;;;; stuff originally from CMU CL's error.lisp which can or should ;;;; come late (mostly related to the CONDITION class itself) ;;;; ;;;; FIXME: should perhaps be called condition.lisp, or moved into ;;;; classes.lisp ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!KERNEL") ;;;; the CONDITION class (/show0 "late-target-error.lisp 20") (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (def!struct (condition-class (:include slot-class) (:constructor bare-make-condition-class)) ;; list of CONDITION-SLOT structures for the direct slots of this ;; class (slots nil :type list) ;; list of CONDITION-SLOT structures for all of the effective class ;; slots of this class (class-slots nil :type list) ;; report function or NIL (report nil :type (or function null)) ;; list of alternating initargs and initforms (default-initargs () :type list) ;; class precedence list as a list of class objects, with all ;; non-condition classes removed (cpl () :type list) ;; a list of all the effective instance allocation slots of this ;; class that have a non-constant initform or default-initarg. ;; Values for these slots must be computed in the dynamic ;; environment of MAKE-CONDITION. (hairy-slots nil :type list)) (defun make-condition-class (&rest rest) (apply #'bare-make-condition-class (rename-key-args '((:name :%name)) rest))) ) ; EVAL-WHEN (defstruct (condition (:constructor make-condition-object (actual-initargs)) (:alternate-metaclass instance condition-class make-condition-class) (:copier nil)) (function-name nil) ;; actual initargs supplied to MAKE-CONDITION (actual-initargs (required-argument) :type list) ;; plist mapping slot names to any values that were assigned or ;; defaulted after creation (assigned-slots () :type list)) (defstruct (condition-slot (:copier nil)) (name (required-argument) :type symbol) ;; list of all applicable initargs (initargs (required-argument) :type list) ;; names of reader and writer functions (readers (required-argument) :type list) (writers (required-argument) :type list) ;; true if :INITFORM was specified (initform-p (required-argument) :type (member t nil)) ;; If this is a function, call it with no args. Otherwise, it's the ;; actual value. (initform (required-argument) :type t) ;; allocation of this slot, or NIL until defaulted (allocation nil :type (member :instance :class nil)) ;; If ALLOCATION is :CLASS, this is a cons whose car holds the value. (cell nil :type (or cons null))) (eval-when (#-sb-xc :compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) ;; the appropriate initialization value for the CPL slot of a ;; CONDITION, calculated by looking at the INHERITS information in ;; the LAYOUT of the CONDITION (defun condition-class-cpl-from-layout (condition) (declare (type condition condition)) (let* ((class (sb!xc:find-class condition)) (layout (class-layout class)) (superset (map 'list #'identity (layout-inherits layout)))) (delete-if (lambda (superclass) (not (typep superclass 'condition-class))) superset)))) ;;; KLUDGE: It's not clear to me why CONDITION-CLASS has itself listed ;;; in its CPL, while other classes derived from CONDITION-CLASS don't ;;; have themselves listed in their CPLs. This behavior is inherited ;;; from CMU CL, and didn't seem to be explained there, and I haven't ;;; figured out whether it's right. -- WHN 19990612 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (let ((condition-class (locally ;; KLUDGE: There's a FIND-CLASS DEFTRANSFORM for ;; constant class names which creates fast but ;; non-cold-loadable, non-compact code. In this ;; context, we'd rather have compact, cold-loadable ;; code. -- WHN 19990928 (declare (notinline sb!xc:find-class)) (sb!xc:find-class 'condition)))) (setf (condition-class-cpl condition-class) (list condition-class)))) (setf (condition-class-report (locally ;; KLUDGE: There's a FIND-CLASS DEFTRANSFORM ;; for constant class names which creates fast ;; but non-cold-loadable, non-compact code. In ;; this context, we'd rather have compact, ;; cold-loadable code. -- WHN 19990928 (declare (notinline sb!xc:find-class)) (find-class 'condition))) #'(lambda (cond stream) (format stream "Condition ~S was signalled." (type-of cond)))) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defun find-condition-layout (name parent-types) (let* ((cpl (remove-duplicates (reverse (reduce #'append (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (condition-class-cpl (sb!xc:find-class