(cl:in-package :sb-posix) (defmacro define-protocol-class (name alien-type superclasses slots &rest options) (let ((to-protocol (intern (format nil "ALIEN-TO-~A" name))) (to-alien (intern (format nil "~A-TO-ALIEN" name)))) `(progn (export ',name :sb-posix) (defclass ,name ,superclasses ,(loop for slotd in slots collect (ldiff slotd (member :array-length slotd))) ,@options) (declaim (inline ,to-alien ,to-protocol)) (declaim (inline ,to-protocol ,to-alien)) (defun ,to-protocol (alien &optional instance) (declare (type (sb-alien:alien (* ,alien-type)) alien) (type (or null ,name) instance)) (unless instance (setf instance (make-instance ',name))) ,@(loop for slotd in slots ;; FIXME: slotds in source are more complicated in general ;; ;; FIXME: baroque construction of intricate fragility for array-length = (getf (cdr slotd) :array-length) if array-length collect `(progn (let ((array (make-array ,array-length))) (setf (slot-value instance ',(car slotd)) array) (dotimes (i ,array-length) (setf (aref array i) (sb-alien:deref (sb-alien:slot alien ',(car slotd)) i))))) else collect `(setf (slot-value instance ',(car slotd)) (sb-alien:slot alien ',(car slotd)))) instance) (defun ,to-alien (instance &optional alien) (declare (type (or null (sb-alien:alien (* ,alien-type))) alien) (type ,name instance)) (unless alien (setf alien (sb-alien:make-alien ,alien-type))) ,@(loop for slotd in slots for array-length = (getf (cdr slotd) :array-length) if array-length collect `(progn (let ((array (slot-value instance ',(car slotd)))) (dotimes (i ,array-length) (setf (sb-alien:deref (sb-alien:slot alien ',(car slotd)) i) (aref array i))))) else collect `(setf (sb-alien:slot alien ',(car slotd)) (slot-value instance ',(car slotd))))) (find-class ',name)))) (define-condition sb-posix:syscall-error (error) ((errno :initarg :errno :reader sb-posix:syscall-errno)) (:report (lambda (c s) (let ((errno (sb-posix:syscall-errno c))) (format s "System call error ~A (~A)" errno (sb-int:strerror errno)))))) (defun syscall-error () (error 'sb-posix:syscall-error :errno (get-errno))) (defun unsupported-error (lisp-name c-name) (error "~S is unsupported by SBCL on this platform due to lack of ~A()." lisp-name c-name)) (defun unsupported-warning (lisp-name c-name) (warn "~S is unsupported by SBCL on this platform due to lack of ~A()." lisp-name c-name)) (declaim (inline never-fails)) (defun never-fails (&rest args) (declare (ignore args)) nil) ;;; Some systems may need C-level wrappers, which can live in the ;;; runtime (so that save-lisp-and-die can produce standalone ;;; executables). See REAL-C-NAME in macros.lisp for the use of this ;;; variable. (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel) (setf *c-functions-in-runtime* '`(#+netbsd ,@("stat" "lstat" "fstat" "readdir" "opendir")))) ;;; filesystem access (defmacro define-call* (name &rest arguments) #-win32 `(define-call ,name ,@arguments) #+win32 `(define-call ,(if (consp name) `(,(concatenate 'string "_" (car name)) ,@(cdr name)) (concatenate 'string "_" name)) ,@arguments)) (define-call* "access" int minusp (pathname filename) (mode int)) (define-call* "chdir" int minusp (pathname filename)) (define-call* "chmod" int minusp (pathname filename) (mode mode-t)) (define-call* "close" int minusp (fd file-descriptor)) (define-call* "creat" int minusp (pathname filename) (mode mode-t)) (define-call* "dup" int minusp (oldfd file-descriptor)) (define-call* "dup2" int minusp (oldfd file-descriptor) (newfd file-descriptor)) (define-call* ("lseek" :options :largefile) off-t minusp (fd file-descriptor) (offset off-t) (whence int)) (define-call* "mkdir" int minusp (pathname filename) (mode mode-t)) (macrolet ((def (x) `(progn (define-call-internally open-with-mode ,x int minusp (pathname filename) (flags int) (mode mode-t)) (define-call-internally open-without-mode ,x int minusp (pathname filename) (flags int)) (define-entry-point ,x (pathname flags &optional (mode nil mode-supplied)) (if mode-supplied (open-with-mode pathname flags mode) (open-without-mode pathname flags)))))) (def #-win32 "open" #+win32 "_open")) (define-call "rename" int minusp (oldpath filename) (newpath filename)) (define-call* "rmdir" int minusp (pathname filename)) (define-call* "unlink" int minusp (pathname filename)) (define-call #-netbsd "opendir" #+netbsd "_opendir" (* t) null-alien (pathname filename)) (define-call (#-netbsd "readdir" #+netbsd "_readdir" :options :largefile) (* dirent) ;; readdir() has the worst error convention in the world. It's just ;; too painful to support. (return is NULL _and_ errno "unchanged" ;; is not an error, it's EOF). not (dir (* t))) (define-call "closedir" int minusp (dir (* t))) ;; need to do this here because we can't do it in the DEFPACKAGE (define-call* "umask" mode-t never-fails (mode mode-t)) (define-call* "getpid" pid-t never-fails) #-win32 (progn (define-call "chown" int minusp (pathname filename) (owner uid-t) (group gid-t)) (define-call "chroot" int minusp (pathname filename)) (define-call "fchdir" int minusp (fd file-descriptor)) (define-call "fchmod" int minusp (fd file-descriptor) (mode mode-t)) (define-call "fchown" int minusp (fd file-descriptor) (owner uid-t) (group gid-t)) (define-call "fdatasync" int minusp (fd file-descriptor)) (define-call ("ftruncate" :options :largefile) int minusp (fd file-descriptor) (length off-t)) (define-call "fsync" int minusp (fd file-descriptor)) (define-call "lchown" int minusp (pathname filename) (owner uid-t) (group gid-t)) (define-call "link" int minusp (oldpath filename) (newpath filename)) (define-call "lockf" int minusp (fd file-descriptor) (cmd int) (len off-t)) (define-call "mkfifo" int minusp (pathname filename) (mode mode-t)) (define-call "symlink" int minusp (oldpath filename) (newpath filename)) (define-call "sync" void never-fails) (define-call ("truncate" :options :largefile) int minusp (pathname filename) (length off-t)) #-win32 (macrolet ((def-mk*temp (lisp-name c-name result-type errorp dirp values) (declare (ignore dirp)) (if (sb-sys:find-foreign-symbol-address c-name) `(progn (defun ,lisp-name (template) (let* ((external-format sb-alien::*default-c-string-external-format*) (arg (sb-ext:string-to-octets (filename template) :external-format external-format :null-terminate t))) (sb-sys:with-pinned-objects (arg) ;; accommodate for the call-by-reference ;; nature of mks/dtemp's template strings. (let ((result (alien-funcall (extern-alien ,c-name (function ,result-type system-area-pointer)) (sb-alien::vector-sap arg)))) (when (,errorp result) (syscall-error)) ;; FIXME: We'd rather return pathnames, but other ;; SB-POSIX functions like this return strings... (let ((pathname (sb-ext:octets-to-string arg :external-format external-format :end (1- (length arg))))) ,(if values '(values result pathname) 'pathname)))))) (export ',lisp-name)) `(progn (defun ,lisp-name (template) (declare (ignore template)) (unsupported-error ',lisp-name ,c-name)) (define-compiler-macro ,lisp-name (&whole form template) (declare (ignore template)) (unsupported-warning ',lisp-name ,c-name) form) (export ',lisp-name))))) (def-mk*temp mktemp "mktemp" (* char) null-alien nil nil) ;; FIXME: Windows does have _mktemp, which has a slightly different ;; interface (def-mk*temp mkstemp "mkstemp" int minusp nil t) ;; FIXME: What about Windows? (def-mk*temp mkdtemp "mkdtemp" (* char) null-alien t nil)) (define-call-internally ioctl-without-arg "ioctl" int minusp (fd file-descriptor) (cmd int)) (define-call-internally ioctl-with-int-arg "ioctl" int minusp (fd file-descriptor) (cmd int) (arg int)) (define-call-internally ioctl-with-pointer-arg "ioctl" int minusp (fd file-descriptor) (cmd int) (arg