;;;; FOP definitions (in-package "SB!FASL") ;;; Sometimes we want to skip over any FOPs with side-effects (like ;;; function calls) while executing other FOPs. *SKIP-UNTIL* will ;;; either contain the position where the skipping will stop, or ;;; NIL if we're executing normally. (defvar *skip-until* nil) ;;; Define NAME as a fasl operation, with op-code FOP-CODE. PUSHP ;;; describes what the body does to the fop stack: ;;; T ;;; The body might pop the fop stack. The result of the body is ;;; pushed on the fop stack. ;;; NIL ;;; The body might pop the fop stack. The result of the body is ;;; discarded. ;;; STACKP describes whether or not the body interacts with the fop stack. (defmacro define-fop ((name fop-code &key (pushp t) (stackp t)) &body forms) `(progn (defun ,name () ,(if stackp `(with-fop-stack ,pushp ,@forms) `(progn ,@forms))) (%define-fop ',name ,fop-code))) (defun %define-fop (name code) (let ((oname (svref *fop-names* code))) (when (and oname (not (eq oname name))) (error "multiple names for fop code ~D: ~S and ~S" code name oname))) ;; KLUDGE: It's mnemonically suboptimal to use 'FOP-CODE as the name of the ;; tag which associates names with codes when it's also used as one of ;; the names. Perhaps the fops named FOP-CODE and FOP-SMALL-CODE could ;; be renamed to something more mnemonic? -- WHN 19990902 (let ((ocode (get name 'fop-code))) (when (and ocode (/= ocode code)) (error "multiple codes for fop name ~S: ~D and ~D" name code ocode))) (setf (svref *fop-names* code) name (get name 'fop-code) code (svref *fop-funs* code) (symbol-function name)) (values)) ;;; Define a pair of fops which are identical except that one reads ;;; a four-byte argument while the other reads a one-byte argument. The ;;; argument can be accessed by using the CLONE-ARG macro. ;;; ;;; KLUDGE: It would be nice if the definition here encapsulated which ;;; value ranges went with which fop variant, and chose the correct ;;; fop code to use. Currently, since such logic isn't encapsulated, ;;; we see callers doing stuff like ;;; (cond ((and (< num-consts #x100) (< total-length #x10000)) ;;; (dump-fop 'sb!impl::fop-small-code file) ;;; (dump-byte num-consts file) ;;; (dump-integer-as-n-bytes total-length 2 file)) ;;; (t ;;; (dump-fop 'sb!impl::fop-code file) ;;; (dump-word num-consts file) ;;; (dump-word total-length file)))) ;;; in several places. It would be cleaner if this could be replaced with ;;; something like ;;; (dump-fop file fop-code num-consts total-length) ;;; Some of this logic is already in DUMP-FOP*, but that still requires the ;;; caller to know that it's a 1-byte-arg/4-byte-arg cloned fop pair, and to ;;; know both the 1-byte-arg and the 4-byte-arg fop names. -- WHN 19990902 (defmacro define-cloned-fops ((name code &key (pushp t) (stackp t)) (small-name small-code) &rest forms) (aver (member pushp '(nil t))) (aver (member stackp '(nil t))) `(progn (macrolet ((clone-arg () '(read-word-arg))) (define-fop (,name ,code :pushp ,pushp :stackp ,stackp) ,@forms)) (macrolet ((clone-arg () '(read-byte-arg))) (define-fop (,small-name ,small-code :pushp ,pushp :stackp ,stackp) ,@forms)))) ;;; a helper function for reading string values from FASL files: sort ;;; of like READ-SEQUENCE specialized for files of (UNSIGNED-BYTE 8), ;;; with an automatic conversion from (UNSIGNED-BYTE 8) into CHARACTER ;;; for each element read (defun read-string-as-bytes (stream string &optional (length (length string))) (declare (type (simple-array character (*)) string) (type index length) (optimize speed)) (with-fast-read-byte ((unsigned-byte 8) stream) (dotimes (i length) (setf (aref string i) (sb!xc:code-char (fast-read-byte))))) string) (defun read-base-string-as-bytes (stream string &optional (length (length string))) (declare (type (simple-array base-char (*)) string) (type index length) (optimize speed)) (with-fast-read-byte ((unsigned-byte 8) stream) (dotimes (i length) (setf (aref string i) (sb!xc:code-char (fast-read-byte))))) string) #!