;;;; runtime support for dynamic VOP statistics collection ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!DYNCOUNT") #| comments from CMU CL: Make sure multi-cycle instruction costs are plausible. VOP classification. Make tables of %cost for benchmark X class. Could be represented as a sort of bar chart. |# (eval-when (:compile-toplevel) (when *collect-dynamic-statistics* (error "Compiling this file with dynamic stat collection turned on would ~ be a very bad idea."))) ;;;; hash utilities (defun make-hash-table-like (table) #!+sb-doc "Make a hash-table with the same test as table." (declare (type hash-table table)) (make-hash-table :test (sb!impl::hash-table-kind table))) (defun hash-difference (table1 table2) #!+sb-doc "Return a hash-table containing only the entries in Table1 whose key is not also a key in Table2." (declare (type hash-table table1 table2)) (let ((res (make-hash-table-like table1))) (dohash (k v table1) (unless (nth-value 1 (gethash k table2)) (setf (gethash k res) v))) res)) (defun hash-list (table) #!+sb-doc "Return a list of the values in Table." (declare (type hash-table table)) (collect ((res)) (dohash (k v table) (declare (ignore k)) (res v)) (res))) ;;; Read (or write) a hashtable from (or to) a file. (defun read-hash-table (file) (with-open-file (s file :direction :input) (dotimes (i 3) (format t "~%; ~A" (read-line s))) (let* ((eof '(nil)) (test (read s)) (reader (read s)) (res (make-hash-table :test test))) (read s); Discard writer... (loop (let ((key (read s nil eof))) (when (eq key eof) (return)) (setf (gethash key res) (funcall reader s key)))) res))) (defun write-hash-table (table file &key (comment (format nil "Contents of ~S" table)) (reader 'read) (writer 'prin1) (test 'equal)) (with-open-file (s file :direction :output :if-exists :new-version) (with-standard-io-syntax (let ((*print-readably* nil)) (format s "~A~%~A version ~A on ~A~%" comment (lisp-implementation-type) (lisp-implementation-version) (machine-instance)) (format-universal-time s (get-universal-time)) (terpri s) (format s "~S ~S ~S~%" test reader writer) (dohash (k v table) (prin1 k s) (write-char #\space s) (funcall writer v s) (terpri s))))) table) ;;;; info accumulation ;;; Used to accumulate info about the usage of a single VOP. Cost and count ;;; are kept as double-floats, which lets us get more bits and avoid annoying ;;; overflows. (deftype count-vector () '(simple-array double-float (2))) (defstruct (vop-stats (:constructor %make-vop-stats (name)) (:constructor make-vop-stats-key) (:copier nil)) (name (missing-arg) :type simple-string) (data (make-array 2 :element-type 'double-float) :type count-vector)) (defmacro vop-stats-count (x) `(aref (vop-stats-data ,x) 0)) (defmacro vop-stats-cost (x) `(aref (vop-stats-data ,x) 1)) (defun make-vop-stats (&key name count cost) (let ((res (%make-vop-stats name))) (setf (vop-stats-count res) count) (setf (vop-stats-cost res) cost) res)) #!-sb-fluid (declaim (freeze-type dyncount-info vop-stats)) ;;; Add the Info into the cumulative result on the VOP name plist. We use ;;; plists so that we will touch minimal system code outside of this file ;;; (which may be compiled with profiling on.) (defun note-dyncount-info (info) (declare (type dyncount-info info) (inline get %put) (optimize (speed 2))) (let ((counts (dyncount-info-counts info)) (vops (dyncount-info-vops info))) (dotimes (index (length counts)) (declare (type index index)) (let ((count (coerce (the (unsigned-byte 31) (aref counts index)) 'double-float))) (when (minusp count) (warn "Oops: overflow.") (return-from note-dyncount-info nil)) (unless (zerop count) (let* ((vop-info (svref vops index)) (length (length vop-info))) (declare (simple-vector vop-info)) (do ((i 0 (+ i 4))) ((>= i length)) (declare (type index i)) (let* ((name (svref vop-info i)) (entry (or (get name 'vop-stats) (setf (get name 'vop-stats) (%make-vop-stats (symbol-name name)))))) (incf (vop-stats-count entry) (* (coerce (the index (svref vop-info (1+ i))) 'double-float) count)) (incf (vop-stats-cost entry) (* (coerce (the index (svref vop-info (+ i 2))) 'double-float) count)))))))))) (defun clear-dyncount-info (info) (declare (type dyncount-info info)) (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))) (let ((counts (dyncount-info-counts info))) (dotimes (i (length counts)) (setf (aref counts i) 0)))) ;;; Clear any VOP-COUNTS properties and the counts vectors for all code ;;; objects. The latter loop must not call any random functions. (defun clear-vop-counts (&optional (spaces '(:dynamic))) #!+sb-doc "Clear all dynamic VOP counts for code objects in the specified spaces." (dohash (k v *backend-template-names*) (declare (ignore v)) (remprop k 'vop-stats)) (locally (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)) (inline sb!vm::map-allocated-objects)) (without-gcing (dolist (space spaces) (sb!vm::map-allocated-objects (lambda (object type-code size) (declare (ignore type-code size)) (when (dyncount-info-p object) (clear-dyncount-info object))) space))))) ;;; Call NOTE-DYNCOUNT-INFO on all DYNCOUNT-INFO structure allocated in the ;;; specified spaces. Return a hashtable describing the counts. The initial ;;; loop must avoid calling any functions outside this file to prevent adding ;;; noise to the data, since other files may be compiled with profiling. (defun get-vop-counts (&optional (spaces '(:dynamic)) &key (clear nil)) #!+sb-doc "Return a hash-table mapping string VOP names to VOP-STATS structures describing the VOPs executed. If clear is true, then reset all counts to zero as a side-effect." (locally (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)) (inline sb!vm::map-allocated-objects)) (without-gcing (dolist (space spaces) (sb!vm::map-allocated-objects (lambda (object type-code size) (declare (ignore type-code size)) (when (dyncount-info-p object) (note-dyncount-info object) (when clear (clear-dyncount-info object)))) space)))) (let ((counts (make-hash-table :test 'equal))) (dohash (k v *backend-template-names*) (declare (ignore v)) (let ((stats (get k 'vop-stats))) (when stats (setf (gethash (symbol-name k) counts) stats) (when clear (remprop k 'vop-stats))))) counts)) ;;; Return the DYNCOUNT-INFO for FUNCTION. (defun find-info-for (function) (declare (type function function)) (let* ((function (%primitive closure-fun function)) (component (sb!di::fun-code-header function))) (do ((end (get-header-data component)) (i sb!vm:code-constants-offset (1+ i))) ((= end i)) (let ((constant (code-header-ref component i))) (when (dyncount-info-p constant) (return constant)))))) (defun vop-counts-apply (function args &key (spaces '(:dynamic)) by-space) #!+sb-doc "Apply Function to Args, collecting dynamic statistics on the running. Spaces are the spaces to scan for counts. If By-Space is true, we return a list of result tables, instead of a single table. In this case, specify :READ-ONLY first." (clear-vop-counts spaces) (apply function args) (if by-space (mapcar (lambda (space) (get-vop-counts (list space) :clear t)) spaces) (get-vop-counts spaces))) ;;;; adjustments (defun get-vop-costs () #!