alien-pointer-to-anything-or-nil)) (define-entry-point "ioctl" (fd cmd &optional (arg nil argp)) (if argp (etypecase arg ((alien int) (ioctl-with-int-arg fd cmd arg)) ((or (alien (* t)) null) (ioctl-with-pointer-arg fd cmd arg))) (ioctl-without-arg fd cmd))) (define-call-internally fcntl-without-arg "fcntl" int minusp (fd file-descriptor) (cmd int)) (define-call-internally fcntl-with-int-arg "fcntl" int minusp (fd file-descriptor) (cmd int) (arg int)) (define-call-internally fcntl-with-pointer-arg "fcntl" int minusp (fd file-descriptor) (cmd int) (arg alien-pointer-to-anything-or-nil)) (define-protocol-class flock alien-flock () ((type :initarg :type :accessor flock-type :documentation "Type of lock; F_RDLCK, F_WRLCK, F_UNLCK.") (whence :initarg :whence :accessor flock-whence :documentation "Flag for starting offset.") (start :initarg :start :accessor flock-start :documentation "Relative offset in bytes.") (len :initarg :len :accessor flock-len :documentation "Size; if 0 then until EOF.") ;; Note: PID isn't initable, and is read-only. But other stuff in ;; SB-POSIX right now loses when a protocol-class slot is unbound, ;; so we initialize it to 0. (pid :initform 0 :reader flock-pid :documentation "Process ID of the process holding the lock; returned with F_GETLK.")) (:documentation "Class representing locks used in fcntl(2).")) (define-entry-point "fcntl" (fd cmd &optional (arg nil argp)) (if argp (etypecase arg ((alien int) (fcntl-with-int-arg fd cmd arg)) ((or (alien (* t)) null) (fcntl-with-pointer-arg fd cmd arg)) (flock (with-alien-flock a-flock () (flock-to-alien arg a-flock) (let ((r (fcntl-with-pointer-arg fd cmd a-flock))) (alien-to-flock a-flock arg) r)))) (fcntl-without-arg fd cmd))) ;; uid, gid (define-call "geteuid" uid-t never-fails) ; "always successful", it says (define-call "getresuid" uid-t never-fails) (define-call "getuid" uid-t never-fails) (define-call "seteuid" int minusp (uid uid-t)) (define-call "setfsuid" int minusp (uid uid-t)) (define-call "setreuid" int minusp (ruid uid-t) (euid uid-t)) (define-call "setresuid" int minusp (ruid uid-t) (euid uid-t) (suid uid-t)) (define-call "setuid" int minusp (uid uid-t)) (define-call "getegid" gid-t never-fails) (define-call "getgid" gid-t never-fails) (define-call "getresgid" gid-t never-fails) (define-call "setegid" int minusp (gid gid-t)) (define-call "setfsgid" int minusp (gid gid-t)) (define-call "setgid" int minusp (gid gid-t)) (define-call "setregid" int minusp (rgid gid-t) (egid gid-t)) (define-call "setresgid" int minusp (rgid gid-t) (egid gid-t) (sgid gid-t)) ;; processes, signals (define-call "alarm" int never-fails (seconds unsigned)) #+mach-exception-handler (progn ;; FIXME this is a lie, of course this can fail, but there's no ;; error handling here yet! (define-call "setup_mach_exceptions" void never-fails) (define-call ("posix_fork" :c-name "fork") pid-t minusp) (defun fork () (tagbody (sb-thread::with-all-threads-lock (when (cdr sb-thread::*all-threads*) (go :error)) (let ((pid (posix-fork))) (when (= pid 0) (setup-mach-exceptions)) (return-from fork pid))) :error (error "Cannot fork with multiple threads running."))) (export 'fork :sb-posix)) #-mach-exception-handler (define-call "fork" pid-t minusp) (define-call "getpgid" pid-t minusp (pid pid-t)) (define-call "getppid" pid-t never-fails) (define-call "getpgrp" pid-t never-fails) (define-call "getsid" pid-t minusp (pid pid-t)) (define-call "kill" int minusp (pid pid-t) (signal int)) (define-call "killpg" int minusp (pgrp int) (signal int)) (define-call "pause" int minusp) (define-call "setpgid" int minusp (pid pid-t) (pgid pid-t)) (define-call "setpgrp" int minusp) (define-call "setsid" pid-t minusp)) (defmacro with-growing-c-string ((buffer size) &body body) (sb-int:with-unique-names (c-string-block) `(block ,c-string-block (let (,buffer) (flet ((,buffer (&optional (size-incl-null)) (when size-incl-null (setf (sb-sys:sap-ref-8 (sb-alien:alien-sap ,buffer) size-incl-null) 0)) (return-from ,c-string-block (sb-alien::c-string-to-string (sb-alien:alien-sap ,buffer) (sb-impl::default-external-format) 'character)))) (loop for ,size = 128 then (* 2 ,size) do (unwind-protect (progn (setf ,buffer (make-alien c-string ,size)) ,@body) (when ,buffer (free-alien ,buffer))))))))) #-win32 (progn (export 'readlink :sb-posix) (defun readlink (pathspec) "Returns the resolved target of a symbolic link as a string." (flet ((%readlink (path buf length) (alien-funcall (extern-alien "readlink" (function int c-string (* t) int)) path buf length))) (with-growing-c-string (buf size) (let ((count (%readlink (filename pathspec) buf size))) (cond ((minusp count) (syscall-error)) ((< 0 count size) (buf count)))))))) (progn (export 'getcwd :sb-posix) (defun getcwd () "Returns the process's current working directory as a string." (flet ((%getcwd (buffer size) (alien-funcall (extern-alien #-win32 "getcwd" #+win32 "_getcwd" (function c-string (* t) int)) buffer size))) (with-growing-c-string (buf size) (let ((result (%getcwd buf size))) (cond (result (buf)) ((/= (get-errno) sb-posix:erange) (syscall-error)))))))) #-win32 (progn (export 'wait :sb-posix) (declaim (inline wait)) (defun wait (&optional statusptr) (declare (type (or null (simple-array (signed-byte 32) (1))) statusptr)) (let* ((ptr (or statusptr (make-array 1 :element-type '(signed-byte 32)))) (pid (sb-sys:with-pinned-objects (ptr) (alien-funcall (extern-alien "wait" (function pid-t (* int))) (sb-sys:vector-sap ptr))))) (if (minusp pid) (syscall-error) (values pid (aref ptr 0)))))) #-win32 (progn (export 'waitpid :sb-posix) (declaim (inline waitpid)) (defun waitpid (pid options &optional statusptr) (declare (type (sb-alien:alien pid-t) pid) (type (sb-alien:alien int) options) (type (or null (simple-array (signed-byte 32) (1))) statusptr)) (let* ((ptr (or statusptr (make-array 1 :element-type '(signed-byte 32)))) (pid (sb-sys:with-pinned-objects (ptr) (alien-funcall (extern-alien "waitpid" (function pid-t pid-t (* int) int)) pid (sb-sys:vector-sap ptr) options)))) (if (minusp pid) (syscall-error) (values pid (aref ptr 0))))) ;; waitpid macros (define-call "wifexited" boolean never-fails (status int)) (define-call "wexitstatus" int never-fails (status int)) (define-call "wifsignaled" boolean never-fails (status int)) (define-call "wtermsig" int never-fails (status int)) (define-call "wifstopped" boolean never-fails (status int)) (define-call "wstopsig" int never-fails (status int)) #+nil ; see alien/waitpid-macros.c (define-call "wifcontinued" boolean never-fails (status int))) ;;; mmap, msync #-win32 (progn (define-call ("mmap" :options :largefile) sb-sys:system-area-pointer (lambda (res) (= (sb-sys:sap-int res) #.(1- (expt 2 sb-vm::n-machine-word-bits)))) (addr sap-or-nil) (length unsigned) (prot unsigned) (flags unsigned) (fd file-descriptor) (offset off-t)) (define-call "munmap" int minusp (start sb-sys:system-area-pointer) (length unsigned)) (define-call "msync" int minusp (addr sb-sys:system-area-pointer) (length unsigned) (flags int))) ;;; mlockall, munlockall (define-call "mlockall" int minusp (flags int)) (define-call "munlockall" int minusp) #-win32 (define-call "getpagesize" int minusp) #+win32 ;;; KLUDGE: This could be taken from GetSystemInfo (export (defun getpagesize () 4096)) ;;; passwd database ;; The docstrings are copied from the descriptions in SUSv3, ;; where present. #-win32 (define-protocol-class passwd alien-passwd () ((name :initarg :name :accessor passwd-name :documentation "User's login name.") ;; Note: SUSv3 doesn't require this member. (passwd :initarg :passwd :accessor passwd-passwd :documentation "The account's encrypted password.") (uid :initarg :uid :accessor passwd-uid :documentation "Numerical user ID.") (gid :initarg :gid :accessor passwd-gid :documentation "Numerical group ID.") ;; Note: SUSv3 doesn't require this member. (gecos :initarg :gecos :accessor passwd-gecos :documentation "User's name or comment field.") (dir :initarg :dir :accessor passwd-dir :documentation "Initial working directory.") (shell :initarg :shell :accessor passwd-shell :documentation "Program to use as shell.")) (:documentation "Instances of this class represent entries in the system's user database.")) ;;; group database #-win32 (define-protocol-class group alien-group () ((name :initarg :name :accessor group-name) (passwd :initarg :passwd :accessor group-passwd) (gid :initarg :gid :accessor group-gid))) (defmacro define-obj-call (name arg type conv) #-win32 ;; FIXME: this isn't the documented way of doing this, surely? (let ((lisp-name (intern (string-upcase name) :sb-posix))) `(progn (export ',lisp-name :sb-posix) (declaim (inline ,lisp-name)) (defun ,lisp-name (,arg) (let ((r (alien-funcall (extern-alien ,name ,type) ,arg))) (if (null-alien r) nil (,conv r))))))) (define-obj-call "getpwnam" login-name (function (* alien-passwd) c-string) alien-to-passwd) (define-obj-call "getpwuid" uid (function (* alien-passwd) uid-t) alien-to-passwd) (define-obj-call "getgrnam" login-name (function (* alien-group) c-string) alien-to-group) (define-obj-call "getgrgid" gid (function (* alien-group) gid-t) alien-to-group) #-win32 (define-protocol-class timeval alien-timeval () ((sec :initarg :tv-sec :accessor timeval-sec :documentation "Seconds.") (usec :initarg :tv-usec :accessor timeval-usec :documentation "Microseconds.")) (:documentation "Instances of this class represent time values.")) (define-protocol-class stat alien-stat () ((mode :initarg :mode :reader stat-mode :documentation "Mode of file.") (ino :initarg :ino :reader stat-ino :documentation "File serial number.") (dev :initarg :dev :reader stat-dev :documentation "Device ID of device containing file.") (nlink :initarg :nlink :reader stat-nlink :documentation "Number of hard links to the file.") (uid :initarg :uid :reader stat-uid :documentation "User ID of file.") (gid :initarg :gid :reader stat-gid :documentation "Group ID of file.") (size :initarg :size :reader stat-size :documentation "For regular files, the file size in bytes. For symbolic links, the length in bytes of the filename contained in the symbolic link.") (atime :initarg :atime :reader stat-atime :documentation "Time of last access.") (mtime :initarg :mtime :reader stat-mtime :documentation "Time of last data modification.") (ctime :initarg :ctime :reader stat-ctime :documentation "Time of last status change")) (:documentation "Instances of this class represent Posix file metadata.")) (defmacro define-stat-call (name arg designator-fun type) ;; FIXME: this isn't the documented way of doing this, surely? (let ((lisp-name (lisp-for-c-symbol name))) `(progn (export ',lisp-name :sb-posix) (declaim (inline ,lisp-name)) (defun ,lisp-name (,arg &optional stat) (declare (type (or null stat) stat)) (with-alien-stat a-stat () (let ((r (alien-funcall (extern-alien ,(real-c-name (list name :options :largefile)) ,type) (,designator-fun ,arg) a-stat))) (when (minusp r) (syscall-error)) (alien-to-stat a-stat stat))))))) (define-stat-call #-win32 "stat" #+win32 "_stat" pathname filename (function int c-string (* alien-stat))) #-win32 (define-stat-call "lstat" pathname filename (function int c-string (* alien-stat))) ;;; No symbolic links on Windows, so use stat #+win32 (progn (declaim (inline lstat)) (export (defun lstat (filename &optional stat) (if stat (stat filename stat) (stat filename))))) (define-stat-call #-win32 "fstat" #+win32 "_fstat" fd file-descriptor (function int int (* alien-stat))) ;;; mode flags (define-call "s_isreg" boolean never-fails (mode mode-t)) (define-call "s_isdir" boolean never-fails (mode mode-t)) (define-call "s_ischr" boolean never-fails (mode mode-t)) (define-call "s_isblk" boolean never-fails (mode mode-t)) (define-call "s_isfifo" boolean never-fails (mode mode-t)) (define-call "s_islnk" boolean never-fails (mode mode-t)) (define-call "s_issock" boolean never-fails (mode mode-t)) #-win32 (progn (export 'pipe :sb-posix) (declaim (inline pipe)) (defun pipe (&optional filedes2) (declare (type (or null (simple-array (signed-byte 32) (2))) filedes2)) (unless filedes2 (setq filedes2 (make-array 2 :element-type '(signed-byte 32)))) (let ((r (sb-sys:with-pinned-objects (filedes2) (alien-funcall ;; FIXME: (* INT)? (ARRAY INT 2) would be better (extern-alien "pipe" (function int (* int))) (sb-sys:vector-sap filedes2))))) (when (minusp r) (syscall-error))) (values (aref filedes2 0) (aref filedes2 1)))) #-win32 (define-protocol-class termios alien-termios () ((iflag :initarg :iflag :accessor sb-posix:termios-iflag :documentation "Input modes.") (oflag :initarg :oflag :accessor sb-posix:termios-oflag :documentation "Output modes.") (cflag :initarg :cflag :accessor sb-posix:termios-cflag :documentation "Control modes.") (lflag :initarg :lflag :accessor sb-posix:termios-lflag :documentation "Local modes.") (cc :initarg :cc :accessor sb-posix:termios-cc :array-length nccs :documentation "Control characters")) (:documentation "Instances of this class represent I/O characteristics of the terminal.")) #-win32 (progn (export 'tcsetattr :sb-posix) (declaim (inline tcsetattr)) (defun tcsetattr (fd actions termios) (declare (type termios termios)) (with-alien-termios a-termios () (termios-to-alien termios a-termios) (let ((fd (file-descriptor fd))) (let* ((r (alien-funcall (extern-alien "tcsetattr" (function int int int (* alien-termios))) fd actions a-termios))) (when (minusp r) (syscall-error))) (values)))) (export 'tcgetattr :sb-posix) (declaim (inline tcgetattr)) (defun tcgetattr (fd &optional termios) (declare (type (or null termios) termios)) (with-alien-termios a-termios () (let ((r (alien-funcall (extern-alien "tcgetattr" (function int int (* alien-termios))) (file-descriptor fd) a-termios))) (when (minusp r) (syscall-error)) (setf termios (alien-to-termios a-termios termios)))) termios) (define-call "tcdrain" int minusp (fd file-descriptor)) (define-call "tcflow" int minusp (fd file-descriptor) (action int)) (define-call "tcflush" int minusp (fd file-descriptor) (queue-selector int)) (define-call "tcgetsid" pid-t minusp (fd file-descriptor)) (define-call "tcsendbreak" int minusp (fd file-descriptor) (duration int)) (export 'cfsetispeed :sb-posix) (declaim (inline cfsetispeed)) (defun cfsetispeed (speed &optional termios) (declare (type (or null termios) termios)) (with-alien-termios a-termios () (let ((r (alien-funcall (extern-alien "cfsetispeed" (function int (* alien-termios) speed-t)) a-termios speed))) (when (minusp r) (syscall-error)) (setf termios (alien-to-termios a-termios termios)))) termios) (export 'cfsetospeed :sb-posix) (declaim (inline cfsetospeed)) (defun cfsetospeed (speed &optional termios) (declare (type (or null termios) termios)) (with-alien-termios a-termios () (let ((r (alien-funcall (extern-alien "cfsetospeed" (function int (* alien-termios) speed-t)) a-termios speed))) (when (minusp r) (syscall-error)) (setf termios (alien-to-termios a-termios termios)))) termios) (export 'cfgetispeed :sb-posix) (declaim (inline cfgetispeed)) (defun cfgetispeed (termios) (declare (type termios termios)) (with-alien-termios a-termios () (termios-to-alien termios a-termios) (alien-funcall (extern-alien "cfgetispeed" (function speed-t (* alien-termios))) a-termios))) (export 'cfgetospeed :sb-posix) (declaim (inline cfgetospeed)) (defun cfgetospeed (termios) (declare (type termios termios)) (with-alien-termios a-termios () (termios-to-alien