;;; compiler.lisp --- ;; Copyright (C) 2013 David Vazquez ;; JSCL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the ;; License, or (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; JSCL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with JSCL. If not, see . (defpackage :jscl (:use :cl)) (in-package :jscl) ;;;; Utilities ;;;; ;;;; Random Common Lisp code useful to use here and there. (defmacro with-gensyms ((&rest vars) &body body) `(let ,(mapcar (lambda (var) `(,var (gensym ,(concatenate 'string (string var) "-")))) vars) ,@body)) (defun singlep (x) (and (consp x) (null (cdr x)))) (defun unlist (x) (assert (singlep x)) (first x)) ;;;; Intermediate representation structures ;;;; ;;;; This intermediate representation (IR) is a simplified version of ;;;; the first intermediate representation what you will find if you ;;;; have a look to the source code of SBCL. Some terminology is also ;;;; used, but other is changed, so be careful if you assume you know ;;;; what it is because you know the name. ;;;; ;;;; Computations are represented by `node'. Nodes are grouped ;;;; sequencially into `basic-block'. It is a plain representation ;;;; rather than a nested one. Computations take data and produce a ;;;; value. Both data transfer are represented by `lvar'. (defstruct leaf) ;;; A (lexical) variable. Special variables has not a special ;;; representation in the IR. They are handled by the primitive ;;; functions `%symbol-function' and `%symbol-value'. (defstruct (var (:include leaf)) ;; The symbol which names this variable in the source code. name) ;;; A literal Lisp object. It usually comes from a quoted expression. (defstruct (constant (:include leaf)) ;; The object itself. value) ;;; A lambda expression. Why do we name it `functional'? Well, ;;; function is reserved by the ANSI, isn't it? (defstruct (functional (:include leaf)) ;; The symbol which names this function in the source code or null ;; if we do not know or it is an anonymous function. name arguments return-lvar entry-point) ;;; An abstract place where the result of a computation is stored and ;;; it can be referenced from other nodes, so lvars are responsible ;;; for keeping the necessary information of the nested structure of ;;; the code in this plain representation. (defstruct lvar (id (gensym "$"))) ;;; A base structure for every single computation. Most of the ;;; computations are valued. (defstruct node ;; The next and the prev slots are the next nodes and the previous ;; node in the basic block sequence respectively. next prev ;; Lvar which stands for the result of the computation of this node. lvar) ;;; Sentinel nodes in the basic block sequence of nodes. (defstruct (block-entry (:include node))) (defstruct (block-exit (:include node))) ;;; A reference to a leaf (variable, constant and functions). The ;;; meaning of this node is leaving the leaf into the lvar of the ;;; node. (defstruct (ref (:include node)) leaf) ;;; An assignation of the LVAR VALUE into the var VARIABLE. (defstruct (assignment (:include node)) variable value) ;;; A base node to function calls with a list of lvar as ARGUMENTS. (defstruct (combination (:include node) (:constructor)) arguments) ;;; A function call to the ordinary Lisp function in the lvar FUNCTION. (defstruct (call (:include combination)) function) ;;; A function call to the primitive FUNCTION. (defstruct (primitive-call (:include combination)) function) ;;; A conditional branch. If the LVAR is not NIL, then we will jump to ;;; the basic block CONSEQUENT, jumping to ALTERNATIVE otherwise. By ;;; definition, a conditional must appear at the end of a basic block. (defstruct (conditional (:include node)) test consequent alternative) ;;; Blocks are `basic block`. Basic blocks are organized as a control ;;; flow graph with some more information in omponents. (defstruct (basic-block (:conc-name "BLOCK-") (:constructor make-block) (:predicate block-p)) (id (gensym "L")) ;; List of successors and predecessors of this basic block. succ pred ;; The sentinel nodes of the sequence. entry exit) ;;; Sentinel nodes in the control flow graph of basic blocks. (defstruct (component-entry (:include