;;;; the implementation of the programmer's interface to writing ;;;; debugging tools ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!DI") ;;; FIXME: There are an awful lot of package prefixes in this code. ;;; Couldn't we have SB-DI use the SB-C and SB-VM packages? ;;;; conditions ;;;; The interface to building debugging tools signals conditions that ;;;; prevent it from adhering to its contract. These are ;;;; serious-conditions because the program using the interface must ;;;; handle them before it can correctly continue execution. These ;;;; debugging conditions are not errors since it is no fault of the ;;;; programmers that the conditions occur. The interface does not ;;;; provide for programs to detect these situations other than ;;;; calling a routine that detects them and signals a condition. For ;;;; example, programmers call A which may fail to return successfully ;;;; due to a lack of debug information, and there is no B the they ;;;; could have called to realize A would fail. It is not an error to ;;;; have called A, but it is an error for the program to then ignore ;;;; the signal generated by A since it cannot continue without A's ;;;; correctly returning a value or performing some operation. ;;;; ;;;; Use DEBUG-SIGNAL to signal these conditions. (define-condition debug-condition (serious-condition) () #!+sb-doc (:documentation "All DEBUG-CONDITIONs inherit from this type. These are serious conditions that must be handled, but they are not programmer errors.")) (define-condition no-debug-fun-returns (debug-condition) ((debug-fun :reader no-debug-fun-returns-debug-fun :initarg :debug-fun)) #!+sb-doc (:documentation "The system could not return values from a frame with DEBUG-FUN since it lacked information about returning values.") (:report (lambda (condition stream) (let ((fun (debug-fun-fun (no-debug-fun-returns-debug-fun condition)))) (format stream "~&Cannot return values from ~:[frame~;~:*~S~] since ~ the debug information lacks details about returning ~ values here." fun))))) (define-condition no-debug-blocks (debug-condition) ((debug-fun :reader no-debug-blocks-debug-fun :initarg :debug-fun)) #!+sb-doc (:documentation "The debug-fun has no debug-block information.") (:report (lambda (condition stream) (format stream "~&~S has no debug-block information." (no-debug-blocks-debug-fun condition))))) (define-condition no-debug-vars (debug-condition) ((debug-fun :reader no-debug-vars-debug-fun :initarg :debug-fun)) #!+sb-doc (:documentation "The DEBUG-FUN has no DEBUG-VAR information.") (:report (lambda (condition stream) (format stream "~&~S has no debug variable information." (no-debug-vars-debug-fun condition))))) (define-condition lambda-list-unavailable (debug-condition) ((debug-fun :reader lambda-list-unavailable-debug-fun :initarg :debug-fun)) #!+sb-doc (:documentation "The DEBUG-FUN has no lambda list since argument DEBUG-VARs are unavailable.") (:report (lambda (condition stream) (format stream "~&~S has no lambda-list information available." (lambda-list-unavailable-debug-fun condition))))) (define-condition invalid-value (debug-condition) ((debug-var :reader invalid-value-debug-var :initarg :debug-var) (frame :reader invalid-value-frame :initarg :frame)) (:report (lambda (condition stream) (format stream "~&~S has :invalid or :unknown value in ~S." (invalid-value-debug-var condition) (invalid-value-frame condition))))) (define-condition ambiguous-var-name (debug-condition) ((name :reader ambiguous-var-name-name :initarg :name) (frame :reader ambiguous-var-name-frame :initarg :frame)) (:report (lambda (condition stream) (format stream "~&~S names more than one valid variable in ~S." (ambiguous-var-name-name condition) (ambiguous-var-name-frame condition))))) ;;;; errors and DEBUG-SIGNAL ;;; The debug-internals code tries to signal all programmer errors as ;;; subtypes of DEBUG-ERROR. There are calls to ERROR signalling ;;; SIMPLE-ERRORs, but these dummy checks in the code and shouldn't ;;; come up. ;;; ;;; While under development, this code also signals errors in code ;;; branches that remain unimplemented. (define-condition debug-error (error) () #!+sb-doc (:documentation "All programmer errors from using the interface for building debugging tools inherit from this type.")) (define-condition unhandled-debug-condition (debug-error) ((condition :reader unhandled-debug-condition-condition :initarg :condition)) (:report (lambda (condition stream) (format stream "~&unhandled DEBUG-CONDITION:~%~A" (unhandled-debug-condition-condition condition))))) (define-condition unknown-code-location (debug-error) ((code-location :reader unknown-code-location-code-location :initarg :code-location)) (:report (lambda (condition stream) (format stream "~&invalid use of an unknown code-location: ~S" (unknown-code-location-code-location condition))))) (define-condition unknown-debug-var (debug-error) ((debug-var :reader unknown-debug-var-debug-var :initarg :debug-var) (debug-fun :reader unknown-debug-var-debug-fun :initarg :debug-fun)) (:report (lambda (condition stream) (format stream "~&~S is not in ~S." (unknown-debug-var-debug-var condition) (unknown-debug-var-debug-fun condition))))) (define-condition invalid-control-stack-pointer (debug-error) () (:report (lambda (condition stream) (declare (ignore condition)) (fresh-line stream) (write-string "invalid control stack pointer" stream)))) (define-condition frame-fun-mismatch (debug-error) ((code-location :reader frame-fun-mismatch-code-location :initarg :code-location) (frame :reader frame-fun-mismatch-frame :initarg :frame) (form :reader frame-fun-mismatch-form :initarg :form)) (:report (lambda (condition stream) (format stream "~&Form was preprocessed for ~S,~% but called on ~S:~% ~S" (frame-fun-mismatch-code-location condition) (frame-fun-mismatch-frame condition) (frame-fun-mismatch-form condition))))) ;;; This signals debug-conditions. If they go unhandled, then signal ;;; an UNHANDLED-DEBUG-CONDITION error. ;;; ;;; ??? Get SIGNAL in the right package! (defmacro debug-signal (datum &rest arguments) `(let ((condition (make-condition ,datum ,@arguments))) (signal condition) (error 'unhandled-debug-condition :condition condition))) ;;;; structures ;;;; ;;;; Most of these structures model information stored in internal ;;;; data structures created by the compiler. Whenever comments ;;;; preface an object or type with "compiler", they refer to the ;;;; internal compiler thing, not to the object or type with the same ;;;; name in the "SB-DI" package. ;;;; DEBUG-VARs ;;; These exist for caching data stored in packed binary form in ;;; compiler DEBUG-FUNs. (defstruct (debug-var (:constructor nil) (:copier nil)) ;; the name of the variable (symbol (missing-arg) :type symbol) ;; a unique integer identification relative to other variables with the same ;; symbol (id 0 :type index) ;; Does the variable always have a valid value? (alive-p nil :type boolean)) (def!method print-object ((debug-var debug-var) stream) (print-unreadable-object (debug-var stream :type t :identity t) (format stream "~S ~W" (debug-var-symbol debug-var) (debug-var-id debug-var)))) #!+sb-doc (setf (fdocumentation 'debug-var-id 'function) "Return the integer that makes DEBUG-VAR's name and package unique with respect to other DEBUG-VARs in the same function.") (defstruct (compiled-debug-var (:include debug-var) (:constructor make-compiled-debug-var (symbol id alive-p sc-offset save-sc-offset)) (:copier nil)) ;; storage class and offset (unexported) (sc-offset nil :type sb!c:sc-offset) ;; storage class and offset when saved somewhere (save-sc-offset nil :type (or sb!c:sc-offset null))) ;;;; frames ;;; These represent call frames on the stack. (defstruct (frame (:constructor nil) (:copier nil)) ;; the next frame up, or NIL when top frame (up nil :type (or frame null)) ;; the previous frame down, or NIL when the bottom frame. Before ;; computing the next frame down, this slot holds the frame pointer ;; to the control stack for the given frame. This lets us get the ;; next frame down and the return-pc for that frame. (%down :unparsed :type (or frame (member nil :unparsed))) ;; the DEBUG-FUN for the function whose call this frame represents (debug-fun nil :type debug-fun) ;; the CODE-LOCATION where the frame's DEBUG-FUN will continue ;; running when program execution returns to this frame. If someone ;; interrupted this frame, the result could be an unknown ;; CODE-LOCATION. (code-location nil :type code-location) ;; an a-list of catch-tags to code-locations (%catches :unparsed :type (or list (member :unparsed))) ;; pointer to frame on control stack (unexported) pointer ;; This is the frame's number for prompt printing. Top is zero. (number 0 :type index)) (defstruct (compiled-frame (:include frame) (:constructor make-compiled-frame (pointer up debug-fun code-location number &optional escaped)) (:copier nil)) ;; This indicates whether someone interrupted the frame. ;; (unexported). If escaped, this is a pointer to the state that was ;; saved when we were interrupted, an os_context_t, i.e. the third ;; argument to an SA_SIGACTION-style signal handler. escaped) (def!method print-object ((obj compiled-frame) str) (print-unreadable-object (obj str :type t) (format str "~S~:[~;, interrupted~]" (debug-fun-name (frame-debug-fun obj)) (compiled-frame-escaped obj)))) ;;;; DEBUG-FUNs ;;; These exist for caching data stored in packed binary form in ;;; compiler DEBUG-FUNs. *COMPILED-DEBUG-FUNS* maps a SB!C::DEBUG-FUN ;;; to a DEBUG-FUN. There should only be one DEBUG-FUN in existence ;;; for any function; that is, all CODE-LOCATIONs and other objects ;;; that reference DEBUG-FUNs point to unique objects. This is ;;; due to the overhead in cached information. (defstruct (debug-fun (:constructor nil) (:copier nil)) ;; some representation of the function arguments. See ;; DEBUG-FUN-LAMBDA-LIST. ;; NOTE: must parse vars before parsing arg list stuff. (%lambda-list :unparsed) ;; cached DEBUG-VARS information (unexported). ;; These are sorted by their name. (%debug-vars :unparsed :type (or simple-vector null (member :unparsed))) ;; cached debug-block information. This is NIL when we have tried to ;; parse the packed binary info, but none is available. (blocks :unparsed :type (or simple-vector null (member :unparsed))) ;; the actual function if available (%function :unparsed :type (or null function (member :unparsed)))) (def!method print-object ((obj debug-fun) stream) (print-unreadable-object (obj stream :type t) (prin1 (debug-fun-name obj) stream))) (defstruct (compiled-debug-fun (:include debug-fun) (:constructor %make-compiled-debug-fun (compiler-debug-fun component)) (:copier nil)) ;; compiler's dumped DEBUG-FUN information (unexported) (compiler-debug-fun nil :type sb!c::compiled-debug-fun) ;; code object (unexported). component ;; the :FUN-START breakpoint (if any) used to facilitate ;; function end breakpoints (end-starter nil :type (or null breakpoint))) ;;; This maps SB!C::COMPILED-DEBUG-FUNs to ;;; COMPILED-DEBUG-FUNs, so we can get at cached stuff and not ;;; duplicate COMPILED-DEBUG-FUN structures. (defvar *compiled-debug-funs* (make-hash-table :test 'eq)) ;;; Make a COMPILED-DEBUG-FUN for a SB!C::COMPILER-DEBUG-FUN ;;; and its component. This maps the latter to the former in ;;; *COMPILED-DEBUG-FUNS*. If there already is a ;;; COMPILED-DEBUG-FUN, then this returns it from ;;; *COMPILED-DEBUG-FUNS*. (defun make-compiled-debug-fun (compiler-debug-fun component) (or (gethash compiler-debug-fun *compiled-debug-funs*) (setf (gethash compiler-debug-fun *compiled-debug-funs*) (%make-compiled-debug-fun compiler-debug-fun component)))) (defstruct (bogus-debug-fun (:include debug-fun) (:constructor make-bogus-debug-fun (%name &aux (%lambda-list nil) (%debug-vars nil) (blocks nil) (%function nil))) (:copier nil)) %name) (defvar *ir1-lambda-debug-fun* (make-hash-table :test 'eq)) ;;;; DEBUG-BLOCKs ;;; These exist for caching data stored in packed binary form in compiler ;;; DEBUG-BLOCKs. (defstruct (debug-block (:constructor nil) (:copier nil)) ;; Code-locations where execution continues after this block. (successors nil :type list) ;; This indicates whether the block is a special glob of code shared ;; by various functions and tucked away elsewhere in a component. ;; This kind of block has no start code-location. This slot is in ;; all debug-blocks since it is an exported interface. (elsewhere-p nil :type boolean)) (def!method print-object ((obj debug-block) str) (print-unreadable-object (obj str :type t) (prin1 (debug-block-fun-name obj) str))) #!+sb-doc (setf (fdocumentation 'debug-block-successors 'function) "Return the list of possible code-locations where execution may continue when the basic-block represented by debug-block completes its execution.") #!