;;;; the byte code interpreter (in-package "SB!C") (file-comment "$Header$") ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. ;;; We need at least this level of DEBUGness in order for the local ;;; declaration in WITH-DEBUGGER-INFO to take effect. ;;; ;;; FIXME: This will cause source code location information to be ;;; compiled into the executable, which will probably cause problems ;;; for users running without the sources and/or without the ;;; build-the-system readtable. (declaim (optimize (debug 2))) ;;; Return a function type approximating the type of a byte-compiled ;;; function. We really only capture the arg signature. (defun byte-function-type (x) (specifier-type (etypecase x (simple-byte-function `(function ,(make-list (simple-byte-function-num-args x) :initial-element 't) *)) (hairy-byte-function (collect ((res)) (let ((min (hairy-byte-function-min-args x)) (max (hairy-byte-function-max-args x))) (dotimes (i min) (res 't)) (when (> max min) (res '&optional) (dotimes (i (- max min)) (res 't)))) (when (hairy-byte-function-rest-arg-p x) (res '&rest 't)) (ecase (hairy-byte-function-keywords-p x) ((t :allow-others) (res '&key) (dolist (key (hairy-byte-function-keywords x)) (res `(,(car key) t))) (when (eql (hairy-byte-function-keywords-p x) :allow-others) (res '&allow-other-keys))) ((nil))) `(function ,(res) *)))))) ;;;; the evaluation stack ;;; the interpreter's evaluation stack (defvar *eval-stack* (make-array 100)) ; will grow as needed ;;; FIXME: This seems to be used by the ordinary (non-byte) interpreter ;;; too, judging from a crash I had when I removed byte-interp.lisp from ;;; the cold build sequence. It would probably be clearer to pull the ;;; shared interpreter machinery out of the byte interpreter and ordinary ;;; interpreter files and put them into their own file shared-interp.lisp ;;; or something. ;;; the index of the next free element of the interpreter's evaluation stack (defvar *eval-stack-top* 0) (defmacro current-stack-pointer () '*eval-stack-top*) #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline eval-stack-ref)) (defun eval-stack-ref (offset) (declare (type stack-pointer offset)) (svref sb!eval::*eval-stack* offset)) #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline (setf eval-stack-ref))) (defun (setf eval-stack-ref) (new-value offset) (declare (type stack-pointer offset)) (setf (svref sb!eval::*eval-stack* offset) new-value)) (defun push-eval-stack (value) (let ((len (length (the simple-vector sb!eval::*eval-stack*))) (sp (current-stack-pointer))) (when (= len sp) (let ((new-stack (make-array (ash len 1)))) (replace new-stack sb!eval::*eval-stack* :end1 len :end2 len) (setf sb!eval::*eval-stack* new-stack))) (setf (current-stack-pointer) (1+ sp)) (setf (eval-stack-ref sp) value))) (defun allocate-eval-stack (amount) (let* ((len (length (the simple-vector sb!eval::*eval-stack*))) (sp (current-stack-pointer)) (new-sp (+ sp amount))) (declare (type index sp new-sp)) (when (>= new-sp len) (let ((new-stack (make-array (ash new-sp 1)))) (replace new-stack sb!eval::*eval-stack* :end1 len :end2 len) (setf sb!eval::*eval-stack* new-stack))) (setf (current-stack-pointer) new-sp) (let ((stack sb!eval::*eval-stack*)) (do ((i sp (1+ i))) ; FIXME: DOTIMES? or just :INITIAL-ELEMENT in MAKE-ARRAY? ((= i new-sp)) (setf (svref stack i) '#:uninitialized)))) (values)) (defun pop-eval-stack () (let* ((new-sp (1- (current-stack-pointer))) (value (eval-stack-ref new-sp))) (setf (current-stack-pointer) new-sp) value)) (defmacro multiple-value-pop-eval-stack ((&rest vars) &body body) #+nil (declare (optimize (inhibit-warnings 3))) (let ((num-vars (length vars)) (index -1) (new-sp-var (gensym "NEW-SP-")) (decls nil)) (loop (unless (and (consp body) (consp (car body)) (eq (caar body) 'declare)) (return)) (push (pop body) decls)) `(let ((,new-sp-var (- (current-stack-pointer) ,num-vars))) (declare (type stack-pointer ,new-sp-var)) (let ,(mapcar #'(lambda (var) `(,var (eval-stack-ref (+ ,new-sp-var ,(incf index))))) vars) ,@(nreverse decls) (setf (current-stack-pointer) ,new-sp-var) ,@body)))) (defun stack-copy (dest src count) (declare (type stack-pointer dest src count)) (let ((stack *eval-stack*)) (if (< dest src) (dotimes (i count) (setf (svref stack dest) (svref stack src)) (incf dest) (incf src)) (do ((si (1- (+ src count)) (1- si)) (di (1- (+ dest count)) (1- di))) ((< si src)) (declare (fixnum si di)) (setf (svref stack di) (svref stack si))))) (values)) ;;;; component access magic #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline component-ref)) (defun component-ref (component pc) (declare (type code-component component) (type pc pc)) (sap-ref-8 (code-instructions component) pc)) #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline (setf component-ref))) (defun (setf component-ref) (value component pc) (declare (type (unsigned-byte 8) value) (type code-component component) (type pc pc)) (setf (sap-ref-8 (code-instructions component) pc) value)) #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline component-ref-signed)) (defun component-ref-signed (component pc) (let ((byte (component-ref component pc))) (if (logbitp 7 byte) (logior (ash -1 8) byte) byte))) #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline component-ref-24)) (defun component-ref-24 (component pc) (logior (ash (component-ref component pc) 16) (ash (component-ref component (1+ pc)) 8) (component-ref component (+ pc 2)))) ;;;; debugging support ;;; This macro binds three magic variables. When the debugger notices that ;;; these three variables are bound, it makes a byte-code frame out of the ;;; supplied information instead of a compiled frame. We set each var in ;;; addition to binding it so the compiler doens't optimize away the binding. (defmacro with-debugger-info ((component pc fp) &body body) `(let ((%byte-interp-component ,component) (%byte-interp-pc ,pc) (%byte-interp-fp ,fp)) ;; FIXME: This will cause source code location information to be compiled ;; into the executable, which will probably cause problems for users ;; running without the sources and/or without the build-the-system ;; readtable. (declare (optimize (debug 3))) (setf %byte-interp-component %byte-interp-component) (setf %byte-interp-pc %byte-interp-pc) (setf %byte-interp-fp %byte-interp-fp) ,@body)) (defun byte-install-breakpoint (component pc) (declare (type code-component component) (type pc pc) (values (unsigned-byte 8))) (let ((orig (component-ref component pc))) (setf (component-ref component pc) #.(logior byte-xop (xop-index-or-lose 'breakpoint))) orig)) (defun byte-remove-breakpoint (component pc orig) (declare (type code-component component) (type pc pc) (type (unsigned-byte 8) orig) (values (unsigned-byte 8))) (setf (component-ref component pc) orig)) (defun byte-skip-breakpoint (component pc fp orig) (declare (type code-component component) (type pc pc) (type stack-pointer fp) (type (unsigned-byte 8) orig)) (byte-interpret-byte component fp pc orig)) ;;;; system constants ;;; a table mapping system constant indices to run-time values. We don't ;;; reference the compiler variable at load time, since the interpreter is ;;; loaded first. (defparameter *system-constants* (let ((res (make-array 256))) (dolist (x '#.(collect ((res)) (dohash (key value *system-constant-codes*) (res (cons key value))) (res))) (let ((key (car x)) (value (cdr x))) (setf (svref res value) (if (and (consp key) (eq (car key) '%fdefinition-marker%)) (sb!impl::fdefinition-object (cdr key) t) key)))) res)) ;;;; byte compiled function constructors/extractors (defun initialize-byte-compiled-function (xep) (declare (type byte-function xep)) (push xep (code-header-ref (byte-function-component xep) sb!vm:code-trace-table-offset-slot)) (setf (funcallable-instance-function xep) #'(instance-lambda (&more context count) (let ((old-sp (current-stack-pointer))) (declare (type stack-pointer old-sp)) (dotimes (i count) (push-eval-stack (%more-arg context i))) (invoke-xep nil 0 old-sp 0 count xep)))) xep) (defun make-byte-compiled-closure (xep closure-vars) (declare (type byte-function xep) (type simple-vector closure-vars)) (let ((res (make-byte-closure xep closure-vars))) (setf (funcallable-instance-function res) #'(instance-lambda (&more context count) (let ((old-sp (current-stack-pointer))) (declare (type stack-pointer old-sp)) (dotimes (i count) (push-eval-stack (%more-arg context i))) (invoke-xep nil 0 old-sp 0 count (byte-closure-function res) (byte-closure-data res))))) res)) ;;;; INLINEs ;;; (The idea here seems to be to make sure it's at least 100, ;;; in order to be able to compile the 32+ inline functions ;;; in EXPAND-INTO-INLINES as intended. -- WHN 19991206) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute) (setq sb!ext:*inline-expansion-limit* 100)) ;;; FIXME: This doesn't seem to be needed in the target Lisp, only ;;; at build-the-system time. ;;; ;;; KLUDGE: This expands into code a la ;;; (IF (ZEROP (LOGAND BYTE 16)) ;;; (IF (ZEROP (LOGAND BYTE 8)) ;;; (IF (ZEROP (LOGAND BYTE 4)) ;;; (IF (ZEROP (LOGAND BYTE 2)) ;;; (IF (ZEROP (LOGAND BYTE 1)) ;;; (ERROR "Unknown inline function, id=~D" 0) ;;; (ERROR "Unknown inline function, id=~D" 1)) ;;; (IF (ZEROP (LOGAND BYTE 1)) ;;; (ERROR "Unknown inline function, id=~D" 2) ;;; (ERROR "Unknown inline function, id=~D" 3))) ;;; (IF (ZEROP (LOGAND BYTE 2)) ;;; ..) ..) ..) ;;; That's probably more efficient than doing a function call (even a ;;; local function call) for every byte interpreted, but I doubt it's ;;; as fast as doing a jump through a table of sixteen addresses. ;;; Perhaps it would be good to recode this as a straightforward ;;; CASE statement and redirect the cleverness previously devoted to ;;; this code to an optimizer for CASE which is smart enough to ;;; implement suitable code as jump tables. (defmacro expand-into-inlines () #+nil (declare (optimize (inhibit-warnings 3))) (iterate build-dispatch ((bit 4) (base 0)) (if (minusp bit) (let ((info (svref *inline-functions* base))) (if info (let* ((spec (type-specifier (inline-function-info-type info))) (arg-types (second spec)) (result-type (third spec)) (args (make-gensym-list (length arg-types))) (func `(the ,result-type (,(inline-function-info-interpreter-function info) ,@args)))) `(multiple-value-pop-eval-stack ,args (declare ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (type var) `(type ,type ,var)) arg-types args)) ,(if (and (consp result-type) (eq (car result-type) 'values)) (let ((results (make-gensym-list (length (cdr result-type))))) `(multiple-value-bind ,results ,func ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (res) `(push-eval-stack ,res)) results))) `(push-eval-stack ,func)))) `(error "unknown inline function, id=~D" ,base))) `(if (zerop (logand byte ,(ash 1 bit))) ,(build-dispatch (1- bit) base) ,(build-dispatch (1- bit) (+ base (ash 1 bit))))))) #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline value-cell-setf)) (defun value-cell-setf (value cell) (value-cell-set cell value) value) #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline setf-symbol-value)) (defun setf-symbol-value (value symbol) (setf (symbol-value symbol) value)) #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline %setf-instance-ref)) (defun %setf-instance-ref (new-value instance index) (setf (%instance-ref instance index) new-value)) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel) (sb!xc:defmacro %byte-symbol-value (x) `(let ((x ,x)) (unless (boundp x) (with-debugger-info (component pc fp) (error "unbound variable: ~S" x))) (symbol-value x))) (sb!xc:defmacro %byte-car (x) `(let ((x ,x)) (unless (listp x) (with-debugger-info (component pc fp) (error 'simple-type-error :item x :expected-type 'list :format-control "non-list argument to CAR: ~S" :format-arguments (list x)))) (car x))) (sb!xc:defmacro %byte-cdr (x) `(let ((x ,x)) (unless (listp x) (with-debugger-info (component pc fp) (error 'simple-type-error :item x :expected-type 'list :format-control "non-list argument to CDR: ~S" :format-arguments (list x)))) (cdr x))) ) ; EVAL-WHEN #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline %byte-special-bind)) (defun %byte-special-bind (value symbol) (sb!sys:%primitive bind value symbol) (values)) #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline %byte-special-unbind)) (defun %byte-special-unbind () (sb!sys:%primitive unbind) (values)) ;;; obsolete... #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline cons-unique-tag)) (defun cons-unique-tag () (list '#:%unique-tag%)) ;;; FIXME: Delete this once the system is working. ;;;; two-arg function stubs ;;;; ;;;; We have two-arg versions of some n-ary functions that are normally ;;;; open-coded. (defun two-arg-char= (x y) (char= x y)) (defun two-arg-char< (x y) (char< x y)) (defun two-arg-char> (x y) (char> x y)) (defun two-arg-char-equal (x y) (char-equal x y)) (defun two-arg-char-lessp (x y) (char-lessp x y)) (defun two-arg-char-greaterp (x y) (char-greaterp x y)) (defun two-arg-string= (x y) (string= x y)) (defun two-arg-string< (x y) (string= x y)) (defun two-arg-string> (x y) (string= x y)) ;;;; miscellaneous primitive stubs (macrolet ((frob (name &optional (args '(x))) `(defun ,name ,args (,name ,@args)))) (frob %CODE-CODE-SIZE) (frob %CODE-DEBUG-INFO) (frob %CODE-ENTRY-POINTS) (frob %FUNCALLABLE-INSTANCE-FUNCTION) (frob %FUNCALLABLE-INSTANCE-LAYOUT) (frob %FUNCALLABLE-INSTANCE-LEXENV) (frob %FUNCTION-NEXT) (frob %FUNCTION-SELF) (frob %SET-FUNCALLABLE-INSTANCE-FUNCTION (fin new-val))) ;;;; funny functions ;;; (used both by the byte interpreter and by the IR1 interpreter) (defun %progv (vars vals fun) (progv vars vals (funcall fun))) ;;;; XOPs ;;; Extension operations (XOPs) are various magic things that the byte ;;; interpreter needs to do, but can't be represented as a function call. ;;; When the byte interpreter encounters an XOP in the byte stream, it ;;; tail-calls the corresponding XOP routine extracted from *byte-xops*. ;;; The XOP routine can do whatever it wants, probably re-invoking the ;;; byte interpreter. ;;; Fetch an 8/24 bit operand out of the code stream. (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute) (sb!xc:defmacro with-extended-operand ((component pc operand new-pc) &body body) (once-only ((n-component component) (n-pc pc)) `(multiple-value-bind (,operand ,new-pc) (let ((,operand (component-ref ,n-component ,n-pc))) (if (= ,operand #xff) (values (component-ref-24 ,n-component (1+ ,n-pc)) (+ ,n-pc 4)) (values ,operand (1+ ,n-pc)))) (declare (type index ,operand ,new-pc)) ,@body)))) ;;; If a real XOP hasn't been defined, this gets invoked and signals an ;;; error. This shouldn't happen in normal operation. (defun undefined-xop (component old-pc pc fp) (declare (ignore component old-pc pc fp)) (error "undefined XOP")) ;;; a simple vector of the XOP functions (declaim (type (simple-vector 256) *byte-xops*)) (defvar *byte-xops* (make-array 256 :initial-element #'undefined-xop)) ;;; Define a XOP function and install it in *BYTE-XOPS*. (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute) (sb!xc:defmacro define-xop (name lambda-list &body body) (let ((defun-name (symbolicate "BYTE-" name "-XOP"))) `(progn (defun ,defun-name ,lambda-list ,@body) (setf (aref *byte-xops* ,(xop-index-or-lose name)) #',defun-name) ',defun-name)))) ;;; This is spliced in by the debugger in order to implement breakpoints. (define-xop breakpoint (component old-pc pc fp) (declare (type code-component component) (type pc old-pc) (ignore pc) (type stack-pointer fp)) ;; Invoke the debugger. (with-debugger-info (component old-pc fp) (sb!di::handle-breakpoint component old-pc fp)) ;; Retry the breakpoint XOP in case it was replaced with the original ;; displaced byte-code. (byte-interpret component old-pc fp)) ;;; This just duplicates whatever is on the top of the stack. (define-xop dup (component old-pc pc fp) (declare (type code-component component) (ignore old-pc) (type pc pc) (type stack-pointer fp)) (let ((value (eval-stack-ref (1- (current-stack-pointer))))) (push-eval-stack value)) (byte-interpret component pc fp)) (define-xop make-closure (component old-pc pc fp) (declare (type code-component component) (ignore old-pc) (type pc pc) (type stack-pointer fp)) (let* ((num-closure-vars (pop-eval-stack)) (closure-vars (make-array num-closure-vars))) (declare (type index num-closure-vars) (type simple-vector closure-vars)) (iterate frob ((index (1- num-closure-vars))) (unless (minusp index) (setf (svref closure-vars index) (pop-eval-stack)) (frob (1- index)))) (push-eval-stack (make-byte-compiled-closure (pop-eval-stack) closure-vars))) (byte-interpret component pc fp)) (define-xop merge-unknown-values (component old-pc pc fp) (declare (type code-component component) (ignore old-pc) (type pc pc) (type stack-pointer fp)) (labels ((grovel (remaining-blocks block-count-ptr) (declare (type index remaining-blocks) (type stack-pointer block-count-ptr)) (declare (values index stack-pointer)) (let ((block-count (eval-stack-ref block-count-ptr))) (declare (type index block-count)) (if (= remaining-blocks 1) (values block-count block-count-ptr) (let ((src (- block-count-ptr block-count))) (declare (type index src)) (multiple-value-bind (values-above dst) (grovel (1- remaining-blocks) (1- src)) (stack-copy dst src block-count) (values (+ values-above block-count) (+ dst block-count)))))))) (multiple-value-bind (total-count end-ptr) (grovel (pop-eval-stack) (1- (current-stack-pointer))) (setf (eval-stack-ref end-ptr) total-count) (setf (current-stack-pointer) (1+ end-ptr)))) (byte-interpret component pc fp)) (define-xop default-unknown-values (component old-pc pc fp) (declare (type code-component component) (ignore old-pc) (type pc pc) (type stack-pointer fp)) (let* ((desired (pop-eval-stack)) (supplied (pop-eval-stack)) (delta (- desired supplied))) (declare (type index desired supplied) (type fixnum delta)) (cond ((minusp delta) (incf (current-stack-pointer) delta)) ((plusp delta) (dotimes (i delta) (push-eval-stack nil))))) (byte-interpret component pc fp)) ;;; %THROW is compiled down into this xop. The stack contains the tag, the ;;; values, and then a count of the values. We special case various small ;;; numbers of values to keep from consing if we can help it. ;;; ;;; Basically, we just extract the values and the tag and then do a throw. ;;; The native compiler will convert this throw into whatever is necessary ;;; to throw, so we don't have to duplicate all that cruft. (define-xop throw (component old-pc pc fp) (declare (type code-component component) (type pc old-pc) (ignore pc) (type stack-pointer fp)) (let ((num-results (pop-eval-stack))) (declare (type index num-results)) (case num-results (0 (let ((tag (pop-eval-stack))) (with-debugger-info (component old-pc fp) (throw tag (values))))) (1 (multiple-value-pop-eval-stack (tag result) (with-debugger-info (component old-pc fp) (throw tag result)))) (2 (multiple-value-pop-eval-stack (tag result0 result1) (with-debugger-info (component old-pc fp) (throw tag (values result0 result1))))) (t (let ((results nil)) (dotimes (i num-results) (push (pop-eval-stack) results)) (let ((tag (pop-eval-stack))) (with-debugger-info (component old-pc fp) (throw tag (values-list results))))))))) ;;; This is used for both CATCHes and BLOCKs that are closed over. We ;;; establish a catcher for the supplied tag (from the stack top), and ;;; recursivly enter the byte interpreter. If the byte interpreter exits, ;;; it must have been because of a BREAKUP (see below), so we branch (by ;;; tail-calling the byte interpreter) to the pc returned by BREAKUP. ;;; If we are thrown to, then we branch to the address encoded in the 3 bytes ;;; following the catch XOP. (define-xop catch (component old-pc pc fp) (declare (type code-component component) (ignore old-pc) (type pc pc) (type stack-pointer fp)) (let ((new-pc (block nil (let ((results (multiple-value-list (catch (pop-eval-stack) (return (byte-interpret component (+ pc 3) fp)))))) (let ((num-results 0)) (declare (type index num-results)) (dolist (result results) (push-eval-stack result) (incf num-results)) (push-eval-stack num-results)) (component-ref-24 component pc))))) (byte-interpret component new-pc fp))) ;;; Blow out of the dynamically nested CATCH or TAGBODY. We just return the ;;; pc following the BREAKUP XOP and the drop-through code in CATCH or ;;; TAGBODY will do the correct thing. (define-xop breakup (component old-pc pc fp) (declare (ignore component old-pc fp) (type pc pc)) pc) ;;; This is exactly like THROW, except that the tag is the last thing on ;;; the stack instead of the first. This is used for RETURN-FROM (hence the ;;; name). (define-xop return-from (component old-pc pc fp) (declare (type code-component component) (type pc old-pc) (ignore pc) (type stack-pointer fp)) (let ((tag (pop-eval-stack)) (num-results (pop-eval-stack))) (declare (type index num-results)) (case num-results (0 (with-debugger-info (component old-pc fp) (throw tag (values)))) (1 (let ((value (pop-eval-stack))) (with-debugger-info (component old-pc fp) (throw tag value)))) (2 (multiple-value-pop-eval-stack (result0 result1) (with-debugger-info (component old-pc fp) (throw tag (values result0 result1))))) (t (let ((results nil)) (dotimes (i num-results) (push (pop-eval-stack) results)) (with-debugger-info (component old-pc fp) (throw tag (values-list results)))))))) ;;; Similar to CATCH, except for TAGBODY. One significant difference is that ;;; when thrown to, we don't want to leave the dynamic extent of the tagbody ;;; so we loop around and re-enter the catcher. We keep looping until BREAKUP ;;; is used to blow out. When that happens, we just branch to the pc supplied ;;; by BREAKUP. (define-xop tagbody (component old-pc pc fp) (declare (type code-component component) (ignore old-pc) (type pc pc) (type stack-pointer fp)) (let* ((tag (pop-eval-stack)) (new-pc (block nil (loop (setf pc (catch tag (return (byte-interpret component pc fp)))))))) (byte-interpret component new-pc fp))) ;;; Yup, you guessed it. This XOP implements GO. There are no values to ;;; pass, so we don't have to mess with them, and multiple exits can all be ;;; using the same tag so we have to pass the pc we want to go to. (define-xop go (component old-pc pc fp) (declare (type code-component component) (type pc old-pc pc) (type stack-pointer fp)) (let ((tag (pop-eval-stack)) (new-pc (component-ref-24 component pc))) (with-debugger-info (component old-pc fp) (throw tag new-pc)))) ;;; UNWIND-PROTECTs are handled significantly different in the byte ;;; compiler and the native compiler. Basically, we just use the ;;; native compiler's UNWIND-PROTECT, and let it worry about ;;; continuing the unwind. (define-xop unwind-protect (component old-pc pc fp) (declare (type code-component component) (ignore old-pc) (type pc pc) (type stack-pointer fp)) (let ((new-pc nil)) (unwind-protect (setf new-pc (byte-interpret component (+ pc 3) fp)) (unless new-pc ;; The cleanup function expects 3 values to be one the stack, so ;; we have to put something there. (push-eval-stack nil) (push-eval-stack nil) (push-eval-stack nil) ;; Now run the cleanup code. (byte-interpret component (component-ref-24 component pc) fp))) (byte-interpret component new-pc fp))) (define-xop fdefn-function-or-lose (component old-pc pc fp) (let* ((fdefn (pop-eval-stack)) (fun (fdefn-function fdefn))) (declare (type fdefn fdefn)) (cond (fun (push-eval-stack fun) (byte-interpret component pc fp)) (t (with-debugger-info (component old-pc fp) (error 'undefined-function :name (fdefn-name fdefn))))))) ;;; This is used to insert placeholder arguments for unused arguments ;;; to local calls. (define-xop push-n-under (component old-pc pc fp) (declare (ignore old-pc)) (with-extended-operand (component pc howmany new-pc) (let ((val (pop-eval-stack))) (allocate-eval-stack howmany) (push-eval-stack val)) (byte-interpret component new-pc fp))) ;;;; type checking ;;; These two hashtables map between type specifiers and type ;;; predicate functions that test those types. They are initialized ;;; according to the standard type predicates of the target system. (defvar *byte-type-predicates* (make-hash-table :test 'equal)) (defvar *byte-predicate-types* (make-hash-table :test 'eq)) (loop for (type predicate) in '#.(loop for (type . predicate) in *backend-type-predicates* collect `(,(type-specifier type) ,predicate)) do (let ((fun (fdefinition predicate))) (setf (gethash type *byte-type-predicates*) fun) (setf (gethash fun *byte-predicate-types*) type))) ;;; This is called by the loader to convert a type specifier into a ;;; type predicate (as used by the TYPE-CHECK XOP.) If it is a ;;; structure type with a predicate or has a predefined predicate, ;;; then return the predicate function, otherwise return the CTYPE ;;; structure for the type. (defun load-type-predicate (desc) (or (gethash desc *byte-type-predicates*) (let ((type (specifier-type desc))) (if (typep type 'structure-class) (let ((info (layout-info (class-layout type)))) (if (and info (eq (dd-type info) 'structure)) (let ((pred (dd-predicate info))) (if (and pred (fboundp pred)) (fdefinition pred) type)) type)) type)))) ;;; Check the type of the value on the top of the stack. The type is ;;; designated by an entry in the constants. If the value is a ;;; function, then it is called as a type predicate. Otherwise, the ;;; value is a CTYPE object, and we call %TYPEP on it. (define-xop type-check (component old-pc pc fp) (declare (type code-component component) (type pc old-pc pc) (type stack-pointer fp)) (with-extended-operand (component pc operand new-pc) (let ((value (eval-stack-ref (1- (current-stack-pointer)))) (type (code-header-ref component (+ operand sb!vm:code-constants-offset)))) (unless (if (functionp type) (funcall type value) (%typep value type)) (with-debugger-info (component old-pc fp) (error 'type-error :datum value :expected-type (if (functionp type) (gethash type *byte-predicate-types*) (type-specifier type)))))) (byte-interpret component new-pc fp))) ;;;; the byte-interpreter ;;; The various operations are encoded as follows. ;;; ;;; 0000xxxx push-local op ;;; 0001xxxx push-arg op [push-local, but negative] ;;; 0010xxxx push-constant op ;;; 0011xxxx push-system-constant op ;;; 0100xxxx push-int op ;;; 0101xxxx push-neg-int op ;;; 0110xxxx pop-local op ;;; 0111xxxx pop-n op ;;; 1000nxxx call op ;;; 1001nxxx tail-call op ;;; 1010nxxx multiple-call op ;;; 10110xxx local-call ;;; 10111xxx local-tail-call ;;; 11000xxx local-multiple-call ;;; 11001xxx return ;;; 1101000r branch ;;; 1101001r if-true ;;; 1101010r if-false ;;; 1101011r if-eq ;;; 