basic-block))) (defstruct (component-exit (:include basic-block))) ;;; Return a fresh empty basic block. (defun make-empty-block () (let ((entry (make-block-entry)) (exit (make-block-exit))) (setf (node-next entry) exit (node-prev exit) entry) (make-block :entry entry :exit exit))) ;;; Return T if B is an empty basic block and NIL otherwise. (defun empty-block-p (b) (block-exit-p (node-next (block-entry b)))) ;;; Iterate across the nodes in a basic block forward. (defmacro do-nodes ((node block &optional result &key include-sentinel-p) &body body) `(do ((,node ,(if include-sentinel-p `(block-entry ,block) `(node-next (block-entry ,block))) (node-next ,node))) (,(if include-sentinel-p `(null ,node) `(block-exit-p ,node)) ,result) ,@body)) ;;; Iterate across the nodes in a basic block backward. (defmacro do-nodes-backward ((node block &optional result &key include-sentinel-p) &body body) `(do ((,node ,(if include-sentinel-p `(block-exit ,block) `(node-prev (block-entry ,block))) (node-prev ,node))) (,(if include-sentinel-p `(null ,node) `(block-entry-p ,node)) ,result) ,@body)) ;;; Link FROM and TO nodes together. FROM and TO must belong to the ;;; same basic block and appear in such order. The nodes between FROM ;;; and TO are discarded. (defun link-nodes (from to) (setf (node-next from) to (node-prev to) from) (values)) ;;;; Cursors ;;;; ;;;; A cursor is a point between two nodes in some basic block in the ;;;; IR representation where manipulations can take place, similarly ;;;; to the cursors in text editing. ;;;; ;;;; Cursors cannot point to special component's entry and exit basic ;;;; blocks or after a conditional node. Conveniently, the `cursor' ;;;; function will signal an error if the cursor is not positioned ;;;; correctly, so the rest of the code does not need to check once ;;;; and again. (defstruct cursor block next) ;;; The current cursor. It is the default cursor for many functions ;;; which work on cursors. (defvar *cursor*) ;;; Return the current basic block. It is to say, the basic block ;;; where the current cursor is pointint. (defun current-block () (cursor-block *cursor*)) ;;; Create a cursor which points to the basic block BLOCK. If omitted, ;;; then the current block is used. ;;; ;;; The keywords AFTER and BEFORE specify the cursor will point after (or ;;; before) that node respectively. If none is specified, the cursor is ;;; created before the exit node in BLOCK. An error is signaled if both ;;; keywords are specified inconsistently, or if the nodes do not belong ;;; to BLOCK. ;;; ;;; AFTER and BEFORE could also be the special values :ENTRY and :EXIT, ;;; which stand for the entry and exit nodes of the block respectively. (defun cursor (&key (block (current-block)) (before nil before-p) (after nil after-p)) (when (or (component-entry-p block) (component-exit-p block)) (error "Invalid cursor on special entry/exit basic block.")) ;; Handle special values :ENTRY and :EXIT. (flet ((node-designator (x) (case x (:entry (block-entry block)) (:exit (block-exit block)) (t x)))) (setq before (node-designator before)) (setq after (node-designator after))) (let* ((next (or before (and after (node-next after)) (block-exit block))) (cursor (make-cursor :block block :next next))) (flet ((out-of-range-cursor () (error "Out of range cursor.")) (ambiguous-cursor () (error "Ambiguous cursor specified between two non-adjacent nodes."))) (when (conditional-p (node-prev next)) (error "Invalid cursor after conditional node.")) (when (or (null next) (block-entry-p next)) (out-of-range-cursor)) (when (and before-p after-p (not (eq after before))) (ambiguous-cursor)) (do-nodes-backward (node block (out-of-range-cursor) :include-sentinel-p t) (when (eq next node) (return)))) cursor)) ;;; Accept a cursor specification just as described in `cursor' ;;; describing a position in the IR and modify destructively the ;;; current cursor to point there. (defun set-cursor (&rest cursor-spec) (let ((newcursor (apply #'cursor cursor-spec))) (setf (cursor-block *cursor*) (cursor-block newcursor)) (setf (cursor-next *cursor*) (cursor-next newcursor)) *cursor*)) ;;; Insert NODE at cursor. (defun insert-node (node &optional (cursor *cursor*)) ;; After if? wrong! (link-nodes (node-prev (cursor-next cursor)) node) (link-nodes node (cursor-next cursor)) t) ;;; Split the block at CURSOR. The cursor will point to the end of the ;;; first basic block. Return the three basic blocks as multiple ;;; values. (defun split-block (&optional (cursor *cursor*)) ;; ==> -- (let* ((block (cursor-block cursor)) (newexit (make-block-exit)) (newentry (make-block-entry)) (exit (block-exit block)) (newblock (make-block :entry newentry :exit exit :pred (list block) :succ (block-succ block)))) (insert-node newexit) (insert-node newentry) (setf (node-next newexit) nil) (setf (node-prev newentry) nil) (setf (block-exit block) newexit) (setf (block-succ block) (list newblock)) (dolist (succ (block-succ newblock)) (setf (block-pred succ) (substitute newblock block (block-pred succ)))) (set-cursor :block block :before newexit) newblock)) ;;; Split the block at CURSOR if it is in the middle of it. The cursor ;;; will point to the end of the first basic block. Return the three ;;; basic blocks as multiple values. (defun maybe-split-block (&optional (cursor *cursor*)) ;; If we are converting IR into the end of the basic block, it's ;; fine, we don't need to do anything. (unless (block-exit-p (cursor-next cursor)) (split-block cursor))) ;;;; Components ;;;; ;;;; Components are connected pieces of the control flow graph of ;;;; basic blocks with some additional information. Components have ;;;; well-defined entry and exit nodes. It is the toplevel ;;;; organizational entity in the compiler. The IR translation result ;;;; is accumulated into components incrementally. (defstruct (component #-jscl (:print-object print-component)) entry exit) ;;; Create a new component with an empty basic block, ready to start ;;; conversion to IR. It returns the component and the basic block as ;;; multiple values. (defun make-empty-component () (let ((entry (make-component-entry)) (block (make-empty-block)) (exit (make-component-exit))) (setf (block-succ entry) (list block) (block-pred exit) (list block) (block-succ block) (list exit) (block-pred block) (list entry)) (values (make-component :entry entry :exit exit) block))) ;;; Return the list of blocks in COMPONENT, conveniently sorted. (defun component-blocks (component) (let ((seen nil) (output nil)) (labels ((compute-rdfo-from (block) (unless (or (component-exit-p block) (find block seen)) (push block seen) (dolist (successor (block-succ block)) (unless (component-exit-p block) (compute-rdfo-from successor))) (push block output)))) (compute-rdfo-from (unlist (block-succ (component-entry component)))) output))) ;;; Iterate across different blocks in COMPONENT. (defmacro do-blocks ((block component &optional result) &body body) `(dolist (,block (component-blocks ,component) ,result) ,@body)) (defmacro do-blocks-backward ((block component &optional result) &body body) `(dolist (,block (reverse (component-blocks ,component)) ,result) ,@body)) ;;; A few consistency checks in the IR useful for catching bugs. (defun check-ir-consistency (component) (with-simple-restart (continue "Continue execution") (do-blocks (block component) (dolist (succ (block-succ block)) (unless (find block (block-pred succ)) (error "The block `~S' does not belong to the predecessors list of the its successor `~S'" (block-id block) (block-id succ)))) (dolist (pred (block-pred block)) (unless (find block (block-succ pred)) (error "The block `~S' does not belong to the successors' list of its predecessor `~S'" (block-id block) (block-id pred))))))) ;;;; Lexical environment ;;;; ;;;; It keeps an association between names and the IR entities. It is ;;;; used to guide the translation from the Lisp source code to the ;;;; intermediate representation. (defstruct binding name namespace type value) (defvar *lexenv* nil) (defun find-binding (name namespace) (find-if (lambda (b) (and (eq (binding-name b) name) (eq (binding-namespace b) namespace))) *lexenv*)) (defun push-binding (name namespace value &optional type) (push (make-binding :name name :namespace namespace :type type :value value) *lexenv*)) ;;;; IR Translation ;;;; ;;;; This code covers the