;;;; bootstrapping fundamental machinery (e.g. DEFUN, DEFCONSTANT, ;;;; DEFVAR) from special forms and primitive functions ;;;; ;;;; KLUDGE: The bootstrapping aspect of this is now obsolete. It was ;;;; originally intended that this file file would be loaded into a ;;;; Lisp image which had Common Lisp primitives defined, and DEFMACRO ;;;; defined, and little else. Since then that approach has been ;;;; dropped and this file has been modified somewhat to make it work ;;;; more cleanly when used to predefine macros at ;;;; build-the-cross-compiler time. ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!IMPL") ;;;; IN-PACKAGE (defmacro-mundanely in-package (package-designator) `(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (setq *package* (find-undeleted-package-or-lose ',package-designator)))) ;;;; MULTIPLE-VALUE-FOO (defun list-of-symbols-p (x) (and (listp x) (every #'symbolp x))) (defmacro-mundanely multiple-value-bind (vars value-form &body body) (if (list-of-symbols-p vars) ;; It's unclear why it would be important to special-case the LENGTH=1 case ;; at this level, but the CMU CL code did it, so.. -- WHN 19990411 (if (= (length vars) 1) `(let ((,(car vars) ,value-form)) ,@body) (let ((ignore (gensym))) `(multiple-value-call #'(lambda (&optional ,@vars &rest ,ignore) (declare (ignore ,ignore)) ,@body) ,value-form))) (error "Vars is not a list of symbols: ~S" vars))) (defmacro-mundanely multiple-value-setq (vars value-form) (cond ((null vars) ;; The ANSI spec says that the primary value of VALUE-FORM must be ;; returned. The general-case-handling code below doesn't do this ;; correctly in the special case when there are no vars bound, so we ;; handle this special case separately here. (let ((g (gensym))) `(multiple-value-bind (,g) ,value-form ,g))) ((list-of-symbols-p vars) (let ((temps (make-gensym-list (length vars)))) `(multiple-value-bind ,temps ,value-form ,@(mapcar (lambda (var temp) `(setq ,var ,temp)) vars temps) ,(car temps)))) (t (error "Vars is not a list of symbols: ~S" vars)))) (defmacro-mundanely multiple-value-list (value-form) `(multiple-value-call #'list ,value-form)) ;;;; various conditional constructs ;;; COND defined in terms of IF (defmacro-mundanely cond (&rest clauses) (if (endp clauses) nil (let ((clause (first clauses))) (if (atom clause) (error "Cond clause is not a list: ~S" clause) (let ((test (first clause)) (forms (rest clause))) (if (endp forms) (let ((n-result (gensym))) `(let ((,n-result ,test)) (if ,n-result ,n-result (cond ,@(rest clauses))))) `(if ,test (progn ,@forms) (cond ,@(rest clauses))))))))) ;;; other things defined in terms of COND (defmacro-mundanely when (test &body forms) #!+sb-doc "If the first argument is true, the rest of the forms are evaluated as a PROGN." `(cond (,test nil ,@forms))) (defmacro-mundanely unless (test &body forms) #!+sb-doc "If the first argument is not true, the rest of the forms are evaluated as a PROGN." `(cond ((not ,test) nil ,@forms))) (defmacro-mundanely and (&rest forms) (cond ((endp forms) t) ((endp (rest forms)) (first forms)) (t `(if ,(first forms) (and ,@(rest forms)) nil)))) (defmacro-mundanely or (&rest forms) (cond ((endp forms) nil) ((endp (rest forms)) (first forms)) (t (let ((n-result (gensym))) `(let ((,n-result ,(first forms))) (if ,n-result ,n-result (or ,@(rest forms)))))))) ;;;; various sequencing constructs (defmacro-mundanely prog (varlist &body body-decls) (multiple-value-bind (body decls) (parse-body body-decls nil) `(block nil (let ,varlist ,@decls (tagbody ,@body))))) (defmacro-mundanely prog* (varlist &body body-decls) (multiple-value-bind (body decls) (parse-body body-decls nil) `(block nil (let* ,varlist ,@decls (tagbody ,@body))))) (defmacro-mundanely prog1 (result &body body) (let ((n-result (gensym))) `(let ((,n-result ,result)) ,@body ,n-result))) (defmacro-mundanely prog2 (form1 result &body body) `(prog1 (progn ,form1 ,result) ,@body)) ;;;; DEFUN ;;; Should we save the inline expansion of the function named NAME? (defun inline-fun-name-p (name) (or ;; the normal reason for saving the inline expansion (info :function :inlinep name) ;; another reason for saving the inline expansion: If the ;; ANSI-recommended idiom ;; (DECLAIM (INLINE FOO)) ;; (DEFUN FOO ..) ;; (DECLAIM (NOTINLINE FOO)) ;; has been used, and then we later do another ;; (DEFUN FOO ..) ;; without a preceding ;; (DECLAIM (INLINE FOO)) ;; what should we do with the old inline expansion when we see the ;; new DEFUN? Overwriting it with the new definition seems like ;; the only unsurprising choice. (info :function :inline-expansion-designator name))) ;;; Now that we have the definition of MULTIPLE-VALUE-BIND, we can ;;; make a reasonably readable definition of DEFUN. (defmacro-mundanely defun (&environment env name args &body body) "Define a function at top level." #+sb-xc-host (unless (symbol-package (fun-name-block-name name)) (warn "DEFUN of uninterned symbol ~S (tricky for GENESIS)" name)) (multiple-value-bind (forms decls doc) (parse-body body) (let* (;; stuff shared between LAMBDA and INLINE-LAMBDA and NAMED-LAMBDA (lambda-guts `(,args ,@decls (block ,(fun-name-block-name name) ,@forms))) (lambda `(lambda ,@lambda-guts)) (named-lambda `(named-lambda ,name ,@lambda-guts)) (inline-lambda (cond (;; Does the user not even want to inline? (not (inline-fun-name-p name)) nil) (;; Does inlining look too hairy to handle? (not (sb!c:lambda-independent-of-lexenv-p lambda env)) (sb!c:maybe-compiler-note "lexical environment too hairy, can't inline DEFUN ~S" name) nil) (t ;; FIXME: The only reason that we return ;; LAMBDA-WITH-LEXENV instead of returning bare ;; LAMBDA is to avoid modifying downstream code ;; which expects LAMBDA-WITH-LEXENV. But the code ;; here is the only code which feeds into the ;; downstream code, and the generality of the ;; interface is no longer used, so it'd make sense ;; to simplify the interface instead of using the ;; old general LAMBDA-WITH-LEXENV interface in this ;; simplified way. `(sb!c:lambda-with-lexenv nil nil nil ; i.e. no DECLS, no MACROS, no SYMMACS ,@lambda-guts))))) `(progn ;; In cross-compilation of toplevel DEFUNs, we arrange ;; for the LAMBDA to be statically linked by GENESIS. ;; ;; It may seem strangely inconsistent not to use NAMED-LAMBDA ;; here instead of LAMBDA. The reason is historical: ;; COLD-FSET was written before NAMED-LAMBDA, and has special ;; logic of its own to notify the compiler about NAME. #+sb-xc-host (cold-fset ,name ,lambda) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (sb!c:%compiler-defun ',name ',inline-lambda)) (%defun ',name ;; In normal compilation (not for cold load) this is ;; where the compiled LAMBDA first appears. In ;; cross-compilation, we manipulate the ;; previously-statically-linked LAMBDA here. #-sb-xc-host ,named-lambda #+sb-xc-host (fdefinition ',name) ,doc))))) #-sb-xc-host (defun %defun (name def doc) (declare (type function def)) (declare (type (or null simple-string doc))) (aver (legal-fun-name-p name)) (when (fboundp name) (/show0 "redefining NAME in %DEFUN") (style-warn "redefining ~S in DEFUN" name)) (setf (sb!xc:fdefinition name) def) ;; FIXME: I want to do this here (and fix bug 137), but until the ;; breathtaking CMU CL function name architecture is converted into ;; something sane, (1) doing so doesn't really fix the bug, and ;; (2) doing probably isn't even really safe. #+nil (setf (%fun-name def) name) (when doc ;; FIXME: This should use shared SETF-name-parsing logic. (if (and (consp name) (eq (first name) 'setf)) (setf (fdocumentation (second name) 'setf) doc) (setf (fdocumentation (the symbol name) 'function) doc))) name) ;;;; DEFVAR and DEFPARAMETER (defmacro-mundanely defvar (var &optional (val nil valp) (doc nil docp)) #!+sb-doc "Define a global variable at top level. Declare the variable SPECIAL and, optionally, initialize it. If the variable already has a value, the old value is not clobbered. The third argument is an optional documentation string for the variable." `(progn (declaim (special ,var)) ,@(when valp `((unless (boundp ',var) (setq ,var ,val)))) ,@(when docp `((funcall #'(setf fdocumentation) ',doc ',var 'variable))) ',var)) (defmacro-mundanely defparameter (var val &optional (doc nil docp)) #!+sb-doc "Define a parameter that is not normally changed by the program, but that may be changed without causing an error. Declare the variable special and sets its value to VAL, overwriting any previous value. The third argument is an optional documentation string for the parameter." `(progn (declaim (special ,var)) (setq ,var ,val) ,@(when docp ;; FIXME: The various FUNCALL #'(SETF FDOCUMENTATION) and ;; other FUNCALL #'(SETF FOO) forms in the code should ;; unbogobootstrapized back to ordinary SETF forms. `((funcall #'(setf fdocumentation) ',doc ',var 'variable))) ',var)) ;;;; iteration constructs ;;; (These macros are defined in terms of a function DO-DO-BODY which ;;; is also used by SB!INT:DO-ANONYMOUS. Since these macros should not ;;; be loaded on the cross-compilation host, but SB!INT:DO-ANONYMOUS ;;; and DO-DO-BODY should be, these macros can't conveniently be in ;;; the same file as DO-DO-BODY.) (defmacro-mundanely do (varlist endlist &body body) #!