;;;; This file contains functions that hack on the global function ;;;; namespace (primarily concerned with SETF functions here). Also, ;;;; function encapsulation and routines that set and return ;;;; definitions disregarding whether they might be encapsulated. ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!IMPL") (sb!int::/show0 "fdefinition.lisp 22") ;;;; fdefinition (fdefn) objects (defun make-fdefn (name) (make-fdefn name)) (defun fdefn-name (fdefn) (declare (type fdefn fdefn)) (fdefn-name fdefn)) (defun fdefn-function (fdefn) (declare (type fdefn fdefn) (values (or function null))) (fdefn-function fdefn)) (defun (setf fdefn-function) (fun fdefn) (declare (type function fun) (type fdefn fdefn) (values function)) (setf (fdefn-function fdefn) fun)) (defun fdefn-makunbound (fdefn) (declare (type fdefn fdefn)) (fdefn-makunbound fdefn)) ;;; This function is called by !COLD-INIT after the globaldb has been ;;; initialized, but before anything else. We need to install these ;;; fdefn objects into the globaldb before any top level forms run, or ;;; we will end up with two different fdefn objects being used for the ;;; same function name. *!INITIAL-FDEFN-OBJECTS* is set up by GENESIS. (defvar *!initial-fdefn-objects*) (defun !fdefn-cold-init () (dolist (fdefn *!initial-fdefn-objects*) (setf (info :function :definition (fdefn-name fdefn)) fdefn))) (defun fdefinition-object (name create) #!+sb-doc "Return the fdefn object for NAME. If it doesn't already exist and CREATE is non-NIL, create a new (unbound) one." (declare (values (or fdefn null))) (unless (legal-function-name-p name) (error 'simple-type-error :datum name :expected-type '(or symbol list) :format-control "invalid function name: ~S" :format-arguments (list name))) (let ((fdefn (info :function :definition name))) (if (and (null fdefn) create) (setf (info :function :definition name) (make-fdefn name)) fdefn))) ;;; FIXME: If the fundamental operation performed when ;;; funcalling a symbol is %COERCE-NAME-TO-FUNCTION, which expands into ;;; FDEFINITION-OBJECT, which does (INFO :FUNCTION :DEFINITION NAME), ;;; that's a horrendously heavyweight way to implement SYMBOL-FUNCTION. ;;; What compelling reason is there for all this hairiness? The only ;;; thing I can think of is that it does give a place to store ;;; SETF functions, but I don't think that's a good enough reason. ;;; It might even be that the FDEFINITION arrangement saves a little ;;; space, if the proportion of function-less symbols is high enough, ;;; but I don't think that's a good enough reason, either. ;;; I'd really like to wipe out FDEFN stuff root and branch, and ;;; just store SETF functions in the symbol property list. ;;; ;;; One problem with just doing the simple thing: What happens when ;;; people call symbols which have no function definitions? ;;; 1. Just hit "undefined function" error -- with no clue as to ;;; what undefined function it was. (This might actually not be ;;; too horrible, since the compiler warns you about undefined ;;; functions and the debugger aims, with incomplete success, ;;; to show you what form caused an error.) ;;; 2. various solutions involving closures in the function slot, ;;; all of which have the drawback of extra memory use and extra ;;; difficulty in detecting when functions are undefined ;;; 2a. Have every single symbol have an undefined function closure ;;; which points back to it to tell you which undefined symbol it ;;; was. (4 extra words per undefined symbol) ;;; 2b. Play tricks with FDEFINITION, where the default SYMBOL-FUNCTION ;;; for any function is an anonymous "undefined function" error ;;; which doesn't tell you what the problem was, but if FDEFINITION ;;; is ever called on an undefined symbol, it helpfully changes the ;;; function definition to point to a closure which knows which ;;; symbol caused the problem. ;;; 4. Just don't sweat it except when DEBUG>SPEED, where the calling ;;; convention gets tweaked to test for the undefined-function ;;; function at call time and bail out with helpful information ;;; if it's there. ;;; 5. Require that the function calling convention be stereotyped ;;; along the lines of ;;; mov %ebx, local_immediate_3 ; Point to symbol. ;;; mov %eax, symbol_function_offset(%eax) ; Point to function. ;;; call *function_code_pointer(%eax) ; Go. ;;; That way, it's guaranteed that on entry to a function, %EBX points ;;; back to the symbol which was used to indirect into the function, ;;; so the undefined function handler can base its complaint on that. ;;; ;;; Another problem with doing the simple thing: people will want to ;;; indirect through something in order to get to SETF functions, in ;;; order to be able to redefine them. What will they indirect ;;; through? This could be done with a hack, making an anonymous ;;; symbol and linking it to the main symbol's SB!KERNEL:SETF-FUNCTION ;;; property. The anonymous symbol could even point back to the symbol ;;; it's the SETF function for, so that if the SETF function was ;;; undefined at the time a call was made, the debugger could say ;;; which function caused the problem. It'd probably be cleaner, ;;; though, to use a new type of primitive object (SYMBOLOID?) ;;; instead. It could probably be like symbol except that its name ;;; could be any object and its value points back to the symbol which ;;; owns it. Then the setf functions for FOO could be on the list (GET ;;; FOO 'SB!KERNEL:SYMBOLOIDS) ;;; ;;; FIXME: Oh, my. Now that I've started thinking about it, I ;;; appreciate more fully how weird and twisted FDEFNs might be. Look ;;; at the calling sequence for full calls. It goes and reads the ;;; address of a function object from its own table of immediate ;;; values, then jumps into that. Consider how weird that is. Not only ;;; is it not doing indirection through a symbol (which I'd already ;;; realized) but it's not doing indirection through ;;; The compiler emits calls to this when someone tries to funcall a symbol. (defun %coerce-name-to-function (name) #!+sb-doc "Return the definition for name, including any encapsulations. Settable with SETF." (let ((fdefn (fdefinition-object name nil))) (or (and fdefn (fdefn-function fdefn)) (error 'undefined-function :name name)))) (defun %coerce-callable-to-function (callable) (if (functionp callable) callable (%coerce-name-to-function callable))) ;;; This is just another name for %COERCE-NAME-TO-FUNCTION. #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline raw-definition)) (defun raw-definition (name) ;; We know that we are calling %COERCE-NAME-TO-FUNCTION, so don't remind us. (declare (optimize (inhibit-warnings 3))) (%coerce-name-to-function name)) (defun (setf raw-definition) (function name) (let ((fdefn (fdefinition-object name t))) (setf (fdefn-function fdefn) function))) ;;; FIXME: There seems to be no good reason to have both ;;; %COERCE-NAME-TO-FUNCTION and RAW-DEFINITION names for the same ;;; thing. And despite what the doc string of %COERCE-NAME-TO-FUNCTION ;;; says, it's doesn't look settable. Perhaps we could collapse ;;; %COERCE-TO-FUNCTION, RAW-DEFINITION, and (SETF RAW-DEFINITION) ;;; into RAW-FDEFINITION and (SETF RAW-FDEFINITION), or ;;; OUTER-FDEFINITION and (SETF OUTER-FDEFINITION). ;;;; definition encapsulation (defstruct (encapsulation-info (:constructor make-encapsulation-info (type definition)) (:copier nil)) ;; This is definition's encapsulation type. The encapsulated ;; definition is in the previous encapsulation-info element or ;; installed as the global definition of some function name. type ;; the previous, encapsulated definition. This used to be installed ;; as a global definition for some function name, but it was ;; replaced by an encapsulation of type TYPE. (definition nil :type function)) ;;; Replace the definition of NAME with a function that binds NAME's ;;; arguments a variable named argument-list, binds name's definition ;;; to a variable named basic-definition, and evaluates BODY in that ;;; context. TYPE is whatever you would like to associate with this ;;; encapsulation for identification in case you need multiple ;;; encapsulations of the same name. (defun encapsulate (name type body) (let ((fdefn (fdefinition-object name nil))) (unless (and fdefn (fdefn-function fdefn)) (error 'undefined-function :name name)) ;; We must bind and close over INFO. Consider the case where we ;; encapsulate (the second) an encapsulated (the first) ;; definition, and later someone unencapsulates the encapsulated ;; (first) definition. We don't want our encapsulation (second) to ;; bind basic-definition to the encapsulated (first) definition ;; when it no longer exists. When unencapsulating, we make sure to ;; clobber the appropriate INFO structure to allow ;; basic-definition to be bound to the next definition instead of ;; an encapsulation that no longer exists. (let ((info (make-encapsulation-info type (fdefn-function fdefn)))) (setf (fdefn-function fdefn) (lambda (&rest argument-list) (declare (special argument-list)) (let ((basic-definition (encapsulation-info-definition info))) (declare (special basic-definition)) (eval body))))))) ;;; This is like FIND-IF, except that we do it on a compiled closure's ;;; environment. (defun find-if-in-closure (test fun) (dotimes (index (1- (get-closure-length fun))) (let ((elt (%closure-index-ref fun index))) (when (funcall test elt) (return elt))))) ;;; Find the encapsulation info that has been closed over. (defun encapsulation-info (fun) (and (functionp fun) (= (get-type fun) sb!vm:closure-header-type) (find-if-in-closure #'encapsulation-info-p fun))) ;;; When removing an encapsulation, we must remember that ;;; encapsulating definitions close over a reference to the ;;; encapsulation-info that describes the encapsulating definition. ;;; When you find an info with the target type, the previous info in ;;; the chain has the ensulating definition of that type. We take the ;;; encapsulated definition from the info with the target type, and we ;;; store it in the previous info structure whose encapsulating ;;; definition it describes looks to this previous info structure for ;;; a definition to bind (see ENCAPSULATE). When removing the first ;;; info structure, we do something conceptually equal, but ;;; mechanically it is different. (defun unencapsulate (name type) #!