+sb-doc (setf (fdocumentation 'debug-block-elsewhere-p 'function) "Return whether debug-block represents elsewhere code.") (defstruct (compiled-debug-block (:include debug-block) (:constructor make-compiled-debug-block (code-locations successors elsewhere-p)) (:copier nil)) ;; code-location information for the block (code-locations nil :type simple-vector)) (defvar *ir1-block-debug-block* (make-hash-table :test 'eq)) ;;;; breakpoints ;;; This is an internal structure that manages information about a ;;; breakpoint locations. See *COMPONENT-BREAKPOINT-OFFSETS*. (defstruct (breakpoint-data (:constructor make-breakpoint-data (component offset)) (:copier nil)) ;; This is the component in which the breakpoint lies. component ;; This is the byte offset into the component. (offset nil :type index) ;; The original instruction replaced by the breakpoint. (instruction nil :type (or null (unsigned-byte 32))) ;; A list of user breakpoints at this location. (breakpoints nil :type list)) (def!method print-object ((obj breakpoint-data) str) (print-unreadable-object (obj str :type t) (format str "~S at ~S" (debug-fun-name (debug-fun-from-pc (breakpoint-data-component obj) (breakpoint-data-offset obj))) (breakpoint-data-offset obj)))) (defstruct (breakpoint (:constructor %make-breakpoint (hook-fun what kind %info)) (:copier nil)) ;; This is the function invoked when execution encounters the ;; breakpoint. It takes a frame, the breakpoint, and optionally a ;; list of values. Values are supplied for :FUN-END breakpoints as ;; values to return for the function containing the breakpoint. ;; :FUN-END breakpoint hook functions also take a cookie argument. ;; See the COOKIE-FUN slot. (hook-fun (required-arg) :type function) ;; CODE-LOCATION or DEBUG-FUN (what nil :type (or code-location debug-fun)) ;; :CODE-LOCATION, :FUN-START, or :FUN-END for that kind ;; of breakpoint. :UNKNOWN-RETURN-PARTNER if this is the partner of ;; a :code-location breakpoint at an :UNKNOWN-RETURN code-location. (kind nil :type (member :code-location :fun-start :fun-end :unknown-return-partner)) ;; Status helps the user and the implementation. (status :inactive :type (member :active :inactive :deleted)) ;; This is a backpointer to a breakpoint-data. (internal-data nil :type (or null breakpoint-data)) ;; With code-locations whose type is :UNKNOWN-RETURN, there are ;; really two breakpoints: one at the multiple-value entry point, ;; and one at the single-value entry point. This slot holds the ;; breakpoint for the other one, or NIL if this isn't at an ;; :UNKNOWN-RETURN code location. (unknown-return-partner nil :type (or null breakpoint)) ;; :FUN-END breakpoints use a breakpoint at the :FUN-START ;; to establish the end breakpoint upon function entry. We do this ;; by frobbing the LRA to jump to a special piece of code that ;; breaks and provides the return values for the returnee. This slot ;; points to the start breakpoint, so we can activate, deactivate, ;; and delete it. (start-helper nil :type (or null breakpoint)) ;; This is a hook users supply to get a dynamically unique cookie ;; for identifying :FUN-END breakpoint executions. That is, if ;; there is one :FUN-END breakpoint, but there may be multiple ;; pending calls of its function on the stack. This function takes ;; the cookie, and the hook function takes the cookie too. (cookie-fun nil :type (or null function)) ;; This slot users can set with whatever information they find useful. %info) (def!method print-object ((obj breakpoint) str) (let ((what (breakpoint-what obj))) (print-unreadable-object (obj str :type t) (format str "~S~:[~;~:*~S~]" (etypecase what (code-location what) (debug-fun (debug-fun-name what))) (etypecase what (code-location nil) (debug-fun (breakpoint-kind obj))))))) ;;;; CODE-LOCATIONs (defstruct (code-location (:constructor nil) (:copier nil)) ;; the DEBUG-FUN containing this CODE-LOCATION (debug-fun nil :type debug-fun) ;; This is initially :UNSURE. Upon first trying to access an ;; :UNPARSED slot, if the data is unavailable, then this becomes T, ;; and the code-location is unknown. If the data is available, this ;; becomes NIL, a known location. We can't use a separate type ;; code-location for this since we must return code-locations before ;; we can tell whether they're known or unknown. For example, when ;; parsing the stack, we don't want to unpack all the variables and ;; blocks just to make frames. (%unknown-p :unsure :type (member t nil :unsure)) ;; the DEBUG-BLOCK containing CODE-LOCATION. XXX Possibly toss this ;; out and just find it in the blocks cache in DEBUG-FUN. (%debug-block :unparsed :type (or debug-block (member :unparsed))) ;; This is the number of forms processed by the compiler or loader ;; before the top level form containing this code-location. (%tlf-offset :unparsed :type (or index (member :unparsed))) ;; This is the depth-first number of the node that begins ;; code-location within its top level form. (%form-number :unparsed :type (or index (member :unparsed)))) (def!method print-object ((obj code-location) str) (print-unreadable-object (obj str :type t) (prin1 (debug-fun-name (code-location-debug-fun obj)) str))) (defstruct (compiled-code-location (:include code-location) (:constructor make-known-code-location (pc debug-fun %tlf-offset %form-number %live-set kind &aux (%unknown-p nil))) (:constructor make-compiled-code-location (pc debug-fun)) (:copier nil)) ;; an index into DEBUG-FUN's component slot (pc nil :type index) ;; a bit-vector indexed by a variable's position in ;; DEBUG-FUN-DEBUG-VARS indicating whether the variable has a ;; valid value at this code-location. (unexported). (%live-set :unparsed :type (or simple-bit-vector (member :unparsed))) ;; (unexported) To see SB!C::LOCATION-KIND, do ;; (SB!KERNEL:TYPE-EXPAND 'SB!C::LOCATION-KIND). (kind :unparsed :type (or (member :unparsed) sb!c::location-kind))) ;;;; DEBUG-SOURCEs ;;; Return the number of top level forms processed by the compiler ;;; before compiling this source. If this source is uncompiled, this ;;; is zero. This may be zero even if the source is compiled since the ;;; first form in the first file compiled in one compilation, for ;;; example, must have a root number of zero -- the compiler saw no ;;; other top level forms before it. (defun debug-source-root-number (debug-source) (sb!c::debug-source-source-root debug-source)) ;;;; frames ;;; This is used in FIND-ESCAPED-FRAME and with the bogus components ;;; and LRAs used for :FUN-END breakpoints. When a component's ;;; debug-info slot is :BOGUS-LRA, then the REAL-LRA-SLOT contains the ;;; real component to continue executing, as opposed to the bogus ;;; component which appeared in some frame's LRA location. (defconstant real-lra-slot sb!vm:code-constants-offset) ;;; These are magically converted by the compiler. (defun current-sp () (current-sp)) (defun current-fp () (current-fp)) (defun stack-ref (s n) (stack-ref s n)) (defun %set-stack-ref (s n value) (%set-stack-ref s n value)) (defun fun-code-header (fun) (fun-code-header fun)) (defun lra-code-header (lra) (lra-code-header lra)) (defun make-lisp-obj (value) (make-lisp-obj value)) (defun get-lisp-obj-address (thing) (get-lisp-obj-address thing)) (defun fun-word-offset (fun) (fun-word-offset fun)) #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline control-stack-pointer-valid-p)) (defun control-stack-pointer-valid-p (x) (declare (type system-area-pointer x)) (let* (#!-stack-grows-downward-not-upward (control-stack-start (descriptor-sap *control-stack-start*)) #!+stack-grows-downward-not-upward (control-stack-end (descriptor-sap *control-stack-end*))) #!-stack-grows-downward-not-upward (and (sap< x (current-sp)) (sap<= control-stack-start x) (zerop (logand (sap-int x) #b11))) #!+stack-grows-downward-not-upward (and (sap>= x (current-sp)) (sap> control-stack-end x) (zerop (logand (sap-int x) #b11))))) (sb!alien:define-alien-routine component-ptr-from-pc (system-area-pointer) (pc system-area-pointer)) (defun component-from-component-ptr (component-ptr) (declare (type system-area-pointer component-ptr)) (make-lisp-obj (logior (sap-int component-ptr) sb!vm:other-pointer-lowtag))) ;;;; (OR X86 X86-64) support #!+(or x86 x86-64) (progn (defun compute-lra-data-from-pc (pc) (declare (type system-area-pointer pc)) (let ((component-ptr (component-ptr-from-pc pc))) (unless (sap= component-ptr (int-sap #x0)) (let* ((code (component-from-component-ptr component-ptr)) (code-header-len (* (get-header-data code) sb!vm:n-word-bytes)) (pc-offset (- (sap-int pc) (- (get-lisp-obj-address code) sb!vm:other-pointer-lowtag) code-header-len))) ; (format t "c-lra-fpc ~A ~A ~A~%" pc code pc-offset) (values pc-offset code))))) (defconstant sb!vm::nargs-offset #.sb!vm::ecx-offset) ;;; Check for a valid return address - it could be any valid C/Lisp ;;; address. ;;; ;;; XXX Could be a little smarter. #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline ra-pointer-valid-p)) (defun ra-pointer-valid-p (ra) (declare (type system-area-pointer ra)) (and ;; not the first page (which is unmapped) ;; ;; FIXME: Where is this documented? Is it really true of every CPU ;; architecture? Is it even necessarily true in current SBCL? (>= (sap-int ra) 4096) ;; not a Lisp stack pointer (not (control-stack-pointer-valid-p ra)))) ;;; Try to find a valid previous stack. This is complex on the x86 as ;;; it can jump between C and Lisp frames. To help find a valid frame ;;; it searches backwards. ;;; ;;; XXX Should probably check whether it has reached the bottom of the ;;; stack. ;;; ;;; XXX Should handle interrupted frames, both Lisp and C. At present ;;; it manages to find a fp trail, see linux hack below. (defun x86-call-context (fp &key (depth 0)) (declare (type system-area-pointer fp) (fixnum depth)) ;; (format t "*CC ~S ~S~%" fp depth) (cond ((not (control-stack-pointer-valid-p fp)) #+nil (format t "debug invalid fp ~S~%" fp) nil) (t ;; Check the two possible frame pointers. (let ((lisp-ocfp (sap-ref-sap fp (- (* (1+ ocfp-save-offset) sb!vm::n-word-bytes)))) (lisp-ra (sap-ref-sap fp (- (* (1+ return-pc-save-offset) sb!vm::n-word-bytes)))) (c-ocfp (sap-ref-sap fp (* 0 sb!vm:n-word-bytes))) (c-ra (sap-ref-sap fp (* 1 sb!vm:n-word-bytes)))) #+nil (format t " lisp-ocfp=~S~% lisp-ra=~S~% c-ocfp=~S~% c-ra=~S~%" lisp-ocfp lisp-ra c-ocfp c-ra) (cond ((and (sap> lisp-ocfp fp) (control-stack-pointer-valid-p lisp-ocfp) (ra-pointer-valid-p lisp-ra) (sap> c-ocfp fp) (control-stack-pointer-valid-p c-ocfp) (ra-pointer-valid-p c-ra)) #+nil (format t "*C Both valid ~S ~S ~S ~S~%" lisp-ocfp lisp-ra c-ocfp c-ra) ;; Look forward another step to check their validity. (let ((lisp-path-fp (x86-call-context lisp-ocfp :depth (1+ depth))) (c-path-fp (x86-call-context c-ocfp :depth (1+ depth)))) (cond ((and lisp-path-fp c-path-fp) ;; Both still seem valid - choose the lisp frame. #+nil (when (zerop depth) (format t "debug: both still valid ~S ~S ~S ~S~%" lisp-ocfp lisp-ra c-ocfp c-ra)) #!+freebsd (if (sap> lisp-ocfp c-ocfp) (values lisp-ra lisp-ocfp) (values c-ra c-ocfp)) #!-freebsd (values lisp-ra lisp-ocfp)) (lisp-path-fp ;; The lisp convention is looking good. #+nil (format t "*C lisp-ocfp ~S ~S~%" lisp-ocfp lisp-ra) (values lisp-ra lisp-ocfp)) (c-path-fp ;; The C convention is looking good. #+nil (format t "*C c-ocfp ~S ~S~%" c-ocfp c-ra) (values c-ra c-ocfp)) (t ;; Neither seems right? #+nil (format t "debug: no valid2 fp found ~S ~S~%" lisp-ocfp c-ocfp) nil)))) ((and (sap> lisp-ocfp fp) (control-stack-pointer-valid-p lisp-ocfp) (ra-pointer-valid-p lisp-ra)) ;; The lisp convention is looking good. #+nil (format t "*C lisp-ocfp ~S ~S~%" lisp-ocfp lisp-ra) (values lisp-ra lisp-ocfp)) ((and (sap> c-ocfp fp) (control-stack-pointer-valid-p c-ocfp) #!-linux (ra-pointer-valid-p c-ra)) ;; The C convention is looking good. #+nil (format t "*C c-ocfp ~S ~S~%" c-ocfp c-ra) (values c-ra c-ocfp)) (t #+nil (format t "debug: no valid fp found ~S ~S~%" lisp-ocfp c-ocfp) nil)))))) ) ; #+x86 PROGN ;;; Convert the descriptor into a SAP. The bits all stay the same, we just ;;; change our notion of what we think they are. #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline descriptor-sap)) (defun descriptor-sap (x) (int-sap (get-lisp-obj-address x))) ;;; Return the top frame of the control stack as it was before calling ;;; this function. (defun top-frame () (/noshow0 "entering TOP-FRAME") (multiple-value-bind (fp pc) (%caller-frame-and-pc) (compute-calling-frame (descriptor-sap fp) pc nil))) ;;; Flush all of the frames above FRAME, and renumber all the frames ;;; below FRAME. (defun flush-frames-above (frame) (setf (frame-up frame) nil) (do ((number 0 (1+ number)) (frame frame (frame-%down frame))) ((not (frame-p frame))) (setf (frame-number frame) number))) ;;; Return the frame immediately below FRAME on the stack; or when ;;; FRAME is the bottom of the stack, return NIL. (defun frame-down (frame) (/noshow0 "entering FRAME-DOWN") ;; We have to access the old-fp and return-pc out of frame and pass ;; them to COMPUTE-CALLING-FRAME. (let ((down (frame-%down frame))) (if (eq down :unparsed) (let ((debug-fun (frame-debug-fun frame))) (/noshow0 "in DOWN :UNPARSED case") (setf (frame-%down frame) (etypecase debug-fun (compiled-debug-fun (let ((c-d-f (compiled-debug-fun-compiler-debug-fun debug-fun))) (compute-calling-frame (descriptor-sap (get-context-value frame ocfp-save-offset (sb!c::compiled-debug-fun-old-fp c-d-f))) (get-context-value frame lra-save-offset (sb!c::compiled-debug-fun-return-pc c-d-f)) frame))) (bogus-debug-fun (let ((fp (frame-pointer frame))) (when (control-stack-pointer-valid-p fp) #!+(or x86 x86-64) (multiple-value-bind (ra ofp) (x86-call-context fp) (and ra (compute-calling-frame ofp ra frame))) #!-(or x86 x86-64) (compute-calling-frame #!-alpha (sap-ref-sap fp (* ocfp-save-offset sb!vm:n-word-bytes)) #!+alpha (int-sap (sap-ref-32 fp (* ocfp-save-offset sb!vm:n-word-bytes))) (stack-ref fp lra-save-offset) frame))))))) down))) ;;; Get the old FP or return PC out of FRAME. STACK-SLOT is the ;;; standard save location offset on the stack. LOC is the saved ;;; SC-OFFSET describing the main location. #!-(or x86 x86-64) (defun get-context-value (frame stack-slot loc) (declare (type compiled-frame frame) (type unsigned-byte stack-slot) (type sb!c:sc-offset loc)) (let ((pointer (frame-pointer frame)) (escaped (compiled-frame-escaped frame))) (if escaped (sub-access-debug-var-slot pointer loc escaped) (stack-ref pointer stack-slot)))) #!+(or x86 x86-64) (defun get-context-value (frame stack-slot loc) (declare (type compiled-frame frame) (type unsigned-byte stack-slot) (type sb!c:sc-offset loc)) (let ((pointer (frame-pointer frame)) (escaped (compiled-frame-escaped frame))) (if escaped (sub-access-debug-var-slot pointer loc escaped) (ecase stack-slot (#.ocfp-save-offset (stack-ref pointer stack-slot)) (#.lra-save-offset (sap-ref-sap pointer (- (* (1+ stack-slot) sb!vm::n-word-bytes)))))))) #!-(or x86 x86-64) (defun (setf get-context-value) (value frame stack-slot loc) (declare (type compiled-frame frame) (type unsigned-byte stack-slot) (type sb!c:sc-offset loc)) (let ((pointer (frame-pointer frame)) (escaped (compiled-frame-escaped frame))) (if escaped (sub-set-debug-var-slot pointer loc value escaped) (setf (stack-ref pointer stack-slot) value)))) #!+(or x86 x86-64) (defun (setf get-context-value) (value frame stack-slot loc) (declare (type compiled-frame frame) (type unsigned-byte stack-slot) (type sb!c:sc-offset loc)) (let ((pointer (frame-pointer frame)) (escaped (compiled-frame-escaped frame))) (if escaped (sub-set-debug-var-slot pointer loc value escaped) (ecase stack-slot (#.ocfp-save-offset (setf (stack-ref pointer stack-slot) value)) (#.lra-save-offset (setf (sap-ref-sap pointer (- (* (1+ stack-slot) sb!vm::n-word-bytes))) value)))))) (defun foreign-function-backtrace-name (sap) (let ((name (foreign-symbol-in-address sap))) (if name (format nil "foreign function: ~A" name) (format nil "foreign function: #x~X" (sap-int sap))))) ;;; This returns a frame for the one existing in time immediately ;;; prior to the frame referenced by current-fp. This is current-fp's ;;; caller or the next frame down the control stack. If there is no ;;; down frame, this returns NIL for the bottom of the stack. UP-FRAME ;;; is the up link for the resulting frame object, and it is null when ;;; we call this to get the top of the stack. ;;; ;;; The current frame contains the pointer to the temporally previous ;;; frame we want, and the current frame contains the pc at which we ;;; will continue executing upon returning to that previous frame. ;;; ;;; Note: Sometimes LRA is actually a fixnum. This happens when lisp ;;; calls into C. In this case, the code object is stored on the stack ;;; after the LRA, and the LRA is the word offset. #!