translation from Lisp source code to the ;;;; intermediate representation. The main entry point function to do ;;;; that is the `ir-convert' function, which dispatches to IR ;;;; translators. This function ss intended to do the initial ;;;; conversion as well as insert new IR code during optimizations. ;;;; ;;;; The function `ir-complete' will coalesce basic blocks in a ;;;; component to generate proper maximal basic blocks. ;;; The current component. We accumulate the results of the IR ;;; conversion in this component. (defvar *component*) ;;; A alist of IR translator functions. (defvar *ir-translator* nil) ;;; Define a IR translator for NAME. LAMBDA-LIST is used to ;;; destructure the arguments of the form. Calling the local function ;;; `result-lvar' you can get the LVAR where the compilation of the ;;; expression should store the result of the evaluation. ;;; ;;; The cursor is granted to be at the end of a basic block with a ;;; unique successor, and so it should be when the translator returns. (defmacro define-ir-translator (name lambda-list &body body) (check-type name symbol) (let ((fname (intern (format nil "IR-CONVERT-~a" (string name))))) (with-gensyms (result form) `(progn (defun ,fname (,form ,result) (flet ((result-lvar () ,result)) (declare (ignorable (function result-lvar))) (destructuring-bind ,lambda-list ,form ,@body))) (push (cons ',name #',fname) *ir-translator*))))) ;;; Return the unique successor of the current block. If it is not ;;; unique signal an error. (defun next-block () (unlist (block-succ (current-block)))) ;;; Set the next block of the current one. (defun (setf next-block) (new-value) (let ((block (current-block))) (dolist (succ (block-succ block)) (setf (block-pred succ) (remove block (block-pred succ)))) (setf (block-succ block) (list new-value)) (push block (block-pred new-value)) new-value)) (defun ir-convert-constant (form result) (let* ((leaf (make-constant :value form))) (insert-node (make-ref :leaf leaf :lvar result)))) (define-ir-translator quote (form) (ir-convert-constant form (result-lvar))) (define-ir-translator setq (variable value) (let ((var (make-var :name variable)) (value-lvar (make-lvar))) (ir-convert value value-lvar) (let ((assign (make-assignment :variable var :value value-lvar :lvar (result-lvar)))) (insert-node assign)))) (define-ir-translator progn (&body body) (mapc #'ir-convert (butlast body)) (ir-convert (car (last body)) (result-lvar))) (define-ir-translator if (test then &optional else) ;; It is the schema of how the basic blocks will look like ;; ;; / ..then.. \ ;; --< >-- <|> -- ;; \ ..else.. / ;; ;; Note that is important to leave the cursor in an empty basic ;; block, as zzz could be the exit basic block of the component, ;; which is an invalid position for a cursor. (let ((test-lvar (make-lvar)) (then-block (make-empty-block)) (else-block (make-empty-block)) (join-block (make-empty-block))) (ir-convert test test-lvar) (insert-node (make-conditional :test test-lvar :consequent then-block :alternative else-block)) (let* ((block (current-block)) (tail-block (next-block))) ;; Link together the different created basic blocks. (setf (block-succ block) (list else-block then-block) (block-pred else-block) (list block) (block-pred then-block) (list block) (block-succ then-block) (list join-block) (block-succ else-block) (list join-block) (block-pred join-block) (list else-block then-block) (block-succ join-block) (list tail-block) (block-pred tail-block) (substitute join-block block (block-pred tail-block)))) ;; Convert he consequent and alternative forms and update cursor. (ir-convert then (result-lvar) (cursor :block then-block)) (ir-convert else (result-lvar) (cursor :block else-block)) (set-cursor :block join-block))) (define-ir-translator block (name &body body) (let ((new (split-block))) (push-binding name 'block (cons (next-block) (result-lvar))) (ir-convert `(progn ,@body) (result-lvar)) (set-cursor :block new))) (define-ir-translator return-from (name &optional value) (let ((binding (or (find-binding name 'block) (error "Tried to return from unknown block `~S' name" name)))) (destructuring-bind (jump-block . lvar) (binding-value