(defpackage "SB-POSIX-TESTS" (:use "COMMON-LISP" "SB-RT")) (in-package "SB-POSIX-TESTS") (defvar *test-directory* (ensure-directories-exist (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :directory '(:relative "test-lab")) (make-pathname :directory (pathname-directory *load-truename*))))) (defvar *current-directory* *default-pathname-defaults*) (defvar *this-file* *load-truename*) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel) (defconstant +mode-rwx-all+ (logior sb-posix::s-irusr sb-posix::s-iwusr sb-posix::s-ixusr #-win32 (logior sb-posix::s-irgrp sb-posix::s-iwgrp sb-posix::s-ixgrp sb-posix::s-iroth sb-posix::s-iwoth sb-posix::s-ixoth)))) (defmacro define-eacces-test (name form &rest values) #-win32 `(deftest ,name (block ,name (when (= (sb-posix:geteuid) 0) (return-from ,name (values ,@values))) ,form) ,@values)) (deftest chdir.1 (sb-posix:chdir *test-directory*) 0) (deftest chdir.2 (sb-posix:chdir (namestring *test-directory*)) 0) (deftest chdir.3 (sb-posix:chdir "/") 0) (deftest chdir.4 (sb-posix:chdir #p"/") 0) (deftest chdir.5 (sb-posix:chdir *current-directory*) 0) (deftest chdir.6 (sb-posix:chdir "/../") 0) (deftest chdir.7 (sb-posix:chdir #p"/../") 0) (deftest chdir.8 (sb-posix:chdir (make-pathname :directory '(:absolute :up))) 0) (deftest chdir.error.1 (let ((dne (make-pathname :directory '(:relative "chdir.does-not-exist")))) (handler-case (sb-posix:chdir (merge-pathnames dne *test-directory*)) (sb-posix:syscall-error (c) (sb-posix:syscall-errno c)))) #.sb-posix::enoent) (deftest chdir.error.2 (handler-case (sb-posix:chdir *this-file*) (sb-posix:syscall-error (c) (sb-posix:syscall-errno c))) #-win32 #.sb-posix:enotdir #+win32 #.sb-posix:einval) (deftest mkdir.1 (let ((dne (make-pathname :directory '(:relative "mkdir.does-not-exist.1")))) (unwind-protect (sb-posix:mkdir (merge-pathnames dne *test-directory*) 0) ;; FIXME: no delete-directory in CL, but using our own operators ;; is probably not ideal (ignore-errors (sb-posix:rmdir (merge-pathnames dne *test-directory*))))) 0) (deftest mkdir.2 (let ((dne (make-pathname :directory '(:relative "mkdir.does-not-exist.2")))) (unwind-protect (sb-posix:mkdir (namestring (merge-pathnames dne *test-directory*)) 0) (ignore-errors (sb-posix:rmdir (merge-pathnames dne *test-directory*))))) 0) (deftest mkdir.error.1 (handler-case (sb-posix:mkdir *test-directory* 0) (sb-posix:syscall-error (c) (sb-posix:syscall-errno c))) #.sb-posix::eexist) (deftest mkdir.error.2 (handler-case (sb-posix:mkdir #-win32 "/" #+win32 "C:/" 0) (sb-posix:syscall-error (c) (sb-posix:syscall-errno c))) #+darwin #.sb-posix:eisdir #+win32 #.sb-posix:eacces #-(or darwin win32) #.sb-posix::eexist) (define-eacces-test mkdir.error.3 (let* ((dir (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :directory '(:relative "mkdir.error.3")) *test-directory*)) (dir2 (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :directory '(:relative "does-not-exist")) dir))) (sb-posix:mkdir dir 0) (handler-case (sb-posix:mkdir dir2 0) (sb-posix:syscall-error (c) (sb-posix:rmdir dir) (sb-posix:syscall-errno c)) (:no-error (result) (sb-posix:rmdir dir2) (sb-posix:rmdir dir) result))) #.sb-posix::eacces) (deftest rmdir.1 (let ((dne (make-pathname :directory '(:relative "rmdir.does-not-exist.1")))) (ensure-directories-exist (merge-pathnames dne *test-directory*)) (sb-posix:rmdir (merge-pathnames dne *test-directory*))) 0) (deftest rmdir.2 (let ((dne (make-pathname :directory '(:relative "rmdir.does-not-exist.2")))) (ensure-directories-exist (merge-pathnames dne *test-directory*)) (sb-posix:rmdir (namestring (merge-pathnames dne *test-directory*)))) 0) (deftest rmdir.error.1 (let ((dne (make-pathname :directory '(:relative "rmdir.dne.error.1")))) (handler-case (sb-posix:rmdir (merge-pathnames dne *test-directory*)) (sb-posix:syscall-error (c) (sb-posix:syscall-errno c)))) #.sb-posix::enoent) (deftest rmdir.error.2 (handler-case (sb-posix:rmdir *this-file*) (sb-posix:syscall-error (c) (sb-posix:syscall-errno c))) #-win32 #.sb-posix::enotdir #+win32 #.sb-posix::einval) (deftest rmdir.error.3 (handler-case (sb-posix:rmdir #-win32 "/" #+win32 "C:/") (sb-posix:syscall-error (c) (sb-posix:syscall-errno c))) #+darwin #.sb-posix:eisdir #+win32 #.sb-posix::eacces #-(or darwin win32) #.sb-posix::ebusy) (deftest rmdir.error.4 (let* ((dir (ensure-directories-exist (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :directory '(:relative "rmdir.error.4")) *test-directory*))) (file (make-pathname :name "foo" :defaults dir))) (with-open-file (s file :direction :output :if-exists nil) (write "" :stream s)) (handler-case (sb-posix:rmdir dir) (sb-posix:syscall-error (c) (delete-file file) (sb-posix:rmdir dir) (let ((errno (sb-posix:syscall-errno c))) ;; documented by POSIX (or (= errno sb-posix::eexist) (= errno sb-posix::enotempty)))))) t) (define-eacces-test rmdir.error.5 (let* ((dir (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :directory '(:relative "rmdir.error.5")) *test-directory*)) (dir2 (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :directory '(:relative "unremovable")) dir))) (sb-posix:mkdir dir +mode-rwx-all+) (sb-posix:mkdir dir2 +mode-rwx-all+) (sb-posix:chmod dir 0) (handler-case (sb-posix:rmdir dir2) (sb-posix:syscall-error (c) (sb-posix:chmod dir (logior sb-posix::s-iread sb-posix::s-iwrite sb-posix::s-iexec)) (sb-posix:rmdir dir2) (sb-posix:rmdir dir) (sb-posix:syscall-errno c)) (:no-error (result) (sb-posix:chmod dir (logior sb-posix::s-iread sb-posix::s-iwrite sb-posix::s-iexec)) (sb-posix:rmdir dir) result))) #.sb-posix::eacces) (deftest stat.1 (let* ((stat (sb-posix:stat *test-directory*)) (mode (sb-posix::stat-mode stat))) ;; FIXME: Ugly ::s everywhere (logand mode (logior sb-posix::s-iread sb-posix::s-iwrite sb-posix::s-iexec))) #.(logior sb-posix::s-iread sb-posix::s-iwrite sb-posix::s-iexec)) #-win32 (deftest stat.2 (let* ((stat (sb-posix:stat "/")) (mode (sb-posix::stat-mode stat))) ;; it's logically possible for / to be writeable by others... but ;; if it is, either someone is playing with strange security ;; modules or they want to know about it anyway. (logand mode sb-posix::s-iwoth)) 0) (deftest stat.3 (let* ((now (get-universal-time)) ;; FIXME: (encode-universal-time 00 00 00 01 01 1970) (unix-now (- now 2208988800)) (stat (sb-posix:stat *test-directory*)) (atime (sb-posix::stat-atime stat))) ;; FIXME: breaks if mounted noatime :-( #+nil (< (- atime unix-now) 10) (< (- atime unix-now) 10)) t) #-win32 (deftest stat.4 (let* ((stat (sb-posix:stat (make-pathname :directory '(:absolute :up)))) (mode (sb-posix::stat-mode stat))) ;; it's logically possible for / to be writeable by others... but ;; if it is, either someone is playing with strange security ;; modules or they want to know about it anyway. (logand mode sb-posix::s-iwoth)) 0) ;; Test that stat can take a second argument. #-win32 (deftest stat.5 (let* ((stat-1 (sb-posix:stat "/")) (inode-1 (sb-posix:stat-ino stat-1)) (stat-2 (sb-posix:stat "/bin/sh" stat-1)) (inode-2 (sb-posix:stat-ino stat-2))) (values (eq stat-1 stat-2) (/= inode-1 inode-2))) t t) #+win32 (deftest stat.5 (let* ((stat-1 (sb-posix:stat "/")) (mode-1 (sb-posix:stat-mode stat-1)) (stat-2 (sb-posix:stat "C:\\CONFIG.SYS" stat-1)) (mode-2 (sb-posix:stat-mode stat-2))) (values (eq stat-1 stat-2) (/= mode-1 mode-2))) t t) ;;; FIXME: add tests for carrying a stat structure around in the ;;; optional argument to SB-POSIX:STAT (deftest stat.error.1 (handler-case (sb-posix:stat "") (sb-posix:syscall-error (c) (sb-posix:syscall-errno c))) #.sb-posix::enoent) (define-eacces-test stat.error.2 (let* ((dir (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :directory '(:relative "stat.error.2")) *test-directory*)) (file (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :name "unstatable") dir))) (sb-posix:mkdir dir +mode-rwx-all+) (with-open-file (s file :direction :output) (write "" :stream s)) (sb-posix:chmod dir 0) (handler-case (sb-posix:stat file) (sb-posix:syscall-error (c) (sb-posix:chmod dir (logior sb-posix::s-iread sb-posix::s-iwrite sb-posix::s-iexec)) (sb-posix:unlink file) (sb-posix:rmdir dir) (sb-posix:syscall-errno c)) (:no-error (result) (sb-posix:chmod dir (logior sb-posix::s-iread sb-posix::s-iwrite sb-posix::s-iexec)) (sb-posix:unlink file) (sb-posix:rmdir dir) result))) #.sb-posix::eacces) ;;; stat-mode tests (defmacro with-stat-mode ((mode pathname) &body body) (let ((stat (gensym))) `(let* ((,stat (sb-posix:stat ,pathname)) (,mode (sb-posix::stat-mode ,stat))) ,@body))) (defmacro with-lstat-mode ((mode pathname) &body body) (let ((stat (gensym))) `(let* ((,stat (sb-posix:lstat ,pathname)) (,mode (sb-posix::stat-mode ,stat))) ,@body))) (deftest stat-mode.1 (with-stat-mode (mode *test-directory*) (sb-posix:s-isreg mode)) nil) (deftest stat-mode.2 (with-stat-mode (mode *test-directory*) (sb-posix:s-isdir mode)) t) (deftest stat-mode.3 (with-stat-mode (mode *test-directory*) (sb-posix:s-ischr mode)) nil) (deftest stat-mode.4 (with-stat-mode (mode *test-directory*) (sb-posix:s-isblk mode)) nil) (deftest stat-mode.5 (with-stat-mode (mode *test-directory*) (sb-posix:s-isfifo mode)) nil) #-win32 (deftest stat-mode.6 (with-stat-mode (mode *test-directory*) (sb-posix:s-issock mode)) nil) #-win32 (deftest stat-mode.7 (let ((link-pathname (make-pathname :name "stat-mode.7" :defaults *test-directory*))) (unwind-protect (progn (sb-posix:symlink *test-directory* link-pathname) (with-lstat-mode (mode link-pathname) (sb-posix:s-islnk mode))) (ignore-errors (sb-posix:unlink link-pathname)))) t) (deftest stat-mode.8 (let ((pathname (make-pathname :name "stat-mode.8" :defaults *test-directory*))) (unwind-protect (progn (with-open-file (out pathname :direction :output) (write-line "test" out)) (with-stat-mode (mode pathname) (sb-posix:s-isreg