-(or x86 x86-64) (defun compute-calling-frame (caller lra up-frame) (declare (type system-area-pointer caller)) (when (control-stack-pointer-valid-p caller) (multiple-value-bind (code pc-offset escaped) (if lra (multiple-value-bind (word-offset code) (if (fixnump lra) (let ((fp (frame-pointer up-frame))) (values lra (stack-ref fp (1+ lra-save-offset)))) (values (get-header-data lra) (lra-code-header lra))) (if code (values code (* (1+ (- word-offset (get-header-data code))) sb!vm:n-word-bytes) nil) (values :foreign-function 0 nil))) (find-escaped-frame caller)) (if (and (code-component-p code) (eq (%code-debug-info code) :bogus-lra)) (let ((real-lra (code-header-ref code real-lra-slot))) (compute-calling-frame caller real-lra up-frame)) (let ((d-fun (case code (:undefined-function (make-bogus-debug-fun "undefined function")) (:foreign-function (make-bogus-debug-fun (foreign-function-backtrace-name (int-sap (get-lisp-obj-address lra))))) ((nil) (make-bogus-debug-fun "bogus stack frame")) (t (debug-fun-from-pc code pc-offset))))) (make-compiled-frame caller up-frame d-fun (code-location-from-pc d-fun pc-offset escaped) (if up-frame (1+ (frame-number up-frame)) 0) escaped)))))) #!+(or x86 x86-64) (defun compute-calling-frame (caller ra up-frame) (declare (type system-area-pointer caller ra)) (/noshow0 "entering COMPUTE-CALLING-FRAME") (when (control-stack-pointer-valid-p caller) (/noshow0 "in WHEN") ;; First check for an escaped frame. (multiple-value-bind (code pc-offset escaped) (find-escaped-frame caller) (/noshow0 "at COND") (cond (code ;; If it's escaped it may be a function end breakpoint trap. (when (and (code-component-p code) (eq (%code-debug-info code) :bogus-lra)) ;; If :bogus-lra grab the real lra. (setq pc-offset (code-header-ref code (1+ real-lra-slot))) (setq code (code-header-ref code real-lra-slot)) (aver code))) ((not escaped) (multiple-value-setq (pc-offset code) (compute-lra-data-from-pc ra)) (unless code (setf code :foreign-function pc-offset 0)))) (let ((d-fun (case code (:undefined-function (make-bogus-debug-fun "undefined function")) (:foreign-function (make-bogus-debug-fun (foreign-function-backtrace-name ra))) ((nil) (make-bogus-debug-fun "bogus stack frame")) (t (debug-fun-from-pc code pc-offset))))) (/noshow0 "returning MAKE-COMPILED-FRAME from COMPUTE-CALLING-FRAME") (make-compiled-frame caller up-frame d-fun (code-location-from-pc d-fun pc-offset escaped) (if up-frame (1+ (frame-number up-frame)) 0) escaped))))) (defun nth-interrupt-context (n) (declare (type (unsigned-byte 32) n) (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))) (sb!alien:sap-alien (sb!vm::current-thread-offset-sap (+ sb!vm::thread-interrupt-contexts-offset n)) (* os-context-t))) #!+(or x86 x86-64) (defun find-escaped-frame (frame-pointer) (declare (type system-area-pointer frame-pointer)) (/noshow0 "entering FIND-ESCAPED-FRAME") (dotimes (index *free-interrupt-context-index* (values nil 0 nil)) (/noshow0 "at head of WITH-ALIEN") (let ((context (nth-interrupt-context index))) (/noshow0 "got CONTEXT") (when (= (sap-int frame-pointer) (sb!vm:context-register context sb!vm::cfp-offset)) (without-gcing (/noshow0 "in WITHOUT-GCING") (let* ((component-ptr (component-ptr-from-pc (sb!vm:context-pc context))) (code (unless (sap= component-ptr (int-sap #x0)) (component-from-component-ptr component-ptr)))) (/noshow0 "got CODE") (when (null code) (return (values code 0 context))) (let* ((code-header-len (* (get-header-data code) sb!vm:n-word-bytes)) (pc-offset (- (sap-int (sb!vm:context-pc context)) (- (get-lisp-obj-address code) sb!vm:other-pointer-lowtag) code-header-len))) (/noshow "got PC-OFFSET") (unless (<= 0 pc-offset (* (code-header-ref code sb!vm:code-code-size-slot) sb!vm:n-word-bytes)) ;; We were in an assembly routine. Therefore, use the ;; LRA as the pc. ;; ;; FIXME: Should this be WARN or ERROR or what? (format t "** pc-offset ~S not in code obj ~S?~%" pc-offset code)) (/noshow0 "returning from FIND-ESCAPED-FRAME") (return (values code pc-offset context))))))))) #!-(or x86 x86-64) (defun find-escaped-frame (frame-pointer) (declare (type system-area-pointer frame-pointer)) (dotimes (index *free-interrupt-context-index* (values nil 0 nil)) (let ((scp (nth-interrupt-context index))) (when (= (sap-int frame-pointer) (sb!vm:context-register scp sb!vm::cfp-offset)) (without-gcing (let ((code (code-object-from-bits (sb!vm:context-register scp sb!vm::code-offset)))) (when (symbolp code) (return (values code 0 scp))) (let* ((code-header-len (* (get-header-data code) sb!vm:n-word-bytes)) (pc-offset (- (sap-int (sb!vm:context-pc scp)) (- (get-lisp-obj-address code) sb!vm:other-pointer-lowtag) code-header-len))) ;; Check to see whether we were executing in a branch ;; delay slot. #!+(or pmax sgi) ; pmax only (and broken anyway) (when (logbitp 31 (sb!alien:slot scp '%mips::sc-cause)) (incf pc-offset sb!vm:n-word-bytes)) (let ((code-size (* (code-header-ref code sb!vm:code-code-size-slot) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))) (unless (<= 0 pc-offset code-size) ;; We were in an assembly routine. (multiple-value-bind (new-pc-offset computed-return) (find-pc-from-assembly-fun code scp) (setf pc-offset new-pc-offset) (unless (<= 0 pc-offset code-size) (cerror "Set PC-OFFSET to zero and continue backtrace." 'bug :format-control "~@" :format-arguments (list pc-offset (sap-int (sb!vm:context-pc scp)) code (%code-entry-points code) (sb!vm:context-register scp sb!vm::lra-offset) computed-return)) ;; We failed to pinpoint where PC is, but set ;; pc-offset to 0 to keep the backtrace from ;; exploding. (setf pc-offset 0))))) (return (if (eq (%code-debug-info code) :bogus-lra) (let ((real-lra (code-header-ref code real-lra-slot))) (values (lra-code-header real-lra) (get-header-data real-lra) nil)) (values code pc-offset scp)))))))))) #!-(or x86 x86-64) (defun find-pc-from-assembly-fun (code scp) "Finds the PC for the return from an assembly routine properly. For some architectures (such as PPC) this will not be the $LRA register." (let ((return-machine-address (sb!vm::return-machine-address scp)) (code-header-len (* (get-header-data code) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))) (values (- return-machine-address (- (get-lisp-obj-address code) sb!vm:other-pointer-lowtag) code-header-len) return-machine-address))) ;;; Find the code object corresponding to the object represented by ;;; bits and return it. We assume bogus functions correspond to the ;;; undefined-function. (defun code-object-from-bits (bits) (declare (type (unsigned-byte 32) bits)) (let ((object (make-lisp-obj bits))) (if (functionp object) (or (fun-code-header object) :undefined-function) (let ((lowtag (lowtag-of object))) (if (= lowtag sb!vm:other-pointer-lowtag) (let ((widetag (widetag-of object))) (cond ((= widetag sb!vm:code-header-widetag) object) ((= widetag sb!vm:return-pc-header-widetag) (lra-code-header object)) (t nil)))))))) ;;;; frame utilities ;;; This returns a COMPILED-DEBUG-FUN for COMPONENT and PC. We fetch the ;;; SB!C::DEBUG-INFO and run down its FUN-MAP to get a ;;; SB!C::COMPILED-DEBUG-FUN from the PC. The result only needs to ;;; reference the COMPONENT, for function constants, and the ;;; SB!C::COMPILED-DEBUG-FUN. (defun debug-fun-from-pc (component pc) (let ((info (%code-debug-info component))) (cond ((not info) ;; FIXME: It seems that most of these (at least on x86) are ;; actually assembler routines, and could be named by looking ;; at the sb-fasl:*assembler-routines*. (make-bogus-debug-fun "no debug information for frame")) ((eq info :bogus-lra) (make-bogus-debug-fun "function end breakpoint")) (t (let* ((fun-map (sb!c::compiled-debug-info-fun-map info)) (len (length fun-map))) (declare (type simple-vector fun-map)) (if (= len 1) (make-compiled-debug-fun (svref fun-map 0) component) (let ((i 1) (elsewhere-p (>= pc (sb!c::compiled-debug-fun-elsewhere-pc (svref fun-map 0))))) (declare (type sb!int:index i)) (loop (when (or (= i len) (< pc (if elsewhere-p (sb!c::compiled-debug-fun-elsewhere-pc (svref fun-map (1+ i))) (svref fun-map i)))) (return (make-compiled-debug-fun (svref fun-map (1- i)) component))) (incf i 2))))))))) ;;; This returns a code-location for the COMPILED-DEBUG-FUN, ;;; DEBUG-FUN, and the pc into its code vector. If we stopped at a ;;; breakpoint, find the CODE-LOCATION for that breakpoint. Otherwise, ;;; make an :UNSURE code location, so it can be filled in when we ;;; figure out what is going on. (defun code-location-from-pc (debug-fun pc escaped) (or (and (compiled-debug-fun-p debug-fun) escaped (let ((data (breakpoint-data (compiled-debug-fun-component debug-fun) pc nil))) (when (and data (breakpoint-data-breakpoints data)) (let ((what (breakpoint-what (first (breakpoint-data-breakpoints data))))) (when (compiled-code-location-p what) what))))) (make-compiled-code-location pc debug-fun))) ;;; Return an alist mapping catch tags to CODE-LOCATIONs. These are ;;; CODE-LOCATIONs at which execution would continue with frame as the ;;; top frame if someone threw to the corresponding tag. (defun frame-catches (frame) (let ((catch (descriptor-sap sb!vm:*current-catch-block*)) (reversed-result nil) (fp (frame-pointer frame))) (loop until (zerop (sap-int catch)) finally (return (nreverse reversed-result)) do (when (sap= fp #!-alpha (sap-ref-sap catch (* sb!vm:catch-block-current-cont-slot sb!vm:n-word-bytes)) #!+alpha (int-sap (sap-ref-32 catch (* sb!vm:catch-block-current-cont-slot sb!vm:n-word-bytes)))) (let* (#!-(or x86 x86-64) (lra (stack-ref catch sb!vm:catch-block-entry-pc-slot)) #!+(or x86 x86-64) (ra (sap-ref-sap catch (* sb!vm:catch-block-entry-pc-slot sb!vm:n-word-bytes))) #!-(or x86 x86-64) (component (stack-ref catch sb!vm:catch-block-current-code-slot)) #!+(or x86 x86-64) (component (component-from-component-ptr (component-ptr-from-pc ra))) (offset #!-(or x86 x86-64) (* (- (1+ (get-header-data lra)) (get-header-data component)) sb!vm:n-word-bytes) #!+(or x86 x86-64) (- (sap-int ra) (- (get-lisp-obj-address component) sb!vm:other-pointer-lowtag) (* (get-header-data component) sb!vm:n-word-bytes)))) (push (cons #!-(or x86 x86-64) (stack-ref catch sb!vm:catch-block-tag-slot) #!+(or x86 x86-64) (make-lisp-obj (sap-ref-word catch (* sb!vm:catch-block-tag-slot sb!vm:n-word-bytes))) (make-compiled-code-location offset (frame-debug-fun frame))) reversed-result))) (setf catch #!-alpha (sap-ref-sap catch (* sb!vm:catch-block-previous-catch-slot sb!vm:n-word-bytes)) #!+alpha (int-sap (sap-ref-32 catch (* sb!vm:catch-block-previous-catch-slot sb!vm:n-word-bytes))))))) ;;;; operations on DEBUG-FUNs ;;; Execute the forms in a context with BLOCK-VAR bound to each ;;; DEBUG-BLOCK in DEBUG-FUN successively. Result is an optional ;;; form to execute for return values, and DO-DEBUG-FUN-BLOCKS ;;; returns nil if there is no result form. This signals a ;;; NO-DEBUG-BLOCKS condition when the DEBUG-FUN lacks ;;; DEBUG-BLOCK information. (defmacro do-debug-fun-blocks ((block-var debug-fun &optional result) &body body) (let ((blocks (gensym)) (i (gensym))) `(let ((,blocks (debug-fun-debug-blocks ,debug-fun))) (declare (simple-vector ,blocks)) (dotimes (,i (length ,blocks) ,result) (let ((,block-var (svref ,blocks ,i))) ,@body))))) ;;; Execute body in a context with VAR bound to each DEBUG-VAR in ;;; DEBUG-FUN. This returns the value of executing result (defaults to ;;; nil). This may iterate over only some of DEBUG-FUN's variables or ;;; none depending on debug policy; for example, possibly the ;;; compilation only preserved argument information. (defmacro do-debug-fun-vars ((var debug-fun &optional result) &body body) (let ((vars (gensym)) (i (gensym))) `(let ((,vars (debug-fun-debug-vars ,debug-fun))) (declare (type (or null simple-vector) ,vars)) (if ,vars (dotimes (,i (length ,vars) ,result) (let ((,var (svref ,vars ,i))) ,@body)) ,result)))) ;;; Return the object of type FUNCTION associated with the DEBUG-FUN, ;;; or NIL if the function is unavailable or is non-existent as a user ;;; callable function object. (defun debug-fun-fun (debug-fun) (let ((cached-value (debug-fun-%function debug-fun))) (if (eq cached-value :unparsed) (setf (debug-fun-%function debug-fun) (etypecase debug-fun (compiled-debug-fun (let ((component (compiled-debug-fun-component debug-fun)) (start-pc (sb!c::compiled-debug-fun-start-pc (compiled-debug-fun-compiler-debug-fun debug-fun)))) (do ((entry (%code-entry-points component) (%simple-fun-next entry))) ((null entry) nil) (when (= start-pc (sb!c::compiled-debug-fun-start-pc (compiled-debug-fun-compiler-debug-fun (fun-debug-fun entry)))) (return entry))))) (bogus-debug-fun nil))) cached-value))) ;;; Return the name of the function represented by DEBUG-FUN. This may ;;; be a string or a cons; do not assume it is a symbol. (defun debug-fun-name (debug-fun) (declare (type debug-fun debug-fun)) (etypecase debug-fun (compiled-debug-fun (sb!c::compiled-debug-fun-name (compiled-debug-fun-compiler-debug-fun debug-fun))) (bogus-debug-fun (bogus-debug-fun-%name debug-fun)))) ;;; Return a DEBUG-FUN that represents debug information for FUN. (defun fun-debug-fun (fun) (declare (type function fun)) (ecase (widetag-of fun) (#.sb!vm:closure-header-widetag (fun-debug-fun (%closure-fun fun))) (#.sb!vm:funcallable-instance-header-widetag (fun-debug-fun (funcallable-instance-fun fun))) (#.sb!vm:simple-fun-header-widetag (let* ((name (%simple-fun-name fun)) (component (fun-code-header fun)) (res (find-if (lambda (x) (and (sb!c::compiled-debug-fun-p x) (eq (sb!c::compiled-debug-fun-name x) name) (eq (sb!c::compiled-debug-fun-kind x) nil))) (sb!c::compiled-debug-info-fun-map (%code-debug-info component))))) (if res (make-compiled-debug-fun res component) ;; KLUDGE: comment from CMU CL: ;; This used to be the non-interpreted branch, but ;; William wrote it to return the debug-fun of fun's XEP ;; instead of fun's debug-fun. The above code does this ;; more correctly, but it doesn't get or eliminate all ;; appropriate cases. It mostly works, and probably ;; works for all named functions anyway. ;; -- WHN 20000120 (debug-fun-from-pc component (* (- (fun-word-offset fun) (get-header-data component)) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))))))) ;;; Return the kind of the function, which is one of :OPTIONAL, ;;; :EXTERNAL, :TOPLEVEL, :CLEANUP, or NIL. (defun debug-fun-kind (debug-fun) ;; FIXME: This "is one of" information should become part of the function ;; declamation, not just a doc string (etypecase debug-fun (compiled-debug-fun (sb!c::compiled-debug-fun-kind (compiled-debug-fun-compiler-debug-fun debug-fun))) (bogus-debug-fun nil))) ;;; Is there any variable information for DEBUG-FUN? (defun debug-var-info-available (debug-fun) (not (not (debug-fun-debug-vars debug-fun)))) ;;; Return a list of DEBUG-VARs in DEBUG-FUN having the same name ;;; and package as SYMBOL. If SYMBOL is uninterned, then this returns ;;; a list of DEBUG-VARs without package names and with the same name ;;; as symbol. The result of this function is limited to the ;;; availability of variable information in DEBUG-FUN; for ;;; example, possibly DEBUG-FUN only knows about its arguments. (defun debug-fun-symbol-vars (debug-fun symbol) (let ((vars (ambiguous-debug-vars debug-fun (symbol-name symbol))) (package (and (symbol-package symbol) (package-name (symbol-package symbol))))) (delete-if (if (stringp package) (lambda (var) (let ((p (debug-var-package-name var))) (or (not (stringp p)) (string/= p package)))) (lambda (var) (stringp (debug-var-package-name