;;;; most of the DESCRIBE mechanism -- that part which isn't derived ;;;; from PCL code ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB-IMPL") ;(SB-IMPL, not SB!IMPL, since we're built in warm load.) (declaim #.*optimize-byte-compilation*) (defvar *describe-indentation-step* 3 #+sb-doc "the number of spaces that sets off each line of a recursive description") (declaim (ftype (function (t stream)) describe-object)) (defgeneric describe-object ((x t) stream)) (defun describe (x &optional (stream-designator *standard-output*)) #+sb-doc "Print a description of the object X." (declare #.*optimize-external-despite-byte-compilation*) (let ((stream (out-synonym-of stream-designator))) (pprint-logical-block (stream nil) (fresh-line stream) (describe-object x stream) (fresh-line stream))) (values)) ;;;; miscellaneous DESCRIBE-OBJECT methods (defmethod describe-object ((x t) s) (format s "~@<~S ~_is a ~S.~:>" x (type-of x))) (defmethod describe-object ((x cons) s) (call-next-method) (when (and (legal-function-name-p x) (fboundp x)) (%describe-function (fdefinition x) s :function x) ;;was: (format s "~@:_Its FDEFINITION is ~S.~@:_" (fdefinition x)) ;; TO DO: should check for SETF documentation. ;; TO DO: should make it clear whether the definition is a ;; DEFUN (SETF FOO) or DEFSETF FOO or what. )) (defmethod describe-object ((x array) s) (let ((rank (array-rank x))) (cond ((> rank 1) (format s "~S ~_is " x) (write-string (if (%array-displaced-p x) "a displaced" "an") s) (format s " array of rank ~S." rank) (format s "~@:_Its dimensions are ~S." (array-dimensions x))) (t (format s "~@:_~S is a ~:[~;displaced ~]vector of length ~S." x (and (array-header-p x) (%array-displaced-p x)) (length x)) (when (array-has-fill-pointer-p x) (format s "~@:_It has a fill pointer, currently ~S." (fill-pointer x)))))) (let ((array-element-type (array-element-type x))) (unless (eq array-element-type t) (format s "~@:_Its element type is specialized to ~S." array-element-type)))) (defmethod describe-object ((x hash-table) s) (declare (type stream s)) (format s "~@<~S ~_is an ~S hash table.~:>" x (hash-table-test x)) (format s "~_Its SIZE is ~S." (hash-table-size x)) (format s "~@:_~@" (hash-table-rehash-size x) (hash-table-rehash-threshold x)) (let ((count (hash-table-count x))) (format s "~@:_It holds ~S key/value pair~:P~:[: ~2I~_~;.~]" count (zerop count)) (let ((n 0)) (declare (type index n)) (dohash (k v x) (unless (zerop n) (write-char #\space s)) (incf n) (when (and *print-length* (> n *print-length*)) (format s "~:_...") (return)) (format s "~:_(~@<~S ~:_~S~:>)" k v))))) (defmethod describe-object ((condition condition) s) (sb-kernel:describe-condition condition s)) ;;;; DESCRIBE-OBJECT methods for symbols and functions, including all ;;;; sorts of messy stuff about documentation, type information, ;;;; packaging, function implementation, etc.. ;;; Print the specified kind of documentation about the given NAME. If ;;; NAME is null, or not a valid name, then don't print anything. (declaim (ftype (function (t stream t t) (values)) %describe-doc)) (defun %describe-doc (name s kind kind-doc) (when (and name (typep name '(or symbol cons))) (let ((doc (fdocumentation name kind))) (when doc (format s "~_~@(~A documentation:~)~@:_ ~A" (or kind-doc kind) doc)))) (values)) ;;; Describe various stuff about the functional semantics attached to ;;; the specified NAME, if NAME is the kind of thing you can look ;;; up as a name. (In the case of anonymous closures and other ;;; things, it might not be.) TYPE-SPEC is the function type specifier ;;; extracted from the definition, or NIL if none. (declaim (ftype (function (t stream t)) %describe-function-name)) (defun %describe-function-name (name s type-spec) (when (and name (typep name '(or symbol cons))) (multiple-value-bind (type where) (if (or (symbolp name) (and (listp name) (eq (car name) 'setf))) (values (type-specifier (info :function :type name)) (info :function :where-from name)) (values type-spec :defined)) (when (consp type) (format s "~@:_Its ~(~A~) argument types are:~@:_ ~S" where (second type)) (format s "~@:_Its result type is:~@:_ ~S" (third type)))) (let ((inlinep (info :function :inlinep name))) (when inlinep (format s "~@:_It is currently declared ~(~A~);~ ~:[no~;~] expansion is available." inlinep (info :function :inline-expansion name)))))) ;;; Print information from the debug-info about where CODE-OBJ was ;;; compiled from. (defun %describe-compiled-from (code-obj s) (declare (type stream s)) (let ((info (sb-kernel:%code-debug-info code-obj))) (when info (let ((sources (sb-c::debug-info-source info))) (when sources (format s "~@:_On ~A it was compiled from:" ;; FIXME: The FORMAT-UNIVERSAL-TIME calls in the system ;; should become more consistent, probably not using ;; any nondefault options. (format-universal-time nil (sb-c::debug-source-compiled (first sources)) :style :abbreviated)) (dolist (source sources) (let ((name (sb-c::debug-source-name source))) (ecase (sb-c::debug-source-from source) (:file (format s "~@:_~A~@:_ Created: " (namestring name)) (format-universal-time s (sb-c::debug-source-created source))) (:lisp (format s "~@:_~S" name)))))))))) ;;; Describe a compiled function. The closure case calls us to print ;;; the guts. (defun %describe-function-compiled (x s kind name) (declare (type stream s)) ;; FIXME: The lowercaseness