;;; Copyright (C) 2003 Gerd Moellmann ;;; All rights reserved. ;;; ;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ;;; are met: ;;; ;;; 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ;;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ;;; 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ;;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ;;; documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ;;; 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote ;;; products derived from this software without specific prior written ;;; permission. ;;; ;;; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS ;;; OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED ;;; WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ;;; ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE ;;; LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR ;;; CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT ;;; OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR ;;; BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF ;;; LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ;;; (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE ;;; USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH ;;; DAMAGE. ;;; Statistical profiler. ;;; Overview: ;;; ;;; This profiler arranges for SIGPROF interrupts to interrupt a ;;; running program at regular intervals. Each time a SIGPROF occurs, ;;; the current program counter and return address is recorded in a ;;; vector, until a configurable maximum number of samples have been ;;; taken. ;;; ;;; A profiling report is generated from the samples array by ;;; determining the Lisp functions corresponding to the recorded ;;; addresses. Each program counter/return address pair forms one ;;; edge in a call graph. ;;; Problems: ;;; ;;; The code being generated on x86 makes determining callers reliably ;;; something between extremely difficult and impossible. Example: ;;; ;;; 10979F00: .entry eval::eval-stack-args(arg-count) ;;; 18: pop dword ptr [ebp-8] ;;; 1B: lea esp, [ebp-32] ;;; 1E: mov edi, edx ;;; ;;; 20: cmp ecx, 4 ;;; 23: jne L4 ;;; 29: mov [ebp-12], edi ;;; 2C: mov dword ptr [ebp-16], #x28F0000B ; nil ;;; ; No-arg-parsing entry point ;;; 33: mov dword ptr [ebp-20], 0 ;;; 3A: jmp L3 ;;; 3C: L0: mov edx, esp ;;; 3E: sub esp, 12 ;;; 41: mov eax, [#x10979EF8] ; # ;;; 47: xor ecx, ecx ;;; 49: mov [edx-4], ebp ;;; 4C: mov ebp, edx ;;; 4E: call dword ptr [eax+5] ;;; 51: mov esp, ebx ;;; ;;; Suppose this function is interrupted by SIGPROF at 4E. At that ;;; point, the frame pointer EBP has been modified so that the ;;; original return address of the caller of eval-stack-args is no ;;; longer where it can be found by x86-call-context, and the new ;;; return address, for the call to eval-stack-pop, is not yet on the ;;; stack. The effect is that x86-call-context returns something ;;; bogus, which leads to wrong edges in the call graph. ;;; ;;; One thing that one might try is filtering cases where the program ;;; is interrupted at a call instruction. But since the above example ;;; of an interrupt at a call instruction isn't the only case where ;;; the stack is something x86-call-context can't really cope with, ;;; this is not a general solution. ;;; ;;; Random ideas for implementation: ;;; ;;; * Space profiler. Sample when new pages are allocated instead of ;;; at SIGPROF. ;;; ;;; * Record a configurable number of callers up the stack. That ;;; could give a more complete graph when there are many small ;;; functions. ;;; ;;; * Print help strings for reports, include hints to the problem ;;; explained above. ;;; ;;; * Make flat report the default since call-graph isn't that ;;; reliable? (defpackage #:sb-sprof (:use #:cl #:sb-ext #:sb-unix #:sb-alien #:sb-sys) (:export #:*sample-interval* #:*max-samples* #:*alloc-interval* #:*report-sort-by* #:*report-sort-order* #:start-sampling #:stop-sampling #:with-sampling #:with-profiling #:start-profiling #:stop-profiling #:profile-call-counts #:unprofile-call-counts #:reset #:report)) (in-package #:sb-sprof) ;;;; Graph Utilities (defstruct (vertex (:constructor make-vertex) (:constructor make-scc (scc-vertices edges))) (visited nil :type boolean) (root nil :type (or null vertex)) (dfn 0 :type fixnum) (edges () :type list) (scc-vertices () :type list)) (defstruct edge (vertex (sb-impl::missing-arg) :type vertex)) (defstruct graph (vertices () :type list)) (declaim (inline scc-p)) (defun scc-p (vertex) (not (null (vertex-scc-vertices vertex)))) (defmacro do-vertices ((vertex graph) &body body) `(dolist (,vertex (graph-vertices ,graph)) ,@body)) (defmacro do-edges ((edge edge-to vertex) &body body) `(dolist (,edge (vertex-edges ,vertex)) (let ((,edge-to (edge-vertex ,edge))) ,@body))) (defun self-cycle-p (vertex) (do-edges (e to vertex) (when (eq to vertex) (return t)))) (defun map-vertices (fn vertices) (dolist (v vertices) (setf (vertex-visited v) nil)) (dolist (v vertices) (unless (vertex-visited v) (funcall fn v)))) ;;; Eeko Nuutila, Eljas Soisalon-Soininen, around 1992. Improves on ;;; Tarjan's original algorithm by not using the stack when processing ;;; trivial components. Trivial components should appear frequently ;;; in a call-graph such as ours, I think. Same complexity O(V+E) as ;;; Tarjan. (defun strong-components (vertices) (let ((in-component (make-array (length vertices) :element-type 'boolean :initial-element nil)) (stack ()) (components ()) (dfn -1)) (labels ((min-root (x y) (let ((rx (vertex-root x)) (ry (vertex-root y))) (if (< (vertex-dfn rx) (vertex-dfn ry)) rx ry))) (in-component (v) (aref in-component (vertex-dfn v))) ((setf in-component) (in v) (setf (aref in-component (vertex-dfn v)) in)) (vertex-> (x y) (> (vertex-dfn