termios a-termios) (alien-funcall (extern-alien "cfgetospeed" (function speed-t (* alien-termios))) a-termios)))) #-win32 (progn (export 'time :sb-posix) (defun time () (let ((result (alien-funcall (extern-alien "time" (function time-t (* time-t))) nil))) (if (minusp result) (syscall-error) result))) (export 'utime :sb-posix) (defun utime (filename &optional access-time modification-time) (let ((fun (extern-alien "utime" (function int c-string (* alien-utimbuf)))) (name (filename filename))) (if (not (and access-time modification-time)) (alien-funcall fun name nil) (with-alien ((utimbuf (struct alien-utimbuf))) (setf (slot utimbuf 'actime) (or access-time 0) (slot utimbuf 'modtime) (or modification-time 0)) (let ((result (alien-funcall fun name (alien-sap utimbuf)))) (if (minusp result) (syscall-error) result)))))) (export 'utimes :sb-posix) (defun utimes (filename &optional access-time modification-time) (flet ((seconds-and-useconds (time) (multiple-value-bind (integer fractional) (cl:truncate time) (values integer (cl:truncate (* fractional 1000000))))) (maybe-syscall-error (value) (if (minusp value) (syscall-error) value))) (let ((fun (extern-alien "utimes" (function int c-string (* (array alien-timeval 2))))) (name (filename filename))) (if (not (and access-time modification-time)) (maybe-syscall-error (alien-funcall fun name nil)) (with-alien ((buf (array alien-timeval 2))) (let ((actime (deref buf 0)) (modtime (deref buf 1))) (setf (values (slot actime 'sec) (slot actime 'usec)) (seconds-and-useconds (or access-time 0)) (values (slot modtime 'sec) (slot modtime 'usec)) (seconds-and-useconds (or modification-time 0))) (maybe-syscall-error (alien-funcall fun name (alien-sap buf)))))))))) ;;; environment (export 'getenv :sb-posix) (defun getenv (name) (let ((r (alien-funcall (extern-alien "getenv" (function (* char) c-string)) name))) (declare (type (alien (* char)) r)) (unless (null-alien r) (cast r c-string)))) #-win32 (progn (define-call "setenv" int minusp (name c-string) (value c-string) (overwrite int)) (define-call "unsetenv" int minusp (name c-string)) (export 'putenv :sb-posix) (defun putenv (string) (declare (string string)) ;; We don't want to call actual putenv: the string passed to putenv ends ;; up in environ, and we any string we allocate GC might move. ;; ;; This makes our wrapper nonconformant if you squit hard enough, but ;; users who care about that should really be calling putenv() directly in ;; order to be able to manage memory sanely. (let ((p (position #\= string)) (n (length string))) (if p (if (= p n) (unsetenv (subseq string 0 p)) (setenv (subseq string 0 p) (subseq string (1+ p)) 1)) (error "Invalid argument to putenv: ~S" string))))) #+win32 (progn ;; Windows doesn't define a POSIX setenv, but happily their _putenv is sane. (define-call* "putenv" int minusp (string c-string)) (defun setenv (name value overwrite) (declare (string name value)) (if (and (zerop overwrite) (sb-posix:getenv name)) 0 (putenv (concatenate 'string name "=" value)))) (defun unsetenv (name) (declare (string name)) (putenv (concatenate 'string name "=")))) ;;; syslog #-win32 (progn (export 'openlog :sb-posix) (export 'syslog :sb-posix) (export 'closelog :sb-posix) (defun openlog (ident options &optional (facility log-user)) (alien-funcall (extern-alien "openlog" (function void c-string int int)) ident options facility)) (defun syslog (priority format &rest args) "Send a message to the syslog facility, with severity level PRIORITY. The message will be formatted as by CL:FORMAT (rather than C's printf) with format string FORMAT and arguments ARGS." (flet ((syslog1 (priority message) (alien-funcall (extern-alien "syslog" (function void int c-string c-string)) priority "%s" message))) (syslog1 priority (apply #'format nil format args)))) (define-call "closelog" void never-fails))