;;;; garbage collection and allocation-related code ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!KERNEL") ;;;; DYNAMIC-USAGE and friends (declaim (special sb!vm:*read-only-space-free-pointer* sb!vm:*static-space-free-pointer*)) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute) (sb!xc:defmacro def-c-var-frob (lisp-fun c-var-name) `(progn #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline ,lisp-fun)) (defun ,lisp-fun () (sb!alien:extern-alien ,c-var-name (sb!alien:unsigned 32)))))) #!-gencgc (progn ;; This is called once per PROFILEd function call, so it's worth a ;; little possible space cost to reduce its time cost. #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline current-dynamic-space-start)) (def-c-var-frob current-dynamic-space-start "current_dynamic_space")) #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline dynamic-usage)) ; to reduce PROFILEd call overhead #!+gencgc (def-c-var-frob dynamic-usage "bytes_allocated") #!-gencgc (defun dynamic-usage () (the (unsigned-byte 32) (- (sb!sys:sap-int (sb!c::dynamic-space-free-pointer)) (current-dynamic-space-start)))) (defun static-space-usage () (- (* sb!vm:*static-space-free-pointer* sb!vm:n-word-bytes) sb!vm:static-space-start)) (defun read-only-space-usage () (- (* sb!vm::*read-only-space-free-pointer* sb!vm:n-word-bytes) sb!vm:read-only-space-start)) (defun control-stack-usage () #!-stack-grows-downward-not-upward (- (sb!sys:sap-int (sb!c::control-stack-pointer-sap)) (sb!vm:fixnumize sb!vm:*control-stack-start*)) #!+stack-grows-downward-not-upward (- (sb!vm:fixnumize sb!vm:*control-stack-end*) (sb!sys:sap-int (sb!c::control-stack-pointer-sap)))) (defun binding-stack-usage () (- (sb!sys:sap-int (sb!c::binding-stack-pointer-sap)) (sb!vm:fixnumize sb!vm:*binding-stack-start*))) ;;;; ROOM (defun room-minimal-info () (format t "Dynamic space usage is: ~10:D bytes.~%" (dynamic-usage)) (format t "Read-only space usage is: ~10:D bytes.~%" (read-only-space-usage)) (format t "Static space usage is: ~10:D bytes.~%" (static-space-usage)) (format t "Control stack usage is: ~10:D bytes.~%" (control-stack-usage)) (format t "Binding stack usage is: ~10:D bytes.~%" (binding-stack-usage)) #!+sb-thread (format t "Control and binding stack usage is for the current thread only.~%") (format t "Garbage collection is currently ~:[enabled~;DISABLED~].~%" (> *gc-inhibit* 0))) (defun room-intermediate-info () (room-minimal-info) (sb!vm:memory-usage :count-spaces '(:dynamic) :print-spaces t :cutoff 0.05f0 :print-summary nil)) (defun room-maximal-info () (room-minimal-info) (sb!vm:memory-usage :count-spaces '(:static :dynamic)) (sb!vm:instance-usage :dynamic :top-n 10) (sb!vm:instance-usage :static :top-n 10)) (defun room (&optional (verbosity :default)) #!+sb-doc "Print to *STANDARD-OUTPUT* information about the state of internal storage and its management. The optional argument controls the verbosity of output. If it is T, ROOM prints out a maximal amount of information. If it is NIL, ROOM prints out a minimal amount of information. If it is :DEFAULT or it is not supplied, ROOM prints out an intermediate amount of information." (fresh-line) (ecase verbosity ((t) (room-maximal-info)) ((nil) (room-minimal-info)) (:default (room-intermediate-info))) (values)) ;;;; GET-BYTES-CONSED ;;; the total number of bytes freed so far (including any freeing ;;; which goes on in PURIFY) ;;; ;;; (We save this so that we can calculate the total number of bytes ;;; ever allocated by adding this to the number of bytes currently ;;; allocated and never freed.) (declaim (type unsigned-byte *n-bytes-freed-or-purified*)) (defvar *n-bytes-freed-or-purified* 