+sb-unicode (defun read-string-as-unsigned-byte-32 (stream string &optional (length (length string))) (declare (type (simple-array character (*)) string) (type index length) (optimize speed)) #+sb-xc-host (bug "READ-STRING-AS-UNSIGNED-BYTE-32 called") (with-fast-read-byte ((unsigned-byte 8) stream) (dotimes (i length) (setf (aref string i) (sb!xc:code-char (fast-read-u-integer 4))))) string) ;;;; miscellaneous fops ;;; FIXME: POP-STACK should be called something more mnemonic. (POP-FOP-STACK? ;;; But that would conflict with PUSH-FOP-TABLE. Something, anyway..) ;;; Setting this variable causes execution of a FOP-NOP4 to produce ;;; output to *DEBUG-IO*. This can be handy when trying to follow the ;;; progress of FASL loading. #!+sb-show (defvar *show-fop-nop4-p* nil) ;;; CMU CL had a single no-op fop, FOP-NOP, with fop code 0. Since 0 ;;; occurs disproportionately often in fasl files for other reasons, ;;; FOP-NOP is less than ideal for writing human-readable patterns ;;; into fasl files for debugging purposes. There's no shortage of ;;; unused fop codes, so we add this second NOP, which reads 4 ;;; arbitrary bytes and discards them. (define-fop (fop-nop4 137 :stackp nil) (let ((arg (read-arg 4))) (declare (ignorable arg)) #!+sb-show (when *show-fop-nop4-p* (format *debug-io* "~&/FOP-NOP4 ARG=~W=#X~X~%" arg arg)))) (define-fop (fop-nop 0 :stackp nil)) (define-fop (fop-pop 1 :pushp nil) (push-fop-table (pop-stack))) (define-fop (fop-push 2) (svref *current-fop-table* (read-word-arg))) (define-fop (fop-byte-push 3) (svref *current-fop-table* (read-byte-arg))) (define-fop (fop-empty-list 4) ()) (define-fop (fop-truth 5) t) ;;; CMU CL had FOP-POP-FOR-EFFECT as fop 65, but it was never used and seemed ;;; to have no possible use. (define-fop (fop-misc-trap 66) #+sb-xc-host ; since xc host doesn't know how to compile %PRIMITIVE (error "FOP-MISC-TRAP can't be defined without %PRIMITIVE.") #-sb-xc-host (%primitive sb!c:make-other-immediate-type 0 sb!vm:unbound-marker-widetag)) (define-cloned-fops (fop-character 68) (fop-short-character 69) (code-char (clone-arg))) (define-cloned-fops (fop-struct 48) (fop-small-struct 49) (let* ((size (clone-arg)) (res (%make-instance size))) (declare (type index size)) (let* ((layout (pop-stack)) (nuntagged (layout-n-untagged-slots layout)) (ntagged (- size nuntagged))) (setf (%instance-ref res 0) layout) (dotimes (n (1- ntagged)) (declare (type index n)) (setf (%instance-ref res (1+ n)) (pop-stack))) (dotimes (n nuntagged) (declare (type index n)) (setf (%raw-instance-ref/word res (- nuntagged n 1)) (pop-stack)))) res)) (define-fop (fop-layout 45) (let ((nuntagged (pop-stack)) (length (pop-stack)) (depthoid (pop-stack)) (inherits (pop-stack)) (name (pop-stack))) (find-and-init-or-check-layout name length inherits depthoid nuntagged))) (define-fop (fop-end-group 64 :stackp nil) (/show0 "THROWing FASL-GROUP-END") (throw 'fasl-group-end t)) ;;; We used to have FOP-NORMAL-LOAD as 81 and FOP-MAYBE-COLD-LOAD as ;;; 82 until GENESIS learned how to work with host symbols and ;;; packages directly instead of piggybacking on the host code. (define-fop (fop-verify-table-size 62 :stackp nil) (let ((expected-index (read-word-arg))) (unless (= *current-fop-table-index* expected-index) (bug "fasl table of improper size")))) (define-fop (fop-verify-empty-stack 63 :stackp nil) (unless (zerop (length *fop-stack*)) (bug "fasl stack not empty when it should be"))) ;;;; fops for loading symbols (defun aux-fop-intern (smallp package) (let ((size (if smallp (read-byte-arg) (read-word-arg)))) (when (> size (length *fasl-symbol-buffer*)) (setq *fasl-symbol-buffer* (make-string (* size 2)))) (let ((buffer *fasl-symbol-buffer*)) #+sb-xc-host (read-string-as-bytes *fasl-input-stream* buffer size) #-sb-xc-host (progn #!