(in-package :sb-bsd-sockets)
INET-domain sockets
The TCP and UDP sockets that you know and love. Some representation issues:
- These functions do not accept hostnames directly: see name resolution
- Internet addresses are represented by vectors of (unsigned-byte 8) - viz. #(127 0 0 1). Ports are just integers: 6010. No conversion between network- and host-order data is needed from the user of this package.
- socket addresses are represented by the two values for address and port, so for example, (socket-connect s #(192 168 1 1) 80)
;;; Our class and constructor
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(defclass inet-socket (socket)
((family :initform sockint::AF-INET))))
;;; XXX should we *...* this?
(defparameter inet-address-any (vector 0 0 0 0))
;;; binding a socket to an address and port. Doubt that anyone's
;;; actually using this much, to be honest.
(defun make-inet-address (dotted-quads)
"Return a vector of octets given a string DOTTED-QUADS in the format
(mapcar #'parse-integer
(split dotted-quads nil '(#\.)))
;;; getprotobyname only works in the internet domain, which is why this
;;; is here
(defun get-protocol-by-name (name) ;exported
"Returns the network protocol number associated with the string NAME,
using getprotobyname(2) which typically looks in NIS or /etc/protocols"
;; for extra brownie points, could return canonical protocol name
;; and aliases as extra values
(let ((ent (sockint::foreign-vector (sockint::getprotobyname name) 1
(sockint::protoent-proto ent)))
;;; sockaddr protocol
;;; (1) sockaddrs are represented as the semi-foreign array-of-octets
;;; thing
;;; (2) a protocol provides make-sockaddr-for, size-of-sockaddr,
;;; bits-of-sockaddr
(defmethod make-sockaddr-for ((socket inet-socket) &optional sockaddr &rest address &aux (host (first address)) (port (second address)))
(let ((sockaddr (or sockaddr (sockint::allocate-sockaddr-in))))
(when (and host port)
;; port and host are represented in C as "network-endian" unsigned
;; integers of various lengths. This is stupid. The value of the
;; integer doesn't matter (and will change depending on your
;; machine's endianness); what the bind(2) call is interested in
;; is the pattern of bytes within that integer.
;; We have no truck with such dreadful type punning. Octets to
;; octets, dust to dust.
(setf (sockint::sockaddr-in-family sockaddr) sockint::af-inet)
(setf (sockint::sockaddr-in-port sockaddr 0) (ldb (byte 8 8) port))
(setf (sockint::sockaddr-in-port sockaddr 1) (ldb (byte 8 0) port))
(setf (sockint::sockaddr-in-addr sockaddr 0) (elt host 0))
(setf (sockint::sockaddr-in-addr sockaddr 1) (elt host 1))
(setf (sockint::sockaddr-in-addr sockaddr 2) (elt host 2))
(setf (sockint::sockaddr-in-addr sockaddr 3) (elt host 3)))
(defmethod size-of-sockaddr ((socket inet-socket))
(defmethod bits-of-sockaddr ((socket inet-socket) sockaddr)
"Returns address and port of SOCKADDR as multiple values"
(sockint::sockaddr-in-addr sockaddr 0)
(sockint::sockaddr-in-addr sockaddr 1)
(sockint::sockaddr-in-addr sockaddr 2)
(sockint::sockaddr-in-addr sockaddr 3))
(+ (* 256 (sockint::sockaddr-in-port sockaddr 0))
(sockint::sockaddr-in-port sockaddr 1))))
(defun make-inet-socket (type protocol)
"Make an INET socket. Deprecated in favour of make-instance"
(make-instance 'inet-socket :type type :protocol protocol))