x))) parent-types))))) (cond-layout (info :type :compiler-layout 'condition)) (olayout (info :type :compiler-layout name)) (new-inherits (concatenate 'simple-vector (layout-inherits cond-layout) (mapcar #'class-layout cpl)))) (if (and olayout (not (mismatch (layout-inherits olayout) new-inherits))) olayout (make-layout :class (make-undefined-class name) :inherits new-inherits :depthoid -1 :length (layout-length cond-layout))))) ) ; EVAL-WHEN ;;; FIXME: ANSI's definition of DEFINE-CONDITION says ;;; Condition reporting is mediated through the PRINT-OBJECT method ;;; for the condition type in question, with *PRINT-ESCAPE* always ;;; being nil. Specifying (:REPORT REPORT-NAME) in the definition of ;;; a condition type C is equivalent to: ;;; (defmethod print-object ((x c) stream) ;;; (if *print-escape* (call-next-method) (report-name x stream))) ;;; The current code doesn't seem to quite match that. (def!method print-object ((x condition) stream) (if *print-escape* (print-unreadable-object (x stream :type t :identity t)) ;; KLUDGE: A comment from CMU CL here said ;; 7/13/98 BUG? CPL is not sorted and results here depend on order of ;; superclasses in define-condition call! (dolist (class (condition-class-cpl (sb!xc:class-of x)) (error "no REPORT? shouldn't happen!")) (let ((report (condition-class-report class))) (when report (return (funcall report x stream))))))) ;;;; slots of CONDITION objects (defvar *empty-condition-slot* '(empty)) (defun find-slot-default (class slot) (let ((initargs (condition-slot-initargs slot)) (cpl (condition-class-cpl class))) (dolist (class cpl) (let ((default-initargs (condition-class-default-initargs class))) (dolist (initarg initargs) (let ((val (getf default-initargs initarg *empty-condition-slot*))) (unless (eq val *empty-condition-slot*) (return-from find-slot-default (if (functionp val) (funcall val) val))))))) (if (condition-slot-initform-p slot) (let ((initform (condition-slot-initform slot))) (if (functionp initform) (funcall initform) initform)) (error "unbound condition slot: ~S" (condition-slot-name slot))))) (defun find-condition-class-slot (condition-class slot-name) (dolist (sclass (condition-class-cpl condition-class) (error "There is no slot named ~S in ~S." slot-name condition-class)) (dolist (slot (condition-class-slots sclass)) (when (eq (condition-slot-name slot) slot-name) (return-from find-condition-class-slot slot))))) (defun condition-writer-function (condition new-value name) (dolist (cslot (condition-class-class-slots (layout-class (%instance-layout condition))) (setf (getf (condition-assigned-slots condition) name) new-value)) (when (eq (condition-slot-name cslot) name) (return (setf (car (condition-slot-cell cslot)) new-value))))) (defun condition-reader-function (condition name) (let ((class (layout-class (%instance-layout condition)))) (dolist (cslot (condition-class-class-slots class)) (when (eq (condition-slot-name cslot) name) (return-from condition-reader-function (car (condition-slot-cell cslot))))) (let ((val (getf (condition-assigned-slots condition) name *empty-condition-slot*))) (if (eq val *empty-condition-slot*) (let ((actual-initargs (condition-actual-initargs condition)) (slot (find-condition-class-slot class name))) (unless slot (error "missing slot ~S of ~S" name condition)) (dolist (initarg (condition-slot-initargs slot)) (let ((val (getf actual-initargs initarg *empty-condition-slot*))) (unless (eq val *empty-condition-slot*) (return-from condition-reader-function (setf (getf (condition-assigned-slots condition) name) val))))) (setf (getf (condition-assigned-slots condition) name) (find-slot-default class slot))) val)))) ;;;; MAKE-CONDITION (defun make-condition (thing &rest args) #!+sb-doc "Make an instance of a condition object using the specified initargs." ;; Note: ANSI specifies no exceptional situations in this function. ;; signalling simple-type-error would not be wrong. (let* ((thing (if (symbolp thing) (sb!xc:find-class thing) thing)) (class (typecase thing (condition-class thing) (class (error 'simple-type-error :datum thing :expected-type 'condition-class :format-control "~S is not a condition class." :format-arguments (list thing))) (t (error 'simple-type-error :datum thing :expected-type 'condition-class :format-control "bad thing for class argument:~% ~S" :format-arguments (list thing))))) (res (make-condition-object args))) (setf (%instance-layout res) (class-layout