;;;; needed-early, or at least meaningful-early, stuff for FASL files ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!FASL") ;;;; various constants and essentially-constants ;;; a string which appears at the start of a fasl file header ;;; ;;; This value is used to identify fasl files. Even though this is not ;;; declared as a constant (because ANSI Common Lisp has no facility ;;; for declaring values which are constant under EQUAL but not EQL), ;;; obviously you shouldn't mess with it lightly. If you do set a new ;;; value for some reason, keep these things in mind: ;;; * To avoid confusion with the similar but incompatible CMU CL ;;; fasl file format, the value should not be "FASL FILE", which ;;; is what CMU CL used for the same purpose. ;;; * Since its presence at the head of a file is used by LOAD to ;;; decide whether a file is to be fasloaded or just loaded ;;; ordinarily (as source), the value should be something which ;;; can't legally appear at the head of a Lisp source file. ;;; * The value should not contain any line-terminating characters, ;;; because they're hard to express portably and because the LOAD ;;; code might reasonably use READ-LINE to get the value to compare ;;; against. (defparameter *fasl-header-string-start-string* "# FASL") (macrolet ((define-fasl-format-features () (let (;; master value for *F-P-A-F-F* (fpaff '(:sb-thread))) `(progn ;; a list of *(SHEBANG-)FEATURES* flags which affect ;; binary compatibility, i.e. which must be the same ;; between the SBCL which compiles the code and the ;; SBCL which executes the code ;; ;; This is a property of SBCL executables in the ;; abstract, not of this particular SBCL executable, ;; so any flag in this list may or may not be present ;; in the *FEATURES* list of this particular build. (defparameter *features-potentially-affecting-fasl-format* ',fpaff) ;; a string representing flags of *F-P-A-F-F* which ;; are in this particular build ;; ;; (A list is the natural logical representation for ;; this, but we represent it as a string because ;; that's physically convenient for writing to and ;; reading from fasl files, and because we don't ;; need to do anything sophisticated with its ;; logical structure, just test it for equality.) (defparameter *features-affecting-fasl-format* ,(let ((*print-pretty* nil)) (prin1-to-string (sort (copy-seq (intersection sb-cold:*shebang-features* fpaff)) #'string< :key #'symbol-name)))))))) (define-fasl-format-features)) ;;; the code for a character which terminates a fasl file header (def!constant +fasl-header-string-stop-char-code+ 255) ;;; This value should be incremented when the system changes in such a ;;; way that it will no longer work reliably with old fasl files. In ;;; practice, I (WHN) have often forgotten to increment it for CVS ;;; versions which break binary compatibility. But it certainly should ;;; be incremented for release versions which break binary ;;; compatibility. (def!constant +fasl-file-version+ 46) ;;; (record of versions before 2003 deleted in 2003-04-26/0.pre8.107 or so) ;;; 38: (2003-01-05) changed names of internal SORT machinery ;;; 39: (2003-02-20) in a slot was added to ;;; DEFSTRUCT-SLOT-DESCRIPTION ;;; 40: (2003-03-11) changed value of (SXHASH NIL) ;;; 41: (2003-04-26) enforced binary incompatibility between +SB-THREAD ;;; and -SB-THREAD builds ;;; 42: (2003-05-22) %NAME slot changed to NAME in ;;; DEFSTRUCT-SLOT-DESCRIPTION ;;; 43: (2003-07-18) Something could easily have changed incompatibly in ;;; recent maintenance, e.g. from (VECTOR NIL)-as-string support. ;;; (And experimental results suggest that compatibility was broken ;;; between about and ;;; 44: (2003-08-25) various changes leading up to 0.8.3 ;;; what happened this month to stalate the fasls? ;;; I think I renumbered everything again ;;; simple-array-unsigned-byte-7, probably ;;; (thanks to pfdietz) ;;; 45: (2003-10-02) I (WHN) incremented the version for the 0.8.4 ;;; release because I couldn't immediately convince myself that ;;; .fasl files could never possibly ever refer to the SB-C ;;; CONTINUATION-related data types which were changed ;;; incompatibly in ;;; 46: (2003-11-11) Tim Daly, Jr. (and Christophe Rhodes) reported ;;; .fasl incompatibility on sbcl-devel 2003-11-09. ;;; the conventional file extension for our fasl files (declaim (type simple-string *fasl-file-type*)) (defvar *fasl-file-type* "fasl") ;;;; information about below-Lisp-level linkage ;;; Note: ;;; Assembler routines are named by full Lisp symbols: they ;;; have packages and that sort of native Lisp stuff associated ;;; with them. We can compare them with EQ. ;;; Foreign symbols are named by Lisp STRINGs: the Lisp package ;;; system doesn't extend out to symbols in languages like C. ;;; We want to use EQUAL to compare them. ;;; *STATIC-FOREIGN-SYMBOLS* are static as opposed to "dynamic" (not ;;; as opposed to C's "extern"). The table contains symbols known at ;;; the time that the program was built, but not symbols defined ;;; in object files which have been loaded dynamically since then. (declaim (type hash-table *assembler-routines* *static-foreign-symbols*)) (defvar *assembler-routines* (make-hash-table :test 'eq)) (defvar *static-foreign-symbols* (make-hash-table :test 'equal)) ;;;; the FOP database (declaim (simple-vector *fop-names* *fop-funs*)) ;;; a vector indexed by a FaslOP that yields the FOP's name (defvar *fop-names* (make-array 256 :initial-element nil)) ;;; a vector indexed by a FaslOP that yields a function of 0 arguments ;;; which will perform the operation (defvar *fop-funs* (make-array 256 :initial-element (lambda () (error "corrupt fasl file: losing FOP")))) ;;;; other miscellaneous loading-related stuff ;;;; variables (defvar *load-depth* 0 #!+sb-doc "the current number of recursive LOADs") (declaim (type index *load-depth*)) ;;; the FASL file we're reading from (defvar *fasl-input-stream*) (declaim (type ansi-stream *fasl-input-stream*)) (defvar *load-print* nil #!+sb-doc "the default for the :PRINT argument to LOAD") (defvar *load-verbose* nil ;; Note that CMU CL's default for this was T, and ANSI says it's ;; implementation-dependent. We choose NIL on the theory that it's ;; a nicer default behavior for Unix programs. #!+sb-doc "the default for the :VERBOSE argument to LOAD") (defvar *load-code-verbose* nil)