(defpackage :glib (:use :cl :cffi :iter) (:export #:at-init #:gsize #:gssize #:goffset #:*glib-major-version* #:*glib-minor-version* #:*glib-micro-version* #:*glib-binary-age* #:*glib-interface-age* #:g-free #:glist #:gstrv #:g-malloc #:g-strdup #:g-string #:gslist #:g-quark #:+g-priority-high+ #:+g-priority-default+ #:+g-priority-high-idle+ #:+g-priority-default-idle+ #:+g-priority-low+ #:g-idle-add-full)) (in-package :glib) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defvar *initializers* nil) (defun register-initializer (fn) (setf *initializers* (nconc *initializers* (list fn))))) (defun run-initializers () (iter (for fn in *initializers*) (funcall fn))) (defmacro at-init (&body body) `(progn (register-initializer (lambda () ,@body)) ,@body)) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (define-foreign-library glib (:unix (:or "libglib-2.0.so.0" "libglib-2.0.so")) (t "libglib-2.0"))) (use-foreign-library glib) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (define-foreign-library gthread (:unix (:or "libgthread-2.0.so.0" "libgthread-2.0.so")) (t "libgthread-2.0"))) (use-foreign-library gthread) ;; ;; Glib Fundamentals ;; ;; ;; Fundamentals - Basic types ;; ;; TODO: not sure about these: for amd64 they are ok (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (cond ((cffi-features:cffi-feature-p :x86-64) (defctype gsize :uint64)) ((cffi-features:cffi-feature-p :x86) (defctype gsize :ulong)) (t (error "Can not define 'gsize', unknown CPU architecture (known are x86 and x86-64)")))) (defctype gssize :long) (defctype goffset :uint64) ;; ;; Fundamentals - Version information ;; (defcvar (*glib-major-version* "glib_major_version" :read-only t :library glib) :uint) (defcvar (*glib-minor-version* "glib_minor_version" :read-only t :library glib) :uint) (defcvar (*glib-micro-version* "glib_micro_version" :read-only t :library glib) :uint) (defcvar (*glib-binary-age* "glib_binary_age" :read-only t :library glib) :uint) (defcvar (*glib-interface-age* "glib_interface_age" :read-only t :library glib) :uint) ;; ;; Omitted: ;; Limits of Basic Types, Standard Macros, Type Conversion Macros, Byte Order Macros, ;; Numerical Definitions, Miscellaneous Macros, Atomic operations ;; ;; Core Application Support - The Main Event Loop (defcstruct g-main-loop) (defcstruct g-main-context) (defcstruct g-source) (defcstruct g-source-funcs (prepare :pointer) (check :pointer) (dispatch :pointer) (finalize :pointer) (closure-callback :pointer) (closure-marshal :pointer)) (defcstruct g-source-callback-funcs (ref :pointer) (unref :pointer) (get :pointer)) (defcstruct g-cond) (defcstruct g-mutex) (defcstruct g-poll-fd (fd :int) ;; TODO: #if defined (G_OS_WIN32) && GLIB_SIZEOF_VOID_P == 8 (events :ushort) (revent :ushort)) (defcstruct g-time-val (seconds :long) (microseconds :long)) (defcstruct g-thread) (defcfun (g-main-loop-new "g_main_loop_new" :library glib) (:pointer g-main-loop) (context (:pointer g-main-context)) (is-running :boolean)) (defcfun (g-main-loop-ref "g_main_loop_ref" :library glib) (:pointer g-main-loop) (loop (:pointer g-main-loop))) (defcfun (g-main-loop-unref "g_main_loop_unref" :library glib) (:pointer g-main-loop) (loop (:pointer g-main-loop))) (defcfun (g-main-loop-run "g_main_loop_run" :library glib) :void (loop (:pointer g-main-loop))) (defcfun (g-main-loop-quit "g_main_loop_quit" :library glib) :void (loop (:pointer g-main-loop))) (defcfun (g-main-loop-is-running "g_main_loop_is_running" :library glib) :boolean (loop (:pointer g-main-loop))) (defcfun (g-main-loop-get-context "g_main_loop_get_context" :library glib) (:pointer g-main-context) (loop (:pointer g-main-loop))) (defconstant +g-priority-high+ -100) (defconstant +g-priority-default+ 0) (defconstant +g-priority-high-idle+ 100) (defconstant +g-priority-default-idle+ 200) (defconstant +g-priority-low+ 300) (defcfun (g-main-context-new "g_main_context_new" :library glib) (:pointer g-main-context)) (defcfun (g-main-context-ref "g_main_context_ref" :library glib) (:pointer g-main-context) (context (:pointer g-main-context))) (defcfun (g-main-context-unref "g_main_context_unref" :library glib) (:pointer g-main-context) (context (:pointer g-main-context))) (defcfun (g-main-context-default "g_main_context_default" :library glib) (:pointer g-main-context)) (defcfun (g-main-context-iteration "g_main_context_iteration" :library glib) :boolean (context (:pointer g-main-context)) (may-block :boolean)) (defcfun (g-main-context-pending "g_main_context_pending" :library glib) :boolean (context (:pointer g-main-context))) (defcfun (g-main-context-find-source-by-id "g_main_context_find_source_by_id" :library glib) (:pointer g-source) (context (:pointer g-main-context)) (source-id :uint)) (defcfun (g-main-context-find-source-by-user-data "g_main_context_find_source_by_user_data" :library glib) (:pointer g-source) (context (:pointer g-main-context)) (user-data :pointer)) (defcfun (g-main-context-find-source-by-funcs-user-data "g_main_context_find_source_by_funcs_user_data" :library glib) (:pointer g-source) (context (:pointer g-main-context)) (funcs (:pointer g-source-funcs)) (user-data :pointer)) (defcfun (g-main-context-wakeup "g_main_context_wakeup" :library glib) :void (context (:pointer g-main-context))) (defcfun (g-main-context-acquire "g_main_context_acquire" :library glib) :boolean (context (:pointer g-main-context))) (defcfun (g-main-context-release "g_main_context_release" :library glib) :void (context (:pointer g-main-context))) (defcfun (g-main-context-is-owner "g_main_context_is_owner" :library glib) :boolean (context (:pointer g-main-context))) (defcfun (g-main-context-wait "g_main_context_wait" :library glib) :boolean (context (:pointer g-main-context)) (cond (:pointer g-cond)) (mutex (:pointer g-mutex))) (defcfun (g_main_context_prepare "g_main_context_prepare" :library glib) :boolean (context (:pointer g-main-context)) (priority-ret (:pointer :int))) (defcfun (g_main_context_query "g_main_context_query" :library glib) :int (context (:pointer g-main-context)) (max-priority :int) (timeout-ret (:pointer :int)) (fds-ret (:pointer g-poll-fd)) (n-dfs :int)) (defcfun (g-main-context-check "g_main_context_check" :library glib) :int (context (:pointer g-main-context)) (max-priority :int) (fds (:pointer g-poll-fd)) (n-fds :int)) (defcfun (g-main-context-dispatch "g_main_context_dispatch" :library glib) :void (context (:pointer g-main-context))) (defcfun (g-main-context-set-poll-func "g_main_context_set_poll_func" :library glib) :void (context (:pointer g-main-context)) (func :pointer)) (defcfun (g-main-context-get-poll-func "g_main_context_get_poll_func" :library glib) :pointer (context (:pointer g-main-context))) (defcfun (g-main-context-add-poll "g_main_context_add_poll" :library glib) :void (context (:pointer g-main-context)) (fd (:pointer g-poll-fd)) (priority :int)) (defcfun (g-main-context-remove-poll "g_main_context_remove_poll" :library glib) :void (context (:pointer g-main-context)) (fd (:pointer g-poll-fd))) (defcfun (g-main-depth "g_main_depth" :library glib) :int) (defcfun (g-main-current-source "g_main_current_source" :library glib) (:pointer g-source)) (defcfun (g-timeout-source-new "g_timeout_source_new" :library glib) (:pointer g-source) (interval-milliseconds :int)) (defcfun (g-timeout-source-new-seconds "g_timeout_source_new_seconds" :library glib) (:pointer g-source) (interval-seconds :int)) (defcfun (g-timeout-add "g_timeout_add" :library glib) :uint (interval-milliseconds :uint) (function :pointer) (data :pointer)) (defcfun (g-timeout-add-full "g_timeout_add_full" :library glib) :uint (priority :int) (interval-milliseconds :uint) (function :pointer) (data :pointer) (destroy-notify :pointer)) (defcfun (g-timeout-add-seconds "g_timeout_add_seconds" :library glib) :uint (interval-seconds :uint) (function :pointer) (data :pointer)) (defcfun (g-timeout-add-seconds-full "g_timeout_add_seconds_full" :library glib) :uint (priority :int) (interval-seconds :uint) (function :pointer) (data :pointer) (destroy-notify :pointer)) (defcfun (g-idle-source-new "g_idle_source_new" :library glib) (:pointer g-source)) (defcfun (g-idle-add "g_idle_add" :library glib) :uint (function :pointer) (data :pointer)) (defcfun (g-idle-add-full "g_idle_add_full" :library glib) :uint (priority :uint) (function :pointer) (data :pointer) (notify :pointer)) (defcfun (g-idle-remove-by-data "g_idle_remove_by_data" :library glib) :boolean (data :pointer)) ;(defctype g-pid :int) ;;TODO: might work on amd64 linux, but on others ;; Omitted GPid, g_child_add_watch, g_child_add_watch_full (defcfun (g-source-new "g_source_new" :library glib) (:pointer g-source) (source-funcs (:pointer g-source-funcs)) (struct-size :uint)) (defcfun (g-source-ref "g_source_ref" :library glib) (:pointer g-source) (source (:pointer g-source))) (defcfun (g-source-unref "g_source_unref" :library glib) :void (source (:pointer g-source))) (defcfun (g-source-set-funcs "g_source_set_funcs" :library