;;;; file system interface functions -- fairly Unix-centric, but with ;;;; differences between Unix and Win32 papered over. ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!IMPL") ;;;; Unix pathname host support ;;; FIXME: the below shouldn't really be here, but in documentation ;;; (chapter 19 makes a lot of requirements for documenting ;;; implementation-dependent decisions), but anyway it's probably not ;;; what we currently do. ;;; ;;; Unix namestrings have the following format: ;;; ;;; namestring := [ directory ] [ file [ type [ version ]]] ;;; directory := [ "/" ] { file "/" }* ;;; file := [^/]* ;;; type := "." [^/.]* ;;; version := "." ([0-9]+ | "*") ;;; ;;; Note: this grammar is ambiguous. The string foo.bar.5 can be ;;; parsed as either just the file specified or as specifying the ;;; file, type, and version. Therefore, we use the following rules ;;; when confronted with an ambiguous file.type.version string: ;;; ;;; - If the first character is a dot, it's part of the file. It is not ;;; considered a dot in the following rules. ;;; ;;; - Otherwise, the last dot separates the file and the type. ;;; ;;; Wildcard characters: ;;; ;;; If the directory, file, type components contain any of the ;;; following characters, it is considered part of a wildcard pattern ;;; and has the following meaning. ;;; ;;; ? - matches any one character ;;; * - matches any zero or more characters. ;;; [abc] - matches any of a, b, or c. ;;; {str1,str2,...,strn} - matches any of str1, str2, ..., or strn. ;;; (FIXME: no it doesn't) ;;; ;;; Any of these special characters can be preceded by a backslash to ;;; cause it to be treated as a regular character. (defun remove-backslashes (namestr start end) #!+sb-doc "Remove any occurrences of #\\ from the string because we've already checked for whatever they may have protected." (declare (type simple-string namestr) (type index start end)) (let* ((result (make-string (- end start) :element-type 'character)) (dst 0) (quoted nil)) (do ((src start (1+ src))) ((= src end)) (cond (quoted (setf (schar result dst) (schar namestr src)) (setf quoted nil) (incf dst)) (t (let ((char (schar namestr src))) (cond ((char= char #\\) (setq quoted t)) (t (setf (schar result dst) char) (incf dst))))))) (when quoted (error 'namestring-parse-error :complaint "backslash in a bad place" :namestring namestr :offset (1- end))) (%shrink-vector result dst))) (defvar *ignore-wildcards* nil) (/show0 "filesys.lisp 86") (defun maybe-make-pattern (namestr start end) (declare (type simple-string namestr) (type index start end)) (if *ignore-wildcards* (subseq namestr start end) (collect ((pattern)) (let ((quoted nil) (any-quotes nil) (last-regular-char nil) (index start)) (flet ((flush-pending-regulars () (when last-regular-char (pattern (if any-quotes (remove-backslashes namestr last-regular-char index) (subseq namestr last-regular-char index))) (setf any-quotes nil) (setf last-regular-char nil)))) (loop (when (>= index end) (return)) (let ((char (schar namestr index))) (cond (quoted (incf index) (setf quoted nil)) ((char= char #\\) (setf quoted t) (setf any-quotes t) (unless last-regular-char (setf last-regular-char index)) (incf index)) ((char= char #\?) (flush-pending-regulars) (pattern :single-char-wild) (incf index)) ((char= char #\*) (flush-pending-regulars) (pattern :multi-char-wild) (incf index)) ((char= char #\[) (flush-pending-regulars) (let ((close-bracket (position #\] namestr :start index :end end))) (unless close-bracket (error 'namestring-parse-error :complaint "#\\[ with no corresponding #\\]" :namestring namestr :offset index)) (pattern (cons :character-set (subseq namestr (1+ index) close-bracket))) (setf index (1+ close-bracket)))) (t (unless last-regular-char (setf last-regular-char index)) (incf index))))) (flush-pending-regulars))) (cond ((null (pattern)) "") ((null (cdr (pattern))) (let ((piece (first (pattern)))) (typecase piece ((member :multi-char-wild) :wild) (simple-string piece) (t (make-pattern (pattern)))))) (t (make-pattern (pattern))))))) (/show0 "filesys.lisp 160") (defun extract-name-type-and-version (namestr start end) (declare (type simple-string namestr) (type index start end)) (let* ((last-dot (position #\. namestr :start (1+ start) :end end :from-end t))) (cond (last-dot (values (maybe-make-pattern namestr start last-dot) (maybe-make-pattern namestr (1+ last-dot) end) :newest)) (t (values (maybe-make-pattern namestr start end) nil :newest))))) (/show0 "filesys.lisp 200") ;;;; wildcard matching stuff ;;; Return a list of all the Lispy filenames (not including e.g. the ;;; Unix magic "." and "..") in the directory named by DIRECTORY-NAME. (defun directory-lispy-filenames (directory-name) (with-alien ((adlf (* c-string) (alien-funcall (extern-alien "alloc_directory_lispy_filenames" (function (* c-string) c-string)) directory-name))) (if (null-alien adlf) (error 'simple-file-error :pathname directory-name :format-control "~@" :format-arguments (list directory-name (strerror))) (unwind-protect (c-strings->string-list adlf) (alien-funcall (extern-alien "free_directory_lispy_filenames" (function void (* c-string))) adlf))))) (/show0 "filesys.lisp 498") (defmacro !enumerate-matches ((var pathname &optional result &key (verify-existence t) (follow-links t)) &body body) `(block nil (%enumerate-matches (pathname ,pathname) ,verify-existence ,follow-links (lambda (,var) ,@body)) ,result)) (/show0 "filesys.lisp 500") ;;; Call FUNCTION on matches. ;;; ;;; KLUDGE: this assumes that an absolute pathname is indicated to the ;;; operating system by having a directory separator as the first ;;; character in the directory part. This is true for Win32 pathnames ;;; and for Unix pathnames, but it isn't true for LispM pathnames (and ;;; their bastard offspring, logical pathnames. Also it assumes that ;;; Unix pathnames have an empty or :unspecific device, and that ;;; windows drive letters are the only kinds of non-empty/:UNSPECIFIC ;;; devices. (defun %enumerate-matches (pathname verify-existence follow-links function) (/noshow0 "entering %ENUMERATE-MATCHES") (when (pathname-type pathname) (unless (pathname-name pathname) (error "cannot supply a type without a name:~% ~S" pathname))) (when (and (integerp (pathname-version pathname)) (member (pathname-type pathname) '(nil :unspecific))) (error "cannot supply a version without a type:~% ~S" pathname)) (let ((host (pathname-host pathname)) (device (pathname-device pathname)) (directory (pathname-directory pathname))) (/noshow0 "computed HOST and DIRECTORY") (let* ((dirstring (if directory (ecase (first directory) (:absolute (host-unparse-directory-separator host)) (:relative "")) "")) (devstring (if (and device (not (eq device :unspecific))) (concatenate 'simple-string (string device) (string #\:)) "")) (headstring (concatenate 'simple-string devstring dirstring))) (if directory (%enumerate-directories headstring (rest directory) pathname verify-existence follow-links nil function) (%enumerate-files headstring pathname verify-existence function))))) ;;; Call FUNCTION on directories. (defun %enumerate-directories (head tail pathname verify-existence follow-links nodes function &aux (host (pathname-host pathname))) (declare (simple-string head)) #!+win32 (setf follow-links nil) (macrolet ((unix-xstat (name) `(if follow-links (sb!unix:unix-stat ,name) (sb!unix:unix-lstat ,name))) (with-directory-node-noted ((head) &body body) `(multiple-value-bind (res dev ino mode) (unix-xstat ,head) (when (and res (eql (logand mode sb!unix:s-ifmt) sb!unix:s-ifdir)) (let ((nodes (cons (cons dev ino) nodes))) ,@body)))) (with-directory-node-removed ((head) &body body) `(multiple-value-bind (res dev ino mode) (unix-xstat ,head) (when (and res (eql (logand mode sb!unix:s-ifmt) sb!unix:s-ifdir)) (let ((nodes (remove (cons dev ino) nodes :test #'equal))) ,@body))))) (if tail (let ((piece (car tail))) (etypecase piece (simple-string (let ((head (concatenate 'string head piece))) (with-directory-node-noted (head) (%enumerate-directories (concatenate 'string head (host-unparse-directory-separator host)) (cdr tail) pathname verify-existence follow-links nodes function)))) ((member :wild-inferiors) ;; now with extra error case handling from CLHS ;; -- CSR, 2004-01-24 (when (member (cadr tail) '(:up :back)) (error 'simple-file-error :pathname pathname :format-control "~@." :format-arguments (list (cadr tail)))) (%enumerate-directories head (rest tail) pathname verify-existence follow-links nodes function) (dolist (name (directory-lispy-filenames head)) (let ((subdir (concatenate 'string head name))) (multiple-value-bind (res dev ino mode) (unix-xstat subdir) (declare (type (or fixnum null) mode)) (when (and res (eql (logand mode sb!unix:s-ifmt) sb!unix:s-ifdir)) (unless (dolist (dir nodes nil) (when (and (eql (car dir) dev) #!