ((cmd (find n *history* :key #'user-cmd-hnum :test #'eql))) (if cmd cmd *null-cmd*))) (defun get-cmd-doc-list (&optional (group :cmd)) "Return list of all commands" (let ((cmds '())) (maphash (lambda (k v) (when (and (= (length k) (length (cmd-table-entry-name v))) (eq (cmd-table-entry-group v) group)) (push (list k (if (= (cmd-table-entry-abbr-len v) (length k)) "" (subseq k 0 (cmd-table-entry-abbr-len v))) (cmd-table-entry-desc v)) cmds))) *cmd-table-hash*) (sort cmds #'string-lessp :key #'car))) (defun cd-cmd (&optional string-dir) (cond ((or (zerop (length string-dir)) (string= string-dir "~")) (setf cl:*default-pathname-defaults* (user-homedir-pathname))) (t (let ((new (truename string-dir))) (when (pathnamep new) (setf cl:*default-pathname-defaults* new))))) (format *output* "~A~%" (namestring cl:*default-pathname-defaults*)) (values)) (defun pwd-cmd () (format *output* "Lisp's current working directory is ~s.~%" (namestring cl:*default-pathname-defaults*)) (values)) (defun trace-cmd (&rest args) (if args (format *output* "~A~%" (eval (sb-debug::expand-trace args))) (format *output* "~A~%" (sb-debug::%list-traced-funs))) (values)) (defun untrace-cmd (&rest args) (if args (format *output* "~A~%" (eval (sb-int:collect ((res)) (let ((current args)) (loop (unless current (return)) (let ((name (pop current))) (res (if (eq name :function) `(sb-debug::untrace-1 ,(pop current)) `(sb-debug::untrace-1 ',name)))))) `(progn ,@(res) t)))) (format *output* "~A~%" (eval (sb-debug::untrace-all)))) (values)) #+sb-thread (defun thread-pids () "Return a list of the pids for all threads" (let ((offset (* 4 sb-vm::thread-pid-slot))) (sb-thread::mapcar-threads #'(lambda (sap) (sb-sys:sap-ref-32 sap offset))))) #+sb-thread (defun other-thread-pids () "Returns a list of pids for all threads except the current process" (delete (sb-thread:current-thread-id) (thread-pids) :test #'eql)) (defun exit-cmd (&optional (status 0)) #+sb-thread (let ((other-pids (other-thread-pids))) (when other-pids (format *output* "There exists the following processes~%") (format *output* "~{~5d~%~}" other-pids) (format *output* "Do you want to exit lisp anyway [n]? ") (force-output *output*) (let ((input (string-trim-whitespace (read-line *input*)))) (if (and (plusp (length input)) (or (char= #\y (char input 0)) (char= #\Y (char input 0)))) ;; loop in case more threads get created while trying to exit (do ((pids other-pids (other-thread-pids))) ((eq nil pids)) (map nil #'sb-thread:destroy-thread pids) (sleep 0.2)) (return-from exit-cmd))))) (sb-ext:quit :unix-status status) (values)) (defun package-cmd (&optional pkg) (cond ((null pkg) (format *output* "The ~A package is current.~%" (package-name cl:*package*))) ((null (find-package (write-to-string pkg))) (format *output* "Unknown package: ~A.~%" pkg)) (t (setf cl:*package* (find-package (write-to-string pkg))))) (values)) (defun string-to-list-skip-spaces (str) "Return a list of strings, delimited by spaces, skipping spaces." (declare (type (or null string) str)) (when str (loop for i = 0 then (1+ j) as j = (position #\space str :start i) when (not (char= (char str i) #\space)) collect (subseq str i j) while j))) (let ((last-files-loaded nil)) (defun ld-cmd (&optional string-files) (if string-files (setq last-files-loaded string-files) (setq string-files last-files-loaded)) (dolist (arg (string-to-list-skip-spaces string-files)) (let ((file (if (string= arg "~/" :end1 1 :end2 1) (merge-pathnames (parse-namestring (string-left-trim "~/" arg)) (user-homedir-pathname)) arg))) (format *output* "loading ~S~%" file) (load file)))) (values)) (defun cf-cmd (string-files) (when string-files (dolist (arg (string-to-list-skip-spaces string-files)) (compile-file arg))) (values)) (defun >-num (x y) "Return if x and y are numbers, and x > y" (and (numberp x) (numberp y) (> x y))) (defun newer-file-p (file1 file2) "Is file1 newer (written later than) file2?" (>-num (if (probe-file file1) (file-write-date file1)) (if (probe-file file2) (file-write-date file2)))) (defun compile-file-as-needed (src-path) "Compiles a file if needed, returns path." (let ((dest-path (compile-file-pathname src-path))) (when (or (not (probe-file