;;;; encodings available regardless of build-time unicode settings ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!IMPL") ;;; ASCII (declaim (inline code->ascii-mapper)) (defun code->ascii-mapper (code) (declare (optimize speed (safety 0)) (type char-code code)) (if (> code 127) nil code)) (declaim (inline get-ascii-bytes)) (defun get-ascii-bytes (string pos) (declare (optimize speed (safety 0)) (type simple-string string) (type array-range pos)) (get-latin-bytes #'code->ascii-mapper :ascii string pos)) (defun string->ascii (string sstart send null-padding) (declare (optimize speed (safety 0)) (type simple-string string) (type array-range sstart send)) (values (string->latin% string sstart send #'get-ascii-bytes null-padding))) (defmacro define-ascii->string (accessor type) (let ((name (make-od-name 'ascii->string accessor))) `(progn (defun ,name (array astart aend) (declare (optimize speed) (type ,type array) (type array-range astart aend)) ;; Since there is such a thing as a malformed ascii byte, a ;; simple "make the string, fill it in" won't do. (let ((string (make-array 0 :element-type 'character :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t))) (loop for apos from astart below aend do (let* ((code (,accessor array apos)) (string-content (if (< code 128) (code-char code) (decoding-error array apos (1+ apos) :ascii 'malformed-ascii apos)))) (if (characterp string-content) (vector-push-extend string-content string) (loop for c across string-content do (vector-push-extend c string)))) finally (return (coerce string 'simple-string)))))))) (instantiate-octets-definition define-ascii->string) (define-unibyte-external-format :ascii (:us-ascii :ansi_x3.4-1968 :iso-646 :iso-646-us :|646|) (if (>= bits 128) (external-format-encoding-error stream bits) (setf (sap-ref-8 sap tail) bits)) (if (>= byte 128) (return-from decode-break-reason 1) (code-char byte)) ascii->string-aref string->ascii) ;;; Latin-1 (declaim (inline get-latin1-bytes)) (defun get-latin1-bytes (string pos) (declare (optimize speed (safety 0)) (type simple-string string) (type array-range pos)) (get-latin-bytes #'identity :latin-1 string pos)) (defun string->latin1 (string sstart send null-padding) (declare (optimize speed (safety 0)) (type simple-string string) (type array-range sstart send)) (values (string->latin% string sstart send #'get-latin1-bytes null-padding))) (defmacro define-latin1->string* (accessor type) (declare (ignore type)) (let ((name (make-od-name 'latin1->string* accessor))) `(progn (defun ,name (string sstart send array astart aend) (,(make-od-name 'latin->string* accessor) string sstart send array astart aend #'identity))))) (instantiate-octets-definition define-latin1->string*) (defmacro define-latin1->string (accessor type) (declare (ignore type)) `(defun ,(make-od-name 'latin1->string accessor) (array astart aend) (,(make-od-name 'latin->string accessor) array astart aend #'identity))) (instantiate-octets-definition define-latin1->string) ;;; Multiple names for the :ISO{,-}8859-* families are needed because on ;;; FreeBSD (and maybe other BSD systems), nl_langinfo("LATIN-1") will ;;; return "ISO8859-1" instead of "ISO-8859-1". (define-unibyte-external-format :latin-1 (:latin1 :iso-8859-1 :iso8859-1) (if (>= bits 256) (external-format-encoding-error stream bits) (setf (sap-ref-8 sap tail) bits)) (code-char byte) latin1->string-aref string->latin1) ;;; UTF-8 ;;; to UTF-8 (declaim (inline char-len-as-utf8)) (defun char-len-as-utf8 (code) (declare (optimize speed (safety 