;;;; streams for UNIX file descriptors ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!IMPL") ;;;; buffer manipulation routines ;;; FIXME: Is it really good to maintain this pool separate from the ;;; GC and the C malloc logic? (defvar *available-buffers* () #!+sb-doc "List of available buffers. Each buffer is an sap pointing to bytes-per-buffer of memory.") (defconstant bytes-per-buffer (* 4 1024) #!+sb-doc "Number of bytes per buffer.") ;;; Return the next available buffer, creating one if necessary. #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline next-available-buffer)) (defun next-available-buffer () (if *available-buffers* (pop *available-buffers*) (allocate-system-memory bytes-per-buffer))) ;;;; the FD-STREAM structure (defstruct (fd-stream (:constructor %make-fd-stream) (:conc-name fd-stream-) (:predicate fd-stream-p) (:include ansi-stream (misc #'fd-stream-misc-routine)) (:copier nil)) ;; the name of this stream (name nil) ;; the file this stream is for (file nil) ;; the backup file namestring for the old file, for :IF-EXISTS ;; :RENAME or :RENAME-AND-DELETE. (original nil :type (or simple-string null)) (delete-original nil) ; for :if-exists :rename-and-delete ;;; the number of bytes per element (element-size 1 :type index) ;; the type of element being transfered (element-type 'base-char) ;; the Unix file descriptor (fd -1 :type fixnum) ;; controls when the output buffer is flushed (buffering :full :type (member :full :line :none)) ;; controls whether the input buffer must be cleared before output ;; (must be done for files, not for sockets, pipes and other data ;; sources where input and output aren't related). non-NIL means ;; don't clear input buffer. (dual-channel-p nil) ;; character position (if known) (char-pos nil :type (or index null)) ;; T if input is waiting on FD. :EOF if we hit EOF. (listen nil :type (member nil t :eof)) ;; the input buffer (unread nil) (ibuf-sap nil :type (or system-area-pointer null)) (ibuf-length nil :type (or index null)) (ibuf-head 0 :type index) (ibuf-tail 0 :type index) ;; the output buffer (obuf-sap nil :type (or system-area-pointer null)) (obuf-length nil :type (or index null)) (obuf-tail 0 :type index) ;; output flushed, but not written due to non-blocking io? (output-later nil) (handler nil) ;; timeout specified for this stream, or NIL if none (timeout nil :type (or index null)) ;; pathname of the file this stream is opened to (returned by PATHNAME) (pathname nil :type (or pathname null)) (external-format :default) (output-bytes #'ill-out :type function)) (def!method print-object ((fd-stream fd-stream) stream) (declare (type stream stream)) (print-unreadable-object (fd-stream stream :type t :identity t) (format stream "for ~S" (fd-stream-name fd-stream)))) ;;;; output routines and related noise (defvar *output-routines* () #!+sb-doc "List of all available output routines. Each element is a list of the element-type output, the kind of buffering, the function name, and the number of bytes per element.") ;;; common idioms for reporting low-level stream and file problems (defun simple-stream-perror (note-format stream errno) (error 'simple-stream-error :stream stream :format-control "~@<~?: ~2I~_~A~:>" :format-arguments (list note-format (list stream) (strerror errno)))) (defun simple-file-perror (note-format pathname errno) (error 'simple-file-error :pathname pathname :format-control "~@<~?: ~2I~_~A~:>" :format-arguments (list note-format (list pathname) (strerror errno)))) (defun stream-decoding-error (stream octets) (error 'stream-decoding-error :stream stream ;; FIXME: dunno how to get at OCTETS currently, or even if ;; that's the right thing to report. :octets octets)) (defun stream-encoding-error (stream code) (error 'stream-encoding-error :stream stream :code code)) ;;; Returning true goes into end of file handling, false will enter another ;;; round of input buffer filling followed by re-entering character decode. (defun stream-decoding-error-and-handle (stream octet-count) (restart-case (stream-decoding-error stream (let ((sap (fd-stream-ibuf-sap stream)) (head (fd-stream-ibuf-head stream))) (loop for i from 0 below octet-count collect (sap-ref-8 sap (+ head i))))) (attempt-resync () :report (lambda (stream) (format stream "~@")) (fd-stream-resync stream) nil) (force-end-of-file () :report (lambda (stream) (format stream "~@")) t))) (defun stream-encoding-error-and-handle (stream code) (restart-case (stream-encoding-error stream code) (output-nothing () :report (lambda (stream) (format stream "~@")) (throw 'output-nothing nil)))) ;;; This is called by the server when we can write to the given file ;;; descriptor. Attempt to write the data again. If it worked, remove ;;; the data from the OUTPUT-LATER list. If it didn't work, something ;;; is wrong. (defun frob-output-later (stream) (let* ((stuff (pop (fd-stream-output-later stream))) (base (car stuff)) (start (cadr stuff)) (end (caddr stuff)) (reuse-sap (cadddr stuff)) (length (- end start))) (declare (type index start end length)) (multiple-value-bind (count errno) (sb!unix:unix-write (fd-stream-fd stream) base start length) (cond ((not count) (if (= errno sb!unix:ewouldblock) (error "Write would have blocked, but SERVER told us to go.") (simple-stream-perror "couldn't write to ~S" stream errno))) ((eql count length) ; Hot damn, it worked. (when reuse-sap (push base *available-buffers*))) ((not (null count)) ; sorta worked.. (push (list base (the index (+ start count)) end) (fd-stream-output-later stream)))))) (unless (fd-stream-output-later stream) (sb!sys:remove-fd-handler (fd-stream-handler stream)) (setf (fd-stream-handler stream) nil))) ;;; Arange to output the string when we can write on the file descriptor. (defun output-later (stream base start end reuse-sap) (cond ((null (fd-stream-output-later stream)) (setf (fd-stream-output-later stream) (list (list base start end reuse-sap))) (setf (fd-stream-handler stream) (sb!sys:add-fd-handler (fd-stream-fd stream) :output (lambda (fd) (declare (ignore fd)) (frob-output-later stream))))) (t (nconc (fd-stream-output-later stream) (list (list base start end reuse-sap))))) (when reuse-sap (let ((new-buffer (next-available-buffer))) (setf (fd-stream-obuf-sap stream) new-buffer) (setf (fd-stream-obuf-length stream) bytes-per-buffer)))) ;;; Output the given noise. Check to see whether there are any pending ;;; writes. If so, just queue this one. Otherwise, try to write it. If ;;; this would block, queue it. (defun frob-output (stream base start end reuse-sap) (declare (type fd-stream stream) (type (or system-area-pointer (simple-array * (*))) base) (type index start end)) (if (not (null (fd-stream-output-later stream))) ; something buffered. (progn (output-later stream base start end reuse-sap) ;; ### check to see whether any of this noise can be output ) (let ((length (- end start))) (multiple-value-bind (count errno) (sb!unix:unix-write (fd-stream-fd stream) base start length) (cond ((not count) (if (= errno sb!unix:ewouldblock) (output-later stream base start end reuse-sap) (simple-stream-perror "couldn't write to ~S" stream errno))) ((not (eql count length)) (output-later stream base (the index (+ start count)) end reuse-sap))))))) ;;; Flush any data in the output buffer. (defun flush-output-buffer (stream) (let ((length (fd-stream-obuf-tail stream))) (unless (= length 0) (frob-output stream (fd-stream-obuf-sap stream) 0 length t) (setf (fd-stream-obuf-tail stream) 0)))) (defmacro output-wrapper/variable-width ((stream size buffering restart) &body body) (let ((stream-var (gensym))) `(let ((,stream-var ,stream) (size ,size)) ,(unless (eq (car buffering) :none) `(when (< (fd-stream-obuf-length ,stream-var) (+ (fd-stream-obuf-tail ,stream-var) size)) (flush-output-buffer ,stream-var))) ,(unless (eq (car buffering) :none) `(when (and (not (fd-stream-dual-channel-p ,stream-var)) (> (fd-stream-ibuf-tail ,stream-var) (fd-stream-ibuf-head ,stream-var))) (file-position ,stream-var (file-position ,stream-var)))) ,(if