x) (vertex-dfn y))) (visit (v) (setf (vertex-dfn v) (incf dfn) (in-component v) nil (vertex-root v) v (vertex-visited v) t) (do-edges (e w v) (unless (vertex-visited w) (visit w)) (unless (in-component w) (setf (vertex-root v) (min-root v w)))) (if (eq v (vertex-root v)) (loop while (and stack (vertex-> (car stack) v)) as w = (pop stack) collect w into this-component do (setf (in-component w) t) finally (setf (in-component v) t) (push (cons v this-component) components)) (push v stack)))) (map-vertices #'visit vertices) components))) ;;; Given a dag as a list of vertices, return the list sorted ;;; topologically, children first. (defun topological-sort (dag) (let ((sorted ()) (dfn -1)) (labels ((rec-sort (v) (setf (vertex-visited v) t) (setf (vertex-dfn v) (incf dfn)) (dolist (e (vertex-edges v)) (unless (vertex-visited (edge-vertex e)) (rec-sort (edge-vertex e)))) (push v sorted))) (map-vertices #'rec-sort dag) (nreverse sorted)))) ;;; Reduce graph G to a dag by coalescing strongly connected components ;;; into vertices. Sort the result topologically. (defun reduce-graph (graph &optional (scc-constructor #'make-scc)) (sb-int:collect ((sccs) (trivial)) (dolist (c (strong-components (graph-vertices graph))) (if (or (cdr c) (self-cycle-p (car c))) (sb-int:collect ((outgoing)) (dolist (v c) (do-edges (e w v) (unless (member w c) (outgoing e)))) (sccs (funcall scc-constructor c (outgoing)))) (trivial (car c)))) (dolist (scc (sccs)) (dolist (v (trivial)) (do-edges (e w v) (when (member w (vertex-scc-vertices scc)) (setf (edge-vertex e) scc))))) (setf (graph-vertices graph) (topological-sort (nconc (sccs) (trivial)))))) ;;;; The Profiler (deftype address () "Type used for addresses, for instance, program counters, code start/end locations etc." '(unsigned-byte #.sb-vm::n-machine-word-bits)) (defconstant +unknown-address+ 0 "Constant representing an address that cannot be determined.") ;;; A call graph. Vertices are NODE structures, edges are CALL ;;; structures. (defstruct (call-graph (:include graph) (:constructor %make-call-graph)) ;; the value of *SAMPLE-INTERVAL* or *ALLOC-INTERVAL* at the time ;; the graph was created (depending on the current allocation mode) (sample-interval (sb-impl::missing-arg) :type number) ;; the sampling-mode that was used for the profiling run (sampling-mode (sb-impl::missing-arg) :type (member :cpu :alloc :time)) ;; number of samples taken (nsamples (sb-impl::missing-arg) :type sb-int:index) ;; threads that have been sampled (sampled-threads nil :type list) ;; sample count for samples not in any function (elsewhere-count (sb-impl::missing-arg) :type sb-int:index) ;; a flat list of NODEs, sorted by sample count (flat-nodes () :type list)) ;;; A node in a call graph, representing a function that has been ;;; sampled. The edges of a node are CALL structures that represent ;;; functions called from a given node. (defstruct (node (:include vertex) (:constructor %make-node)) ;; A numeric label for the node. The most frequently called function ;; gets label 1. This is just for identification purposes in the ;; profiling report. (index 0 :type fixnum) ;; Start and end address of the function's code. Depending on the ;; debug-info, this might be either as absolute addresses for things ;; that won't move around in memory, or as relative offsets from ;; some point for things that might move. (start-pc-or-offset 0 :type address) (end-pc-or-offset 0 :type address) ;; the name of the function (name nil :type t) ;; sample count for this function (count 0 :type fixnum) ;; count including time spent in functions called from this one (accrued-count 0 :type fixnum) ;; the debug-info that this node was created from (debug-info nil :type t) ;; list of NODEs for functions calling this one (callers () :type list) ;; the call count for the function that corresponds to this node (or NIL ;; if call counting wasn't enabled for this function) (call-count nil :type (or null integer))) ;;; A cycle in a call graph. The functions forming the cycle are ;;; found in the SCC-VERTICES slot of the VERTEX structure. (defstruct (cycle (:include node))) ;;; An edge in a call graph. EDGE-VERTEX is the function being ;;; called. (defstruct (call (:include edge) (:constructor make-call (vertex))) ;; number of times the call was sampled (count 1 :type sb-int:index)) (defvar *sample-interval* 0.01 "Default number of seconds between samples.") (declaim (type number *sample-interval*)) (defvar *alloc-interval* 4 "Default number of allocation region openings between samples.") (declaim (type number *alloc-interval*)) (defvar *max-samples* 50000 "Default number of traces taken. This variable is somewhat misnamed: each trace may actually consist of an arbitrary number of samples, depending on the depth of the call stack.") (declaim (type sb-int:index *max-samples*)) ;;; Encapsulate all the information about a sampling run (defstruct (samples) ;; When this vector fills up, we allocate a new one and copy over ;; the old contents. (vector (make-array (* *max-samples* ;; Arbitrary guess at how many samples we'll be ;; taking for each trace. The exact amount doesn't ;; matter, this is just to decrease the amount of ;; re-allocation that will need to be done. 10 ;; Each sample takes two cells in the vector 2)) :type simple-vector) (trace-count 0 :type sb-int:index) (index 0 :type sb-int:index) (mode nil :type (member :cpu :alloc :time)) (sample-interval (sb-int:missing-arg) :type number) (alloc-interval (sb-int:missing-arg) :type number) (max-depth most-positive-fixnum :type number) (max-samples (sb-int:missing-arg) :type sb-int:index) (sampled-threads nil :type list)) (defmethod print-object ((call-graph call-graph) stream) (print-unreadable-object (call-graph stream :type t :identity t) (format stream "~d samples" (call-graph-nsamples call-graph)))) (defmethod print-object ((node node) stream) (print-unreadable-object (node stream :type t :identity t) (format stream "~s [~d]" (node-name node) (node-index node)))) (defmethod print-object ((call call) stream) (print-unreadable-object (call stream :type t :identity t) (format stream "~s [~d]" (node-name (call-vertex call)) (node-index (call-vertex call))))) (deftype report-type () '(member nil :flat :graph)) (defvar *sampling-mode* :cpu "Default sampling mode. :CPU for cpu profiling, :ALLOC for allocation profiling") (declaim (type (member :cpu :alloc :time) *sampling-mode*)) (defvar *alloc-region-size* #-gencgc (get-page-size) #+gencgc sb-vm:gencgc-alloc-granularity) (declaim (type number *alloc-region-size*)) (defvar *samples* nil) (declaim (type (or null samples) *samples*)) (defvar *profiling* nil) (declaim (type (member nil :alloc :cpu :time) *profiling*)) (defvar *sampling* nil) (declaim (type boolean *sampling*)) (defvar *show-progress* nil) (defvar *old-sampling* nil) ;; Call count encapsulation information (defvar *encapsulations* (make-hash-table :test 'equal)) (defun turn-off-sampling () (setq *old-sampling* *sampling*) (setq *sampling* nil)) (defun turn-on-sampling () (setq *sampling* *old-sampling*)) (defun show-progress (format-string &rest args) (when *show-progress* (apply #'format t format-string args) (finish-output))) (defun start-sampling () "Switch on statistical sampling." (setq *sampling* t)) (defun stop-sampling () "Switch off statistical sampling." (setq *sampling* nil)) (defmacro with-sampling ((&optional (on t)) &body body) "Evaluate body with statistical sampling turned on or off." `(let ((*sampling* ,on) (sb-vm:*alloc-signal* sb-vm:*alloc-signal*)) ,@body)) ;;; Return something serving as debug info for address PC. (declaim (inline debug-info)) (defun debug-info (pc) (declare (type system-area-pointer pc) (muffle-conditions compiler-note)) (let ((ptr (sb-di::component-ptr-from-pc pc))) (cond ((sap= ptr (int-sap 0)) (let ((name (sap-foreign-symbol pc))) (if name (values (format nil "foreign function ~a" name) (sap-int pc)) (values nil (sap-int pc))))) (t (let* ((code (sb-di::component-from-component-ptr ptr)) (code-header-len (* (sb-kernel:get-header-data code) sb-vm:n-word-bytes)) (pc-offset (- (sap-int pc) (- (sb-kernel:get-lisp-obj-address code) sb-vm:other-pointer-lowtag) code-header-len)) (df (sb-di::debug-fun-from-pc code pc-offset))) (cond ((typep df 'sb-di::bogus-debug-fun) (values code (sap-int pc))) (df ;; The code component might be moved by the GC. Store ;; a PC offset, and reconstruct the data in ;; SAMPLE-PC-FROM-PC-OR-OFFSET. (values df pc-offset)) (t (values nil 0)))))))) (defun ensure-samples-vector (samples) (let ((vector (samples-vector samples)) (index (samples-index samples))) ;; Allocate a new sample vector if the old one is full (if (= (length vector) index) (let ((new-vector (make-array (* 2 index)))) (format *trace-output* "Profiler sample vector full (~a traces / ~a samples), doubling the size~%" (samples-trace-count samples) (truncate index 2)) (replace new-vector vector) (setf (samples-vector samples) new-vector)) vector))) (declaim (inline record)) (defun record (samples pc) (declare (type system-area-pointer pc) (muffle-conditions compiler-note)) (multiple-value-bind (info pc-or-offset) (debug-info pc) (let ((vector (ensure-samples-vector samples)) (index (samples-index samples))) (declare (type simple-vector vector)) ;; Allocate a new sample vector if the old one is full (when (= (length vector) index) (let ((new-vector (make-array (* 2 index)))) (format *trace-output* "Profiler sample vector full (~a traces / ~a samples), doubling the size~%" (samples-trace-count samples) (truncate index 2)) (replace new-vector vector) (setf vector new-vector (samples-vector samples) new-vector))) ;; For each sample, store the debug-info and the PC/offset into ;; adjacent cells. (setf (aref vector index) info (aref vector (1+ index)) pc-or-offset))) (incf (samples-index samples) 2)) (defun record-trace-start (samples) ;; Mark the start of the trace. (let ((vector (ensure-samples-vector samples))) (declare (type simple-vector vector)) (setf (aref vector (samples-index samples)) 'trace-start)) (incf (samples-index samples) 2)) ;;; List of thread currently profiled, or :ALL for all threads. (defvar *profiled-threads* nil) (declaim (type (or list (member :all)) *profiled-threads*)) ;;; Thread which runs the wallclock timers, if any. (defvar *timer-thread* nil) (defun profiled-threads () (let ((profiled-threads *profiled-threads*)) (remove *timer-thread* (if (eq :all profiled-threads) (sb-thread:list-all-threads) profiled-threads)))) (defun profiled-thread-p (thread) (let ((profiled-threads *profiled-threads*)) (or (and (eq :all profiled-threads) (not (eq *timer-thread* thread))) (member thread profiled-threads :test #'eq)))) #+(or x86 x86-64) (progn ;; Ensure that only one thread at a time will be doing profiling stuff. (defvar *profiler-lock* (sb-thread:make-mutex :name "Statistical Profiler")) (defvar *distribution-lock* (sb-thread:make-mutex :name "Wallclock profiling lock")) (declaim (inline pthread-kill)) (define-alien-routine pthread-kill int (os-thread unsigned-long) (signal int)) ;;; A random thread will call this in response to either a timer firing, ;;; This in turn will distribute the notice to those threads we are ;;; interested using SIGPROF. (defun thread-distribution-handler () (declare (optimize sb-c::merge-tail-calls)) (when *sampling* #+sb-thread (let ((lock *distribution-lock*)) ;; Don't flood the system with more interrupts if the last ;; set is still being delivered. (unless (sb-thread:mutex-value lock) (sb-thread::with-system-mutex (lock) (dolist (thread (profiled-threads)) ;; This may occasionally fail to deliver the signal, but that ;; seems better then using kill_thread_safely with it's 1 ;; second backoff. (let ((os-thread (sb-thread::thread-os-thread thread))) (when os-thread (pthread-kill os-thread sb-unix:sigprof))))))) #-sb-thread (unix-kill 0 sb-unix:sigprof))) (defun sigprof-handler (signal code scp) (declare (ignore signal code) (optimize speed (space 0)) (disable-package-locks sb-di::x86-call-context) (muffle-conditions compiler-note) (type system-area-pointer scp)) (let ((self sb-thread:*current-thread*) (profiling *profiling*)) ;; Turn off allocation counter when it is not needed. Doing this in the ;; signal handler means we don't have to worry about racing with the runtime (unless (eq :alloc profiling) (setf sb-vm::*alloc-signal* nil)) (when (and *sampling* ;; Normal SIGPROF gets practically speaking delivered to threads ;; depending on the run time they use, so we need to filter ;; out those we don't care about. For :ALLOC and :TIME profiling ;; only the interesting threads get SIGPROF in the first place. ;; ;; ...except that Darwin at least doesn't seem to work like we ;; would want it to, which makes multithreaded :CPU profiling pretty ;; pointless there -- though it may be that our mach magic is ;; partially to blame? (or (not (eq :cpu profiling)) (profiled-thread-p self))) (sb-thread::with-system-mutex (*profiler-lock* :without-gcing t) (let ((samples *samples*)) (when (and samples (< (samples-trace-count samples) (samples-max-samples samples))) (with-alien ((scp (* os-context-t) :local scp)) (let* ((pc-ptr (sb-vm:context-pc scp)) (fp (sb-vm::context-register scp #.sb-vm::ebp-offset))) ;; foreign code might not have a useful frame ;; pointer in ebp/rbp, so make sure it looks ;; reasonable before walking the stack (unless (sb-di::control-stack-pointer-valid-p (sb-sys:int-sap fp)) (record samples pc-ptr) (return-from sigprof-handler nil)) (incf (samples-trace-count samples)) (pushnew self (samples-sampled-threads samples)) (let ((fp (int-sap fp)) (ok t)) (declare (type system-area-pointer fp pc-ptr)) ;; FIXME: How annoying. The XC doesn't store enough ;; type information about SB-DI::X86-CALL-CONTEXT, ;; even if we declaim the ftype explicitly in ;; src/code/debug-int. And for some reason that type ;; information is needed for the inlined version to ;; be compiled without boxing the returned saps. So ;; we declare the correct ftype here manually, even ;; if the compiler should be able to deduce this ;; exact same information. (declare (ftype (function (system-area-pointer) (values (member nil t) system-area-pointer system-area-pointer)) sb-di::x86-call-context)) (record-trace-start samples) (dotimes (i (samples-max-depth samples)) (record samples pc-ptr) (setf (values ok pc-ptr fp) (sb-di::x86-call-context fp)) (unless ok (return)))))) ;; Reset thread-local allocation counter before interrupts ;; are enabled. (when (eq t sb-vm::*alloc-signal*) (setf sb-vm:*alloc-signal* (1- (samples-alloc-interval samples))))))))) nil)) ;; FIXME: On non-x86 platforms we don't yet walk the call stack deeper ;; than one level. #-(or x86 x86-64) (defun sigprof-handler (signal code scp) (declare (ignore signal code)) (sb-sys:without-interrupts (let ((samples *samples*)) (when (and *sampling* samples (< (samples-trace-count samples) (samples-max-samples samples))) (sb-sys:without-gcing (with-alien ((scp (* os-context-t) :local scp)) (locally (declare (optimize (inhibit-warnings 2))) (incf (samples-trace-count samples)) (record-trace-start samples) (let* ((pc-ptr (sb-vm:context-pc scp)) (fp (sb-vm::context-register scp #.sb-vm::cfp-offset)) (ra (sap-ref-word (int-sap fp) (* sb-vm::lra-save-offset sb-vm::n-word-bytes)))) (record samples pc-ptr) (record samples (int-sap ra)))))))))) ;;; Return the start address of CODE. (defun code-start (code) (declare (type sb-kernel:code-component code)) (sap-int (sb-kernel:code-instructions code))) ;;; Return start and end address of CODE as multiple values. (defun code-bounds (code) (declare (type sb-kernel:code-component code)) (let* ((start (code-start code)) (end (+ start (sb-kernel:%code-code-size code)))) (values start end))) (defmacro with-profiling ((&key (sample-interval '*sample-interval*) (alloc-interval '*alloc-interval*) (max-samples '*max-samples*) (reset nil) (mode '*sampling-mode*) (loop t) (max-depth most-positive-fixnum) show-progress (threads '(list sb-thread:*current-thread*)) (report nil report-p)) &body body) "Repeatedly evaluate BODY with statistical profiling turned on. In multi-threaded operation, only the thread in which WITH-PROFILING was evaluated will be profiled by default. If you want to profile multiple threads, invoke the profiler with START-PROFILING. The following keyword args are recognized: :SAMPLE-INTERVAL Take a sample every seconds. Default is *SAMPLE-INTERVAL*. :ALLOC-INTERVAL Take a sample every time allocation regions (approximately 8kB) have been allocated since the last sample. Default is *ALLOC-INTERVAL*. :MODE If :CPU, run the profiler in CPU profiling mode. If :ALLOC, run the profiler in allocation profiling mode. If :TIME, run the profiler in wallclock profiling mode. :MAX-SAMPLES Repeat evaluating body until samples are taken. Default is *MAX-SAMPLES*. :MAX-DEPTH Maximum call stack depth that the profiler should consider. Only has an effect on x86 and x86-64. :REPORT If specified, call REPORT with :TYPE at the end. :RESET It true, call RESET at the beginning. :THREADS Form that evaluates to the list threads to profile, or :ALL to indicate that all threads should be profiled. Defaults to the current thread. (Note: START-PROFILING defaults to all threads.) :THREADS has no effect on call-counting at the moment. On some platforms (eg. Darwin) the signals used by the profiler are not properly delivered to threads in proportion to their CPU usage when doing :CPU profiling. If you see empty call graphs, or are obviously missing several samples from certain threads, you may be falling afoul of this. :LOOP If true (the default) repeatedly evaluate BODY. If false, evaluate if only once." (declare (type report-type report)) `(let* ((*sample-interval* ,sample-interval) (*alloc-interval* ,alloc-interval) (*sampling* nil) (*sampling-mode* ,mode) (*max-samples* ,max-samples)) ,@(when reset '((reset))) (unwind-protect (progn (start-profiling :max-depth ,max-depth :threads ,threads) (loop (when (>= (samples-trace-count *samples*) (samples-max-samples *samples*)) (return)) ,@(when show-progress `((format t "~&===> ~d of ~d samples taken.~%" (samples-trace-count *samples*) (samples-max-samples *samples*)))) (let ((.last-index. (samples-index *samples*))) ,@body (when (= .last-index. (samples-index *samples*)) (warn "No sampling progress; possibly a profiler bug.") (return))) (unless ,loop (return)))) (stop-profiling)) ,@(when report-p `((report :type ,report))))) (defvar *timer* nil) (defvar *old-alloc-interval* nil) (defvar *old-sample-interval* nil) (defun start-profiling (&key (max-samples *max-samples*) (mode *sampling-mode*) (sample-interval *sample-interval*) (alloc-interval *alloc-interval*) (max-depth most-positive-fixnum) (threads :all) (sampling t)) "Start profiling statistically in the current thread if not already profiling. The following keyword args are recognized: :SAMPLE-INTERVAL Take a sample every seconds. Default is *SAMPLE-INTERVAL*. :ALLOC-INTERVAL Take a sample every time allocation regions (approximately 8kB) have been allocated since the last sample. Default is *ALLOC-INTERVAL*. :MODE If :CPU, run the profiler in CPU profiling mode. If :ALLOC, run the profiler in allocation profiling mode. If :TIME, run the profiler in wallclock profiling mode. :MAX-SAMPLES Maximum number of samples. Default is *MAX-SAMPLES*. :MAX-DEPTH Maximum call stack depth that the profiler should consider. Only has an effect on x86 and x86-64. :THREADS List threads to profile, or :ALL to indicate that all threads should be profiled. Defaults to :ALL. (Note: WITH-PROFILING defaults to the current thread.) :THREADS has no effect on call-counting at the moment. On some platforms (eg. Darwin) the signals used by the profiler are not properly delivered to threads in proportion to their CPU usage when doing :CPU profiling. If you see empty call graphs, or are obviously missing several samples from certain threads, you may be falling afoul of this. :SAMPLING If true, the default, start sampling right away. If false, START-SAMPLING can be used to turn sampling on." #-gencgc (when (eq mode :alloc) (error "Allocation profiling is only supported for builds using the generational garbage collector.")) (unless *profiling* (multiple-value-bind (secs usecs) (multiple-value-bind (secs rest) (truncate sample-interval) (values secs (truncate (* rest 1000000)))) (setf *sampling* sampling *samples* (make-samples :max-depth max-depth :max-samples max-samples :sample-interval sample-interval :alloc-interval alloc-interval :mode mode)) (enable-call-counting) (setf *profiled-threads* threads) (sb-sys:enable-interrupt sb-unix:sigprof #'sigprof-handler) (ecase mode (:alloc (let ((alloc-signal (1- alloc-interval))) #+sb-thread (progn (when (eq :all threads) ;; Set the value new threads inherit. (sb-thread::with-all-threads-lock (setf sb-thread::*default-alloc-signal* alloc-signal))) ;; Turn on allocation profiling in existing threads. (dolist (thread (profiled-threads)) (sb-thread::%set-symbol-value-in-thread 'sb-vm::*alloc-signal* thread alloc-signal))) #-sb-thread (setf sb-vm:*alloc-signal* alloc-signal))) (:cpu (unix-setitimer :profile secs usecs secs usecs)) (:time #+sb-thread (let ((setup (sb-thread:make-semaphore :name "Timer thread setup semaphore"))) (setf *timer-thread* (sb-thread:make-thread (lambda () (sb-thread:wait-on-semaphore setup) (loop while (eq sb-thread:*current-thread* *timer-thread*) do (sleep 1.0))) :name "SB-SPROF wallclock timer thread")) (sb-thread:signal-semaphore setup)) #-sb-thread (setf *timer-thread* nil) (setf *timer* (make-timer #'thread-distribution-handler :name "SB-PROF wallclock timer" :thread *timer-thread*)) (schedule-timer *timer* sample-interval :repeat-interval sample-interval))) (setq *profiling* mode))) (values)) (defun stop-profiling () "Stop profiling if profiling." (let ((profiling *profiling*)) (when profiling ;; Even with the timers shut down we cannot be sure that there is no ;; undelivered sigprof. The handler is also responsible for turning the ;; *ALLOC-SIGNAL* off in individual threads. (ecase profiling (:alloc #+sb-thread (setf sb-thread::*default-alloc-signal* nil) #-sb-thread (setf sb-vm:*alloc-signal* nil)) (:cpu (unix-setitimer :profile 0 0 0 0)) (:time (unschedule-timer *timer*) (setf *timer* nil *timer-thread* nil))) (disable-call-counting) (setf *profiling* nil *sampling* nil *profiled-threads* nil))) (values)) (defun reset () "Reset the profiler." (stop-profiling) (setq *sampling* nil) (setq *samples* nil) (values)) ;;; Make a NODE for debug-info INFO. (defun make-node (info) (flet ((clean-name (name) (if (and (consp name) (member (first name) '(sb-c::xep sb-c::tl-xep sb-c::&more-processor sb-c::varargs-entry sb-c::top-level-form sb-c::hairy-arg-processor sb-c::&optional-processor))) (second name) name))) (typecase info (sb-kernel::code-component (multiple-value-bind (start end) (code-bounds info) (values (%make-node :name (or (sb-disassem::find-assembler-routine start) (format nil "~a" info)) :debug-info info :start-pc-or-offset start :end-pc-or-offset end) info))) (sb-di::compiled-debug-fun (let* ((name (sb-di::debug-fun-name info)) (cdf (sb-di::compiled-debug-fun-compiler-debug-fun info)) (start-offset (sb-c::compiled-debug-fun-start-pc cdf)) (end-offset (sb-c::compiled-debug-fun-elsewhere-pc cdf)) (component (sb-di::compiled-debug-fun-component info)) (start-pc (code-start component))) ;; Call graphs are mostly useless unless we somehow ;; distinguish a gazillion different (LAMBDA ())'s. (when (equal name '(lambda ())) (setf name (format nil "Unknown component: #x~x" start-pc))) (values (%make-node :name (clean-name name) :debug-info info :start-pc-or-offset start-offset :end-pc-or-offset end-offset) component))) (sb-di::debug-fun (%make-node :name (clean-name (sb-di::debug-fun-name info)) :debug-info info)) (t (%make-node :name (coerce info 'string) :debug-info info))))) ;;; One function can have more than one COMPILED-DEBUG-FUNCTION with ;;; the same name. Reduce the number of calls to Debug-Info by first ;;; looking for a given PC in a red-black tree. If not found in the ;;; tree, get debug info, and look for a node in a hash-table by ;;; function name. If not found in the hash-table, make a new node. (defvar *name->node*) (defmacro with-lookup-tables (() &body body) `(let ((*name->node* (make-hash-table :test 'equal))) ,@body)) ;;; Find or make a new node for INFO. Value is the NODE found or ;;; made; NIL if not enough information exists to make a NODE for INFO. (defun lookup-node (info) (when info (multiple-value-bind (new key) (make-node info) (when (eql (node-name new) 'call-counter) (return-from lookup-node (values nil nil))) (let* ((key (cons (node-name new) key)) (found (gethash key *name->node*))) (cond (found (setf (node-start-pc-or-offset found) (min (node-start-pc-or-offset found) (node-start-pc-or-offset new))) (setf (node-end-pc-or-offset found) (max (node-end-pc-or-offset found) (node-end-pc-or-offset new))) found) (t (let ((call-count-info (gethash (node-name new) *encapsulations*))) (when call-count-info (setf (node-call-count new) (car call-count-info)))) (setf (gethash key *name->node*) new) new)))))) ;;; Return a list of all nodes created by LOOKUP-NODE. (defun collect-nodes () (loop for node being the hash-values of *name->node* collect node)) ;;; Value is a CALL-GRAPH for the current contents of *SAMPLES*. (defun make-call-graph-1 (max-depth) (let ((elsewhere-count 0) visited-nodes) (with-lookup-tables () (loop for i below (- (samples-index *samples*) 2) by 2 with depth = 0 for debug-info = (aref (samples-vector *samples*) i) for next-info = (aref (samples-vector *samples*) (+ i 2)) do (if (eq debug-info 'trace-start) (setf depth 0) (let ((callee (lookup-node debug-info)) (caller (unless (eq next-info 'trace-start) (lookup-node next-info)))) (when (< depth max-depth) (when (zerop depth) (setf visited-nodes nil) (cond (callee (incf (node-accrued-count callee)) (incf (node-count callee))) (t (incf elsewhere-count)))) (incf depth) (when callee (push callee visited-nodes)) (when caller (unless (member caller visited-nodes) (incf (node-accrued-count caller))) (when callee (let ((call (find callee (node-edges caller) :key #'call-vertex))) (pushnew caller (node-callers callee)) (if call (unless (member caller visited-nodes) (incf (call-count call))) (push (make-call callee) (node-edges caller)))))))))) (let ((sorted-nodes (sort (collect-nodes) #'> :key #'node-count))) (loop for node in sorted-nodes and i from 1 do (setf (node-index node) i)) (%make-call-graph :nsamples (samples-trace-count *samples*) :sample-interval (if (eq (samples-mode *samples*) :alloc) (samples-alloc-interval *samples*) (samples-sample-interval *samples*)) :sampling-mode (samples-mode *samples*) :sampled-threads (samples-sampled-threads *samples*) :elsewhere-count elsewhere-count :vertices sorted-nodes))))) ;;; Reduce CALL-GRAPH to a dag, creating CYCLE structures for call ;;; cycles. (defun reduce-call-graph (call-graph) (let ((cycle-no 0)) (flet ((make-one-cycle (vertices edges) (let* ((name (format nil "" (incf cycle-no))) (count (loop for v in vertices sum (node-count v)))) (make-cycle :name name :index cycle-no :count count :scc-vertices vertices :edges edges)))) (reduce-graph call-graph #'make-one-cycle)))) ;;; For all nodes in CALL-GRAPH, compute times including the time ;;; spent in functions called from them. Note that the call-graph ;;; vertices are in reverse topological order, children first, so we ;;; will have computed accrued counts of called functions before they ;;; are used to compute accrued counts for callers. (defun compute-accrued-counts (call-graph) (do-vertices (from call-graph) (setf (node-accrued-count from) (node-count from)) (do-edges (call to from) (incf (node-accrued-count from) (round (* (/ (call-count call) (node-count to)) (node-accrued-count to))))))) ;;; Return a CALL-GRAPH structure for the current contents of ;;; *SAMPLES*. The result contain a list of nodes sorted by self-time ;;; in the FLAT-NODES slot, and a dag in VERTICES, with call cycles ;;; reduced to CYCLE structures. (defun make-call-graph (max-depth) (stop-profiling) (show-progress "~&Computing call graph ") (let ((call-graph (without-gcing (make-call-graph-1 max-depth)))) (setf (call-graph-flat-nodes call-graph) (copy-list (graph-vertices call-graph))) (show-progress "~&Finding cycles") #+nil (reduce-call-graph call-graph) (show-progress "~&Propagating counts") #+nil (compute-accrued-counts call-graph) call-graph)) ;;;; Reporting (defun print-separator (&key (length 72) (char #\-)) (format t "~&~V,,,V<~>~%" length char)) (defun samples-percent (call-graph