+sb-unicode (read-string-as-unsigned-byte-32 *fasl-input-stream* buffer size) #!-sb-unicode (read-string-as-bytes *fasl-input-stream* buffer size)) (push-fop-table (without-package-locks (intern* buffer size package)))))) (macrolet ((def (name code smallp package-form) `(define-fop (,name ,code) (aux-fop-intern ,smallp ,package-form)))) (def fop-lisp-symbol-save 75 nil *cl-package*) (def fop-lisp-small-symbol-save 76 t *cl-package*) (def fop-keyword-symbol-save 77 nil *keyword-package*) (def fop-keyword-small-symbol-save 78 t *keyword-package*) ;; FIXME: Because we don't have FOP-SYMBOL-SAVE any more, an ;; enormous number of symbols will fall through to this case, ;; probably resulting in bloated fasl files. A new ;; FOP-SYMBOL-IN-LAST-PACKAGE-SAVE/FOP-SMALL-SYMBOL-IN-LAST-PACKAGE-SAVE ;; cloned fop pair could undo some of this bloat. (def fop-symbol-in-package-save 8 nil (svref *current-fop-table* (read-word-arg))) (def fop-small-symbol-in-package-save 9 t (svref *current-fop-table* (read-word-arg))) (def fop-symbol-in-byte-package-save 10 nil (svref *current-fop-table* (read-byte-arg))) (def fop-small-symbol-in-byte-package-save 11 t (svref *current-fop-table* (read-byte-arg)))) (define-cloned-fops (fop-uninterned-symbol-save 12) (fop-uninterned-small-symbol-save 13) (let* ((arg (clone-arg)) (res (make-string arg))) #!-sb-unicode (read-string-as-bytes *fasl-input-stream* res) #!+sb-unicode (read-string-as-unsigned-byte-32 *fasl-input-stream* res) (push-fop-table (make-symbol res)))) (define-fop (fop-package 14) (find-undeleted-package-or-lose (pop-stack))) (define-cloned-fops (fop-named-package-save 156 :stackp nil) (fop-small-named-package-save 157) (let* ((arg (clone-arg)) (package-name (make-string arg))) #+sb-xc-host (read-string-as-bytes *fasl-input-stream* package-name) #-sb-xc-host (progn #!-sb-unicode (read-string-as-bytes *fasl-input-stream* package-name) #!+sb-unicode (read-string-as-unsigned-byte-32 *fasl-input-stream* package-name)) (push-fop-table (find-undeleted-package-or-lose package-name)))) ;;;; fops for loading numbers ;;; Load a signed integer LENGTH bytes long from *FASL-INPUT-STREAM*. (defun load-s-integer (length) (declare (fixnum length) (optimize speed)) (with-fast-read-byte ((unsigned-byte 8) *fasl-input-stream*) (do* ((index length (1- index)) (byte 0 (fast-read-byte)) (result 0 (+ result (ash byte bits))) (bits 0 (+ bits 8))) ((= index 0) (if (logbitp 7 byte) ; look at sign bit (- result (ash 1 bits)) result)) (declare (fixnum index byte bits))))) (define-cloned-fops (fop-integer 33) (fop-small-integer 34) (load-s-integer (clone-arg))) (define-fop (fop-word-integer 35) (with-fast-read-byte ((unsigned-byte 8) *fasl-input-stream*) (fast-read-s-integer #.sb!vm:n-word-bytes))) (define-fop (fop-byte-integer 36) (with-fast-read-byte ((unsigned-byte 8) *fasl-input-stream*) (fast-read-s-integer 1))) (define-fop (fop-ratio 70) (let ((den (pop-stack))) (%make-ratio (pop-stack) den))) (define-fop (fop-complex 71) (let ((im (pop-stack))) (%make-complex (pop-stack) im))) (macrolet ((fast-read-single-float () '(make-single-float (fast-read-s-integer 4))) (fast-read-double-float () '(let ((lo (fast-read-u-integer 4))) (make-double-float (fast-read-s-integer 4) lo)))) (macrolet ((define-complex-fop (name fop-code type) (let ((reader (symbolicate "FAST-READ-" type))) `(define-fop (,name ,fop-code) (with-fast-read-byte ((unsigned-byte 8) *fasl-input-stream*) (complex (,reader) (,reader)))))) (define-float-fop (name fop-code type) (let ((reader (symbolicate "FAST-READ-" type))) `(define-fop (,name ,fop-code) (with-fast-read-byte ((unsigned-byte 8) *fasl-input-stream*) (,reader)))))) (define-complex-fop fop-complex-single-float 72 single-float) (define-complex-fop fop-complex-double-float 73 double-float) #!