class)) ;; Set any class slots with initargs present in this call. (dolist (cslot (condition-class-class-slots class)) (dolist (initarg (condition-slot-initargs cslot)) (let ((val (getf args initarg *empty-condition-slot*))) (unless (eq val *empty-condition-slot*) (setf (car (condition-slot-cell cslot)) val))))) ;; Default any slots with non-constant defaults now. (dolist (hslot (condition-class-hairy-slots class)) (when (dolist (initarg (condition-slot-initargs hslot) t) (unless (eq (getf args initarg *empty-condition-slot*) *empty-condition-slot*) (return nil))) (setf (getf (condition-assigned-slots res) (condition-slot-name hslot)) (find-slot-default class hslot)))) res)) ;;;; DEFINE-CONDITION (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (defun %compiler-define-condition (name direct-supers layout) (multiple-value-bind (class old-layout) (insured-find-class name #'condition-class-p #'make-condition-class) (setf (layout-class layout) class) (setf (class-direct-superclasses class) (mapcar #'sb!xc:find-class direct-supers)) (cond ((not old-layout) (register-layout layout)) ((not *type-system-initialized*) (setf (layout-class old-layout) class) (setq layout old-layout) (unless (eq (class-layout class) layout) (register-layout layout))) ((redefine-layout-warning "current" old-layout "new" (layout-length layout) (layout-inherits layout) (layout-depthoid layout)) (register-layout layout :invalidate t)) ((not (class-layout class)) (register-layout layout))) (setf (layout-info layout) (locally ;; KLUDGE: There's a FIND-CLASS DEFTRANSFORM for constant class ;; names which creates fast but non-cold-loadable, non-compact ;; code. In this context, we'd rather have compact, cold-loadable ;; code. -- WHN 19990928 (declare (notinline sb!xc:find-class)) (layout-info (class-layout (sb!xc:find-class 'condition))))) (setf (sb!xc:find-class name) class) ;; Initialize CPL slot from layout. (collect ((cpl)) (cpl class) (let ((inherits (layout-inherits layout))) (do ((i (1- (length inherits)) (1- i))) ((minusp i)) (let ((super (sb!xc:find-class (sb!xc:class-name (layout-class (svref inherits i)))))) (when (typep super 'condition-class) (cpl super))))) (setf (condition-class-cpl class) (cpl)))) (values)) ) ; EVAL-WHEN ;;; Compute the effective slots of class, copying inherited slots and ;;; side-effecting direct slots. (defun compute-effective-slots (class) (collect ((res (copy-list (condition-class-slots class)))) (dolist (sclass (condition-class-cpl class)) (dolist (sslot (condition-class-slots sclass)) (let ((found (find (condition-slot-name sslot) (res) :test #'eq))) (cond (found (setf (condition-slot-initargs found) (union (condition-slot-initargs found) (condition-slot-initargs sslot))) (unless (condition-slot-initform-p found) (setf (condition-slot-initform-p found) (condition-slot-initform-p sslot)) (setf (condition-slot-initform found) (condition-slot-initform sslot))) (unless (condition-slot-allocation found) (setf (condition-slot-allocation found) (condition-slot-allocation sslot)))) (t (res (copy-structure sslot))))))) (res))) (defun %define-condition (name slots documentation report default-initargs) (let ((class (sb!xc:find-class name))) (setf (condition-class-slots class) slots) (setf (condition-class-report class) report) (setf (condition-class-default-initargs class) default-initargs) (setf (fdocumentation name 'type) documentation) (dolist (slot slots) ;; Set up reader and writer functions. (let ((name (condition-slot-name slot))) (dolist (reader (condition-slot-readers slot)) (setf (fdefinition reader) #'(lambda (condition) (condition-reader-function condition name)))) (dolist (writer (condition-slot-writers slot)) (setf (fdefinition writer) #'(lambda (new-value condition) (condition-writer-function condition new-value name)))))) ;; Compute effective slots and set up the class and hairy slots ;; (subsets of the effective slots.) (let ((eslots (compute-effective-slots class)) (e-def-initargs (reduce #'append (mapcar #'condition-class-default-initargs (condition-class-cpl class))))) (dolist (slot eslots) (ecase (condition-slot-allocation slot) (:class (unless (condition-slot-cell slot) (setf (condition-slot-cell slot) (list (if (condition-slot-initform-p slot) (let ((initform (condition-slot-initform slot))) (if (functionp initform) (funcall initform) initform)) *empty-condition-slot*)))) (push slot (condition-class-class-slots class))) ((:instance nil) (setf (condition-slot-allocation slot) :instance) (when (or (functionp (condition-slot-initform slot)) (dolist (initarg (condition-slot-initargs slot) nil) (when (functionp (getf e-def-initargs initarg)) (return t)))) (push slot (condition-class-hairy-slots class)))))))) name) (defmacro define-condition (name (&rest parent-types) (&rest slot-specs) &body options) #!