(defpackage "SB-BSD-SOCKETS-TEST" (:use "CL" "SB-BSD-SOCKETS" "RT")) #||


There should be at least one test for pretty much everything you can do with the package. In some places I've been more diligent than others; more tests gratefully accepted. Tests are in the file tests.lisp and also make good examples. ||# (in-package :sb-bsd-sockets-test) ;;; a real address (deftest make-inet-address (equalp (make-inet-address "") #(127 0 0 1)) t) ;;; and an address with bit 8 set on some octets (deftest make-inet-address2 (equalp (make-inet-address "") #(242 1 211 3)) t) (deftest make-inet-socket ;; make a socket (let ((s (make-instance 'inet-socket :type :stream :protocol (get-protocol-by-name "tcp")))) (and (> (socket-file-descriptor s) 1) t)) t) (deftest make-inet-socket-keyword ;; make a socket (let ((s (make-instance 'inet-socket :type :stream :protocol :tcp))) (and (> (socket-file-descriptor s) 1) t)) t) (deftest make-inet-socket-wrong ;; fail to make a socket: check correct error return. There's no nice ;; way to check the condition stuff on its own, which is a shame (handler-case (make-instance 'inet-socket :type :stream :protocol (get-protocol-by-name "udp")) ((or socket-type-not-supported-error protocol-not-supported-error) (c) (declare (ignorable c)) t) (:no-error nil)) t) (deftest make-inet-socket-keyword-wrong ;; same again with keywords (handler-case (make-instance 'inet-socket :type :stream :protocol :udp) ((or protocol-not-supported-error socket-type-not-supported-error) (c) (declare (ignorable c)) t) (:no-error nil)) t) (deftest non-block-socket (let ((s (make-instance 'inet-socket :type :stream :protocol :tcp))) (setf (non-blocking-mode s) t) (non-blocking-mode s)) t) (defun do-gc-portably () ;; cmucl on linux has generational gc with a keyword argument, ;; sbcl GC function takes same arguments no matter what collector is in ;; use #+(or sbcl gencgc) (SB-EXT:gc :full t) ;; other platforms have full gc or nothing #-(or sbcl gencgc) (sb-ext:gc)) (deftest inet-socket-bind (let ((s (make-instance 'inet-socket :type :stream :protocol (get-protocol-by-name "tcp")))) ;; Given the functions we've got so far, if you can think of a ;; better way to make sure the bind succeeded than trying it ;; twice, let me know ;; 1974 has no special significance, unless you're the same age as me (do-gc-portably) ;gc should clear out any old sockets bound to this port (socket-bind s (make-inet-address "") 1974) (handler-case (let ((s2 (make-instance 'inet-socket :type :stream :protocol (get-protocol-by-name "tcp")))) (socket-bind s2 (make-inet-address "") 1974) nil) (address-in-use-error () t))) t) (deftest simple-sockopt-test ;; test we can set SO_REUSEADDR on a socket and retrieve it, and in ;; the process that all the weird macros in sockopt happened right. (let ((s (make-instance 'inet-socket :type :stream :protocol (get-protocol-by-name "tcp")))) (setf (sockopt-reuse-address s) t) (sockopt-reuse-address s)) t) (defun read-buf-nonblock (buffer stream) "Like READ-SEQUENCE, but returns early if the full quantity of data isn't there to be read. Blocks if no input at all" (let ((eof (gensym))) (do ((i 0 (1+ i)) (c (read-char stream nil eof) (read-char-no-hang stream nil eof))) ((or (>= i (length buffer)) (not c) (eq c eof)) i) (setf (elt buffer i) c)))) ;;; these require that the echo services are turned on in inetd #+internet-available (deftest simple-tcp-client (let ((s (make-instance 'inet-socket :type :stream :protocol :tcp)) (data (make-string 200))) (socket-connect s #(127 0 0 1) 7) (let ((stream (socket-make-stream s :input t :output t :buffering :none))) (format stream "here is some text") (let ((data (subseq data 0 (read-buf-nonblock data stream)))) (format t "~&Got ~S back from TCP echo server~%" data) (> (length data) 0)))) t) #+internet-available (deftest simple-udp-client (let ((s (make-instance 'inet-socket :type :datagram :protocol (get-protocol-by-name "udp"))) (data (make-string 200))) (format t "Socket type is ~A~%" (sockopt-type s)) (socket-connect s #(127 0 0 1) 7) (let ((stream (socket-make-stream s :input t :output t :buffering :none))) (format stream "here is some text") (let ((data (subseq data 0 (read-buf-nonblock data stream)))) (format t "~&Got ~S back from UDP echo server~%" data) (> (length data) 0)))) t) #||