binding) (ir-convert value lvar) (setf (next-block) jump-block) ;; This block is really unreachable, even if the following code ;; is labelled in a tagbody, as tagbody will create a new block ;; for each label. However, we have to leave the cursor ;; somewhere to convert new input. (let ((dummy (make-empty-block))) (set-cursor :block dummy))))) (define-ir-translator tagbody (&rest statements) (flet ((go-tag-p (x) (or (integerp x) (symbolp x)))) (let* ((tags (remove-if-not #'go-tag-p statements)) (tag-blocks nil)) ;; Create a chain of basic blocks for the tags, recording each ;; block in a alist in TAG-BLOCKS. (let ((*cursor* *cursor*)) (dolist (tag tags) (setq *cursor* (cursor :block (split-block))) (push-binding tag 'tag (current-block)) (if (assoc tag tag-blocks) (error "Duplicated tag `~S' in tagbody." tag) (push (cons tag (current-block)) tag-blocks)))) ;; Convert the statements into the correct block. (dolist (stmt statements) (if (go-tag-p stmt) (set-cursor :block (cdr (assoc stmt tag-blocks))) (ir-convert stmt)))))) (define-ir-translator go (label) (let ((tag-binding (or (find-binding label 'tag) (error "Unable to jump to the label `~S'" label)))) (setf (next-block) (binding-value tag-binding)) ;; Unreachable block. (let ((dummy (make-empty-block))) (set-cursor :block dummy)))) (defun ir-convert-functoid (result name arguments &rest body) (let ((component) (return-lvar (make-lvar))) (with-component-compilation (ir-convert `(progn ,@body) return-lvar) (setq component *component*)) (let ((functional (make-functional :name name :arguments arguments :entry-point component :return-lvar return-lvar))) (insert-node (make-ref :leaf functional :lvar result))))) (define-ir-translator function (name) (if (atom name) (ir-convert `(symbol-function ,name) (result-lvar)) (ecase (car name) ((lambda named-lambda) (let ((desc (cdr name))) (when (eq 'lambda (car name)) (push nil desc)) (apply #'ir-convert-functoid (result-lvar) desc))) (setf)))) (defun ir-convert-var (form result) (let ((binds (find-binding form 'variable))) (if binds (insert-node (make-ref :leaf (binding-value binds) :lvar result)) (ir-convert `(symbol-value ',form) result)))) (defun ir-convert-call (form result) (destructuring-bind (function &rest args) form (let ((func-lvar (make-lvar)) (args-lvars nil)) ;; Argument list (dolist (arg args) (let ((arg-lvar (make-lvar))) (push arg-lvar args-lvars) (ir-convert arg arg-lvar))) (setq args-lvars (reverse args-lvars)) ;; Funcall (if (find-primitive function) (insert-node (make-primitive-call :function (find-primitive function) :arguments args-lvars :lvar result)) (progn (ir-convert `(symbol-function ,function) func-lvar) (insert-node (make-call :function func-lvar :arguments args-lvars :lvar result))))))) ;;; Convert the Lisp expression FORM, it may create new basic ;;; blocks. RESULT is the lvar representing the result of the ;;; computation or null if the value should be discarded. The IR is ;;; inserted at *CURSOR*. (defun ir-convert (form &optional result (*cursor* *cursor*)) ;; Rebinding the lexical environment here we make sure that the ;; lexical information introduced by FORM is just available for ;; subforms. (let ((*lexenv* *lexenv*)) ;; Possibly create additional blocks in order to make sure the ;; cursor is at end the end of a basic block. (maybe-split-block) (cond ((atom form) (cond ((symbolp form) (ir-convert-var form result)) (t (ir-convert-constant form result)))) (t (destructuring-bind (op &rest args) form (let ((translator (cdr (assoc op *ir-translator*)))) (if translator (funcall translator args result) (ir-convert-call form result)))))) (values))) ;;; Prepare a new component with a current empty block ready to start ;;; IR conversion bound in the current cursor. BODY is evaluated and ;;; the value of the last form is returned. (defmacro with-component-compilation (&body body) (with-gensyms (block) `(multiple-value-bind (*component* ,block) (make-empty-component) (let ((*cursor* (cursor :block ,block))) ,@body)))) ;;; Change all the predecessors of BLOCK to precede NEW-BLOCK instead. (defun replace-block (block new-block) (let ((predecessors (block-pred block))) (setf (block-pred