mode))) (ignore-errors (delete-file pathname)))) t) ;;; see comment in filename's designator definition, in macros.lisp (deftest filename-designator.1 (let ((file (format nil "~A/[foo].txt" (namestring *test-directory*)))) ;; creat() with a string as argument (let ((fd (sb-posix:creat file sb-posix:s-iwrite))) #+win32 (sb-posix:close fd)) ;; if this test fails, it will probably be with ;; "System call error 2 (No such file or directory)" (let ((*default-pathname-defaults* *test-directory*)) (sb-posix:unlink (car (directory "*.txt"))))) 0) (deftest open.1 (let ((name (merge-pathnames "open-test.txt" *test-directory*))) (unwind-protect (progn (sb-posix:close (sb-posix:creat name (logior sb-posix:s-iwrite sb-posix:s-iread))) (let ((fd (sb-posix:open name sb-posix::o-rdonly))) (ignore-errors (sb-posix:close fd)) (< fd 0))) (ignore-errors (sb-posix:unlink name)))) nil) #-hpux ; fix: cant handle c-vargs (deftest open.error.1 (handler-case (sb-posix:open *test-directory* sb-posix::o-wronly) (sb-posix:syscall-error (c) (sb-posix:syscall-errno c))) #-win32 #.sb-posix::eisdir #+win32 #.sb-posix:eacces) #-(or (and x86-64 (or linux sunos)) win32) (deftest fcntl.1 (let ((fd (sb-posix:open "/dev/null" sb-posix::o-nonblock))) (= (sb-posix:fcntl fd sb-posix::f-getfl) sb-posix::o-nonblock)) t) ;; On AMD64/Linux O_LARGEFILE is always set, even though the whole ;; flag makes no sense. #+(and x86-64 (or linux sunos)) (deftest fcntl.1 (let ((fd (sb-posix:open "/dev/null" sb-posix::o-nonblock))) (/= 0 (logand (sb-posix:fcntl fd sb-posix::f-getfl) sb-posix::o-nonblock))) t) #-(or hpux win32) ; fix: cant handle c-vargs (deftest fcntl.flock.1 (locally (declare (sb-ext:muffle-conditions sb-ext:compiler-note)) (let ((flock (make-instance 'sb-posix:flock :type sb-posix:f-wrlck :whence sb-posix:seek-set :start 0 :len 10)) (pathname "fcntl.flock.1") kid-status) (catch 'test (with-open-file (f pathname :direction :output) (write-line "1234567890" f) (assert (zerop (sb-posix:fcntl f sb-posix:f-setlk flock))) (let ((pid (sb-posix:fork))) (if (zerop pid) (progn (multiple-value-bind (nope error) (ignore-errors (sb-posix:fcntl f sb-posix:f-setlk flock)) (sb-ext:quit :unix-status (cond ((not (null nope)) 1) ((= (sb-posix:syscall-errno error) sb-posix:eagain) 42) (t 86)) :recklessly-p t #| don't delete the file |#))) (progn (setf kid-status (sb-posix:wexitstatus (nth-value 1 (sb-posix:waitpid pid 0)))) (throw 'test nil)))))) kid-status)) 42) #-win32 (deftest fcntl.flock.2 (locally (declare (sb-ext:muffle-conditions sb-ext:compiler-note)) (let ((flock (make-instance 'sb-posix:flock :type sb-posix:f-wrlck :whence sb-posix:seek-set :start 0 :len 10)) (pathname "fcntl.flock.2") kid-status) (catch 'test (with-open-file (f pathname :direction :output) (write-line "1234567890" f) (assert (zerop (sb-posix:fcntl f sb-posix:f-setlk flock))) (let ((ppid (sb-posix:getpid)) (pid (sb-posix:fork))) (if (zerop pid) (let ((r (sb-posix:fcntl f sb-posix:f-getlk flock))) (sb-ext:quit :unix-status (cond ((not (zerop r)) 1) ((= (sb-posix:flock-pid flock) ppid) 42) (t 86)) :recklessly-p t #| don't delete the file |#)) (progn (setf kid-status (sb-posix:wexitstatus (nth-value 1 (sb-posix:waitpid pid 0)))) (throw 'test nil)))))) kid-status)) 42) (deftest