var)))) vars))) ;;; Return a list of DEBUG-VARs in DEBUG-FUN whose names contain ;;; NAME-PREFIX-STRING as an initial substring. The result of this ;;; function is limited to the availability of variable information in ;;; debug-fun; for example, possibly debug-fun only knows ;;; about its arguments. (defun ambiguous-debug-vars (debug-fun name-prefix-string) (declare (simple-string name-prefix-string)) (let ((variables (debug-fun-debug-vars debug-fun))) (declare (type (or null simple-vector) variables)) (if variables (let* ((len (length variables)) (prefix-len (length name-prefix-string)) (pos (find-var name-prefix-string variables len)) (res nil)) (when pos ;; Find names from pos to variable's len that contain prefix. (do ((i pos (1+ i))) ((= i len)) (let* ((var (svref variables i)) (name (debug-var-symbol-name var)) (name-len (length name))) (declare (simple-string name)) (when (/= (or (string/= name-prefix-string name :end1 prefix-len :end2 name-len) prefix-len) prefix-len) (return)) (push var res))) (setq res (nreverse res))) res)))) ;;; This returns a position in VARIABLES for one containing NAME as an ;;; initial substring. END is the length of VARIABLES if supplied. (defun find-var (name variables &optional end) (declare (simple-vector variables) (simple-string name)) (let ((name-len (length name))) (position name variables :test (lambda (x y) (let* ((y (debug-var-symbol-name y)) (y-len (length y))) (declare (simple-string y)) (and (>= y-len name-len) (string= x y :end1 name-len :end2 name-len)))) :end (or end (length variables))))) ;;; Return a list representing the lambda-list for DEBUG-FUN. The ;;; list has the following structure: ;;; (required-var1 required-var2 ;;; ... ;;; (:optional var3 suppliedp-var4) ;;; (:optional var5) ;;; ... ;;; (:rest var6) (:rest var7) ;;; ... ;;; (:keyword keyword-symbol var8 suppliedp-var9) ;;; (:keyword keyword-symbol var10) ;;; ... ;;; ) ;;; Each VARi is a DEBUG-VAR; however it may be the symbol :DELETED if ;;; it is unreferenced in DEBUG-FUN. This signals a ;;; LAMBDA-LIST-UNAVAILABLE condition when there is no argument list ;;; information. (defun debug-fun-lambda-list (debug-fun) (etypecase debug-fun (compiled-debug-fun (compiled-debug-fun-lambda-list debug-fun)) (bogus-debug-fun nil))) ;;; Note: If this has to compute the lambda list, it caches it in DEBUG-FUN. (defun compiled-debug-fun-lambda-list (debug-fun) (let ((lambda-list (debug-fun-%lambda-list debug-fun))) (cond ((eq lambda-list :unparsed) (multiple-value-bind (args argsp) (parse-compiled-debug-fun-lambda-list debug-fun) (setf (debug-fun-%lambda-list debug-fun) args) (if argsp args (debug-signal 'lambda-list-unavailable :debug-fun debug-fun)))) (lambda-list) ((bogus-debug-fun-p debug-fun) nil) ((sb!c::compiled-debug-fun-arguments (compiled-debug-fun-compiler-debug-fun debug-fun)) ;; If the packed information is there (whether empty or not) as ;; opposed to being nil, then returned our cached value (nil). nil) (t ;; Our cached value is nil, and the packed lambda-list information ;; is nil, so we don't have anything available. (debug-signal 'lambda-list-unavailable :debug-fun debug-fun))))) ;;; COMPILED-DEBUG-FUN-LAMBDA-LIST calls this when a ;;; COMPILED-DEBUG-FUN has no lambda list information cached. It ;;; returns the lambda list as the first value and whether there was ;;; any argument information as the second value. Therefore, ;;; (VALUES NIL T) means there were no arguments, but (VALUES NIL NIL) ;;; means there was no argument information. (defun parse-compiled-debug-fun-lambda-list (debug-fun) (let ((args (sb!c::compiled-debug-fun-arguments (compiled-debug-fun-compiler-debug-fun debug-fun)))) (cond ((not args) (values nil nil)) ((eq args :minimal) (values (coerce (debug-fun-debug-vars debug-fun) 'list) t)) (t (let ((vars (debug-fun-debug-vars debug-fun)) (i 0) (len (length args)) (res nil) (optionalp nil)) (declare (type (or null simple-vector) vars)) (loop (when (>= i len) (return)) (let ((ele (aref args i))) (cond ((symbolp ele) (case ele (sb!c::deleted ;; Deleted required arg at beginning of args array. (push :deleted res)) (sb!c::optional-args (setf optionalp t)) (sb!c::supplied-p ;; SUPPLIED-P var immediately following keyword or ;; optional. Stick the extra var in the result ;; element representing the keyword or optional, ;; which is the previous one. ;; ;; FIXME: NCONC used for side-effect: the effect is defined, ;; but this is bad style no matter what. (nconc (car res) (list (compiled-debug-fun-lambda-list-var args (incf i) vars)))) (sb!c::rest-arg (push (list :rest (compiled-debug-fun-lambda-list-var args (incf i) vars)) res)) (sb!c::more-arg ;; Just ignore the fact that the next two args are ;; the &MORE arg context and count, and act like they ;; are regular arguments. nil) (t ;; &KEY arg (push (list :keyword ele (compiled-debug-fun-lambda-list-var args (incf i) vars)) res)))) (optionalp ;; We saw an optional marker, so the following ;; non-symbols are indexes indicating optional ;; variables. (push (list :optional (svref vars ele)) res)) (t ;; Required arg at beginning of args array. (push (svref vars ele) res)))) (incf i)) (values (nreverse res) t)))))) ;;; This is used in COMPILED-DEBUG-FUN-LAMBDA-LIST. (defun compiled-debug-fun-lambda-list-var (args i vars) (declare (type (simple-array * (*)) args) (simple-vector vars)) (let ((ele (aref args i))) (cond ((not (symbolp ele)) (svref vars ele)) ((eq ele 'sb!c::deleted) :deleted) (t (error "malformed arguments description"))))) (defun compiled-debug-fun-debug-info (debug-fun) (%code-debug-info (compiled-debug-fun-component debug-fun))) ;;;; unpacking variable and basic block data (defvar *parsing-buffer* (make-array 20 :adjustable t :fill-pointer t)) (defvar *other-parsing-buffer* (make-array 20 :adjustable t :fill-pointer t)) ;;; PARSE-DEBUG-BLOCKS and PARSE-DEBUG-VARS ;;; use this to unpack binary encoded information. It returns the ;;; values returned by the last form in body. ;;; ;;; This binds buffer-var to *parsing-buffer*, makes sure it starts at ;;; element zero, and makes sure if we unwind, we nil out any set ;;; elements for GC purposes. ;;; ;;; This also binds other-var to *other-parsing-buffer* when it is ;;; supplied, making sure it starts at element zero and that we nil ;;; out any elements if we unwind. ;;; ;;; This defines the local macro RESULT that takes a buffer, copies ;;; its elements to a resulting simple-vector, nil's out elements, and ;;; restarts the buffer at element zero. RESULT returns the ;;; simple-vector. (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute) (sb!xc:defmacro with-parsing-buffer ((buffer-var &optional other-var) &body body) (let ((len (gensym)) (res (gensym))) `(unwind-protect (let ((,buffer-var *parsing-buffer*) ,@(if other-var `((,other-var *other-parsing-buffer*)))) (setf (fill-pointer ,buffer-var) 0) ,@(if other-var `((setf (fill-pointer ,other-var) 0))) (macrolet ((result (buf) `(let* ((,',len (length ,buf)) (,',res (make-array ,',len))) (replace ,',res ,buf :end1 ,',len :end2 ,',len) (fill ,buf nil :end ,',len) (setf (fill-pointer ,buf) 0) ,',res))) ,@body)) (fill *parsing-buffer* nil) ,@(if other-var `((fill *other-parsing-buffer* nil)))))) ) ; EVAL-WHEN ;;; The argument is a debug internals structure. This returns the ;;; DEBUG-BLOCKs for DEBUG-FUN, regardless of whether we have unpacked ;;; them yet. It signals a NO-DEBUG-BLOCKS condition if it can't ;;; return the blocks. (defun debug-fun-debug-blocks (debug-fun) (let ((blocks (debug-fun-blocks debug-fun))) (cond ((eq blocks :unparsed) (setf (debug-fun-blocks debug-fun) (parse-debug-blocks debug-fun)) (unless (debug-fun-blocks debug-fun) (debug-signal 'no-debug-blocks :debug-fun debug-fun)) (debug-fun-blocks debug-fun)) (blocks) (t (debug-signal 'no-debug-blocks :debug-fun debug-fun))))) ;;; Return a SIMPLE-VECTOR of DEBUG-BLOCKs or NIL. NIL indicates there ;;; was no basic block information. (defun parse-debug-blocks (debug-fun) (etypecase debug-fun (compiled-debug-fun (parse-compiled-debug-blocks debug-fun)) (bogus-debug-fun (debug-signal 'no-debug-blocks :debug-fun debug-fun)))) ;;; This does some of the work of PARSE-DEBUG-BLOCKS. (defun parse-compiled-debug-blocks (debug-fun) (let* ((var-count (length (debug-fun-debug-vars debug-fun))) (compiler-debug-fun (compiled-debug-fun-compiler-debug-fun debug-fun)) (blocks (sb!c::compiled-debug-fun-blocks compiler-debug-fun)) ;; KLUDGE: 8 is a hard-wired constant in the compiler for the ;; element size of the packed binary representation of the ;; blocks data. (live-set-len (ceiling var-count 8)) (tlf-number (sb!c::compiled-debug-fun-tlf-number compiler-debug-fun))) (unless blocks (return-from parse-compiled-debug-blocks nil)) (macrolet ((aref+ (a i) `(prog1 (aref ,a ,i) (incf ,i)))) (with-parsing-buffer (blocks-buffer locations-buffer) (let ((i 0) (len (length blocks)) (last-pc 0)) (loop (when (>= i len) (return)) (let ((succ-and-flags (aref+ blocks i)) (successors nil)) (declare (type (unsigned-byte 8) succ-and-flags) (list successors)) (dotimes (k (ldb sb!c::compiled-debug-block-nsucc-byte succ-and-flags)) (push (sb!c:read-var-integer blocks i) successors)) (let* ((locations (dotimes (k (sb!c:read-var-integer blocks i) (result locations-buffer)) (let ((kind (svref sb!c::*compiled-code-location-kinds* (aref+ blocks i))) (pc (+ last-pc (sb!c:read-var-integer blocks i))) (tlf-offset (or tlf-number (sb!c:read-var-integer blocks i))) (form-number (sb!c:read-var-integer blocks i)) (live-set (sb!c:read-packed-bit-vector live-set-len blocks i))) (vector-push-extend (make-known-code-location pc debug-fun tlf-offset form-number live-set kind) locations-buffer) (setf last-pc pc)))) (block (make-compiled-debug-block locations successors (not (zerop (logand sb!c::compiled-debug-block-elsewhere-p succ-and-flags)))))) (vector-push-extend block blocks-buffer) (dotimes (k (length locations)) (setf (code-location-%debug-block (svref locations k)) block)))))) (let ((res (result blocks-buffer))) (declare (simple-vector res)) (dotimes (i (length res)) (let* ((block (svref res i)) (succs nil)) (dolist (ele (debug-block-successors block)) (push (svref res ele) succs)) (setf (debug-block-successors block) succs))) res))))) ;;; The argument is a debug internals structure. This returns NIL if ;;; there is no variable information. It returns an empty ;;; simple-vector if there were no locals in the function. Otherwise ;;; it returns a SIMPLE-VECTOR of DEBUG-VARs. (defun debug-fun-debug-vars (debug-fun) (let ((vars (debug-fun-%debug-vars debug-fun))) (if (eq vars :unparsed) (setf (debug-fun-%debug-vars debug-fun) (etypecase debug-fun (compiled-debug-fun (parse-compiled-debug-vars debug-fun)) (bogus-debug-fun nil))) vars))) ;;; VARS is the parsed variables for a minimal debug function. We need ;;; to assign names of the form ARG-NNN. We must pad with leading ;;; zeros, since the arguments must be in alphabetical order. (defun assign-minimal-var-names (vars) (declare (simple-vector vars)) (let* ((len (length vars)) (width (length (format nil "~W" (1- len))))) (dotimes (i len) (without-package-locks (setf (compiled-debug-var-symbol (svref vars i)) (intern (format nil "ARG-~V,'0D" width i) ;; KLUDGE: It's somewhat nasty to have a bare ;; package name string here. It would be ;; nicer to have #.(FIND-PACKAGE "SB!DEBUG") ;; instead, since then at least it would transform ;; correctly under package renaming and stuff. ;; However, genesis can't handle dumped packages.. ;; -- WHN 20000129 ;; ;; FIXME: Maybe this could be fixed by moving the ;; whole debug-int.lisp file to warm init? (after ;; which dumping a #.(FIND-PACKAGE ..) expression ;; would work fine) If this is possible, it would ;; probably be a good thing, since minimizing the ;; amount of stuff in cold init is basically good. (or (find-package "SB-DEBUG") (find-package "SB!DEBUG")))))))) ;;; Parse the packed representation of DEBUG-VARs from ;;; DEBUG-FUN's SB!C::COMPILED-DEBUG-FUN, returning a vector ;;; of DEBUG-VARs, or NIL if there was no information to parse. (defun parse-compiled-debug-vars (debug-fun) (let* ((cdebug-fun (compiled-debug-fun-compiler-debug-fun debug-fun)) (packed-vars (sb!c::compiled-debug-fun-vars cdebug-fun)) (args-minimal (eq (sb!c::compiled-debug-fun-arguments cdebug-fun) :minimal))) (when packed-vars (do ((i 0) (buffer (make-array 0 :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t))) ((>= i (length packed-vars)) (let ((result (coerce buffer 'simple-vector))) (when args-minimal (assign-minimal-var-names result)) result)) (flet ((geti () (prog1 (aref packed-vars i) (incf i)))) (let* ((flags (geti)) (minimal (logtest sb!c::compiled-debug-var-minimal-p flags)) (deleted (logtest sb!c::compiled-debug-var-deleted-p flags)) (live (logtest sb!c::compiled-debug-var-environment-live flags)) (save (logtest sb!c::compiled-debug-var-save-loc-p flags)) (symbol (if minimal nil (geti))) (id (if (logtest sb!c::compiled-debug-var-id-p flags) (geti) 0)) (sc-offset (if deleted 0 (geti))) (save-sc-offset (if save (geti) nil))) (aver (not (and args-minimal (not minimal)))) (vector-push-extend (make-compiled-debug-var symbol id live sc-offset save-sc-offset) buffer))))))) ;;;; CODE-LOCATIONs ;;; If we're sure of whether code-location is known, return T or NIL. ;;; If we're :UNSURE, then try to fill in the code-location's slots. ;;; This determines whether there is any debug-block information, and ;;; if code-location is known. ;;; ;;; ??? IF this conses closures every time it's called, then break off the ;;; :UNSURE part to get the HANDLER-CASE into another function. (defun code-location-unknown-p (basic-code-location) (ecase (code-location-%unknown-p basic-code-location) ((t) t) ((nil) nil) (:unsure (setf (code-location-%unknown-p basic-code-location) (handler-case (not (fill-in-code-location basic-code-location)) (no-debug-blocks () t)))))) ;;; Return the DEBUG-BLOCK containing code-location if it is available. ;;; Some debug policies inhibit debug-block information, and if none ;;; is available, then this signals a NO-DEBUG-BLOCKS condition. (defun code-location-debug-block (basic-code-location) (let ((block (code-location-%debug-block basic-code-location))) (if (eq block :unparsed) (etypecase basic-code-location (compiled-code-location (compute-compiled-code-location-debug-block basic-code-location)) ;; (There used to be more cases back before sbcl-0.7.0, when ;; we did special tricks to debug the IR1 interpreter.) ) block))) ;;; Store and return BASIC-CODE-LOCATION's debug-block. We determines ;;; the correct one using the code-location's pc. We use ;;; DEBUG-FUN-DEBUG-BLOCKS to return the cached block information ;;; or signal a NO-DEBUG-BLOCKS condition. The blocks are sorted by ;;; their first code-location's pc, in ascending order. Therefore, as ;;; soon as we find a block that starts with a pc greater than ;;; basic-code-location's pc, we know the previous block contains the ;;; pc. If we get to the last block, then the code-location is either ;;; in the second to last block or the last block, and we