;;;; support for dynamically loading foreign object files and ;;;; resolving symbols therein ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB-ALIEN") ; (SB-ALIEN, not SB!ALIEN, since we're in warm load.) ;;; On any OS where we don't support foreign object file loading, any ;;; query of a foreign symbol value is answered with "no definition ;;; known", i.e. NIL. #-(or linux sunos FreeBSD OpenBSD NetBSD darwin) (defun get-dynamic-foreign-symbol-address (symbol) (declare (type simple-string symbol) (ignore symbol)) nil) ;;; dlsym()-based implementation of GET-DYNAMIC-FOREIGN-SYMBOL-ADDRESS ;;; and functions (e.g. LOAD-FOREIGN) which affect it. This should ;;; work on any ELF system with dlopen(3) and dlsym(3) ;;; It also works on OpenBSD, which isn't ELF, but is otherwise modern ;;; enough to have a fairly well working dlopen/dlsym implementation. (macrolet ((define-unsupported-fun (fun-name &optional (error-message "unsupported on this system")) `(defun ,fun-name (&rest rest) ,error-message (declare (ignore rest)) (error 'unsupported-operator :name ',fun-name)))) #-(or linux sunos FreeBSD OpenBSD NetBSD darwin) (define-unsupported-fun load-shared-object) #+(or linux sunos FreeBSD OpenBSD NetBSD darwin) (progn (define-unsupported-fun load-foreign "Unsupported as of SBCL 0.8.13.") (define-unsupported-fun load-1-foreign "Unsupported as of SBCL 0.8.13. Please use LOAD-SHARED-OBJECT.") ;;; a list of handles returned from dlopen(3) (or possibly some ;;; bogus value temporarily during initialization) (defvar *handles-from-dlopen* nil) ;;; Dynamically loaded stuff isn't there upon restoring from a save. ;;; Clearing the variable this way was originally done primarily for ;;; Irix, which resolves tzname at runtime, resulting in ;;; *HANDLES-FROM-DLOPEN* (which was then called *TABLES-FROM-DLOPEN*) ;;; being set in the saved core image, resulting in havoc upon ;;; restart; but it seems harmless and tidy for other OSes too. ;;; ;;; Of course, it can be inconvenient that dynamically loaded stuff ;;; goes away when we save and restore. However, ;;; (1) trying to avoid it by system programming here could open a ;;; huge can of worms, since e.g. now we would need to worry about ;;; libraries possibly being in different locations (file locations ;;; or memory locations) at restore time than at save time; and ;;; (2) by the time the application programmer is so deep into the ;;; the use of hard core extension features as to be doing ;;; dynamic loading of foreign files and saving/restoring cores, ;;; he probably has the sophistication to write his own after-save ;;; code to reload the libraries without much difficulty. ;;; dan 2001.05.10 suspects that objection (1) is bogus for ;;; dlsym()-enabled systems (push (lambda () (setq *handles-from-dlopen* nil)) *after-save-initializations*) (define-alien-routine dlopen system-area-pointer (file c-string) (mode int)) (define-alien-routine dlsym system-area-pointer (lib system-area-pointer) (name c-string)) (define-alien-routine dlerror c-string) ;;; Ensure that we've opened our own binary so we can dynamically resolve ;;; symbols in the C runtime. ;;; ;;; Old comment: This used to happen only in ;;; GET-DYNAMIC-FOREIGN-SYMBOL-ADDRESS, and only if no libraries were ;;; dlopen()ed already, but that didn't work if something was ;;; dlopen()ed before any problem global vars were used. So now we do ;;; this in any function that can add to the *HANDLES-FROM-DLOPEN*, as ;;; well as in GET-DYNAMIC-FOREIGN-SYMBOL-ADDRESS. ;;; ;;; FIXME: It would work just as well to do it once at startup, actually. ;;; Then at least we know it's done. -dan 2001.05.10 (defun ensure-runtime-symbol-table-opened () (unless *handles-from-dlopen* ;; Prevent recursive call if dlopen() isn't defined. (setf *handles-from-dlopen* (int-sap 0)) (setf *handles-from-dlopen* (list (dlopen nil rtld-lazy))) (when (zerop (sb-sys:sap-int (first *handles-from-dlopen*))) (error "can't open our own binary's symbol table: ~S" (dlerror))))) (defun load-shared-object (file) "Load a shared library/dynamic shared object file/general dlopenable alien container. To use LOAD-SHARED-OBJECT, at the Unix command line do this: echo 'int summish(int x, int y) { return 1 + x + y; }' > /tmp/ffi-test.c make /tmp/ffi-test.o # i.e. cc -c -o /tmp/ffi-test.o /tmp/ffi-test.c ld -shared -o /tmp/ffi-test.so /tmp/ffi-test.o then in SBCL do this: (LOAD-SHARED-OBJECT \"/tmp/ffi-test.so\") (DEFINE-ALIEN-ROUTINE SUMMISH INT (X INT) (Y INT)) Now running (SUMMISH 10 20) should return 31. " (ensure-runtime-symbol-table-opened) ;; Note: We use RTLD-GLOBAL so that it can find all the symbols ;; previously loaded. We use RTLD-NOW so that dlopen() will fail if ;; not all symbols are defined. (let* ((real-file (or (unix-namestring file) file)) (sap (dlopen real-file (logior rtld-now rtld-global)))) (if (zerop (sap-int sap)) (error "can't open object ~S: ~S" real-file (dlerror)) (pushnew sap *handles-from-dlopen* :test #'sap=))) (values)) (defun get-dynamic-foreign-symbol-address (symbol) (ensure-runtime-symbol-table-opened) ;; Find the symbol in any of the loaded object files. Search in ;; reverse order of loading, so that later loadings take precedence. ;; ;; FIXME: The way that we use PUSHNEW SAP in LOAD-SHARED-OBJECT means ;; that the list isn't guaranteed to be in reverse order of loading, ;; at least not if a file is loaded more than once. Is this the ;; right thing? (In what cases does it matter?) (dolist (handle (reverse *handles-from-dlopen*)) ;; KLUDGE: We implicitly exclude the possibility that the variable ;; could actually be NULL, but the man page for dlsym(3) ;; recommends doing a more careful test. -- WHN 20000825 (let ((possible-result (sap-int (dlsym handle symbol)))) (unless (zerop possible-result) (return possible-result))))) #+os-provides-dladdr ;;; Override the early definition in target-load.lisp (defun foreign-symbol-in-address (sap) (let ((addr (sap-int sap))) (with-alien ((info (struct dl-info (filename c-string) (base unsigned) (symbol c-string) (symbol-address unsigned))) (dladdr (function unsigned unsigned (* (struct dl-info))) :extern "dladdr")) (let ((err (alien-funcall dladdr addr (addr info)))) (if (zerop err) nil (values (slot info 'symbol) (slot info 'filename) addr (- addr (slot info 'symbol-address)))))))) )) ; PROGN, MACROLET