;;;; support for dynamically loading foreign object files ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB-SYS") (file-comment "$Header$") ;;; not needed until we implement full-blown LOAD-FOREIGN #| (defun pick-temporary-file-name (&optional ;; KLUDGE: There are various security ;; nastyisms associated with easily ;; guessable temporary file names, ;; and we haven't done anything to ;; work around them here. -- pointed ;; out by Dan Barlow on sbcl-devel ;; 20000702 (base "/tmp/sbcl-tmp-~D~C")) (let ((code (char-code #\A))) (loop (let ((name (format nil base (sb-unix:unix-getpid) (code-char code)))) (multiple-value-bind (fd errno) (sb-unix:unix-open name (logior sb-unix:o_wronly sb-unix:o_creat sb-unix:o_excl) #o666) (cond ((not (null fd)) (sb-unix:unix-close fd) (return name)) ((not (= errno sb-unix:eexist)) (error "could not create temporary file ~S: ~A" name (sb-unix:get-unix-error-msg errno))) ;; KLUDGE: depends on ASCII character ordering -- WHN 20000128 ((= code (char-code #\Z)) (setf code (char-code #\a))) ((= code (char-code #\z)) (return nil)) (t (incf code)))))))) |# ;;; On any OS where we don't support foreign object file loading, any ;;; query of a foreign symbol value is answered with "no definition ;;; known", i.e. NIL. ;;; ;;; (On any OS which *does* support foreign object file loading, this ;;; placeholder implementation is overwritten by a subsequent real ;;; implementation.) (defun get-dynamic-foreign-symbol-address (symbol) (declare (type simple-string symbol) (ignore symbol)) nil) ;;; Linux implementation of GET-DYNAMIC-FOREIGN-SYMBOL-ADDRESS ;;; and functions (e.g. LOAD-FOREIGN) which affect it #+(or linux FreeBSD) (progn ;;; flags for dlopen() (defconstant rtld-lazy 1) ; lazy function call binding? (defconstant rtld-now 2) ; immediate function call binding? (defconstant rtld-global #x100) ; symbols of loaded obj file ; (and its dependencies) made ; visible (as though the ; obj file were linked directly ; into the program)? ;;; a list of tables returned from dlopen(3) (or possibly some ;;; bogus value temporarily during initialization) (defvar *tables-from-dlopen* nil) ;;; Dynamically loaded stuff isn't there upon restoring from a save. ;;; Clearing the variable this way was originally done primarily for ;;; Irix, which resolves tzname at runtime, resulting in ;;; *TABLES-FROM-DLOPEN* being set in the saved core image, resulting ;;; in havoc upon restart; but it seems harmless and tidy for other ;;; OSes too. ;;; ;;; Of course, it can be inconvenient that dynamically loaded stuff ;;; goes away when we save and restore. However, ;;; (1) trying to avoid it by system programming here could open a ;;; huge can of worms, since e.g. now we would need to worry about ;;; libraries possibly being in different locations (file locations ;;; or memory locations) at restore time than at save time; and ;;; (2) by the time the application programmer is so deep into the ;;; the use of hard core extension features as to be doing ;;; dynamic loading of foreign files and saving/restoring cores, ;;; he probably has the sophistication to write his own after-save ;;; code to reload the libraries without much difficulty. (push (lambda () (setq *tables-from-dlopen* nil)) sb-int:*after-save-initializations*) ;;; not needed until we implement full-blown LOAD-FOREIGN #| (defvar *dso-linker* "/usr/bin/ld") (defvar *dso-linker-options* '("-G" "-o")) |# (sb-alien:def-alien-routine dlopen system-area-pointer (file sb-c-call:c-string) (mode sb-c-call:int)) (sb-alien:def-alien-routine dlsym system-area-pointer (lib system-area-pointer) (name sb-c-call:c-string)) (sb-alien:def-alien-routine dlerror sb-c-call:c-string) ;;; Ensure that we've opened our own binary so we can resolve global ;;; variables in the Lisp image that come from libraries. This used to ;;; happen only in GET-DYNAMIC-FOREIGN-SYMBOL-ADDRESS, and only if no ;;; libraries were dlopen()ed already, but that didn't work if ;;; something was dlopen()ed before any problem global vars were used. ;;; So now we do this in any function that can add to the ;;; *TABLES-FROM-DLOPEN*, as