+win32 ;; KLUDGE (not (zerop ino)) (eql (cdr dir) ino)) (return t))) (let ((nodes (cons (cons dev ino) nodes)) (subdir (concatenate 'string subdir (host-unparse-directory-separator host)))) (%enumerate-directories subdir tail pathname verify-existence follow-links nodes function)))))))) ((or pattern (member :wild)) (dolist (name (directory-lispy-filenames head)) (when (or (eq piece :wild) (pattern-matches piece name)) (let ((subdir (concatenate 'string head name))) (multiple-value-bind (res dev ino mode) (unix-xstat subdir) (declare (type (or fixnum null) mode)) (when (and res (eql (logand mode sb!unix:s-ifmt) sb!unix:s-ifdir)) (let ((nodes (cons (cons dev ino) nodes)) (subdir (concatenate 'string subdir (host-unparse-directory-separator host)))) (%enumerate-directories subdir (rest tail) pathname verify-existence follow-links nodes function)))))))) ((member :up) (when (string= head (host-unparse-directory-separator host)) (error 'simple-file-error :pathname pathname :format-control "~@")) (with-directory-node-removed (head) (let ((head (concatenate 'string head ".."))) (with-directory-node-noted (head) (%enumerate-directories (concatenate 'string head (host-unparse-directory-separator host)) (rest tail) pathname verify-existence follow-links nodes function))))) ((member :back) ;; :WILD-INFERIORS is handled above, so the only case here ;; should be (:ABSOLUTE :BACK) (aver (string= head (host-unparse-directory-separator host))) (error 'simple-file-error :pathname pathname :format-control "~@")))) (%enumerate-files head pathname verify-existence function)))) ;;; Call FUNCTION on files. (defun %enumerate-files (directory pathname verify-existence function) (declare (simple-string directory)) (/noshow0 "entering %ENUMERATE-FILES") (let ((name (%pathname-name pathname)) (type (%pathname-type pathname)) (version (%pathname-version pathname))) (/noshow0 "computed NAME, TYPE, and VERSION") (cond ((member name '(nil :unspecific)) (/noshow0 "UNSPECIFIC, more or less") (let ((directory (coerce directory 'string))) (when (or (not verify-existence) (sb!unix:unix-file-kind directory)) (funcall function directory)))) ((or (pattern-p name) (pattern-p type) (eq name :wild) (eq type :wild)) (/noshow0 "WILD, more or less") ;; I IGNORE-ERRORS here just because the original CMU CL ;; code did. I think the intent is that it's not an error ;; to request matches to a wild pattern when no matches ;; exist, but I haven't tried to figure out whether ;; everything is kosher. (E.g. what if we try to match a ;; wildcard but we don't have permission to read one of the ;; relevant directories?) -- WHN 2001-04-17 (dolist (complete-filename (ignore-errors (directory-lispy-filenames directory))) (multiple-value-bind (file-name file-type file-version) (let ((*ignore-wildcards* t)) (extract-name-type-and-version complete-filename 0 (length complete-filename))) (when (and (components-match file-name name) (components-match file-type type) (components-match file-version version)) (funcall function (concatenate 'string directory complete-filename)))))) (t (/noshow0 "default case") (let ((file (concatenate 'string directory name))) (/noshow "computed basic FILE") (unless (or (null type) (eq type :unspecific)) (/noshow0 "tweaking FILE for more-or-less-:UNSPECIFIC case") (setf file (concatenate 'string file "." type))) (unless (member version '(nil :newest :wild :unspecific)) (/noshow0 "tweaking FILE for more-or-less-:WILD case") (setf file (concatenate 'string file "." (quick-integer-to-string version)))) (/noshow0 "finished possibly tweaking FILE") (when (or (not verify-existence) (sb!unix:unix-file-kind file t)) (/noshow0 "calling FUNCTION on FILE") (funcall function file))))))) (/noshow0 "filesys.lisp 603") ;;; FIXME: Why do we need this? (defun quick-integer-to-string (n) (declare (type integer n)) (cond ((not (fixnump n)) (write-to-string n :base 10 :radix nil)) ((zerop n) "0") ((eql n 1) "1") ((minusp n) (concatenate 'simple-base-string "-" (the simple-base-string (quick-integer-to-string (- n))))) (t (do* ((len (1+ (truncate (integer-length n) 3))) (res (make-string len :element-type 'base-char)) (i (1- len) (1- i)) (q n) (r 0)) ((zerop q) (incf i) (replace res res :start2 i :end2 len) (%shrink-vector res (- len i))) (declare (simple-string res) (fixnum len i r q)) (multiple-value-setq (q r) (truncate q 10)) (setf (schar res i) (schar "0123456789" r)))))) ;;;; UNIX-NAMESTRING (defun empty-relative-pathname-spec-p (x) (or (equal x "") (and (pathnamep x) (or (equal (pathname-directory x) '(:relative)) ;; KLUDGE: I'm not sure this second check should really ;; have to be here. But on sbcl-, ;; (PATHNAME-DIRECTORY (PATHNAME "")) is NIL, and ;; (PATHNAME "") seems to act like an empty relative ;; pathname, so in order to work with that, I test ;; for NIL here. -- WHN 2001-05-18 (null (pathname-directory x))) (null (pathname-name x)) (null (pathname-type x))) ;; (The ANSI definition of "pathname specifier" has ;; other cases, but none of them seem to admit the possibility ;; of being empty and relative.) )) ;;; Convert PATHNAME into a string that can be used with UNIX system ;;; calls, or return NIL if no match is found. Wild-cards are expanded. ;;; ;;; FIXME: apart from the error checking (for wildness and for ;;; existence) and conversion to physical pathanme, this is redundant ;;; with UNPARSE-NATIVE-UNIX-NAMESTRING; one should probably be ;;; written in terms of the other. ;;; ;;; FIXME: actually this (I think) works not just for Unix. (defun unix-namestring (pathname-spec &optional (for-input t)) (let* ((namestring (physicalize-pathname (merge-pathnames pathname-spec))) (matches nil)) ; an accumulator for actual matches (when (wild-pathname-p namestring) (error 'simple-file-error :pathname namestring :format-control "bad place for a wild pathname")) (!enumerate-matches (match namestring nil :verify-existence for-input) (push match matches)) (case (length matches) (0 nil) (1 (first matches)) (t (bug "!ENUMERATE-MATCHES returned more than one match on a non-wild pathname"))))) ;;;; TRUENAME, PROBE-FILE, FILE-AUTHOR, FILE-WRITE-DATE. ;;; Rewritten in 12/2007 by RMK, replacing 13+ year old CMU code that ;;; made a mess of things in order to support search lists (which SBCL ;;; has never had). These are now all relatively straightforward ;;; wrappers around stat(2) and realpath(2), with the same basic logic ;;; in all cases. The wrinkles to be aware of: ;;; ;;; * SBCL defines the truename of an existing, dangling or ;;; self-referring symlink to be the symlink itself. ;;; * The old version of PROBE-FILE merged the pathspec against ;;; *DEFAULT-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS* twice, and so lost when *D-P-D* ;;; was a relative pathname. Even if the case where *D-P-D* is a ;;; relative pathname is problematic, there's no particular reason ;;; to get that wrong, so let's try not to. ;;; * Note that while stat(2) is probably atomic, getting the truename ;;; for a filename involves poking all over the place, and so is ;;; subject to race conditions if other programs mutate the file ;;; system while we're resolving symlinks. So it's not implausible for ;;; realpath(3) to fail even if stat(2) succeeded. There's nothing ;;; obvious we can do about this, however. ;;; * Windows' apparent analogue of realpath(3) is called ;;; GetFullPathName, and it's a bit less useful than realpath(3). ;;; In particular, while realpath(3) errors in case the file doesn't ;;; exist, GetFullPathName seems to return a filename in all cases. ;;; As realpath(3) is not atomic anyway, we only ever call it when ;;; we think a file exists, so just be careful when rewriting this ;;; routine. (defun query-file-system (pathspec query-for) (let ((pathname (translate-logical-pathname (merge-pathnames (pathname pathspec) (sane-default-pathname-defaults))))) (when (wild-pathname-p pathname) (error 'simple-file-error :pathname pathname :format-control "~@" :format-arguments (list query-for pathname pathspec))) (let ((filename (native-namestring pathname :as-file t))) (multiple-value-bind (existsp errno ino mode nlink uid gid rdev size atime mtime) (sb!unix:unix-stat filename) (declare (ignore ino nlink gid rdev size atime)) (if existsp (case query-for (:truename (nth-value 0 (parse-native-namestring ;; Note: in case the file is stat'able, POSIX ;; realpath(3) gets us a canonical absolute ;; filename, even if the post-merge PATHNAME ;; is not absolute... (multiple-value-bind (realpath errno) (sb!unix:unix-realpath filename) (if realpath realpath (simple-file-perror "couldn't resolve ~A" filename errno))) (pathname-host pathname) (sane-default-pathname-defaults) ;; ... but without any trailing slash. :as-directory (eql (logand mode sb!unix:s-ifmt) sb!unix:s-ifdir)))) (:author (sb!unix:uid-username uid)) (:write-date (+ unix-to-universal-time mtime))) (progn ;; SBCL has for many years had a policy that a pathname ;; that names an existing, dangling or self-referential ;; symlink denotes the symlink itself. stat(2) fails ;; and sets errno to ELOOP in this case, but we must ;; distinguish cases where the symlink exists from ones ;; where there's a loop in the apparent containing ;; directory. #!