have to be ;;; careful in determining this since the last block could be code at ;;; the end of the function. We have to check for the last block being ;;; code first in order to see how to compare the code-location's pc. (defun compute-compiled-code-location-debug-block (basic-code-location) (let* ((pc (compiled-code-location-pc basic-code-location)) (debug-fun (code-location-debug-fun basic-code-location)) (blocks (debug-fun-debug-blocks debug-fun)) (len (length blocks))) (declare (simple-vector blocks)) (setf (code-location-%debug-block basic-code-location) (if (= len 1) (svref blocks 0) (do ((i 1 (1+ i)) (end (1- len))) ((= i end) (let ((last (svref blocks end))) (cond ((debug-block-elsewhere-p last) (if (< pc (sb!c::compiled-debug-fun-elsewhere-pc (compiled-debug-fun-compiler-debug-fun debug-fun))) (svref blocks (1- end)) last)) ((< pc (compiled-code-location-pc (svref (compiled-debug-block-code-locations last) 0))) (svref blocks (1- end))) (t last)))) (declare (type index i end)) (when (< pc (compiled-code-location-pc (svref (compiled-debug-block-code-locations (svref blocks i)) 0))) (return (svref blocks (1- i))))))))) ;;; Return the CODE-LOCATION's DEBUG-SOURCE. (defun code-location-debug-source (code-location) (etypecase code-location (compiled-code-location (let* ((info (compiled-debug-fun-debug-info (code-location-debug-fun code-location))) (sources (sb!c::compiled-debug-info-source info)) (len (length sources))) (declare (list sources)) (when (zerop len) (debug-signal 'no-debug-blocks :debug-fun (code-location-debug-fun code-location))) (if (= len 1) (car sources) (do ((prev sources src) (src (cdr sources) (cdr src)) (offset (code-location-toplevel-form-offset code-location))) ((null src) (car prev)) (when (< offset (sb!c::debug-source-source-root (car src))) (return (car prev))))))) ;; (There used to be more cases back before sbcl-0.7.0, when we ;; did special tricks to debug the IR1 interpreter.) )) ;;; Returns the number of top level forms before the one containing ;;; CODE-LOCATION as seen by the compiler in some compilation unit. (A ;;; compilation unit is not necessarily a single file, see the section ;;; on debug-sources.) (defun code-location-toplevel-form-offset (code-location) (when (code-location-unknown-p code-location) (error 'unknown-code-location :code-location code-location)) (let ((tlf-offset (code-location-%tlf-offset code-location))) (cond ((eq tlf-offset :unparsed) (etypecase code-location (compiled-code-location (unless (fill-in-code-location code-location) ;; This check should be unnecessary. We're missing ;; debug info the compiler should have dumped. (bug "unknown code location")) (code-location-%tlf-offset code-location)) ;; (There used to be more cases back before sbcl-0.7.0,, ;; when we did special tricks to debug the IR1 ;; interpreter.) )) (t tlf-offset)))) ;;; Return the number of the form corresponding to CODE-LOCATION. The ;;; form number is derived by a walking the subforms of a top level ;;; form in depth-first order. (defun code-location-form-number (code-location) (when (code-location-unknown-p code-location) (error 'unknown-code-location :code-location code-location)) (let ((form-num (code-location-%form-number code-location))) (cond ((eq form-num :unparsed) (etypecase code-location (compiled-code-location (unless (fill-in-code-location code-location) ;; This check should be unnecessary. We're missing ;; debug info the compiler should have dumped. (bug "unknown code location")) (code-location-%form-number code-location)) ;; (There used to be more cases back before sbcl-0.7.0,, ;; when we did special tricks to debug the IR1 ;; interpreter.) )) (t form-num)))) ;;; Return the kind of CODE-LOCATION, one of: ;;; :INTERPRETED, :UNKNOWN-RETURN, :KNOWN-RETURN, :INTERNAL-ERROR, ;;; :NON-LOCAL-EXIT, :BLOCK-START, :CALL-SITE, :SINGLE-VALUE-RETURN, ;;; :NON-LOCAL-ENTRY (defun code-location-kind (code-location) (when (code-location-unknown-p code-location) (error 'unknown-code-location :code-location code-location)) (etypecase code-location (compiled-code-location (let ((kind (compiled-code-location-kind code-location))) (cond ((not (eq kind :unparsed)) kind) ((not (fill-in-code-location code-location)) ;; This check should be unnecessary. We're missing ;; debug info the compiler should have dumped. (bug "unknown code location")) (t (compiled-code-location-kind code-location))))) ;; (There used to be more cases back before sbcl-0.7.0,, ;; when we did special tricks to debug the IR1 ;; interpreter.) )) ;;; This returns CODE-LOCATION's live-set if it is available. If ;;; there is no debug-block information, this returns NIL. (defun compiled-code-location-live-set (code-location) (if (code-location-unknown-p code-location) nil (let ((live-set (compiled-code-location-%live-set code-location))) (cond ((eq live-set :unparsed) (unless (fill-in-code-location code-location) ;; This check should be unnecessary. We're missing ;; debug info the compiler should have dumped. ;; ;; FIXME: This error and comment happen over and over again. ;; Make them a shared function. (bug "unknown code location")) (compiled-code-location-%live-set code-location)) (t live-set))))) ;;; true if OBJ1 and OBJ2 are the same place in the code (defun code-location= (obj1 obj2) (etypecase obj1 (compiled-code-location (etypecase obj2 (compiled-code-location (and (eq (code-location-debug-fun obj1) (code-location-debug-fun obj2)) (sub-compiled-code-location= obj1 obj2))) ;; (There used to be more cases back before sbcl-0.7.0,, ;; when we did special tricks to debug the IR1 ;; interpreter.) )) ;; (There used to be more cases back before sbcl-0.7.0,, ;; when we did special tricks to debug IR1-interpreted code.) )) (defun sub-compiled-code-location= (obj1 obj2) (= (compiled-code-location-pc obj1) (compiled-code-location-pc obj2))) ;;; Fill in CODE-LOCATION's :UNPARSED slots, returning T or NIL ;;; depending on whether the code-location was known in its ;;; DEBUG-FUN's debug-block information. This may signal a ;;; NO-DEBUG-BLOCKS condition due to DEBUG-FUN-DEBUG-BLOCKS, and ;;; it assumes the %UNKNOWN-P slot is already set or going to be set. (defun fill-in-code-location (code-location) (declare (type compiled-code-location code-location)) (let* ((debug-fun (code-location-debug-fun code-location)) (blocks (debug-fun-debug-blocks debug-fun))) (declare (simple-vector blocks)) (dotimes (i (length blocks) nil) (let* ((block (svref blocks i)) (locations (compiled-debug-block-code-locations block))) (declare (simple-vector locations)) (dotimes (j (length locations)) (let ((loc (svref locations j))) (when (sub-compiled-code-location= code-location loc) (setf (code-location-%debug-block code-location) block) (setf (code-location-%tlf-offset code-location) (code-location-%tlf-offset loc)) (setf (code-location-%form-number code-location) (code-location-%form-number loc)) (setf (compiled-code-location-%live-set code-location) (compiled-code-location-%live-set loc)) (setf (compiled-code-location-kind code-location) (compiled-code-location-kind loc)) (return-from fill-in-code-location t)))))))) ;;;; operations on DEBUG-BLOCKs ;;; Execute FORMS in a context with CODE-VAR bound to each ;;; CODE-LOCATION in DEBUG-BLOCK, and return the value of RESULT. (defmacro do-debug-block-locations ((code-var debug-block &optional result) &body body) (let ((code-locations (gensym)) (i (gensym))) `(let ((,code-locations (debug-block-code-locations ,debug-block))) (declare (simple-vector ,code-locations)) (dotimes (,i (length ,code-locations) ,result) (let ((,code-var (svref ,code-locations ,i))) ,@body))))) ;;; Return the name of the function represented by DEBUG-FUN. ;;; This may be a string or a cons; do not assume it is a symbol. (defun debug-block-fun-name (debug-block) (etypecase debug-block (compiled-debug-block (let ((code-locs (compiled-debug-block-code-locations debug-block))) (declare (simple-vector code-locs)) (if (zerop (length code-locs)) "??? Can't get name of debug-block's function." (debug-fun-name (code-location-debug-fun (svref code-locs 0)))))) ;; (There used to be more cases back before sbcl-0.7.0, when we ;; did special tricks to debug the IR1 interpreter.) )) (defun debug-block-code-locations (debug-block) (etypecase debug-block (compiled-debug-block (compiled-debug-block-code-locations debug-block)) ;; (There used to be more cases back before sbcl-0.7.0, when we ;; did special tricks to debug the IR1 interpreter.) )) ;;;; operations on debug variables (defun debug-var-symbol-name (debug-var) (symbol-name (debug-var-symbol debug-var))) ;;; FIXME: Make sure that this isn't called anywhere that it wouldn't ;;; be acceptable to have NIL returned, or that it's only called on ;;; DEBUG-VARs whose symbols have non-NIL packages. (defun debug-var-package-name (debug-var) (package-name (symbol-package (debug-var-symbol debug-var)))) ;;; Return the value stored for DEBUG-VAR in frame, or if the value is ;;; not :VALID, then signal an INVALID-VALUE error. (defun debug-var-valid-value (debug-var frame) (unless (eq (debug-var-validity debug-var (frame-code-location frame)) :valid) (error 'invalid-value :debug-var debug-var :frame frame)) (debug-var-value debug-var frame)) ;;; Returns the value stored for DEBUG-VAR in frame. The value may be ;;; invalid. This is SETFable. (defun debug-var-value (debug-var frame) (aver (typep frame 'compiled-frame)) (let ((res (access-compiled-debug-var-slot debug-var frame))) (if (indirect-value-cell-p res) (value-cell-ref res) res))) ;;; This returns what is stored for the variable represented by ;;; DEBUG-VAR relative to the FRAME. This may be an indirect value ;;; cell if the variable is both closed over and set. (defun access-compiled-debug-var-slot (debug-var frame) (declare (optimize (speed 1))) (let ((escaped (compiled-frame-escaped frame))) (if escaped (sub-access-debug-var-slot (frame-pointer frame) (compiled-debug-var-sc-offset debug-var) escaped) (sub-access-debug-var-slot (frame-pointer frame) (or (compiled-debug-var-save-sc-offset debug-var) (compiled-debug-var-sc-offset debug-var)))))) ;;; a helper function for working with possibly-invalid values: ;;; Do (MAKE-LISP-OBJ VAL) only if the value looks valid. ;;; ;;; (Such values can arise in registers on machines with conservative ;;; GC, and might also arise in debug variable locations when ;;; those variables are invalid.) (defun make-valid-lisp-obj (val) (if (or ;; fixnum (zerop (logand val sb!vm:fixnum-tag-mask)) ;; character (and (zerop (logandc2 val #x1fffffff)) ; Top bits zero (= (logand val #xff) sb!vm:character-widetag)) ; char tag ;; unbound marker (= val sb!vm:unbound-marker-widetag) ;; pointer (and (logbitp 0 val) ;; Check that the pointer is valid. XXX Could do a better ;; job. FIXME: e.g. by calling out to an is_valid_pointer ;; routine in the C runtime support code (or (< sb!vm:read-only-space-start val (* sb!vm:*read-only-space-free-pointer* sb!vm:n-word-bytes)) (< sb!vm:static-space-start val (* sb!vm:*static-space-free-pointer* sb!vm:n-word-bytes)) (< sb!vm:dynamic-space-start val (sap-int (dynamic-space-free-pointer)))))) (make-lisp-obj val) :invalid-object)) #!-(or x86 x86-64) (defun sub-access-debug-var-slot (fp sc-offset &optional escaped) (macrolet ((with-escaped-value ((var) &body forms) `(if escaped (let ((,var (sb!vm:context-register escaped (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset)))) ,@forms) :invalid-value-for-unescaped-register-storage)) (escaped-float-value (format) `(if escaped (sb!vm:context-float-register escaped (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) ',format) :invalid-value-for-unescaped-register-storage)) (with-nfp ((var) &body body) `(let ((,var (if escaped (sb!sys:int-sap (sb!vm:context-register escaped sb!vm::nfp-offset)) #!-alpha (sb!sys:sap-ref-sap fp (* nfp-save-offset sb!vm:n-word-bytes)) #!+alpha (sb!vm::make-number-stack-pointer (sb!sys:sap-ref-32 fp (* nfp-save-offset sb!vm:n-word-bytes)))))) ,@body))) (ecase (sb!c:sc-offset-scn sc-offset) ((#.sb!vm:any-reg-sc-number #.sb!vm:descriptor-reg-sc-number #!+rt #.sb!vm:word-pointer-reg-sc-number) (sb!sys:without-gcing (with-escaped-value (val) (sb!kernel:make-lisp-obj val)))) (#.sb!vm:character-reg-sc-number (with-escaped-value (val) (code-char val))) (#.sb!vm:sap-reg-sc-number (with-escaped-value (val) (sb!sys:int-sap val))) (#.sb!vm:signed-reg-sc-number (with-escaped-value (val) (if (logbitp (1- sb!vm:n-word-bits) val) (logior val (ash -1 sb!vm:n-word-bits)) val))) (#.sb!vm:unsigned-reg-sc-number (with-escaped-value (val) val)) (#.sb!vm:non-descriptor-reg-sc-number (error "Local non-descriptor register access?")) (#.sb!vm:interior-reg-sc-number (error "Local interior register access?")) (#.sb!vm:single-reg-sc-number (escaped-float-value single-float)) (#.sb!vm:double-reg-sc-number (escaped-float-value double-float)) #!+long-float (#.sb!vm:long-reg-sc-number (escaped-float-value long-float)) (#.sb!vm:complex-single-reg-sc-number (if escaped (complex (sb!vm:context-float-register escaped (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) 'single-float) (sb!vm:context-float-register escaped (1+ (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset)) 'single-float)) :invalid-value-for-unescaped-register-storage)) (#.sb!vm:complex-double-reg-sc-number (if escaped (complex (sb!vm:context-float-register escaped (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) 'double-float) (sb!vm:context-float-register escaped (+ (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) #!+sparc 2 #!-sparc 1) 'double-float)) :invalid-value-for-unescaped-register-storage)) #!+long-float (#.sb!vm:complex-long-reg-sc-number (if escaped (complex (sb!vm:context-float-register escaped (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) 'long-float) (sb!vm:context-float-register escaped (+ (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) #!+sparc 4) 'long-float)) :invalid-value-for-unescaped-register-storage)) (#.sb!vm:single-stack-sc-number (with-nfp (nfp) (sb!sys:sap-ref-single nfp (* (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) sb!vm:n-word-bytes)))) (#.sb!vm:double-stack-sc-number (with-nfp (nfp) (sb!sys:sap-ref-double nfp (* (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) sb!vm:n-word-bytes)))) #!+long-float (#.sb!vm:long-stack-sc-number (with-nfp (nfp) (sb!sys:sap-ref-long nfp (* (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) sb!vm:n-word-bytes)))) (#.sb!vm:complex-single-stack-sc-number (with-nfp (nfp) (complex (sb!sys:sap-ref-single nfp (* (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) sb!vm:n-word-bytes)) (sb!sys:sap-ref-single nfp (* (1+ (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset)) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))))) (#.sb!vm:complex-double-stack-sc-number (with-nfp (nfp) (complex (sb!sys:sap-ref-double nfp (* (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) sb!vm:n-word-bytes)) (sb!sys:sap-ref-double nfp (* (+ (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) 2) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))))) #!