of %FUNCTION-ARGLIST results, and the ;; non-sentenceness of the "Arguments" label, makes awkward output. ;; Better would be "Its arguments are: ~S" (with uppercase argument ;; names) when arguments are known, and otherwise "There is no ;; information available about its arguments." or "It has no ;; arguments." (And why is %FUNCTION-ARGLIST a string instead of a ;; list of symbols anyway?) (let ((args (%function-arglist x))) (format s "~@:_~@(~@[~A ~]arguments:~@:_~)" kind) (cond ((not args) (format s " There is no argument information available.")) ((string= args "()") (write-string " There are no arguments." s)) (t (write-string " " s) (pprint-logical-block (s nil) (pprint-indent :current 2) (write-string args s))))) (let ((name (or name (%function-name x)))) (%describe-doc name s 'function kind) (unless (eq kind :macro) (%describe-function-name name s (%function-type x)))) (%describe-compiled-from (sb-kernel:function-code-header x) s)) (defun %describe-function-byte-compiled (x s kind name) (declare (type stream s)) (let ((name (or name (sb-c::byte-function-name x)))) (%describe-doc name s 'function kind) (unless (eq kind :macro) (%describe-function-name name s 'function))) (%describe-compiled-from (sb-c::byte-function-component x) s)) ;;; Describe a function with the specified kind and name. The latter ;;; arguments provide some information about where the function came ;;; from. Kind NIL means not from a name. (defun %describe-function (x s &optional (kind nil) name) (declare (type function x)) (declare (type stream s)) (declare (type (member :macro :function nil) kind)) (fresh-line s) (ecase kind (:macro (format s "Macro-function: ~S" x)) (:function (format s "Function: ~S" x)) ((nil) (format s "~S is a function." x))) (case (get-type x) (#.sb-vm:closure-header-type (%describe-function-compiled (%closure-function x) s kind name) (format s "~@:_Its closure environment is:") (pprint-logical-block (s nil) (pprint-indent :current 8) (dotimes (i (- (get-closure-length x) (1- sb-vm:closure-info-offset))) (format s "~@:_~S: ~S" i (%closure-index-ref x i))))) ((#.sb-vm:function-header-type #.sb-vm:closure-function-header-type) (%describe-function-compiled x s kind name)) (#.sb-vm:funcallable-instance-header-type (typecase x (sb-kernel:byte-function (%describe-function-byte-compiled x s kind name)) (sb-kernel:byte-closure (%describe-function-byte-compiled (byte-closure-function x) s kind name) (format s "~@:_Its closure environment is:") (pprint-logical-block (s nil) (pprint-indent :current 8) (let ((data (byte-closure-data x))) (dotimes (i (length data)) (format s "~@:_~S: ~S" i (svref data i)))))) (standard-generic-function ;; There should be a special method for this case; we'll ;; delegate to that. (describe-object x s)) (t (format s "~@:_It is an unknown type of funcallable instance.")))) (t (format s "~@:_It is an unknown type of function.")))) (defmethod describe-object ((x function) s) (%describe-function x s)) (defmethod describe-object ((x symbol) s) (declare (type stream s)) ;; Describe the packaging. (let ((package (symbol-package x))) (if package (multiple-value-bind (symbol status) (find-symbol (symbol-name x) package) (declare (ignore symbol)) (format s "~S is ~_an ~(~A~) symbol ~_in ~S." x status (symbol-package x))) (format s "~S is ~_an uninterned symbol." x))) ;; TO DO: We could grovel over all packages looking for and ;; reporting other phenomena, e.g. IMPORT and SHADOW, or ;; availability in some package even after (SYMBOL-PACKAGE X) has ;; been set to NIL. ;; Describe the value cell. (let* ((kind (info :variable :kind x)) (wot (ecase kind (:special "special variable") (:constant "constant") (:global "undefined variable") (:alien nil)))) (cond ((eq kind :alien) (let ((info (info :variable :alien-info x))) (format s "~@:_~@~@:_" (sap-int (eval (sb-alien::heap-alien-info-sap-form info))) (sb-alien-internals:unparse-alien-type (sb-alien::heap-alien-info-type info))) (format s "~@" (eval x)))) ((boundp x) (format s "~@:_It is a ~A; its ~_value is ~S." wot (symbol-value x))) ((not (eq kind :global)) (format s "~@:_It is a ~A; no current value." wot))) (when (eq (info :variable :where-from x) :declared) (format s "~@:_Its declared type ~_is ~S." (type-specifier (info :variable :type x)))) (%describe-doc x s 'variable kind)) ;; Print out properties. (format s "~@[~@:_Its SYMBOL-PLIST is ~@<~2I~_~S~:>.~]" (symbol-plist x)) ;; Describe the function cell. (cond ((macro-function x) (%describe-function (macro-function x) s :macro x)) ((special-operator-p x) (%describe-doc x s 'function "Special form")) ((fboundp x) (%describe-function (fdefinition x) s :function x))) ;; FIXME: Print out other stuff from the INFO database: ;; * Does it name a type? ;; * Is it a structure accessor? (This is important since those are ;; magical in some ways, e.g. blasting the structure if you ;; redefine them.) ;; Print other documentation. (%describe-doc x s 'structure "Structure") (%describe-doc x s 'type "Type") (%describe-doc x s 'setf "Setf macro") (dolist (assoc (info :random-documentation :stuff x)) (format s "~@:_Documentation on the ~(~A~):~@:_~A" (car assoc) (cdr assoc))) ;; Describe the associated class, if any. (let ((symbol-named-class (cl:find-class x nil))) (when symbol-named-class (format t "~&It names a class ~A." symbol-named-class) (describe symbol-named-class))))