-win32 (multiple-value-bind (linkp ignore ino mode nlink uid gid rdev size atime mtime) (sb!unix:unix-lstat filename) (declare (ignore ignore ino mode nlink gid rdev size atime)) (when (and (or (= errno sb!unix:enoent) (= errno sb!unix:eloop)) linkp) (return-from query-file-system (case query-for (:truename ;; So here's a trick: since lstat succeded, ;; FILENAME exists, so its directory exists and ;; only the non-directory part is loopy. So ;; let's resolve FILENAME's directory part with ;; realpath(3), in order to get a canonical ;; absolute name for the directory, and then ;; return a pathname having PATHNAME's name, ;; type, and version, but the rest from the ;; truename of the directory. Since we turned ;; PATHNAME into FILENAME "as a file", FILENAME ;; does not end in a slash, and so we get the ;; directory part of FILENAME by reparsing ;; FILENAME and masking off its name, type, and ;; version bits. But note not to call ourselves ;; recursively, because we don't want to ;; re-merge against *DEFAULT-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS*, ;; since PATHNAME may be a relative pathname. (merge-pathnames (nth-value 0 (parse-native-namestring (multiple-value-bind (realpath errno) (sb!unix:unix-realpath (native-namestring (make-pathname :name :unspecific :type :unspecific :version :unspecific :defaults (parse-native-namestring filename (pathname-host pathname) (sane-default-pathname-defaults))))) (if realpath realpath (simple-file-perror "couldn't resolve ~A" filename errno))) (pathname-host pathname) (sane-default-pathname-defaults) :as-directory t)) pathname)) (:author (sb!unix:uid-username uid)) (:write-date (+ unix-to-universal-time mtime)))))) ;; If we're still here, the file doesn't exist; error. (simple-file-perror (format nil "failed to find the ~A of ~~A" query-for) pathspec errno))))))) (defun probe-file (pathspec) #!+sb-doc "Return the truename of PATHSPEC if the truename can be found, or NIL otherwise. See TRUENAME for more information." (handler-case (truename pathspec) (file-error () nil))) (defun truename (pathspec) #!+sb-doc "If PATHSPEC is a pathname that names an existing file, return a pathname that denotes a canonicalized name for the file. If pathspec is a stream associated with a file, return a pathname that denotes a canonicalized name for the file associated with the stream. An error of type FILE-ERROR is signalled if no such file exists or if the file system is such that a canonicalized file name cannot be determined or if the pathname is wild. Under Unix, the TRUENAME of a symlink that links to itself or to a file that doesn't exist is considered to be the name of the broken symlink itself." ;; Note that eventually this routine might be different for streams ;; than for other pathname designators. (if (streamp pathspec) (query-file-system pathspec :truename) (query-file-system pathspec :truename))) (defun file-author (pathspec) #!+sb-doc "Return the author of the file specified by PATHSPEC. Signal an error of type FILE-ERROR if no such file exists, or if PATHSPEC is a wild pathname." (query-file-system pathspec :author)) (defun file-write-date (pathspec) #!+sb-doc "Return the write date of the file specified by PATHSPEC. An error of type FILE-ERROR is signaled if no such file exists, or if PATHSPEC is a wild pathname." (query-file-system pathspec :write-date)) ;;;; miscellaneous other operations (/show0 "filesys.lisp 700") (defun rename-file (file new-name) #!+sb-doc "Rename FILE to have the specified NEW-NAME. If FILE is a stream open to a file, then the associated file is renamed." (let* ((original (truename file)) (original-namestring (unix-namestring original t)) (new-name (merge-pathnames new-name original)) (new-namestring (unix-namestring new-name nil))) (unless new-namestring (error 'simple-file-error :pathname new-name :format-control "~S can't be created." :format-arguments (list new-name))) (multiple-value-bind (res error) (sb!unix:unix-rename original-namestring new-namestring) (unless res (error 'simple-file-error :pathname new-name :format-control "~@" :format-arguments (list original new-name (strerror error)))) (when (streamp file) (file-name file new-name)) (values new-name original (truename new-name))))) (defun delete-file (file) #!