;;;; This file contains all the irrational functions. (Actually, most ;;;; of the work is done by calling out to C.) ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!KERNEL") (file-comment "$Header$") ;;;; miscellaneous constants, utility functions, and macros (defconstant pi 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937511L0) ;(defconstant e 2.71828182845904523536028747135266249775724709369996L0) ;;; Make these INLINE, since the call to C is at least as compact as a Lisp ;;; call, and saves number consing to boot. ;;; ;;; FIXME: This should be (EVAL-WHEN (COMPILE-EVAL) (SB!XC:DEFMACRO ..)), ;;; I think. (defmacro def-math-rtn (name num-args) (let ((function (intern (concatenate 'simple-string "%" (string-upcase name))))) `(progn (proclaim '(inline ,function)) (let ((sb!int::*rogue-export* "DEF-MATH-RTN")) (export ',function)) (sb!alien:def-alien-routine (,name ,function) double-float ,@(let ((results nil)) (dotimes (i num-args (nreverse results)) (push (list (intern (format nil "ARG-~D" i)) 'double-float) results))))))) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defun handle-reals (function var) `((((foreach fixnum single-float bignum ratio)) (coerce (,function (coerce ,var 'double-float)) 'single-float)) ((double-float) (,function ,var)))) ) ; EVAL-WHEN ;;;; stubs for the Unix math library ;;; Please refer to the Unix man pages for details about these routines. ;;; Trigonometric. #!-x86 (def-math-rtn "sin" 1) #!-x86 (def-math-rtn "cos" 1) #!-x86 (def-math-rtn "tan" 1) (def-math-rtn "asin" 1) (def-math-rtn "acos" 1) #!-x86 (def-math-rtn "atan" 1) #!-x86 (def-math-rtn "atan2" 2) (def-math-rtn "sinh" 1) (def-math-rtn "cosh" 1) (def-math-rtn "tanh" 1) (def-math-rtn "asinh" 1) (def-math-rtn "acosh" 1) (def-math-rtn "atanh" 1) ;;; Exponential and Logarithmic. #!-x86 (def-math-rtn "exp" 1) #!-x86 (def-math-rtn "log" 1) #!-x86 (def-math-rtn "log10" 1) (def-math-rtn "pow" 2) #!-x86 (def-math-rtn "sqrt" 1) (def-math-rtn "hypot" 2) #!-(or hpux x86) (def-math-rtn "log1p" 1) #!+x86 ;; These are needed for use by byte-compiled files. (progn (defun %sin (x) (declare (double-float x) (values double-float)) (%sin x)) (defun %sin-quick (x) (declare (double-float x) (values double-float)) (%sin-quick x)) (defun %cos (x) (declare (double-float x) (values double-float)) (%cos x)) (defun %cos-quick (x) (declare (double-float x) (values double-float)) (%cos-quick x)) (defun %tan (x) (declare (double-float x) (values double-float)) (%tan x)) (defun %tan-quick (x) (declare (double-float x) (values double-float)) (%tan-quick x)) (defun %atan (x) (declare (double-float x) (values double-float)) (%atan x)) (defun %atan2 (x y) (declare (double-float x y) (values double-float)) (%atan2 x y)) (defun %exp (x) (declare (double-float x) (values double-float)) (%exp x)) (defun %log (x) (declare (double-float x) (values double-float)) (%log x)) (defun %log10 (x) (declare (double-float x) (values double-float)) (%log10 x)) #+nil ;; notyet (defun %pow (x y) (declare (type (double-float 0d0) x) (double-float y) (values (double-float 0d0))) (%pow x y)) (defun %sqrt (x) (declare (double-float x) (values double-float)) (%sqrt x)) (defun %scalbn (f ex) (declare (double-float f) (type (signed-byte 32) ex) (values double-float)) (%scalbn f ex)) (defun %scalb (f ex) (declare (double-float f ex) (values double-float)) (%scalb f ex)) (defun %logb (x) (declare (double-float x) (values double-float)) (%logb x)) (defun %log1p (x) (declare (double-float x) (values double-float)) (%log1p x)) ) ; progn ;;;; power functions (defun exp (number) #!