+long-float (#.sb!vm:complex-long-stack-sc-number (with-nfp (nfp) (complex (sb!sys:sap-ref-long nfp (* (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) sb!vm:n-word-bytes)) (sb!sys:sap-ref-long nfp (* (+ (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) #!+sparc 4) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))))) (#.sb!vm:control-stack-sc-number (sb!kernel:stack-ref fp (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset))) (#.sb!vm:character-stack-sc-number (with-nfp (nfp) (code-char (sb!sys:sap-ref-32 nfp (* (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))))) (#.sb!vm:unsigned-stack-sc-number (with-nfp (nfp) (sb!sys:sap-ref-32 nfp (* (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) sb!vm:n-word-bytes)))) (#.sb!vm:signed-stack-sc-number (with-nfp (nfp) (sb!sys:signed-sap-ref-32 nfp (* (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) sb!vm:n-word-bytes)))) (#.sb!vm:sap-stack-sc-number (with-nfp (nfp) (sb!sys:sap-ref-sap nfp (* (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))))))) #!+(or x86 x86-64) (defun sub-access-debug-var-slot (fp sc-offset &optional escaped) (declare (type system-area-pointer fp)) (macrolet ((with-escaped-value ((var) &body forms) `(if escaped (let ((,var (sb!vm:context-register escaped (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset)))) ,@forms) :invalid-value-for-unescaped-register-storage)) (escaped-float-value (format) `(if escaped (sb!vm:context-float-register escaped (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) ',format) :invalid-value-for-unescaped-register-storage)) (escaped-complex-float-value (format) `(if escaped (complex (sb!vm:context-float-register escaped (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) ',format) (sb!vm:context-float-register escaped (1+ (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset)) ',format)) :invalid-value-for-unescaped-register-storage))) (ecase (sb!c:sc-offset-scn sc-offset) ((#.sb!vm:any-reg-sc-number #.sb!vm:descriptor-reg-sc-number) (without-gcing (with-escaped-value (val) (make-valid-lisp-obj val)))) (#.sb!vm:character-reg-sc-number (with-escaped-value (val) (code-char val))) (#.sb!vm:sap-reg-sc-number (with-escaped-value (val) (int-sap val))) (#.sb!vm:signed-reg-sc-number (with-escaped-value (val) (if (logbitp (1- sb!vm:n-word-bits) val) (logior val (ash -1 sb!vm:n-word-bits)) val))) (#.sb!vm:unsigned-reg-sc-number (with-escaped-value (val) val)) (#.sb!vm:single-reg-sc-number (escaped-float-value single-float)) (#.sb!vm:double-reg-sc-number (escaped-float-value double-float)) #!+long-float (#.sb!vm:long-reg-sc-number (escaped-float-value long-float)) (#.sb!vm:complex-single-reg-sc-number (escaped-complex-float-value single-float)) (#.sb!vm:complex-double-reg-sc-number (escaped-complex-float-value double-float)) #!+long-float (#.sb!vm:complex-long-reg-sc-number (escaped-complex-float-value long-float)) (#.sb!vm:single-stack-sc-number (sap-ref-single fp (- (* (1+ (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset)) sb!vm:n-word-bytes)))) (#.sb!vm:double-stack-sc-number (sap-ref-double fp (- (* (+ (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) 2) sb!vm:n-word-bytes)))) #!+long-float (#.sb!vm:long-stack-sc-number (sap-ref-long fp (- (* (+ (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) 3) sb!vm:n-word-bytes)))) (#.sb!vm:complex-single-stack-sc-number (complex (sap-ref-single fp (- (* (1+ (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset)) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))) (sap-ref-single fp (- (* (+ (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) 2) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))))) (#.sb!vm:complex-double-stack-sc-number (complex (sap-ref-double fp (- (* (+ (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) 2) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))) (sap-ref-double fp (- (* (+ (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) 4) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))))) #!+long-float (#.sb!vm:complex-long-stack-sc-number (complex (sap-ref-long fp (- (* (+ (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) 3) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))) (sap-ref-long fp (- (* (+ (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) 6) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))))) (#.sb!vm:control-stack-sc-number (stack-ref fp (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset))) (#.sb!vm:character-stack-sc-number (code-char (sap-ref-word fp (- (* (1+ (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset)) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))))) (#.sb!vm:unsigned-stack-sc-number (sap-ref-word fp (- (* (1+ (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset)) sb!vm:n-word-bytes)))) (#.sb!vm:signed-stack-sc-number (signed-sap-ref-word fp (- (* (1+ (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset)) sb!vm:n-word-bytes)))) (#.sb!vm:sap-stack-sc-number (sap-ref-sap fp (- (* (1+ (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset)) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))))))) ;;; This stores value as the value of DEBUG-VAR in FRAME. In the ;;; COMPILED-DEBUG-VAR case, access the current value to determine if ;;; it is an indirect value cell. This occurs when the variable is ;;; both closed over and set. (defun %set-debug-var-value (debug-var frame new-value) (aver (typep frame 'compiled-frame)) (let ((old-value (access-compiled-debug-var-slot debug-var frame))) (if (indirect-value-cell-p old-value) (value-cell-set old-value new-value) (set-compiled-debug-var-slot debug-var frame new-value))) new-value) ;;; This stores VALUE for the variable represented by debug-var ;;; relative to the frame. This assumes the location directly contains ;;; the variable's value; that is, there is no indirect value cell ;;; currently there in case the variable is both closed over and set. (defun set-compiled-debug-var-slot (debug-var frame value) (let ((escaped (compiled-frame-escaped frame))) (if escaped (sub-set-debug-var-slot (frame-pointer frame) (compiled-debug-var-sc-offset debug-var) value escaped) (sub-set-debug-var-slot (frame-pointer frame) (or (compiled-debug-var-save-sc-offset debug-var) (compiled-debug-var-sc-offset debug-var)) value)))) #!-(or x86 x86-64) (defun sub-set-debug-var-slot (fp sc-offset value &optional escaped) (macrolet ((set-escaped-value (val) `(if escaped (setf (sb!vm:context-register escaped (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset)) ,val) value)) (set-escaped-float-value (format val) `(if escaped (setf (sb!vm:context-float-register escaped (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) ',format) ,val) value)) (with-nfp ((var) &body body) `(let ((,var (if escaped (int-sap (sb!vm:context-register escaped sb!vm::nfp-offset)) #!-alpha (sap-ref-sap fp (* nfp-save-offset sb!vm:n-word-bytes)) #!+alpha (sb!vm::make-number-stack-pointer (sap-ref-32 fp (* nfp-save-offset sb!vm:n-word-bytes)))))) ,@body))) (ecase (sb!c:sc-offset-scn sc-offset) ((#.sb!vm:any-reg-sc-number #.sb!vm:descriptor-reg-sc-number #!+rt #.sb!vm:word-pointer-reg-sc-number) (without-gcing (set-escaped-value (get-lisp-obj-address value)))) (#.sb!vm:character-reg-sc-number (set-escaped-value (char-code value))) (#.sb!vm:sap-reg-sc-number (set-escaped-value (sap-int value))) (#.sb!vm:signed-reg-sc-number (set-escaped-value (logand value (1- (ash 1 sb!vm:n-word-bits))))) (#.sb!vm:unsigned-reg-sc-number (set-escaped-value value)) (#.sb!vm:non-descriptor-reg-sc-number (error "Local non-descriptor register access?")) (#.sb!vm:interior-reg-sc-number (error "Local interior register access?")) (#.sb!vm:single-reg-sc-number (set-escaped-float-value single-float value)) (#.sb!vm:double-reg-sc-number (set-escaped-float-value double-float value)) #!+long-float (#.sb!vm:long-reg-sc-number (set-escaped-float-value long-float value)) (#.sb!vm:complex-single-reg-sc-number (when escaped (setf (sb!vm:context-float-register escaped (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) 'single-float) (realpart value)) (setf (sb!vm:context-float-register escaped (1+ (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset)) 'single-float) (imagpart value))) value) (#.sb!vm:complex-double-reg-sc-number (when escaped (setf (sb!vm:context-float-register escaped (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) 'double-float) (realpart value)) (setf (sb!vm:context-float-register escaped (+ (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) #!+sparc 2 #!-sparc 1) 'double-float) (imagpart value))) value) #!+long-float (#.sb!vm:complex-long-reg-sc-number (when escaped (setf (sb!vm:context-float-register escaped (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) 'long-float) (realpart value)) (setf (sb!vm:context-float-register escaped (+ (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) #!+sparc 4) 'long-float) (imagpart value))) value) (#.sb!vm:single-stack-sc-number (with-nfp (nfp) (setf (sap-ref-single nfp (* (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) sb!vm:n-word-bytes)) (the single-float value)))) (#.sb!vm:double-stack-sc-number (with-nfp (nfp) (setf (sap-ref-double nfp (* (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) sb!vm:n-word-bytes)) (the double-float value)))) #!+long-float (#.sb!vm:long-stack-sc-number (with-nfp (nfp) (setf (sap-ref-long nfp (* (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) sb!vm:n-word-bytes)) (the long-float value)))) (#.sb!vm:complex-single-stack-sc-number (with-nfp (nfp) (setf (sap-ref-single nfp (* (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) sb!vm:n-word-bytes)) (the single-float (realpart value))) (setf (sap-ref-single nfp (* (1+ (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset)) sb!vm:n-word-bytes)) (the single-float (realpart value))))) (#.sb!vm:complex-double-stack-sc-number (with-nfp (nfp) (setf (sap-ref-double nfp (* (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) sb!vm:n-word-bytes)) (the double-float (realpart value))) (setf (sap-ref-double nfp (* (+ (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) 2) sb!vm:n-word-bytes)) (the double-float (realpart value))))) #!+long-float (#.sb!vm:complex-long-stack-sc-number (with-nfp (nfp) (setf (sap-ref-long nfp (* (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) sb!vm:n-word-bytes)) (the long-float (realpart value))) (setf (sap-ref-long nfp (* (+ (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) #!+sparc 4) sb!vm:n-word-bytes)) (the long-float (realpart value))))) (#.sb!vm:control-stack-sc-number (setf (stack-ref fp (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset)) value)) (#.sb!vm:character-stack-sc-number (with-nfp (nfp) (setf (sap-ref-32 nfp (* (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) sb!vm:n-word-bytes)) (char-code (the character value))))) (#.sb!vm:unsigned-stack-sc-number (with-nfp (nfp) (setf (sap-ref-32 nfp (* (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) sb!vm:n-word-bytes)) (the (unsigned-byte 32) value)))) (#.sb!vm:signed-stack-sc-number (with-nfp (nfp) (setf (signed-sap-ref-32 nfp (* (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) sb!vm:n-word-bytes)) (the (signed-byte 32) value)))) (#.sb!vm:sap-stack-sc-number (with-nfp (nfp) (setf (sap-ref-sap nfp (* (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) sb!vm:n-word-bytes)) (the system-area-pointer value))))))) #!+(or x86 x86-64) (defun sub-set-debug-var-slot (fp sc-offset value &optional escaped) (macrolet ((set-escaped-value (val) `(if escaped (setf (sb!vm:context-register escaped (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset)) ,val) value))) (ecase (sb!c:sc-offset-scn sc-offset) ((#.sb!vm:any-reg-sc-number #.sb!vm:descriptor-reg-sc-number) (without-gcing (set-escaped-value (get-lisp-obj-address value)))) (#.sb!vm:character-reg-sc-number (set-escaped-value (char-code value))) (#.sb!vm:sap-reg-sc-number (set-escaped-value (sap-int value))) (#.sb!vm:signed-reg-sc-number (set-escaped-value (logand value (1- (ash 1 sb!vm:n-word-bits))))) (#.sb!vm:unsigned-reg-sc-number (set-escaped-value value)) (#.sb!vm:single-reg-sc-number #+nil ;; don't have escaped floats. (set-escaped-float-value single-float value)) (#.sb!vm:double-reg-sc-number #+nil ;; don't have escaped floats -- still in npx? (set-escaped-float-value double-float value)) #!+long-float (#.sb!vm:long-reg-sc-number #+nil ;; don't have escaped floats -- still in npx? (set-escaped-float-value long-float value)) (#.sb!vm:single-stack-sc-number (setf (sap-ref-single fp (- (* (1+ (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset)) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))) (the single-float value))) (#.sb!vm:double-stack-sc-number (setf (sap-ref-double fp (- (* (+ (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) 2) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))) (the double-float value))) #!+long-float (#.sb!vm:long-stack-sc-number (setf (sap-ref-long fp (- (* (+ (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) 3) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))) (the long-float value))) (#.sb!vm:complex-single-stack-sc-number (setf (sap-ref-single fp (- (* (1+ (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset)) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))) (realpart (the (complex single-float) value))) (setf (sap-ref-single fp (- (* (+ (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) 2) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))) (imagpart (the (complex single-float) value)))) (#.sb!vm:complex-double-stack-sc-number (setf (sap-ref-double fp (- (* (+ (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) 2) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))) (realpart (the (complex double-float) value))) (setf (sap-ref-double fp (- (* (+ (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) 4) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))) (imagpart (the (complex double-float) value)))) #!