restart `(catch 'output-nothing ,@body (incf (fd-stream-obuf-tail ,stream-var) size)) `(progn ,@body (incf (fd-stream-obuf-tail ,stream-var) size))) ,(ecase (car buffering) (:none `(flush-output-buffer ,stream-var)) (:line `(when (eq (char-code byte) (char-code #\Newline)) (flush-output-buffer ,stream-var))) (:full)) (values)))) (defmacro output-wrapper ((stream size buffering restart) &body body) (let ((stream-var (gensym))) `(let ((,stream-var ,stream)) ,(unless (eq (car buffering) :none) `(when (< (fd-stream-obuf-length ,stream-var) (+ (fd-stream-obuf-tail ,stream-var) ,size)) (flush-output-buffer ,stream-var))) ,(unless (eq (car buffering) :none) `(when (and (not (fd-stream-dual-channel-p ,stream-var)) (> (fd-stream-ibuf-tail ,stream-var) (fd-stream-ibuf-head ,stream-var))) (file-position ,stream-var (file-position ,stream-var)))) ,(if restart `(catch 'output-nothing ,@body (incf (fd-stream-obuf-tail ,stream-var) ,size)) `(progn ,@body (incf (fd-stream-obuf-tail ,stream-var) ,size))) ,(ecase (car buffering) (:none `(flush-output-buffer ,stream-var)) (:line `(when (eq (char-code byte) (char-code #\Newline)) (flush-output-buffer ,stream-var))) (:full)) (values)))) (defmacro def-output-routines/variable-width ((name-fmt size restart external-format &rest bufferings) &body body) (declare (optimize (speed 1))) (cons 'progn (mapcar (lambda (buffering) (let ((function (intern (format nil name-fmt (string (car buffering)))))) `(progn (defun ,function (stream byte) (output-wrapper/variable-width (stream ,size ,buffering ,restart) ,@body)) (setf *output-routines* (nconc *output-routines* ',(mapcar (lambda (type) (list type (car buffering) function 1 external-format)) (cdr buffering))))))) bufferings))) ;;; Define output routines that output numbers SIZE bytes long for the ;;; given bufferings. Use BODY to do the actual output. (defmacro def-output-routines ((name-fmt size restart &rest bufferings) &body body) (declare (optimize (speed 1))) (cons 'progn (mapcar (lambda (buffering) (let ((function (intern (format nil name-fmt (string (car buffering)))))) `(progn (defun ,function (stream byte) (output-wrapper (stream ,size ,buffering ,restart) ,@body)) (setf *output-routines* (nconc *output-routines* ',(mapcar (lambda (type) (list type (car buffering) function size nil)) (cdr buffering))))))) bufferings))) ;;; FIXME: is this used anywhere any more? (def-output-routines ("OUTPUT-CHAR-~A-BUFFERED" 1 t (:none character) (:line character) (:full character)) (if (char= byte #\Newline) (setf (fd-stream-char-pos stream) 0) (incf (fd-stream-char-pos stream))) (setf (sap-ref-8 (fd-stream-obuf-sap stream) (fd-stream-obuf-tail stream)) (char-code byte))) (def-output-routines ("OUTPUT-UNSIGNED-BYTE-~A-BUFFERED" 1 nil (:none (unsigned-byte 8)) (:full (unsigned-byte 8))) (setf (sap-ref-8 (fd-stream-obuf-sap stream) (fd-stream-obuf-tail stream)) byte)) (def-output-routines ("OUTPUT-SIGNED-BYTE-~A-BUFFERED" 1 nil (:none (signed-byte 8)) (:full (signed-byte 8))) (setf (signed-sap-ref-8 (fd-stream-obuf-sap stream) (fd-stream-obuf-tail stream)) byte)) (def-output-routines ("OUTPUT-UNSIGNED-SHORT-~A-BUFFERED" 2 nil (:none (unsigned-byte 16)) (:full (unsigned-byte 16))) (setf (sap-ref-16 (fd-stream-obuf-sap stream) (fd-stream-obuf-tail stream)) byte)) (def-output-routines ("OUTPUT-SIGNED-SHORT-~A-BUFFERED" 2 nil (:none (signed-byte 16)) (:full (signed-byte 16))) (setf (signed-sap-ref-16 (fd-stream-obuf-sap stream) (fd-stream-obuf-tail stream)) byte)) (def-output-routines ("OUTPUT-UNSIGNED-LONG-~A-BUFFERED" 4 nil (:none (unsigned-byte 32)) (:full (unsigned-byte 32))) (setf (sap-ref-32 (fd-stream-obuf-sap stream) (fd-stream-obuf-tail stream)) byte)) (def-output-routines ("OUTPUT-SIGNED-LONG-~A-BUFFERED" 4 nil (:none (signed-byte 32)) (:full (signed-byte 32))) (setf (signed-sap-ref-32 (fd-stream-obuf-sap stream) (fd-stream-obuf-tail stream)) byte)) ;;; Do the actual output. If there is space to buffer the string, ;;; buffer it. If the string would normally fit in the buffer, but ;;; doesn't because of other stuff in the buffer, flush the old noise ;;; out of the buffer and put the string in it. Otherwise we have a ;;; very long string, so just send it directly (after flushing the ;;; buffer, of course). (defun output-raw-bytes (fd-stream thing &optional start end) #!+sb-doc "Output THING to FD-STREAM. THING can be any kind of vector or a SAP. If THING is a SAP, END must be supplied (as length won't work)." (let ((start (or start 0)) (end (or end (length (the (simple-array * (*)) thing))))) (declare (type index start end)) (when (and (not (fd-stream-dual-channel-p fd-stream)) (> (fd-stream-ibuf-tail fd-stream) (fd-stream-ibuf-head fd-stream))) (file-position fd-stream (file-position fd-stream))) (let* ((len (fd-stream-obuf-length fd-stream)) (tail (fd-stream-obuf-tail fd-stream)) (space (- len tail)) (bytes (- end start)) (newtail (+ tail bytes))) (cond ((minusp bytes) ; error case (error ":END before :START!")) ((zerop bytes)) ; easy case ((<= bytes space) (if (system-area-pointer-p thing) (system-area-ub8-copy thing start (fd-stream-obuf-sap fd-stream) tail bytes) ;; FIXME: There should be some type checking somewhere to ;; verify that THING here is a vector, not just . (copy-ub8-to-system-area thing start (fd-stream-obuf-sap fd-stream) tail bytes)) (setf (fd-stream-obuf-tail fd-stream) newtail)) ((<= bytes len) (flush-output-buffer fd-stream) (if (system-area-pointer-p thing) (system-area-ub8-copy thing start (fd-stream-obuf-sap fd-stream) 0 bytes) ;; FIXME: There should be some type checking somewhere to ;; verify that THING here is a vector, not just . (copy-ub8-to-system-area thing start (fd-stream-obuf-sap fd-stream) 0 bytes)) (setf (fd-stream-obuf-tail fd-stream) bytes)) (t (flush-output-buffer fd-stream) (frob-output fd-stream thing start end nil)))))) ;;; the routine to use to output a string. If the stream is ;;; unbuffered, slam the string down the file descriptor, otherwise ;;; use OUTPUT-RAW-BYTES to buffer the string. Update charpos by ;;; checking to see where the last newline was. ;;; ;;; Note: some bozos (the FASL dumper) call write-string with things ;;; other than strings. Therefore, we must make sure we have a string ;;; before calling POSITION on it. ;;; KLUDGE: It would be better to fix the bozos instead of trying to ;;; cover for them here. -- WHN 20000203 (defun fd-sout (stream thing start end) (let ((start (or start 0)) (end (or end (length (the vector thing))))) (declare (fixnum start end)) (if (stringp thing) (let ((last-newline (and (find #\newline (the simple-string thing) :start start :end end) ;; FIXME why do we need both calls? ;; Is find faster forwards than ;; position is backwards? (position #\newline (the simple-string thing) :from-end t :start start :end end)))) (if (and (typep thing 'base-string) (eq (fd-stream-external-format stream) :latin-1)) (ecase (fd-stream-buffering stream) (:full (output-raw-bytes stream thing start end)) (:line (output-raw-bytes stream thing start end) (when last-newline (flush-output-buffer stream))) (:none (frob-output stream thing start end nil))) (ecase (fd-stream-buffering stream) (:full (funcall (fd-stream-output-bytes stream) stream thing nil start end)) (:line (funcall (fd-stream-output-bytes stream) stream thing last-newline start end)) (:none (funcall (fd-stream-output-bytes stream) stream thing t start end)))) (if last-newline (setf (fd-stream-char-pos stream) (- end last-newline 1)) (incf (fd-stream-char-pos stream) (- end start)))) (ecase (fd-stream-buffering stream) ((:line :full) (output-raw-bytes stream thing start end)) (:none (frob-output stream thing start end nil)))))) (defvar *external-formats* () #!