+sb-doc "Return e raised to the power NUMBER." (number-dispatch ((number number)) (handle-reals %exp number) ((complex) (* (exp (realpart number)) (cis (imagpart number)))))) ;;; INTEXP -- Handle the rational base, integer power case. ;;; FIXME: As long as the ;;; system dies on stack overflow or memory exhaustion, it seems reasonable ;;; to have this, but its default should be NIL, and when it's NIL, ;;; anything should be accepted. (defparameter *intexp-maximum-exponent* 10000) ;;; This function precisely calculates base raised to an integral power. It ;;; separates the cases by the sign of power, for efficiency reasons, as powers ;;; can be calculated more efficiently if power is a positive integer. Values ;;; of power are calculated as positive integers, and inverted if negative. (defun intexp (base power) (when (> (abs power) *intexp-maximum-exponent*) ;; FIXME: should be ordinary error, not CERROR. (Once we set the ;; default for the variable to NIL, the un-continuable error will ;; be less obnoxious.) (cerror "Continue with calculation." "The absolute value of ~S exceeds ~S." power '*intexp-maximum-exponent* base power)) (cond ((minusp power) (/ (intexp base (- power)))) ((eql base 2) (ash 1 power)) (t (do ((nextn (ash power -1) (ash power -1)) (total (if (oddp power) base 1) (if (oddp power) (* base total) total))) ((zerop nextn) total) (setq base (* base base)) (setq power nextn))))) ;;; If an integer power of a rational, use INTEXP above. Otherwise, do ;;; floating point stuff. If both args are real, we try %POW right off, ;;; assuming it will return 0 if the result may be complex. If so, we call ;;; COMPLEX-POW which directly computes the complex result. We also separate ;;; the complex-real and real-complex cases from the general complex case. (defun expt (base power) #!+sb-doc "Returns BASE raised to the POWER." (if (zerop power) (1+ (* base power)) (labels (;; determine if the double float is an integer. ;; 0 - not an integer ;; 1 - an odd int ;; 2 - an even int (isint (ihi lo) (declare (type (unsigned-byte 31) ihi) (type (unsigned-byte 32) lo) (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))) (let ((isint 0)) (declare (type fixnum isint)) (cond ((>= ihi #x43400000) ; exponent >= 53 (setq isint 2)) ((>= ihi #x3ff00000) (let ((k (- (ash ihi -20) #x3ff))) ; exponent (declare (type (mod 53) k)) (cond ((> k 20) (let* ((shift (- 52 k)) (j (logand (ash lo (- shift)))) (j2 (ash j shift))) (declare (type (mod 32) shift) (type (unsigned-byte 32) j j2)) (when (= j2 lo) (setq isint (- 2 (logand j 1)))))) ((= lo 0) (let* ((shift (- 20 k)) (j (ash ihi (- shift))) (j2 (ash j shift))) (declare (type (mod 32) shift) (type (unsigned-byte 31) j j2)) (when (= j2 ihi) (setq isint (- 2 (logand j 1)))))))))) isint)) (real-expt (x y rtype) (let ((x (coerce x 'double-float)) (y (coerce y 'double-float))) (declare (double-float x y)) (let* ((x-hi (sb!kernel:double-float-high-bits x)) (x-lo (sb!kernel:double-float-low-bits x)) (x-ihi (logand x-hi #x7fffffff)) (y-hi (sb!kernel:double-float-high-bits y)) (y-lo (sb!kernel:double-float-low-bits y)) (y-ihi (logand y-hi #x7fffffff))) (declare (type (signed-byte 32) x-hi y-hi) (type (unsigned-byte 31) x-ihi y-ihi) (type (unsigned-byte 32) x-lo y-lo)) ;; y==zero: x**0 = 1 (when (zerop (logior y-ihi y-lo)) (return-from real-expt (coerce 1d0 rtype))) ;; +-NaN return x+y (when (or (> x-ihi #x7ff00000) (and (= x-ihi #x7ff00000) (/= x-lo 0)) (> y-ihi #x7ff00000) (and (= y-ihi #x7ff00000) (/= y-lo 0))) (return-from real-expt (coerce (+ x y) rtype))) (let ((yisint (if (< x-hi 0) (isint y-ihi y-lo) 0))) (declare (type fixnum yisint)) ;; special value of y (when (and (zerop y-lo) (= y-ihi #x7ff00000)) ;; y is +-inf (return-from real-expt (cond ((and (= x-ihi #x3ff00000) (zerop x-lo)) ;; +-1**inf is NaN (coerce (- y y) rtype)) ((>= x-ihi #x3ff00000) ;; (|x|>1)**+-inf = inf,0 (if (>= y-hi 0) (coerce y rtype) (coerce 0 rtype))) (t ;; (|x|<1)**-,+inf = inf,0 (if (< y-hi 0) (coerce (- y) rtype) (coerce 0 rtype)))))) (let ((abs-x (abs x))) (declare (double-float abs-x)) ;; special value of x (when (and (zerop x-lo) (or (= x-ihi #x7ff00000) (zerop x-ihi) (= x-ihi #x3ff00000))) ;; x is +-0,+-inf,+-1 (let ((z (if (< y-hi 0) (/ 1 abs-x) ; z = (1/|x|) abs-x))) (declare (double-float z)) (when (< x-hi 0) (cond ((and (= x-ihi #x3ff00000) (zerop yisint)) ;; (-1)**non-int (let ((y*pi (* y pi))) (declare (double-float y*pi)) (return-from real-expt (complex (coerce (%cos y*pi) rtype) (coerce (%sin y*pi) rtype))))) ((= yisint 1) ;; (x<0)**odd = -(|x|**odd) (setq z (- z))))) (return-from real-expt (coerce z rtype)))) (if (>= x-hi 0) ;; x>0 (coerce (sb!kernel::%pow x y) rtype) ;; x<0 (let ((pow (sb!kernel::%pow abs-x y))) (declare (double-float pow)) (case yisint (1 ; Odd (coerce (* -1d0 pow) rtype)) (2 ; Even (coerce pow rtype)) (t ; Non-integer (let ((y*pi (* y pi))) (declare (double-float y*pi)) (complex (coerce (* pow (%cos y*pi)) rtype) (coerce (* pow (%sin y*pi)) rtype))))))))))))) (declare (inline real-expt)) (number-dispatch ((base number) (power number)) (((foreach fixnum (or bignum ratio) (complex rational)) integer) (intexp base power)) (((foreach single-float double-float) rational) (real-expt base power '(dispatch-type base))) (((foreach fixnum (or bignum ratio) single-float) (foreach ratio single-float)) (real-expt base power 'single-float)) (((foreach fixnum (or bignum ratio) single-float double-float) double-float) (real-expt base power 'double-float)) ((double-float single-float) (real-expt base power 'double-float)) (((foreach (complex rational) (complex float)) rational) (* (expt (abs base) power) (cis (* power (phase base))))) (((foreach fixnum (or bignum ratio) single-float double-float) complex) (if (and (zerop base) (plusp (realpart power))) (* base power) (exp (* power (log base))))) (((foreach (complex float) (complex rational)) (foreach complex double-float single-float)) (if (and (zerop base) (plusp (realpart power))) (* base power) (exp (* power (log base))))))))) (defun log (number &optional (base nil base-p)) #!+sb-doc "Return the logarithm of NUMBER in the base BASE, which defaults to e." (if base-p (if (zerop base) base ; ANSI spec (/ (log number) (log base))) (number-dispatch ((number number)) (((foreach fixnum bignum ratio)) (if (minusp number) (complex (log (- number)) (coerce pi 'single-float)) (coerce (%log (coerce number 'double-float)) 'single-float))) (((foreach single-float double-float)) ;; Is (log -0) -infinity (libm.a) or -infinity + i*pi (Kahan)? ;; Since this doesn't seem to be an implementation issue ;; I (pw) take the Kahan result. (if (< (float-sign number) (coerce 0 '(dispatch-type number))) (complex (log (- number)) (coerce pi '(dispatch-type number))) (coerce (%log (coerce number 'double-float)) '(dispatch-type number)))) ((complex) (complex-log number))))) (defun sqrt (number) #!