0)) (type (integer 0 (#.sb!xc:char-code-limit)) code)) (cond ((< code 0) (bug "can't happen")) ((< code #x80) 1) ((< code #x800) 2) ((< code #x10000) 3) ((< code #x110000) 4) (t (bug "can't happen")))) (defun string->utf8 (string sstart send null-padding) (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)) (type simple-string string) (type (integer 0 1) null-padding) (type array-range sstart send)) (macrolet ((ascii-bash () ;; KLUDGE: this depends on the fact that we know that ;; our arrays are initialized with zeros. '(let ((array (make-array (+ null-padding (- send sstart)) :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))) (loop for i from 0 and j from sstart below send do (setf (aref array i) (char-code (char string j)))) array)) (output-code (tag) `(case (char-len-as-utf8 code) (1 (add-byte code)) (2 (add-byte (logior #xc0 (ldb (byte 5 6) code))) (add-byte (logior #x80 (ldb (byte 6 0) code)))) (3 (when (<= #xd800 code #xdfff) (setf error-position i) (go ,tag)) (add-byte (logior #xe0 (ldb (byte 4 12) code))) (add-byte (logior #x80 (ldb (byte 6 6) code))) (add-byte (logior #x80 (ldb (byte 6 0) code)))) (4 (add-byte (logior #xf0 (ldb (byte 3 18) code))) (add-byte (logior #x80 (ldb (byte 6 12) code))) (add-byte (logior #x80 (ldb (byte 6 6) code))) (add-byte (logior #x80 (ldb (byte 6 0) code))))))) (etypecase string ((simple-array character (*)) (let ((utf8-length 0)) ;; Since it has to fit in a vector, it must be a fixnum! (declare (type (and unsigned-byte fixnum) utf8-length)) (loop for i of-type index from sstart below send do (incf utf8-length (char-len-as-utf8 (char-code (char string i))))) (if (= utf8-length (- send sstart)) (ascii-bash) (let ((array (make-array (+ null-padding utf8-length) :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))) (new-array nil) (error-position 0) (index 0)) (declare (type index index)) (tagbody :no-error (flet ((add-byte (b) (setf (aref array index) b) (incf index))) (declare (inline add-byte)) (loop for i of-type index from sstart below send for code = (char-code (char string i)) do (output-code :first-error) finally (return-from string->utf8 array))) :first-error (setf new-array (make-array (* index 2) :adjustable t :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8) :fill-pointer index)) (replace new-array array) :error (let ((replacement (encoding-error :utf-8 string index))) (flet ((add-byte (b) (vector-push-extend b new-array))) (dotimes (i (length replacement)) (add-byte (aref replacement i))) (loop for i of-type index from (1+ error-position) below send for code = (char-code (char string i)) do (output-code :error) finally (return-from string->utf8 (progn (unless (zerop null-padding) (vector-push-extend 0 new-array)) (copy-seq new-array))))))))))) #!+sb-unicode ((simple-array base-char (*)) ;; On unicode builds BASE-STRINGs are limited to ASCII range, ;; so we can take a fast path -- and get benefit of the element ;; type information. On non-unicode build BASE-CHAR == ;; CHARACTER, handled above. (ascii-bash)) ((simple-array nil (*)) (if (= send sstart) (make-array null-padding :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)) ;; Just get the error... (aref string sstart)))))) ;;; from UTF-8 (defmacro define-bytes-per-utf8-character (accessor type) (let ((name (make-od-name 'bytes-per-utf8-character accessor))) `(progn ;;(declaim (inline ,name)) (let ((lexically-max (string->utf8 (string (code-char ,(1- sb!xc:char-code-limit))) 0 1 0))) (declare (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (#!