;;;; the CL:INSPECT function ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB-IMPL") ;(SB-IMPL, not SB!IMPL, since we're built in warm load.) (defparameter *inspect-length* 10) ;;; When *INSPECT-UNBOUND-OBJECT-MARKER* occurs in a parts list, it ;;; indicates that that a slot is unbound. (defvar *inspect-unbound-object-marker* (gensym "INSPECT-UNBOUND-OBJECT-")) (defun inspect (object) (catch 'quit-inspect (%inspect object *standard-output*)) (values)) (defvar *inspected*) (setf (documentation '*inspected* 'variable) "the value currently being inspected in CL:INSPECT") (defvar *help-for-inspect* " help for INSPECT: Q, E - Quit the inspector. - Inspect the numbered slot. R - Redisplay current inspected object. U - Move upward/backward to previous inspected object. ?, H, Help - Show this help. - Evaluate the input as an expression. Within the inspector, the special variable SB-EXT:*INSPECTED* is bound to the current inspected object, so that it can be referred to in evaluated expressions. ") (defun %inspect (*inspected* s) (named-let redisplay () ; "lambda, the ultimate GOTO":-| (multiple-value-bind (description named-p elements) (inspected-parts *inspected*) (tty-display-inspected-parts description named-p elements s) (named-let reread () (format s "~&> ") (force-output) (let (;; KMP idiom, using stream itself as EOF value (command (read *standard-input* nil *standard-input*))) (typecase command (stream ; i.e. EOF ;; currently-undocumented feature: EOF is handled as Q. ;; If there's ever consensus that this is *the* right ;; thing to do (as opposed to e.g. handling it as U), we ;; could document it. Meanwhile, it seems more Unix-y to ;; do this than to signal an error. (throw 'quit-inspect nil)) (integer (let ((elements-length (length elements))) (cond ((< -1 command elements-length) (let* ((element (nth command elements)) (value (if named-p (cdr element) element))) (cond ((eq value *inspect-unbound-object-marker*) (format s "~%That slot is unbound.~%") (return-from %inspect (reread))) (t (%inspect value s) ;; If we ever return, then we should be ;; looking at *INSPECTED* again. (return-from %inspect (redisplay)))))) ((zerop elements-length) (format s "~%The object contains nothing to inspect.~%") (return-from %inspect (reread))) (t (format s "~%Enter a valid index (~:[0-~D~;0~]).~%" (= elements-length 1) (1- elements-length)) (return-from %inspect (reread)))))) (symbol (case (find-symbol (symbol-name command) *keyword-package*) ((:q :e) (throw 'quit-inspect nil)) (:u (return-from %inspect)) (:r (return-from %inspect (redisplay))) ((:h :? :help) (write-string *help-for-inspect* s) (return-from %inspect (reread))) (t (eval-for-inspect command s) (return-from %inspect (reread))))) (t (eval-for-inspect command s) (return-from %inspect (reread))))))))) (defun eval-for-inspect (command stream) (let ((result-list (restart-case (multiple-value-list (eval command)) (nil () :report "Return to the inspector." (format stream "~%returning to the inspector~%") (return-from eval-for-inspect nil))))) ;; FIXME: Much of this interactive-EVAL logic is shared with ;; the main REPL EVAL and with the debugger EVAL. The code should ;; be shared explicitly. (setf /// // // / / result-list) (setf +++ ++ ++ + + - - command) (setf *** ** ** * * (car /)) (format stream "~&~{~S~%~}" /))) (defun tty-display-inspected-parts (description named-p elements stream) (format stream "~%~A" description) (let ((index 0)) (dolist (element elements) (if named-p (destructuring-bind (name . value) element (format stream "~W. ~A: ~W~%" index name (if (eq value *inspect-unbound-object-marker*) "unbound" value))) (format stream "~W. ~W~%" index element)) (incf index)))) ;;;; INSPECTED-PARTS ;;; Destructure an object for inspection, returning ;;; (VALUES DESCRIPTION NAMED-P ELEMENTS), ;;; where.. ;;; ;;; DESCRIPTION is a summary description of the destructured object, ;;; e.g. "The object is a CONS.~%". ;;; ;;; NAMED-P determines what representation is used for elements ;;; of ELEMENTS. If NAMED-P is true, then each element is ;;; (CONS NAME VALUE); otherwise each element is just VALUE. ;;; ;;; ELEMENTS is a list of the component parts of OBJECT (whose ;;; representation is determined by NAMED-P). ;;; ;;; (The NAMED-P dichotomy is useful because symbols and instances ;;; need to display both a slot name and a value, while lists and ;;; vectors need only display a value.) (defgeneric inspected-parts (object)) (defmethod inspected-parts ((object symbol)) (values (format nil "The object is a SYMBOL.