;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (defpackage :sb-introspect-test (:use "SB-INTROSPECT" "CL" "SB-RT")) (in-package :sb-introspect-test) (deftest function-lambda-list.1 (function-lambda-list 'cl-user::one) (cl-user::a cl-user::b cl-user::c)) (deftest function-lambda-list.2 (function-lambda-list 'the) (sb-c::value-type sb-c::form)) (deftest function-lambda-list.3 (function-lambda-list #'(sb-pcl::slow-method cl-user::j (t))) (sb-pcl::method-args sb-pcl::next-methods)) (deftest definition-source-plist.1 (let* ((source (find-definition-source #'cl-user::one)) (plist (definition-source-plist source))) (values (= (definition-source-file-write-date source) (file-write-date "test.lisp")) (or (equal (getf plist :test-outer) "OUT") plist))) t t) (deftest definition-source-plist.2 (let ((plist (definition-source-plist (find-definition-source #'cl-user::four)))) (values (or (equal (getf plist :test-outer) "OUT") plist) (or (equal (getf plist :test-inner) "IN") plist))) t t) (defun matchp (object form-number) (let ((ds (sb-introspect:find-definition-source object))) (and (pathnamep (sb-introspect:definition-source-pathname ds)) (= form-number (first (sb-introspect:definition-source-form-path ds)))))) (defun matchp-name (type object form-number) (let ((ds (car (sb-introspect:find-definition-sources-by-name object type)))) (and (pathnamep (sb-introspect:definition-source-pathname ds)) (= form-number (first (sb-introspect:definition-source-form-path ds)))))) (defun matchp-length (type object form-numbers) (let ((ds (sb-introspect:find-definition-sources-by-name object type))) (= (length ds) form-numbers))) (deftest find-source-stuff.1 (matchp-name :function 'cl-user::one 2) t) (deftest find-source-stuff.2 (matchp #'cl-user::one 2) t) (deftest find-source-stuff.3 (matchp-name :generic-function 'cl-user::two 3) t) (deftest find-source-stuff.4 (matchp (car (sb-pcl:generic-function-methods #'cl-user::two)) 4) t) (deftest find-source-stuff.5 (matchp-name :variable 'cl-user::*a* 8) t) (deftest find-source-stuff.6 (matchp-name :variable 'cl-user::*b* 9) t) (deftest find-source-stuff.7 (matchp-name :class 'cl-user::a 10) t) (deftest find-source-stuff.8 (matchp-name :condition 'cl-user::b 11) t) (deftest find-source-stuff.9 (matchp-name :structure 'cl-user::c 12) t) (deftest find-source-stuff.10 (matchp-name :function 'cl-user::make-c 12) t) (deftest find-source-stuff.11 (matchp-name :function 'cl-user::c-e 12) t) (deftest find-source-stuff.12 (matchp-name :structure 'cl-user::d 13) t) (deftest find-source-stuff.13 (matchp-name :function 'cl-user::make-d 13) t) (deftest find-source-stuff.14 (matchp-name :function 'cl-user::d-e 13) t) (deftest find-source-stuff.15 (matchp-name :package 'cl-user::e 14) t) (deftest find-source-stuff.16 (matchp-name :symbol-macro 'cl-user::f 15) t) (deftest find-source-stuff.17 (matchp-name :type 'cl-user::g 16) t) (deftest find-source-stuff.18 (matchp-name :constant 'cl-user::+h+ 17) t) (deftest find-source-stuff.19 (matchp-length :method 'cl-user::j 2) t) (deftest find-source-stuff.20 (matchp-name :macro 'cl-user::l 20) t) (deftest find-source-stuff.21 (matchp-name :compiler-macro 'cl-user::m 21) t) (deftest find-source-stuff.22 (matchp-name :setf-expander 'cl-user::n 22) t) (deftest find-source-stuff.23 (matchp-name :function '(setf cl-user::o) 23) t) (deftest find-source-stuff.24 (matchp-name :method '(setf cl-user::p) 24) t) (deftest find-source-stuff.25 (matchp-name :macro 'cl-user::q 25) t) (deftest find-source-stuff.26 (matchp-name :method-combination 'cl-user::r 26) t) (deftest find-source-stuff.27 (matchp-name :setf-expander 'cl-user::s 27) t) (deftest find-source-stuff.28 (let ((fin (make-instance 'sb-mop:funcallable-standard-object))) (sb-mop:set-funcallable-instance-function fin #'cl-user::one) (matchp fin 2)) t) (deftest find-source-stuff.29 (unwind-protect (progn (sb-profile:profile cl-user::one) (matchp-name :function 'cl-user::one 2)) (sb-profile:unprofile