new-block) (union (block-pred new-block) predecessors)) (dolist (pred predecessors) (setf (block-succ pred) (substitute new-block block (block-succ pred))) (unless (component-entry-p pred) (let ((last-node (node-prev (block-exit pred)))) (when (conditional-p last-node) (macrolet ((replacef (place) `(setf ,place (if (eq block ,place) new-block ,place)))) (replacef (conditional-consequent last-node)) (replacef (conditional-alternative last-node))))))))) (defun delete-empty-block (block) (when (or (component-entry-p block) (component-exit-p block)) (error "Cannot delete entry or exit basic blocks.")) (unless (empty-block-p block) (error "Block `~S' is not empty!" (block-id block))) (replace-block block (unlist (block-succ block)))) ;;; Try to coalesce BLOCK with the successor if it is unique and block ;;; is its unique predecessor. (defun maybe-coalesce-block (block) (when (singlep (block-succ block)) (let ((succ (first (block-succ block)))) (when (and (not (component-exit-p succ)) (singlep (block-pred succ))) (link-nodes (node-prev (block-exit block)) (node-next (block-entry succ))) (setf (block-succ block) (block-succ succ)) (dolist (next (block-succ succ)) (setf (block-pred next) (substitute block succ (block-pred next)))) t)))) (defun ir-complete (&optional (component *component*)) (do-blocks-backward (block component) (maybe-coalesce-block block) (when (empty-block-p block) (delete-empty-block block)))) ;;; IR Debugging (defun print-node (node) (when (node-lvar node) (format t "~a = " (lvar-id (node-lvar node)))) (cond ((ref-p node) (let ((leaf (ref-leaf node))) (cond ((var-p leaf) (format t "~a" (var-name leaf))) ((constant-p leaf) (format t "'~s" (constant-value leaf))) ((functional-p leaf) (format t "#" (functional-name leaf)))))) ((assignment-p node) (format t "set ~a ~a" (var-name (assignment-variable node)) (lvar-id (assignment-value node)))) ((primitive-call-p node) (format t "primitive ~a" (primitive-name (primitive-call-function node))) (dolist (arg (primitive-call-arguments node)) (format t " ~a" (lvar-id arg)))) ((call-p node) (format t "call ~a" (lvar-id (call-function node))) (dolist (arg (call-arguments node)) (format t " ~a" (lvar-id arg)))) ((conditional-p node) (format t "if ~a ~a ~a" (lvar-id (conditional-test node)) (block-id (conditional-consequent node)) (block-id (conditional-alternative node)))) (t (error "`print-node' does not support printing ~S as a node." node))) (terpri)) (defun print-block (block) (flet ((block-name (block) (cond ((and (singlep (block-pred block)) (component-entry-p (unlist (block-pred block)))) "ENTRY") ((component-exit-p block) "EXIT") (t (string (block-id block)))))) (format t "BLOCK ~a:~%" (block-name block)) (do-nodes (node block) (print-node node)) (when (singlep (block-succ block)) (format t "GO ~a~%" (block-name (first (block-succ block))))) (terpri))) (defun print-component (component &optional (stream *standard-output*)) (let ((*standard-output* stream)) (do-blocks (block component) (print-block block)))) ;;; Translate FORM into IR and print a textual repreresentation of the ;;; component. (defun describe-ir (form &optional (complete t)) (with-component-compilation (ir-convert form (make-lvar :id "$out")) (when complete (ir-complete)) (check-ir-consistency *component*) (print-component *component*))) ;;;; Primitives ;;;; ;;;; Primitive functions are a set of functions provided by the ;;;; compiler. They cannot usually be written in terms of other ;;;; functions. When the compiler tries to compile a function call, it ;;;; looks for a primitive function firstly, and if it is found and ;;;; the declarations allow it, a primitive call is inserted in the ;;;; IR. The back-end of the compiler knows how to compile primitive ;;;; calls. ;;;; (defvar *primitive-function-table* nil) (defstruct primitive name) (defmacro define-primitive (name args &body body) (declare (ignore args body)) `(push (make-primitive :name ',name) *primitive-function-table*)) (defun find-primitive (name) (find name *primitive-function-table* :key #'primitive-name)) (define-primitive symbol-function (symbol)) (define-primitive symbol-value (symbol)) ;;; compiler.lisp ends here