;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (defpackage :sb-introspect-test/xref (:use "SB-INTROSPECT" "CL" "SB-RT")) (in-package :sb-introspect-test/xref) (defvar *a* nil) (defconstant +z+ 'zzz) (defun foo () 1) (defun bar (x) x) ;; Should: ;; reference *a* ;; call bar ;; not call foo ;; not call xref/2 (defun xref/1 () (flet ((foo () (bar *a*))) (flet ((xref/2 () 1)) (foo) (xref/2)))) ;; Should: ;; reference *a*, set *a*, bind *a* ;; call xref/1 ;; not bind b (defun xref/2 () (setf *a* *a*) (let* ((b 1) (*a* b)) (when nil (xref/1)))) (let ((x 1)) ;; Should: ;; call bar ;; not reference *a* (defun xref/3 () (bar x)) ;; Should: ;; not call bar ;; reference *a* (defun xref/4 () (setf x *a*))) (flet ((z () (xref/2))) ;; Should: ;; call xref/2 ;; not call z (defun xref/5 () (z)) ;; Should: ;; call xref/2 ;; not call z (defun xref/6 () (z))) (defun xref/7 () (flet ((a () (xref/6))) #'a)) ;; call xref/2 (let ((a 1)) (defvar *b* (or (xref/2) a))) ;; call xref/6 (defvar *c* (xref/6)) ;; call xref/2 twice (not three times) (defun xref/8 () (flet ((a () (xref/2))) (a) (a) (xref/2))) ;; Methods work, even ones with lots of arguments. (defmethod xref/10 (a b c d e f g h (i fixnum)) (xref/2)) ;; Separate methods are indeed separate (defmethod xref/11 ((a fixnum)) (declare (ignore a)) (xref/2)) (defmethod xref/11 ((a float)) (declare (ignore a)) (xref/3)) (declaim (inline inline/1)) (defun inline/1 () (xref/3) (values +z+ *a*)) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel) (defun xref/12 () (flet ((a () ;; Counts as calling xref/2 (xref/2))) (declare (inline a)) (a) ;; Doesn't count as calling xref/3, or referring to +z+ / *a* (inline/1)))) ;; last node of block should also be taken into account (defun xref/13 (x) (setf *a* x)) (defun xref/14 () *a*) ;; calling a function in a macro body (defmacro macro/1 () (when nil (xref/12)) nil) ;; expanding a macro (defun macro-use/1 () (macro/1)) ;; expanding a macro in an flet/labels (defun macro-use/2 () (flet ((inner-flet () (macro/1))) (inner-flet))) ;; expanding a macro in an toplevel flet/labels (flet ((outer-flet () (macro/1))) (defun macro-use/3 () (outer-flet))) ;; expanding a macro in an inlined flet/labels (defun macro-use/4 () (flet ((inner-flet () (macro/1))) (declare (inline inner-flet)) (inner-flet))) (declaim (inline inline/2)) (defun inline/2 () (macro/1)) ;; Inlining inline/3 doesn't count as macroexpanding macro/1 (defun macro-use/5 () (inline/2)) ;;; Code in the macrolet definition bodies is currently not considered ;;; at all for XREF. Maybe it should be, but it's slightly tricky to ;;; implement. #+nil (progn (defun macrolet/1 () (macrolet ((a () (inline/2) 1)) (a))) (defun macrolet/2 () (macrolet ((inner-m () (macro/1))) (inner-m)))) ;;; Test references to / from compiler-macros