~%" object) t (list (cons "Name" (symbol-name object)) (cons "Package" (symbol-package object)) (cons "Value" (if (boundp object) (symbol-value object) *inspect-unbound-object-marker*)) (cons "Function" (if (fboundp object) (symbol-function object) *inspect-unbound-object-marker*)) (cons "Plist" (symbol-plist object))))) (defun inspected-structure-elements (object) (let ((parts-list '()) (info (layout-info (sb-kernel:layout-of object)))) (when (sb-kernel::defstruct-description-p info) (dolist (dd-slot (dd-slots info) (nreverse parts-list)) (push (cons (dsd-%name dd-slot) (funcall (dsd-accessor-name dd-slot) object)) parts-list))))) (defmethod inspected-parts ((object structure-object)) (values (format nil "The object is a STRUCTURE-OBJECT of type ~S.~%" (type-of object)) t (inspected-structure-elements object))) (defun inspected-standard-object-elements (object) (let ((reversed-elements nil) (class-slots (sb-pcl::class-slots (class-of object)))) (dolist (class-slot class-slots (nreverse reversed-elements)) (let* ((slot-name (slot-value class-slot 'sb-pcl::name)) (slot-value (if (slot-boundp object slot-name) (slot-value object slot-name) *inspect-unbound-object-marker*))) (push (cons slot-name slot-value) reversed-elements))))) (defmethod inspected-parts ((object standard-object)) (values (format nil "The object is a STANDARD-OBJECT of type ~S.~%" (type-of object)) t (inspected-standard-object-elements object))) (defmethod inspected-parts ((object funcallable-instance)) (values (format nil "The object is a FUNCALLABLE-INSTANCE of type ~S.~%" (type-of object)) t (inspected-structure-elements object))) (defmethod inspected-parts ((object function)) (let* ((type (sb-kernel:get-type object)) (object (if (= type sb-vm:closure-header-widetag) (sb-kernel:%closure-fun object) object))) (values (format nil "FUNCTION ~S.~@[~%Argument List: ~A~]." object (sb-kernel:%simple-fun-arglist object) ;; Defined-from stuff used to be here. Someone took ;; it out. FIXME: We should make it easy to get ;; to DESCRIBE from the inspector. ) t nil))) (defmethod inspected-parts ((object vector)) (values (format nil "The object is a ~:[~;displaced ~]VECTOR of length ~D.~%" (and (array-header-p object) (%array-displaced-p object)) (length object)) nil ;; FIXME: Should we respect *INSPECT-LENGTH* here? If not, what ;; does *INSPECT-LENGTH* mean? (coerce object 'list))) (defun inspected-index-string (index rev-dimensions) (if (null rev-dimensions) "[]" (let ((list nil)) (dolist (dim rev-dimensions) (multiple-value-bind (q r) (floor index dim) (setq index q) (push r list))) (format nil "[~D~{,~D~}]" (car list) (cdr list))))) (defmethod inspected-parts ((object array)) (let* ((length (min (array-total-size object) *inspect-length*)) (reference-array (make-array length :displaced-to object)) (dimensions (array-dimensions object)) (reversed-elements nil)) ;; FIXME: Should we respect *INSPECT-LENGTH* here? If not, what does ;; *INSPECT-LENGTH* mean? (dotimes (i length) (push (cons (format nil "~A " (inspected-index-string i (reverse dimensions))) (aref reference-array i)) reversed-elements)) (values (format nil "The object is ~:[a displaced~;an~] ARRAY of ~A.~%~ Its dimensions are ~S.~%" (array-element-type object) (and (array-header-p object) (%array-displaced-p object)) dimensions) t (nreverse reversed-elements)))) (defmethod inspected-parts ((object cons)) (if (consp (cdr object)) (inspected-parts-of-nontrivial-list object) (inspected-parts-of-simple-cons object))) (defun inspected-parts-of-simple-cons (object) (values "The object is a CONS. " t (list (cons 'car (car object)) (cons 'cdr (cdr object))))) (defun inspected-parts-of-nontrivial-list (object) (let ((length 0) (in-list object) (reversed-elements nil)) (flet ((done (description-format) (return-from inspected-parts-of-nontrivial-list (values (format nil description-format length) t (nreverse reversed-elements))))) (loop (cond ((null in-list) (done "The object is a proper list of length ~S.~%")) ((>= length *inspect-length*) (push (cons 'rest in-list) reversed-elements) (done "The object is a long list (more than ~S elements).~%")) ((consp in-list) (push (cons length (pop in-list)) reversed-elements) (incf length)) (t (push (cons 'rest in-list) reversed-elements) (done "The object is an improper list of length ~S.~%"))))))) (defmethod inspected-parts ((object t)) (values (format nil "The object is an ATOM:~% ~W~%" object) nil nil))