;;;; cold initialization stuff, plus some other miscellaneous stuff ;;;; that we don't have any better place for ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!IMPL") ;;;; burning our ships behind us ;;; There's a fair amount of machinery which is needed only at cold ;;; init time, and should be discarded before freezing the final ;;; system. We discard it by uninterning the associated symbols. ;;; Rather than using a special table of symbols to be uninterned, ;;; which might be tedious to maintain, instead we use a hack: ;;; anything whose name matches a magic character pattern is ;;; uninterned. ;;; ;;; FIXME: Are there other tables that need to have entries removed? ;;; What about symbols of the form DEF!FOO? (defun !unintern-init-only-stuff () (do ((any-changes? nil nil)) (nil) (dolist (package (list-all-packages)) (do-symbols (symbol package) (let ((name (symbol-name symbol))) (when (or (string= name "!" :end1 1 :end2 1) (and (>= (length name) 2) (string= name "*!" :end1 2 :end2 2))) (/show0 "uninterning cold-init-only symbol..") (/primitive-print name) ;; FIXME: Is this (FIRST (LAST *INFO-ENVIRONMENT*)) really ;; meant to be an idiom to use? Is there a more obvious ;; name for this? [e.g. (GLOBAL-ENVIRONMENT)?] (do-info ((first (last *info-environment*)) :name entry :class class :type type) (when (eq entry symbol) (clear-info class type entry))) (unintern symbol package) (setf any-changes? t))))) (unless any-changes? (return)))) ;;;; putting ourselves out of our misery when things become too much to bear (declaim (ftype (function (simple-string) nil) !cold-lose)) (defun !cold-lose (msg) (%primitive print msg) (%primitive print "too early in cold init to recover from errors") (%halt)) ;;; last-ditch error reporting for things which should never happen ;;; and which, if they do happen, are sufficiently likely to torpedo ;;; the normal error-handling system that we want to bypass it (declaim (ftype (function (simple-string) nil) critically-unreachable)) (defun critically-unreachable (where) (%primitive print "internal error: Control should never reach here, i.e.") (%primitive print where) (%halt)) ;;;; !COLD-INIT ;;; a list of toplevel things set by GENESIS (defvar *!reversed-cold-toplevels*) ;;; a SIMPLE-VECTOR set by GENESIS (defvar *!load-time-values*) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute) ;; FIXME: Perhaps we should make SHOW-AND-CALL-AND-FMAKUNBOUND, too, ;; and use it for most of the cold-init functions. (Just be careful ;; not to use it for the COLD-INIT-OR-REINIT functions.) (sb!xc:defmacro show-and-call (name) `(progn (/primitive-print ,(symbol-name name)) (,name)))) ;;; called when a cold system starts up (defun !cold-init () #!+sb-doc "Give the world a shove and hope it spins." (/show0 "entering !COLD-INIT") ;; FIXME: It'd probably be cleaner to have most of the stuff here ;; handled by calls like !GC-COLD-INIT, !ERROR-COLD-INIT, and ;; !UNIX-COLD-INIT. And *TYPE-SYSTEM-INITIALIZED* could be changed to ;; *TYPE-SYSTEM-INITIALIZED-WHEN-BOUND* so that it doesn't need to ;; be explicitly set in order to be meaningful. (setf *after-gc-hooks* nil *gc-inhibit* t *gc-pending* nil #!+sb-thread *stop-for-gc-pending* #!+sb-thread nil *allow-with-interrupts* t *interrupts-enabled* t *interrupt-pending* nil *break-on-signals* nil *maximum-error-depth* 10 *current-error-depth* 0 *cold-init-complete-p* nil *type-system-initialized* nil sb!vm:*alloc-signal* nil sb!kernel::*gc-epoch* (cons nil nil)) ;; I'm not sure where eval is first called, so I put this first. (show-and-call !eval-cold-init) (show-and-call thread-init-or-reinit) (show-and-call !typecheckfuns-cold-init) ;; Anyone might call RANDOM to initialize a hash value or something; ;; and there's nothing which needs to be initialized in order for ;; this to be initialized, so we initialize it right away. (show-and-call !random-cold-init) ;; Must be done before any non-opencoded array references are made. (show-and-call !hairy-data-vector-reffer-init) (show-and-call !character-database-cold-init) (show-and-call !character-name-database-cold-init) (show-and-call !early-package-cold-init) (show-and-call !package-cold-init) ;; All sorts of things need INFO and/or (SETF INFO). (/show0 "about to SHOW-AND-CALL !GLOBALDB-COLD-INIT") (show-and-call !globaldb-cold-init) ;; This needs to be done early, but needs to be after INFO is ;; initialized. (show-and-call !function-names-cold-init) (show-and-call !fdefn-cold-init) ;; Various toplevel forms call MAKE-ARRAY, which calls SUBTYPEP, so ;; the basic type machinery needs to be initialized before toplevel ;; forms run. (show-and-call !type-class-cold-init) (show-and-call !typedefs-cold-init) (show-and-call !world-lock-cold-init) (show-and-call !classes-cold-init) (show-and-call !early-type-cold-init) (show-and-call !late-type-cold-init) (show-and-call !alien-type-cold-init) (show-and-call !target-type-cold-init) (show-and-call !vm-type-cold-init) ;; FIXME: It would be tidy to make sure that that these cold init ;; functions are called in the same relative order as the toplevel ;; forms of the corresponding source files. ;;(show-and-call !package-cold-init) (show-and-call !policy-cold-init-or-resanify) (/show0 "back from !POLICY-COLD-INIT-OR-RESANIFY") (show-and-call !constantp-cold-init) (show-and-call !early-proclaim-cold-init) ;; KLUDGE: Why are fixups mixed up with toplevel forms? Couldn't ;; fixups be done separately? Wouldn't that be clearer and better? ;; -- WHN 19991204 (/show0 "doing cold toplevel forms and fixups") (/show0 "(LISTP *!REVERSED-COLD-TOPLEVELS*)=..") (/hexstr (if (listp *!reversed-cold-toplevels*) "true" "NIL")) (/show0 "about to calculate (LENGTH *!REVERSED-COLD-TOPLEVELS*)") (/show0 "(LENGTH *!REVERSED-COLD-TOPLEVELS*)=..") #!+sb-show (let ((r-c-tl-length (length *!reversed-cold-toplevels*))) (/show0 "(length calculated..)") (let ((hexstr (hexstr r-c-tl-length))) (/show0 "(hexstr calculated..)") (/primitive-print hexstr))) (let (#!+sb-show (index-in-cold-toplevels 0)) #!+sb-show (declare (type fixnum index-in-cold-toplevels)) (dolist (toplevel-thing (prog1 (nreverse *!reversed-cold-toplevels*) ;; (Now that we've NREVERSEd it, it's ;; somewhat scrambled, so keep anyone ;; else from trying to get at it.) (makunbound '*!reversed-cold-toplevels*))) #!+sb-show (when (zerop (mod index-in-cold-toplevels 1024)) (/show0 "INDEX-IN-COLD-TOPLEVELS=..") (/hexstr index-in-cold-toplevels)) #!+sb-show (setf index-in-cold-toplevels (the fixnum (1+ index-in-cold-toplevels))) (typecase toplevel-thing (function (funcall toplevel-thing)) (cons (case (first toplevel-thing) (:load-time-value (setf (svref *!load-time-values* (third toplevel-thing)) (funcall (second toplevel-thing)))) (:load-time-value-fixup (setf (sap-ref-word (second toplevel-thing) 0) (get-lisp-obj-address (svref *!load-time-values* (third toplevel-thing))))) #!+(and (or x86 x86-64) gencgc) (:load-time-code-fixup (sb!vm::!envector-load-time-code-fixup (second toplevel-thing) (third toplevel-thing) (fourth toplevel-thing) (fifth toplevel-thing))) (t (!cold-lose "bogus fixup code in *!REVERSED-COLD-TOPLEVELS*")))) (t (!cold-lose "bogus function in *!REVERSED-COLD-TOPLEVELS*"))))) (/show0 "done with loop over cold toplevel forms and fixups") ;; Set sane values again, so that the user sees sane values instead ;; of whatever is left over from the last DECLAIM/PROCLAIM. (show-and-call !policy-cold-init-or-resanify) ;; Only do this after toplevel forms have run, 'cause that's where ;; DEFTYPEs are. (setf *type-system-initialized* t) ;; now that the type system is definitely initialized, fixup UNKNOWN ;; types that have crept in. (show-and-call !fixup-type-cold-init) ;; run the PROCLAIMs. (show-and-call !late-proclaim-cold-init) (show-and-call os-cold-init-or-reinit) (show-and-call stream-cold-init-or-reset) (show-and-call !loader-cold-init) (show-and-call !foreign-cold-init) #!