;; -*- lisp -*- (in-package :it.bese.FiveAM) ;;;; * Checks ;;;; At the lowest level testing the system requires that certain ;;;; forms be evaluated and that certain post conditions are met: the ;;;; value returned must satisfy a certain predicate, the form must ;;;; (or must not) signal a certain condition, etc. In FiveAM these ;;;; low level operations are called 'checks' and are defined using ;;;; the various checking macros. ;;;; Checks are the basic operators for collecting results. Tests and ;;;; test suites on the other hand allow grouping multiple checks into ;;;; logic collections. (defvar *test-dribble* t) (defmacro with-*test-dribble* (stream &body body) `(let ((*test-dribble* ,stream)) (declare (special *test-dribble*)) ,@body)) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (def-special-environment run-state () result-list current-test)) ;;;; ** Types of test results ;;;; Every check produces a result object. (defclass test-result () ((reason :accessor reason :initarg :reason :initform "no reason given") (test-case :accessor test-case :initarg :test-case) (test-expr :accessor test-expr :initarg :test-expr)) (:documentation "All checking macros will generate an object of type TEST-RESULT.")) (defclass test-passed (test-result) () (:documentation "Class for successful checks.")) (defgeneric test-passed-p (object) (:method ((o t)) nil) (:method ((o test-passed)) t)) (defclass test-failure (test-result) () (:documentation "Class for unsuccessful checks.")) (defgeneric test-failure-p (object) (:method ((o t)) nil) (:method ((o test-failure)) t)) (defclass unexpected-test-failure (test-failure) ((actual-condition :accessor actual-condition :initarg :condition)) (:documentation "Represents the result of a test which neither passed nor failed, but signaled an error we couldn't deal with. Note: This is very different than a SIGNALS check which instead creates a TEST-PASSED or TEST-FAILURE object.")) (defclass test-skipped (test-result) () (:documentation "A test which was not run. Usually this is due to unsatisfied dependencies, but users can decide to skip test when appropiate.")) (defgeneric test-skipped-p (object) (:method ((o t)) nil) (:method ((o test-skipped)) t)) (defparameter *debug-on-failure* nil "If non-NIL then we drop into a debugger at each test failure.") (define-condition debug-test-failure (error) ((failed-result :initarg :failed-result :accessor failed-result) (failed-test :initarg :failed-test :accessor failed-test)) (:report (lambda (condition stream) (format stream "Test ~S failed with ~S." (failed-test condition) (failed-result condition))))) (defun add-result (result-type &rest make-instance-args) "Create a TEST-RESULT object of type RESULT-TYPE passing it the initialize args MAKE-INSTANCE-ARGS and adds the resulting object to the list of test results." (with-run-state (result-list current-test) (let ((result (apply #'make-instance result-type (append make-instance-args (list :test-case current-test))))) (etypecase result (test-passed (format *test-dribble* ".")) (unexpected-test-failure (format *test-dribble* "X")) (test-failure (when *debug-on-failure* (restart-case (invoke-debugger (make-instance 'debug-test-failure :failed-test current-test :failed-result result)) (fail () :report "Report a test failure and continue."))) (format *test-dribble* "f")) (test-skipped (format *test-dribble* "s"))) (push result result-list)))) ;;;; ** The check operators ;;;; *** The IS check (defmacro is (test &rest reason-args) "The DWIM checking operator. If TEST returns a true value a test-passed result is generated, otherwise a test-failure result is generated and the reason, unless REASON-ARGS is provided, is generated based on the form of TEST: (predicate expected actual) - Means that we want to check whether, according to PREDICATE, the ACTUAL value is in fact what we EXPECTED. (predicate value) - Means that we want to ensure that VALUE satisfies PREDICATE. Wrapping the TEST form in a NOT simply preducse a negated reason string." (assert (listp test) (test) "Argument to IS must be a list, not ~S" test) (let (bindings effective-test default-reason-args) (with-unique-names (e a v) (list-match-case test ((not (?predicate ?expected ?actual)) (setf bindings (list (list e ?expected) (list a ?actual)) effective-test `(not (,?predicate ,e ,a)) default-reason-args (list "~S was ~S to ~S" a `',?predicate e))) ((not (?satisfies ?value)) (setf bindings (list (list v ?value)) effective-test `(not (,?satisfies ,v)) default-reason-args (list "~S satisfied ~S" v `',?satisfies))) ((?predicate ?expected ?actual) (setf bindings (list (list e ?expected) (list a ?actual)) effective-test `(,?predicate ,e ,a) default-reason-args (list "~S was not ~S to ~S" a `',?predicate e))) ((?satisfies ?value) (setf bindings (list (list v ?value)) effective-test `(,?satisfies ,v) default-reason-args (list "~S did not satisfy ~S" v `',?satisfies))) (t (setf bindings '() effective-test test default-reason-args "No reason supplied."))) `(let ,bindings (if ,effective-test (add-result 'test-passed :test-expr ',test) (add-result 'test-failure :reason ,(if (null reason-args) `(format nil ,@default-reason-args) `(format nil ,@reason-args)) :test-expr ',test)))))) ;;;; *** Other checks (defmacro skip (&rest reason) "Generates a TEST-SKIPPED result." `(progn (format *test-dribble* "s") (add-result 'test-skipped :reason (format nil ,@reason)))) (defmacro is-true (condition &rest reason-args) "Like IS this check generates a pass if CONDITION returns true and a failure if CONDITION returns false. Unlike IS this check does not inspect CONDITION to determine how to report the failure." `(if ,condition (add-result 'test-passed :test-expr ',condition) (add-result 'test-failure :reason ,(if reason-args `(format nil ,@reason-args) `(format nil "~S did not return a true value" ',condition)) :test-expr ',condition))) (defmacro is-false (condition &rest reason-args) "Generates a pass if CONDITION returns false, generates a failure otherwise. Like IS-TRUE, and unlike IS, IS-FALSE does not inspect CONDITION to determine what reason to give it case of test failure" `(if ,condition (add-result 'test-failure :reason ,(if reason-args `(format nil ,@reason-args) `(format nil "~S returned a true value" ',condition)) :test-expr ',condition) (add-result 'test-passed :test-expr ',condition))) (defmacro signals (condition &body body) "Generates a pass if BODY signals a condition of type CONDITION. BODY is evaluated in a block named NIL, CONDITION is not evaluated." (let ((block-name (gensym))) `(block ,block-name (handler-bind ((,condition (lambda (c) (declare (ignore c)) ;; ok, body threw condition (add-result 'test-passed :test-expr ',condition) (return-from ,block-name t)))) (block nil ,@body (add-result 'test-failure :reason (format nil "Failed to signal a ~S" ',condition) :test-expr ',condition) (return-from ,block-name nil)))))) (defmacro finishes (&body body) "Generates a pass if BODY executes to normal completion. In other words if body does signal, return-from or throw this test fails." `(let ((ok nil)) (unwind-protect (progn ,@body (setf ok t)) (if ok (add-result 'test-passed :test-expr ',body) (add-result 'test-failure :reason (format nil "Test didn't finish") :test-expr ',body))))) (defmacro pass (&rest message-args) "Simply generate a PASS." `(add-result 'test-passed :test-expr ',message-args ,@(when message-args `(:reason (format nil ,@message-args))))) (defmacro fail (&rest message-args) "Simply generate a FAIL." `(add-result 'test-failure :test-expr ',message-args ,@(when message-args `(:reason (format nil ,@message-args))))) ;; Copyright (c) 2002-2003, Edward Marco Baringer ;; All rights reserved. ;; ;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are ;; met: ;; ;; - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ;; ;; - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ;; documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ;; ;; - Neither the name of Edward Marco Baringer, nor BESE, nor the names ;; of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products ;; derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ;; ;; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ;; "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT ;; LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR ;; A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT ;; OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, ;; SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT ;; LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ;; DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ;; THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ;; (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE ;; OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE