;;;; READTABLEs ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!IMPL") (sb!xc:deftype attribute-table () '(simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (#.base-char-code-limit))) ;;; constants for readtable character attributes. These are all as in ;;; the manual. ;;; ;;; FIXME: wait a minute. Firstly, I doubt they're in the manual. ;;; Secondly, the numerical order of these constants is coupled with ;;; code in CHAR-CLASS{,2,3} in the reader implementation, so beware ;;; when changing them. (def!constant +char-attr-whitespace+ 0) (def!constant +char-attr-terminating-macro+ 1) (def!constant +char-attr-escape+ 2) (def!constant +char-attr-constituent+ 3) (def!constant +char-attr-constituent-dot+ 4) (def!constant +char-attr-constituent-expt+ 5) (def!constant +char-attr-constituent-slash+ 6) (def!constant +char-attr-constituent-digit+ 7) (def!constant +char-attr-constituent-sign+ 8) ;;; the following two are not static but depend on *READ-BASE*. ;;; DECIMAL-DIGIT is for characters being digits in base 10 but not in ;;; base *READ-BASE* (which is therefore perforce smaller than 10); ;;; DIGIT-OR-EXPT is for characters being both exponent markers and ;;; digits in base *READ-BASE* (which is therefore perforce larger ;;; than 10). -- CSR, 2004-03-16 (def!constant +char-attr-constituent-decimal-digit+ 9) (def!constant +char-attr-constituent-digit-or-expt+ 10) (def!constant +char-attr-multiple-escape+ 11) (def!constant +char-attr-package-delimiter+ 12) (def!constant +char-attr-invalid+ 13) (def!constant +char-attr-delimiter+ 14) ; (a fake for READ-UNQUALIFIED-TOKEN) (sb!xc:defstruct (readtable (:conc-name nil) (:predicate readtablep) ;; ANSI requires a CL:COPY-READTABLE to do ;; a deep copy, so the DEFSTRUCT-generated ;; default is not suitable. (:copier nil)) #!+sb-doc "A READTABLE is a data structure that maps characters into syntax types for the Common Lisp expression reader." ;; The CHARACTER-ATTRIBUTE-TABLE is a vector of CHAR-CODE-LIMIT ;; integers for describing the character type. Conceptually, there ;; are 4 distinct "primary" character attributes: ;; +CHAR-ATTR-WHITESPACE+, +CHAR-ATTR-TERMINATING-MACRO+, ;; +CHAR-ATTR-ESCAPE+, and +CHAR-ATTR-CONSTITUENT+. Non-terminating ;; macros (such as the symbol reader) have the attribute ;; +CHAR-ATTR-CONSTITUENT+. ;; ;; In order to make READ-TOKEN fast, all this information is stored ;; in the character attribute table by having different varieties of ;; constituents. (character-attribute-array (make-array base-char-code-limit :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8) :initial-element +char-attr-constituent+) :type attribute-table) (character-attribute-hash-table (make-hash-table) :type hash-table) ;; The CHARACTER-MACRO-TABLE is a vector of CHAR-CODE-LIMIT ;; functions. One of these functions called with appropriate ;; arguments whenever any non-WHITESPACE character is encountered ;; inside READ-PRESERVING-WHITESPACE. These functions are used to ;; implement user-defined read-macros, system read-macros, and the ;; number-symbol reader. (character-macro-array (make-array base-char-code-limit :initial-element #'undefined-macro-char) :type (simple-vector #.base-char-code-limit)) (character-macro-hash-table (make-hash-table) :type hash-table) ;; an alist from dispatch characters to vectors of CHAR-CODE-LIMIT ;; functions, for use in defining dispatching macros (like #-macro) (dispatch-tables () :type list) (readtable-case :upcase :type (member :upcase :downcase :preserve :invert)))