+sb-doc "Removes NAME's most recent encapsulation of the specified TYPE." (let* ((fdefn (fdefinition-object name nil)) (encap-info (encapsulation-info (fdefn-function fdefn)))) (declare (type (or encapsulation-info null) encap-info)) (cond ((not encap-info) ;; It disappeared on us, so don't worry about it. ) ((eq (encapsulation-info-type encap-info) type) ;; It's the first one, so change the fdefn object. (setf (fdefn-function fdefn) (encapsulation-info-definition encap-info))) (t ;; It must be an interior one, so find it. (loop (let ((next-info (encapsulation-info (encapsulation-info-definition encap-info)))) (unless next-info ;; Not there, so don't worry about it. (return)) (when (eq (encapsulation-info-type next-info) type) ;; This is it, so unlink us. (setf (encapsulation-info-definition encap-info) (encapsulation-info-definition next-info)) (return)) (setf encap-info next-info)))))) t) ;;; Does NAME have an encapsulation of the given TYPE? (defun encapsulated-p (name type) (let ((fdefn (fdefinition-object name nil))) (do ((encap-info (encapsulation-info (fdefn-function fdefn)) (encapsulation-info (encapsulation-info-definition encap-info)))) ((null encap-info) nil) (declare (type (or encapsulation-info null) encap-info)) (when (eq (encapsulation-info-type encap-info) type) (return t))))) ;;;; FDEFINITION ;;; KLUDGE: Er, it looks as though this means that ;;; (FUNCALL (FDEFINITION 'FOO)) ;;; doesn't do the same thing as ;;; (FUNCALL 'FOO). ;;; That doesn't look like ANSI behavior to me. Look e.g. at the ;;; ANSI definition of TRACE: "Whenever a traced function is invoked, ;;; information about the call, ..". Try this: ;;; (DEFUN FOO () (PRINT "foo")) ;;; (TRACE FOO) ;;; (FUNCALL 'FOO) ;;; (FUNCALL (FDEFINITION 'FOO)) ;;; What to do? ANSI says TRACE "Might change the definitions of the functions ;;; named by function-names." Might it be OK to just get punt all this ;;; encapsulation stuff and go back to a simple but correct implementation of ;;; TRACE? We'd lose the ability to redefine a TRACEd function and keep the ;;; trace in place, but that seems tolerable to me. (Is the wrapper stuff ;;; needed for anything else besides TRACE?) ;;; ;;; The only problem I can see with not having a wrapper: If tracing ;;; EQ, EQL, EQUAL, or EQUALP causes its function address to change, ;;; it will mess up the MAKE-HASH-TABLE logic which uses EQ tests ;;; on those function values. -- WHN 19990906 (defun fdefinition (name) #!+sb-doc "Return name's global function definition taking care to respect any encapsulations and to return the innermost encapsulated definition. This is SETF'able." (let ((fun (raw-definition name))) (loop (let ((encap-info (encapsulation-info fun))) (if encap-info (setf fun (encapsulation-info-definition encap-info)) (return fun)))))) (defvar *setf-fdefinition-hook* nil #!+sb-doc "This holds functions that (SETF FDEFINITION) invokes before storing the new value. These functions take the function name and the new value.") (defun %set-fdefinition (name new-value) #!+sb-doc "Set NAME's global function definition." (declare (type function new-value) (optimize (safety 1))) (let ((fdefn (fdefinition-object name t))) ;; *SETF-FDEFINITION-HOOK* won't be bound when initially running top-level ;; forms in the kernel core startup. (when (boundp '*setf-fdefinition-hook*) (dolist (f *setf-fdefinition-hook*) (funcall f name new-value))) (let ((encap-info (encapsulation-info (fdefn-function fdefn)))) (cond (encap-info (loop (let ((more-info (encapsulation-info (encapsulation-info-definition encap-info)))) (if more-info (setf encap-info more-info) (return (setf (encapsulation-info-definition encap-info) new-value)))))) (t (setf (fdefn-function fdefn) new-value)))))) ;;;; FBOUNDP and FMAKUNBOUND (defun fboundp (name) #!+sb-doc "Return true if name has a global function definition." (let ((fdefn (fdefinition-object name nil))) (and fdefn (fdefn-function fdefn) t))) (defun fmakunbound (name) #!+sb-doc "Make NAME have no global function definition." (let ((fdefn (fdefinition-object name nil))) (when fdefn (fdefn-makunbound fdefn))) name)