dest-path)) (newer-file-p src-path dest-path)) (ensure-directories-exist dest-path) (compile-file src-path :output-file dest-path)) dest-path)) ;;;; implementation of commands (defun apropos-cmd (string) (apropos (string-upcase string)) (fresh-line *output*) (values)) (let ((last-files-loaded nil)) (defun cload-cmd (&optional string-files) (if string-files (setq last-files-loaded string-files) (setq string-files last-files-loaded)) (dolist (arg (string-to-list-skip-spaces string-files)) (format *output* "loading ~a~%" arg) (load (compile-file-as-needed arg))) (values))) (defun inspect-cmd (arg) (inspector-fun arg nil *output*) (values)) (defun istep-cmd (&optional arg-string) (istep (string-to-list-skip-spaces arg-string) *output*) (values)) (defun describe-cmd (&rest args) (dolist (arg args) (eval `(describe ,arg))) (values)) (defun macroexpand-cmd (arg) (pprint (macroexpand arg) *output*) (values)) (defun history-cmd () (let ((n (length *history*))) (declare (fixnum n)) (dotimes (i n) (declare (fixnum i)) (let ((hist (nth (- n i 1) *history*))) (format *output* "~3A " (user-cmd-hnum hist)) (if (stringp (user-cmd-input hist)) (format *output* "~A~%" (user-cmd-input hist)) (format *output* "~W~%" (user-cmd-input hist)))))) (values)) (defun help-cmd (&optional cmd) (cond (cmd (let ((cmd-entry (find-cmd cmd))) (if cmd-entry (format *output* "Documentation for ~A: ~A~%" (cmd-table-entry-name cmd-entry) (cmd-table-entry-desc cmd-entry))))) (t (format *output* "~11A ~4A ~A~%" "COMMAND" "ABBR" "DESCRIPTION") (format *output* "~11A ~4A ~A~%" "" "" "re-execute th history command") (dolist (doc-entry (get-cmd-doc-list :cmd)) (format *output* "~11A ~4A ~A~%" (first doc-entry) (second doc-entry) (third doc-entry))))) (values)) (defun alias-cmd () (let ((doc-entries (get-cmd-doc-list :alias))) (typecase doc-entries (cons (format *output* "~11A ~A ~4A~%" "ALIAS" "ABBR" "DESCRIPTION") (dolist (doc-entry doc-entries) (format *output* "~11A ~4A ~A~%" (first doc-entry) (second doc-entry) (third doc-entry)))) (t (format *output* "No aliases are defined~%")))) (values)) (defun shell-cmd (string-arg) (sb-ext:run-program "/bin/sh" (list "-c" string-arg) :input nil :output *output*) (values)) (defun pushd-cmd (string-arg) (push string-arg *dir-stack*) (cd-cmd string-arg) (values)) (defun popd-cmd () (if *dir-stack* (let ((dir (pop *dir-stack*))) (cd-cmd dir)) (format *output* "No directory on stack to pop.~%")) (values)) (defun pop-cmd (&optional (n 1)) (cond (*inspect-break* (throw 'repl-catcher (values :inspect n))) ((plusp *break-level*) (throw 'repl-catcher (values :pop n)))) (values)) (defun bt-cmd (&optional (n most-positive-fixnum)) (sb-debug::backtrace n)) (defun current-cmd () (sb-debug::describe-debug-command)) (defun top-cmd () (sb-debug::frame-debug-command 0)) (defun bottom-cmd () (sb-debug::bottom-debug-command)) (defun up-cmd (&optional (n 1)) (dotimes (i n) (if (and sb-debug::*current-frame* (sb-di:frame-up sb-debug::*current-frame*)) (sb-debug::up-debug-command) (progn (format *output* "Top of the stack") (return-from up-cmd))))) (defun dn-cmd (&optional (n 1)) (dotimes (i n) (if (and sb-debug::*current-frame* (sb-di:frame-down sb-debug::*current-frame*)) (sb-debug::down-debug-command) (progn (format *output* "Bottom of the stack") (return-from dn-cmd))))) (defun continue-cmd (&optional (num 0)) ;; don't look at first restart (let ((restarts (compute-restarts))) (if restarts (let ((restart (typecase num (unsigned-byte (if (< -1 num (length restarts)) (nth num restarts) (progn (format *output* "There is no such restart") (return-from continue-cmd)))) (symbol (find num (the list restarts) :key #'restart-name :test (lambda (sym1 sym2) (string= (symbol-name sym1) (symbol-name sym2))))) (t (format *output* "~S is invalid as a restart name" num) (return-from continue-cmd nil))))) (when restart (invoke-restart-interactively restart))) (format *output* "~&There are no restarts")))) (defun error-cmd () (when (plusp *break-level*) (if *inspect-break* (sb-debug::show-restarts (compute-restarts) *output*) (let ((sb-debug::*debug-restarts* (compute-restarts))) (sb-debug::error-debug-command))))) (defun frame-cmd () (sb-debug::print-frame-call