Metadocumentation: documentation for generating SBCL's Documentation Overview ======== SBCL's documentation is written in XML DocBook which is a semantically marked document not meant for reading. Rather, a DocBook file is meant to be transformed into presentation formats such as HTML, PDF, and plain text. To perform such translation, you'll need tools beyond what is included in the SBCL distribution: 1) To verify the correctness of the XML documentation, you'll need the DocBook DTD files and an XML verification tools. 2) To transform the main XML DocBook file (user-manual.xml), you need an XSL Transformer and the Docbook XSL Stylesheets. The stylesheets provide output in HTML, XHTML, and FO (formatted objects) formats. 3) If you want to create PDF or Postscript output, you'll need an FO processor. Catalog Files ============= Catalog files are used to map URLs used in the SBCL Docbook and stylesheet files into local file names. By using catalog, processing is faster and a network connection is not necessary. Catalog files are specific to an operating system since they embed file locations. The SBCL Makefile attempts to determine the correct catalog for your system. If SBCL does not supply a catalog for your system, processing the DocBook files will require a network connections. Default Processing ================== A shell script ( is provided which creates the default HTML documentation. This shell scripts invokes the GNU make tool to create the HTML target. The Makefile assumes the existance of a standard set of tools: the xsltproc XSL transformer and, ideally, the DocBook XML DTDs and XSL stylesheets. Tools for Debian ---------------- You will the below binary packages, and their dependencies, installed. xsltproc (XSLT engine) docbook-xml (XML DTDs) docbook-xsl (stylesheets) libxml2-utils (provides the xmllint verifier) [optional] libfop-java (provides a FO processor for generating PDF output) [optiona] The easiest way to do this is with the command: apt-get install xsltproc docbook-xsl docbook-xml libxml2-utils libfop-java Tools for SuSE -------------- You will the below binary packages, and their dependencies, installed. libxslt (xsltproc) docbook_4 (XML DTDs) docbook-xsl-stylesheets (stylesheets) libxml2 (xmllint) [optional] Tools for Fink -------------- libxslt (xsltproc) docbook-dtd (XML DTDs) docbook-xsl (stylesheets) libxml2-bin (xmllint) [optional] The easiest way to do this is with the command: fink install libxslt docbook-dtd docbook-xsl libxml2-bin Tools Web Home -------------- xsltproc DocBook DTD DocBook XSL xmllint FOP