;;;; This file contains stuff for controlling floating point traps. It ;;;; is IEEE float specific, but should work for pretty much any FPU ;;;; where the state fits in one word and exceptions are represented ;;;; by bits being set. ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!VM") (file-comment "$Header$") (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defconstant float-trap-alist (list (cons :underflow float-underflow-trap-bit) (cons :overflow float-overflow-trap-bit) (cons :inexact float-inexact-trap-bit) (cons :invalid float-invalid-trap-bit) (cons :divide-by-zero float-divide-by-zero-trap-bit) #!+x86 (cons :denormalized-operand float-denormal-trap-bit))) ;;; Return a mask with all the specified float trap bits set. (defun float-trap-mask (names) (reduce #'logior (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (or (cdr (assoc x float-trap-alist)) (error "Unknown float trap kind: ~S." x))) names))) (defconstant rounding-mode-alist (list (cons :nearest float-round-to-nearest) (cons :zero float-round-to-zero) (cons :positive-infinity float-round-to-positive) (cons :negative-infinity float-round-to-negative))) ); Eval-When (Compile Load Eval) ;;; interpreter stubs (defun floating-point-modes () (floating-point-modes)) (defun (setf floating-point-modes) (new) (setf (floating-point-modes) new)) (defun set-floating-point-modes (&key (traps nil traps-p) (rounding-mode nil round-p) (current-exceptions nil current-x-p) (accrued-exceptions nil accrued-x-p) (fast-mode nil fast-mode-p)) #!+sb-doc "This function sets options controlling the floating-point hardware. If a keyword is not supplied, then the current value is preserved. Possible keywords: :TRAPS A list of the exception conditions that should cause traps. Possible exceptions are :UNDERFLOW, :OVERFLOW, :INEXACT, :INVALID, :DIVIDE-BY-ZERO, and on the X86 :DENORMALIZED-OPERAND. Initially all traps except :INEXACT are enabled. :ROUNDING-MODE The rounding mode to use when the result is not exact. Possible values are :NEAREST, :POSITIVE-INFINITY, :NEGATIVE-INFINITY and :ZERO. Initially, the rounding mode is :NEAREST. :CURRENT-EXCEPTIONS :ACCRUED-EXCEPTIONS These arguments allow setting of the exception flags. The main use is setting the accrued exceptions to NIL to clear them. :FAST-MODE Set the hardware's \"fast mode\" flag, if any. When set, IEEE conformance or debuggability may be impaired. Some machines may not have this feature, in which case the value is always NIL. GET-FLOATING-POINT-MODES may be used to find the floating point modes currently in effect." (let ((modes (floating-point-modes))) (when traps-p (setf (ldb float-traps-byte modes) (float-trap-mask traps))) (when round-p (setf (ldb float-rounding-mode modes) (or (cdr (assoc rounding-mode rounding-mode-alist)) (error "Unknown rounding mode: ~S." rounding-mode)))) (when current-x-p (setf (ldb float-exceptions-byte modes) (float-trap-mask current-exceptions))) (when accrued-x-p (setf (ldb float-sticky-bits modes) (float-trap-mask accrued-exceptions))) (when fast-mode-p (if fast-mode (setq modes (logior float-fast-bit modes)) (setq modes (logand (lognot float-fast-bit) modes)))) (setf (floating-point-modes) modes)) (values)) (defun get-floating-point-modes () #!+sb-doc "This function returns a list representing the state of the floating point modes. The list is in the same format as the keyword arguments to SET-FLOATING-POINT-MODES, i.e. (apply #'set-floating-point-modes (get-floating-point-modes)) sets the floating point modes to their current values (and thus is a no-op)." (flet ((exc-keys (bits) (macrolet ((frob () `(collect ((res)) ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (x) `(when (logtest bits ,(cdr x)) (res ',(car x)))) float-trap-alist) (res)))) (frob)))) (let ((modes (floating-point-modes))) `(:traps ,(exc-keys (ldb float-traps-byte modes)) :rounding-mode ,(car (rassoc (ldb float-rounding-mode modes) rounding-mode-alist)) :current-exceptions ,(exc-keys (ldb float-exceptions-byte modes)) :accrued-exceptions ,(exc-keys (ldb float-sticky-bits modes)) :fast-mode ,(logtest float-fast-bit modes))))) (defmacro current-float-trap (&rest traps) #!+sb-doc "Current-Float-Trap Trap-Name* Return true if any of the named traps are currently trapped, false otherwise." `(not (zerop (logand ,(dpb (float-trap-mask traps) float-traps-byte 0) (floating-point-modes))))) ;;; Signal the appropriate condition when we get a floating-point error. (defun sigfpe-handler (signal info context) (declare (ignore signal info)) (declare (type system-area-pointer context)) ;; FIXME: The find-the-detailed-problem code below went stale with ;; the big switchover to POSIX signal handling and signal contexts ;; which are opaque at the Lisp level ca plod-0.6.7. It needs to be ;; revived, which will require writing a C-level os-dependent ;; function to extract floating point modes, and a Lisp-level ;; DEF-ALIEN-ROUTINE to get to the C-level os-dependent function. ;; Meanwhile we just say "something went wrong". (error 'floating-point-exception) #| (let* ((modes (context-floating-point-modes (sb!alien:sap-alien context (* os-context-t)))) (traps (logand (ldb float-exceptions-byte modes) (ldb float-traps-byte modes)))) (cond ((not (zerop (logand float-divide-by-zero-trap-bit traps))) (error 'division-by-zero)) ((not (zerop (logand float-invalid-trap-bit traps))) (error 'floating-point-invalid-operation)) ((not (zerop (logand float-overflow-trap-bit traps))) (error 'floating-point-overflow)) ((not (zerop (logand float-underflow-trap-bit traps))) (error 'floating-point-underflow)) ((not (zerop (logand float-inexact-trap-bit traps))) (error 'floating-point-inexact)) #!+FreeBSD ((zerop (ldb float-exceptions-byte modes)) ;; I can't tell what caused the exception!! (error 'floating-point-exception :traps (getf (get-floating-point-modes) :traps))) (t (error "SIGFPE with no exceptions currently enabled?")))) |# ) (defmacro with-float-traps-masked (traps &body body) #!+sb-doc "Execute BODY with the floating point exceptions listed in TRAPS masked (disabled). TRAPS should be a list of possible exceptions which includes :UNDERFLOW, :OVERFLOW, :INEXACT, :INVALID and :DIVIDE-BY-ZERO and on the X86 :DENORMALIZED-OPERAND. The respective accrued exceptions are cleared at the start of the body to support their testing within, and restored on exit." (let ((traps (dpb (float-trap-mask traps) float-traps-byte 0)) (exceptions (dpb (float-trap-mask traps) float-sticky-bits 0)) (trap-mask (dpb (lognot (float-trap-mask traps)) float-traps-byte #xffffffff)) (exception-mask (dpb (lognot (sb!vm::float-trap-mask traps)) float-sticky-bits #xffffffff))) `(let ((orig-modes (floating-point-modes))) (unwind-protect (progn (setf (floating-point-modes) (logand orig-modes ,(logand trap-mask exception-mask))) ,@body) ;; Restore the original traps and exceptions. (setf (floating-point-modes) (logior (logand orig-modes ,(logior traps exceptions)) (logand (floating-point-modes) ,(logand trap-mask exception-mask))))))))