;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; The software is in the public domain and is provided with ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for ;;;; more information. (defpackage :sb-cltl2-tests (:use :sb-cltl2 :cl :sb-rt)) (in-package :sb-cltl2-tests) (rem-all-tests) (defmacro *x*-value () (declare (special *x*)) *x*) (deftest compiler-let.1 (let ((*x* :outer)) (compiler-let ((*x* :inner)) (list *x* (*x*-value)))) (:outer :inner)) (defvar *expansions* nil) (defmacro macroexpand-macro (arg) (push arg *expansions*) arg) (deftest macroexpand-all.1 (progn (macroexpand-all '(defmethod foo ((x fixnum)) (1+ x))) t) t) (deftest macroexpand-all.2 (let ((*expansions* nil)) (macroexpand-all '(list (macroexpand-macro 1) (let (macroexpand-macro :no) (macroexpand-macro 2)))) (remove-duplicates (sort *expansions* #'<))) (1 2)) (deftest macroexpand-all.3 (let ((*expansions* nil)) (compile nil '(lambda () (macrolet ((foo (key &environment env) (macroexpand-all `(bar ,key) env))) (foo (macrolet ((bar (key) (push key *expansions*) key)) (foo 1)))))) (remove-duplicates *expansions*)) (1)) (defun smv (env) (multiple-value-bind (expansion macro-p) (macroexpand 'srlt env) (when macro-p (eval expansion)))) (defmacro testr (&environment env) `',(getf (smv env) nil)) (deftest macroexpand-all.4 (macroexpand-all '(symbol-macrolet ((srlt '(nil zool))) (testr))) (symbol-macrolet ((srlt '(nil zool))) 'zool)) (defmacro dinfo (thing &environment env) `',(declaration-information thing env)) (macrolet ((def (x) `(macrolet ((frob (suffix answer &optional declaration) `(deftest ,(intern (concatenate 'string "DECLARATION-INFORMATION." (symbol-name ',x) suffix)) (locally (declare ,@(when declaration (list declaration))) (cadr (assoc ',',x (dinfo optimize)))) ,answer))) (frob ".DEFAULT" 1) (frob ".0" 0 (optimize (,x 0))) (frob ".1" 1 (optimize (,x 1))) (frob ".2" 2 (optimize (,x 2))) (frob ".3" 3 (optimize (,x 3))) (frob ".IMPLICIT" 3 (optimize ,x))))) (def speed) (def safety) (def debug) (def compilation-speed) (def space)) (deftest declaration-information.muffle-conditions.default (dinfo sb-ext:muffle-conditions) nil) (deftest declaration-information.muffle-conditions.1 (locally (declare (sb-ext:muffle-conditions warning)) (dinfo sb-ext:muffle-conditions)) warning) (deftest declaration-information.muffle-conditions.2 (let ((junk (dinfo sb-ext:muffle-conditions))) (declare (sb-ext:muffle-conditions warning)) (locally (declare (sb-ext:unmuffle-conditions style-warning)) (let ((dinfo (dinfo sb-ext:muffle-conditions))) (not (not (and (subtypep dinfo `(or (and warning (not style-warning)) (and ,junk (not style-warning)))) (subtypep '(and warning (not style-warning)) dinfo))))))) t) ;;;; VARIABLE-INFORMATION (defvar *foo*) (defmacro var-info (var &environment env) (list 'quote (multiple-value-list (variable-information var env)))) (deftest variable-info.global-special/unbound (var-info *foo*) (:special nil nil)) (deftest variable-info.global-special/unbound/extra-decl (locally (declare (special *foo*)) (var-info *foo*)) (:special nil nil)) (deftest variable-info.global-special/bound (let ((*foo* t)) (var-info *foo*)) (:special nil nil)) (deftest variable-info.global-special/bound/extra-decl (let ((*foo* t)) (declare (special *foo*)) (var-info *foo*)) (:special nil nil)) (deftest variable-info.local-special/unbound (locally (declare (special x)) (var-info x)) (:special nil nil)) (deftest variable-info.local-special/bound (let ((x 13)) (declare (special x)) (var-info x)) (:special nil nil)) (deftest variable-info.local-special/shadowed (let ((x 3)) (declare (special x)) x (let ((x 3)) x (var-info x))) (:lexical t nil)) (deftest variable-info.local-special/shadows-lexical (let ((x 3)) (let ((x 3)) (declare (special x)) (var-info x))) (:special nil nil)) (deftest variable-info.lexical (let ((x 8)) (var-info x)) (:lexical t nil)) (deftest variable-info.ignore (let ((x 8)) (declare (ignore x)) (var-info x)) (:lexical t ((ignore . t)))) (deftest variable-info.symbol-macro/local (symbol-macrolet ((x 8)) (var-info x)) (:symbol-macro t nil)) (define-symbol-macro my-symbol-macro t) (deftest variable-info.symbol-macro/global (var-info my-symbol-macro) (:symbol-macro nil nil)) (deftest variable-info.undefined (var-info #:undefined) (nil nil nil)) ;;;; FUNCTION-INFORMATION (defmacro fun-info (var &environment env) (list 'quote (multiple-value-list (function-information var env)))) (defun my-global-fun (x) x) (deftest function-info.global/no-ftype (fun-info my-global-fun) (:function nil nil)) (declaim (ftype (function (cons) (values t &optional)) my-global-fun-2)) (defun my-global-fun-2 (x) x) (deftest function-info.global/ftype (fun-info my-global-fun-2) (:function nil ((ftype function (cons) (values t &optional))))) (defmacro my-macro (x) x) (deftest function-info.macro (fun-info my-macro) (:macro nil nil)) (deftest function-info.macrolet (macrolet ((thingy () nil)) (fun-info thingy)) (:macro t nil)) (deftest function-info.special-form (fun-info progn) (:special-form nil nil)) (deftest function-info.notinline/local (flet ((x (y) y)) (declare (notinline x)) (x 1) (fun-info x)) (:function t ((inline . notinline)))) (declaim (notinline my-notinline)) (defun my-notinline (x) x) (deftest function-info.notinline/global (fun-info my-notinline) (:function nil ((inline . notinline)))) (declaim (inline my-inline)) (defun my-inline (x) x) (deftest function-info.inline/global (fun-info my-inline) (:function nil ((inline . inline)))) (deftest function-information.known-inline (locally (declare (inline identity)) (fun-info identity)) (:function nil ((inline . inline) (ftype function (t) (values t &optional)))))