+sb-doc "DEFINE-CONDITION Name (Parent-Type*) (Slot-Spec*) Option* Define NAME as a condition type. This new type inherits slots and its report function from the specified PARENT-TYPEs. A slot spec is a list of: (slot-name :reader :initarg {Option Value}* The DEFINE-CLASS slot options :ALLOCATION, :INITFORM, [slot] :DOCUMENTATION and :TYPE and the overall options :DEFAULT-INITARGS and [type] :DOCUMENTATION are also allowed. The :REPORT option is peculiar to DEFINE-CONDITION. Its argument is either a string or a two-argument lambda or function name. If a function, the function is called with the condition and stream to report the condition. If a string, the string is printed. Condition types are classes, but (as allowed by ANSI and not as described in CLtL2) are neither STANDARD-OBJECTs nor STRUCTURE-OBJECTs. WITH-SLOTS and SLOT-VALUE may not be used on condition objects." (let* ((parent-types (or parent-types '(condition))) (layout (find-condition-layout name parent-types)) (documentation nil) (report nil) (default-initargs ())) (collect ((slots) (all-readers nil append) (all-writers nil append)) (dolist (spec slot-specs) (when (keywordp spec) (warn "Keyword slot name indicates probable syntax error:~% ~S" spec)) (let* ((spec (if (consp spec) spec (list spec))) (slot-name (first spec)) (allocation :instance) (initform-p nil) initform) (collect ((initargs) (readers) (writers)) (do ((options (rest spec) (cddr options))) ((null options)) (unless (and (consp options) (consp (cdr options))) (error "malformed condition slot spec:~% ~S." spec)) (let ((arg (second options))) (case (first options) (:reader (readers arg)) (:writer (writers arg)) (:accessor (readers arg) (writers `(setf ,arg))) (:initform (when initform-p (error "more than one :INITFORM in ~S" spec)) (setq initform-p t) (setq initform arg)) (:initarg (initargs arg)) (:allocation (setq allocation arg)) (:type) (t (error "unknown slot option:~% ~S" (first options)))))) (all-readers (readers)) (all-writers (writers)) (slots `(make-condition-slot :name ',slot-name :initargs ',(initargs) :readers ',(readers) :writers ',(writers) :initform-p ',initform-p :initform ,(if (constantp initform) `',(eval initform) `#'(lambda () ,initform))))))) (dolist (option options) (unless (consp option) (error "bad option:~% ~S" option)) (case (first option) (:documentation (setq documentation (second option))) (:report (let ((arg (second option))) (setq report (if (stringp arg) `#'(lambda (condition stream) (declare (ignore condition)) (write-string ,arg stream)) `#'(lambda (condition stream) (funcall #',arg condition stream)))))) (:default-initargs (do ((initargs (rest option) (cddr initargs))) ((endp initargs)) (let ((val (second initargs))) (setq default-initargs (list* `',(first initargs) (if (constantp val) `',(eval val) `#'(lambda () ,val)) default-initargs))))) (t (error "unknown option: ~S" (first option))))) (when (all-writers) (warn "Condition slot setters probably not allowed in ANSI CL:~% ~S" (all-writers))) `(progn (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (%compiler-define-condition ',name ',parent-types ',layout)) (declaim (ftype (function (t) t) ,@(all-readers))) (declaim (ftype (function (t t) t) ,@(all-writers))) (%define-condition ',name (list ,@(slots)) ,documentation ,report (list ,@default-initargs)))))) ;;;; DESCRIBE on CONDITIONs ;;; a function to be used as the guts of DESCRIBE-OBJECT (CONDITION T) ;;; eventually (once we get CLOS up and running so that we can define ;;; methods) (defun describe-condition (condition stream) (format stream "~@<~S ~_is a ~S. ~_Its slot values are ~_~S.