= FiveAM Manual = Marco Baringer Fall/Winter 2012 :Author Initials: MB :toc: :icons: :numbered: :website: http://common-lisp.net/project/fiveam :stylesheet: fiveam.css :linkcss: == Introduction == === The Super Brief Introduction === |================================ | (xref:OP_DEF-TEST[`def-test`] `NAME` () &body `BODY`) | define tests | (xref:OP_IS[`is`] (`PREDICATE` `EXPECTED` `ACTUAL`)) | check that, according to `PREDICATE` our `ACTUAL` is the same as our `EXPECTED` | (xref:OP_IS[`is-true`] VALUE) | check that a value is non-NIL | (xref:OP_RUN![`run!`] TEST-NAME) | run one (or more) tests and print the results |================================ See the xref:API_REFERENCE[api] for details. === An Ever So Slightly Longer Introduction === You use define some xref:TESTS[tests] (using xref:OP_DEF-TEST[`def-test`]), each of which consists of some xref:CHECKS[checks] (with xref:OP_IS[`is`] and friends) which can pass or fail: -------------------------------- (def-test a-test () (is (= 4 (+ 2 2))) (is-false (= 5 (+ 2 2)))) -------------------------------- you xref:RUNNING_TESTS[run] some tests (using xref:OP_RUN[run] and friends) and you look at the results (using using xref:OP_EXPLAIN[explain]); or you do both at once (using xref:OP_RUN-EPOINT-[run!]): -------------------------------- CL-USER> (run! 'a-test) .. Did 2 checks. Pass: 2 (100%) Skip: 0 ( 0%) Fail: 0 ( 0%) -------------------------------- Lather, rinse, repeat: -------------------------------- CL-USER> (run!) .. Did 2 checks. Pass: 2 (100%) Skip: 0 ( 0%) Fail: 0 ( 0%) -------------------------------- === The Real Introduction === FiveAM is a testing framework, this is a rather vague concept, so before talking about how to use FiveAM it's worth knowing what task(s) FiveAM was built to do and, in particular, which styles of testing FiveAM was designed to facilitate: `test driven development`:: sometimes you know what you're trying to do (lucky you) and you can figure out what your code should do before you've written the code itself. The idea here is that you write a bunch of tests and when all these test pass your code is done. `interactive testing`:: sometimes as you're writing code you'll see certain constraints that your code has to meet. For example you'll realize there's a specific border case your code, which you're probably not even done writing, has to deal with. In this work flow you'll write code and tests more or less simultaneously and by the time you're satisfied that your code does what it should you'll have a set of tests which prove that it does what you think it does. `regression testing`:: sometimes you're pretty confident, just by looking at the code, that your program does what it should, but you want an automatic way to make sure that it continues to do what it does even if (when) you change other parts of the code. [NOTE] There's also `beaviour driven development`. this works under the assumption that you can write tests in a natural-ish lanugage and they'll be easier to maintain than tests writen in code (have we learned nothing from cobol?). FiveAM does not, in its current implementation, support link:http://cukes.info/[cucumber] like behaviour driven development. patches welcome (they'll get laughed at at first, but they'll get applied, and then they'll get used, and then they'll be an essential part of fiveam itself...) ==== Words ==== Since there are far many more testing frameworks than there are words for talking about testing frameworks, the same words end up meaning different things in different frameworks. Just to be clear, here are the words fiveam uses: `check`:: a single expression which has an expected value. `test`:: a set of checks which we want to always run together. `suite`:: a group of tests we often want to run all at once. [[TESTS]] == Tests == Tests are created with the xref:OP_DEF-TEST[`def-test`] macro and consist of: A name:: Because everything deserves a name. Names in FiveAM are symbols (or anything that can be sensibly put in an `eql` hash table) and they are used both to select which test to run (as arguments to `run!