+sb-doc "Return a hash-table mapping string VOP names to the cost recorded in the generator for all VOPs which are also the names of assembly routines." (let ((res (make-hash-table :test 'equal))) (dohash (name v *assembler-routines*) (declare (ignore v)) (let ((vop (gethash name *backend-template-names*))) (when vop (setf (gethash (symbol-name name) res) (template-cost (template-or-lose name)))))) res)) (defvar *native-costs* (get-vop-costs) #!+sb-doc "Costs of assember routines on this machine.") ;;;; classification (defparameter *basic-classes* '(("Integer multiplication" "*/FIXNUM" "*/SIGNED" "*/UNSIGNED" "SIGNED-*" "FIXNUM-*" "GENERIC-*") ("Integer division" "TRUNCATE") ("Generic arithmetic" "GENERIC" "TWO-ARG") ("Inline EQL" "EQL") ("Inline compare less/greater" "/" "<-C/" ">-C/") ("Inline arith" "*/" "//" "+/" "-/" "NEGATE" "ABS" "+-C" "--C") ("Inline logic" "-ASH" "$ASH" "LOG") ("CAR/CDR" "CAR" "CDR") ("Array type test" "ARRAYP" "VECTORP" "ARRAY-HEADER-P") ;; FIXME: STRUCTUREP? This looks somewhat stale.. ("Simple type predicate" "STRUCTUREP" "LISTP" "FIXNUMP") ("Simple type check" "CHECK-LIST" "CHECK-FIXNUM" "CHECK-STRUCTURE") ("Array bounds check" "CHECK-BOUND") ("Complex type check" "$CHECK-" "COERCE-TO-FUN") ("Special read" "SYMBOL-VALUE") ("Special bind" "BIND$") ("Tagging" "MOVE-FROM") ("Untagging" "MOVE-TO" "MAKE-FIXNUM") ("Move" "MOVE") ("Non-local exit" "CATCH" "THROW" "DYNAMIC-STATE" "NLX" "UNWIND") ("Array write" "DATA-VECTOR-SET" "$SET-RAW-BITS$") ("Array read" "DATA-VECTOR-REF" "$RAW-BITS$" "VECTOR-LENGTH" "LENGTH/SIMPLE" "ARRAY-HEADER") ("List/string utility" "LENGTH/LIST" "SXHASH" "BIT-BASH" "$LENGTH$") ("Alien operations" "SAP" "ALLOC-NUMBER-STACK" "$CALL-OUT$") ("Function call/return" "CALL" "RETURN" "ALLOCATE-FRAME" "COPY-MORE-ARG" "LISTIFY-REST-ARG" "VERIFY-ARGUMENT-COUNT") ("Allocation" "MAKE-" "ALLOC" "$CONS$" "$LIST$" "$LIST*$") ("Float conversion" "%SINGLE-FLOAT" "%DOUBLE-FLOAT" "-BITS$") ("Complex type predicate" "P$"))) ;;; Return true if Name patches a specified pattern. Pattern is a string ;;; (or symbol) or a list of strings (or symbols). If any specified string ;;; appears as a substring of name, the pattern is matched. #\$'s are wapped ;;; around name, allowing the use of $ to force a match at the beginning or ;;; end. (defun matches-pattern (name pattern) (declare (simple-string name)) (let ((name (concatenate 'string "$" name "$"))) (dolist (pat (if (listp pattern) pattern (list pattern)) nil) (when (search (the simple-string (string pat)) name :test #'char=) (return t))))) ;;; Utilities for debugging classification rules. FIND-MATCHES returns a ;;; list of all the VOP names in Table that match Pattern. WHAT-CLASS returns ;;; the class that NAME would be placed in. (defun find-matches (table pattern) (collect ((res)) (dohash (key value table) (declare (ignore value)) (when (matches-pattern key pattern) (res key))) (res))) (defun what-class (name classes) (dolist (class classes nil) (when (matches-pattern name (rest class)) (return (first class))))) ;;; Given a VOP-STATS hash-table, return a new one with VOPs in the same ;;; class merged into a single entry for that class. The classes are ;;; represented as a list of lists: (class-name pattern*). Each pattern is a ;;; string (or symbol) that can appear as a subsequence of the VOP name. A VOP ;;; is placed in the first class that it matches, or is left alone if it ;;; matches no class. (defun classify-costs (table classes) (let ((res (make-hash-table-like table))) (dohash (key value table) (let ((class (dolist (class classes nil) (when (matches-pattern key (rest class)) (return (first class)))))) (if class (let ((found (or (gethash class res) (setf (gethash class res) (%make-vop-stats class))))) (incf (vop-stats-count