+sb-doc "List of all available external formats. Each element is a list of the element-type, string input function name, character input function name, and string output function name.") ;;; Find an output routine to use given the type and buffering. Return ;;; as multiple values the routine, the real type transfered, and the ;;; number of bytes per element. (defun pick-output-routine (type buffering &optional external-format) (when (subtypep type 'character) (dolist (entry *external-formats*) (when (member external-format (first entry)) (return-from pick-output-routine (values (symbol-function (nth (ecase buffering (:none 4) (:line 5) (:full 6)) entry)) 'character 1 (symbol-function (fourth entry)) (first (first entry))))))) (dolist (entry *output-routines*) (when (and (subtypep type (first entry)) (eq buffering (second entry)) (or (not (fifth entry)) (eq external-format (fifth entry)))) (return-from pick-output-routine (values (symbol-function (third entry)) (first entry) (fourth entry))))) ;; KLUDGE: dealing with the buffering here leads to excessive code ;; explosion. ;; ;; KLUDGE: also see comments in PICK-INPUT-ROUTINE (loop for i from 40 by 8 to 1024 ; ARB (KLUDGE) if (subtypep type `(unsigned-byte ,i)) do (return-from pick-output-routine (values (ecase buffering (:none (lambda (stream byte) (output-wrapper (stream (/ i 8) (:none) nil) (loop for j from 0 below (/ i 8) do (setf (sap-ref-8 (fd-stream-obuf-sap stream) (+ j (fd-stream-obuf-tail stream))) (ldb (byte 8 (- i 8 (* j 8))) byte)))))) (:full (lambda (stream byte) (output-wrapper (stream (/ i 8) (:full) nil) (loop for j from 0 below (/ i 8) do (setf (sap-ref-8 (fd-stream-obuf-sap stream) (+ j (fd-stream-obuf-tail stream))) (ldb (byte 8 (- i 8 (* j 8))) byte))))))) `(unsigned-byte ,i) (/ i 8)))) (loop for i from 40 by 8 to 1024 ; ARB (KLUDGE) if (subtypep type `(signed-byte ,i)) do (return-from pick-output-routine (values (ecase buffering (:none (lambda (stream byte) (output-wrapper (stream (/ i 8) (:none) nil) (loop for j from 0 below (/ i 8) do (setf (sap-ref-8 (fd-stream-obuf-sap stream) (+ j (fd-stream-obuf-tail stream))) (ldb (byte 8 (- i 8 (* j 8))) byte)))))) (:full (lambda (stream byte) (output-wrapper (stream (/ i 8) (:full) nil) (loop for j from 0 below (/ i 8) do (setf (sap-ref-8 (fd-stream-obuf-sap stream) (+ j (fd-stream-obuf-tail stream))) (ldb (byte 8 (- i 8 (* j 8))) byte))))))) `(signed-byte ,i) (/ i 8))))) ;;;; input routines and related noise ;;; a list of all available input routines. Each element is a list of ;;; the element-type input, the function name, and the number of bytes ;;; per element. (defvar *input-routines* ()) ;;; Fill the input buffer, and return the number of bytes read. Throw ;;; to EOF-INPUT-CATCHER if the eof was reached. Drop into ;;; SYSTEM:SERVER if necessary. (defun refill-buffer/fd (stream) (let ((fd (fd-stream-fd stream)) (ibuf-sap (fd-stream-ibuf-sap stream)) (buflen (fd-stream-ibuf-length stream)) (head (fd-stream-ibuf-head stream)) (tail (fd-stream-ibuf-tail stream))) (declare (type index head tail)) (unless (zerop head) (cond ((eql head tail) (setf head 0) (setf tail 0) (setf (fd-stream-ibuf-head stream) 0) (setf (fd-stream-ibuf-tail stream) 0)) (t (decf tail head) (system-area-ub8-copy ibuf-sap head ibuf-sap 0 tail) (setf head 0) (setf (fd-stream-ibuf-head stream) 0) (setf (fd-stream-ibuf-tail stream) tail)))) (setf (fd-stream-listen stream) nil) (multiple-value-bind (count errno) ;; FIXME: Judging from compiler warnings, this WITH-ALIEN form expands ;; into something which uses the not-yet-defined type ;; (SB!ALIEN-INTERNALS:ALIEN (* (SB!ALIEN:STRUCT SB!UNIX:FD-SET))). ;; This is probably inefficient and unsafe and generally bad, so ;; try to find some way to make that type known before ;; this is compiled. (sb!alien:with-alien ((read-fds (sb!alien:struct sb!unix:fd-set))) (sb!unix:fd-zero read-fds) (sb!unix:fd-set fd read-fds) (sb!unix:unix-fast-select (1+ fd) (sb!alien:addr read-fds) nil nil 0 0)) (case count (1) (0 (unless (sb!sys:wait-until-fd-usable fd :input (fd-stream-timeout stream)) (error 'io-timeout :stream stream :direction :read))) (t (simple-stream-perror "couldn't check whether ~S is readable" stream errno)))) (multiple-value-bind (count errno) (sb!unix:unix-read fd (sb!sys:int-sap (+ (sb!sys:sap-int ibuf-sap) tail)) (- buflen tail)) (cond ((null count) (if (eql errno sb!unix:ewouldblock) (progn (unless (sb!sys:wait-until-fd-usable fd :input (fd-stream-timeout stream)) (error 'io-timeout :stream stream :direction :read)) (refill-buffer/fd stream)) (simple-stream-perror "couldn't read from ~S" stream errno))) ((zerop count) (setf (fd-stream-listen stream) :eof) (/show0 "THROWing EOF-INPUT-CATCHER") (throw 'eof-input-catcher nil)) (t (incf (fd-stream-ibuf-tail stream) count) count))))) ;;; Make sure there are at least BYTES number of bytes in the input ;;; buffer. Keep calling REFILL-BUFFER/FD until that condition is met. (defmacro input-at-least (stream bytes) (let ((stream-var (gensym)) (bytes-var (gensym))) `(let ((,stream-var ,stream) (,bytes-var ,bytes)) (loop (when (>= (- (fd-stream-ibuf-tail ,stream-var) (fd-stream-ibuf-head ,stream-var)) ,bytes-var) (return)) (refill-buffer/fd ,stream-var))))) (defmacro input-wrapper/variable-width ((stream bytes eof-error eof-value) &body read-forms) (let ((stream-var (gensym)) (retry-var (gensym)) (element-var (gensym))) `(let ((,stream-var ,stream) (size nil)) (if (fd-stream-unread ,stream-var) (prog1 (fd-stream-unread ,stream-var) (setf (fd-stream-unread ,stream-var) nil) (setf (fd-stream-listen ,stream-var) nil)) (let ((,element-var nil) (decode-break-reason nil)) (do ((,retry-var t)) ((not ,retry-var)) (unless (catch 'eof-input-catcher (setf decode-break-reason (block decode-break-reason (input-at-least ,stream-var 1) (let* ((byte (sap-ref-8 (fd-stream-ibuf-sap ,stream-var) (fd-stream-ibuf-head ,stream-var)))) (setq size ,bytes) (input-at-least ,stream-var size) (setq ,element-var (locally ,@read-forms)) (setq ,retry-var nil)) nil)) (when decode-break-reason (stream-decoding-error-and-handle stream decode-break-reason)) t) (let ((octet-count (- (fd-stream-ibuf-tail ,stream-var) (fd-stream-ibuf-head ,stream-var)))) (when (or (zerop octet-count) (and (not ,element-var) (not decode-break-reason) (stream-decoding-error-and-handle stream octet-count))) (setq ,retry-var nil))))) (cond (,element-var (incf (fd-stream-ibuf-head ,stream-var) size) ,element-var) (t (eof-or-lose ,stream-var ,eof-error ,eof-value)))))))) ;;; a macro to wrap around all input routines to handle EOF-ERROR noise (defmacro input-wrapper ((stream bytes eof-error eof-value) &body read-forms) (let ((stream-var (gensym)) (element-var (gensym))) `(let ((,stream-var ,stream)) (if (fd-stream-unread ,stream-var) (prog1 (fd-stream-unread ,stream-var) (setf (fd-stream-unread ,stream-var) nil) (setf (fd-stream-listen ,stream-var) nil)) (let ((,element-var (catch 'eof-input-catcher (input-at-least ,stream-var ,bytes) (locally ,@read-forms)))) (cond (,element-var (incf (fd-stream-ibuf-head ,stream-var) ,bytes) ,element-var) (t (eof-or-lose ,stream-var ,eof-error ,eof-value)))))))) (defmacro def-input-routine/variable-width (name (type external-format size sap head) &rest body) `(progn (defun ,name (stream eof-error eof-value) (input-wrapper/variable-width (stream ,size eof-error eof-value) (let ((,sap (fd-stream-ibuf-sap stream)) (,head (fd-stream-ibuf-head stream))) ,@body))) (setf *input-routines* (nconc *input-routines* (list (list ',type ',name 1 ',external-format)))))) (defmacro def-input-routine (name (type size sap head) &rest body) `(progn (defun ,name (stream eof-error eof-value) (input-wrapper (stream ,size eof-error eof-value) (let ((,sap (fd-stream-ibuf-sap stream)) (,head (fd-stream-ibuf-head stream))) ,@body))) (setf *input-routines* (nconc *input-routines* (list (list ',type ',name ',size nil)))))) ;;; STREAM-IN routine for reading a string char (def-input-routine input-character (character 1 sap head) (code-char (sap-ref-8 sap head))) ;;; STREAM-IN routine for reading an unsigned 8 bit number (def-input-routine input-unsigned-8bit-byte ((unsigned-byte 8) 1 sap head) (sap-ref-8 sap head)) ;;; STREAM-IN routine for reading a signed 8 bit number (def-input-routine input-signed-8bit-number ((signed-byte 8) 1 sap head) (signed-sap-ref-8 sap head)) ;;; STREAM-IN