` and family) and when reporting test failures. A body:: Every test has a function which is the actual code that gets executed when the test is run. This code, whatever it is, will, bugs aside, xref:CHECKS[create a set of test result objects] (failures, successes and skips) and store these in a few dynamic variables (you don't need to worry about those). + The body is actually the only real part of the test, everything else is administrativia. Sometimes usefel administrativia, but none the less overhead. A suite:: Generally speaking you'll have so many tests that you'll not want to run them all every single time you need to run one of them (automated regression testing is another use case). Tests can be grouped into suites, and suites can also be grouped into suites, and suites have names, so by specfying the name of a suite we only run those tests that are a part of that suite. + Unless otherwise specified tests add themselves to the xref:THE_CURRENT_SUITE[current suite]. There are two other properties, also set via parameters to xref:OP_DEF-TEST[`def-test`], which influence how the tests are run: When to compile the test:: Often enough, when working with lisp macros especially, it's useful to delay compilation of the test's body until the test is run. A useful side effect of this delay is that the code will be recompiled every time its run, so if the macro definition has changed that will be picked up at the next run of the test. While this is the default mode of operation for FiveAM it can be turned off and tests will be compiled at the 'normal' time (when the enclosing def-test form is compiled). Whether to run the test at all:: Sometimes, but far less often than the designer of FiveAM expected, it's useful to run a test only when some other test passes. The assumption being that if the lower level tests have failed there's no point in cluttering up the output by running the higher level tests as well. + YMMV. (i got really bad mileage out of this feature) [[CHECKS]] == Checks == At the heart of every test is something which compares the result of some code to some expected value, in FiveAM these are called checks. All checks in FiveAM do something, exactly what depends on the check, and then either: . generate a "this check passed" result . generate a "this check failed" result and a corresponding failure description message. . generate a "for some reason this check was skipped" result. All checks take, as an optional argument, so called "reason format control arguments." Should the check fail (or be skipped) these arguments will be passed to format, via something like `(curry #'format nil)`, and the result will be used as the explanation/description of the failure. When it comes to the actual check functions themeselves, there are three basic kinds: . xref:CHECKING_RETURN_VALUES[those that take a value and compare it to another value] . xref:CHECKING_CONTROL_FLOW[those that make sure the program's execution takes, or does not take, a certain path] . xref:ARBITRARY_CHECK_RESULTS[those that just force a success or failure to be recorded]. [[CHECKING_RETURN_VALUES]] === Checking return values === xref:OP_IS[`IS`], xref:OP_IS-TRUE[`IS-TRUE`], xref:OP_IS[`IS-FALSE`] will take one form and compare its return value to some known value (the so called expected vaule) and report an error if these two are not equal. -------------------------------- ;; Pass if (+ 2 2) is = to 5 (is (= 5 (+ 2 2))) ;; Pass if (zerop 0) is not-NIL (is-true (zerop 0)) ;; Pass if (zerop 1) is NIL (is-false (zerop 1)) -------------------------------- Often enough we want to test a set of expected values against a set of test values using the same operator. If, for example, we were implementing a string formatting functions, then `IS-EVERY` provides a concise way to line up N different inputs along with their expected outputs. For example, let's say we were testing `cl:+`, we could setup a list of tests like this: -------------------------------- (is-every #'= (5 (+ 2 2)) (0 (+ -1 1)) (-1 (+ -1 0)) (1 (+ 0 1)) (1 (+ 1 0))) -------------------------------- We'd do this instead of writing out 5 seperate `IS` or `IS-TRUE` checks. [[CHECKING_CONTROL_FLOW]] === Checking control flow === xref:OP_SIGNALS[`SIGNALS`] and xref:OP_FINISHES[`FINISHES`] create pass/fail results depending on whether their body code did or did not terminat normally. Both of these checks assume that there is a single block of code and it either runs to completion or it doesn't. Sometimes though the logic is more complex and you can't easily represent it as a single progn with a flag at the end. See xref:ARBITRARY_CHECK_RESULTS[below]. [[ARBITRARY_CHECK_RESULTS]] === Recording arbitrary test results === Very simply these three checks, xref:OP_PASS[`PASS`], xref:OP_FAIL[`FAIL`] and xref:OP_SKIP[`SKIP`] generate the specified result. They're intended to be used when what we're trying to test doesn't quite fit into any of the two preceding ways of working. == Suites == Suites serve to group tests into managable (and runnable) chunks, they make it easy to have many tests defined, but only run those that pertain to what we're currently working on. Suites, like tests, have a name