+long-float (define-complex-fop fop-complex-long-float 67 long-float) (define-float-fop fop-single-float 46 single-float) (define-float-fop fop-double-float 47 double-float) #!+long-float (define-float-fop fop-long-float 52 long-float))) ;;;; loading lists (define-fop (fop-list 15) (do ((res () (cons (pop-stack) res)) (n (read-byte-arg) (1- n))) ((zerop n) res) (declare (type index n)))) (define-fop (fop-list* 16) (do ((res (pop-stack) (cons (pop-stack) res)) (n (read-byte-arg) (1- n))) ((zerop n) res) (declare (type index n)))) (macrolet ((frob (name op fun n) `(define-fop (,name ,op) (call-with-popped-args ,fun ,n)))) (frob fop-list-1 17 list 1) (frob fop-list-2 18 list 2) (frob fop-list-3 19 list 3) (frob fop-list-4 20 list 4) (frob fop-list-5 21 list 5) (frob fop-list-6 22 list 6) (frob fop-list-7 23 list 7) (frob fop-list-8 24 list 8) (frob fop-list*-1 25 list* 2) (frob fop-list*-2 26 list* 3) (frob fop-list*-3 27 list* 4) (frob fop-list*-4 28 list* 5) (frob fop-list*-5 29 list* 6) (frob fop-list*-6 30 list* 7) (frob fop-list*-7 31 list* 8) (frob fop-list*-8 32 list* 9)) ;;;; fops for loading arrays (define-cloned-fops (fop-base-string 37) (fop-small-base-string 38) (let* ((arg (clone-arg)) (res (make-string arg :element-type 'base-char))) (read-base-string-as-bytes *fasl-input-stream* res) res)) #!+sb-unicode (progn #+sb-xc-host (define-cloned-fops (fop-character-string 161) (fop-small-character-string 162) (bug "CHARACTER-STRING FOP encountered")) #-sb-xc-host (define-cloned-fops (fop-character-string 161) (fop-small-character-string 162) (let* ((arg (clone-arg)) (res (make-string arg))) (read-string-as-unsigned-byte-32 *fasl-input-stream* res) res))) (define-cloned-fops (fop-vector 39) (fop-small-vector 40) (let* ((size (clone-arg)) (res (make-array size))) (declare (fixnum size)) (do ((n (1- size) (1- n))) ((minusp n)) (setf (svref res n) (pop-stack))) res)) (define-fop (fop-array 83) (let* ((rank (read-word-arg)) (vec (pop-stack)) (length (length vec)) (res (make-array-header sb!vm:simple-array-widetag rank))) (declare (simple-array vec) (type (unsigned-byte #.(- sb!vm:n-word-bits sb!vm:n-widetag-bits)) rank)) (set-array-header res vec length nil 0 (do ((i rank (1- i)) (dimensions () (cons (pop-stack) dimensions))) ((zerop i) dimensions) (declare (type index i))) nil t) res)) (define-fop (fop-single-float-vector 84) (let* ((length (read-word-arg)) (result (make-array length :element-type 'single-float))) (read-n-bytes *fasl-input-stream* result 0 (* length 4)) result)) (define-fop (fop-double-float-vector 85) (let* ((length (read-word-arg)) (result (make-array length :element-type 'double-float))) (read-n-bytes *fasl-input-stream* result 0 (* length 8)) result)) (define-fop (fop-complex-single-float-vector 86) (let* ((length (read-word-arg)) (result (make-array length :element-type '(complex single-float)))) (read-n-bytes *fasl-input-stream* result 0 (* length 8)) result)) (define-fop (fop-complex-double-float-vector 87) (let* ((length (read-word-arg)) (result (make-array length :element-type '(complex double-float)))) (read-n-bytes *fasl-input-stream* result 0 (* length 16)) result)) ;;; CMU CL comment: ;;; *** NOT *** the FOP-INT-VECTOR as currently documented in rtguts. ;;; Size must be a directly supported I-vector element size, with no ;;; extra bits. This must be