glib) :void (source (:pointer g-source)) (funcs (:pointer g-source-funcs))) (defcfun (g-source-attach "g_source_attach" :library glib) :uint (source (:pointer g-source)) (context (:pointer g-main-context))) (defcfun (g-source-destroy "g_source_destroy" :library glib) :void (source (:pointer g-source))) (defcfun (g-source-is-destroyed "g_source_is_destroyed" :library glib) :boolean (source (:pointer g-source))) (defcfun (g-source-set-priority "g_source_set_priority" :library glib) :void (source (:pointer g-source)) (priority :int)) (defcfun (g-source-get-priority "g_source_get_priority" :library glib) :int (source (:pointer g-source))) (defcfun (g-source-set-can-recurse "g_source_set_can_recurse" :library glib) :void (source (:pointer g-source)) (can-recurse :boolean)) (defcfun (g-source-get-can-recurse "g_source_get_can_recurse" :library glib) :boolean (source (:pointer g-source))) (defcfun (g-source-get-id "g_source_get_id" :library glib) :uint (source (:pointer g-source))) (defcfun (g-source-get-context "g_source_get_context" :library glib) (:pointer g-main-context) (source (:pointer g-source))) (defcfun (g-source-set-callback "g_source_set_callback" :library glib) :void (source (:pointer g-source)) (func :pointer) (data :pointer) (notify :pointer)) (defcfun (g-source-add-poll "g_source_add_poll" :library glib) :void (source (:pointer g-source)) (fd (:pointer g-poll-fd))) (defcfun (g-source-remove-poll "g_source_remove_poll" :library glib) :void (source (:pointer g-source)) (fd (:pointer g-poll-fd))) (defcfun (g-source-get-current-time "g_source_get_current_time" :library glib) :void (source (:pointer g-source)) (timeval-ret (:pointer g-time-val))) (defcfun (g-source-remove "g_source_remove" :library glib) :boolean (id :uint)) (defcfun (g-source-remove-by-funcs-user-data "g_source_remove_by_funcs_user_data" :library glib) :boolean (funcs (:pointer g-source-funcs)) (data :pointer)) (defcfun (g-source-remove-by-user-data "g_source_remove_by_user_data" :library glib) :boolean (data :pointer)) ;; ;; Core Application Support - Threads ;; (defcenum g-thread-error :g-thread-error-again) ;omitted: struct GThreadFunctions (defcfun (g-thread-init "g_thread_init") :void (vtable :pointer)) (defvar *threads-initialized-p* nil) (at-init (unless *threads-initialized-p* (g-thread-init (null-pointer)) (setf *threads-initialized-p* t))) (defcenum g-thread-priority :g-thread-priority-low :g-thread-priority-normal :g-thread-priority-hight :g-thread-priority-urgent) ;omitted: g_thread_create, g_thread_create_full, g_thread_yield, g_thread_exit, g_thread_foreach (defcfun (g-thread-self "g_thread_self" :library glib) (:pointer g-thread)) (defcfun (g-thread-join "g_thread_join" :library glib) :pointer (thread (:pointer g-thread))) (defcfun (g-thread-priority "g_thread_set_priority" :library glib) :void (thread (:pointer g-thread)) (priority g-thread-priority)) ;;;; TODO: Commented g_mutex_*, g_cond* because they are not functions, but called through dispatch table ;; (defcfun (g-mutex-new "g_mutex_new" :library glib) (:pointer g-mutex)) ;; (defcfun (g-mutex-lock "g_mutex_lock" :library glib) :void ;; (mutex (:pointer g-mutex))) ;; (defcfun (g-mutex-try-lock "g_mutex_trylock" :library glib) :boolean ;; (mutex (:pointer g-mutex))) ;; (defcfun (g-mutex-free "g_mutex_free" :library glib) :void ;; (mutex (:pointer g-mutex))) ;omitted: GStaticMutex, GStaticRWLock stuff ;; (defcfun (g-cond-new "g_cond_new" :library glib) (:pointer g-cond)) ;; (defcfun (g-cond-signal "g_cond_signal" :library glib) :void ;; (cond (:pointer g-cond))) ;; (defcfun (g-cond-broadcast "g_cond_broadcast" :library glib) :void ;; (cond (:pointer g-cond))) ;; (defcfun (g-cond-wait "g_cond_wait" :library glib) :void ;; (cond (:pointer g-cond)) ;; (mutex (:pointer g-mutex))) ;; (defcfun (g-cond-timed-wait "g_cond_timed_wait" :library glib) :boolean ;; (cond (:pointer g-cond)) ;; (mutex (:pointer g-mutex)) ;; (abs-time (:pointer g-time-val))) ;; (defcfun (g-cond-free "g_cond_free" :library glib) :void ;; (cond (:pointer g-cond))) ;omitted: GPrivate, GOnce stuff ;omitted: Thread pools, Asynchronous queues, Dynamic Loading of Modules, ; Memory Allocation, IO Channels, Error Reporting, Message Output and Debugging Functions, Message Logging (defcfun g-free :void (ptr :pointer)) (defcfun (g-malloc "g_malloc0") :pointer (n-bytes gsize)) (defcfun g-strdup :pointer (str (:string :free-to-foreign t))) ;omitted all GLib Utilites ;TODO: omitted Date and Time Functions