+sb-doc "Return the square root of NUMBER." (number-dispatch ((number number)) (((foreach fixnum bignum ratio)) (if (minusp number) (complex-sqrt number) (coerce (%sqrt (coerce number 'double-float)) 'single-float))) (((foreach single-float double-float)) (if (minusp number) (complex-sqrt number) (coerce (%sqrt (coerce number 'double-float)) '(dispatch-type number)))) ((complex) (complex-sqrt number)))) ;;;; trigonometic and related functions (defun abs (number) #!+sb-doc "Returns the absolute value of the number." (number-dispatch ((number number)) (((foreach single-float double-float fixnum rational)) (abs number)) ((complex) (let ((rx (realpart number)) (ix (imagpart number))) (etypecase rx (rational (sqrt (+ (* rx rx) (* ix ix)))) (single-float (coerce (%hypot (coerce rx 'double-float) (coerce ix 'double-float)) 'single-float)) (double-float (%hypot rx ix))))))) (defun phase (number) #!+sb-doc "Returns the angle part of the polar representation of a complex number. For complex numbers, this is (atan (imagpart number) (realpart number)). For non-complex positive numbers, this is 0. For non-complex negative numbers this is PI." (etypecase number (rational (if (minusp number) (coerce pi 'single-float) 0.0f0)) (single-float (if (minusp (float-sign number)) (coerce pi 'single-float) 0.0f0)) (double-float (if (minusp (float-sign number)) (coerce pi 'double-float) 0.0d0)) (complex (atan (imagpart number) (realpart number))))) (defun sin (number) #!+sb-doc "Return the sine of NUMBER." (number-dispatch ((number number)) (handle-reals %sin number) ((complex) (let ((x (realpart number)) (y (imagpart number))) (complex (* (sin x) (cosh y)) (* (cos x) (sinh y))))))) (defun cos (number) #!+sb-doc "Return the cosine of NUMBER." (number-dispatch ((number number)) (handle-reals %cos number) ((complex) (let ((x (realpart number)) (y (imagpart number))) (complex (* (cos x) (cosh y)) (- (* (sin x) (sinh y)))))))) (defun tan (number) #!+sb-doc "Return the tangent of NUMBER." (number-dispatch ((number number)) (handle-reals %tan number) ((complex) (complex-tan number)))) (defun cis (theta) #!+sb-doc "Return cos(Theta) + i sin(Theta), AKA exp(i Theta)." (if (complexp theta) (error "Argument to CIS is complex: ~S" theta) (complex (cos theta) (sin theta)))) (defun asin (number) #!+sb-doc "Return the arc sine of NUMBER." (number-dispatch ((number number)) ((rational) (if (or (> number 1) (< number -1)) (complex-asin number) (coerce (%asin (coerce number 'double-float)) 'single-float))) (((foreach single-float double-float)) (if (or (> number (coerce 1 '(dispatch-type number))) (< number (coerce -1 '(dispatch-type number)))) (complex-asin number) (coerce (%asin (coerce number 'double-float)) '(dispatch-type number)))) ((complex) (complex-asin number)))) (defun acos (number) #!+sb-doc "Return the arc cosine of NUMBER." (number-dispatch ((number number)) ((rational) (if (or (> number 1) (< number -1)) (complex-acos number) (coerce (%acos (coerce number 'double-float)) 'single-float))) (((foreach single-float double-float)) (if (or (> number (coerce 1 '(dispatch-type number))) (< number (coerce -1 '(dispatch-type number)))) (complex-acos number) (coerce (%acos (coerce number 'double-float)) '(dispatch-type number)))) ((complex) (complex-acos number)))) (defun atan (y &optional (x nil xp)) #!