MACH EXCEPTION HANDLER NOTES Cyrus Harmon, December 2007 The goal of this work is to use make SBCL use mach exception handlers instead of so-called BSD-style signal handlers on Mac OS X. Cyrus Harmon and Alastair Bridgewater have been working on this. Mac OS X has a mach-based kernel that has its own API for things like threads and exception handling. Both mach exception handlers and BSD-style signal handlers are available for use by application programmers, but the signal handlers, which are implemented as a compatibility layer on top of mach exceptions, have some problems. The main problem for SBCL is that when using BSD-style signal handlers to respond to SIGSEGV for access to protected memory areas, we cannot use gdb to debug the process. This is problematic for SBCL which sets up, and reads and writes to, protected memory areas early and often. Additionally, threaded builds are seeing a number of problems with SIGILLs being thrown at odd times. It appears that these are coming from with the OS signal handling libraries directly, so debugging these is rather tricky, especially in the absence of a debugger. Thirdly, the protected memory accesses can, under certain settings, trigger the Mac OS X CrashReporter, either logging voluminous messages to a log file or, worse yet, triggering a user-intervention dialog. To address these three problems, we propose replacing the BSD-style signal handling facility with a mach exception handling facility. Preliminary tests with mach exceptions show that GDB is much happier when using mach exceptions to respond to access to protected memory. While mach exceptions probably won't directly fix the threading problems, they remove a potentially problematic section of code, the portion of the Mac OS X system library that deals with BSD-style signal handling emulation and delivery of those signals to multiple threads. Even if using mach exceptions in and of itself doesn't immediately fix the problem, it should me much easier to diagnose using a debugger. Finally, the CrashReporter problem appears to go away as well, as this arises from an unfortunate placement of the CrashReporting facility in the OS between the mach exception handling and the BSD-style signal emulation. By catching the mach exceptions ourselves, we avoid this problem. * Mach exception handling details and example Mach exceptions work by creating a thread that listens for mach exceptions. The (slightly under-documented) OS function mach_msg_server is passed the exc_server function and exc_server in turn calls our catch_exception_raise function when an appropriate exception is triggered. (Note that catch_exception_raise is called by exc_server directly by that name. I have no idea how to provide multiple such functions or to call this function by another name, but we should be OK with a a single exception handling function.) To set this up we perform the following steps: 1. allocate a mach port for our exceptions. 2. give the process the right to send and receive exceptions on this port. 3. create a new thread which calls mach_msg_server, providing exc_server as an argument. exc_server in turn calls our catch_exception_raise when an exception is raised. 4. finally, each thread for which we would like exceptions to be handled must register itself with the exception port by calling thread_set_exception_ports with the appropriate port and exception mask. Actually, it's a bit more involved than this in order to support multiple threads. Please document this fully. * USE_MACH_EXCEPTION_HANDLER The conditional compilation directive USE_MACH_EXCEPTION_HANDLER is a flag to use mach exception handling. We should continue to support the BSD-style signal handling until long after we are convinced that the mach exception handling version works better. * Establishing the mach exception handler ** x86-darwin-os.c A new function, darwin_init, is added which creates the mach exception handling thread and establishes the exception port. Currently the "main" thread sets its exception port here, but when we go to a multithreaded SBCL, we will need to do similarly for new threads in arch_os_thread_init. Note that even "non-threaded" SBCL builds will have two threads, one lisp thread and a mach exception handling thread. catch_exception_raise listens for EXC_BAD_ACCESS and EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION (and EXC_BREAKPOINT if we were to use INT3 traps again instead of the SIGILL traps we've set up as a workaround to the broken INT3 traps). Analogous to the signal handling context, mach exceptions allow use to get the thread and exception state of the triggering thread. We build a "fake" signal context, similar to what would be seen if a SIGSEGV/SIGILL were triggered and pass this on to SBCL's memory_fault_handler (for SIGSEGV) or sigill_handler (for SIGILL). when the handlers return, we set the values of the thread_state using the values from the fake context, allowing the "signal handler" to modify the state of the calling thread. ** x86-arch.c sigill_handler and sigtrap_handler are no longer installed as signal handlers using undoably_install_low_level_interrupt_handler. Instead sigill_handler is called directly by the mach exception handling catch_exception_raise. This means that sigill_handler can no longer be static void and it is changed to just void. ** bsd-os.c memory_fault_error no longer installed using undoably_install_low_level_interrupt_handler and changed to not be static. darwin_init called. * Handling exceptions ** interrupt.c The code for general purpose error handling, which is generally done by a trap instruction followed by an error opcode (although on Mac OS, we use UD2A instead of INT3 as INT3 trapping is unreliable and the sigill_handler in turn calls the sigtrap_handler). sigtrap_handler in turn calls functions like interrupt_internal_error that are found in interrupt.c. Using BSD-style signal handling, interrupt_internal_error calls into lisp via the lisp function INTERNAL-ERROR via funcall2 (the two argument form of funcall). Since we are executing the exception handler on the exception handling thread and we don't really want to be executing lisp code on the exception handlers thread, we want to return to the lisp thread as quickly as possible. With BSD-style signal handling, the signal handlers themselves call into lisp using funcallN. We can't do this as then we would be attempting to execute lisp code on the exception handling thread. This would be a bad thing in a multi-threaded lisp. Therefore, we borrow a trick from the interrupt handling code and hack the stack of the offending thread such that when the mach exception handling code returns, and returns control back to the offending thread, it first calls a lisp function, then (unless otherwise directed) returns control to the lisp thread. This allows us to run our lisp (or other) code on the offending thread's stack, but before the offending thread resumes where it left off. See the arrange_return_to_lisp_function for details on how this is done. arrange_return_to_lisp_function was modified to take an additional parameter specifying the number of additional arguments, and additional varargs, which are then placed on the stack in the call_into_lisp_tramp in x86-assem.S. The problem with this is that both the signal handling/mach exception handling code, on the one hand, and the lisp code expect access to the "context" for accessing the state of the thread at the time that the signal/exception was raised. This means that the old strategy was: offending thread (operating system establishes signal context) signal handler lisp code signal handler (operating system restores state from signal context) offending thread and both the signal handler and the lisp code have the chance to examine and modify the signal context. Now the situation looks like this: offending thread (operating system establishes thread_state) mach_exception_handler signal handler (which may arrange return to a lisp function) mach_exception_handler (operating system restores from thread_state) (optionally, a lisp function is called here) offending thread So we need to figure out how to provide the lisp function with information about the context of the offending thread and allow the lisp code to alter this state and to restore that state prior to resuming control to the offending thread. There are, presumably, additional problems with exception masking and when threads are allowed to interrupt other threads or otherwise catch signals/exceptions, but we can defer those for the moment. * Providing a "context" for lisp functions called on returning from a mach exception handler Given the flow describe above, we need to expand the following step: (optionally, a lisp function is called here) now it needs to look something like: 0. offending thread triggers a mach exception 1. (operating system establishes thread_state) 2. enter mach_exception_handler 2a. signal handler (which may arrange return to a lisp function 2b. frob the offending threads stack, allocating a context on the stack (if appropriate, or always?) 3. exit mach_exception_handler 4. (operating system restores from thread_state) 6. with the context on the stack, transfer control to the lisp function 7. restore the thread state from the context which either returns control to original location in the offending thread or to wherever the error-handling code has modified the context to point to * x86-darwin-os.c (again) ** call_c_function_in_context and signal_emulation_wrapper We arrange for a function to be a called by the offending the thread when the mach exception handler returns. Essentially we have our own BSD-style signal emulation library that calls memory_fault_handler, sigtrap_handler and sigill_handler, as appropriate. It does this by calling a function call_c_function_in_context which sets up the EIP of the thread context to call the specified C function, which the specified arguments. In this case, signal_emulation_wrapper which takes as arguments a thread_state, which is a copy of the thread state as it existed upon entry into catch_exception_raise, and an emulated signal and siginfo and the signal handling function that signal_emulation_wrapper is to call. signal_emulation_wrapper creates a BSD-style signal context and populates it from the values in the passed in thread_state. It calls the specified signal_handler, and then sets the values in the thread_state from the context and loads the address of the thread state to restore into eax and then traps with a special trap that the catch_exception_raise looks for, which then extracts the thread state from the trap exception's thread_state.eax. [MORE DETAILS TO FOLLOW] ===== BUGS ===== MEH1: on threaded macos builds, fails with a memory-fault-error (NOTE: this is a threaded macos issue, not a mach exception handler bug). MEH2: timer.impure lisp fails on mach-exception-handler builds MEH3: threads.impure lisp fails on mach-exception-handler builds