opendir.1 (let ((dir (sb-posix:opendir "/"))) (unwind-protect (sb-alien:null-alien dir) (unless (sb-alien:null-alien dir) (sb-posix:closedir dir)))) nil) (deftest readdir.1 (let ((dir (sb-posix:opendir "/")) (sb-alien::*default-c-string-external-format* :latin-1)) (unwind-protect (block dir-loop (loop for dirent = (sb-posix:readdir dir) until (sb-alien:null-alien dirent) when (not (stringp (sb-posix:dirent-name dirent))) do (return-from dir-loop nil) finally (return t))) (sb-posix:closedir dir))) t) #-darwin (deftest readdir/dirent-name (let ((dir (sb-posix:opendir *current-directory*))) (unwind-protect (equal (sort (loop for entry = (sb-posix:readdir dir) until (sb-alien:null-alien entry) collect (sb-posix:dirent-name entry)) #'string<) (sort (append '("." "..") (mapcar (lambda (p) (let ((string (enough-namestring p *current-directory*))) (if (pathname-name p) string (subseq string 0 (1- (length string)))))) (directory (make-pathname :name :wild :type :wild :defaults *current-directory*)))) #'string<)) (sb-posix:closedir dir))) t) #-win32 (deftest pwent.1 ;; make sure that we found something (not (sb-posix:getpwuid 0)) nil) #-win32 (deftest pwent.2 ;; make sure that we found something (not (sb-posix:getpwnam "root")) nil) #-win32 (deftest pwent.non-existing ;; make sure that we get something sensible, not an error (handler-case (progn (sb-posix:getpwnam "almost-certainly-does-not-exist") nil) (t (cond) t)) nil) #-win32 (deftest grent.1 ;; make sure that we found something (not (sb-posix:getgrgid 0)) nil) #-win32 (deftest grent.2 ;; make sure that we found something (not (sb-posix:getgrnam "sys")) nil) #-win32 (deftest grent.non-existing ;; make sure that we get something sensible, not an error (handler-case (progn (sb-posix:getgrnam "almost-certainly-does-not-exist") nil) (t (cond) t)) nil) #+nil ;; Requires root or special group + plus a sensible thing on the port (deftest cfget/setispeed.1 (with-open-file (s "/dev/ttyS0") (let* ((termios (sb-posix:tcgetattr s)) (old (sb-posix:cfgetispeed termios)) (new (if (= old sb-posix:b2400) sb-posix:b9600 sb-posix:b2400))) (sb-posix:cfsetispeed new termios) (sb-posix:tcsetattr 0 sb-posix:tcsadrain termios) (setf termios (sb-posix:tcgetattr s)) (= new (sb-posix:cfgetispeed termios)))) t) #+nil ;; Requires root or special group + a sensible thing on the port (deftest cfget/setospeed.1 (with-open-file (s "/dev/ttyS0" :direction :output :if-exists :append) (let* ((termios (sb-posix:tcgetattr s)) (old (sb-posix:cfgetospeed termios)) (new (if (= old sb-posix:b2400) sb-posix:b9600 sb-posix:b2400))) (sb-posix:cfsetospeed new termios) (sb-posix:tcsetattr 0 sb-posix:tcsadrain termios) (setf termios (sb-posix:tcgetattr 0)) (= new (sb-posix:cfgetospeed termios)))) t) #-win32 (deftest time.1 (plusp (sb-posix:time)) t) #-win32 (deftest utimes.1 (let ((file (merge-pathnames #p"utimes.1" *test-directory*)) (atime (random (1- (expt 2 31)))) (mtime (random (1- (expt 2 31))))) (with-open-file (stream file :direction :output :if-exists :supersede :if-does-not-exist :create) (princ "Hello, utimes" stream)) (sb-posix:utime file atime mtime) (let* ((stat (sb-posix:stat file))) (delete-file file) (list (= (sb-posix:stat-atime stat) atime) (= (sb-posix:stat-mtime stat) mtime)))) (t