(in-package :sb-bsd-sockets) ;;; Miscellaneous things, placed here until I can find a logically more ;;; coherent place to put them ;;; I don't want to provide a complete interface to unix file ;;; operations, for example, but being about to set O_NONBLOCK on a ;;; socket is a necessary operation. ;;; XXX bad (sizeof (int) ==4 ) assumptions (defgeneric non-blocking-mode (socket) (:documentation "Is SOCKET in non-blocking mode?")) (defmethod non-blocking-mode ((socket socket)) (let ((fd (socket-file-descriptor socket))) (sb-alien:with-alien ((arg integer)) (> (logand (sockint::fcntl fd sockint::f-getfl arg) sockint::o-nonblock) 0)))) (defgeneric (setf non-blocking-mode) (non-blocking-p socket) (:documentation "Put SOCKET in non-blocking mode - or not, according to NON-BLOCKING-P")) (defmethod (setf non-blocking-mode) (non-blocking-p (socket socket)) (declare (optimize (speed 3))) (let* ((fd (socket-file-descriptor socket)) (arg1 (the (signed-byte 32) (sockint::fcntl fd sockint::f-getfl 0))) (arg2 (if non-blocking-p (logior arg1 sockint::o-nonblock) (logand (lognot sockint::o-nonblock) arg1)))) (when (= (the (signed-byte 32) -1) (the (signed-byte 32) (sockint::fcntl fd sockint::f-setfl arg2))) (socket-error "fcntl")) non-blocking-p))