~:>" condition (type-of condition) (concatenate 'list (condition-actual-initargs condition) (condition-assigned-slots condition)))) ;;;; various CONDITIONs specified by ANSI (define-condition serious-condition (condition) ()) (define-condition error (serious-condition) ()) (define-condition warning (condition) ()) (define-condition style-warning (warning) ()) (defun simple-condition-printer (condition stream) (apply #'format stream (simple-condition-format-control condition) (simple-condition-format-arguments condition))) (define-condition simple-condition () ((format-control :reader simple-condition-format-control :initarg :format-control) (format-arguments :reader simple-condition-format-arguments :initarg :format-arguments :initform '())) (:report simple-condition-printer)) (define-condition simple-warning (simple-condition warning) ()) (defun print-simple-error (condition stream) (format stream ;; FIXME: It seems reasonable to display the "in function ;; ~S" information, but doesn't the logic to display it ;; belong in the debugger or someplace like that instead of ;; in the format string for this particular family of ;; conditions? Then this printer might look more ;; ("~@<~S: ~2I~:_~?~:>" (TYPE-OF C) ..) instead. "~@" (condition-function-name condition) (simple-condition-format-control condition) (simple-condition-format-arguments condition))) (define-condition simple-error (simple-condition error) () ;; This is the condition type used by ERROR and CERROR when ;; a format-control string is supplied as the first argument. (:report print-simple-error)) (define-condition storage-condition (serious-condition) ()) ;;; FIXME: Should we really be reporting CONDITION-FUNCTION-NAME data ;;; on an ad hoc basis, for some conditions and not others? Why not ;;; standardize it somehow? perhaps by making the debugger report it? (define-condition type-error (error) ((datum :reader type-error-datum :initarg :datum) (expected-type :reader type-error-expected-type :initarg :expected-type)) (:report (lambda (condition stream) (format stream "~@." (condition-function-name condition) (type-error-datum condition) (type-error-expected-type condition))))) (define-condition program-error (error) ()) (define-condition parse-error (error) ()) (define-condition control-error (error) ()) (define-condition stream-error (error) ((stream :reader stream-error-stream :initarg :stream))) (define-condition end-of-file (stream-error) () (:report (lambda (condition stream) (format stream "END-OF-FILE on ~S" (stream-error-stream condition))))) (define-condition file-error (error) ((pathname :reader file-error-pathname :initarg :pathname)) (:report (lambda (condition stream) (format stream "~@" (condition-function-name condition) (serious-condition-format-control condition) (serious-condition-format-arguments condition))))) (define-condition package-error (error) ((package :reader package-error-package :initarg :package))) (define-condition cell-error (error) ((name :reader cell-error-name :initarg :name))) (define-condition unbound-variable (cell-error) () (:report (lambda (condition stream) (format stream "error in ~S: The variable ~S is unbound." (condition-function-name condition) (cell-error-name condition))))) (define-condition undefined-function (cell-error) () (:report (lambda (condition stream) (format stream "error in ~S: The function ~S is undefined." (condition-function-name condition) (cell-error-name condition))))) (define-condition arithmetic-error (error) ((operation :reader arithmetic-error-operation :initarg :operation :initform nil) (operands :reader arithmetic-error-operands :initarg :operands)) (:report (lambda (condition stream) (format stream "arithmetic error ~S signalled" (type-of condition)) (when (arithmetic-error-operation condition) (format stream "~%Operation was ~S, operands ~S." (arithmetic-error-operation condition) (arithmetic-error-operands condition)))))) (define-condition division-by-zero (arithmetic-error) ()) (define-condition floating-point-overflow (arithmetic-error) ()) (define-condition floating-point-underflow (arithmetic-error) ()) (define-condition floating-point-inexact (arithmetic-error) ()) (define-condition floating-point-invalid-operation (arithmetic-error) ()) (define-condition print-not-readable (error) ((object :reader print-not-readable-object :initarg :object)) (:report (lambda (condition stream) (let ((obj (print-not-readable-object condition)) (*print-array* nil)) (format stream "~S cannot be printed readably." obj))))) (define-condition reader-error (parse-error stream-error) ;; FIXME: Do we need FORMAT-CONTROL and FORMAT-ARGUMENTS when ;; we have an explicit :REPORT function? I thought we didn't.. ((format-control :reader reader-error-format-control :initarg :format-control) (format-arguments :reader reader-error-format-arguments :initarg :format-arguments :initform '())) (:report (lambda (condition stream) (let ((error-stream (stream-error-stream condition))) (format stream "READER-ERROR ~@[at ~D ~]on ~S:~%~?" (file-position error-stream) error-stream (reader-error-format-control condition) (reader-error-format-arguments condition)))))) ;;;; various other (not specified by ANSI) CONDITIONs ;;;; ;;;; These might logically belong in other files; they're here, after ;;;; setup of CONDITION machinery, only because that makes it easier to ;;;; get cold init to work. ;;; KLUDGE: a condition for floating point errors when we can't or ;;; won't figure out what type they are. (In FreeBSD and OpenBSD we ;;; don't know how, at least as of sbcl-0.6.7; in Linux we probably ;;; know how but the old code was broken by the conversion to POSIX ;;; signal handling and hasn't been fixed as of sbcl-0.6.7.) ;;; ;;; FIXME: Perhaps this should also be a base class for all ;;; floating point exceptions? (define-condition floating-point-exception (arithmetic-error) ((flags :initarg :traps :initform nil :reader floating-point-exception-traps)) (:report (lambda (condition stream) (format stream "An arithmetic error ~S was signalled.~%" (type-of condition)) (let ((traps (floating-point-exception-traps condition))) (if traps (format stream "Trapping conditions are: ~%~{ ~S~^~}~%" traps) (write-line "No traps are enabled? How can this be?" stream)))))) (define-condition index-too-large-error (type-error) () (:report (lambda (condition stream) (format stream "error in ~S: ~S: index too large" (condition-function-name condition) (type-error-datum condition))))) (define-condition io-timeout (stream-error) ((direction :reader io-timeout-direction :initarg :direction)) (:report (lambda (condition stream) (declare (type stream stream)) (format stream "IO-TIMEOUT ~(~A~)ing ~S" (io-timeout-direction condition) (stream-error-stream condition))))) (define-condition namestring-parse-error (parse-error) ((complaint :reader namestring-parse-error-complaint :initarg :complaint) (arguments :reader namestring-parse-error-arguments :initarg :arguments :initform nil) (namestring :reader namestring-parse-error-namestring :initarg :namestring) (offset :reader namestring-parse-error-offset :initarg :offset)) (:report (lambda (condition stream) (format stream "parse error in namestring: ~?~% ~A~% ~V@T^" (namestring-parse-error-complaint condition) (namestring-parse-error-arguments condition) (namestring-parse-error-namestring condition) (namestring-parse-error-offset condition))))) (define-condition simple-package-error (simple-condition package-error) ()) (define-condition reader-package-error (reader-error) ()) (define-condition reader-eof-error (end-of-file) ((context :reader reader-eof-error-context :initarg :context)) (:report (lambda (condition stream) (format stream "unexpected EOF on ~S ~A" (stream-error-stream condition) (reader-eof-error-context condition))))) ;;;; restart definitions (define-condition abort-failure (control-error) () (:report "An ABORT restart was found that failed to transfer control dynamically.")) (defun abort (&optional condition) #!+sb-doc "Transfer control to a restart named ABORT, signalling a CONTROL-ERROR if none exists." (invoke-restart (find-restart 'abort condition)) ;; ABORT signals an error in case there was a restart named ABORT ;; that did not transfer control dynamically. This could happen with ;; RESTART-BIND. (error 'abort-failure)) (defun muffle-warning (&optional condition) #!+sb-doc "Transfer control to a restart named MUFFLE-WARNING, signalling a CONTROL-ERROR if none exists." (invoke-restart (find-restart 'muffle-warning condition))) (macrolet ((define-nil-returning-restart (name args doc) #!-sb-doc (declare (ignore doc)) `(defun ,name (,@args &optional condition) #!+sb-doc ,doc ;; FIXME: Perhaps this shared logic should be pulled out into ;; FLET MAYBE-INVOKE-RESTART? See whether it shrinks code.. (when (find-restart ',name condition) (invoke-restart ',name ,@args))))) (define-nil-returning-restart continue () "Transfer control to a restart named CONTINUE, or return NIL if none exists.") (define-nil-returning-restart store-value (value) "Transfer control and VALUE to a restart named STORE-VALUE, or return NIL if none exists.") (define-nil-returning-restart use-value (value) "Transfer control and VALUE to a restart named USE-VALUE, or return NIL if none exists.")) (/show0 "late-target-error.lisp end of file")