which can be used to retrieve the suite, and running a suite simply causes all of the suite's tests to be run, if the suite contains other suites, then those are run as well (and so on and so on). There is one suite that's a little special (in so far as it always exists), the `T` suite. If you ignore suites completely, which is a good idea at first or for small(ish) code bases, you're actually putting all your tests into the `T` suite. === Creating Suites === Suites, very much like tests, have a name (which is globally unique) which can be used to retrieve the suite (so that you can run it), and, most of the time, suites are part of a suite (the exception being the special suite `T`, which is never a part of any suite). For example these two forms will first define a suite called `:my-project`, then define a second suite called `:my-db-layer`, which is a sub suite of `:my-project` and set the current suite to `:my-db-layer`: -------------------------------- (def-suite :my-project) (def-suite :my-db-layer :in :my-project) (in-suite :my-db-layer) -------------------------------- [[THE_CURRENT_SUITE]] === The Current Suite === FiveAM also has the concept of a current suite and everytime a test is created it adds itself to the current suite's set of tests. The `IN-SUITE` macro, in a similar fashion to `IN-PACKAGE`, changes the current suite. Unless changed via `IN-SUITE` the current suite is the `T` suite. Having a default current suite allows developers to ignore suites completly and still have FiveAM's suite mechanism in place if they want to add suites in later. [[RUNNING_SUITES]] === Running Suites === When a suite is run we do nothing more than run all the tests (and any other suites) in the named suite. And, on one level, that's it, suites allow you run a whole set of tests at once just by passing in the name of the suite. [[SUITE_FIXTURES]] === Per-suite Fixtures === xref:FIXTURES[Fixtures] can also be associated with suite. Often enough when testing an external component, a database or a network server or something, we'll have multiple tests which all use a mock version of this component. It is often easier to associate the fixture with the suite directly than have to do this for every individual test. Associating a fixture to a suite doesn't change the suite at all, only when a test is then defined in that suite, then the fixture will be applied to the test's body (unless the test's own `def-test` form explicitly uses another fixture). [[RUNNING_TESTS]] == Running Tests == The general interface is `run`, this takes a set of tests (or symbol that name tests or suites) and returns a list of test results (one element for each check that was executed). The output of `run` is, generally, passed to the `explain` function which, given an explainer object, produces some human readable text describing the test failures. The 99% of the time a human will be using 5am (as opposed to a continuous integration bot) they'll want to run the tests and immediately see the results with detailed failure info, this can be done in one step via: `run!` (see the first example). If you want to run a specific test: -------------------------------- (run! TEST-NAME) -------------------------------- Where `TEST-NAME` is either a test object (as returned by `get-test`) or a symbol naming a single test or a test suite. === Running Tests at Test Definition Time === Often enough, especially when fixing regression bugs, we'll always want to run a test right after having changed it. To facilitate this set the variable `*run-test-when-defined*` to T and after compiling a def-test form we'll call `run!` on the name of the test. For obvious reasons you have to set this variable manually after having loaded your test suite. === Debugging failures and errors === `*debug-on-error*`:: Normally fiveam will simply capture unexpected errors, record them as failures, and move on to the next test (any following checks in the test body will not be run). However sometimes, well, all the time unless you're running an automated regression test, it's better to not capture the error but open up a debugger, set `*debug-on-error*` to `T` to get this effect. `*debug-on-failure*`:: Normally FiveAM will simply record a check failure and move on to the next check, however it can be helpful to stop the check and use the debugger to see what the state of execution is at the time of the test's failure. Setting `*debug-on-failure*` to T will cause FiveAM to enter the debugger whenever a test check fails. Exactly what information is available is, obviously, implementation dependent. [[VIEWING_TEST_RESULTS]] == Viewing test results == FiveAM provides two "explainers", these are classes which, given a set of results, produce some human readable/understandable output. Explainers are just normal CLOS classes (and can be easily subclassed) with one important method: `explain`. The `run!