;;;; This file contains definitions and declarations for the ;;;; EXTENSIONS package which must be available at early cross-compile ;;;; time, and perhaps also some things which might as well be built ;;;; at cross-compile time even if they're not strictly needed, since ;;;; that's harmless. Things which can't be built at cross-compile ;;;; time (e.g. because they need machinery which only exists inside ;;;; CMU CL's implementation of the LISP package) do not belong in ;;;; this file. ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!EXT") (file-comment "$Header$") ;;; a type used for indexing into arrays, and for related quantities ;;; like lengths of lists ;;; ;;; It's intentionally limited to one less than the ;;; ARRAY-DIMENSION-LIMIT for efficiency reasons, because in SBCL ;;; ARRAY-DIMENSION-LIMIT is MOST-POSITIVE-FIXNUM, and staying below ;;; that lets the system know it can increment a value of this type ;;; without having to worry about using a bignum to represent the ;;; result. ;;; ;;; (It should be safe to use ARRAY-DIMENSION-LIMIT as an exclusive ;;; bound because ANSI specifies it as an exclusive bound.) (def!type index () `(integer 0 (,sb!xc:array-dimension-limit))) ;;; the default value used for initializing character data. The ANSI ;;; spec says this is arbitrary. CMU CL used #\NULL, which we avoid ;;; because it's not in the ANSI table of portable characters. (defconstant default-init-char #\space) ;;; CHAR-CODE values for ASCII characters which we care about but ;;; which aren't defined in section "2.1.3 Standard Characters" of the ;;; ANSI specification for Lisp ;;; ;;; KLUDGE: These are typically used in the idiom (CODE-CHAR ;;; FOO-CHAR-CODE). I suspect that the current implementation is ;;; expanding this idiom into a full call to CODE-CHAR, which is an ;;; annoying overhead. I should check whether this is happening, and ;;; if so, perhaps implement a DEFTRANSFORM or something to stop it. ;;; (or just find a nicer way of expressing characters portably?) -- ;;; WHN 19990713 (defconstant bell-char-code 7) (defconstant tab-char-code 9) (defconstant form-feed-char-code 12) (defconstant return-char-code 13) (defconstant escape-char-code 27) (defconstant rubout-char-code 127) ;;; Concatenate together the names of some strings and symbols, ;;; producing a symbol in the current package. (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (declaim (ftype (function (&rest (or string symbol)) symbol) symbolicate)) (defun symbolicate (&rest things) (values (intern (apply #'concatenate 'string (mapcar #'string things)))))) ;;; like SYMBOLICATE, but producing keywords (defun keywordicate (&rest things) (let ((*package* *keyword-package*)) (apply #'symbolicate things))) ;;;; miscellaneous iteration extensions (defmacro dovector ((elt vector &optional result) &rest forms) #!+sb-doc "just like DOLIST, but with one-dimensional arrays" (let ((index (gensym)) (length (gensym)) (vec (gensym))) `(let ((,vec ,vector)) (declare (type vector ,vec)) (do ((,index 0 (1+ ,index)) (,length (length ,vec))) ((>= ,index ,length) ,result) (let ((,elt (aref ,vec ,index))) ,@forms))))) (defmacro dohash ((key-var value-var table &optional result) &body body) #!+sb-doc "DOHASH (Key-Var Value-Var Table [Result]) Declaration* Form* Iterate over the entries in a hash-table." (multiple-value-bind (forms decls) (parse-body body nil) (let ((gen (gensym)) (n-more (gensym))) `(with-hash-table-iterator (,gen ,table) (loop (multiple-value-bind (,n-more ,key-var ,value-var) (,gen) ,@decls (unless ,n-more (return ,result)) ,@forms)))))) ;;;; hash cache utility (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defvar *profile-hash-cache* nil)) ;;; :INIT-WRAPPER is set to COLD-INIT-FORMS in type system definitions ;;; so that caches will be created before top-level forms run. (defmacro define-hash-cache (name args &key hash-function hash-bits default (init-wrapper 'progn) (values 1)) #!