11011xxx Xop ;;; 11100000 ;;; to various inline functions. ;;; 11111111 ;;; ;;; This encoding is rather hard wired into BYTE-INTERPRET due to the ;;; binary dispatch tree. (defvar *byte-trace* nil) ;;; the main entry point to the byte interpreter (defun byte-interpret (component pc fp) (declare (type code-component component) (type pc pc) (type stack-pointer fp)) (byte-interpret-byte component pc fp (component-ref component pc))) ;;; This is separated from BYTE-INTERPRET in order to let us continue ;;; from a breakpoint without having to replace the breakpoint with ;;; the original instruction and arrange to somehow put the breakpoint ;;; back after executing the instruction. We just leave the breakpoint ;;; there, and call this function with the byte that the breakpoint ;;; displaced. (defun byte-interpret-byte (component pc fp byte) (declare (type code-component component) (type pc pc) (type stack-pointer fp) (type (unsigned-byte 8) byte)) (locally #+nil (declare (optimize (inhibit-warnings 3))) (when *byte-trace* (let ((*byte-trace* nil)) (format *trace-output* "pc=~D, fp=~D, sp=~D, byte=#b~,'0X, frame:~% ~S~%" pc fp (current-stack-pointer) byte (subseq sb!eval::*eval-stack* fp (current-stack-pointer)))))) (if (zerop (logand byte #x80)) ;; Some stack operation. No matter what, we need the operand, ;; so compute it. (multiple-value-bind (operand new-pc) (let ((operand (logand byte #xf))) (if (= operand #xf) (let ((operand (component-ref component (1+ pc)))) (if (= operand #xff) (values (component-ref-24 component (+ pc 2)) (+ pc 5)) (values operand (+ pc 2)))) (values operand (1+ pc)))) (if (zerop (logand byte #x40)) (push-eval-stack (if (zerop (logand byte #x20)) (if (zerop (logand byte #x10)) (eval-stack-ref (+ fp operand)) (eval-stack-ref (- fp operand 5))) (if (zerop (logand byte #x10)) (code-header-ref component (+ operand sb!vm:code-constants-offset)) (svref *system-constants* operand)))) (if (zerop (logand byte #x20)) (push-eval-stack (if (zerop (logand byte #x10)) operand (- (1+ operand)))) (if (zerop (logand byte #x10)) (setf (eval-stack-ref (+ fp operand)) (pop-eval-stack)) (if (zerop operand) (let ((operand (pop-eval-stack))) (declare (type index operand)) (decf (current-stack-pointer) operand)) (decf (current-stack-pointer) operand))))) (byte-interpret component new-pc fp)) (if (zerop (logand byte #x40)) ;; Some kind of call. (let ((args (let ((args (logand byte #x07))) (if (= args #x07) (pop-eval-stack) args)))) (if (zerop (logand byte #x20)) (let ((named (not (zerop (logand byte #x08))))) (if (zerop (logand byte #x10)) ;; Call for single value. (do-call component pc (1+ pc) fp args named) ;; Tail call. (do-tail-call component pc fp args named))) (if (zerop (logand byte #x10)) ;; Call for multiple-values. (do-call component pc (- (1+ pc)) fp args (not (zerop (logand byte #x08)))) (if (zerop (logand byte #x08)) ;; Local call (do-local-call component pc (+ pc 4) fp args) ;; Local tail-call (do-tail-local-call component pc fp args))))) (if (zerop (logand byte #x20)) ;; local-multiple-call, Return, branch, or Xop. (if (zerop (logand byte #x10)) ;; local-multiple-call or return. (if (zerop (logand byte #x08)) ;; Local-multiple-call. (do-local-call component pc (- (+ pc 4)) fp (let ((args (logand byte #x07))) (if (= args #x07) (pop-eval-stack) args))) ;; Return. (let ((num-results (let ((num-results (logand byte #x7))) (if (= num-results 7) (pop-eval-stack) num-results)))) (do-return fp num-results))) ;; Branch or Xop. (if (zerop (logand byte #x08)) ;; Branch. (if (if (zerop (logand byte #x04)) (if (zerop (logand byte #x02)) t (pop-eval-stack)) (if (zerop (logand byte #x02)) (not (pop-eval-stack)) (multiple-value-pop-eval-stack (val1 val2) (eq val1 val2)))) ;; Branch taken. (byte-interpret component (if (zerop (logand byte #x01)) (component-ref-24 component (1+ pc)) (+ pc 2 (component-ref-signed component (1+ pc)))) fp) ;; Branch not taken. (byte-interpret component (if (zerop (logand byte #x01)) (+ pc 4) (+ pc 2)) fp)) ;; Xop. (multiple-value-bind (sub-code new-pc) (let ((operand (logand byte #x7))) (if (= operand #x7) (values (component-ref component (+ pc 1)) (+ pc 2)) (values operand (1+ pc)))) (funcall (the function (svref *byte-xops* sub-code)) component pc new-pc fp)))) ;; some miscellaneous inline function (progn (expand-into-inlines) (byte-interpret component (1+ pc) fp)))))) (defun do-local-call (component pc old-pc old-fp num-args) (declare (type pc pc) (type return-pc old-pc) (type stack-pointer old-fp) (type (integer 0 #.call-arguments-limit) num-args)) (invoke-local-entry-point component (component-ref-24 component (1+ pc)) component old-pc (- (current-stack-pointer) num-args) old-fp)) (defun do-tail-local-call (component pc fp num-args) (declare (type code-component component) (type pc pc) (type stack-pointer fp) (type index num-args)) (let ((old-fp (eval-stack-ref (- fp 1))) (old-sp (eval-stack-ref (- fp 2))) (old-pc (eval-stack-ref (- fp 3))) (old-component (eval-stack-ref (- fp 4))) (start-of-args (- (current-stack-pointer) num-args))) (stack-copy old-sp start-of-args num-args) (setf (current-stack-pointer) (+ old-sp num-args)) (invoke-local-entry-point component (component-ref-24 component (1+ pc)) old-component old-pc old-sp old-fp))) (defun invoke-local-entry-point (component target old-component old-pc old-sp