(defpackage :doc-skeleton (:use :cl :gtk :gdk :gobject :iter :c2mop :glib) (:export :widget-skeleton :chapter-skeleton :*gtk-widgets* :all-gtk-widgets)) (in-package :doc-skeleton) (defun chapter-skeleton (output widgets &key use-refs (section "section")) (cond ((stringp output) (with-open-file (stream output :direction :output :if-exists :supersede) (chapter-skeleton stream widgets :use-refs use-refs))) ((null output) (with-output-to-string (stream) (chapter-skeleton stream widgets :use-refs use-refs))) ((or (eq t output) (streamp output)) (format output "@menu~%") (iter (for w in widgets) (format output "* ~A::~%" (string-downcase (symbol-name w)))) (format output "@end menu~%~%") (iter (for w in widgets) (write-string (widget-skeleton w :section section :use-refs use-refs) output) (format output "~%~%"))))) (defparameter *gtk-widgets* '(about-dialog accel-label alignment arrow aspect-frame assistant bin box button button-box calendar cell-view check-button check-menu-item color-button color-selection color-selection-dialog combo-box combo-box-entry container curve dialog drawing-area entry event-box expander file-chooser-button file-chooser-dialog file-chooser-widget fixed font-button font-selection font-selection-dialog frame gamma-curve gtk-window h-box h-button-box h-paned h-ruler h-s-v h-scale h-scrollbar h-separator handle-box icon-view image image-menu-item input-dialog invisible item label layout link-button menu menu-bar menu-item menu-shell menu-tool-button message-dialog misc notebook old-editable paned plug progress progress-bar radio-button radio-menu-item radio-tool-button range recent-chooser-dialog recent-chooser-menu recent-chooser-widget ruler scale scale-button scrollbar scrolled-window separator separator-menu-item separator-tool-item socket spin-button statusbar table tearoff-menu-item text text-view toggle-button toggle-tool-button tool-button tool-item toolbar tree tree-item tree-view v-box v-button-box v-paned v-ruler v-scale v-scrollbar v-separator viewport volume-button widget)) (defun all-gtk-widgets () (sort (iter (for symbol in-package (find-package :gtk) :external-only t) (for class = (find-class symbol nil)) (when (and class (subclassp class (find-class 'gtk:widget))) (collect symbol))) #'string<)) ;; (widget-skeleton widget &key (sectioning-command "section")) ;; returns the texinfo string for widget (a symbol or class) ;; Template: ;; ;; @node $WIDGET ;; @$SECTIONING-COMMAND $WIDGET ;; ;; @Class $WIDGET ;; ;; Superclass: $(direct-superclass WIDGET) ;; ;; Interfaces: $(direct-interface widget) ;; ;; Slots: ;; @itemize ;; $(for each slot) ;; @item @anchor{slot.$widget.$slot}$slot. Type: $(slot-type slot). Accessor: $(slot-accessor slot). $(when (constructor-only slot) "Contructor-only slot.") ;; $(end for) ;; @end itemize ;; ;; Signals: ;; @itemize ;; $(for each signal) ;; @item @anchor{signal.$widget.$signal}"$signal". Signature: Type1 Arg1, .., Typen Argn => return-type. Options: $(signal-options) ;; $(end for) ;; @end itemize (defvar *use-refs* t) (defun widget-skeleton (widget &key (section "section") (use-refs nil)) (unless (typep widget 'class) (setf widget (find-class widget))) (with-output-to-string (stream) (let ((*print-case* :downcase) (*package* (symbol-package (class-name widget))) (*print-circle* nil) (*use-refs* use-refs)) (format stream "@node ~A~%" (class-name widget)) (format stream "@~A ~A~%" section (class-name widget)) (format stream "@Class ~A~%" (class-name widget)) (format stream "Superclass:") (iter (for super in (class-direct-superclasses widget)) (unless (and (typep super 'gobject-class) (gobject::gobject-class-interface-p super)) (format stream " @code{~A}" (class-name super)))) (format stream "~%~%") (widget-slots stream widget) (format stream "~%~%") (widget-signals stream widget) (format stream "~%~%") (widget-child-properties stream widget)))) (defun widget-slots (stream widget) (format stream "Slots:~%") (format stream "@itemize~%") (iter (for slot in (class-direct-slots widget)) (when (typep slot 'gobject::gobject-direct-slot-definition) (format stream "@item @anchor{slot.~A.~A}~A. Type: ~A. Accessor: ~A." (class-name widget) (slot-definition-name slot) (slot-definition-name slot) (slot-type slot) (slot-accessor slot)) (case (classify-slot-readability widget slot) (:write-only (format stream " Write-only.")) (:read-only (format stream " Read-only."))) (format stream "~%"))) (format stream "@end itemize~%")) (defun widget-signals (stream widget) (let ((g-type (gobject::gobject-class-g-type-name widget))) (unless (string= g-type (gobject::gobject-class-g-type-name (first (class-direct-superclasses widget)))) (format stream "Signals:~%") (format stream "@itemize~%") ;; @item @anchor{signal.$widget.$signal}"$signal". Signature: Type1 Arg1, .., Typen Argn => return-type. Options: $(signal-options) (iter (for signal in (type-signals g-type)) (format stream "@item @anchor{signal.~A.