+sb-doc "DEFINE-HASH-CACHE Name ({(Arg-Name Test-Function)}*) {Key Value}* Define a hash cache that associates some number of argument values to a result value. The Test-Function paired with each Arg-Name is used to compare the value for that arg in a cache entry with a supplied arg. The Test-Function must not error when passed NIL as its first arg, but need not return any particular value. Test-Function may be any thing that can be placed in CAR position. Name is used to define these functions: -CACHE-LOOKUP Arg* See whether there is an entry for the specified Args in the cache. If not present, the :DEFAULT keyword (default NIL) determines the result(s). -CACHE-ENTER Arg* Value* Encache the association of the specified args with Value. -CACHE-CLEAR Reinitialize the cache, invalidating all entries and allowing the arguments and result values to be GC'd. These other keywords are defined: :HASH-BITS The size of the cache as a power of 2. :HASH-FUNCTION function Some thing that can be placed in CAR position which will compute a value between 0 and (1- (expt 2 )). :VALUES The number of values cached. :INIT-WRAPPER The code for initializing the cache is wrapped in a form with the specified name. Default PROGN." (let* ((var-name (symbolicate "*" name "-CACHE-VECTOR*")) (nargs (length args)) (entry-size (+ nargs values)) (size (ash 1 hash-bits)) (total-size (* entry-size size)) (default-values (if (and (consp default) (eq (car default) 'values)) (cdr default) (list default))) (n-index (gensym)) (n-cache (gensym))) (unless (= (length default-values) values) (error "The number of default values ~S differs from :VALUES ~D." default values)) (collect ((inlines) (forms) (inits) (tests) (sets) (arg-vars) (values-indices) (values-names)) (dotimes (i values) (values-indices `(+ ,n-index ,(+ nargs i))) (values-names (gensym))) (let ((n 0)) (dolist (arg args) (unless (= (length arg) 2) (error "bad arg spec: ~S" arg)) (let ((arg-name (first arg)) (test (second arg))) (arg-vars arg-name) (tests `(,test (svref ,n-cache (+ ,n-index ,n)) ,arg-name)) (sets `(setf (svref ,n-cache (+ ,n-index ,n)) ,arg-name))) (incf n))) (when *profile-hash-cache* (let ((n-probe (symbolicate "*" name "-CACHE-PROBES*")) (n-miss (symbolicate "*" name "-CACHE-MISSES*"))) (inits `(setq ,n-probe 0)) (inits `(setq ,n-miss 0)) (forms `(defvar ,n-probe)) (forms `(defvar ,n-miss)) (forms `(declaim (fixnum ,n-miss ,n-probe))))) (let ((fun-name (symbolicate name "-CACHE-LOOKUP"))) (inlines fun-name) (forms `(defun ,fun-name ,(arg-vars) ,@(when *profile-hash-cache* `((incf ,(symbolicate "*" name "-CACHE-PROBES*")))) (let ((,n-index (* (,hash-function ,@(arg-vars)) ,entry-size)) (,n-cache ,var-name)) (declare (type fixnum ,n-index)) (cond ((and ,@(tests)) (values ,@(mapcar (lambda (x) `(svref ,n-cache ,x)) (values-indices)))) (t ,@(when *profile-hash-cache* `((incf ,(symbolicate "*" name "-CACHE-MISSES*")))) ,default)))))) (let ((fun-name (symbolicate name "-CACHE-ENTER"))) (inlines fun-name) (forms `(defun ,fun-name (,@(arg-vars) ,@(values-names)) (let ((,n-index (* (,hash-function ,@(arg-vars)) ,entry-size)) (,n-cache ,var-name)) (declare (type fixnum ,n-index)) ,@(sets) ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (i val) `(setf (svref ,n-cache ,i) ,val)) (values-indices) (values-names)) (values))))) (let ((fun-name (symbolicate name "-CACHE-CLEAR"))) (forms `(defun ,fun-name () (do ((,n-index ,(- total-size entry-size) (- ,n-index ,entry-size)) (,n-cache ,var-name)) ((minusp ,n-index)) (declare (type fixnum ,n-index)) ,@(collect ((arg-sets)) (dotimes (i nargs) (arg-sets `(setf (svref ,n-cache (+ ,n-index ,i)) nil))) (arg-sets)) ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (i val) `(setf (svref ,n-cache ,i) ,val)) (values-indices) default-values)) (values))) (forms `(,fun-name))) (inits `(unless (boundp ',var-name) (setq ,var-name (make-array ,total-size)))) `(progn (defvar ,var-name) (declaim (type (simple-vector ,total-size) ,var-name)) #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline ,@(inlines))) (,init-wrapper ,@(inits)) ,@(forms) ',name)))) (defmacro defun-cached ((name &rest options &key (values 1) default &allow-other-keys) args &body body-decls-doc) #!