routine for reading an unsigned 16 bit number (def-input-routine input-unsigned-16bit-byte ((unsigned-byte 16) 2 sap head) (sap-ref-16 sap head)) ;;; STREAM-IN routine for reading a signed 16 bit number (def-input-routine input-signed-16bit-byte ((signed-byte 16) 2 sap head) (signed-sap-ref-16 sap head)) ;;; STREAM-IN routine for reading a unsigned 32 bit number (def-input-routine input-unsigned-32bit-byte ((unsigned-byte 32) 4 sap head) (sap-ref-32 sap head)) ;;; STREAM-IN routine for reading a signed 32 bit number (def-input-routine input-signed-32bit-byte ((signed-byte 32) 4 sap head) (signed-sap-ref-32 sap head)) ;;; Find an input routine to use given the type. Return as multiple ;;; values the routine, the real type transfered, and the number of ;;; bytes per element (and for character types string input routine). (defun pick-input-routine (type &optional external-format) (when (subtypep type 'character) (dolist (entry *external-formats*) (when (member external-format (first entry)) (return-from pick-input-routine (values (symbol-function (third entry)) 'character 1 (symbol-function (second entry)) (first (first entry))))))) (dolist (entry *input-routines*) (when (and (subtypep type (first entry)) (or (not (fourth entry)) (eq external-format (fourth entry)))) (return-from pick-input-routine (values (symbol-function (second entry)) (first entry) (third entry))))) ;; FIXME: let's do it the hard way, then (but ignore things like ;; endianness, efficiency, and the necessary coupling between these ;; and the output routines). -- CSR, 2004-02-09 (loop for i from 40 by 8 to 1024 ; ARB (well, KLUDGE really) if (subtypep type `(unsigned-byte ,i)) do (return-from pick-input-routine (values (lambda (stream eof-error eof-value) (input-wrapper (stream (/ i 8) eof-error eof-value) (let ((sap (fd-stream-ibuf-sap stream)) (head (fd-stream-ibuf-head stream))) (loop for j from 0 below (/ i 8) with result = 0 do (setf result (+ (* 256 result) (sap-ref-8 sap (+ head j)))) finally (return result))))) `(unsigned-byte ,i) (/ i 8)))) (loop for i from 40 by 8 to 1024 ; ARB (well, KLUDGE really) if (subtypep type `(signed-byte ,i)) do (return-from pick-input-routine (values (lambda (stream eof-error eof-value) (input-wrapper (stream (/ i 8) eof-error eof-value) (let ((sap (fd-stream-ibuf-sap stream)) (head (fd-stream-ibuf-head stream))) (loop for j from 0 below (/ i 8) with result = 0 do (setf result (+ (* 256 result) (sap-ref-8 sap (+ head j)))) finally (return (if (logbitp (1- i) result) (dpb result (byte i 0) -1) result)))))) `(signed-byte ,i) (/ i 8))))) ;;; Return a string constructed from SAP, START, and END. (defun string-from-sap (sap start end) (declare (type index start end)) (let* ((length (- end start)) (string (make-string length))) (copy-ub8-from-system-area sap start string 0 length) string)) ;;; the N-BIN method for FD-STREAMs ;;; ;;; Note that this blocks in UNIX-READ. It is generally used where ;;; there is a definite amount of reading to be done, so blocking ;;; isn't too problematical. (defun fd-stream-read-n-bytes (stream buffer start requested eof-error-p &aux (total-copied 0)) (declare (type fd-stream stream)) (declare (type index start requested total-copied)) (let ((unread (fd-stream-unread stream))) (when unread ;; AVERs designed to fail when we have more complicated ;; character representations. (aver (typep unread 'base-char)) (aver (= (fd-stream-element-size stream) 1)) ;; KLUDGE: this is a slightly-unrolled-and-inlined version of ;; %BYTE-BLT (etypecase buffer (system-area-pointer (setf (sap-ref-8 buffer start) (char-code unread))) ((simple-unboxed-array (*)) (setf (aref buffer start) unread))) (setf (fd-stream-unread stream) nil) (setf (fd-stream-listen stream) nil) (incf total-copied))) (do () (nil) (let* ((remaining-request (- requested total-copied)) (head (fd-stream-ibuf-head stream)) (tail (fd-stream-ibuf-tail stream)) (available (- tail head)) (n-this-copy (min remaining-request available)) (this-start (+ start total-copied)) (this-end (+ this-start n-this-copy)) (sap (fd-stream-ibuf-sap stream))) (declare (type index remaining-request head tail available)) (declare (type index n-this-copy)) ;; Copy data from stream buffer into user's buffer. (%byte-blt sap head buffer this-start this-end) (incf (fd-stream-ibuf-head stream) n-this-copy) (incf total-copied n-this-copy) ;; Maybe we need to refill the stream buffer. (cond (;; If there were enough data in the stream buffer, we're done. (= total-copied requested) (return total-copied)) (;; If EOF, we're done in another way. (null (catch 'eof-input-catcher (refill-buffer/fd stream))) (if eof-error-p (error 'end-of-file :stream stream) (return total-copied))) ;; Otherwise we refilled the stream buffer, so fall ;; through into another pass of the loop. )))) (defun fd-stream-resync (stream) (dolist (entry *external-formats*) (when (member (fd-stream-external-format stream) (first entry)) (return-from fd-stream-resync (funcall (symbol-function (eighth entry)) stream))))) ;;; FIXME: OAOOM here vrt. *EXTERNAL-FORMAT-FUNCTIONS* in fd-stream.lisp (defmacro define-external-format (external-format size output-restart out-expr in-expr) (let* ((name (first external-format)) (out-function (symbolicate "OUTPUT-BYTES/" name)) (format (format nil "OUTPUT-CHAR-~A-~~A-BUFFERED" (string name))) (in-function (symbolicate "FD-STREAM-READ-N-CHARACTERS/" name)) (in-char-function (symbolicate "INPUT-CHAR/" name))) `(progn (defun ,out-function (stream string flush-p start end) (let ((start (or start 0)) (end (or end (length string)))) (declare (type index start end)) (when (and (not (fd-stream-dual-channel-p stream)) (> (fd-stream-ibuf-tail stream) (fd-stream-ibuf-head stream))) (file-position stream (file-position stream))) (when (< end start) (error ":END before :START!")) (do () ((= end start)) (setf (fd-stream-obuf-tail stream) (do* ((len (fd-stream-obuf-length stream)) (sap (fd-stream-obuf-sap stream)) (tail (fd-stream-obuf-tail stream))) ((or (= start end) (< (- len tail) 4)) tail) ,(if output-restart `(catch 'output-nothing (let* ((byte (aref string start)) (bits (char-code byte))) ,out-expr (incf tail ,size))) `(let* ((byte (aref string start)) (bits (char-code byte))) ,out-expr (incf tail ,size))) (incf start))) (when (< start end) (flush-output-buffer stream))) (when flush-p (flush-output-buffer stream)))) (def-output-routines (,format ,size ,output-restart (:none character) (:line character) (:full character)) (if (char= byte #\Newline) (setf (fd-stream-char-pos stream) 0) (incf (fd-stream-char-pos stream))) (let ((bits (char-code byte)) (sap (fd-stream-obuf-sap stream)) (tail (fd-stream-obuf-tail stream))) ,out-expr)) (defun ,in-function (stream buffer start requested eof-error-p &aux (total-copied 0)) (declare (type fd-stream stream)) (declare (type index start requested total-copied)) (let ((unread (fd-stream-unread stream))) (when unread (setf (aref buffer start) unread) (setf (fd-stream-unread stream) nil) (setf (fd-stream-listen stream) nil) (incf total-copied))) (do () (nil) (let* ((head (fd-stream-ibuf-head stream)) (tail (fd-stream-ibuf-tail stream)) (sap (fd-stream-ibuf-sap stream))) (declare (type index head tail)) ;; Copy data from stream buffer into user's buffer. (do () ((or (= tail head) (= requested total-copied))) (let* ((byte (sap-ref-8 sap head))) (when (> ,size (- tail head)) (return)) (setf (aref buffer (+ start total-copied)) ,in-expr) (incf total-copied) (incf head ,size))) (setf (fd-stream-ibuf-head stream) head) ;; Maybe we need to refill the stream buffer. (cond ( ;; If there were enough data in the stream buffer, we're done. (= total-copied requested) (return total-copied)) ( ;; If EOF, we're done in another way. (null (catch 'eof-input-catcher (refill-buffer/fd stream))) (if eof-error-p (error 'end-of-file :stream stream) (return total-copied))) ;; Otherwise we refilled the stream buffer, so fall ;; through into another pass of the loop. )))) (def-input-routine ,in-char-function (character ,size sap head) (let ((byte (sap-ref-8 sap head))) ,in-expr)) (setf *external-formats* (cons '(,external-format ,in-function ,in-char-function ,out-function ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (buffering) (intern (format nil format (string buffering)))) '(:none :line :full))) *external-formats*))))) (defmacro define-external-format/variable-width (external-format output-restart out-size-expr out-expr in-size-expr in-expr) (let* ((name (first external-format)) (out-function (symbolicate "OUTPUT-BYTES/" name)) (format (format nil "OUTPUT-CHAR-~A-~~A-BUFFERED" (string name))) (in-function (symbolicate "FD-STREAM-READ-N-CHARACTERS/" name)) (in-char-function (symbolicate "INPUT-CHAR/" name)) (resync-function (symbolicate "RESYNC/" name))) `(progn (defun ,out-function (stream string flush-p start end) (let ((start (or start 0)) (end (or end (length string)))) (declare (type index start end)) (when (and (not (fd-stream-dual-channel-p stream)) (> (fd-stream-ibuf-tail stream) (fd-stream-ibuf-head stream))) (file-position stream (file-position stream))) (when (< end start) (error ":END before :START!")) (do () ((= end start)) (setf (fd-stream-obuf-tail stream) (do* ((len (fd-stream-obuf-length stream)) (sap (fd-stream-obuf-sap stream)) (tail (fd-stream-obuf-tail stream))) ((or (= start end) (< (- len tail) 4)) tail) ,(if output-restart `(catch 'output-nothing (let* ((byte (aref string start)) (bits (char-code byte)) (size ,out-size-expr)) ,out-expr (incf tail size))) `(let* ((byte (aref string start)) (bits (char-code byte)) (size ,out-size-expr)) ,out-expr (incf tail size))) (incf start))) (when (< start end) (flush-output-buffer stream))) (when flush-p (flush-output-buffer stream)))) (def-output-routines/variable-width (,format ,out-size-expr ,output-restart ,external-format (:none character) (:line character) (:full character)) (if (char= byte #\Newline) (setf (fd-stream-char-pos stream) 0) (incf (fd-stream-char-pos stream))) (let ((bits (char-code byte)) (sap (fd-stream-obuf-sap stream)) (tail (fd-stream-obuf-tail stream))) ,out-expr)) (defun ,in-function (stream buffer start requested eof-error-p &aux (total-copied 0)) (declare (type fd-stream stream)) (declare (type index start requested total-copied)) (let ((unread (fd-stream-unread stream))) (when unread (setf (aref buffer start) unread) (setf (fd-stream-unread stream) nil) (setf (fd-stream-listen stream) nil) (incf total-copied))) (do () (nil) (let* ((head (fd-stream-ibuf-head stream)) (tail (fd-stream-ibuf-tail stream)) (sap (fd-stream-ibuf-sap stream)) (head-start head) (decode-break-reason nil)) (declare (type index head tail)) ;; Copy data from stream buffer into user's buffer. (do ((size nil nil)) ((or (= tail head) (= requested total-copied))) (setf decode-break-reason (block decode-break-reason (let ((byte (sap-ref-8 sap head))) (setq size ,in-size-expr) (when (> size (- tail head)) (return)) (setf (aref buffer (+ start total-copied)) ,in-expr) (incf total-copied) (incf head size)) nil)) (setf (fd-stream-ibuf-head stream) head) (when (and decode-break-reason (= head head-start)) (when (stream-decoding-error-and-handle stream decode-break-reason) (if eof-error-p (error 'end-of-file :stream stream) (return-from ,in-function total-copied))) (setf head (fd-stream-ibuf-head stream)) (setf tail (fd-stream-ibuf-tail stream))) (when (plusp total-copied) (return-from ,in-function total-copied))) (setf (fd-stream-ibuf-head stream) head) ;; Maybe we need to refill the stream buffer. (cond ( ;; If there were enough data in the stream buffer, we're done. (= total-copied requested) (return total-copied)) ( ;; If EOF, we're done in another way. (or (eq decode-break-reason 'eof) (null (catch 'eof-input-catcher (refill-buffer/fd stream)))) (if eof-error-p (error 'end-of-file :stream stream) (return total-copied))) ;; Otherwise we refilled the stream buffer, so fall ;; through into another pass of the loop. )))) (def-input-routine/variable-width ,in-char-function (character ,external-format ,in-size-expr sap head) (let ((byte (sap-ref-8 sap head))) ,in-expr)) (defun ,resync-function (stream) (loop (input-at-least stream 1) (incf (fd-stream-ibuf-head stream)) (unless (block decode-break-reason (let* ((sap (fd-stream-ibuf-sap stream)) (head (fd-stream-ibuf-head stream)) (byte (sap-ref-8 sap head)) (size ,in-size-expr)) ,in-expr) nil) (return)))) (setf *external-formats* (cons '(,external-format ,in-function ,in-char-function ,out-function ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (buffering) (intern (format nil format (string buffering)))) '(:none :line :full)) ,resync-function) *external-formats*))))) (define-external-format (:latin-1 :latin1 :iso-8859-1) 1 t (if (>= bits 256) (stream-encoding-error-and-handle stream bits) (setf (sap-ref-8 sap tail) bits)) (code-char byte)) (define-external-format (:ascii :us-ascii :ansi_x3.4-1968 :iso-646 :iso-646-us :|646|) 1 t (if (>= bits 128) (stream-encoding-error-and-handle stream bits) (setf (sap-ref-8 sap tail) bits)) (code-char byte)) (let* ((table (let ((s (make-string 256))) (map-into s #'code-char '(#x00 #x01 #x02 #x03 #x9c #x09 #x86 #x7f #x97 #x8d #x8e #x0b #x0c #x0d #x0e #x0f #x10 #x11 #x12 #x13 #x9d #x85 #x08 #x87 #x18 #x19 #x92 #x8f #x1c #x1d #x1e #x1f #x80 #x81 #x82 #x83 #x84 #x0a #x17 #x1b #x88 #x89 #x8a #x8b #x8c #x05 #x06 #x07 #x90 #x91 #x16 #x93 #x94 #x95 #x96 #x04 #x98 #x99 #x9a #x9b #x14 #x15 #x9e #x1a #x20 #xa0 #xe2 #xe4 #xe0 #xe1 #xe3 #xe5 #xe7 #xf1 #xa2 #x2e #x3c #x28 #x2b #x7c #x26 #xe9 #xea #xeb #xe8 #xed #xee #xef #xec #xdf #x21 #x24 #x2a #x29 #x3b #xac #x2d #x2f #xc2 #xc4 #xc0 #xc1 #xc3 #xc5 #xc7 #xd1 #xa6 #x2c #x25 #x5f #x3e #x3f #xf8 #xc9 #xca #xcb #xc8 #xcd #xce #xcf #xcc #x60 #x3a #x23 #x40 #x27 #x3d #x22 #xd8 #x61 #x62 #x63 #x64 #x65 #x66 #x67 #x68 #x69 #xab #xbb #xf0 #xfd #xfe #xb1 #xb0 #x6a #x6b #x6c #x6d #x6e #x6f #x70 #x71 #x72 #xaa #xba #xe6 #xb8 #xc6 #xa4 #xb5 #x7e #x73 #x74 #x75 #x76 #x77 #x78 #x79 #x7a #xa1 #xbf #xd0 #xdd #xde #xae #x5e #xa3 #xa5 #xb7 #xa9 #xa7 #xb6 #xbc #xbd #xbe #x5b #x5d #xaf #xa8 #xb4 #xd7 #x7b #x41 #x42 #x43 #x44 #x45 #x46 #x47 #x48 #x49 #xad #xf4 #xf6 #xf2 #xf3 #xf5 #x7d #x4a #x4b #x4c #x4d #x4e #x4f #x50 #x51 #x52 #xb9 #xfb #xfc #xf9 #xfa #xff #x5c #xf7 #x53 #x54 #x55 #x56 #x57 #x58 #x59 #x5a #xb2 #xd4 #xd6 #xd2 #xd3 #xd5 #x30 #x31 #x32 #x33 #x34 #x35 #x36 #x37 #x38 #x39 #xb3 #xdb #xdc #xd9 #xda #x9f)) s)) (reverse-table (let ((rt (make-array 256 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8) :initial-element 0))) (loop for char across table for i from 0 do (aver (= 0 (aref rt (char-code char)))) do (setf (aref rt (char-code char)) i)) rt))) (define-external-format (:ebcdic-us :ibm-037 :ibm037) 1 t (if (>= bits 256) (stream-encoding-error-and-handle stream bits) (setf (sap-ref-8 sap tail) (aref reverse-table bits))) (aref table byte))) #!