;;;; PCOUNTERs ;;;; ;;;; a PCOUNTER is used to represent an unsigned integer quantity which ;;;; can grow bigger than a fixnum, but typically does so, if at all, ;;;; in many small steps, where we don't want to cons on every step. ;;;; Such quantities typically arise in profiling, e.g. ;;;; total system consing, time spent in a profiled function, and ;;;; bytes consed in a profiled function are all examples of such ;;;; quantities. The name is an abbreviation for "Profiling COUNTER". ;;;; ;;;; It's not one of my more brilliant names, if you have a better ;;;; suggestion, I might be interested. -- WHN 2001-06-22 (in-package "SB!IMPL") ;;;; basic PCOUNTER stuff (/show0 "pcounter.lisp 16") (defstruct (pcounter (:copier nil)) (integer 0 :type unsigned-byte) (fixnum 0 :type (and fixnum unsigned-byte))) (/show0 "pcounter.lisp 22") (declaim (maybe-inline incf-pcounter)) (defun incf-pcounter (pcounter delta) (aver (typep delta 'unsigned-byte)) (let ((sum (+ (pcounter-fixnum pcounter) delta))) (cond ((typep sum 'fixnum) (setf (pcounter-fixnum pcounter) sum)) (t (incf (pcounter-integer pcounter) sum) (setf (pcounter-fixnum pcounter) 0)))) pcounter) (/show0 "pcounter.lisp 36") ;;;(declaim (inline pcounter->integer)) ; FIXME: maybe inline when more stable (defun pcounter->integer (pcounter) (+ (pcounter-integer pcounter) (pcounter-fixnum pcounter))) ;;;; operations on (OR PCOUNTER FIXNUM) ;;;; ;;;; When we don't want to cons a PCOUNTER unless we're forced to, we ;;;; start with a FIXNUM counter and only create a PCOUNTER if the ;;;; FIXNUM overflows. (/show0 "pcounter.lisp 50") (declaim (inline %incf-pcounter-or-fixnum)) (defun %incf-pcounter-or-fixnum (x delta) (etypecase x (fixnum (let ((sum (+ x delta))) (if (typep sum 'fixnum) sum (make-pcounter :integer sum)))) (pcounter (incf-pcounter x delta)))) (define-modify-macro incf-pcounter-or-fixnum (delta) %incf-pcounter-or-fixnum) (/show0 "pcounter.lisp 64") ;;; Trade off space for execution time by handling the common fast ;;; (TYPEP DELTA 'FIXNUM) case inline and only calling generic ;;; arithmetic as a last resort. (defmacro fastbig-incf-pcounter-or-fixnum (x delta) (let ((delta-sym (gensym "DELTA"))) `(let ((,delta-sym ,delta)) (aver (typep ,delta-sym 'unsigned-byte)) ;;(declare (type unsigned-byte ,delta-sym)) (if (typep ,delta-sym 'fixnum) (incf-pcounter-or-fixnum ,x ,delta) (incf-pcounter-or-fixnum ,x ,delta))))) (/show0 "pcounter.lisp 80") (declaim (maybe-inline pcounter-or-fixnum->integer)) (defun pcounter-or-fixnum->integer (x) (etypecase x (fixnum x) (pcounter (pcounter->integer x)))) (/show0 "pcounter.lisp end")