+sb-unicode 4 #!-sb-unicode 2)) lexically-max)) (defun ,name (array pos end) (declare (optimize speed (safety 0)) (type ,type array) (type array-range pos end)) ;; returns the number of bytes consumed and nil if it's a ;; valid character or the number of bytes consumed and a ;; replacement string if it's not. (let ((initial-byte (,accessor array pos)) (reject-reason nil) (reject-position pos) (remaining-bytes (- end pos))) (declare (type array-range reject-position remaining-bytes)) (labels ((valid-utf8-starter-byte-p (b) (declare (type (unsigned-byte 8) b)) (let ((ok (cond ((zerop (logand b #b10000000)) 1) ((and (= (logand b #b11100000) #b11000000) (>= b #xc2)) 2) ((= (logand b #b11110000) #b11100000) 3) ((and (= (logand b #b11111000) #b11110000) (<= b #xf4)) 4) (t nil)))) (unless ok (setf reject-reason 'invalid-utf8-starter-byte)) ok)) (enough-bytes-left-p (x) (let ((ok (> end (+ pos (1- x))))) (unless ok (setf reject-reason 'end-of-input-in-character)) ok)) (valid-secondary-p (x) (let* ((idx (the array-range (+ pos x))) (b (,accessor array idx)) (ok (= (logand b #b11000000) #b10000000))) (when (and ok (= x 1)) (setf ok (case initial-byte (#xe0 (>= b #xa0)) (#xed (< b #xa0)) (#xf0 (>= b #x90)) (#xf4 (< b #x90)) (t t)))) (unless ok (setf reject-reason 'invalid-utf8-continuation-byte) (setf reject-position idx)) ok)) (preliminary-ok-for-length (maybe-len len) (and (eql maybe-len len) ;; Has to be done in this order so that ;; certain broken sequences (e.g., the ;; two-byte sequence `"initial (length 3)" ;; "non-continuation"' -- `#xef #x32') ;; signal only part of that sequence as ;; erroneous. (loop for i from 1 below (min len remaining-bytes) always (valid-secondary-p i)) (enough-bytes-left-p len))) (character-below-char-code-limit-p () ;; This is only called on a four-byte sequence ;; (two in non-unicode builds) to ensure we ;; don't go over SBCL's character limts. (let ((ok (cond ((< (aref lexically-max 0) (,accessor array pos)) nil) ((> (aref lexically-max 0) (,accessor array pos)) t) ((< (aref lexically-max 1) (,accessor array (+ pos 1))) nil) #!+sb-unicode ((> (aref lexically-max 1) (,accessor array (+ pos 1))) t) #!+sb-unicode ((< (aref lexically-max 2) (,accessor array (+ pos 2))) nil) #!+sb-unicode ((> (aref lexically-max 2) (,accessor array (+ pos 2))) t) #!+sb-unicode ((< (aref lexically-max 3) (,accessor array (+ pos 3))) nil) (t t)))) (unless ok (setf reject-reason 'character-out-of-range)) ok))) (declare (inline valid-utf8-starter-byte-p enough-bytes-left-p valid-secondary-p preliminary-ok-for-length)) (let ((maybe-len (valid-utf8-starter-byte-p initial-byte))) (cond ((eql maybe-len 1) (values 1 nil)) ((and (preliminary-ok-for-length maybe-len 2) #!-sb-unicode (character-below-char-code-limit-p)) (values 2 nil)) ((and (preliminary-ok-for-length maybe-len 3) #!-sb-unicode (not (setf reject-reason 'character-out-of-range))) (values 3 nil)) ((and (preliminary-ok-for-length maybe-len 4) #!-sb-unicode (not (setf reject-reason 'character-out-of-range)) (character-below-char-code-limit-p)) (values 4 nil)) (t (let* ((bad-end (ecase reject-reason (invalid-utf8-starter-byte (1+ pos)) (end-of-input-in-character end) (invalid-utf8-continuation-byte reject-position) (character-out-of-range (+ pos maybe-len)))) (bad-len (- bad-end pos))) (declare (type array-range bad-end bad-len)) (let ((replacement (decoding-error array pos bad-end :utf-8 reject-reason reject-position))) (values bad-len replacement))))))))))))) (instantiate-octets-definition define-bytes-per-utf8-character) (defmacro