packed according to the local ;;; byte-ordering, allowing us to directly read the bits. (define-fop (fop-int-vector 43) (let* ((len (read-word-arg)) (size (read-byte-arg)) (res (case size (0 (make-array len :element-type 'nil)) (1 (make-array len :element-type 'bit)) (2 (make-array len :element-type '(unsigned-byte 2))) (4 (make-array len :element-type '(unsigned-byte 4))) (7 (prog1 (make-array len :element-type '(unsigned-byte 7)) (setf size 8))) (8 (make-array len :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))) (15 (prog1 (make-array len :element-type '(unsigned-byte 15)) (setf size 16))) (16 (make-array len :element-type '(unsigned-byte 16))) (31 (prog1 (make-array len :element-type '(unsigned-byte 31)) (setf size 32))) (32 (make-array len :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32))) #!+#.(cl:if (cl:= 64 sb!vm:n-word-bits) '(and) '(or)) (63 (prog1 (make-array len :element-type '(unsigned-byte 63)) (setf size 64))) (64 (make-array len :element-type '(unsigned-byte 64))) (t (bug "losing i-vector element size: ~S" size))))) (declare (type index len)) (read-n-bytes *fasl-input-stream* res 0 (ceiling (the index (* size len)) sb!vm:n-byte-bits)) res)) ;;; This is the same as FOP-INT-VECTOR, except this is for signed ;;; SIMPLE-ARRAYs. (define-fop (fop-signed-int-vector 50) (let* ((len (read-word-arg)) (size (read-byte-arg)) (res (case size (8 (make-array len :element-type '(signed-byte 8))) (16 (make-array len :element-type '(signed-byte 16))) #!+#.(cl:if (cl:= 32 sb!vm:n-word-bits) '(and) '(or)) (29 (prog1 (make-array len :element-type '(unsigned-byte 29)) (setf size 32))) #!+#.(cl:if (cl:= 32 sb!vm:n-word-bits) '(and) '(or)) (30 (prog1 (make-array len :element-type '(signed-byte 30)) (setf size 32))) (32 (make-array len :element-type '(signed-byte 32))) #!+#.(cl:if (cl:= 64 sb!vm:n-word-bits) '(and) '(or)) (60 (prog1 (make-array len :element-type '(unsigned-byte 60)) (setf size 64))) #!+#.(cl:if (cl:= 64 sb!vm:n-word-bits) '(and) '(or)) (61 (prog1 (make-array len :element-type '(signed-byte 61)) (setf size 64))) #!+#.(cl:if (cl:= 64 sb!vm:n-word-bits) '(and) '(or)) (64 (make-array len :element-type '(signed-byte 64))) (t (bug "losing si-vector element size: ~S" size))))) (declare (type index len)) (read-n-bytes *fasl-input-stream* res 0 (ceiling (the index (* size len)) sb!vm:n-byte-bits)) res)) (define-fop (fop-eval 53) (if *skip-until* (pop-stack) (let ((result (eval (pop-stack)))) ;; FIXME: CMU CL had this code here: ;; (when *load-print* ;; (load-fresh-line) ;; (prin1 result) ;; (terpri)) ;; Unfortunately, this dependence on the *LOAD-PRINT* global ;; variable is non-ANSI, so for now we've just punted printing in ;; fasl loading. result))) (define-fop (fop-eval-for-effect 54 :pushp nil) (if *skip-until* (pop-stack) (let ((result (eval (pop-stack)))) ;; FIXME: See the comment about *LOAD-PRINT* in FOP-EVAL. (declare (ignore result)) #+nil (when *load-print* (load-fresh-line) (prin1 result) (terpri))))) (define-fop (fop-funcall 55) (let ((arg (read-byte-arg))) (if *skip-until* (dotimes (i (1+ arg)) (pop-stack)) (if (zerop arg) (funcall (pop-stack)) (do ((args () (cons (pop-stack) args)) (n arg (1- n))) ((zerop n) (apply (pop-stack) args)) (declare (type index n))))))) (define-fop (fop-funcall-for-effect 56 :pushp nil) (let ((arg (read-byte-arg))) (if *skip-until* (dotimes (i (1+ arg)) (pop-stack)) (if (zerop arg) (funcall (pop-stack)) (do ((args () (cons (pop-stack) args)) (n arg (1- n))) ((zerop n) (apply (pop-stack) args)) (declare (type index n))))))) ;;;; fops for fixing up circularities (define-fop (fop-rplaca 200 :pushp nil) (let ((obj (svref *current-fop-table* (read-word-arg))) (idx (read-word-arg)) (val (pop-stack))) (setf (car (nthcdr idx obj)) val))) (define-fop (fop-rplacd 201 :pushp nil) (let ((obj (svref *current-fop-table* (read-word-arg))) (idx (read-word-arg)) (val (pop-stack))) (setf (cdr (nthcdr idx obj)) val))) (define-fop (fop-svset 202 :pushp nil) (let* ((obi (read-word-arg)) (obj (svref *current-fop-table* obi)) (idx (read-word-arg)) (val (pop-stack))) (if (%instancep obj) (setf (%instance-ref obj idx) val) (setf (svref obj idx) val)))) (define-fop (fop-structset 204 :pushp nil) (setf (%instance-ref (svref *current-fop-table* (read-word-arg)) (read-word-arg)) (pop-stack))) ;;; In the original CMUCL code, this actually explicitly declared PUSHP ;;; to be T, even though that's what it defaults to in DEFINE-FOP. (define-fop (fop-nthcdr 203) (nthcdr (read-word-arg) (pop-stack))) ;;;; fops for loading functions ;;; (In CMU CL there was a FOP-CODE-FORMAT (47) which was ;;; conventionally placed at the beginning of each fasl file to test ;;; for compatibility between the fasl file and the CMU CL which ;;; loaded it. In SBCL, this functionality has been replaced by ;;; putting the implementation and version in required fields in the ;;; fasl file header.) (define-fop (fop-code 58 :stackp nil) (load-code (read-word-arg) (read-word-arg))) (define-fop (fop-small-code 59 :stackp nil) (load-code (read-byte-arg) (read-halfword-arg))) (define-fop (fop-fdefinition 60) (fdefinition-object (pop-stack) t)) (define-fop (fop-sanctify-for-execution 61) (let ((component (pop-stack))) (sb!vm:sanctify-for-execution component) component)) (define-fop (fop-fset 74 :pushp nil) ;; Ordinary, not-for-cold-load code shouldn't need to mess with this ;; at all, since it's only used as part of the conspiracy between ;; the cross-compiler and GENESIS to statically link FDEFINITIONs ;; for cold init. (warn "~@") ;; Unlike CMU CL, we don't treat this as a no-op in ordinary code. ;; If the user (or, more likely, developer) is trying to reload ;; compiled-for-cold-load code into a warm SBCL, we'll do a warm ;; assignment. (This is partly for abstract tidiness, since the warm ;; assignment is the closest analogy to what happens at cold load, ;; and partly because otherwise our compiled-for-cold-load code will ;; fail, since in SBCL things like compiled-for-cold-load %DEFUN ;; depend more strongly than in CMU CL on FOP-FSET actually doing ;; something.) (let ((fn (pop-stack)) (name (pop-stack))) (setf (fdefinition name) fn))) (define-fop (fop-note-debug-source 174 :pushp nil) (warn "~@") ;; as with COLD-FSET above, we are going to be lenient with coming ;; across this fop in a warm SBCL. (let ((debug-source (pop-stack))) (setf (sb!c::debug-source-compiled debug-source) (get-universal-time) (sb!c::debug-source-created debug-source) (file-write-date (sb!c::debug-source-namestring debug-source))))) ;;; Modify a slot in a CONSTANTS object. (define-cloned-fops (fop-alter-code 140 :pushp nil) (fop-byte-alter-code 141) (let ((value (pop-stack)) (code (pop-stack))) (setf (code-header-ref code (clone-arg)) value) (values))) (define-fop (fop-fun-entry 142) #+sb-xc-host ; since xc host doesn't know how to compile %PRIMITIVE (error "FOP-FUN-ENTRY can't be defined without %PRIMITIVE.") #-sb-xc-host (let ((info (pop-stack)) (type (pop-stack)) (arglist (pop-stack)) (name (pop-stack)) (code-object (pop-stack)) (offset (read-word-arg))) (declare (type index offset)) (unless (zerop (logand offset sb!vm:lowtag-mask)) (bug "unaligned function object, offset = #X~X" offset)) (let ((fun (%primitive sb!c:compute-fun code-object offset))) (setf (%simple-fun-self fun) fun) (setf (%simple-fun-next fun) (%code-entry-points code-object)) (setf (%code-entry-points code-object) fun) (setf (%simple-fun-name fun) name) (setf (%simple-fun-arglist