;;; -*- Lisp -*- ;;; This isn't really lisp, but it's definitely a source file. we ;;; name it thus to avoid having to mess with the clc lpn translations ;;; first, the headers necessary to find definitions of everything ("winsock2.h") ;;; then the stuff we're looking for ((:integer af-inet "AF_INET" "IP Protocol family") (:integer af-unspec "AF_UNSPEC" "Unspecified") (:integer sock-stream "SOCK_STREAM" "Sequenced, reliable, connection-based byte streams.") (:integer sock-dgram "SOCK_DGRAM" "Connectionless, unreliable datagrams of fixed maximum length.") (:integer sock-raw "SOCK_RAW" "Raw protocol interface.") (:integer sock-rdm "SOCK_RDM" "Reliably-delivered messages.") (:integer sock-seqpacket "SOCK_SEQPACKET" "Sequenced, reliable, connection-based, datagrams of fixed maximum length.") (:integer sol-socket "SOL_SOCKET") ;; some of these may be linux-specific (:integer so-debug "SO_DEBUG" "Enable debugging in underlying protocol modules") (:integer so-reuseaddr "SO_REUSEADDR" "Enable local address reuse") (:integer so-type "SO_TYPE") ;get only (:integer so-error "SO_ERROR") ;get only (also clears) (:integer so-dontroute "SO_DONTROUTE" "Bypass routing facilities: instead send direct to appropriate network interface for the network portion of the destination address") (:integer so-broadcast "SO_BROADCAST" "Request permission to send broadcast datagrams") (:integer so-sndbuf "SO_SNDBUF") (:integer so-rcvbuf "SO_RCVBUF") (:integer so-keepalive "SO_KEEPALIVE" "Send periodic keepalives: if peer does not respond, we get SIGPIPE") (:integer so-oobinline "SO_OOBINLINE" "Put out-of-band data into the normal input queue when received") (:integer so-linger "SO_LINGER" "For reliable streams, pause a while on closing when unsent messages are queued") (:integer so-sndlowat "SO_SNDLOWAT") (:integer so-rcvlowat "SO_RCVLOWAT") (:integer so-sndtimeo "SO_SNDTIMEO") (:integer so-rcvtimeo "SO_RCVTIMEO") (:integer tcp-nodelay "TCP_NODELAY") (:integer HOST-NOT-FOUND "HOST_NOT_FOUND" "Authoritative Answer Host not found.") (:integer TRY-AGAIN "TRY_AGAIN" "Non-Authoritative Host not found, or SERVERFAIL.") (:integer NO-RECOVERY "NO_RECOVERY" "Non recoverable errors, FORMERR, REFUSED, NOTIMP.") (:integer NO-DATA "NO_DATA" "Valid name, no data record of requested type.") (:integer NO-ADDRESS "NO_ADDRESS" "No address, look for MX record.") (:integer msg-oob "MSG_OOB") (:integer msg-peek "MSG_PEEK") (:integer msg-dontroute "MSG_DONTROUTE") (:integer EADDRINUSE "WSAEADDRINUSE") (:integer EAGAIN "WSAEWOULDBLOCK") (:integer EBADF "WSAEBADF") (:integer ECONNREFUSED "WSAECONNREFUSED") (:integer ETIMEDOUT "WSAETIMEDOUT") (:integer EINTR "WSAEINTR") (:integer EINVAL "WSAEINVAL") (:integer ENOBUFS "WSAENOBUFS") (:integer ENOMEM "WSAENOBUFS") (:integer EOPNOTSUPP "WSAEOPNOTSUPP") (:integer EPERM "WSAENETDOWN") (:integer EPROTONOSUPPORT "WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT") (:integer ESOCKTNOSUPPORT "WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT") (:integer ENETUNREACH "WSAENETUNREACH") (:integer ENOTCONN "WSAENOTCONN") (:integer inaddr-any "INADDR_ANY") (:integer FIONBIO "FIONBIO") ;; for socket-receive (:type socklen-t "int") (:type size-t "size_t") (:type ssize-t "ssize_t") (:structure in-addr ("struct in_addr" ((array (unsigned 8)) addr "u_int32_t" "s_addr"))) (:structure sockaddr-in ("struct sockaddr_in" (integer family "sa_family_t" "sin_family") ;; These two could be in-port-t and ;; in-addr-t, but then we'd throw