+sb-unicode (let ((latin-9-table (let ((table (make-string 256))) (do ((i 0 (1+ i))) ((= i 256)) (setf (aref table i) (code-char i))) (setf (aref table #xa4) (code-char #x20ac)) (setf (aref table #xa6) (code-char #x0160)) (setf (aref table #xa8) (code-char #x0161)) (setf (aref table #xb4) (code-char #x017d)) (setf (aref table #xb8) (code-char #x017e)) (setf (aref table #xbc) (code-char #x0152)) (setf (aref table #xbd) (code-char #x0153)) (setf (aref table #xbe) (code-char #x0178)) table)) (latin-9-reverse-1 (make-array 16 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 21) :initial-contents '(#x0160 #x0161 #x0152 #x0153 0 0 0 0 #x0178 0 0 0 #x20ac #x017d #x017e 0))) (latin-9-reverse-2 (make-array 16 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8) :initial-contents '(#xa6 #xa8 #xbc #xbd 0 0 0 0 #xbe 0 0 0 #xa4 #xb4 #xb8 0)))) (define-external-format (:latin-9 :latin9 :iso-8859-15) 1 t (setf (sap-ref-8 sap tail) (if (< bits 256) (if (= bits (char-code (aref latin-9-table bits))) bits (stream-encoding-error-and-handle stream byte)) (if (= (aref latin-9-reverse-1 (logand bits 15)) bits) (aref latin-9-reverse-2 (logand bits 15)) (stream-encoding-error-and-handle stream byte)))) (aref latin-9-table byte))) (define-external-format/variable-width (:utf-8 :utf8) nil (let ((bits (char-code byte))) (cond ((< bits #x80) 1) ((< bits #x800) 2) ((< bits #x10000) 3) (t 4))) (ecase size (1 (setf (sap-ref-8 sap tail) bits)) (2 (setf (sap-ref-8 sap tail) (logior #xc0 (ldb (byte 5 6) bits)) (sap-ref-8 sap (1+ tail)) (logior #x80 (ldb (byte 6 0) bits)))) (3 (setf (sap-ref-8 sap tail) (logior #xe0 (ldb (byte 4 12) bits)) (sap-ref-8 sap (1+ tail)) (logior #x80 (ldb (byte 6 6) bits)) (sap-ref-8 sap (+ 2 tail)) (logior #x80 (ldb (byte 6 0) bits)))) (4 (setf (sap-ref-8 sap tail) (logior #xf0 (ldb (byte 3 18) bits)) (sap-ref-8 sap (1+ tail)) (logior #x80 (ldb (byte 6 12) bits)) (sap-ref-8 sap (+ 2 tail)) (logior #x80 (ldb (byte 6 6) bits)) (sap-ref-8 sap (+ 3 tail)) (logior #x80 (ldb (byte 6 0) bits))))) (cond ((< byte #x80) 1) ((< byte #xc2) (return-from decode-break-reason 1)) ((< byte #xe0) 2) ((< byte #xf0) 3) (t 4)) (code-char (ecase size (1 byte) (2 (let ((byte2 (sap-ref-8 sap (1+ head)))) (unless (<= #x80 byte2 #xbf) (return-from decode-break-reason 2)) (dpb byte (byte 5 6) byte2))) (3 (let ((byte2 (sap-ref-8 sap (1+ head))) (byte3 (sap-ref-8 sap (+ 2 head)))) (unless (and (<= #x80 byte2 #xbf) (<= #x80 byte3 #xbf)) (return-from decode-break-reason 3)) (dpb byte (byte 4 12) (dpb byte2 (byte 6 6) byte3)))) (4 (let ((byte2 (sap-ref-8 sap (1+ head))) (byte3 (sap-ref-8 sap (+ 2 head))) (byte4 (sap-ref-8 sap (+ 3 head)))) (unless (and (<= #x80 byte2 #xbf) (<= #x80 byte3 #xbf) (<= #x80 byte4 #xbf)) (return-from decode-break-reason 4)) (dpb byte (byte 3 18) (dpb byte2 (byte 6 12) (dpb byte3 (byte 6 6) byte4)))))))) ;;;; utility functions (misc routines, etc) ;;; Fill in the various routine slots for the given type. INPUT-P and ;;; OUTPUT-P indicate what slots to fill. The buffering slot must be ;;; set prior to calling this routine. (defun set-fd-stream-routines (fd-stream type input-p output-p buffer-p) (let ((target-type (case type ((:default unsigned-byte) '(unsigned-byte 8)) (signed-byte '(signed-byte 8)) (t type))) (input-type nil) (output-type nil) (input-size nil) (output-size nil) (character-stream-p (subtypep type 'character))) ;; drop buffers when direction changes (when (and (fd-stream-obuf-sap fd-stream) (not output-p)) (push (fd-stream-obuf-sap fd-stream) *available-buffers*) (setf (fd-stream-obuf-sap fd-stream) nil)) (when (and (fd-stream-ibuf-sap fd-stream) (not input-p)) (push (fd-stream-ibuf-sap fd-stream) *available-buffers*) (setf (fd-stream-ibuf-sap fd-stream) nil)) (when (and character-stream-p (eq (fd-stream-external-format fd-stream) :default)) (/show0 "/getting default external format") (setf (fd-stream-external-format fd-stream) (default-external-format)) (/show0 "cold-printing defaulted external-format:") #!+sb-show (cold-print (fd-stream-external-format fd-stream)) (/show0 "matching to known aliases") (dolist (entry *external-formats* (restart-case (error "Invalid external-format ~A" (fd-stream-external-format fd-stream)) (use-default () :report "Set external format to LATIN-1" (setf (fd-stream-external-format fd-stream) :latin-1)))) (/show0 "cold printing known aliases:") #!+sb-show (dolist (alias (first entry)) (cold-print alias)) (/show0 "done cold-printing known aliases") (when (member (fd-stream-external-format fd-stream) (first entry)) (/show0 "matched") (return))) (/show0 "/default external format ok")) (when input-p (multiple-value-bind (routine type size read-n-characters normalized-external-format) (pick-input-routine target-type (fd-stream-external-format fd-stream)) (when normalized-external-format (setf (fd-stream-external-format fd-stream) normalized-external-format)) (unless routine (error "could not find any input routine for ~S" target-type)) (if character-stream-p (setf (fd-stream-in fd-stream) routine (fd-stream-bin fd-stream) #'ill-bin) (setf (fd-stream-in fd-stream) #'ill-in (fd-stream-bin fd-stream) routine)) (when (eql size 1) (setf (fd-stream-n-bin fd-stream) (if character-stream-p read-n-characters #'fd-stream-read-n-bytes)) (when (and buffer-p ;; We only create this buffer for streams of type ;; (unsigned-byte 8). Because there's no buffer, the ;; other element-types will dispatch to the appropriate ;; input (output) routine in fast-read-byte. (or character-stream-p (equal target-type '(unsigned-byte 8))) (not output-p) ; temporary disable on :io streams #+(or) (or (eq type 'unsigned-byte) (eq type :default))) (if character-stream-p (setf (ansi-stream-cin-buffer fd-stream) (make-array +ansi-stream-in-buffer-length+ :element-type 'character)) (setf (ansi-stream-in-buffer fd-stream) (make-array +ansi-stream-in-buffer-length+ :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))))) (setf input-size size) (setf input-type type))) (when output-p (multiple-value-bind (routine type size output-bytes normalized-external-format) (pick-output-routine target-type (fd-stream-buffering fd-stream) (fd-stream-external-format fd-stream)) (when normalized-external-format (setf (fd-stream-external-format fd-stream) normalized-external-format)) (unless routine (error "could not find any output routine for ~S buffered ~S" (fd-stream-buffering fd-stream) target-type)) (when character-stream-p (setf (fd-stream-output-bytes fd-stream) output-bytes)) (if character-stream-p (setf (fd-stream-out fd-stream) routine (fd-stream-bout fd-stream) #'ill-bout) (setf (fd-stream-out fd-stream) (or (if (eql size 1) (pick-output-routine 'base-char (fd-stream-buffering fd-stream))) #'ill-out) (fd-stream-bout fd-stream) routine)) (setf (fd-stream-sout fd-stream) (if (eql size 1) #'fd-sout #'ill-out)) (setf output-size size) (setf output-type type))) (when (and input-size output-size (not (eq input-size output-size))) (error "Element sizes for input (~S:~S) and output (~S:~S) differ?" input-type input-size output-type output-size)) (setf (fd-stream-element-size fd-stream) (or input-size output-size)) (setf (fd-stream-element-type fd-stream) (cond ((equal input-type output-type) input-type) ((null output-type) input-type) ((null input-type) output-type) ((subtypep input-type output-type) input-type) ((subtypep output-type input-type) output-type) (t (error "Input type (~S) and output type (~S) are unrelated?" input-type output-type)))))) ;;; Handle miscellaneous operations on FD-STREAM. (defun fd-stream-misc-routine (fd-stream operation &optional arg1 arg2) (declare (ignore arg2)) (case operation (:listen (or (not (eql (fd-stream-ibuf-head fd-stream) (fd-stream-ibuf-tail fd-stream))) (fd-stream-listen fd-stream) (setf (fd-stream-listen fd-stream) (eql (sb!alien:with-alien ((read-fds (sb!alien:struct sb!unix:fd-set))) (sb!unix:fd-zero read-fds) (sb!unix:fd-set (fd-stream-fd fd-stream) read-fds) (sb!unix:unix-fast-select (1+ (fd-stream-fd fd-stream)) (sb!alien:addr read-fds) nil nil 0 0)) 1)))) (:unread (setf (fd-stream-unread fd-stream) arg1) (setf (fd-stream-listen fd-stream) t)) (:close (cond (arg1 ; We got us an abort on our hands. (when (fd-stream-handler fd-stream) (sb!sys:remove-fd-handler (fd-stream-handler fd-stream)) (setf (fd-stream-handler fd-stream) nil)) ;; We can't do anything unless we know what file were ;; dealing with, and we don't want to do anything ;; strange unless we were writing to the file. (when (and (fd-stream-file fd-stream) (fd-stream-obuf-sap fd-stream)) (if (fd-stream-original fd-stream) ;; If the original is EQ to file we are appending ;; and can just close the file without renaming. (unless (eq (fd-stream-original fd-stream) (fd-stream-file fd-stream)) ;; We have a handle on the original, just revert. (multiple-value-bind (okay err) (sb!unix:unix-rename (fd-stream-original fd-stream) (fd-stream-file fd-stream)) (unless okay (simple-stream-perror "couldn't restore ~S to its original contents" fd-stream err)))) ;; We can't restore the original, and aren't ;; appending, so nuke that puppy. ;; ;; FIXME: This is currently the fate of superseded ;; files, and according to the CLOSE spec this is ;; wrong. However, there