Local-domain sockets

A fairly rudimentary test that connects to the syslog socket and sends a message. Priority 7 is kern.debug; you'll probably want to look at /etc/syslog.conf or local equivalent to find out where the message ended up ||# (deftest simple-local-client (let ((s (make-instance 'local-socket :type :datagram))) (format t "~A~%" s) (socket-connect s "/dev/log") (let ((stream (socket-make-stream s :input t :output t :buffering :none))) (format stream "<7>bsd-sockets: Don't panic. We're testing local-domain client code; this message can safely be ignored") t)) t) ;;; these require that the internet (or bits of it, atleast) is available #+internet-available (deftest get-host-by-name (equalp (car (host-ent-addresses (get-host-by-name "a.root-servers.net"))) #(198 41 0 4)) t) #+internet-available (deftest get-host-by-address (host-ent-name (get-host-by-address #(198 41 0 4))) "a.root-servers.net") (deftest get-host-by-name-wrong (handler-case (get-host-by-name "foo.tninkpad.telent.net") (NAME-SERVICE-ERROR () t) (:no-error nil)) t) (defun http-stream (host port request) (let ((s (make-instance 'inet-socket :type :stream :protocol :tcp))) (socket-connect s (car (host-ent-addresses (get-host-by-name host))) port) (let ((stream (socket-make-stream s :input t :output t :buffering :none))) (format stream "~A HTTP/1.0~%~%" request)) s)) #+internet-available (deftest simple-http-client-1 (handler-case (let ((s (http-stream "ww.telent.net" 80 "HEAD /"))) (let ((data (make-string 200))) (setf data (subseq data 0 (read-buf-nonblock data (socket-make-stream s)))) (princ data) (> (length data) 0))) (network-unreachable-error () 'network-unreachable)) t) #+internet-available (deftest sockopt-receive-buffer ;; on Linux x86, the receive buffer size appears to be doubled in the ;; kernel: we set a size of x and then getsockopt() returns 2x. ;; This is why we compare with >= instead of = (handler-case (let ((s (http-stream "ww.telent.net" 80 "HEAD /"))) (setf (sockopt-receive-buffer s) 1975) (let ((data (make-string 200))) (setf data (subseq data 0 (read-buf-nonblock data (socket-make-stream s)))) (and (> (length data) 0) (>= (sockopt-receive-buffer s) 1975)))) (network-unreachable-error () 'network-unreachable)) t) ;;; we don't have an automatic test for some of this yet. There's no ;;; simple way to run servers and have something automatically connect ;;; to them as client, unless we spawn external programs. Then we ;;; have to start telling people what external programs they should ;;; have installed. Which, eventually, we will, but not just yet ;;; to check with this: can display packets from multiple peers ;;; peer address is shown correctly for each packet ;;; packet length is correct ;;; long (>500 byte) packets have the full length shown (doesn't work) (defun udp-server (port) (let ((s (make-instance 'inet-socket :type :datagram :protocol :udp))) (socket-bind s #(0 0 0 0) port) (loop (multiple-value-bind (buf len address port) (socket-receive s nil 500) (format t "Received ~A bytes from ~A:~A - ~A ~%" len address port (subseq buf 0 (min 10 len)))))))