(in-package :sb-bsd-sockets) #||
A subset of socket options are supported, using a fairly general framework which should make it simple to add more as required - see sockopt.lisp for details. The name mapping from C is fairly straightforward: SO_RCVLOWAT becomes sockopt-receive-low-water and (setf sockopt-receive-low-water). ||# #| getsockopt(socket, level, int optname, void *optval, socklen_t *optlen) setsockopt(socket, level, int optname, void *optval, socklen_t optlen) ^ SOL_SOCKET or a protocol number In terms of providing a useful interface, we have to face up to the fact that most of these take different data types - some are integers, some are booleans, some are foreign struct instances, etc etc (define-socket-option lisp-name level number mangle-arg size mangle-return) macro-expands to two functions that define lisp-name and (setf ,lisp-name) and calls the functions mangle-arg and mangle-return on outgoing and incoming data resp. Parameters passed to the function thus defined (lisp-name) are all passed directly into mangle-arg. mangle-arg should return an alien pointer - this is passed unscathed to the foreign routine, so wants to have type (* t). Note that even for options that have integer arguments, this is still a pointer to said integer. size is the size of the buffer that the return of mangle-arg points to, and also of the buffer that we should allocate for getsockopt to write into. mangle-return is called with an alien buffer and should turn it into something that the caller will want. Code for options that not every system has should be conditionalised: (if (boundp 'sockint::IP_RECVIF) (define-socket-option so-receive-interface (getprotobyname "ip") sockint::IP_RECVIF ... )) |# (defmacro define-socket-option (lisp-name level number mangle-arg size mangle-return) (let ((find-level (if (numberp (eval level)) level `(get-protocol-by-name ,(string-downcase (symbol-name level)))))) `(progn (export ',lisp-name) (defun ,lisp-name (socket &aux (fd (socket-file-descriptor socket))) (sb-sys:without-gcing (let ((buf (make-array sockint::size-of-int :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8) :initial-element 0))) (if (= -1 (sockint::getsockopt fd ,find-level ,number (sockint::array-data-address buf) ,size)) (socket-error "getsockopt") (,mangle-return buf ,size))))) (defun (setf ,lisp-name) (new-val socket &aux (fd (socket-file-descriptor socket))) (if (= -1 (sb-sys:without-gcing (sockint::setsockopt fd ,find-level ,number (funcall (function ,mangle-arg) new-val ,size) ,size))) (socket-error "setsockopt")))))) ;;; sockopts that have integer arguments (defun int-to-foreign (x size) ;; can't use with-alien, as the variables it creates only have ;; dynamic scope. can't use the passed-in size because sap-alien ;; is a macro and evaluates its second arg at read time (let* ((v (make-array size :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8) :initial-element 0)) (d (sockint::array-data-address v)) (alien (sb-alien:sap-alien d; (sb-sys:int-sap d) (* (sb-alien:signed #.(* 8 sockint::size-of-int)))))) (setf (sb-alien:deref alien 0) x) alien)) (defun buffer-to-int (x size) (declare (ignore size)) (let ((alien (sb-alien:sap-alien (sockint::array-data-address x) (* (sb-alien:signed #.(* 8 sockint::size-of-int)))))) (sb-alien:deref alien))) (defmacro define-socket-option-int (name level number) `(define-socket-option ,name ,level ,number int-to-foreign sockint::size-of-int buffer-to-int)) (define-socket-option-int sockopt-receive-low-water sockint::sol-socket sockint::so-rcvlowat) (define-socket-option-int sockopt-send-low-water sockint::sol-socket sockint::so-sndlowat) (define-socket-option-int sockopt-type sockint::sol-socket sockint::so-type) (define-socket-option-int sockopt-send-buffer sockint::sol-socket sockint::so-sndbuf) (define-socket-option-int sockopt-receive-buffer sockint::sol-socket sockint::so-rcvbuf) (define-socket-option-int sockopt-priority sockint::sol-socket sockint::so-priority) ;;; boolean options are integers really (defun bool-to-foreign (x size) (int-to-foreign (if x 1 0) size)) (defun buffer-to-bool (x size) (not (= (buffer-to-int x size) 0))) (defmacro define-socket-option-bool (name level number) `(define-socket-option ,name ,level ,number bool-to-foreign sockint::size-of-int buffer-to-bool)) (define-socket-option-bool sockopt-reuse-address sockint::sol-socket sockint::so-reuseaddr) (define-socket-option-bool sockopt-keep-alive sockint::sol-socket sockint::so-keepalive) (define-socket-option-bool sockopt-oob-inline sockint::sol-socket sockint::so-oobinline) (define-socket-option-bool sockopt-bsd-compatible sockint::sol-socket sockint::so-bsdcompat) (define-socket-option-bool sockopt-pass-credentials sockint::sol-socket sockint::so-passcred) (define-socket-option-bool sockopt-debug sockint::sol-socket sockint::so-debug) (define-socket-option-bool sockopt-dont-route sockint::sol-socket sockint::so-dontroute) (define-socket-option-bool sockopt-broadcast sockint::sol-socket sockint::so-broadcast) (define-socket-option-bool sockopt-tcp-nodelay :tcp sockint::tcp-nodelay) (defun string-to-foreign (string size) (declare (ignore size)) (let ((data (sockint::array-data-address string))) (sb-alien:sap-alien data (* t)))) (defun buffer-to-string (x size) (declare (ignore size)) (sb-c-call::%naturalize-c-string (sockint::array-data-address x))) (define-socket-option sockopt-bind-to-device sockint::sol-socket sockint::so-bindtodevice string-to-foreign sockint::ifnamsiz buffer-to-string) ;;; other kinds of socket option ;;; so_peercred takes a ucre structure ;;; so_linger struct linger { ; int l_onoff; /* linger active */ ; int l_linger; /* how many seconds to linger for */ ; }; #| (sockopt-reuse-address 2) (defun echo-server () (let ((s (make-inet-socket :stream (get-protocol-by-name "tcp")))) (setf (sockopt-reuse-address s) t) (setf (sockopt-bind-to-device s) "lo") (socket-bind s (make-inet-address "") 3459) (socket-listen s 5) (dotimes (i 10) (let* ((s1 (socket-accept s)) (stream (socket-make-stream s1 :input t :output t :buffering :none))) (let ((line (read-line stream))) (format t "got one ~A ~%" line) (format stream "~A~%" line)) (close stream))))) NIL |#