count) (if (> count 0) (* 100.0 (/ count (call-graph-nsamples call-graph))) 0)) (defun print-call-graph-header (call-graph) (let ((nsamples (call-graph-nsamples call-graph)) (interval (call-graph-sample-interval call-graph)) (ncycles (loop for v in (graph-vertices call-graph) count (scc-p v)))) (if (eq (call-graph-sampling-mode call-graph) :alloc) (format t "~2&Number of samples: ~d~%~ Alloc interval: ~a regions (approximately ~a kB)~%~ Total sampling amount: ~a regions (approximately ~a kB)~%~ Number of cycles: ~d~%~ Sampled threads:~{~% ~S~}~2%" nsamples interval (truncate (* interval *alloc-region-size*) 1024) (* nsamples interval) (truncate (* nsamples interval *alloc-region-size*) 1024) ncycles (call-graph-sampled-threads call-graph)) (format t "~2&Number of samples: ~d~%~ Sample interval: ~f seconds~%~ Total sampling time: ~f seconds~%~ Number of cycles: ~d~%~ Sampled threads:~{~% ~S~}~2%" nsamples interval (* nsamples interval) ncycles (call-graph-sampled-threads call-graph))))) (declaim (type (member :samples :cumulative-samples) *report-sort-by*)) (defvar *report-sort-by* :samples "Method for sorting the flat report: either by :SAMPLES or by :CUMULATIVE-SAMPLES.") (declaim (type (member :descending :ascending) *report-sort-order*)) (defvar *report-sort-order* :descending "Order for sorting the flat report: either :DESCENDING or :ASCENDING.") (defun print-flat (call-graph &key (stream *standard-output*) max min-percent (print-header t) (sort-by *report-sort-by*) (sort-order *report-sort-order*)) (declare (type (member :descending :ascending) sort-order) (type (member :samples :cumulative-samples) sort-by)) (let ((*standard-output* stream) (*print-pretty* nil) (total-count 0) (total-percent 0) (min-count (if min-percent (round (* (/ min-percent 100.0) (call-graph-nsamples call-graph))) 0))) (when print-header (print-call-graph-header call-graph)) (format t "~& Self Total Cumul~%") (format t "~& Nr Count % Count % Count % Calls Function~%") (print-separator) (let ((elsewhere-count (call-graph-elsewhere-count call-graph)) (i 0) (nodes (stable-sort (copy-list (call-graph-flat-nodes call-graph)) (let ((cmp (if (eq :descending sort-order) #'> #'<))) (multiple-value-bind (primary secondary) (if (eq :samples sort-by) (values #'node-count #'node-accrued-count) (values #'node-accrued-count #'node-count)) (lambda (x y) (let ((cx (funcall primary x)) (cy (funcall primary y))) (if (= cx cy) (funcall cmp (funcall secondary x) (funcall secondary y)) (funcall cmp cx cy))))))))) (dolist (node nodes) (when (or (and max (> (incf i) max)) (< (node-count node) min-count)) (return)) (let* ((count (node-count node)) (percent (samples-percent call-graph count)) (accrued-count (node-accrued-count node)) (accrued-percent (samples-percent call-graph accrued-count))) (incf total-count count) (incf total-percent percent) (format t "~&~4d ~6d ~5,1f ~6d ~5,1f ~6d ~5,1f ~8@a ~s~%" (incf i) count percent accrued-count accrued-percent total-count total-percent (or (node-call-count node) "-") (node-name node)) (finish-output))) (print-separator) (format t "~& ~6d ~5,1f~36a elsewhere~%" elsewhere-count (samples-percent call-graph elsewhere-count) "")))) (defun print-cycles (call-graph) (when (some #'cycle-p (graph-vertices call-graph)) (format t "~& Cycle~%") (format t "~& Count % Parts~%") (do-vertices (node call-graph) (when (cycle-p node) (flet ((print-info (indent index count percent name) (format t "~&~6d ~5,1f ~11@t ~V@t ~s [~d]~%" count percent indent name index))) (print-separator) (format t "~&~6d ~5,1f ~a...~%" (node-count node) (samples-percent call-graph (cycle-count node)) (node-name node)) (dolist (v (vertex-scc-vertices node)) (print-info 4 (node-index v) (node-count v) (samples-percent call-graph (node-count v)) (node-name v)))))) (print-separator) (format t "~2%"))) (defun print-graph (call-graph &key (stream *standard-output*) max min-percent) (let ((*standard-output* stream) (*print-pretty* nil)) (print-call-graph-header call-graph) (print-cycles call-graph) (flet ((find-call (from to) (find to (node-edges from) :key #'call-vertex)) (print-info (indent index count percent name) (format t "~&~6d ~5,1f ~11@t ~V@t ~s [~d]~%" count percent indent name index))) (format t "~& Callers~%") (format t "~& Total. Function~%") (format t "~& Count % Count % Callees~%") (do-vertices (node call-graph) (print-separator) ;; ;; Print caller information. (dolist (caller (node-callers node)) (let ((call (find-call caller node))) (print-info 4 (node-index caller) (call-count call) (samples-percent call-graph (call-count call)) (node-name caller)))) ;; Print the node itself. (format t "~&~6d ~5,1f ~6d ~5,1f ~s [~d]~%" (node-count node) (samples-percent call-graph (node-count node)) (node-accrued-count node) (samples-percent call-graph (node-accrued-count node)) (node-name node) (node-index node)) ;; Print callees. (do-edges (call called node) (print-info 4 (node-index called) (call-count call) (samples-percent call-graph (call-count call)) (node-name called)))) (print-separator) (format t "~2%") (print-flat call-graph :stream stream :max max :min-percent min-percent :print-header nil)))) (defun report (&key (type :graph) max min-percent call-graph ((:sort-by *report-sort-by*) *report-sort-by*) ((:sort-order *report-sort-order*) *report-sort-order*) (stream *standard-output*) ((:show-progress *show-progress*))) "Report statistical profiling results. The following keyword args are recognized: :TYPE Specifies the type of report to generate. If :FLAT, show flat report, if :GRAPH show a call graph and a flat report. If nil, don't print out a report. :STREAM Specify a stream to print the report on. Default is *STANDARD-OUTPUT*. :MAX Don't show more than entries in