sb-debug::*current-frame*)) (defun zoom-cmd () ) (defun local-cmd (&optional var) (declare (ignore var)) (sb-debug::list-locals-debug-command)) (defun processes-cmd () #+sb-thread (let ((pids (thread-pids)) (current-pid (sb-thread:current-thread-id))) (dolist (pid pids) (format *output* "~&~D" pid) (when (= pid current-pid) (format *output* " [current listener]")))) #-sb-thread (format *output* "~&Threads are not supported in this version of sbcl") (values)) (defun kill-cmd (&rest selected-pids) #+sb-thread (let ((pids (thread-pids))) (dolist (selected-pid selected-pids) (if (find selected-pid pids :test #'eql) (progn (sb-thread:destroy-thread selected-pid) (format *output* "~&Thread ~A destroyed" selected-pid)) (format *output* "~&No thread ~A exists" selected-pid)))) #-sb-thread (declare (ignore selected-pids)) #-sb-thread (format *output* "~&Threads are not supported in this version of sbcl") (values)) (defun signal-cmd (signal &rest selected-pids) #+sb-thread (let ((pids (thread-pids))) (dolist (selected-pid selected-pids) (if (find selected-pid pids :test #'eql) (progn (sb-unix:unix-kill selected-pid signal) (format *output* "~&Signal ~A sent to thread ~A" signal selected-pid)) (format *output* "~&No thread ~A exists" selected-pid)))) #-sb-thread (declare (ignore signal selected-pids)) #-sb-thread (format *output* "~&Threads are not supported in this version of sbcl") (values)) (defun focus-cmd (&optional process) #-sb-thread (declare (ignore process)) #+sb-thread (when process (format *output* "~&Focusing on next thread waiting waiting for the debugger~%")) #+sb-thread (progn (sb-thread:release-foreground) (sleep 1)) #-sb-thread (format *output* "~&Threads are not supported in this version of sbcl") (values)) (defun reset-cmd () ;; The last restart goes to the toplevel (invoke-restart-interactively (car (last (compute-restarts))))) (defun dirs-cmd () (dolist (dir *dir-stack*) (format *output* "~a~%" dir)) (values)) ;;;; dispatch table for commands (let ((cmd-table '(("aliases" 3 alias-cmd "show aliases") ("apropos" 2 apropos-cmd "show apropos" :parsing :string) ("bottom" 3 bottom-cmd "move to bottom stack frame") ("top" 3 top-cmd "move to top stack frame") ("bt" 2 bt-cmd "backtrace `n' stack frames, default all") ("up" 2 up-cmd "move up `n' stack frames, default 1") ("dn" 2 dn-cmd "move down `n' stack frames, default 1") ("cd" 2 cd-cmd "change default diretory" :parsing :string) ("ld" 2 ld-cmd "load a file" :parsing :string) ("cf" 2 cf-cmd "compile file" :parsing :string) ("cload" 2 cload-cmd "compile if needed and load file" :parsing :string) ("current" 3 current-cmd "print the expression for the current stack frame") ("continue" 4 continue-cmd "continue from a continuable error") ("describe" 2 describe-cmd "describe an object") ("macroexpand" 2 macroexpand-cmd "macroexpand an expression") ("package" 2 package-cmd "change current package") ("error" 3 error-cmd "print the last error message") ("exit" 2 exit-cmd "exit sbcl") ("frame" 2 frame-cmd "print info about the current frame") ("help" 2 help-cmd "print this help") ("history" 3 history-cmd "print the recent history") ("inspect" 2 inspect-cmd "inspect an object") ("istep" 1 istep-cmd "navigate within inspection of a lisp object" :parsing :string) #+sb-thread ("kill" 2 kill-cmd "kill (destroy) processes") #+sb-thread ("signal" 2 signal-cmd "send a signal to processes") #+sb-thread ("focus" 2 focus-cmd "focus the top level on a process") ("local" 3 local-cmd "print the value of a local variable") ("pwd" 3 pwd-cmd "print current directory") ("pushd" 2 pushd-cmd "push directory on stack" :parsing :string) ("pop" 3 pop-cmd "pop up `n' (default 1) break levels") ("popd" 4 popd-cmd "pop directory from stack") #+sb-thread ("processes" 3 processes-cmd "list all processes") ("reset" 3 reset-cmd "reset to top break level") ("trace" 2 trace-cmd "trace a function") ("untrace" 4 untrace-cmd "untrace a function") ("dirs" 2 dirs-cmd "show directory stack") ("shell" 2 shell-cmd "execute a shell cmd" :parsing :string) ("zoom" 2 zoom-cmd "print the runtime stack") ))) (dolist (cmd cmd-table) (destructuring-bind (cmd-string abbr-len func-name desc &key parsing) cmd (add-cmd-table-entry