+long-float (#.sb!vm:complex-long-stack-sc-number (setf (sap-ref-long fp (- (* (+ (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) 3) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))) (realpart (the (complex long-float) value))) (setf (sap-ref-long fp (- (* (+ (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) 6) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))) (imagpart (the (complex long-float) value)))) (#.sb!vm:control-stack-sc-number (setf (stack-ref fp (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset)) value)) (#.sb!vm:character-stack-sc-number (setf (sap-ref-word fp (- (* (1+ (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset)) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))) (char-code (the character value)))) (#.sb!vm:unsigned-stack-sc-number (setf (sap-ref-word fp (- (* (1+ (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset)) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))) (the sb!vm:word value))) (#.sb!vm:signed-stack-sc-number (setf (signed-sap-ref-word fp (- (* (1+ (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset)) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))) (the (signed-byte #.sb!vm:n-word-bits) value))) (#.sb!vm:sap-stack-sc-number (setf (sap-ref-sap fp (- (* (1+ (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset)) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))) (the system-area-pointer value)))))) ;;; The method for setting and accessing COMPILED-DEBUG-VAR values use ;;; this to determine if the value stored is the actual value or an ;;; indirection cell. (defun indirect-value-cell-p (x) (and (= (lowtag-of x) sb!vm:other-pointer-lowtag) (= (widetag-of x) sb!vm:value-cell-header-widetag))) ;;; Return three values reflecting the validity of DEBUG-VAR's value ;;; at BASIC-CODE-LOCATION: ;;; :VALID The value is known to be available. ;;; :INVALID The value is known to be unavailable. ;;; :UNKNOWN The value's availability is unknown. ;;; ;;; If the variable is always alive, then it is valid. If the ;;; code-location is unknown, then the variable's validity is ;;; :unknown. Once we've called CODE-LOCATION-UNKNOWN-P, we know the ;;; live-set information has been cached in the code-location. (defun debug-var-validity (debug-var basic-code-location) (etypecase debug-var (compiled-debug-var (compiled-debug-var-validity debug-var basic-code-location)) ;; (There used to be more cases back before sbcl-0.7.0, when ;; we did special tricks to debug the IR1 interpreter.) )) ;;; This is the method for DEBUG-VAR-VALIDITY for COMPILED-DEBUG-VARs. ;;; For safety, make sure basic-code-location is what we think. (defun compiled-debug-var-validity (debug-var basic-code-location) (declare (type compiled-code-location basic-code-location)) (cond ((debug-var-alive-p debug-var) (let ((debug-fun (code-location-debug-fun basic-code-location))) (if (>= (compiled-code-location-pc basic-code-location) (sb!c::compiled-debug-fun-start-pc (compiled-debug-fun-compiler-debug-fun debug-fun))) :valid :invalid))) ((code-location-unknown-p basic-code-location) :unknown) (t (let ((pos (position debug-var (debug-fun-debug-vars (code-location-debug-fun basic-code-location))))) (unless pos (error 'unknown-debug-var :debug-var debug-var :debug-fun (code-location-debug-fun basic-code-location))) ;; There must be live-set info since basic-code-location is known. (if (zerop (sbit (compiled-code-location-live-set basic-code-location) pos)) :invalid :valid))))) ;;;; sources ;;; This code produces and uses what we call source-paths. A ;;; source-path is a list whose first element is a form number as ;;; returned by CODE-LOCATION-FORM-NUMBER and whose last element is a ;;; top level form number as returned by ;;; CODE-LOCATION-TOPLEVEL-FORM-NUMBER. The elements from the last to ;;; the first, exclusively, are the numbered subforms into which to ;;; descend. For example: ;;; (defun foo (x) ;;; (let ((a (aref x 3))) ;;; (cons a 3))) ;;; The call to AREF in this example is form number 5. Assuming this ;;; DEFUN is the 11'th top level form, the source-path for the AREF ;;; call is as follows: ;;; (5 1 0 1 3 11) ;;; Given the DEFUN, 3 gets you the LET, 1 gets you the bindings, 0 ;;; gets the first binding, and 1 gets the AREF form. ;;; temporary buffer used to build form-number => source-path translation in ;;; FORM-NUMBER-TRANSLATIONS (defvar *form-number-temp* (make-array 10 :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t)) ;;; table used to detect CAR circularities in FORM-NUMBER-TRANSLATIONS (defvar *form-number-circularity-table* (make-hash-table :test 'eq)) ;;; This returns a table mapping form numbers to source-paths. A ;;; source-path indicates a descent into the TOPLEVEL-FORM form, ;;; going directly to the subform corressponding to the form number. ;;; ;;; The vector elements are in the same format as the compiler's ;;; NODE-SOURCE-PATH; that is, the first element is the form number and ;;; the last is the TOPLEVEL-FORM number. (defun form-number-translations (form tlf-number) (clrhash *form-number-circularity-table*) (setf (fill-pointer *form-number-temp*) 0) (sub-translate-form-numbers form (list tlf-number)) (coerce *form-number-temp* 'simple-vector)) (defun sub-translate-form-numbers (form path) (unless (gethash form *form-number-circularity-table*) (setf (gethash form *form-number-circularity-table*) t) (vector-push-extend (cons (fill-pointer *form-number-temp*) path) *form-number-temp*) (let ((pos 0) (subform form) (trail form)) (declare (fixnum pos)) (macrolet ((frob () '(progn (when (atom subform) (return)) (let ((fm (car subform))) (when (consp fm) (sub-translate-form-numbers fm (cons pos path))) (incf pos)) (setq subform (cdr subform)) (when (eq subform trail) (return))))) (loop (frob) (frob) (setq trail (cdr trail))))))) ;;; FORM is a top level form, and path is a source-path into it. This ;;; returns the form indicated by the source-path. Context is the ;;; number of enclosing forms to return instead of directly returning ;;; the source-path form. When context is non-zero, the form returned ;;; contains a marker, #:****HERE****, immediately before the form ;;; indicated by path. (defun source-path-context (form path context) (declare (type unsigned-byte context)) ;; Get to the form indicated by path or the enclosing form indicated ;; by context and path. (let ((path (reverse (butlast (cdr path))))) (dotimes (i (- (length path) context)) (let ((index (first path))) (unless (and (listp form) (< index (length form))) (error "Source path no longer exists.")) (setq form (elt form index)) (setq path (rest path)))) ;; Recursively rebuild the source form resulting from the above ;; descent, copying the beginning of each subform up to the next ;; subform we descend into according to path. At the bottom of the ;; recursion, we return the form indicated by path preceded by our ;; marker, and this gets spliced into the resulting list structure ;; on the way back up. (labels ((frob (form path level) (if (or (zerop level) (null path)) (if (zerop context) form `(#:***here*** ,form)) (let ((n (first path))) (unless (and (listp form) (< n (length form))) (error "Source path no longer exists.")) (let ((res (frob (elt form n) (rest path) (1- level)))) (nconc (subseq form 0 n) (cons res (nthcdr (1+ n) form)))))))) (frob form path context)))) ;;;; PREPROCESS-FOR-EVAL ;;; Return a function of one argument that evaluates form in the ;;; lexical context of the BASIC-CODE-LOCATION LOC, or signal a ;;; NO-DEBUG-VARS condition when the LOC's DEBUG-FUN has no ;;; DEBUG-VAR information available. ;;; ;;; The returned function takes the frame to get values from as its ;;; argument, and it returns the values of FORM. The returned function ;;; can signal the following conditions: INVALID-VALUE, ;;; AMBIGUOUS-VAR-NAME, and FRAME-FUN-MISMATCH. (defun preprocess-for-eval (form loc) (declare (type code-location loc)) (let ((n-frame (gensym)) (fun (code-location-debug-fun loc))) (unless (debug-var-info-available fun) (debug-signal 'no-debug-vars :debug-fun fun)) (sb!int:collect ((binds) (specs)) (do-debug-fun-vars (var fun) (let ((validity (debug-var-validity var loc))) (unless (eq validity :invalid) (let* ((sym (debug-var-symbol var)) (found (assoc sym (binds)))) (if found (setf (second found) :ambiguous) (binds (list sym validity var))))))) (dolist (bind (binds)) (let ((name (first bind)) (var (third bind))) (ecase (second bind) (:valid (specs `(,name (debug-var-value ',var ,n-frame)))) (:unknown (specs `(,name (debug-signal 'invalid-value :debug-var ',var :frame ,n-frame)))) (:ambiguous (specs `(,name (debug-signal 'ambiguous-var-name :name ',name :frame ,n-frame))))))) (let ((res (coerce `(lambda (,n-frame) (declare (ignorable ,n-frame)) (symbol-macrolet ,(specs) ,form)) 'function))) (lambda (frame) ;; This prevents these functions from being used in any ;; location other than a function return location, so maybe ;; this should only check whether FRAME's DEBUG-FUN is the ;; same as LOC's. (unless (code-location= (frame-code-location frame) loc) (debug-signal 'frame-fun-mismatch :code-location loc :form form :frame frame)) (funcall res frame)))))) ;;;; breakpoints ;;;; user-visible interface ;;; Create and return a breakpoint. When program execution encounters ;;; the breakpoint, the system calls HOOK-FUN. HOOK-FUN takes the ;;; current frame for the function in which the program is running and ;;; the breakpoint object. ;;; ;;; WHAT and KIND determine where in a function the system invokes ;;; HOOK-FUN. WHAT is either a code-location or a DEBUG-FUN. KIND is ;;; one of :CODE-LOCATION, :FUN-START, or :FUN-END. Since the starts ;;; and ends of functions may not have code-locations representing ;;; them, designate these places by supplying WHAT as a DEBUG-FUN and ;;; KIND indicating the :FUN-START or :FUN-END. When WHAT is a ;;; DEBUG-FUN and kind is :FUN-END, then HOOK-FUN must take two ;;; additional arguments, a list of values returned by the function ;;; and a FUN-END-COOKIE. ;;; ;;; INFO is information supplied by and used by the user. ;;; ;;; FUN-END-COOKIE is a function. To implement :FUN-END ;;; breakpoints, the system uses starter breakpoints to establish the ;;; :FUN-END breakpoint for each invocation of the function. Upon ;;; each entry, the system creates a unique cookie to identify the ;;; invocation, and when the user supplies a function for this ;;; argument, the system invokes it on the frame and the cookie. The ;;; system later invokes the :FUN-END breakpoint hook on the same ;;; cookie. The user may save the cookie for comparison in the hook ;;; function. ;;; ;;; Signal an error if WHAT is an unknown code-location. (defun make-breakpoint (hook-fun what &key (kind :code-location) info fun-end-cookie) (etypecase what (code-location (when (code-location-unknown-p what) (error "cannot make a breakpoint at an unknown code location: ~S" what)) (aver (eq kind :code-location)) (let ((bpt (%make-breakpoint hook-fun what kind info))) (etypecase what (compiled-code-location ;; This slot is filled in due to calling CODE-LOCATION-UNKNOWN-P. (when (eq (compiled-code-location-kind what) :unknown-return) (let ((other-bpt (%make-breakpoint hook-fun what :unknown-return-partner info))) (setf (breakpoint-unknown-return-partner bpt) other-bpt) (setf (breakpoint-unknown-return-partner other-bpt) bpt)))) ;; (There used to be more cases back before sbcl-0.7.0,, ;; when we did special tricks to debug the IR1 ;; interpreter.) ) bpt)) (compiled-debug-fun (ecase kind (:fun-start (%make-breakpoint hook-fun what kind info)) (:fun-end (unless (eq (sb!c::compiled-debug-fun-returns (compiled-debug-fun-compiler-debug-fun what)) :standard) (error ":FUN-END breakpoints are currently unsupported ~ for the known return convention.")) (let* ((bpt (%make-breakpoint hook-fun what kind info)) (starter (compiled-debug-fun-end-starter what))) (unless starter (setf starter (%make-breakpoint #'list what :fun-start nil)) (setf (breakpoint-hook-fun starter) (fun-end-starter-hook starter what)) (setf (compiled-debug-fun-end-starter what) starter)) (setf (breakpoint-start-helper bpt) starter) (push bpt (breakpoint-%info starter)) (setf (breakpoint-cookie-fun bpt) fun-end-cookie) bpt)))))) ;;; These are unique objects created upon entry into a function by a ;;; :FUN-END breakpoint's starter hook. These are only created ;;; when users supply :FUN-END-COOKIE to MAKE-BREAKPOINT. Also, ;;; the :FUN-END breakpoint's hook is called on the same cookie ;;; when it is created. (defstruct (fun-end-cookie (:print-object (lambda (obj str) (print-unreadable-object (obj str :type t)))) (:constructor make-fun-end-cookie (bogus-lra debug-fun)) (:copier nil)) ;; a pointer to the bogus-lra created for :FUN-END breakpoints bogus-lra ;; the DEBUG-FUN associated with this cookie debug-fun) ;;; This maps bogus-lra-components to cookies, so that ;;; HANDLE-FUN-END-BREAKPOINT can find the appropriate cookie for the ;;; breakpoint hook. (defvar *fun-end-cookies* (make-hash-table :test 'eq)) ;;; This returns a hook function for the start helper breakpoint ;;; associated with a :FUN-END breakpoint. The returned function ;;; makes a fake LRA that all returns go through, and this piece of ;;; fake code actually breaks. Upon return from the break, the code ;;; provides the returnee with any values. Since the returned function ;;; effectively activates FUN-END-BPT on each entry to DEBUG-FUN's ;;; function, we must establish breakpoint-data about FUN-END-BPT. (defun fun-end-starter-hook (starter-bpt debug-fun) (declare (type breakpoint starter-bpt) (type compiled-debug-fun debug-fun)) (lambda (frame breakpoint) (declare (ignore breakpoint) (type frame frame)) (let ((lra-sc-offset (sb!c::compiled-debug-fun-return-pc (compiled-debug-fun-compiler-debug-fun debug-fun)))) (multiple-value-bind (lra component offset) (make-bogus-lra (get-context-value frame lra-save-offset lra-sc-offset)) (setf (get-context-value frame lra-save-offset lra-sc-offset) lra) (let ((end-bpts (breakpoint-%info starter-bpt))) (let ((data (breakpoint-data component offset))) (setf (breakpoint-data-breakpoints data) end-bpts) (dolist (bpt end-bpts) (setf (breakpoint-internal-data bpt) data))) (let ((cookie (make-fun-end-cookie lra debug-fun))) (setf (gethash component *fun-end-cookies*) cookie) (dolist (bpt end-bpts) (let ((fun (breakpoint-cookie-fun bpt))) (when fun (funcall fun frame cookie)))))))))) ;;; This takes a FUN-END-COOKIE and a frame, and it returns ;;; whether the cookie is still valid. A cookie becomes invalid when ;;; the frame that established the cookie has exited. Sometimes cookie ;;; holders are unaware of cookie invalidation because their ;;; :FUN-END breakpoint hooks didn't run due to THROW'ing. ;;; ;;; This takes a frame as an efficiency hack since the user probably ;;; has a frame object in hand when using this routine, and it saves ;;; repeated parsing of the stack and consing when asking whether a ;;; series of cookies is valid. (defun fun-end-cookie-valid-p (frame cookie) (let ((lra (fun-end-cookie-bogus-lra cookie)) (lra-sc-offset (sb!c::compiled-debug-fun-return-pc (compiled-debug-fun-compiler-debug-fun (fun-end-cookie-debug-fun cookie))))) (do ((frame frame (frame-down frame))) ((not frame) nil) (when (and (compiled-frame-p frame) (#!-(or x86 x86-64) eq #!