define-simple-get-utf8-char (accessor type) (let ((name (make-od-name 'simple-get-utf8-char accessor))) `(progn (declaim (inline ,name)) (defun ,name (array pos bytes) (declare (optimize speed (safety 0)) (type ,type array) (type array-range pos) (type (integer 1 4) bytes)) (flet ((cref (x) (,accessor array (the array-range (+ pos x))))) (declare (inline cref)) (code-char (ecase bytes (1 (cref 0)) (2 (logior (ash (ldb (byte 5 0) (cref 0)) 6) (ldb (byte 6 0) (cref 1)))) (3 (logior (ash (ldb (byte 4 0) (cref 0)) 12) (ash (ldb (byte 6 0) (cref 1)) 6) (ldb (byte 6 0) (cref 2)))) (4 (logior (ash (ldb (byte 3 0) (cref 0)) 18) (ash (ldb (byte 6 0) (cref 1)) 12) (ash (ldb (byte 6 0) (cref 2)) 6) (ldb (byte 6 0) (cref 3))))))))))) (instantiate-octets-definition define-simple-get-utf8-char) (defmacro define-utf8->string (accessor type) (let ((name (make-od-name 'utf8->string accessor))) `(progn (defun ,name (array astart aend) (declare (optimize speed (safety 0)) (type ,type array) (type array-range astart aend)) (let ((string (make-array 0 :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0 :element-type 'character))) (loop with pos = astart while (< pos aend) do (multiple-value-bind (bytes invalid) (,(make-od-name 'bytes-per-utf8-character accessor) array pos aend) (declare (type (or null string) invalid)) (cond ((null invalid) (vector-push-extend (,(make-od-name 'simple-get-utf8-char accessor) array pos bytes) string)) (t (dotimes (i (length invalid)) (vector-push-extend (char invalid i) string)))) (incf pos bytes))) (coerce string 'simple-string)))))) (instantiate-octets-definition define-utf8->string) (define-external-format/variable-width (:utf-8 :utf8) t (let ((bits (char-code byte))) (cond ((< bits #x80) 1) ((< bits #x800) 2) ((< bits #x10000) 3) (t 4))) (ecase size (1 (setf (sap-ref-8 sap tail) bits)) (2 (setf (sap-ref-8 sap tail) (logior #xc0 (ldb (byte 5 6) bits)) (sap-ref-8 sap (+ 1 tail)) (logior #x80 (ldb (byte 6 0) bits)))) (3 (when (<= #xd800 bits #xdfff) (external-format-encoding-error stream bits)) (setf (sap-ref-8 sap tail) (logior #xe0 (ldb (byte 4 12) bits)) (sap-ref-8 sap (+ 1 tail)) (logior #x80 (ldb (byte 6 6) bits)) (sap-ref-8 sap (+ 2 tail)) (logior #x80 (ldb (byte 6 0) bits)))) (4 (setf (sap-ref-8 sap tail) (logior #xf0 (ldb (byte 3 18) bits)) (sap-ref-8 sap (+ 1 tail)) (logior #x80 (ldb (byte 6 12) bits)) (sap-ref-8 sap (+ 2 tail)) (logior #x80 (ldb (byte 6 6) bits)) (sap-ref-8 sap (+ 3 tail)) (logior #x80 (ldb (byte 6 0) bits))))) (cond ((< byte #x80) 1) ((< byte #xc2) (return-from decode-break-reason 1)) ((< byte #xe0) 2) ((< byte #xf0) 3) (t 4)) (code-char (ecase size (1 byte) (2 (let ((byte2 (sap-ref-8 sap (1+ head)))) (unless (<= #x80 byte2 #xbf) (return-from decode-break-reason 2)) (dpb byte (byte 5 6) byte2))) (3 (let ((byte2 (sap-ref-8 sap (1+ head))) (byte3 (sap-ref-8 sap (+ 2 head)))) (unless (and (<= #x80 byte2 #xbf) (<= #x80 byte3 #xbf) (or (/= byte #xe0) (<= #xa0 byte2 #xbf)) (or (/= byte #xed) (<= #x80 byte2 #x9f))) (return-from decode-break-reason 3)) (dpb byte (byte 4 12) (dpb byte2 (byte 6 6) byte3)))) (4 (let ((byte2 (sap-ref-8 sap (1+ head))) (byte3 (sap-ref-8 sap (+ 2 head))) (byte4 (sap-ref-8 sap (+ 3 head)))) (unless (and (<= #x80 byte2 #xbf) (<= #x80 byte3 #xbf) (<= #x80 byte4 #xbf) (or (/= byte #xf0) (<= #x90 byte2 #xbf)) (or (/= byte #xf4) (<= #x80 byte2 #x8f))) (return-from decode-break-reason 4)) (dpb byte (byte 3 18) (dpb byte2 (byte 6 12) (dpb byte3 (byte 6 6) byte4))))))) utf8->string-aref string->utf8)