well as in ;;; GET-DYNAMIC-FOREIGN-SYMBOL-ADDRESS. (defun ensure-lisp-table-opened () (unless *tables-from-dlopen* ;; Prevent recursive call if dlopen() isn't defined. (setf *tables-from-dlopen* (int-sap 0)) (setf *tables-from-dlopen* (list (dlopen nil rtld-lazy))) (when (zerop (sb-sys:sap-int (first *tables-from-dlopen*))) (error "can't open global symbol table: ~S" (dlerror))))) (defun load-1-foreign (file) "a primitive way to load a foreign object file. (LOAD-FOREIGN is probably preferred, but as of SBCL 0.6.7 is not implemented..) To use LOAD-1-FOREIGN, at the Unix command line do this: echo 'int summish(int x, int y) { return 1 + x + y; }' > /tmp/ffi-test.c make /tmp/ffi-test.o # i.e. cc -c -o /tmp/ffi-test.o /tmp/ffi-test.c ld -shared -o /tmp/ffi-test.so /tmp/ffi-test.o then in SBCL do this: (LOAD-1-FOREIGN \"/tmp/ffi-test.so\") (DEF-ALIEN-ROUTINE SUMMISH INT (X INT) (Y INT)) Now running (SUMMISH 10 20) should return 31. " (ensure-lisp-table-opened) ;; Note: We use RTLD-GLOBAL so that it can find all the symbols ;; previously loaded. We use RTLD-NOW so that dlopen() will fail if ;; not all symbols are defined. (let ((sap (dlopen file (logior rtld-now rtld-global)))) (if (zerop (sap-int sap)) (error "can't open object ~S: ~S" file (dlerror)) (pushnew sap *tables-from-dlopen* :test #'sap=))) (values)) (defun get-dynamic-foreign-symbol-address (symbol) (ensure-lisp-table-opened) ;; Find the symbol in any of the loaded object files. Search in ;; reverse order of loading, so that later loadings take precedence. ;; ;; FIXME: The way that we use PUSHNEW SAP in LOAD-1-FOREIGN means ;; that the list isn't guaranteed to be in reverse order of loading, ;; at least not if a file is loaded more than once. Is this the ;; right thing? (In what cases does it matter?) (dolist (table *tables-from-dlopen*) ;; KLUDGE: We implicitly exclude the possibility that the variable ;; could actually be NULL, but the man page for dlsym(3) ;; recommends doing a more careful test. -- WHN 20000825 (let ((possible-result (sap-int (dlsym table symbol)))) (unless (zerop possible-result) (return possible-result))))) ;;; code partially ported from CMU CL to SBCL, but needs RUN-PROGRAM #| (defun load-foreign (files &key (libraries '("-lc")) (base-file nil) ;; Note: Since SBCL has no *ENVIRONMENT-LIST* ;; variable, if this code is ever restored, ;; the default should be taken from the alien ;; "environ" variable. ,, ; do it! (env sb-ext:*environment-list*)) #+sb-doc "LOAD-FOREIGN loads a list of C object files into a running Lisp. The FILES argument should be a single file or a list of files. The files may be specified as namestrings or as pathnames. The libraries argument should be a list of library files as would be specified to ld. They will be searched in the order given. The default is just \"-lc\", i.e., the C library. The base-file argument is used to specify a file to use as the starting place for defined symbols. The default is the C start up code for Lisp. The ENV argument is the Unix environment variable definitions for the invocation of the linker. The default is the environment passed to Lisp." ;; Note: dlopen() remembers the name of an object, when dlopen()ing ;; the same name twice, the old object is reused. (declare (ignore base-file)) (let ((output-file (pick-temporary-file-name (concatenate 'string "/tmp/~D~C" (string (gensym))))) (error-output (make-string-output-stream))) (/show "running" *dso-linker*) (force-output) (unwind-protect (let ((proc (sb-ext:run-program *dso-linker* (append *dso-linker-options* (list output-file) (append (mapcar #'(lambda (name) (unix-namestring name nil)) (if (atom files) (list files) files)) libraries)) :env env :input nil :output error-output :error :output))) (unless proc (error "could not run ~A" *dso-linker*)) (unless (zerop (sb-ext:process-exit-code proc)) (sb-sys:serve-all-events 0) (error "~A failed:~%~A" *dso-linker* (get-output-stream-string error-output))) (load-1-foreign output-file)) #-sb-show (sb-unix:unix-unlink output-file) #+sb-show (/show "not unlinking" output-file)))) ; so we can look at it |# ) ; PROGN