+sb-doc "Delete the specified FILE." (let ((namestring (unix-namestring file t))) (when (streamp file) (close file :abort t)) (unless namestring (error 'simple-file-error :pathname file :format-control "~S doesn't exist." :format-arguments (list file))) (multiple-value-bind (res err) (sb!unix:unix-unlink namestring) (unless res (simple-file-perror "couldn't delete ~A" namestring err)))) t) (defun sbcl-homedir-pathname () (let ((sbcl-home (posix-getenv "SBCL_HOME"))) ;; SBCL_HOME isn't set for :EXECUTABLE T embedded cores (when (and sbcl-home (not (string= sbcl-home ""))) (parse-native-namestring sbcl-home #-win32 sb!impl::*unix-host* #+win32 sb!impl::*win32-host* *default-pathname-defaults* :as-directory t)))) ;;; (This is an ANSI Common Lisp function.) (defun user-homedir-pathname (&optional host) #!+sb-doc "Return the home directory of the user as a pathname. If the HOME environment variable has been specified, the directory it designates is returned; otherwise obtains the home directory from the operating system." (declare (ignore host)) (let ((env-home (posix-getenv "HOME"))) (parse-native-namestring (if (and env-home (not (string= env-home ""))) env-home #!-win32 (sb!unix:uid-homedir (sb!unix:unix-getuid)) #!+win32 ;; Needs to bypass PARSE-NATIVE-NAMESTRING & ENSURE-TRAILING-SLASH ;; What?! -- RMK, 2007-12-31 (return-from user-homedir-pathname (sb!win32::get-folder-pathname sb!win32::csidl_profile))) #-win32 sb!impl::*unix-host* #+win32 sb!impl::*win32-host* *default-pathname-defaults* :as-directory t))) ;;;; DIRECTORY (/show0 "filesys.lisp 800") ;;; NOTE: There is a fair amount of hair below that is probably not ;;; strictly necessary. ;;; ;;; The issue is the following: what does (DIRECTORY "SYS:*;") mean? ;;; Until 2004-01, SBCL's behaviour was unquestionably wrong, as it ;;; did not translate the logical pathname at all, but instead treated ;;; it as a physical one. Other Lisps seem to to treat this call as ;;; equivalent to (DIRECTORY (TRANSLATE-LOGICAL-PATHNAME "SYS:*;")), ;;; which is fine as far as it goes, but not very interesting, and ;;; arguably counterintuitive. (PATHNAME-MATCH-P "SYS:SRC;" "SYS:*;") ;;; is true, so why should "SYS:SRC;" not show up in the call to ;;; DIRECTORY? (assuming the physical pathname corresponding to it ;;; exists, of course). ;;; ;;; So, the interpretation that I am pushing is for all pathnames ;;; matching the input pathname to be queried. This means that we ;;; need to compute the intersection of the input pathname and the ;;; logical host FROM translations, and then translate the resulting ;;; pathname using the host to the TO translation; this treatment is ;;; recursively invoked until we get a physical pathname, whereupon ;;; our physical DIRECTORY implementation takes over. ;;; FIXME: this is an incomplete implementation. It only works when ;;; both are logical pathnames (which is OK, because that's the only ;;; case when we call it), but there are other pitfalls as well: see ;;; the DIRECTORY-HELPER below for some, but others include a lack of ;;; pattern handling. ;;; The above was written by CSR, I (RMK) believe. The argument that ;;; motivates the interpretation is faulty, however: PATHNAME-MATCH-P ;;; returns true for (PATHNAME-MATCH-P #P"/tmp/*/" #P"/tmp/../"), but ;;; the latter pathname is not in the result of DIRECTORY on the ;;; former. Indeed, if DIRECTORY were constrained to return the ;;; truename for every pathname for which PATHNAME-MATCH-P returned ;;; true and which denoted a filename that named an existing file, ;;; (DIRECTORY #P"/tmp/**/") would be required to list every file on a ;;; Unix system, since any file can be named as though it were "below" ;;; /tmp, given the dotdot entries. So I think the strongest ;;; "consistency" we can define between PATHNAME-MATCH-P and DIRECTORY ;;; is that PATHNAME-MATCH-P returns true of everything DIRECTORY ;;; returns, but not vice versa. ;;; In any case, even if the motivation were sound, DIRECTORY on a ;;; wild logical