fun) arglist) (setf (%simple-fun-type fun) type) (setf (%simple-fun-info fun) info) ;; FIXME: See the comment about *LOAD-PRINT* in FOP-EVAL. #+nil (when *load-print* (load-fresh-line) (format t "~S defined~%" fun)) fun))) ;;;; Some Dylan FOPs used to live here. By 1 November 1998 the code ;;;; was sufficiently stale that the functions it called were no ;;;; longer defined, so I (William Harold Newman) deleted it. ;;;; ;;;; In case someone in the future is trying to make sense of FOP layout, ;;;; it might be worth recording that the Dylan FOPs were ;;;; 100 FOP-DYLAN-SYMBOL-SAVE ;;;; 101 FOP-SMALL-DYLAN-SYMBOL-SAVE ;;;; 102 FOP-DYLAN-KEYWORD-SAVE ;;;; 103 FOP-SMALL-DYLAN-KEYWORD-SAVE ;;;; 104 FOP-DYLAN-VARINFO-VALUE ;;;; assemblerish fops (define-fop (fop-assembler-code 144) (error "cannot load assembler code except at cold load")) (define-fop (fop-assembler-routine 145) (error "cannot load assembler code except at cold load")) (define-fop (fop-foreign-fixup 147) (let* ((kind (pop-stack)) (code-object (pop-stack)) (len (read-byte-arg)) (sym (make-string len :element-type 'base-char))) (read-n-bytes *fasl-input-stream* sym 0 len) (sb!vm:fixup-code-object code-object (read-word-arg) (foreign-symbol-address sym) kind) code-object)) (define-fop (fop-assembler-fixup 148) (let ((routine (pop-stack)) (kind (pop-stack)) (code-object (pop-stack))) (multiple-value-bind (value found) (gethash routine *assembler-routines*) (unless found (error "undefined assembler routine: ~S" routine)) (sb!vm:fixup-code-object code-object (read-word-arg) value kind)) code-object)) (define-fop (fop-code-object-fixup 149) (let ((kind (pop-stack)) (code-object (pop-stack))) ;; Note: We don't have to worry about GC moving the code-object after ;; the GET-LISP-OBJ-ADDRESS and before that value is deposited, because ;; we can only use code-object fixups when code-objects don't move. (sb!vm:fixup-code-object code-object (read-word-arg) (get-lisp-obj-address code-object) kind) code-object)) #!+linkage-table (define-fop (fop-foreign-dataref-fixup 150) (let* ((kind (pop-stack)) (code-object (pop-stack)) (len (read-byte-arg)) (sym (make-string len :element-type 'base-char))) (read-n-bytes *fasl-input-stream* sym 0 len) (sb!vm:fixup-code-object code-object (read-word-arg) (foreign-symbol-address sym t) kind) code-object)) ;;; FOPs needed for implementing an IF operator in a FASL ;;; Skip until a FOP-MAYBE-STOP-SKIPPING with the same POSITION is ;;; executed. While skipping, we execute most FOPs normally, except ;;; for ones that a) funcall/eval b) start skipping. This needs to ;;; be done to ensure that the fop table gets populated correctly ;;; regardless of the execution path. (define-fop (fop-skip 151 :pushp nil) (let ((position (pop-stack))) (unless *skip-until* (setf *skip-until* position))) (values)) ;;; As before, but only start skipping if the top of the FOP stack is NIL. (define-fop (fop-skip-if-false 152 :pushp nil) (let ((condition (pop-stack)) (position (pop-stack))) (unless (or condition *skip-until*) (setf *skip-until* position))) (values)) ;;; If skipping, pop the top of the stack and discard it. Needed for ;;; ensuring that the stack stays balanced when skipping. (define-fop (fop-drop-if-skipping 153 :pushp nil) (when *skip-until* (pop-stack)) (values)) ;;; If skipping, push a dummy value on the stack. Needed for ;;; ensuring that the stack stays balanced when skipping. (define-fop (fop-push-nil-if-skipping 154 :pushp nil) (when *skip-until* (push-stack nil)) (values)) ;;; Stop skipping if the top of the stack matches *SKIP-UNTIL* (define-fop (fop-maybe-stop-skipping 155 :pushp nil) (let ((label (pop-stack))) (when (eql *skip-until* label) (setf *skip-until* nil))) (values))