` and `explain!` functions use the detailed-text-explainer, if you want another explainer you'll have to call `run` and `explain` yourself: -------------------------------- (explain (make-instance MY-EXPLAINER) (run THE-TEST) THE-STREAM) -------------------------------- == Random Testing (QuickCheck) == Sometimes it's hard to come up with edge cases for tests, or sometimes there are so many that it's hard to list them all one by one. Random testing is a way to tell the test suite how to generate input and how to test that certain conditions always hold. One issue when writing random tests is that you can't, usually, test for specific results, you have to test that certain relationships hold. For example, if we had a function which reverses a list, we could define a relationship like this: -------------------------------- (equalp the-list (reverse (reverse the-list))) -------------------------------- or -------------------------------- (equalp (length the-list) (length (reverse the-list))) -------------------------------- Random tests are defined via `def-test`, but the random part is then wrapped in a xref:OP_FOR-ALL[`for-all`] macro which runs its body `*num-trials*` times with different inputs: -------------------------------- (for-all ((the-list (gen-list :length (gen-integer :min 0 :max 37) :elements (gen-integer :min -10 :max 10)))) (is (equalp a (reverse (reverse the-list)))) (is (= (length the-list) (length (reverse the-list))))) -------------------------------- == Fixtures == Fixtures are, much like macros, ways to hide common code so that the essential functionality we're trying to test is easier to see. Unlike normal macros fixtures are not allowed to inspect the source code of their arguments, all they can really do is wrap one form (or multiple forms in a progn) in something else. [NOTE] Fixtures exist for the common case where we want to bind some variables to some mock (or test) values and run our test in this state. If anything more complicated than this is neccessary just use a normal macro. Fixtures are defined via the `def-fixture` macro and used either with `with-fixture` directory or, more commonly, using the `:fixture` argument to `def-test` or `def-suite`. A common example of a fixture would be this: -------------------------------- (def-fixture mock-db () (let ((*database* (make-instance 'mock-db)) (*connection* (make-instance 'mock-connection))) (unwind-protect (&body) <1> (mock-close-connection *connection*)))) (with-fixture mock-db () (is-true (database-p *database*))) <1> This is a local macro named 5AM:&BODY (the user of def-fixture can not change this name) -------------------------------- The body of the `def-fixture` has one local function (actually a local macro) called `&body` which will expand into whatever the body passed to `with-fixture` is. `def-fixture` also has an argument list, but there are two things to note: 1) in practice it's rarely used; 2) these are arguments will be bound to values (like defun) and not source code (like defmacro). [[API_REFERENCE]] == API Reference == [[OP_DEF-TEST]] === DEF-TEST === ================================ -------------------------------- (def-test NAME (&key DEPENDS-ON SUITE FIXTURE COMPILE-AT PROFILE) &body BODY) -------------------------------- include::docstrings/OP_DEF-TEST.txt[] ================================ [[OP_DEF-SUITE]] === DEF-SUITE === ================================ ---- (def-suite NAME &key DESCRIPTION IN FIXTURE) ---- include::docstrings/OP_DEF-SUITE.txt[] ================================ [[OP_IN-SUITE]] [[OP_IN-SUITE-STAR-]] === IN-SUITE === ================================ ---- (in-suite NAME) ---- include::docstrings/OP_IN-SUITE.txt[] ================================ [[OP_IS]] === IS === ================================ ---- (is (PREDICATE EXPECTED ACTUAL) &rest REASON-ARGS) (is (PREDICATE ACTUAL) &rest REASON-ARGS) ---- include::docstrings/OP_IS.txt[] ================================ [[OP_IS-TRUE]] [[OP_IS-FALSE]] === IS-TRUE / IS-FALSE / IS-EVERY === ================================ ---- (is-true CONDITION &rest reason) ---- include::docstrings/OP_IS-TRUE.txt[] ================================ ================================ ---- (is-false CONDITION &rest reason) ---- include::docstrings/OP_IS-FALSE.txt[] ================================ //////////////////////////////// //// the actual doc string of talks about