+sb-doc "DEFUN-CACHED (Name {Key Value}*) ({(Arg-Name Test-Function)}*) Form* Some syntactic sugar for defining a function whose values are cached by DEFINE-HASH-CACHE." (let ((default-values (if (and (consp default) (eq (car default) 'values)) (cdr default) (list default))) (arg-names (mapcar #'car args))) (collect ((values-names)) (dotimes (i values) (values-names (gensym))) (multiple-value-bind (body decls doc) (parse-body body-decls-doc) `(progn (define-hash-cache ,name ,args ,@options) (defun ,name ,arg-names ,@decls ,doc (multiple-value-bind ,(values-names) (,(symbolicate name "-CACHE-LOOKUP") ,@arg-names) (if (and ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (val def) `(eq ,val ,def)) (values-names) default-values)) (multiple-value-bind ,(values-names) (progn ,@body) (,(symbolicate name "-CACHE-ENTER") ,@arg-names ,@(values-names)) (values ,@(values-names))) (values ,@(values-names)))))))))) ;;;; package idioms ;;; Note: Almost always you want to use FIND-UNDELETED-PACKAGE-OR-LOSE ;;; instead of this function. (The distinction only actually matters when ;;; PACKAGE-DESIGNATOR is actually a deleted package, and in that case ;;; you generally do want to signal an error instead of proceeding.) (defun %find-package-or-lose (package-designator) (or (find-package package-designator) (error 'sb!kernel:simple-package-error :package package-designator :format-control "The name ~S does not designate any package." :format-arguments (list package-designator)))) ;;; ANSI specifies (in the section for FIND-PACKAGE) that the ;;; consequences of most operations on deleted packages are ;;; unspecified. We try to signal errors in such cases. (defun find-undeleted-package-or-lose (package-designator) (let ((maybe-result (%find-package-or-lose package-designator))) (if (package-name maybe-result) ; if not deleted maybe-result (error 'sb!kernel:simple-package-error :package maybe-result :format-control "The package ~S has been deleted." :format-arguments (list maybe-result))))) ;;;; miscellany ;;; FIXME: What is this used for that SYMBOLICATE couldn't be used for instead? ;;; If nothing, replace it. (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defun concat-pnames (name1 name2) (declare (symbol name1 name2)) (if name1 (intern (concatenate 'simple-string (symbol-name name1) (symbol-name name2))) name2))) ;;; Is NAME a legal function name? (defun legal-function-name-p (name) (or (symbolp name) (and (consp name) (eq (car name) 'setf) (consp (cdr name)) (symbolp (cadr name)) (null (cddr name))))) ;;; Given a function name, return the name for the BLOCK which encloses its ;;; body (e.g. in DEFUN, DEFINE-COMPILER-MACRO, or FLET). (declaim (ftype (function ((or symbol cons)) symbol) function-name-block-name)) (defun function-name-block-name (function-name) (cond ((symbolp function-name) function-name) ((and (consp function-name) (= (length function-name) 2) (eq (first function-name) 'setf)) (second function-name)) (t (error "not legal as a function name: ~S" function-name)))) ;;; Is X a (possibly-improper) list of at least N elements? (declaim (ftype (function (t index)) list-of-length-at-least-p)) (defun list-of-length-at-least-p (x n) (or (zerop n) ; since anything can be considered an improper list of length 0 (and (consp x) (list-of-length-at-least-p (cdr x) (1- n))))) ;;; Return a list of N gensyms. (This is a common suboperation in ;;; macros and other code-manipulating code.) (declaim (ftype (function (index) list) make-gensym-list)) (defun make-gensym-list (n) (loop repeat n collect (gensym))) #| ;;; REMOVEME when done testing byte cross-compiler (defun byte-compiled-foo (x y) (declare (optimize (speed 0) (debug 1))) (if x x (cons y y))) |#