t)) ;; readlink tests. #-win32 (progn (deftest readlink.1 (let ((link-pathname (make-pathname :name "readlink.1" :defaults *test-directory*))) (sb-posix:symlink "/" link-pathname) (unwind-protect (sb-posix:readlink link-pathname) (ignore-errors (sb-posix:unlink link-pathname)))) "/") ;; Same thing, but with a very long link target (which doesn't have ;; to exist). This tests the array adjustment in the wrapper, ;; provided that the target's length is long enough. #-hpux ; arg2 to readlink is 80, and arg0 is larger than that (deftest readlink.2 (let ((target-pathname (make-pathname :name (make-string 255 :initial-element #\a) :directory '(:absolute))) (link-pathname (make-pathname :name "readlink.2" :defaults *test-directory*))) (sb-posix:symlink target-pathname link-pathname) (unwind-protect (sb-posix:readlink link-pathname) (ignore-errors (sb-posix:unlink link-pathname)))) #.(concatenate 'string "/" (make-string 255 :initial-element #\a))) ;; The error tests are in the order of exposition from SUSv3. (deftest readlink.error.1 (let* ((subdir-pathname (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :directory '(:relative "readlink.error.1")) *test-directory*)) (link-pathname (make-pathname :name "readlink.error.1" :defaults subdir-pathname))) (sb-posix:mkdir subdir-pathname #o777) (sb-posix:symlink "/" link-pathname) (sb-posix:chmod subdir-pathname 0) (unwind-protect (handler-case (sb-posix:readlink link-pathname) (sb-posix:syscall-error (c) (sb-posix:syscall-errno c))) (ignore-errors (sb-posix:chmod subdir-pathname #o777) (sb-posix:unlink link-pathname) (sb-posix:rmdir subdir-pathname)))) #.sb-posix:eacces) (deftest readlink.error.2 (let* ((non-link-pathname (make-pathname :name "readlink.error.2" :defaults *test-directory*)) (fd (sb-posix:open non-link-pathname sb-posix::o-creat))) (unwind-protect (handler-case (sb-posix:readlink non-link-pathname) (sb-posix:syscall-error (c) (sb-posix:syscall-errno c))) (ignore-errors (sb-posix:close fd) (sb-posix:unlink non-link-pathname)))) #.sb-posix:einval) ;; Skipping EIO, ELOOP (deftest readlink.error.3 (let* ((link-pathname (make-pathname :name "readlink.error.3" :defaults *test-directory*)) (bogus-pathname (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :name "bogus" :directory '(:relative "readlink.error.3")) *test-directory*))) (sb-posix:symlink link-pathname link-pathname) (unwind-protect (handler-case (sb-posix:readlink bogus-pathname) (sb-posix:syscall-error (c) (sb-posix:syscall-errno c))) (ignore-errors (sb-posix:unlink link-pathname)))) #.sb-posix:eloop) ;; Note: PATH_MAX and NAME_MAX need not be defined, and may vary, so ;; failure of this test is not too meaningful. (deftest readlink.error.4 (let ((pathname (make-pathname :name (make-string 257 ;NAME_MAX plus some, maybe :initial-element #\a)))) (handler-case (sb-posix:readlink pathname) (sb-posix:syscall-error (c) (sb-posix:syscall-errno c)))) #.sb-posix:enametoolong) (deftest readlink.error.5 (let ((string (format nil "~v{/A~}" 2049 ;PATH_MAX/2 plus some, maybe '(x)))) (handler-case (sb-posix:readlink string) (sb-posix:syscall-error (c) (sb-posix:syscall-errno c)))) #.sb-posix:enametoolong) (deftest readlink.error.6 (let ((no-such-pathname (make-pathname :name "readlink.error.6" :defaults *test-directory*))) (handler-case (sb-posix:readlink no-such-pathname) (sb-posix:syscall-error (c) (sb-posix:syscall-errno c)))) #.sb-posix:enoent) (deftest readlink.error.7 (let* ((non-link-pathname (make-pathname :name "readlink.error.7" :defaults *test-directory*)) (impossible-pathname (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :directory '(:relative "readlink.error.7") :name "readlink.error.7") *test-directory*)) (fd (sb-posix:open non-link-pathname sb-posix::o-creat))) (unwind-protect (handler-case (sb-posix:readlink impossible-pathname) (sb-posix:syscall-error (c) (sb-posix:syscall-errno c))) (ignore-errors (sb-posix:close fd) (sb-posix:unlink non-link-pathname)))) #.sb-posix:enotdir) ) (deftest getcwd.1 ;; FIXME: something saner, please (equal (sb-unix::posix-getcwd) (sb-posix:getcwd)) t) #-win32 (deftest mkstemp.1 (multiple-value-bind (fd temp) (sb-posix:mkstemp (make-pathname :name "mkstemp-1" :type "XXXXXX" :defaults *test-directory*)) (let ((pathname (sb-ext:parse-native-namestring temp))) (unwind-protect (values (integerp fd) (pathname-name pathname)) (delete-file temp)))) t "mkstemp-1") ;#-(or win32 sunos hpux) ;;;; mkdtemp is unimplemented on at least Solaris 10 #-(or win32 hpux) ;;; But it is implemented on OpenSolaris 2008.11 (deftest mkdtemp.1 (let ((pathname (sb-ext:parse-native-namestring (sb-posix:mkdtemp (make-pathname :name "mkdtemp-1" :type "XXXXXX" :defaults *test-directory*)) nil *default-pathname-defaults* :as-directory t))) (unwind-protect (values (let* ((xxx (car (last (pathname-directory pathname)))) (p (position #\. xxx))) (and p (subseq xxx 0 p))) (pathname-name pathname) (pathname-type pathname)) (sb-posix:rmdir pathname))) "mkdtemp-1" nil nil) #-win32 (deftest mktemp.1 (let ((pathname (sb-ext:parse-native-namestring (sb-posix:mktemp #p"mktemp.XXXXXX")))) (values (equal "mktemp" (pathname-name pathname)) (not (equal "XXXXXX" (pathname-type pathname))))) t t) #-win32 (deftest mkstemp.null-terminate (let* ((default (make-pathname :directory '(:absolute "tmp"))) (filename (namestring (make-pathname :name "mkstemp-1" :type "XXXXXX" :defaults default))) ;; The magic 64 is the filename length that happens to ;; trigger the no null termination bug at least on my ;; machine on a certain build. (n (- 64 (length (sb-ext:string-to-octets filename))))) (multiple-value-bind (fd temp) (sb-posix:mkstemp (make-pathname :name "mkstemp-1" :type (format nil "~AXXXXXX" (make-string n :initial-element #\x)) :defaults default)) (let ((pathname (sb-ext:parse-native-namestring temp))) (unwind-protect (values (integerp fd) (pathname-name pathname)) (delete-file temp))))) t "mkstemp-1") (deftest envstuff (let ((name1 "ASLIFJLSDKFJKAHGSDKLJH") (name2 "KJHFKLJDSHIUYHBSDNFCBH")) (values (sb-posix:getenv name1) (sb-posix:getenv name1) (progn (sb-posix:putenv (concatenate 'string name1 "=name1,test1")) (sb-ext:gc :full t) (sb-posix:getenv name1)) (progn (sb-posix:setenv name1 "name1,test2" 0) (sb-ext:gc :full t) (sb-posix:getenv name1)) (progn (sb-posix:setenv name2 "name2,test1" 0) (sb-ext:gc :full t) (sb-posix:getenv name2)) (progn (sb-posix:setenv name2 "name2,test2" 1) (sb-ext:gc :full t) (sb-posix:getenv name2)))) nil nil "name1,test1" "name1,test1" "name2,test1" "name2,test2")