+sb-doc "DO ({(Var [Init] [Step])}*) (Test Exit-Form*) Declaration* Form* Iteration construct. Each Var is initialized in parallel to the value of the specified Init form. On subsequent iterations, the Vars are assigned the value of the Step form (if any) in parallel. The Test is evaluated before each evaluation of the body Forms. When the Test is true, the Exit-Forms are evaluated as a PROGN, with the result being the value of the DO. A block named NIL is established around the entire expansion, allowing RETURN to be used as an alternate exit mechanism." (do-do-body varlist endlist body 'let 'psetq 'do nil)) (defmacro-mundanely do* (varlist endlist &body body) #!+sb-doc "DO* ({(Var [Init] [Step])}*) (Test Exit-Form*) Declaration* Form* Iteration construct. Each Var is initialized sequentially (like LET*) to the value of the specified Init form. On subsequent iterations, the Vars are sequentially assigned the value of the Step form (if any). The Test is evaluated before each evaluation of the body Forms. When the Test is true, the Exit-Forms are evaluated as a PROGN, with the result being the value of the DO. A block named NIL is established around the entire expansion, allowing RETURN to be used as an laternate exit mechanism." (do-do-body varlist endlist body 'let* 'setq 'do* nil)) ;;; DOTIMES and DOLIST could be defined more concisely using ;;; destructuring macro lambda lists or DESTRUCTURING-BIND, but then ;;; it'd be tricky to use them before those things were defined. ;;; They're used enough times before destructuring mechanisms are ;;; defined that it looks as though it's worth just implementing them ;;; ASAP, at the cost of being unable to use the standard ;;; destructuring mechanisms. (defmacro-mundanely dotimes (var-count-result &body body) (multiple-value-bind ; to roll our own destructuring (var count result) (apply (lambda (var count &optional (result nil)) (values var count result)) var-count-result) (cond ((numberp count) `(do ((,var 0 (1+ ,var))) ((>= ,var ,count) ,result) (declare (type unsigned-byte ,var)) ,@body)) (t (let ((v1 (gensym))) `(do ((,var 0 (1+ ,var)) (,v1 ,count)) ((>= ,var ,v1) ,result) (declare (type unsigned-byte ,var)) ,@body)))))) (defmacro-mundanely dolist (var-list-result &body body) (multiple-value-bind ; to roll our own destructuring (var list result) (apply (lambda (var list &optional (result nil)) (values var list result)) var-list-result) ;; We repeatedly bind the var instead of setting it so that we ;; never have to give the var an arbitrary value such as NIL ;; (which might conflict with a declaration). If there is a result ;; form, we introduce a gratuitous binding of the variable to NIL ;; without the declarations, then evaluate the result form in that ;; environment. We spuriously reference the gratuitous variable, ;; since since we don't want to use IGNORABLE on what might be a ;; special var. (let ((n-list (gensym))) `(do ((,n-list ,list (cdr ,n-list))) ((endp ,n-list) ,@(if result `((let ((,var nil)) ,var ,result)) '(nil))) (let ((,var (car ,n-list))) ,@body))))) ;;;; miscellaneous (defmacro-mundanely return (&optional (value nil)) `(return-from nil ,value)) (defmacro-mundanely psetq (&rest pairs) #!+sb-doc "SETQ {var value}* Set the variables to the values, like SETQ, except that assignments happen in parallel, i.e. no assignments take place until all the forms have been evaluated." ;; (This macro is used in the definition of DO, so we can't use DO in the ;; definition of this macro without getting into confusing bootstrap issues.) (prog ((lets nil) (setqs nil) (pairs pairs)) :again (when (atom (cdr pairs)) (return `(let ,(nreverse lets) (setq ,@(nreverse setqs)) nil))) (let ((gen (gensym))) (setq lets (cons `(,gen ,(cadr pairs)) lets) setqs (list* gen (car pairs) setqs) pairs (cddr pairs))) (go :again))) (defmacro-mundanely lambda (&whole whole args &body body) (declare (ignore args body)) `#',whole)