+(or x86 x86-64) sap= lra (get-context-value frame lra-save-offset lra-sc-offset))) (return t))))) ;;;; ACTIVATE-BREAKPOINT ;;; Cause the system to invoke the breakpoint's hook function until ;;; the next call to DEACTIVATE-BREAKPOINT or DELETE-BREAKPOINT. The ;;; system invokes breakpoint hook functions in the opposite order ;;; that you activate them. (defun activate-breakpoint (breakpoint) (when (eq (breakpoint-status breakpoint) :deleted) (error "cannot activate a deleted breakpoint: ~S" breakpoint)) (unless (eq (breakpoint-status breakpoint) :active) (ecase (breakpoint-kind breakpoint) (:code-location (let ((loc (breakpoint-what breakpoint))) (etypecase loc (compiled-code-location (activate-compiled-code-location-breakpoint breakpoint) (let ((other (breakpoint-unknown-return-partner breakpoint))) (when other (activate-compiled-code-location-breakpoint other)))) ;; (There used to be more cases back before sbcl-0.7.0, when ;; we did special tricks to debug the IR1 interpreter.) ))) (:fun-start (etypecase (breakpoint-what breakpoint) (compiled-debug-fun (activate-compiled-fun-start-breakpoint breakpoint)) ;; (There used to be more cases back before sbcl-0.7.0, when ;; we did special tricks to debug the IR1 interpreter.) )) (:fun-end (etypecase (breakpoint-what breakpoint) (compiled-debug-fun (let ((starter (breakpoint-start-helper breakpoint))) (unless (eq (breakpoint-status starter) :active) ;; may already be active by some other :FUN-END breakpoint (activate-compiled-fun-start-breakpoint starter))) (setf (breakpoint-status breakpoint) :active)) ;; (There used to be more cases back before sbcl-0.7.0, when ;; we did special tricks to debug the IR1 interpreter.) )))) breakpoint) (defun activate-compiled-code-location-breakpoint (breakpoint) (declare (type breakpoint breakpoint)) (let ((loc (breakpoint-what breakpoint))) (declare (type compiled-code-location loc)) (sub-activate-breakpoint breakpoint (breakpoint-data (compiled-debug-fun-component (code-location-debug-fun loc)) (+ (compiled-code-location-pc loc) (if (or (eq (breakpoint-kind breakpoint) :unknown-return-partner) (eq (compiled-code-location-kind loc) :single-value-return)) sb!vm:single-value-return-byte-offset 0)))))) (defun activate-compiled-fun-start-breakpoint (breakpoint) (declare (type breakpoint breakpoint)) (let ((debug-fun (breakpoint-what breakpoint))) (sub-activate-breakpoint breakpoint (breakpoint-data (compiled-debug-fun-component debug-fun) (sb!c::compiled-debug-fun-start-pc (compiled-debug-fun-compiler-debug-fun debug-fun)))))) (defun sub-activate-breakpoint (breakpoint data) (declare (type breakpoint breakpoint) (type breakpoint-data data)) (setf (breakpoint-status breakpoint) :active) (without-interrupts (unless (breakpoint-data-breakpoints data) (setf (breakpoint-data-instruction data) (without-gcing (breakpoint-install (get-lisp-obj-address (breakpoint-data-component data)) (breakpoint-data-offset data))))) (setf (breakpoint-data-breakpoints data) (append (breakpoint-data-breakpoints data) (list breakpoint))) (setf (breakpoint-internal-data breakpoint) data))) ;;;; DEACTIVATE-BREAKPOINT ;;; Stop the system from invoking the breakpoint's hook function. (defun deactivate-breakpoint (breakpoint) (when (eq (breakpoint-status breakpoint) :active) (without-interrupts (let ((loc (breakpoint-what breakpoint))) (etypecase loc ((or compiled-code-location compiled-debug-fun) (deactivate-compiled-breakpoint breakpoint) (let ((other (breakpoint-unknown-return-partner breakpoint))) (when other (deactivate-compiled-breakpoint other)))) ;; (There used to be more cases back before sbcl-0.7.0, when ;; we did special tricks to debug the IR1 interpreter.) )))) breakpoint) (defun deactivate-compiled-breakpoint (breakpoint) (if (eq (breakpoint-kind breakpoint) :fun-end) (let ((starter (breakpoint-start-helper breakpoint))) (unless (find-if (lambda (bpt) (and (not (eq bpt breakpoint)) (eq (breakpoint-status bpt) :active))) (breakpoint-%info starter)) (deactivate-compiled-breakpoint starter))) (let* ((data (breakpoint-internal-data breakpoint)) (bpts (delete breakpoint (breakpoint-data-breakpoints data)))) (setf (breakpoint-internal-data breakpoint) nil) (setf (breakpoint-data-breakpoints data) bpts) (unless bpts (without-gcing (breakpoint-remove (get-lisp-obj-address (breakpoint-data-component data)) (breakpoint-data-offset data) (breakpoint-data-instruction data))) (delete-breakpoint-data data)))) (setf (breakpoint-status breakpoint) :inactive) breakpoint) ;;;; BREAKPOINT-INFO ;;; Return the user-maintained info associated with breakpoint. This ;;; is SETF'able. (defun breakpoint-info (breakpoint) (breakpoint-%info breakpoint)) (defun %set-breakpoint-info (breakpoint value) (setf (breakpoint-%info breakpoint) value) (let ((other (breakpoint-unknown-return-partner breakpoint))) (when other (setf (breakpoint-%info other) value)))) ;;;; BREAKPOINT-ACTIVE-P and DELETE-BREAKPOINT (defun breakpoint-active-p (breakpoint) (ecase (breakpoint-status breakpoint) (:active t) ((:inactive :deleted) nil))) ;;; Free system storage and remove computational overhead associated ;;; with breakpoint. After calling this, breakpoint is completely ;;; impotent and can never become active again. (defun delete-breakpoint (breakpoint) (let ((status (breakpoint-status breakpoint))) (unless (eq status :deleted) (when (eq status :active) (deactivate-breakpoint breakpoint)) (setf (breakpoint-status breakpoint) :deleted) (let ((other (breakpoint-unknown-return-partner breakpoint))) (when other (setf (breakpoint-status other) :deleted))) (when (eq (breakpoint-kind breakpoint) :fun-end) (let* ((starter (breakpoint-start-helper breakpoint)) (breakpoints (delete breakpoint (the list (breakpoint-info starter))))) (setf (breakpoint-info starter) breakpoints) (unless breakpoints (delete-breakpoint starter) (setf (compiled-debug-fun-end-starter (breakpoint-what breakpoint)) nil)))))) breakpoint) ;;;; C call out stubs ;;; This actually installs the break instruction in the component. It ;;; returns the overwritten bits. You must call this in a context in ;;; which GC is disabled, so that Lisp doesn't move objects around ;;; that C is pointing to. (sb!alien:define-alien-routine "breakpoint_install" sb!alien:unsigned-long (code-obj sb!alien:unsigned-long) (pc-offset sb!alien:int)) ;;; This removes the break instruction and replaces the original ;;; instruction. You must call this in a context in which GC is disabled ;;; so Lisp doesn't move objects around that C is pointing to. (sb!alien:define-alien-routine "breakpoint_remove" sb!alien:void (code-obj sb!alien:unsigned-long) (pc-offset sb!alien:int) (old-inst sb!alien:unsigned-long)) (sb!alien:define-alien-routine "breakpoint_do_displaced_inst" sb!alien:void (scp (* os-context-t)) (orig-inst sb!alien:unsigned-long)) ;;;; breakpoint handlers (layer between C and exported interface) ;;; This maps components to a mapping of offsets to BREAKPOINT-DATAs. (defvar *component-breakpoint-offsets* (make-hash-table :test 'eq)) ;;; This returns the BREAKPOINT-DATA object associated with component cross ;;; offset. If none exists, this makes one, installs it, and returns it. (defun breakpoint-data (component offset &optional (create t)) (flet ((install-breakpoint-data () (when create (let ((data (make-breakpoint-data component offset))) (push (cons offset data) (gethash component *component-breakpoint-offsets*)) data)))) (let ((offsets (gethash component *component-breakpoint-offsets*))) (if offsets (let ((data (assoc offset offsets))) (if data (cdr data) (install-breakpoint-data))) (install-breakpoint-data))))) ;;; We use this when there are no longer any active breakpoints ;;; corresponding to DATA. (defun delete-breakpoint-data (data) (let* ((component (breakpoint-data-component data)) (offsets (delete (breakpoint-data-offset data) (gethash component *component-breakpoint-offsets*) :key #'car))) (if offsets (setf (gethash component *component-breakpoint-offsets*) offsets) (remhash component *component-breakpoint-offsets*))) (values)) ;;; The C handler for interrupts calls this when it has a ;;; debugging-tool break instruction. This does *not* handle all ;;; breaks; for example, it does not handle breaks for internal ;;; errors. (defun handle-breakpoint (offset component signal-context) (let ((data (breakpoint-data component offset nil))) (unless data (error "unknown breakpoint in ~S at offset ~S" (debug-fun-name (debug-fun-from-pc component offset)) offset)) (let ((breakpoints (breakpoint-data-breakpoints data))) (if (or (null breakpoints) (eq (breakpoint-kind (car breakpoints)) :fun-end)) (handle-fun-end-breakpoint-aux breakpoints data signal-context) (handle-breakpoint-aux breakpoints data offset component signal-context))))) ;;; This holds breakpoint-datas while invoking the breakpoint hooks ;;; associated with that particular component and location. While they ;;; are executing, if we hit the location again, we ignore the ;;; breakpoint to avoid infinite recursion. fun-end breakpoints ;;; must work differently since the breakpoint-data is unique for each ;;; invocation. (defvar *executing-breakpoint-hooks* nil) ;;; This handles code-location and DEBUG-FUN :FUN-START ;;; breakpoints. (defun handle-breakpoint-aux (breakpoints data offset component signal-context) (unless breakpoints (bug "breakpoint that nobody wants")) (unless (member data *executing-breakpoint-hooks*) (let ((*executing-breakpoint-hooks* (cons data *executing-breakpoint-hooks*))) (invoke-breakpoint-hooks breakpoints component offset))) ;; At this point breakpoints may not hold the same list as ;; BREAKPOINT-DATA-BREAKPOINTS since invoking hooks may have allowed ;; a breakpoint deactivation. In fact, if all breakpoints were ;; deactivated then data is invalid since it was deleted and so the ;; correct one must be looked up if it is to be used. If there are ;; no more breakpoints active at this location, then the normal ;; instruction has been put back, and we do not need to ;; DO-DISPLACED-INST. (let ((data (breakpoint-data component offset nil))) (when (and data (breakpoint-data-breakpoints data)) ;; The breakpoint is still active, so we need to execute the ;; displaced instruction and leave the breakpoint instruction ;; behind. The best way to do this is different on each machine, ;; so we just leave it up to the C code. (breakpoint-do-displaced-inst signal-context (breakpoint-data-instruction data)) ;; Some platforms have no usable sigreturn() call. If your ;; implementation of arch_do_displaced_inst() _does_ sigreturn(), ;; it's polite to warn here #!+(and sparc solaris) (error "BREAKPOINT-DO-DISPLACED-INST returned?")))) (defun invoke-breakpoint-hooks (breakpoints component offset) (let* ((debug-fun (debug-fun-from-pc component offset)) (frame (do ((f (top-frame) (frame-down f))) ((eq debug-fun (frame-debug-fun f)) f)))) (dolist (bpt breakpoints) (funcall (breakpoint-hook-fun bpt) frame ;; If this is an :UNKNOWN-RETURN-PARTNER, then pass the ;; hook function the original breakpoint, so that users ;; aren't forced to confront the fact that some ;; breakpoints really are two. (if (eq (breakpoint-kind bpt) :unknown-return-partner) (breakpoint-unknown-return-partner bpt) bpt))))) (defun handle-fun-end-breakpoint (offset component context) (let ((data (breakpoint-data component offset nil))) (unless data (error "unknown breakpoint in ~S at offset ~S" (debug-fun-name (debug-fun-from-pc component offset)) offset)) (let ((breakpoints (breakpoint-data-breakpoints data))) (when breakpoints (aver (eq (breakpoint-kind (car breakpoints)) :fun-end)) (handle-fun-end-breakpoint-aux breakpoints data context))))) ;;; Either HANDLE-BREAKPOINT calls this for :FUN-END breakpoints ;;; [old C code] or HANDLE-FUN-END-BREAKPOINT calls this directly ;;; [new C code]. (defun handle-fun-end-breakpoint-aux (breakpoints data signal-context) (delete-breakpoint-data data) (let* ((scp (locally (declare (optimize (inhibit-warnings 3))) (sb!alien:sap-alien signal-context (* os-context-t)))) (frame (do ((cfp (sb!vm:context-register scp sb!vm::cfp-offset)) (f (top-frame) (frame-down f))) ((= cfp (sap-int (frame-pointer f))) f) (declare (type (unsigned-byte #.sb!vm:n-word-bits) cfp)))) (component (breakpoint-data-component data)) (cookie (gethash component *fun-end-cookies*))) (remhash component *fun-end-cookies*) (dolist (bpt breakpoints) (funcall (breakpoint-hook-fun bpt) frame bpt (get-fun-end-breakpoint-values scp) cookie)))) (defun get-fun-end-breakpoint-values (scp) (let ((ocfp (int-sap (sb!vm:context-register scp #!-(or x86 x86-64) sb!vm::ocfp-offset #!+(or x86 x86-64) sb!vm::ebx-offset))) (nargs (make-lisp-obj (sb!vm:context-register scp sb!vm::nargs-offset))) (reg-arg-offsets '#.sb!vm::*register-arg-offsets*) (results nil)) (without-gcing (dotimes (arg-num nargs) (push (if reg-arg-offsets (make-lisp-obj (sb!vm:context-register scp (pop reg-arg-offsets))) (stack-ref ocfp arg-num)) results))) (nreverse results))) ;;;; MAKE-BOGUS-LRA (used for :FUN-END breakpoints) (defconstant bogus-lra-constants #!-(or x86 x86-64) 2 #!+(or x86 x86-64) 3) (defconstant known-return-p-slot (+ sb!vm:code-constants-offset #!-(or x86 x86-64) 1 #!+(or x86 x86-64) 2)) ;;; Make a bogus LRA object that signals a breakpoint trap when ;;; returned to. If the breakpoint trap handler returns, REAL-LRA is ;;; returned to. Three values are returned: the bogus LRA object, the ;;; code component it is part of, and the PC offset for the trap ;;; instruction. (defun make-bogus-lra (real-lra &optional known-return-p) (without-gcing ;; These are really code labels, not variables: but this way we get ;; their addresses. (let* ((src-start (foreign-symbol-address "fun_end_breakpoint_guts")) (src-end (foreign-symbol-address "fun_end_breakpoint_end")) (trap-loc (foreign-symbol-address "fun_end_breakpoint_trap")) (length (sap- src-end src-start)) (code-object (%primitive sb!c:allocate-code-object (1+ bogus-lra-constants) length)) (dst-start (code-instructions code-object))) (declare (type system-area-pointer src-start src-end dst-start trap-loc) (type index length)) (setf (%code-debug-info code-object) :bogus-lra) (setf (code-header-ref code-object sb!vm:code-trace-table-offset-slot) length) #!-(or x86 x86-64) (setf (code-header-ref code-object real-lra-slot) real-lra) #!+(or x86 x86-64) (multiple-value-bind (offset code) (compute-lra-data-from-pc real-lra) (setf (code-header-ref code-object real-lra-slot) code) (setf (code-header-ref code-object (1+ real-lra-slot)) offset)) (setf (code-header-ref code-object known-return-p-slot) known-return-p) (system-area-ub8-copy src-start 0 dst-start 0 length) (sb!vm:sanctify-for-execution code-object) #!+(or x86 x86-64) (values dst-start code-object (sap- trap-loc src-start)) #!-(or x86 x86-64) (let ((new-lra (make-lisp-obj (+ (sap-int dst-start) sb!vm:other-pointer-lowtag)))) (set-header-data new-lra (logandc2 (+ sb!vm:code-constants-offset bogus-lra-constants 1) 1)) (sb!vm:sanctify-for-execution code-object) (values new-lra code-object (sap- trap-loc src-start)))))) ;;;; miscellaneous ;;; This appears here because it cannot go with the DEBUG-FUN ;;; interface since DO-DEBUG-BLOCK-LOCATIONS isn't defined until after ;;; the DEBUG-FUN routines. ;;; Return a code-location before the body of a function and after all ;;; the arguments are in place; or if that location can't be ;;; determined due to a lack of debug information, return NIL. (defun debug-fun-start-location (debug-fun) (etypecase debug-fun (compiled-debug-fun (code-location-from-pc debug-fun (sb!c::compiled-debug-fun-start-pc (compiled-debug-fun-compiler-debug-fun debug-fun)) nil)) ;; (There used to be more cases back before sbcl-0.7.0, when ;; we did special tricks to debug the IR1 interpreter.) ))