~A}\"~A\". Signature: ~A. Options: ~A." (class-name widget) (signal-info-name signal) (signal-info-name signal) (signal-signature signal) (signal-options signal)) (format stream "~%")) (format stream "@end itemize~%")))) (defun widget-child-properties (stream widget) (let ((g-type (gobject::gobject-class-g-type-name widget))) (when (g-type-is-a g-type "GtkContainer") (unless (string= g-type (gobject::gobject-class-g-type-name (first (class-direct-superclasses widget)))) (let ((props (gtk::container-class-child-properties g-type))) (when props (format stream "Child properties:~%") (format stream "@itemize~%") ;; @item @anchor{signal.$widget.$signal}"$signal". Signature: Type1 Arg1, .., Typen Argn => return-type. Options: $(signal-options) (iter (for prop in props) (for accessor = (format nil "~A-child-~A" (string-downcase (symbol-name (class-name widget))) (g-class-property-definition-name prop))) (format stream "@item @anchor{childprop.~A.~A}~A. Type: ~A. Accessor: ~A." (string-downcase (symbol-name (class-name widget))) (g-class-property-definition-name prop) (g-class-property-definition-name prop) (type-string (g-class-property-definition-type prop)) accessor) (format stream "~%")) (format stream "@end itemize~%"))))))) (defun signal-signature (s) (with-output-to-string (stream) (format stream "(instance ~A)" (type-string (signal-info-owner-type s))) (iter (for type in (signal-info-param-types s)) (for counter from 1) (format stream ", (arg-~A ~A)" counter (type-string type))) (format stream " @result{} ~A" (type-string (signal-info-return-type s))))) (defun signal-options (s) (format nil "~{~A~^, ~}"(signal-info-flags s))) (defun slot-type (slot) (let ((type (gobject::gobject-direct-slot-definition-g-property-type slot))) (type-string type))) (defun type-string (type) (typecase type (string (type-string-s type)) (t (type-string-f type)))) (defun ensure-list (x) (if (listp x) x (list x))) (defun type-string-f (type) (let ((l (ensure-list type))) (case (first l) ((:string glib:g-string) "@code{string}") ((:int :uint :long :ulong :char :uchar :int64 :uint64) "@code{integer}") ((:boolean :bool) "@code{boolean}") (g-object (if (second l) (format-ref (string-downcase (symbol-name (second l)))) "@ref{g-object}")) (g-boxed-foreign (format-ref (string-downcase (symbol-name (second l))))) ((nil) "????") ((glist gslist) (format nil "list of ~A" (type-string-f (second l)))) (t (if (symbolp type) (format-ref type) (format-ref l)))))) (defun type-string-s (type) (cond ((g-type= type +g-type-string+) "@code{string}") ((g-type= type +g-type-boolean+) "@code{boolean}") ((g-type= type +g-type-float+) "@code{single-float}") ((g-type= type +g-type-double+) "@code{double-float}") ((or (g-type= type +g-type-int+) (g-type= type +g-type-uint+) (g-type= type +g-type-char+) (g-type= type +g-type-uchar+) (g-type= type +g-type-long+) (g-type= type +g-type-ulong+) (g-type= type +g-type-int64+) (g-type= type +g-type-uint64+) (g-type= type +g-type-uint64+)) "@code{integer}") ((g-type= type +g-type-float+) "@code{single-float}") ((g-type-is-a type +g-type-enum+) (enum-string type)) ((g-type-is-a type +g-type-flags+) (flags-string type)) ((g-type-is-a type +g-type-object+) (object-string type)) ((g-type-is-a type +g-type-boxed+) (boxed-string type)) (t type))) (defun format-ref (s) (if *use-refs* (format nil "@ref{~A}" s) (format nil "@code{~A}" s))) (defun flags-string (type) (let ((flags (gobject::registered-flags-type (g-type-string type)))) (if flags (format-ref flags) (format nil "@code{~A}" (g-type-string type))))) (defun enum-string (type) (let ((enum (gobject::registered-enum-type (g-type-string type)))) (if enum (format-ref enum) (format nil "@code{~A}" (g-type-string type))))) (defun object-string (type) (let ((class (gobject::registered-object-type-by-name (g-type-string type)))) (if class (format-ref class) (format nil "@code{~A}" (g-type-string type))))) (defun boxed-string (type) (let ((boxed (ignore-errors (gobject::get-g-boxed-foreign-info-for-gtype (g-type-string type))))) (if boxed (format-ref (gobject::g-boxed-info-name boxed)) (format nil "@code{~A}" (g-type-string type))))) (defmethod classify-slot-readability (class (slot gobject::gobject-property-direct-slot-definition)) (let* ((g-type (gobject::gobject-class-g-type-name class)) (property-name (gobject::gobject-property-direct-slot-definition-g-property-name slot)) (prop (class-property-info g-type property-name)) (readable (g-class-property-definition-readable prop)) (writable (g-class-property-definition-writable prop))) (cond ((and readable writable) :normal) ((not readable) :write-only) ((not writable) :read-only) (t :bad)))) (defmethod classify-slot-readability (class (slot gobject::gobject-fn-direct-slot-definition)) (let ((readable (gobject::gobject-fn-direct-slot-definition-g-getter-name slot)) (writable (gobject::gobject-fn-direct-slot-definition-g-setter-name slot))) (cond ((and readable writable) :normal) ((not readable) :write-only) ((not writable) :read-only) (t :bad)))) (defun slot-accessor (slot) (let* ((readers (slot-definition-readers slot)) (writers (mapcar #'second (slot-definition-writers slot))) (combined (union readers writers)) (accessor (first combined))) (if accessor (format nil "@anchor{~A}@code{~A}" accessor accessor) (format nil "None"))))