0) (push (lambda () (setf *n-bytes-freed-or-purified* 0)) ;; KLUDGE: It's probably not quite safely right either to do ;; this in *BEFORE-SAVE-INITIALIZATIONS* (since consing, or even ;; worse, something which depended on (GET-BYTES-CONSED), might ;; happen after that) or in *AFTER-SAVE-INITIALIZATIONS*. But ;; it's probably not a big problem, and there seems to be no ;; other obvious time to do it. -- WHN 2001-07-30 *after-save-initializations*) (declaim (ftype (function () unsigned-byte) get-bytes-consed)) (defun get-bytes-consed () #!+sb-doc "Return the number of bytes consed since the program began. Typically this result will be a consed bignum, so if you have an application (e.g. profiling) which can't tolerate the overhead of consing bignums, you'll probably want either to hack in at a lower level (as the code in the SB-PROFILE package does), or to design a more microefficient interface and submit it as a patch." (+ (dynamic-usage) *n-bytes-freed-or-purified*)) ;;;; variables and constants ;;; the minimum amount of dynamic space which must be consed before a ;;; GC will be triggered ;;; ;;; Unlike CMU CL, we don't export this variable. (There's no need to, ;;; since our BYTES-CONSED-BETWEEN-GCS function is SETFable.) (defvar *bytes-consed-between-gcs* #!+gencgc (* 4 (expt 10 6)) ;; Stop-and-copy GC is really really slow when used too often. CSR ;; reported that even on his old 64 Mb SPARC, 20 Mb is much faster ;; than 4 Mb when rebuilding SBCL ca. 0.7.1. For modern machines ;; with >> 128 Mb memory, the optimum could be significantly more ;; than this, but at least 20 Mb should be better than 4 Mb. #!-gencgc (* 20 (expt 10 6))) (declaim (type index *bytes-consed-between-gcs*)) ;;;; GC hooks (defvar *before-gc-hooks* nil ; actually initialized in cold init #!+sb-doc "A list of functions that are called before garbage collection occurs. The functions should take no arguments.") (defvar *after-gc-hooks* nil ; actually initialized in cold init #!+sb-doc "A list of functions that are called after garbage collection occurs. The functions should take no arguments.") (defvar *gc-notify-stream* nil ; (actually initialized in cold init) #!+sb-doc "When non-NIL, this must be a STREAM; and the functions bound to *GC-NOTIFY-BEFORE* and *GC-NOTIFY-AFTER* are called with the STREAM value before and after a garbage collection occurs respectively.") (defvar *gc-run-time* 0 #!+sb-doc "the total CPU time spent doing garbage collection (as reported by GET-INTERNAL-RUN-TIME)") (declaim (type index *gc-run-time*)) ;;;; The following specials are used to control when garbage ;;;; collection occurs. ;;; When the dynamic usage increases beyond this amount, the system ;;; notes that a garbage collection needs to occur by setting ;;; *NEED-TO-COLLECT-GARBAGE* to T. It starts out as NIL meaning ;;; nobody has figured out what it should be yet. ;;; ;;; FIXME: *GC-TRIGGER* seems to be denominated in bytes, not words. ;;; And limiting it to INDEX is fairly reasonable in order to avoid ;;; bignum arithmetic on every allocation, and to minimize the need ;;; for thought about weird gotchas of the GC-control mechanism itself ;;; consing as it operates. But as of sbcl-0.7.5, 512Mbytes of memory ;;; costs $54.95 at Fry's in Dallas but cheap consumer 64-bit machines ;;; are still over the horizon, so gratuitously limiting our heap size ;;; to FIXNUM bytes seems fairly stupid. It'd be reasonable to ;;; (1) allow arbitrary UNSIGNED-BYTE values of *GC-TRIGGER*, or ;;; (2) redenominate this variable in words instead of bytes, postponing ;;; the problem to heaps which exceed 50% of the machine's address ;;; space, or even ;;; (3) redemoninate this variable in CONS-sized two-word units, ;;; allowing it to cover the entire memory space at the price of ;;; possible loss of clarity. ;;; (And whatever is done, it'd also be good to rename the variable so ;;; that it's clear what unit it's denominated in.) (declaim (type (or index null) *gc-trigger*)) (defvar *gc-trigger* nil) ;;; When >0, inhibits garbage collection. (defvar *gc-inhibit*) ; initialized in cold init ;;; When T, indicates that a GC should have happened but did not due to ;;; *GC-INHIBIT*. (defvar *need-to-collect-garbage* nil) ; initialized in cold init ;;;; internal GC (sb!alien:define-alien-routine collect-garbage sb!alien:int (#!+gencgc last-gen #!-gencgc ignore sb!alien:int)) #!+sb-thread (def-c-var-frob gc-thread-pid "gc_thread_pid") ;;;; SUB-GC ;;; This is used to carefully invoke hooks. (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute) (sb!xc:defmacro carefully-funcall (function &rest args) `(handler-case (funcall ,function ,@args) (error (cond) (warn "(FUNCALL ~S~{ ~S~}) lost:~%~A" ',function ',args cond) nil)))) ;;; SUB-GC does a garbage collection. This is called from three places: ;;; (1) The C runtime will call here when it detects that we've consed ;;; enough to exceed the gc trigger threshold ;;; (2) The user may request a collection using GC, below ;;; (3) At the end of a WITHOUT-GCING section, we are called if ;;; *NEED-TO-COLLECT-GARBAGE* is true ;;; ;;; This is different from the behaviour in 0.7 and earlier: it no ;;; longer decides whether to GC based on thresholds. If you call ;;; SUB-GC you will definitely get a GC either now or when the ;;; WITHOUT-GCING is over ;;; For GENCGC all generations < GEN will be GC'ed. #!+sb-thread (defun sub-gc (&key (gen 0)) (setf *need-to-collect-garbage* t) (when (zerop *gc-inhibit*) (setf (sb!alien:extern-alien "maybe_gc_pending" (sb!alien:unsigned 32)) (1+ gen)) (if (zerop (sb!alien:extern-alien "stop_the_world" (sb!alien:unsigned 32))) (sb!unix:unix-kill (gc-thread-pid) :SIGALRM)) (loop (when (zerop (sb!alien:extern-alien "maybe_gc_pending" (sb!alien:unsigned 32))) (return nil))) (setf *need-to-collect-garbage* nil) (scrub-control-stack)) (values)) #!-sb-thread (defvar *already-in-gc* nil "System is running SUB-GC") #!-sb-thread (defun sub-gc (&key (gen 0)) (when *already-in-gc* (return-from sub-gc nil)) (setf *need-to-collect-garbage* t) (when (zerop *gc-inhibit*) (let ((*already-in-gc* t)) (without-interrupts (collect-garbage gen)) (setf *need-to-collect-garbage* nil)) (scrub-control-stack)) (values)) ;;; This is the user-advertised garbage collection function. (defun gc (&key (gen 0) (full nil) &allow-other-keys) #!+(and sb-doc gencgc) "Initiate a garbage collection. GEN controls the number of generations to garbage collect." #!+(and sb-doc (not gencgc)) "Initiate a garbage collection. GEN may be provided for compatibility with generational garbage collectors, but is ignored in this implementation." (sub-gc :gen (if full 6 gen))) ;;;; auxiliary functions (defun bytes-consed-between-gcs () #!+sb-doc "Return the amount of memory that will be allocated before the next garbage collection is initiated. This can be set with SETF." (sb!alien:extern-alien "bytes_consed_between_gcs" (sb!alien:unsigned 32))) (defun (setf bytes-consed-between-gcs) (val) (declare (type index val)) (setf (sb!alien:extern-alien "bytes_consed_between_gcs" (sb!alien:unsigned 32)) val)) (defun gc-on () #!+sb-doc "Enable the garbage collector." (setq *gc-inhibit* 0) (when *need-to-collect-garbage* (sub-gc)) nil) (defun gc-off () #!+sb-doc "Disable the garbage collector." (setq *gc-inhibit* 1) nil)