away the ;; convenience (and byte-order agnosticism) ;; of the old sb-grovel scheme. ((array (unsigned 8)) port "u_int16_t" "sin_port") ((array (unsigned 8)) addr "struct in_addr" "sin_addr"))) (:structure hostent ("struct hostent" (c-string-pointer name "char *" "h_name") ((* c-string) aliases "char **" "h_aliases") (integer type "int" "h_addrtype") (integer length "int" "h_length") ((* (* (unsigned 8))) addresses "char **" "h_addr_list"))) (:structure protoent ("struct protoent" (c-string-pointer name "char *" "p_name") ((* (* t)) aliases "char **" "p_aliases") (integer proto "int" "p_proto"))) (:function getprotobyname ("getprotobyname" (* protoent) (name c-string))) (:function getprotobynumber ("getprotobynumber" (* protoent) (proto int))) (:function win32-bind ("bind" int (sockfd int) (my-addr (* t)) ; KLUDGE: sockaddr-in or sockaddr-un? (addrlen socklen-t))) (:function win32-listen ("listen" int (socket int) (backlog int))) (:function win32-accept ("accept" int (socket int) (my-addr (* t)) ; KLUDGE: sockaddr-in or sockaddr-un? (addrlen int :in-out))) (:function win32-getpeername ("getpeername" int (socket int) (her-addr (* t)) ; KLUDGE: sockaddr-in or sockaddr-un? (addrlen socklen-t :in-out))) (:function win32-getsockname ("getsockname" int (socket int) (my-addr (* t)) ; KLUDGE: sockaddr-in or sockaddr-un? (addrlen socklen-t :in-out))) (:function win32-connect ("connect" int (socket int) (his-addr (* t)) ; KLUDGE: sockaddr-in or sockaddr-un? (addrlen socklen-t))) (:function win32-close ("closesocket" int (fd int))) (:function win32-recvfrom ("recvfrom" ssize-t (socket int) (buf (* t)) (len integer) (flags int) (sockaddr (* t)) ; KLUDGE: sockaddr-in or sockaddr-un? (socklen (* socklen-t)))) (:function win32-recv ("recv" int (socket int) (buf (* t)) (len integer) (flags integer))) (:function win32-send ("send" ssize-t (socket int) (buf (* t)) (len size-t) (flags int))) (:function win32-sendto ("sendto" int (socket int) (buf (* t)) (len size-t) (flags int) (sockaddr (* t)) ; KLUDGE: sockaddr-in or sockaddr-un? (socklen socklen-t))) (:function gethostbyname ("gethostbyname" (* hostent) (name c-string))) (:function gethostbyaddr ("gethostbyaddr" (* hostent) (addr (* t)) (len int) (af int))) ;;; should be using getaddrinfo instead? (:function win32-setsockopt ("setsockopt" int (socket int) (level int) (optname int) (optval (* t)) (optlen int))) ;;; should be socklen-t! (:function win32-getsockopt ("getsockopt" int (socket int) (level int) (optname int) (optval (* t)) (optlen int :in-out))) ;;; should be socklen-t! (:function win32-ioctl ("ioctlsocket" int (socket int) (cmd int) (argp (unsigned 32) :in-out))) ;;; Win32 specific cruft (:function wsa-socket ("WSASocketA" int (af int) (type int) (protocol int) (lpProtocolInfo (* t)) (g int) (flags int))) (:function fd->handle ("_get_osfhandle" int (fd int))) (:function handle->fd ("_open_osfhandle" int (osfhandle int) (flags int))) (:structure wsa-data ("struct WSAData" (integer version "u_int16_t" "wVersion") (integer high-version "u_int16_t" "wHighVersion") (c-string description "char" "szDescription") (c-string system-status "char" "szSystemStatus") (integer max-sockets "unsigned short" "iMaxSockets") (integer max-udp-dg "unsigned short" "iMaxUdpDg") (c-string-pointer vendor-info "char *" "lpVendorInfo"))) (:function wsa-startup ("WSAStartup" int (wVersionRequested (unsigned 16)) (lpWSAData wsa-data :out))) (:function wsa-get-last-error ("WSAGetLastError" int)) )