old-fp &optional closure-vars) (declare (type pc target) (type return-pc old-pc) (type stack-pointer old-sp old-fp) (type (or null simple-vector) closure-vars)) (when closure-vars (iterate more ((index (1- (length closure-vars)))) (unless (minusp index) (push-eval-stack (svref closure-vars index)) (more (1- index))))) (push-eval-stack old-component) (push-eval-stack old-pc) (push-eval-stack old-sp) (push-eval-stack old-fp) (multiple-value-bind (stack-frame-size entry-pc) (let ((byte (component-ref component target))) (if (= byte 255) (values (component-ref-24 component (1+ target)) (+ target 4)) (values (* byte 2) (1+ target)))) (declare (type pc entry-pc)) (let ((fp (current-stack-pointer))) (allocate-eval-stack stack-frame-size) (byte-interpret component entry-pc fp)))) ;;; Call a function with some arguments popped off of the interpreter ;;; stack, and restore the SP to the specifier value. (defun byte-apply (function num-args restore-sp) (declare (function function) (type index num-args)) (let ((start (- (current-stack-pointer) num-args))) (declare (type stack-pointer start)) (macrolet ((frob () `(case num-args ,@(loop for n below 8 collect `(,n (call-1 ,n))) (t (let ((args ()) (end (+ start num-args))) (declare (type stack-pointer end)) (do ((i (1- end) (1- i))) ((< i start)) (declare (fixnum i)) (push (eval-stack-ref i) args)) (setf (current-stack-pointer) restore-sp) (apply function args))))) (call-1 (n) (collect ((binds) (args)) (dotimes (i n) (let ((dum (gensym))) (binds `(,dum (eval-stack-ref (+ start ,i)))) (args dum))) `(let ,(binds) (setf (current-stack-pointer) restore-sp) (funcall function ,@(args)))))) (frob)))) (defun do-call (old-component call-pc ret-pc old-fp num-args named) (declare (type code-component old-component) (type pc call-pc) (type return-pc ret-pc) (type stack-pointer old-fp) (type (integer 0 #.call-arguments-limit) num-args) (type (member t nil) named)) (let* ((old-sp (- (current-stack-pointer) num-args 1)) (fun-or-fdefn (eval-stack-ref old-sp)) (function (if named (or (fdefn-function fun-or-fdefn) (with-debugger-info (old-component call-pc old-fp) (error 'undefined-function :name (fdefn-name fun-or-fdefn)))) fun-or-fdefn))) (declare (type stack-pointer old-sp) (type (or function fdefn) fun-or-fdefn) (type function function)) (typecase function (byte-function (invoke-xep old-component ret-pc old-sp old-fp num-args function)) (byte-closure (invoke-xep old-component ret-pc old-sp old-fp num-args (byte-closure-function function) (byte-closure-data function))) (t (cond ((minusp ret-pc) (let* ((ret-pc (- ret-pc)) (results (multiple-value-list (with-debugger-info (old-component ret-pc old-fp) (byte-apply function num-args old-sp))))) (dolist (result results) (push-eval-stack result)) (push-eval-stack (length results)) (byte-interpret old-component ret-pc old-fp))) (t (push-eval-stack (with-debugger-info (old-component ret-pc old-fp) (byte-apply function num-args old-sp))) (byte-interpret old-component ret-pc old-fp))))))) (defun do-tail-call (component pc fp num-args named) (declare (type code-component component) (type pc pc) (type stack-pointer fp) (type (integer 0 #.call-arguments-limit) num-args) (type (member t nil) named)) (let* ((start-of-args (- (current-stack-pointer) num-args)) (fun-or-fdefn (eval-stack-ref (1- start-of-args))) (function (if named (or (fdefn-function fun-or-fdefn) (with-debugger-info (component pc fp) (error 'undefined-function :name (fdefn-name fun-or-fdefn)))) fun-or-fdefn)) (old-fp (eval-stack-ref (- fp 1))) (old-sp (eval-stack-ref (- fp 2))) (old-pc (eval-stack-ref (- fp 3))) (old-component (eval-stack-ref (- fp 4)))) (declare (type stack-pointer old-fp old-sp start-of-args) (type return-pc old-pc) (type (or fdefn function) fun-or-fdefn) (type function function)) (typecase function (byte-function (stack-copy old-sp start-of-args num-args) (setf (current-stack-pointer) (+ old-sp num-args)) (invoke-xep old-component old-pc old-sp old-fp num-args function)) (byte-closure (stack-copy old-sp start-of-args num-args) (setf (current-stack-pointer) (+ old-sp num-args)) (invoke-xep old-component old-pc old-sp old-fp num-args (byte-closure-function function) (byte-closure-data function))) (t ;; We are tail-calling native code. (cond ((null old-component) ;; We were called by native code. (byte-apply function num-args old-sp)) ((minusp old-pc) ;; We were called for multiple values. So return multiple ;; values. (let* ((old-pc (- old-pc)) (results (multiple-value-list (with-debugger-info (old-component old-pc old-fp) (byte-apply function num-args old-sp))))) (dolist (result results) (push-eval-stack result)) (push-eval-stack (length results)) (byte-interpret old-component old-pc old-fp))) (t ;; We were called for one value. So return one value. (push-eval-stack (with-debugger-info (old-component old-pc old-fp) (byte-apply function num-args old-sp))) (byte-interpret old-component old-pc old-fp))))))) (defvar *byte-trace-calls* nil) (defun invoke-xep (old-component ret-pc old-sp old-fp num-args xep &optional closure-vars) (declare (type (or null code-component) old-component) (type index num-args) (type return-pc ret-pc) (type stack-pointer old-sp old-fp) (type byte-function xep) (type (or null simple-vector) closure-vars)) ;; FIXME: Perhaps BYTE-TRACE-CALLS stuff should be conditional on