the flat report. :MIN-PERCENT Don't show functions taking less than of the total time in the flat report. :SORT-BY If :SAMPLES, sort flat report by number of samples taken. If :CUMULATIVE-SAMPLES, sort flat report by cumulative number of samples taken (shows how much time each function spent on stack.) Default is *REPORT-SORT-BY*. :SORT-ORDER If :DESCENDING, sort flat report in descending order. If :ASCENDING, sort flat report in ascending order. Default is *REPORT-SORT-ORDER*. :SHOW-PROGRESS If true, print progress messages while generating the call graph. :CALL-GRAPH Print a report from instead of the latest profiling results. Value of this function is a CALL-GRAPH object representing the resulting call-graph, or NIL if there are no samples (eg. right after calling RESET.) Profiling is stopped before the call graph is generated." (cond (*samples* (let ((graph (or call-graph (make-call-graph most-positive-fixnum)))) (ecase type (:flat (print-flat graph :stream stream :max max :min-percent min-percent)) (:graph (print-graph graph :stream stream :max max :min-percent min-percent)) ((nil))) graph)) (t (format stream "~&; No samples to report.~%") nil))) ;;; Interface to DISASSEMBLE (defun sample-pc-from-pc-or-offset (sample pc-or-offset) (etypecase sample ;; Assembly routines or foreign functions don't move around, so we've ;; stored a raw PC ((or sb-kernel:code-component string) pc-or-offset) ;; Lisp functions might move, so we've stored a offset from the ;; start of the code component. (sb-di::compiled-debug-fun (let* ((component (sb-di::compiled-debug-fun-component sample)) (start-pc (code-start component))) (+ start-pc pc-or-offset))))) (defun add-disassembly-profile-note (chunk stream dstate) (declare (ignore chunk stream)) (when *samples* (let* ((location (+ (sb-disassem::seg-virtual-location (sb-disassem:dstate-segment dstate)) (sb-disassem::dstate-cur-offs dstate))) (samples (loop with index = (samples-index *samples*) for x from 0 below (- index 2) by 2 for last-sample = nil then sample for sample = (aref (samples-vector *samples*) x) for pc-or-offset = (aref (samples-vector *samples*) (1+ x)) when (and sample (eq last-sample 'trace-start)) count (= location (sample-pc-from-pc-or-offset sample pc-or-offset))))) (unless (zerop samples) (sb-disassem::note (format nil "~A/~A samples" samples (samples-trace-count *samples*)) dstate))))) (pushnew 'add-disassembly-profile-note sb-disassem::*default-dstate-hooks*) ;;;; Call counting ;;; The following functions tell sb-sprof to do call count profiling ;;; for the named functions in addition to normal statistical ;;; profiling. The benefit of this over using SB-PROFILE is that this ;;; encapsulation is a lot more lightweight, due to not needing to ;;; track cpu usage / consing. (For example, compiling asdf 20 times ;;; took 13s normally, 15s with call counting for all functions in ;;; SB-C, and 94s with SB-PROFILE profiling SB-C). (defun profile-call-counts (&rest names) "Mark the functions named by NAMES as being subject to call counting during statistical profiling. If a string is used as a name, it will be interpreted as a package name. In this case call counting will be done for all functions with names like X or (SETF X), where X is a symbol with the package as its home package." (dolist (name names) (if (stringp name) (let ((package (find-package name))) (do-symbols (symbol package) (when (eql (symbol-package symbol) package) (dolist (function-name (list symbol (list 'setf symbol))) (profile-call-counts-for-function function-name))))) (profile-call-counts-for-function name)))) (defun profile-call-counts-for-function (function-name) (unless (gethash function-name *encapsulations*) (setf (gethash function-name *encapsulations*) nil))) (defun unprofile-call-counts () "Clear all call counting information. Call counting will be done for no functions during statistical profiling." (clrhash *encapsulations*)) ;;; Called when profiling is started to enable the call counting ;;; encapsulation. Wrap all the call counted functions (defun enable-call-counting () (maphash (lambda (k v) (declare (ignore v)) (enable-call-counting-for-function k)) *encapsulations*)) ;;; Called when profiling is stopped to disable the encapsulation. Restore ;;; the original functions. (defun disable-call-counting () (maphash (lambda (k v) (when v (assert (cdr v)) (without-package-locks (setf (fdefinition k) (cdr v))) (setf (cdr v) nil))) *encapsulations*)) (defun enable-call-counting-for-function (function-name) (let ((info (gethash function-name *encapsulations*))) ;; We should never try to encapsulate an fdefn multiple times. (assert (or (null info) (null (cdr info)))) (when (and (fboundp function-name) (or (not (symbolp function-name)) (and (not (special-operator-p function-name)) (not (macro-function function-name))))) (let* ((original-fun (fdefinition function-name)) (info (cons 0 original-fun))) (setf (gethash function-name *encapsulations*) info) (without-package-locks (setf (fdefinition function-name) (sb-int:named-lambda call-counter (sb-int:&more more-context more-count) (declare (optimize speed (safety 0))) ;; 2^59 calls should be enough for anybody, and it ;; allows using fixnum arithmetic on x86-64. 2^32 ;; isn't enough, so we can't do that on 32 bit platforms. (incf (the (unsigned-byte 59) (car info))) (multiple-value-call original-fun (sb-c:%more-arg-values more-context 0 more-count))))))))) ;;; silly examples (defun test-0 (n &optional (depth 0)) (declare (optimize (debug 3))) (when (< depth n) (dotimes (i n) (test-0 n (1+ depth)) (test-0 n (1+ depth))))) (defun test () (with-profiling (:reset t :max-samples 1000 :report :graph) (test-0 7))) ;;; provision (provide 'sb-sprof) ;;; end of file