-win32 (show-and-call signal-cold-init-or-reinit) (/show0 "enabling internal errors") (setf (sb!alien:extern-alien "internal_errors_enabled" boolean) t) (show-and-call float-cold-init-or-reinit) (show-and-call !class-finalize) ;; The reader and printer are initialized very late, so that they ;; can do hairy things like invoking the compiler as part of their ;; initialization. (let ((*readtable* (make-readtable))) (show-and-call !reader-cold-init) (show-and-call !sharpm-cold-init) (show-and-call !backq-cold-init) ;; The *STANDARD-READTABLE* is assigned at last because the above ;; functions would operate on the standard readtable otherwise--- ;; which would result in an error. (setf *standard-readtable* *readtable*)) (setf *readtable* (copy-readtable *standard-readtable*)) (setf sb!debug:*debug-readtable* (copy-readtable *standard-readtable*)) (sb!pretty:!pprint-cold-init) ;; the ANSI-specified initial value of *PACKAGE* (setf *package* (find-package "COMMON-LISP-USER")) (/show0 "done initializing, setting *COLD-INIT-COMPLETE-P*") (setf *cold-init-complete-p* t) ; hppa heap is segmented, lisp and c uses a stub to call eachother #!+hpux (sb!sys:%primitive sb!vm::setup-return-from-lisp-stub) ;; The system is finally ready for GC. (/show0 "enabling GC") (gc-on) (/show0 "doing first GC") (gc :full t) (/show0 "back from first GC") ;; The show is on. (terpri) (/show0 "going into toplevel loop") (handling-end-of-the-world (toplevel-init) (critically-unreachable "after TOPLEVEL-INIT"))) (defun quit (&key recklessly-p (unix-status 0)) #!+sb-doc "Terminate the current Lisp. *EXIT-HOOKS* are pending unwind-protect cleanup forms are run unless RECKLESSLY-P is true. On UNIX-like systems, UNIX-STATUS is used as the status code." (declare (type (signed-byte 32) unix-status)) ;; FIXME: Windows is not "unix-like", but still has the same ;; unix-status... maybe we should just revert to calling it :STATUS? (/show0 "entering QUIT") (if recklessly-p (sb!unix:unix-exit unix-status) (throw '%end-of-the-world unix-status)) (critically-unreachable "after trying to die in QUIT")) ;;;; initialization functions (defun thread-init-or-reinit () (sb!thread::init-initial-thread) (sb!thread::init-job-control) (sb!thread::get-foreground)) (defun reinit () #!+win32 (setf sb!win32::*ansi-codepage* nil) (setf *default-external-format* nil) (setf sb!alien::*default-c-string-external-format* nil) ;; WITHOUT-GCING implies WITHOUT-INTERRUPTS. (without-gcing (os-cold-init-or-reinit) (thread-init-or-reinit) (stream-reinit t) #!-win32 (signal-cold-init-or-reinit) (setf (sb!alien:extern-alien "internal_errors_enabled" boolean) t) (float-cold-init-or-reinit)) (gc-reinit) (foreign-reinit) (time-reinit) ;; If the debugger was disabled in the saved core, we need to ;; re-disable ldb again. (when (eq *invoke-debugger-hook* 'sb!debug::debugger-disabled-hook) (sb!debug::disable-debugger)) (call-hooks "initialization" *init-hooks*)) ;;;; some support for any hapless wretches who end up debugging cold ;;;; init code ;;; Decode THING into hexadecimal notation using only machinery ;;; available early in cold init. #!+sb-show (defun hexstr (thing) (/noshow0 "entering HEXSTR") (let ((addr (get-lisp-obj-address thing)) (str (make-string 10 :element-type 'base-char))) (/noshow0 "ADDR and STR calculated") (setf (char str 0) #\0 (char str 1) #\x) (/noshow0 "CHARs 0 and 1 set") (dotimes (i 8) (/noshow0 "at head of DOTIMES loop") (let* ((nibble (ldb (byte 4 0) addr)) (chr (char "0123456789abcdef" nibble))) (declare (type (unsigned-byte 4) nibble) (base-char chr)) (/noshow0 "NIBBLE and CHR calculated") (setf (char str (- 9 i)) chr addr (ash addr -4)))) str)) #!+sb-show (defun cold-print (x) (labels ((%cold-print (obj depthoid) (if (> depthoid 4) (sb!sys:%primitive print "...") (typecase obj (simple-string (sb!sys:%primitive print obj)) (symbol (sb!sys:%primitive print (symbol-name obj))) (cons (sb!sys:%primitive print "cons:") (let ((d (1+ depthoid))) (%cold-print (car obj) d) (%cold-print (cdr obj) d))) (t (sb!sys:%primitive print (hexstr x))))))) (%cold-print x 0)) (values))