pathname has no portable semantics. I see nothing in ;;; ANSI that requires implementations to support wild physical ;;; pathnames, and so there need not be any translation of a wild ;;; logical pathname to a phyiscal pathname. So a program that calls ;;; DIRECTORY on a wild logical pathname is doing something ;;; non-portable at best. And if the only sensible semantics for ;;; DIRECTORY on a wild logical pathname is something like the ;;; following, it would be just as well if it signaled an error, since ;;; a program can't possibly rely on the result of an intersection of ;;; user-defined translations with a file system probe. (Potentially ;;; useful kinds of "pathname" that might not support wildcards could ;;; include pathname hosts that model unqueryable namespaces like HTTP ;;; URIs, or that model namespaces that it's not convenient to ;;; investigate, such as the namespace of TCP ports that some network ;;; host listens on. I happen to think it a bad idea to try to ;;; shoehorn such namespaces into a pathnames system, but people ;;; sometimes claim to want pathnames for these things.) -- RMK ;;; 2007-12-31. (defun pathname-intersections (one two) (aver (logical-pathname-p one)) (aver (logical-pathname-p two)) (labels ((intersect-version (one two) (aver (typep one '(or null (member :newest :wild :unspecific) integer))) (aver (typep two '(or null (member :newest :wild :unspecific) integer))) (cond ((eq one :wild) two) ((eq two :wild) one) ((or (null one) (eq one :unspecific)) two) ((or (null two) (eq two :unspecific)) one) ((eql one two) one) (t nil))) (intersect-name/type (one two) (aver (typep one '(or null (member :wild :unspecific) string))) (aver (typep two '(or null (member :wild :unspecific) string))) (cond ((eq one :wild) two) ((eq two :wild) one) ((or (null one) (eq one :unspecific)) two) ((or (null two) (eq two :unspecific)) one) ((string= one two) one) (t nil))) (intersect-directory (one two) (aver (typep one '(or null (member :wild :unspecific) list))) (aver (typep two '(or null (member :wild :unspecific) list))) (cond ((eq one :wild) two) ((eq two :wild) one) ((or (null one) (eq one :unspecific)) two) ((or (null two) (eq two :unspecific)) one) (t (aver (eq (car one) (car two))) (mapcar (lambda (x) (cons (car one) x)) (intersect-directory-helper (cdr one) (cdr two))))))) (let ((version (intersect-version (pathname-version one) (pathname-version two))) (name (intersect-name/type (pathname-name one) (pathname-name two))) (type (intersect-name/type (pathname-type one) (pathname-type two))) (host (pathname-host one))) (mapcar (lambda (d) (make-pathname :host host :name name :type type :version version :directory d)) (intersect-directory (pathname-directory one) (pathname-directory two)))))) ;;; FIXME: written as its own function because I (CSR) don't ;;; understand it, so helping both debuggability and modularity. In ;;; case anyone is motivated to rewrite it, it returns a list of ;;; sublists representing the intersection of the two input directory ;;; paths (excluding the initial :ABSOLUTE or :RELATIVE). ;;; ;;; FIXME: Does not work with :UP or :BACK ;;; FIXME: Does not work with patterns ;;; ;;; FIXME: PFD suggests replacing this implementation with a DFA ;;; conversion of a NDFA. Find out (a) what this means and (b) if it ;;; turns out to be worth it. (defun intersect-directory-helper (one two) (flet ((simple-intersection (cone ctwo) (cond ((eq cone :wild) ctwo) ((eq ctwo :wild) cone) (t (aver (typep cone 'string)) (aver (typep ctwo 'string)) (if (string= cone ctwo) cone nil))))) (macrolet ((loop-possible-wild-inferiors-matches (lower-bound bounding-sequence order) (let ((index (gensym)) (g2 (gensym)) (g3 (gensym)) (l (gensym))) `(let ((,l (length ,bounding-sequence))) (loop for ,index from ,lower-bound to ,l append (mapcar (lambda (,g2) (append (butlast ,bounding-sequence (- ,l ,index)) ,g2)) (mapcar (lambda (,g3) (append (if (eq (car (nthcdr ,index ,bounding-sequence)) :wild-inferiors) '(:wild-inferiors) nil) ,g3)) (intersect-directory-helper ,@(if order `((nthcdr ,index one) (cdr two)) `((cdr one) (nthcdr ,index two))))))))))) (cond ((and (eq (car one) :wild-inferiors) (eq (car two) :wild-inferiors)) (delete-duplicates (append (mapcar (lambda (x) (cons :wild-inferiors x)) (intersect-directory-helper (cdr one) (cdr two))) (loop-possible-wild-inferiors-matches 2 one t) (loop-possible-wild-inferiors-matches 2 two nil)) :test 'equal)) ((eq (car one) :wild-inferiors) (delete-duplicates (loop-possible-wild-inferiors-matches 0 two nil) :test 'equal)) ((eq (car two) :wild-inferiors) (delete-duplicates (loop-possible-wild-inferiors-matches 0 one t) :test 'equal)) ((and (null one) (null two)) (list nil)) ((null one) nil) ((null two) nil) (t (and (simple-intersection (car one) (car two)) (mapcar (lambda (x) (cons (simple-intersection (car one) (car two)) x)) (intersect-directory-helper (cdr one) (cdr two))))))))) (defun directory (pathname &key) #!