;;;; definitions of types for the target (output of the compiler) ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!KERNEL") ;;;; Now that DEFTYPE is set up, any pending requests for it can ;;;; be honored. #+sb-xc-host (progn (/show "about to force delayed DEF!TYPEs") (force-delayed-def!types) (/show "done forcing delayed DEF!TYPEs")) ;;;; standard types (sb!xc:deftype boolean () '(member t nil)) (sb!xc:deftype mod (n) (unless (and (integerp n) (> n 0)) (error "bad modulus specified for MOD type specifier: ~S" n)) `(integer 0 ,(1- n))) (sb!xc:deftype signed-byte (&optional s) (cond ((eq s '*) 'integer) ((and (integerp s) (> s 1)) (let ((bound (ash 1 (1- s)))) `(integer ,(- bound) ,(1- bound)))) (t (error "bad size specified for SIGNED-BYTE type specifier: ~S" s)))) (sb!xc:deftype unsigned-byte (&optional s) (cond ((eq s '*) '(integer 0)) ((and (integerp s) (> s 0)) `(integer 0 ,(1- (ash 1 s)))) (t (error "bad size specified for UNSIGNED-BYTE type specifier: ~S" s)))) (sb!xc:deftype bit () '(integer 0 1)) (sb!xc:deftype compiled-function () 'function) (sb!xc:deftype atom () '(not cons)) (sb!xc:deftype extended-char () #!+sb-doc "Type of characters that aren't base-char's. None in CMU CL." '(and character (not base-char))) (sb!xc:deftype standard-char () #!+sb-doc "Type corresponding to the characters required by the standard." '(member #\NEWLINE #\SPACE #\! #\" #\# #\$ #\% #\& #\' #\( #\) #\* #\+ #\, #\- #\. #\/ #\0 #\1 #\2 #\3 #\4 #\5 #\6 #\7 #\8 #\9 #\: #\; #\< #\= #\> #\? #\@ #\A #\B #\C #\D #\E #\F #\G #\H #\I #\J #\K #\L #\M #\N #\O #\P #\Q #\R #\S #\T #\U #\V #\W #\X #\Y #\Z #\[ #\\ #\] #\^ #\_ #\` #\a #\b #\c #\d #\e #\f #\g #\h #\i #\j #\k #\l #\m #\n #\o #\p #\q #\r #\s #\t #\u #\v #\w #\x #\y #\z #\{ #\| #\} #\~)) (sb!xc:deftype keyword () ;; Defining this as (AND SYMBOL ..) lets (SUBTYPEP 'KEYWORD 'SYMBOL)=>T,T. '(and symbol (satisfies keywordp))) (sb!xc:deftype eql (n) `(member ,n)) (sb!xc:deftype vector (&optional element-type size) `(array ,element-type (,size))) (sb!xc:deftype simple-vector (&optional size) `(simple-array t (,size))) (sb!xc:deftype base-string (&optional size) `(array base-char (,size))) (sb!xc:deftype simple-base-string (&optional size) `(simple-array base-char (,size))) (sb!xc:deftype string (&optional size) `(or (array character (,size)) (base-string ,size))) (sb!xc:deftype simple-string (&optional size) `(or (simple-array character (,size)) (simple-base-string ,size))) (sb!xc:deftype bit-vector (&optional size) `(array bit (,size))) (sb!xc:deftype simple-bit-vector (&optional size) `(simple-array bit (,size))) ;;;; some private types that we use in defining the standard functions ;;; a type specifier (sb!xc:deftype type-specifier () '(or list symbol sb!xc:class)) ;;; array rank, total size... (sb!xc:deftype array-rank () `(integer 0 (,sb!xc:array-rank-limit))) (sb!xc:deftype array-total-size () `(integer 0 (,sb!xc:array-total-size-limit))) ;;; something legal in an evaluated context ;;; FIXME: could probably go away (sb!xc:deftype form () 't) ;;; Maclisp compatibility... ;;; FIXME: should be STRING-DESIGNATOR (the term used in the ANSI spec) (sb!xc:deftype stringable () '(or string symbol character)) ;;; a thing legal in places where we want the name of a file (sb!xc:deftype filename () '(or string pathname)) ;;; legal args to pathname functions (sb!xc:deftype pathname-designator () '(or string pathname stream)) (sb!xc:deftype logical-host-designator () '(or host string)) ;;; a thing returned by the irrational functions. We assume that they ;;; never compute a rational result. (sb!xc:deftype irrational () '(or float (complex float))) ;;; character components (sb!xc:deftype char-code () `(integer 0 (,char-code-limit))) ;;; a consed sequence result. If a vector, is a simple array. (sb!xc:deftype consed-sequence () '(or list (simple-array * (*)))) ;;; the :END arg to a sequence (sb!xc:deftype sequence-end () '(or null index)) ;;; a valid argument to a stream function ;;; ;;; FIXME: should probably be STREAM-DESIGNATOR, after the term ;;; used in the ANSI spec (if this is in fact exactly the same thing) (sb!xc:deftype streamlike () '(or stream (member nil t))) ;;; a thing that can be passed to FUNCALL & friends ;;; ;;; FIXME: should be FUNCTION-DESIGNATOR? (sb!xc:deftype callable () '(or function symbol)) ;;; decomposing floats into integers (sb!xc:deftype single-float-exponent () `(integer ,(- sb!vm:single-float-normal-exponent-min sb!vm:single-float-bias sb!vm:single-float-digits) ,(- sb!vm:single-float-normal-exponent-max sb!vm:single-float-bias))) (sb!xc:deftype double-float-exponent () `(integer ,(- sb!vm:double-float-normal-exponent-min sb!vm:double-float-bias sb!vm:double-float-digits) ,(- sb!vm:double-float-normal-exponent-max sb!vm:double-float-bias))) (sb!xc:deftype single-float-int-exponent () `(integer ,(- sb!vm:single-float-normal-exponent-min sb!vm:single-float-bias (* sb!vm:single-float-digits 2)) ,(- sb!vm:single-float-normal-exponent-max sb!vm:single-float-bias sb!vm:single-float-digits))) (sb!xc:deftype double-float-int-exponent () `(integer ,(- sb!vm:double-float-normal-exponent-min sb!vm:double-float-bias (* sb!vm:double-float-digits 2)) ,(- sb!vm:double-float-normal-exponent-max sb!vm:double-float-bias sb!vm:double-float-digits))) (sb!xc:deftype single-float-significand () `(integer 0 (,(ash 1 sb!vm:single-float-digits)))) (sb!xc:deftype double-float-significand () `(integer 0 (,(ash 1 sb!vm:double-float-digits))))