found) (vop-stats-count value)) (incf (vop-stats-cost found) (vop-stats-cost value))) (setf (gethash key res) value)))) res)) ;;;; analysis ;;; Sum the count and costs. (defun cost-summary (table) (let ((total-count 0d0) (total-cost 0d0)) (dohash (k v table) (declare (ignore k)) (incf total-count (vop-stats-count v)) (incf total-cost (vop-stats-cost v))) (values total-count total-cost))) ;;; Return a hashtable of DYNCOUNT-INFO structures, with cost adjustments ;;; according to the Costs table. Any VOPs in the list IGNORE are ignored. (defun compensate-costs (table costs &optional ignore) (let ((res (make-hash-table-like table))) (dohash (key value table) (unless (or (string= key "COUNT-ME") (member key ignore :test #'string=)) (let ((cost (gethash key costs))) (if cost (let* ((count (vop-stats-count value)) (sum (+ (* cost count) (vop-stats-cost value)))) (setf (gethash key res) (make-vop-stats :name key :count count :cost sum))) (setf (gethash key res) value))))) res)) ;;; Take two tables of vop-stats and return a table of entries where the ;;; entries have been compared. The counts are normalized to Compared. The ;;; costs are the difference of the costs adjusted by the difference in counts: ;;; the cost for Original is modified to correspond to the count in Compared. (defun compare-stats (original compared) (declare (type hash-table original compared)) (let ((res (make-hash-table-like original))) (dohash (k cv compared) (let ((ov (gethash k original))) (when ov (let ((norm-cnt (/ (vop-stats-count ov) (vop-stats-count cv)))) (setf (gethash k res) (make-vop-stats :name k :count norm-cnt :cost (- (/ (vop-stats-cost ov) norm-cnt) (vop-stats-cost cv)))))))) res)) (defun combine-stats (&rest tables) #!+sb-doc "Sum the VOP stats for the specified tables, returning a new table with the combined results." (let ((res (make-hash-table-like (first tables)))) (dolist (table tables) (dohash (k v table) (let ((found (or (gethash k res) (setf (gethash k res) (%make-vop-stats k))))) (incf (vop-stats-count found) (vop-stats-count v)) (incf (vop-stats-cost found) (vop-stats-cost v))))) res)) ;;;; report generation (defun sort-result (table by) (sort (hash-list table) #'> :key (lambda (x) (abs (ecase by (:count (vop-stats-count x)) (:cost (vop-stats-cost x))))))) ;;; Report about VOPs in the list of stats structures. (defun entry-report (entries cut-off compensated compare total-cost) (let ((counter (if (and cut-off (> (length entries) cut-off)) cut-off most-positive-fixnum))) (dolist (entry entries) (let* ((cost (vop-stats-cost entry)) (name (vop-stats-name entry)) (entry-count (vop-stats-count entry)) (comp-entry (if compare (gethash name compare) entry)) (count (vop-stats-count comp-entry))) (format t "~30<~A~>: ~:[~13:D~;~13,2F~] ~9,2F ~5,2,2F%~%" (vop-stats-name entry) compare (if compare entry-count (round entry-count)) (/ cost count) (/ (if compare (- (vop-stats-cost (gethash name compensated)) (vop-stats-cost comp-entry)) cost) total-cost)) (when (zerop (decf counter)) (format t "[End of top ~W]~%" cut-off)))))) ;;; Divide SORTED into two lists, the first CUT-OFF elements long. Any VOP ;;; names that match one of the report strings are moved into the REPORT list ;;; even if they would otherwise fall below the CUT-OFF. (defun find-cut-off (sorted cut-off report) (if (or (not cut-off) (<= (length sorted) cut-off)) (values sorted ()) (let ((not-cut (subseq sorted 0 cut-off))) (collect ((select) (reject)) (dolist (el (nthcdr cut-off sorted)) (let ((name (vop-stats-name el))) (if (matches-pattern name report) (select el) (reject el)))) (values (append not-cut (select)) (reject)))))) ;;; Display information about entries that were not displayed due to the ;;; cut-off. Note: if compare, we find the total cost delta and the geometric ;;; mean of the normalized counts. (defun cut-off-report (other compare total-cost) (let ((rest-cost 0d0) (rest-count 0d0) (rest-entry-count (if compare 1d0 0d0))) (dolist (entry other) (incf rest-cost (vop-stats-cost entry)) (incf rest-count (vop-stats-count (if compare (gethash (vop-stats-name entry) compare) entry))) (if compare (setq rest-entry-count (* rest-entry-count (vop-stats-count entry))) (incf rest-entry-count (vop-stats-count entry)))) (let ((count (if compare (expt rest-entry-count (/ (coerce (length other) 'double-float))) (round rest-entry-count)))) (format t "~30: ~:[~13:D~;~13,2F~] ~9,2F ~@[~5,2,2F%~]~%" compare count (/ rest-cost rest-count) (unless compare (/ rest-cost total-cost)))))) ;;; Report summary information about the difference between the comparison ;;; and base data sets. (defun compare-report (total-count total-cost compare-total-count compare-total-cost compensated compare) (format t "~30: ~13,2F ~9,2F~%" (/ total-count compare-total-count) (/ total-cost compare-total-cost)) (flet ((frob (a b sign wot) (multiple-value-bind (cost count) (cost-summary (hash-difference a b)) (unless (zerop count) (format t "~30<~A~>: ~13:D ~9,2F ~5,2,2F%~%" wot (* sign (round count)) (* sign (/ cost count)) (* sign (/ cost compare-total-cost))))))) (frob compensated compare 1 "Not in comparison") (frob compare compensated -1 "Only in comparison")) (format t "~30: ~13,2E ~9,2E~%" compare-total-count compare-total-cost)) ;;; The fraction of system time that we guess happened during GC. (defparameter *gc-system-fraction* 2/3) ;;; Estimate CPI from CPU time and cycles accounted in profiling information. (defun find-cpi (total-cost user system gc clock) (let ((adj-time (if (zerop gc) user (- user (- gc (* system *gc-system-fraction*)))))) (/ (* adj-time clock) total-cost))) ;;; Generate a report from the specified table. (defun generate-report (table &key (cut-off 15) (sort-by :cost) (costs *native-costs*) ((:compare uncomp-compare)) (compare-costs costs) ignore report (classes *basic-classes*) user (system 0d0) (gc 0d0) (clock 25d6)) (let* ((compensated (classify-costs (if costs (compensate-costs table costs ignore) table) classes)) (compare (when uncomp-compare (classify-costs (if compare-costs (compensate-costs uncomp-compare compare-costs ignore) uncomp-compare) classes))) (compared (if compare (compare-stats compensated compare) compensated)) (*gc-notify-stream* nil)) (multiple-value-bind (total-count total-cost) (cost-summary compensated) (multiple-value-bind (compare-total-count compare-total-cost) (when compare (cost-summary compare)) (format t "~2&~30 ~13 ~9 ~6:@~%") (let ((sorted (sort-result compared sort-by)) (base-total (if compare compare-total-cost total-cost))) (multiple-value-bind (report other) (find-cut-off sorted cut-off report) (entry-report report cut-off compensated compare base-total) (when other (cut-off-report other compare base-total)))) (when compare (compare-report total-count total-cost compare-total-count compare-total-cost compensated compare)) (format t "~30: ~13,2E ~9,2E~%" total-count total-cost) (when user (format t "~%Cycles per instruction = ~,2F~%" (find-cpi total-cost user system gc clock)))))) (values)) ;;; Read & write VOP stats using hash IO utility. (defun stats-reader (stream key) (make-vop-stats :name key :count (read stream) :cost (read stream))) (defun stats-writer (object stream) (format stream "~S ~S" (vop-stats-count object) (vop-stats-cost object)))