(in-package :gobject.type-info) (defstruct g-class-property-definition "Structure describing property of a GObject class. See accessor functions: @itemize{ @item{@fun{g-class-property-definition-name}} @item{@fun{g-class-property-definition-type}} @item{@fun{g-class-property-definition-readable}} @item{@fun{g-class-property-definition-writable}} @item{@fun{g-class-property-definition-constructor}} @item{@fun{g-class-property-definition-constructor-only}} @item{@fun{g-class-property-definition-owner-type}} } " name type readable writable constructor constructor-only owner-type) (setf (documentation 'g-class-property-definition-name 'function) "Name of GObject class property. See @class{g-class-property-definition}. @return{a string}") (setf (documentation 'g-class-property-definition-type 'function) "Type of GObject class property. See @class{g-class-property-definition}. @return{a GType (integer)}") (setf (documentation 'g-class-property-definition-readable 'function) "Whether the GObject class property is readable. See @class{g-class-property-definition}. @return{a boolean}") (setf (documentation 'g-class-property-definition-writable 'function) "Whether the GObject class property is writable. See @class{g-class-property-definition}. @return{a boolean}") (setf (documentation 'g-class-property-definition-constructor 'function) "Whether the GObject class property can be set at object construction time. See @class{g-class-property-definition}. @return{a boolean}") (setf (documentation 'g-class-property-definition-constructor-only 'function) "Whether the GObject class property can only be set at object construction time. See @class{g-class-property-definition}. @return{a boolean}") (setf (documentation 'g-class-property-definition-owner-type 'function) "The GType on which this GObject class property was defined. See @class{g-class-property-definition}. @return{a GType (integer)}") (defun parse-g-param-spec (param) (let ((flags (foreign-slot-value param 'g-param-spec :flags))) (make-g-class-property-definition :name (foreign-slot-value param 'g-param-spec :name) :type (foreign-slot-value param 'g-param-spec :value-type) :readable (not (null (member :readable flags))) :writable (not (null (member :writable flags))) :constructor (not (null (member :construct flags))) :constructor-only (not (null (member :construct-only flags))) :owner-type (foreign-slot-value param 'g-param-spec :owner-type)))) (defmacro with-unwind ((var expr unwind-function) &body body) `(let ((,var ,expr)) (unwind-protect (progn ,@body) (,unwind-function ,var)))) (defun class-properties (g-type) "@return{list of properties of GObject class @code{g-type}. Each property is described by an object of type @class{g-class-property-definition}.} @arg[g-type]{an integer or a string specifying the GType}" (assert (g-type-is-a g-type +g-type-object+)) (with-unwind (g-class (g-type-class-ref g-type) g-type-class-unref) (with-foreign-object (n-properties :uint) (with-unwind (params (g-object-class-list-properties g-class n-properties) g-free) (loop for i from 0 below (mem-ref n-properties :uint) for param = (mem-aref params :pointer i) collect (parse-g-param-spec param)))))) (defun interface-properties (g-type) "@return{list of properties of GObject interface @code{g-type}. Each property is described by an object of type @class{g-class-property-definition}.} @arg[g-type]{an integer or a string specifying the GType}" (assert (g-type-is-a g-type +g-type-interface+)) (with-unwind (g-iface (g-type-default-interface-ref g-type) g-type-default-interface-unref) (with-foreign-object (n-properties :uint) (with-unwind (params (g-object-interface-list-properties g-iface n-properties) g-free) (loop for i from 0 below (mem-ref n-properties :uint) for param = (mem-aref params :pointer i) collect (parse-g-param-spec param)))))) (defstruct enum-item "A structure describing a single enumeration item. See accessor functions: @itemize{ @item{@fun{enum-item-name}} @item{@fun{enum-item-value}} @item{@fun{enum-item-nick}} }" name value nick) (setf (documentation 'enum-item-name 'function) "The C name of enum item, e.g. \"GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL\". @return{a string}") (setf (documentation 'enum-item-value 'function) "The numeric value of enum item. @return{an integer}") (setf (documentation 'enum-item-nick 'function) "The \"nickname\" of enum item. Nickname is a short name of enum item. E.g., \"toplevel\". @return{a string}") (defun get-enum-items (type) "Gets the list of enum items that belong to GEnum type @code{type} @arg[type]{a string or an integer specifying GEnum type} @return{a list of @class{enum-item} objects}" (assert (g-type-is-a type +g-type-enum+)) (let ((g-class (g-type-class-ref type))) (unwind-protect (loop with n = (foreign-slot-value g-class 'g-enum-class :n-values) with values = (foreign-slot-value g-class 'g-enum-class :values) for i from 0 below n for enum-value = (mem-aref values 'g-enum-value i) collect (make-enum-item :name (foreign-slot-value enum-value 'g-enum-value :name) :value (foreign-slot-value enum-value 'g-enum-value :value) :nick (foreign-slot-value enum-value 'g-enum-value :nick))) (g-type-class-unref g-class)))) (defstruct flags-item "A structure describing a single flags item. See accessor functions: @itemize{ @item{@fun{flags-item-name}} @item{@fun{flags-item-value}} @item{@fun{flags-item-nick}} }" name value nick) (setf (documentation 'flags-item-name 'function) "The C name of flags item, e.g. \"GDK_PROPERTY_CHANGE_MASK\". @return{a string}") (setf (documentation 'flags-item-value 'function) "The numeric value of flags item. @return{an integer}") (setf (documentation 'flags-item-nick 'function) "The \"nickname\" of flags item. Nickname is a short name of flags item. E.g., \"property-change-mask\". @return{a string}") (defun get-flags-items (type) "Gets the list of flags items that belong to GFlags type @code{type} @arg[type]{a string or an integer specifying GFlags type} @return{a list of @class{flags-item} objects}" (assert (g-type-is-a type +g-type-flags+)) (let ((g-class (g-type-class-ref type))) (unwind-protect (loop with n = (foreign-slot-value g-class 'g-flags-class :n-values) with values = (foreign-slot-value g-class 'g-flags-class :values) for i from 0 below n for flags-value = (mem-aref values 'g-flags-value i) collect (make-flags-item :name (foreign-slot-value flags-value 'g-flags-value :name) :value (foreign-slot-value flags-value 'g-flags-value :value) :nick (foreign-slot-value flags-value 'g-flags-value :nick))) (g-type-class-unref g-class))))