seems to be no clean way to ;; do that that doesn't involve either copying the ;; data (bad if the :abort resulted from a full ;; disk), or renaming the old file temporarily ;; (probably bad because stream opening becomes more ;; racy). (multiple-value-bind (okay err) (sb!unix:unix-unlink (fd-stream-file fd-stream)) (unless okay (error 'simple-file-error :pathname (fd-stream-file fd-stream) :format-control "~@" :format-arguments (list (fd-stream-file fd-stream) (strerror err)))))))) (t (fd-stream-misc-routine fd-stream :finish-output) (when (and (fd-stream-original fd-stream) (fd-stream-delete-original fd-stream)) (multiple-value-bind (okay err) (sb!unix:unix-unlink (fd-stream-original fd-stream)) (unless okay (error 'simple-file-error :pathname (fd-stream-original fd-stream) :format-control "~@" :format-arguments (list (fd-stream-original fd-stream) fd-stream (strerror err)))))))) (when (fboundp 'cancel-finalization) (cancel-finalization fd-stream)) (sb!unix:unix-close (fd-stream-fd fd-stream)) (when (fd-stream-obuf-sap fd-stream) (push (fd-stream-obuf-sap fd-stream) *available-buffers*) (setf (fd-stream-obuf-sap fd-stream) nil)) (when (fd-stream-ibuf-sap fd-stream) (push (fd-stream-ibuf-sap fd-stream) *available-buffers*) (setf (fd-stream-ibuf-sap fd-stream) nil)) (sb!impl::set-closed-flame fd-stream)) (:clear-input (setf (fd-stream-unread fd-stream) nil) (setf (fd-stream-ibuf-head fd-stream) 0) (setf (fd-stream-ibuf-tail fd-stream) 0) (catch 'eof-input-catcher (loop (let ((count (sb!alien:with-alien ((read-fds (sb!alien:struct sb!unix:fd-set))) (sb!unix:fd-zero read-fds) (sb!unix:fd-set (fd-stream-fd fd-stream) read-fds) (sb!unix:unix-fast-select (1+ (fd-stream-fd fd-stream)) (sb!alien:addr read-fds) nil nil 0 0)))) (cond ((eql count 1) (refill-buffer/fd fd-stream) (setf (fd-stream-ibuf-head fd-stream) 0) (setf (fd-stream-ibuf-tail fd-stream) 0)) (t (return t))))))) (:force-output (flush-output-buffer fd-stream)) (:finish-output (flush-output-buffer fd-stream) (do () ((null (fd-stream-output-later fd-stream))) (sb!sys:serve-all-events))) (:element-type (fd-stream-element-type fd-stream)) (:external-format (fd-stream-external-format fd-stream)) (:interactive-p (= 1 (the (member 0 1) (sb!unix:unix-isatty (fd-stream-fd fd-stream))))) (:line-length 80) (:charpos (fd-stream-char-pos fd-stream)) (:file-length (unless (fd-stream-file fd-stream) ;; This is a TYPE-ERROR because ANSI's species FILE-LENGTH ;; "should signal an error of type TYPE-ERROR if stream is not ;; a stream associated with a file". Too bad there's no very ;; appropriate value for the EXPECTED-TYPE slot.. (error 'simple-type-error :datum fd-stream :expected-type 'fd-stream :format-control "~S is not a stream associated with a file." :format-arguments (list fd-stream))) (multiple-value-bind (okay dev ino mode nlink uid gid rdev size atime mtime ctime blksize blocks) (sb!unix:unix-fstat (fd-stream-fd fd-stream)) (declare (ignore ino nlink uid gid rdev atime mtime ctime blksize blocks)) (unless okay (simple-stream-perror "failed Unix fstat(2) on ~S" fd-stream dev)) (if (zerop mode) nil (truncate size (fd-stream-element-size fd-stream))))) ;; FIXME: I doubt this is correct in the presence of Unicode, ;; since fd-stream FILE-POSITION is measured in bytes. (:file-string-length (etypecase arg1 (character 1) (string (length arg1)))) (:file-position (fd-stream-file-position fd-stream arg1)))) (defun fd-stream-file-position (stream &optional newpos) (declare (type fd-stream stream) (type (or (alien sb!unix:off-t) (member nil :start :end)) newpos)) (if (null newpos) (sb!sys:without-interrupts ;; First, find the position of the UNIX file descriptor in the file. (multiple-value-bind (posn errno) (sb!unix:unix-lseek (fd-stream-fd stream) 0 sb!unix:l_incr) (declare (type (or (alien sb!unix:off-t) null) posn)) (cond ((integerp posn) ;; Adjust for buffered output: If there is any output ;; buffered, the *real* file position will be larger ;; than reported by lseek() because lseek() obviously ;; cannot take into account output we have not sent ;; yet. (dolist (later (fd-stream-output-later stream)) (incf posn (- (caddr later) (cadr later)))) (incf posn (fd-stream-obuf-tail stream)) ;; Adjust for unread input: If there is any input ;; read from UNIX but not supplied to the user of the ;; stream, the *real* file position will smaller than ;; reported, because we want to look like the unread ;; stuff is still available. (decf posn (- (fd-stream-ibuf-tail stream) (fd-stream-ibuf-head stream))) (when (fd-stream-unread stream) (decf posn)) ;; Divide bytes by element size. (truncate posn (fd-stream-element-size stream))) ((eq errno sb!unix:espipe) nil) (t (sb!sys:with-interrupts (simple-stream-perror "failure in Unix lseek() on ~S" stream errno)))))) (let ((offset 0) origin) (declare (type (alien sb!unix:off-t) offset)) ;; Make sure we don't have any output pending, because if we ;; move the file pointer before writing this stuff, it will be ;; written in the wrong location. (flush-output-buffer stream) (do () ((null (fd-stream-output-later stream))) (sb!sys:serve-all-events)) ;; Clear out any pending input to force the next read to go to ;; the disk. (setf (fd-stream-unread stream) nil) (setf (fd-stream-ibuf-head stream) 0) (setf (fd-stream-ibuf-tail stream) 0) ;; Trash cached value for listen, so that we check next time. (setf (fd-stream-listen stream) nil) ;; Now move it. (cond ((eq newpos :start) (setf offset 0 origin sb!unix:l_set)) ((eq newpos :end) (setf offset 0 origin sb!unix:l_xtnd)) ((typep newpos '(alien sb!unix:off-t)) (setf offset (* newpos (fd-stream-element-size stream)) origin sb!unix:l_set)) (t (error "invalid position given to FILE-POSITION: ~S" newpos))) (multiple-value-bind (posn errno) (sb!unix:unix-lseek (fd-stream-fd stream) offset origin) (cond ((typep posn '(alien sb!unix:off-t)) t) ((eq errno sb!unix:espipe) nil) (t (simple-stream-perror "error in Unix lseek() on ~S" stream errno))))))) ;;;; creation routines (MAKE-FD-STREAM and OPEN) ;;; Create a stream for the given Unix file descriptor. ;;; ;;; If INPUT is non-NIL, allow input operations. If OUTPUT is non-nil, ;;; allow output operations. If neither INPUT nor OUTPUT is specified, ;;; default to allowing input. ;;; ;;; ELEMENT-TYPE indicates the element type to use (as for OPEN). ;;; ;;; BUFFERING indicates the kind of buffering to use. ;;; ;;; TIMEOUT (if true) is the number of seconds to wait for input. If ;;; NIL (the default), then wait forever. When we time out, we signal ;;; IO-TIMEOUT. ;;; ;;; FILE is the name of the file (will be returned by PATHNAME). ;;; ;;; NAME is used to identify the stream when printed. (defun make-fd-stream (fd &key (input nil input-p) (output nil output-p) (element-type 'base-char) (buffering :full) (external-format :default) timeout file original delete-original pathname input-buffer-p dual-channel-p (name (if file (format nil "file ~S" file) (format nil "descriptor ~W" fd))) auto-close) (declare (type index fd) (type (or index null) timeout) (type (member :none :line :full) buffering)) (cond ((not (or input-p output-p)) (setf input t)) ((not (or input output)) (error "File descriptor must be opened either for input or output."))) (let ((stream (%make-fd-stream :fd fd :name name :file file :original original :delete-original delete-original :pathname pathname :buffering buffering :dual-channel-p dual-channel-p :external-format external-format :timeout timeout))) (when input (setf (fd-stream-ibuf-sap stream) (next-available-buffer)) (setf (fd-stream-ibuf-length stream) bytes-per-buffer) (setf (fd-stream-ibuf-tail stream) 0)) (when output (setf (fd-stream-obuf-sap stream) (next-available-buffer)) (setf (fd-stream-obuf-length stream) bytes-per-buffer) (setf (fd-stream-obuf-tail stream) 0) (setf (fd-stream-char-pos stream) 0)) (set-fd-stream-routines stream element-type input output input-buffer-p) (when (and auto-close (fboundp 'finalize)) (finalize stream (lambda () (sb!unix:unix-close fd) #!