;;;; support and placeholders for System Area Pointers (SAPs) in the host ;;;; Common Lisp at cross-compile time ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!SYS") ;;; SYSTEM-AREA-POINTER is not a primitive type in ANSI Common Lisp, ;;; so we need a compound type to represent it in the host Common Lisp ;;; at cross-compile time: (defstruct (system-area-pointer (:constructor make-sap) (:conc-name "SAP-")) ;; the integer representation of the address (int (error "missing SAP-INT argument") :type sap-int-type :read-only t)) ;;; cross-compilation-host analogues of target-CMU CL primitive SAP operations (defun int-sap (int) (make-sap :int int)) (defun sap+ (sap offset) (declare (type system-area-pointer sap) (type sap-int-type offset)) (make-sap :int (+ (sap-int sap) offset))) #.`(progn ,@(mapcar (lambda (info) (destructuring-bind (sap-fun int-fun) info `(defun ,sap-fun (x y) (,int-fun (sap-int x) (sap-int y))))) '((sap< <) (sap<= <=) (sap= =) (sap>= >=) (sap> >) (sap- -)))) ;;; dummies, defined so that we can declare they never return and thereby ;;; eliminate a thundering herd of optimization notes a la "can't optimize this ;;; expression because we don't know the return type of SAP-REF-8" (defun sap-ref-stub (name) (error "~S doesn't make sense on cross-compilation host." name)) #.`(progn ,@(mapcan (lambda (name) `((declaim (ftype (function (system-area-pointer fixnum) nil) ,name)) (defun ,name (sap offset) (declare (ignore sap offset)) (sap-ref-stub ',name)) ,@(let ((setter-stub (gensym "SAP-SETTER-STUB-"))) `((defun ,setter-stub (foo sap offset) (declare (ignore foo sap offset)) (sap-ref-stub '(setf ,name))) (defsetf ,name ,setter-stub))))) '(sap-ref-8 sap-ref-16 sap-ref-32 sap-ref-sap sap-ref-single sap-ref-double signed-sap-ref-8 signed-sap-ref-16 signed-sap-ref-32)))