+sb-doc "Return the arc tangent of Y if X is omitted or Y/X if X is supplied." (if xp (flet ((atan2 (y x) (declare (type double-float y x) (values double-float)) (if (zerop x) (if (zerop y) (if (plusp (float-sign x)) y (float-sign y pi)) (float-sign y (/ pi 2))) (%atan2 y x)))) (number-dispatch ((y number) (x number)) ((double-float (foreach double-float single-float fixnum bignum ratio)) (atan2 y (coerce x 'double-float))) (((foreach single-float fixnum bignum ratio) double-float) (atan2 (coerce y 'double-float) x)) (((foreach single-float fixnum bignum ratio) (foreach single-float fixnum bignum ratio)) (coerce (atan2 (coerce y 'double-float) (coerce x 'double-float)) 'single-float)))) (number-dispatch ((y number)) (handle-reals %atan y) ((complex) (complex-atan y))))) ;; It seems that everyone has a C version of sinh, cosh, and ;; tanh. Let's use these for reals because the original ;; implementations based on the definitions lose big in round-off ;; error. These bad definitions also mean that sin and cos for ;; complex numbers can also lose big. #+nil (defun sinh (number) #!+sb-doc "Return the hyperbolic sine of NUMBER." (/ (- (exp number) (exp (- number))) 2)) (defun sinh (number) #!+sb-doc "Return the hyperbolic sine of NUMBER." (number-dispatch ((number number)) (handle-reals %sinh number) ((complex) (let ((x (realpart number)) (y (imagpart number))) (complex (* (sinh x) (cos y)) (* (cosh x) (sin y))))))) #+nil (defun cosh (number) #!+sb-doc "Return the hyperbolic cosine of NUMBER." (/ (+ (exp number) (exp (- number))) 2)) (defun cosh (number) #!+sb-doc "Return the hyperbolic cosine of NUMBER." (number-dispatch ((number number)) (handle-reals %cosh number) ((complex) (let ((x (realpart number)) (y (imagpart number))) (complex (* (cosh x) (cos y)) (* (sinh x) (sin y))))))) (defun tanh (number) #!+sb-doc "Return the hyperbolic tangent of NUMBER." (number-dispatch ((number number)) (handle-reals %tanh number) ((complex) (complex-tanh number)))) (defun asinh (number) #!+sb-doc "Return the hyperbolic arc sine of NUMBER." (number-dispatch ((number number)) (handle-reals %asinh number) ((complex) (complex-asinh number)))) (defun acosh (number) #!+sb-doc "Return the hyperbolic arc cosine of NUMBER." (number-dispatch ((number number)) ((rational) ;; acosh is complex if number < 1 (if (< number 1) (complex-acosh number) (coerce (%acosh (coerce number 'double-float)) 'single-float))) (((foreach single-float double-float)) (if (< number (coerce 1 '(dispatch-type number))) (complex-acosh number) (coerce (%acosh (coerce number 'double-float)) '(dispatch-type number)))) ((complex) (complex-acosh number)))) (defun atanh (number) #!+sb-doc "Return the hyperbolic arc tangent of NUMBER." (number-dispatch ((number number)) ((rational) ;; atanh is complex if |number| > 1 (if (or (> number 1) (< number -1)) (complex-atanh number) (coerce (%atanh (coerce number 'double-float)) 'single-float))) (((foreach single-float double-float)) (if (or (> number (coerce 1 '(dispatch-type number))) (< number (coerce -1 '(dispatch-type number)))) (complex-atanh number) (coerce (%atanh (coerce number 'double-float)) '(dispatch-type number)))) ((complex) (complex-atanh number)))) ;;; HP-UX does not supply a C version of log1p, so ;;; use the definition. #!+hpux #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline %log1p)) #!+hpux (defun %log1p (number) (declare (double-float number) (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))) (the double-float (log (the (double-float 0d0) (+ number 1d0)))))