+sb-show (format *terminal-io* "** closed file descriptor ~W **~%" fd)))) stream)) ;;; Pick a name to use for the backup file for the :IF-EXISTS ;;; :RENAME-AND-DELETE and :RENAME options. (defun pick-backup-name (name) (declare (type simple-base-string name)) (concatenate 'simple-base-string name ".bak")) ;;; Ensure that the given arg is one of the given list of valid ;;; things. Allow the user to fix any problems. (defun ensure-one-of (item list what) (unless (member item list) (error 'simple-type-error :datum item :expected-type `(member ,@list) :format-control "~@<~S is ~_invalid for ~S; ~_need one of~{ ~S~}~:>" :format-arguments (list item what list)))) ;;; Rename NAMESTRING to ORIGINAL. First, check whether we have write ;;; access, since we don't want to trash unwritable files even if we ;;; technically can. We return true if we succeed in renaming. (defun rename-the-old-one (namestring original) (unless (sb!unix:unix-access namestring sb!unix:w_ok) (error "~@" namestring)) (multiple-value-bind (okay err) (sb!unix:unix-rename namestring original) (if okay t (error 'simple-file-error :pathname namestring :format-control "~@" :format-arguments (list namestring original (strerror err)))))) (defun open (filename &key (direction :input) (element-type 'base-char) (if-exists nil if-exists-given) (if-does-not-exist nil if-does-not-exist-given) (external-format :default) &aux ; Squelch assignment warning. (direction direction) (if-does-not-exist if-does-not-exist) (if-exists if-exists)) #!+sb-doc "Return a stream which reads from or writes to FILENAME. Defined keywords: :DIRECTION - one of :INPUT, :OUTPUT, :IO, or :PROBE :ELEMENT-TYPE - the type of object to read or write, default BASE-CHAR :IF-EXISTS - one of :ERROR, :NEW-VERSION, :RENAME, :RENAME-AND-DELETE, :OVERWRITE, :APPEND, :SUPERSEDE or NIL :IF-DOES-NOT-EXIST - one of :ERROR, :CREATE or NIL See the manual for details." ;; Calculate useful stuff. (multiple-value-bind (input output mask) (case direction (:input (values t nil sb!unix:o_rdonly)) (:output (values nil t sb!unix:o_wronly)) (:io (values t t sb!unix:o_rdwr)) (:probe (values t nil sb!unix:o_rdonly))) (declare (type index mask)) (let* ((pathname (merge-pathnames filename)) (namestring (cond ((unix-namestring pathname input)) ((and input (eq if-does-not-exist :create)) (unix-namestring pathname nil)) ((and (eq direction :io) (not if-does-not-exist-given)) (unix-namestring pathname nil))))) ;; Process if-exists argument if we are doing any output. (cond (output (unless if-exists-given (setf if-exists (if (eq (pathname-version pathname) :newest) :new-version :error))) (ensure-one-of if-exists '(:error :new-version :rename :rename-and-delete :overwrite :append :supersede nil) :if-exists) (case if-exists ((:new-version :error nil) (setf mask (logior mask sb!unix:o_excl))) ((:rename :rename-and-delete) (setf mask (logior mask sb!unix:o_creat))) ((:supersede) (setf mask (logior mask sb!unix:o_trunc))) (:append (setf mask (logior mask sb!unix:o_append))))) (t (setf if-exists :ignore-this-arg))) (unless if-does-not-exist-given (setf if-does-not-exist (cond ((eq direction :input) :error) ((and output (member if-exists '(:overwrite :append))) :error) ((eq direction :probe) nil) (t :create)))) (ensure-one-of if-does-not-exist '(:error :create nil) :if-does-not-exist) (if (eq if-does-not-exist :create) (setf mask (logior mask sb!unix:o_creat))) (let ((original (case if-exists ((:rename :rename-and-delete) (pick-backup-name namestring)) ((:append :overwrite) ;; KLUDGE: Provent CLOSE from deleting ;; appending streams when called with :ABORT T namestring))) (delete-original (eq if-exists :rename-and-delete)) (mode #o666)) (when (and original (not (eq original namestring))) ;; We are doing a :RENAME or :RENAME-AND-DELETE. Determine ;; whether the file already exists, make sure the original ;; file is not a directory, and keep the mode. (let ((exists (and namestring (multiple-value-bind (okay err/dev inode orig-mode) (sb!unix:unix-stat namestring) (declare (ignore inode) (type (or index null) orig-mode)) (cond (okay (when (and output (= (logand orig-mode #o170000) #o40000)) (error 'simple-file-error :pathname namestring :format-control "can't open ~S for output: is a directory" :format-arguments (list namestring))) (setf mode (logand orig-mode #o777)) t) ((eql err/dev sb!unix:enoent) nil) (t (simple-file-perror "can't find ~S" namestring err/dev))))))) (unless (and exists (rename-the-old-one namestring original)) (setf original nil) (setf delete-original nil) ;; In order to use :SUPERSEDE instead, we have to make ;; sure SB!UNIX:O_CREAT corresponds to ;; IF-DOES-NOT-EXIST. SB!UNIX:O_CREAT was set before ;; because of IF-EXISTS being :RENAME. (unless (eq if-does-not-exist :create) (setf mask (logior (logandc2 mask sb!unix:o_creat) sb!unix:o_trunc))) (setf if-exists :supersede)))) ;; Now we can try the actual Unix open(2). (multiple-value-bind (fd errno) (if namestring (sb!unix:unix-open namestring mask mode) (values nil sb!unix:enoent)) (labels ((open-error (format-control &rest format-arguments) (error 'simple-file-error :pathname pathname :format-control format-control :format-arguments format-arguments)) (vanilla-open-error () (simple-file-perror "error opening ~S" pathname errno))) (cond ((numberp fd) (case direction ((:input :output :io) (make-fd-stream fd :input input :output output :element-type element-type :external-format external-format :file namestring :original original :delete-original delete-original :pathname pathname :dual-channel-p nil :input-buffer-p t :auto-close t)) (:probe (let ((stream (%make-fd-stream :name namestring :fd fd :pathname pathname :element-type element-type))) (close stream) stream)))) ((eql errno sb!unix:enoent) (case if-does-not-exist (:error (vanilla-open-error)) (:create (open-error "~@" pathname)) (t nil))) ((and (eql errno sb!unix:eexist) (null if-exists)) nil) (t (vanilla-open-error))))))))) ;;;; initialization ;;; the stream connected to the controlling terminal, or NIL if there is none (defvar *tty*) ;;; the stream connected to the standard input (file descriptor 0) (defvar *stdin*) ;;; the stream connected to the standard output (file descriptor 1) (defvar *stdout*) ;;; the stream connected to the standard error output (file descriptor 2) (defvar *stderr*) ;;; This is called when the cold load is first started up, and may also ;;; be called in an attempt to recover from nested errors. (defun stream-cold-init-or-reset () (stream-reinit) (setf *terminal-io* (make-synonym-stream '*tty*)) (setf *standard-output* (make-synonym-stream '*stdout*)) (setf *standard-input* (make-synonym-stream '*stdin*)) (setf *error-output* (make-synonym-stream '*stderr*)) (setf *query-io* (make-synonym-stream '*terminal-io*)) (setf *debug-io* *query-io*) (setf *trace-output* *standard-output*) (values)) ;;; This is called whenever a saved core is restarted. (defun stream-reinit () (setf *available-buffers* nil) (setf *stdin* (make-fd-stream 0 :name "standard input" :input t :buffering :line)) (setf *stdout* (make-fd-stream 1 :name "standard output" :output t :buffering :line)) (setf *stderr* (make-fd-stream 2 :name "standard error" :output t :buffering :line)) (let* ((ttyname #.(coerce "/dev/tty" 'simple-base-string)) (tty (sb!unix:unix-open ttyname sb!unix:o_rdwr #o666))) (if tty (setf *tty* (make-fd-stream tty :name "the terminal" :input t :output t :buffering :line :auto-close t)) (setf *tty* (make-two-way-stream *stdin* *stdout*)))) (values)) ;;;; miscellany ;;; the Unix way to beep (defun beep (stream) (write-char (code-char bell-char-code) stream) (finish-output stream)) ;;; This is kind of like FILE-POSITION, but is an internal hack used ;;; by the filesys stuff to get and set the file name. ;;; ;;; FIXME: misleading name, screwy interface (defun file-name (stream &optional new-name) (when (typep stream 'fd-stream) (cond (new-name (setf (fd-stream-pathname stream) new-name) (setf (fd-stream-file stream) (unix-namestring new-name nil)) t) (t (fd-stream-pathname stream)))))