+sb-doc "Return a list of PATHNAMEs, each the TRUENAME of a file that matched the given pathname. Note that the interaction between this ANSI-specified TRUENAMEing and the semantics of the Unix filesystem (symbolic links..) means this function can sometimes return files which don't have the same directory as PATHNAME." (let (;; We create one entry in this hash table for each truename, ;; as an asymptotically efficient way of removing duplicates ;; (which can arise when e.g. multiple symlinks map to the ;; same truename). (truenames (make-hash-table :test #'equal)) ;; FIXME: Possibly this MERGE-PATHNAMES call should only ;; happen once we get a physical pathname. (merged-pathname (merge-pathnames pathname))) (labels ((do-physical-directory (pathname) (aver (not (logical-pathname-p pathname))) (!enumerate-matches (match pathname) (let* ((*ignore-wildcards* t) ;; FIXME: Why not TRUENAME? As reported by ;; Milan Zamazal sbcl-devel 2003-10-05, using ;; TRUENAME causes a race condition whereby ;; removal of a file during the directory ;; operation causes an error. It's not clear ;; what the right thing to do is, though. -- ;; CSR, 2003-10-13 (truename (probe-file match))) (when truename (setf (gethash (namestring truename) truenames) truename))))) (do-directory (pathname) (if (logical-pathname-p pathname) (let ((host (intern-logical-host (pathname-host pathname)))) (dolist (x (logical-host-canon-transls host)) (destructuring-bind (from to) x (let ((intersections (pathname-intersections pathname from))) (dolist (p intersections) (do-directory (translate-pathname p from to))))))) (do-physical-directory pathname)))) (do-directory merged-pathname)) (mapcar #'cdr ;; Sorting isn't required by the ANSI spec, but sorting ;; into some canonical order seems good just on the ;; grounds that the implementation should have repeatable ;; behavior when possible. (sort (loop for name being each hash-key in truenames using (hash-value truename) collect (cons name truename)) #'string< :key #'car)))) (/show0 "filesys.lisp 899") ;;; predicate to order pathnames by; goes by name ;; FIXME: Does anything use this? It's not exported, and I don't find ;; the name anywhere else. (defun pathname-order (x y) (let ((xn (%pathname-name x)) (yn (%pathname-name y))) (if (and xn yn) (let ((res (string-lessp xn yn))) (cond ((not res) nil) ((= res (length (the simple-string xn))) t) ((= res (length (the simple-string yn))) nil) (t t))) xn))) (defun ensure-directories-exist (pathspec &key verbose (mode #o777)) #!+sb-doc "Test whether the directories containing the specified file actually exist, and attempt to create them if they do not. The MODE argument is a CMUCL/SBCL-specific extension to control the Unix permission bits." (let ((pathname (physicalize-pathname (merge-pathnames (pathname pathspec)))) (created-p nil)) (when (wild-pathname-p pathname) (error 'simple-file-error :format-control "bad place for a wild pathname" :pathname pathspec)) (let ((dir (pathname-directory pathname))) (loop for i from 1 upto (length dir) do (let ((newpath (make-pathname :host (pathname-host pathname) :device (pathname-device pathname) :directory (subseq dir 0 i)))) (unless (probe-file newpath) (let ((namestring (coerce (native-namestring newpath) 'string))) (when verbose (format *standard-output* "~&creating directory: ~A~%" namestring)) (sb!unix:unix-mkdir namestring mode) (unless (probe-file newpath) (restart-case (error 'simple-file-error :pathname pathspec :format-control "can't create directory ~A" :format-arguments (list namestring)) (retry () :report "Retry directory creation." (ensure-directories-exist pathspec :verbose verbose :mode mode)) (continue () :report "Continue as if directory creation was successful." nil))) (setf created-p t))))) (values pathspec created-p)))) (/show0 "filesys.lisp 1000")