cmd-string abbr-len func-name desc parsing)))) ;;;; machinery for aliases (defsetf alias (name &key abbr-len description) (user-func) `(progn (%add-entry (make-cte (quote ,name) ,user-func ,description nil :alias ,abbr-len)) (quote ,name))) (defmacro alias (name-param args &rest body) (let ((parsing nil) (desc "") (abbr-index nil) (name (if (atom name-param) name-param (car name-param)))) (when (consp name-param) (dolist (param (cdr name-param)) (cond ((or (eq param :case-sensitive) (eq param :string)) (setq parsing param)) ((stringp param) (setq desc param)) ((numberp param) (setq abbr-index param))))) `(progn (%add-entry (make-cte (quote ,name) (lambda ,args ,@body) ,desc ,parsing :alias (when ,abbr-index (1+ ,abbr-index))) ,abbr-index) ,name))) (defun remove-alias (&rest aliases) (declare (list aliases)) (let ((keys '()) (remove-all (not (null (find :all aliases))))) (unless remove-all ;; ensure all alias are strings (setq aliases (loop for alias in aliases collect (etypecase alias (string alias) (symbol (symbol-name alias)))))) (maphash (lambda (key cmd) (when (eq (cmd-table-entry-group cmd) :alias) (if remove-all (push key keys) (when (some (lambda (alias) (let ((klen (length key))) (and (>= (length alias) klen) (string-equal (subseq alias 0 klen) (subseq key 0 klen))))) aliases) (push key keys))))) *cmd-table-hash*) (dolist (key keys) (remhash key *cmd-table-hash*)) keys)) ;;;; low-level reading/parsing functions ;;; Skip white space (but not #\NEWLINE), and peek at the next ;;; character. (defun peek-char-non-whitespace (&optional stream) (do ((char (peek-char nil stream nil *eof-marker*) (peek-char nil stream nil *eof-marker*))) ((not (whitespace-char-not-newline-p char)) char) (read-char stream))) (defun string-trim-whitespace (str) (string-trim '(#\space #\tab #\return) str)) (defun whitespace-char-p (x) (and (characterp x) (or (char= x #\space) (char= x #\tab) (char= x #\newline) (char= x #\return)))) (defun whitespace-char-not-newline-p (x) (and (whitespace-char-p x) (not (char= x #\newline)))) ;;;; linking into SBCL hooks (defun repl-prompt-fun (stream) (let ((break-level (when (plusp *break-level*) *break-level*)) (frame-number (when (and (plusp *break-level*) sb-debug::*current-frame*) (sb-di::frame-number sb-debug::*current-frame*)))) #+sb-thread (let ((lock sb-thread::*session-lock*)) (sb-thread::get-foreground) (let ((stopped-threads (sb-thread::waitqueue-data lock))) (when stopped-threads (format stream "~{~&Thread ~A suspended~}~%" stopped-threads)))) (fresh-line stream) (if (functionp *prompt*) (write-string (funcall *prompt* break-level frame-number *inspect-break* *continuable-break* (prompt-package-name) *cmd-number*) stream) (handler-case (format nil *prompt* break-level frame-number *inspect-break* *continuable-break* (prompt-package-name) *cmd-number*) (error () (format stream "~&Prompt error> ")) (:no-error (prompt) (format stream "~A" prompt)))))) (defun process-cmd (user-cmd) ;; Processes a user command. Returns t if the user-cmd was a top-level ;; command (cond ((eq user-cmd *eof-cmd*) (when *exit-on-eof* (sb-ext:quit)) (format *output* "EOF~%") t) ((eq user-cmd *null-cmd*) t) ((eq (user-cmd-func user-cmd) :cmd-error) (format *output* "Unknown top-level command: ~s.~%" (user-cmd-input user-cmd)) (format *output* "Type `:help' for the list of commands.~%") t) ((eq (user-cmd-func user-cmd) :history-error) (format *output* "Input numbered ~d is not on the history list~%" (user-cmd-input user-cmd)) t) ((functionp (user-cmd-func user-cmd)) (add-to-history user-cmd) (apply (user-cmd-func user-cmd) (user-cmd-args user-cmd)) ;;(fresh-line) t) (t (add-to-history user-cmd) nil))) ; nope, not in my job description (defun repl-read-form-fun (input output) ;; Pick off all the leading ACL magic commands, then return a normal ;; Lisp form. (let ((*input* input) (*output* output)) (loop for user-cmd = (read-cmd *input*) do (if (process-cmd user-cmd) (progn (funcall sb-int:*repl-prompt-fun* *output*) (force-output *output*)) (return (user-cmd-input user-cmd)))))) (setf sb-int:*repl-prompt-fun* #'repl-prompt-fun sb-int:*repl-read-form-fun* #'repl-read-form-fun) ) ;; close special variables bindings