functionality i don't want //// to publises (since it's just weird). se we use our own here //////////////////////////////// ================================ ---- (is-every predicate &rest (EXPECTED ACTUAL &rest REASON)) ---- Designed for those cases where you have a large set of expected/actual pairs that must be compared using the same predicate function. Expands into: ---- (progn (is (,PREDICATE ,EXPECTED ,ACTUAL) ,@REASON) ... ---- for each argument. ================================ [[OP_SIGNALS]] [[OP_FINISHES]] === SIGNALS / FINISHES === ================================ ---- (signals CONDITION &body body) ---- include::docstrings/OP_SIGNALS.txt[] ================================ ================================ ---- (finishes &body body) ---- include::docstrings/OP_FINISHES.txt[] ================================ [[OP_PASS]] [[OP_FAIL]] [[OP_SKIP]] === PASS / FAIL / SKIP === ================================ ---- (skip &rest REASON-ARGS) ---- include::docstrings/OP_SKIP.txt[] ================================ ================================ ---- (pass &rest REASON-ARGS) ---- include::docstrings/OP_PASS.txt[] ================================ ================================ ---- (fail &rest REASON-ARGS) ---- include::docstrings/OP_FAIL.txt[] ================================ [[OP_-EPOINT-]] [[OP_-EPOINT--EPOINT-]] [[OP_-EPOINT--EPOINT--EPOINT-]] [[OP_RUN-EPOINT-]] [[OP_EXPLAIN-EPOINT-]] [[OP_DEBUG-EPOINT-]] === RUN! / EXPLAIN! / DEBUG! === ================================ ---- (run! &optional TEST-NAME) ---- include::docstrings/OP_RUN-EPOINT-.txt[] ================================ ================================ ---- (explain! RESULT-LIST) ---- include::docstrings/OP_EXPLAIN-EPOINT-.txt[] ================================ ================================ ---- (debug! TEST-NAME) ---- include::docstrings/OP_DEBUG-EPOINT-.txt[] ================================ [[OP_RUN]] === RUN === ================================ ---- (run TEST-SPEC) ---- include::docstrings/OP_RUN.txt[] ================================ [[OP_DEF-FIXTURE]] === DEF-FIXTURE === ================================ ---- (def-fixture (NAME (&rest ARGS) &body BODY) ---- include::docstrings/OP_DEF-FIXTURE.txt[] ================================ [[OP_WITH-FIXTURE]] === WITH-FIXTURE === ================================ ---- (with-fixture NAME (&rest ARGS) &body BODY) ---- include::docstrings/OP_WITH-FIXTURE.txt[] ================================ [[OP_FOR-ALL]] === FOR-ALL === ================================ -------------------------------- (for-all (&rest (NAME VALUE &optional GUARD)) &body body) -------------------------------- include::docstrings/OP_FOR-ALL.txt[] ================================ [[VAR_-STAR-NUM-TRIALS-STAR-]] [[VAR_-STAR-MAX-TRIALS-STAR-]] === \*NUM-TRIALS* / \*MAX-TRIALS* === ================================ ---- *num-trials* ---- include::docstrings/VAR_-STAR-NUM-TRIALS-STAR-.txt[] ================================ ================================ ---- *max-trials* ---- include::docstrings/VAR_-STAR-MAX-TRIALS-STAR-.txt[] ================================ [[OP_GEN-INTEGER]] [[OP_GEN-FLOAT]] === GEN-INTEGER / GEN-FLOAT === ================================ ---- (gen-integer &key MIN MAX) ---- include::docstrings/OP_GEN-INTEGER.txt[] ================================ ================================ ---- (gen-float &key BOUND TYPE MIN MAX) ---- include::docstrings/OP_GEN-FLOAT.txt[] ================================ [[OP_GEN-CHARACTER]] [[OP_GEN-STRING]] === GEN-CHARACTER / GEN-STRING === ================================ ---- (gen-character &key CODE-LIMIT CODE ALPHANUMERICP) ---- include::docstrings/OP_GEN-CHARACTER.txt[] ================================ ================================ ---- (gen-string &key LENGTH ELEMENTS) ---- include::docstrings/OP_GEN-STRING.txt[] ================================ [[OP_GEN-BUFFER]] === GEN-BUFFER === ================================ ---- (gen-buffer &key LENGTH ELEMENTS ELEMENT-TYPE) ---- include::docstrings/OP_GEN-STRING.txt[] ================================ [[OP_GEN-LIST]] [[OP_GEN-TREE]] === GEN-LIST / GEN-TREE === ================================ ---- (gen-list &key LENGTH ELEMENTS) ---- include::docstrings/OP_GEN-LIST.txt[] ================================ ================================ ---- (gen-tree &key SIZE ELEMENTS) ---- include::docstrings/OP_GEN-TREE.txt[] ================================ [[OP_GEN-ONE-ELEMENT]] === GEN-ONE-ELEMENT === ================================ ---- (gen-one-element &rest ELEMENTS) ---- include::docstrings/OP_GEN-ONE-ELEMENT.txt[] ================================ //////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////