cl-user::one)) t) (deftest find-source-stuff.30 ;; Test finding a type that isn't one (not (find-definition-sources-by-name 'fboundp :type)) t) ;;; Check wrt. interplay of generic functions and their methods. (defgeneric xuuq (gf.a gf.b &rest gf.rest &key gf.k-X)) (defmethod xuuq ((m1.a number) m1.b &rest m1.rest &key gf.k-X m1.k-Y m1.k-Z) (declare (ignore m1.a m1.b m1.rest gf.k-X m1.k-Y m1.k-Z)) 'm1) (defmethod xuuq ((m2.a string) m2.b &rest m2.rest &key gf.k-X m1.k-Y m2.k-Q) (declare (ignore m2.a m2.b m2.rest gf.k-X m1.k-Y m2.k-Q)) 'm2) ;; XUUQ's lambda list should look similiar to ;; ;; (GF.A GF.B &REST GF.REST &KEY GF.K-X M1.K-Z M1.K-Y M2.K-Q) ;; (deftest gf-interplay.1 (multiple-value-bind (required optional restp rest keyp keys allowp auxp aux morep more-context more-count) (sb-int:parse-lambda-list (function-lambda-list #'xuuq)) (and (equal required '(gf.a gf.b)) (null optional) (and restp (eql rest 'gf.rest)) (and keyp (member 'gf.k-X keys) (member 'm1.k-Y keys) (member 'm1.k-Z keys) (member 'm2.k-Q keys)) (not allowp) (and (not auxp) (null aux)) (and (not morep) (null more-context) (not more-count)))) t) ;;; Check what happens when there's no explicit DEFGENERIC. (defmethod kroolz (r1 r2 &optional opt &aux aux) (declare (ignore r1 r2 opt aux)) 'kroolz) (deftest gf-interplay.2 (equal (function-lambda-list #'kroolz) '(r1 r2 &optional opt)) t) ;;;; Check correctness of DEFTYPE-LAMBDA-LIST. (deftype foobar-type (&whole w &environment e r1 r2 &optional o &rest rest &key k1 k2 k3) (declare (ignore w e r1 r2 o rest k1 k2 k3)) nil) (deftest deftype-lambda-list.1 (multiple-value-bind (arglist found?) (deftype-lambda-list 'foobar-type) (and found? (equal arglist '(&whole w &environment e r1 r2 &optional o &rest rest &key k1 k2 k3)))) t) (deftest deftype-lambda-list.2 (equal (multiple-value-list (deftype-lambda-list (gensym))) '(nil nil)) t) ;;; Test allocation-information (defun tai (x kind info) (multiple-value-bind (kind2 info2) (sb-introspect:allocation-information x) (unless (eq kind kind2) (error "wanted ~S, got ~S" kind kind2)) (equal info info2))) (deftest allocation-infromation.1 (tai nil :heap '(:space :static)) t) (deftest allocation-information.2 (tai t :heap '(:space :static)) t) (deftest allocation-information.3 (tai 42 :immediate nil) t) (deftest allocation-information.4 (tai #'cons :heap #+(and (not ppc) gencgc) ;; FIXME: This is the canonical GENCGC result, the one below for PPC is ;; what we get there, but :LARGE T doesn't seem right. Figure out what's ;; going on. '(:space :dynamic :generation 6 :write-protected t :pinned nil :large nil) #+(and ppc gencgc) '(:space :dynamic :generation 6 :write-protected t :pinned nil :large t) ;; FIXME: Figure out what's the right cheney-result, and which platforms ;; return something else. The SPARC version here is what we get there, ;; but quite possibly that is the result on all non-GENCGC platforms. #+(and sparc (not gencgc)) '(:space :read-only) #+(and (not sparc) (not gencgc)) '(:space :dynamic)) t) #+sb-thread (deftest allocation-information.thread.1 (let ((x (list 1 2 3))) (declare (dynamic-extent x)) (tai x :stack sb-thread:*current-thread*)) t) #+sb-thread (progn (defun thread-tai () (let ((x (list 1 2 3))) (declare (dynamic-extent x)) (let ((child (sb-thread:make-thread (lambda () (sb-introspect:allocation-information x))))) (equal (list :stack sb-thread:*current-thread*) (multiple-value-list (sb-thread:join-thread child)))))) (deftest allocation-information.thread.2 (thread-tai) t) (defun thread-tai2 () (let* ((sem (sb-thread:make-semaphore)) (obj nil) (child (sb-thread:make-thread (lambda () (let ((x (list 1 2 3))) (declare (dynamic-extent x)) (setf obj x) (sb-thread:wait-on-semaphore sem))) :name "child"))) (loop until obj) (assert (equal (list :stack child) (multiple-value-list (sb-introspect:allocation-information obj)))) (sb-thread:signal-semaphore sem) (sb-thread:join-thread child) nil)) (deftest allocation-information.thread.3 (thread-tai2) t))