;;; -*- Lisp -*- (defpackage #:sb-bsd-sockets-system (:use #:asdf #:cl)) (in-package #:sb-bsd-sockets-system) ;;; constants.lisp requires special treatment (defclass constants-file (cl-source-file) ()) (defmethod perform ((op compile-op) (component constants-file)) ;; we want to generate all our temporary files in the fasl directory ;; because that's where we have write permission. Can't use /tmp; ;; it's insecure (these files will later be owned by root) (let* ((output-file (car (output-files op component))) (filename (component-pathname component)) (real-output-file (if (typep output-file 'logical-pathname) (translate-logical-pathname output-file) (pathname output-file))) (tmp-c-source (merge-pathnames #p"foo.c" real-output-file)) (tmp-a-dot-out (merge-pathnames #p"a.out" real-output-file)) (tmp-constants (merge-pathnames #p"constants.lisp-temp" real-output-file))) (princ (list filename output-file real-output-file tmp-c-source tmp-a-dot-out tmp-constants)) (terpri) (funcall (intern "C-CONSTANTS-EXTRACT" (find-package "SB-BSD-SOCKETS-SYSTEM")) filename tmp-c-source :sb-bsd-sockets-internal) (and (= (run-shell-command "gcc -o ~S ~S" (namestring tmp-a-dot-out) (namestring tmp-c-source)) 0) (= (run-shell-command "~A >~A" (namestring tmp-a-dot-out) (namestring tmp-constants)) 0) (compile-file tmp-constants :output-file output-file)))) ;;; we also have a shared library with some .o files in it (defclass unix-dso (module) ()) (defun unix-name (pathname) (namestring (typecase pathname (logical-pathname (translate-logical-pathname pathname)) (t pathname)))) (defmethod asdf::input-files ((operation compile-op) (dso unix-dso)) (mapcar #'component-pathname (module-components dso))) (defmethod output-files ((operation compile-op) (dso unix-dso)) (let ((dir (component-pathname dso))) (list (make-pathname :type "so" :name (car (last (pathname-directory dir))) :directory (butlast (pathname-directory dir)) :defaults dir)))) (defmethod perform :after ((operation compile-op) (dso unix-dso)) (let ((dso-name (unix-name (car (output-files operation dso))))) (unless (zerop (run-shell-command #+sunos "gcc -shared -lresolv -lsocket -lnsl -o ~S ~{~S ~}" #-sunos "gcc -shared -o ~S ~{~S ~} " dso-name (mapcar #'unix-name (mapcan (lambda (c) (output-files operation c)) (module-components dso))))) (error 'operation-error :operation operation :component dso)))) ;;; if this goes into the standard asdf, it could reasonably be extended ;;; to allow cflags to be set somehow (defmethod output-files ((op compile-op) (c c-source-file)) (list (make-pathname :type "o" :defaults (component-pathname c)))) (defmethod perform ((op compile-op) (c c-source-file)) (unless (= 0 (run-shell-command "gcc -fPIC -o ~S -c ~S" (unix-name (car (output-files op c))) (unix-name (component-pathname c)))) (error 'operation-error :operation op :component c))) (defmethod perform ((operation load-op) (c c-source-file)) t) (defmethod perform ((o load-op) (c unix-dso)) (let ((co (make-instance 'compile-op))) (let ((filename (car (output-files co c)))) #+cmu (ext:load-foreign filename) #+sbcl (sb-alien:load-1-foreign filename)))) (defsystem sb-bsd-sockets :version "0.58" :components ((:file "defpackage" :depends-on ("rt")) (:file "split" :depends-on ("defpackage")) (:file "array-data" :depends-on ("defpackage")) (:unix-dso "alien" :components ((:c-source-file "undefs") (:c-source-file "get-h-errno"))) (:file "malloc" :depends-on ("defpackage")) (:file "foreign-glue" :depends-on ("defpackage" "malloc")) (:constants-file "constants" :pathname "constants.lisp" :depends-on ("def-to-lisp" "defpackage" "foreign-glue")) (:file "sockets" :depends-on ("constants" "array-data")) (:file "sockopt" :depends-on ("sockets")) (:file "inet" :depends-on ("sockets" "split" "constants" )) (:file "local" :depends-on ("sockets" "split" "constants" )) (:file "name-service" :depends-on ("sockets" "constants" "alien")) (:file "misc" :depends-on ("sockets" "constants")) (:file "rt") (:file "def-to-lisp") (:file "tests" :depends-on ("inet" "sockopt" "rt")) (:static-file "NEWS") ;; (:static-file "INSTALL") (:static-file "README") (:static-file "index" :pathname "index.html") (:static-file "doc" :pathname "doc.lisp") (:static-file "TODO")))