SB-SHOW. (when *byte-trace-calls* (let ((*byte-trace-calls* nil) (*byte-trace* nil) (*print-level* sb!debug:*debug-print-level*) (*print-length* sb!debug:*debug-print-length*) (sp (current-stack-pointer))) (format *trace-output* "~&INVOKE-XEP: ocode= ~S[~D]~% ~ osp= ~D, ofp= ~D, nargs= ~D, SP= ~D:~% ~ Fun= ~S ~@[~S~]~% Args= ~S~%" old-component ret-pc old-sp old-fp num-args sp xep closure-vars (subseq *eval-stack* (- sp num-args) sp)) (force-output *trace-output*))) (let ((entry-point (cond ((typep xep 'simple-byte-function) (unless (eql (simple-byte-function-num-args xep) num-args) (with-debugger-info (old-component ret-pc old-fp) (error "wrong number of arguments"))) (simple-byte-function-entry-point xep)) (t (let ((min (hairy-byte-function-min-args xep)) (max (hairy-byte-function-max-args xep))) (cond ((< num-args min) (with-debugger-info (old-component ret-pc old-fp) (error "not enough arguments"))) ((<= num-args max) (nth (- num-args min) (hairy-byte-function-entry-points xep))) ((null (hairy-byte-function-more-args-entry-point xep)) (with-debugger-info (old-component ret-pc old-fp) (error "too many arguments"))) (t (let* ((more-args-supplied (- num-args max)) (sp (current-stack-pointer)) (more-args-start (- sp more-args-supplied)) (restp (hairy-byte-function-rest-arg-p xep)) (rest (and restp (do ((index (1- sp) (1- index)) (result nil (cons (eval-stack-ref index) result))) ((< index more-args-start) result) (declare (fixnum index)))))) (declare (type index more-args-supplied) (type stack-pointer more-args-start)) (cond ((not (hairy-byte-function-keywords-p xep)) (assert restp) (setf (current-stack-pointer) (1+ more-args-start)) (setf (eval-stack-ref more-args-start) rest)) (t (unless (evenp more-args-supplied) (with-debugger-info (old-component ret-pc old-fp) (error "odd number of keyword arguments"))) ;; If there are keyword args, then we need to leave the ;; defaulted and supplied-p values where the more args ;; currently are. There might be more or fewer. And also, ;; we need to flatten the parsed args with the defaults ;; before we scan the keywords. So we copy all the more ;; args to a temporary area at the end of the stack. (let* ((num-more-args (hairy-byte-function-num-more-args xep)) (new-sp (+ more-args-start num-more-args)) (temp (max sp new-sp)) (temp-sp (+ temp more-args-supplied)) (keywords (hairy-byte-function-keywords xep))) (declare (type index temp) (type stack-pointer new-sp temp-sp)) (allocate-eval-stack (- temp-sp sp)) (stack-copy temp more-args-start more-args-supplied) (when restp (setf (eval-stack-ref more-args-start) rest) (incf more-args-start)) (let ((index more-args-start)) (dolist (keyword keywords) (setf (eval-stack-ref index) (cadr keyword)) (incf index) (when (caddr keyword) (setf (eval-stack-ref index) nil) (incf index)))) (let ((index temp-sp) (allow (eq (hairy-byte-function-keywords-p xep) :allow-others)) (bogus-key nil) (bogus-key-p nil)) (declare (type fixnum index)) (loop (decf index 2) (when (< index temp) (return)) (let ((key (eval-stack-ref index)) (value (eval-stack-ref (1+ index)))) (if (eq key :allow-other-keys) (setf allow value) (let ((target more-args-start)) (declare (type stack-pointer target)) (dolist (keyword keywords (setf bogus-key key bogus-key-p t)) (cond ((eq (car keyword) key) (setf (eval-stack-ref target) value) (when (caddr keyword) (setf (eval-stack-ref (1+ target)) t)) (return)) ((caddr keyword) (incf target 2)) (t (incf target)))))))) (when (and bogus-key-p (not allow)) (with-debugger-info (old-component ret-pc old-fp) (error "unknown keyword: ~S" bogus-key)))) (setf (current-stack-pointer) new-sp))))) (hairy-byte-function-more-args-entry-point xep)))))))) (declare (type pc entry-point)) (invoke-local-entry-point (byte-function-component xep) entry-point old-component ret-pc old-sp old-fp closure-vars))) (defun do-return (fp num-results) (declare (type stack-pointer fp) (type index num-results)) (let ((old-component (eval-stack-ref (- fp 4)))) (typecase old-component (code-component ;; returning to more byte-interpreted code (do-local-return old-component fp num-results)) (null ;; returning to native code (let ((old-sp (eval-stack-ref (- fp 2)))) (case num-results (0 (setf (current-stack-pointer) old-sp) (values)) (1 (let ((result (pop-eval-stack))) (setf (current-stack-pointer) old-sp) result)) (t (let ((results nil)) (dotimes (i num-results) (push (pop-eval-stack) results)) (setf (current-stack-pointer) old-sp) (values-list results)))))) (t ;; ### function end breakpoint? (error "Function-end breakpoints are not supported."))))) (defun do-local-return (old-component fp num-results) (declare (type stack-pointer fp) (type index num-results)) (let ((old-fp (eval-stack-ref (- fp 1))) (old-sp (eval-stack-ref (- fp 2))) (old-pc (eval-stack-ref (- fp 3)))) (declare (type (signed-byte 25) old-pc)) (if (plusp old-pc) ;; wants single value (let ((result (if (zerop num-results) nil (eval-stack-ref (- (current-stack-pointer) num-results))))) (setf (current-stack-pointer) old-sp) (push-eval-stack result) (byte-interpret old-component old-pc old-fp)) ;; wants multiple values (progn (stack-copy old-sp (- (current-stack-pointer) num-results) num-results) (setf (current-stack-pointer) (+ old-sp num-results)) (push-eval-stack num-results) (byte-interpret old-component (- old-pc) old-fp)))))