;;;; Lock-free mailbox implementation using SB-QUEUE. ;;;; ;;;; Written by Nikodemus Siivola for SBCL. ;;;; Extended by Tobias C Rittweiler. ;;;; ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was written at ;;;; Carnegie Mellon University and released into the public domain. The ;;;; software is in the public domain and is provided with absolutely no ;;;; warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for more information. (in-package :sb-concurrency) ;; TODO: type and values decls (defstruct (mailbox (:constructor %make-mailbox (queue semaphore name)) (:copier nil) (:predicate mailboxp)) "Mailbox aka message queue." (queue (missing-arg) :type queue) (semaphore (missing-arg) :type semaphore) (name nil)) (setf (documentation 'mailboxp 'function) "Returns true if argument is a MAILBOX, NIL otherwise." (documentation 'mailbox-name 'function) "Name of a MAILBOX. SETFable.") (defun make-mailbox (&key name initial-contents) "Returns a new MAILBOX with messages in INITIAL-CONTENTS enqueued." (flet ((genname (thing name) (format nil "~:[Mailbox ~A~;~A for mailbox ~S~]" name thing name))) (%make-mailbox (make-queue :name (genname "Queue" name) :initial-contents initial-contents) (make-semaphore :name (genname "Semaphore" name) :count (length initial-contents)) name))) (defmethod print-object ((mailbox mailbox) stream) (print-unreadable-object (mailbox stream :type t :identity t) (format stream "~@[~S ~](~D msgs pending)" (mailbox-name mailbox) (mailbox-count mailbox))) mailbox) (defun mailbox-count (mailbox) "Returns the number of messages currently in the mailbox." (semaphore-count (mailbox-semaphore mailbox))) (defun mailbox-empty-p (mailbox) "Returns true if MAILBOX is currently empty, NIL otherwise." (zerop (mailbox-count mailbox))) (defun list-mailbox-messages (mailbox) "Returns a fresh list containing all the messages in the mailbox. Does not remove messages from the mailbox." (list-queue-contents (mailbox-queue mailbox))) (defun send-message (mailbox message) "Adds a MESSAGE to MAILBOX. Message can be any object." (sb-sys:without-interrupts (enqueue message (mailbox-queue mailbox)) (signal-semaphore (mailbox-semaphore mailbox)))) (defun receive-message (mailbox &key timeout) "Removes the oldest message from MAILBOX and returns it as the primary value, and a secondary value of T. If MAILBOX is empty waits until a message arrives. If TIMEOUT is provided, and no message arrives within the specified interval, returns primary and secondary value of NIL." (tagbody ;; Disable interrupts for keeping semaphore count in sync with ;; #msgs in the mailbox. (sb-sys:without-interrupts (sb-sys:allow-with-interrupts (or (wait-on-semaphore (mailbox-semaphore mailbox) :timeout timeout) (return-from receive-message (values nil nil)))) (multiple-value-bind (value ok) (dequeue (mailbox-queue mailbox)) (if ok (return-from receive-message (values value t)) (go :error)))) :error (sb-int:bug "Mailbox ~S empty after WAIT-ON-SEMAPHORE." mailbox))) (defun receive-message-no-hang (mailbox) "The non-blocking variant of RECEIVE-MESSAGE. Returns two values, the message removed from MAILBOX, and a flag specifying whether a message could be received." (prog ((semaphore (mailbox-semaphore mailbox)) (queue (mailbox-queue mailbox))) ;; Disable interrupts, v.s. (sb-sys:without-interrupts (unless (sb-sys:allow-with-interrupts (sb-thread::try-semaphore semaphore)) (return (values nil nil))) (multiple-value-bind (value ok) (dequeue queue) (if ok (return (values value t)) (go :error)))) :error (sb-int:bug "Mailbox ~S empty after successfull TRY-SEMAPHORE." mailbox))) (defun receive-pending-messages (mailbox &optional n) "Removes and returns all (or at most N) currently pending messages from MAILBOX, or returns NIL if no messages are pending. Note: Concurrent threads may be snarfing messages during the run of this function, so even though X,Y appear right next to each other in the result, does not necessarily mean that Y was the message sent right after X." (prog* ((msgs '()) (sem (mailbox-semaphore mailbox)) (queue (mailbox-queue mailbox)) (avail (mailbox-count mailbox)) (count (if n (min n avail) avail))) (when (zerop count) (go :finish)) ;; Disable interrupts, v.s. (sb-sys:without-interrupts (unless (sb-sys:allow-with-interrupts (sb-thread::try-semaphore sem count)) (go :slow-path)) ;; Safe because QUEUE is private; other threads may be snarfing ;; messages under our feet, though, hence the out of order bit ;; in the docstring. Same for the slow path. (loop (multiple-value-bind (msg ok) (dequeue queue) (unless ok (go :error)) (push msg msgs) (when (zerop (decf count)) (go :finish))))) ;; This is the slow path as RECEIVE-MESSAGE-NO-HANG will have to ;; lock the semaphore's mutex again and again. :slow-path ;; No need for disabling interrupts because we never leave the ;; mailbox in an inconsistent state here. (loop (multiple-value-bind (msg ok) (receive-message-no-hang mailbox) (unless ok (go :finish)) (push msg msgs) (when (zerop (decf count)) (go :finish)))) :finish (return (nreverse msgs)) :error (sb-int:bug "Mailbox ~S empty after successfull TRY-SEMAPHORE." mailbox)))