(in-package :sb-bsd-sockets) #||

Name Service

Presently name service is implemented by calling whatever gethostbyname(2) uses. This may be any or all of /etc/hosts, NIS, DNS, or something completely different. Typically it's controlled by /etc/nsswitch.conf

Direct links to the asynchronous resolver(3) routines would be nice to have eventually, so that we can do DNS lookups in parallel with other things |# (defclass host-ent () ((name :initarg :name :accessor host-ent-name) (aliases :initarg :aliases :accessor host-ent-aliases) (address-type :initarg :type :accessor host-ent-address-type) ; presently always AF_INET (addresses :initarg :addresses :accessor host-ent-addresses))) (defgeneric host-ent-address (host-ent)) (defmethod host-ent-address ((host-ent host-ent)) (car (host-ent-addresses host-ent))) ;(define-condition host-not-found-error (socket-error)) ; host unknown ;(define-condition no-address-error (socket-error)) ; valid name but no IP address ;(define-condition no-recovery-error (socket-error)) ; name server error ;(define-condition try-again-error (socket-error)) ; temporary (defun get-host-by-name (host-name) "Returns a HOST-ENT instance for HOST-NAME or throws some kind of condition. HOST-NAME may also be an IP address in dotted quad notation or some other weird stuff - see gethostbyname(3) for grisly details." (make-host-ent (sockint::gethostbyname host-name))) (defun get-host-by-address (address) "Returns a HOST-ENT instance for ADDRESS, which should be a vector of (integer 0 255), or throws some kind of error. See gethostbyaddr(3) for grisly details." (sockint::with-in-addr packed-addr () (let ((addr-vector (coerce address 'vector))) (loop for i from 0 below (length addr-vector) do (setf (sb-alien:deref (sockint::in-addr-addr packed-addr) i) (elt addr-vector i))) (make-host-ent (sockint::gethostbyaddr packed-addr 4 sockint::af-inet))))) (defun make-host-ent (h) (if (sb-grovel::foreign-nullp h) (name-service-error "gethostbyname")) (let* ((length (sockint::hostent-length h)) (aliases (loop for i = 0 then (1+ i) for al = (sb-alien:deref (sockint::hostent-aliases h) i) while al collect al)) (address0 (sockint::hostent-addresses h)) (addresses (loop for i = 0 then (1+ i) for ad = (sb-alien:deref address0 i) until (sb-alien:null-alien ad) collect (ecase (sockint::hostent-type h) (#.sockint::af-inet (loop for i from 0 below length collect (sb-alien:deref ad i))) (#.sockint::af-local (sb-alien:cast ad sb-alien:c-string)))))) (make-instance 'host-ent :name (sockint::hostent-name h) :type (sockint::hostent-type h) :aliases aliases :addresses addresses))) ;;; The remainder is my fault - gw (defvar *name-service-errno* 0 "The value of h_errno, after it's been fetched from Unix-land by calling GET-NAME-SERVICE-ERRNO") (defun name-service-error (where) (get-name-service-errno) ;; Comment next to NETDB_INTERNAL in netdb.h says "See errno.". ;; This special case treatment hasn't actually been tested yet. (if (= *name-service-errno* sockint::NETDB-INTERNAL) (socket-error where) (let ((condition (condition-for-name-service-errno *name-service-errno*))) (error condition :errno *name-service-errno* :syscall where)))) (define-condition name-service-error (condition) ((errno :initform nil :initarg :errno :reader name-service-error-errno) (symbol :initform nil :initarg :symbol :reader name-service-error-symbol) (syscall :initform "an unknown location" :initarg :syscall :reader name-service-error-syscall)) (:report (lambda (c s) (let ((num (name-service-error-errno c))) (format s "Name service error in \"~A\": ~A (~A)" (name-service-error-syscall c) (or (name-service-error-symbol c) (name-service-error-errno c)) (get-name-service-error-message num)))))) (defmacro define-name-service-condition (symbol name) `(progn (define-condition ,name (name-service-error) ((symbol :reader name-service-error-symbol :initform (quote ,symbol)))) (push (cons ,symbol (quote ,name)) *conditions-for-name-service-errno*))) (defparameter *conditions-for-name-service-errno* nil) (define-name-service-condition sockint::NETDB-INTERNAL netdb-internal-error) (define-name-service-condition sockint::NETDB-SUCCESS netdb-success-error) (define-name-service-condition sockint::HOST-NOT-FOUND host-not-found-error) (define-name-service-condition sockint::TRY-AGAIN try-again-error) (define-name-service-condition sockint::NO-RECOVERY no-recovery-error) ;; this is the same as the next one ;;(define-name-service-condition sockint::NO-DATA no-data-error) (define-name-service-condition sockint::NO-ADDRESS no-address-error) (defun condition-for-name-service-errno (err) (or (cdr (assoc err *conditions-for-name-service-errno* :test #'eql)) 'name-service)) (defun get-name-service-errno () (setf *name-service-errno* (sb-alien:alien-funcall (sb-alien:extern-alien "get_h_errno" (function integer))))) #-(and cmu solaris) (progn #+sbcl (sb-alien:define-alien-routine "hstrerror" sb-c-call:c-string (errno integer)) #+cmu (alien:def-alien-routine "hstrerror" sb-c-call:c-string (errno integer)) (defun get-name-service-error-message (num) (hstrerror num)) )