;;;; heap-grovelling memory usage stuff ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for ;;;; more information. ;;;; ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS ;;;; files for more information. (in-package "SB!VM") ;;;; type format database (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (def!struct (room-info (:make-load-form-fun just-dump-it-normally)) ;; the name of this type (name nil :type symbol) ;; kind of type (how we determine length) (kind (missing-arg) :type (member :lowtag :fixed :header :vector :string :code :closure :instance)) ;; length if fixed-length, shift amount for element size if :VECTOR (length nil :type (or fixnum null)))) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute) (defvar *meta-room-info* (make-array 256 :initial-element nil)) (dolist (obj *primitive-objects*) (let ((widetag (primitive-object-widetag obj)) (lowtag (primitive-object-lowtag obj)) (name (primitive-object-name obj)) (variable (primitive-object-variable-length-p obj)) (size (primitive-object-size obj))) (cond ((not lowtag)) (;; KLUDGE described in dan_b message "Another one for the ;; collection [bug 108]" (sbcl-devel 2004-01-22) ;; ;; In a freshly started SBCL, (TIME (ROOM T)) causes ;; debugger invoked on a SB-INT:BUG in thread 5911: ;; failed AVER: "(SAP= CURRENT END)" ;; [WHN: Similar things happened on one but not the other of my ;; machines when I just run ROOM a lot in a loop.] ;; ;; This appears to be due to my [DB] abuse of the primitive ;; object macros to define a thread object that shares a lowtag ;; with fixnums and has no widetag: it looks like the code that ;; generates *META-ROOM-INFO* infers from this that even fixnums ;; are thread-sized - probably undesirable. ;; ;; This [the fix; the EQL NAME 'THREAD clause here] is more in the ;; nature of a workaround than a really good fix. I'm not sure ;; what a really good fix is: I /think/ it's probably to remove ;; the :LOWTAG option in DEFINE-PRIMITIVE-OBJECT THREAD, then teach ;; genesis to generate the necessary OBJECT_SLOT_OFFSET macros ;; for assembly source in the runtime/genesis/*.h files. (eql name 'thread)) ((not widetag) (let ((info (make-room-info :name name :kind :lowtag)) (lowtag (symbol-value lowtag))) (declare (fixnum lowtag)) (dotimes (i 32) (setf (svref *meta-room-info* (logior lowtag (ash i 3))) info)))) (variable) (t (setf (svref *meta-room-info* (symbol-value widetag)) (make-room-info :name name :kind :fixed :length size)))))) (dolist (code (list #!+sb-unicode complex-character-string-widetag complex-base-string-widetag simple-array-widetag complex-bit-vector-widetag complex-vector-widetag complex-array-widetag complex-vector-nil-widetag)) (setf (svref *meta-room-info* code) (make-room-info :name 'array-header :kind :header))) (setf (svref *meta-room-info* bignum-widetag) (make-room-info :name 'bignum :kind :header)) (setf (svref *meta-room-info* closure-header-widetag) (make-room-info :name 'closure :kind :closure)) (dolist (stuff '((simple-bit-vector-widetag . -3) (simple-vector-widetag . 2) (simple-array-unsigned-byte-2-widetag . -2) (simple-array-unsigned-byte-4-widetag . -1) (simple-array-unsigned-byte-7-widetag . 0) (simple-array-unsigned-byte-8-widetag . 0) (simple-array-unsigned-byte-15-widetag . 1) (simple-array-unsigned-byte-16-widetag . 1) (simple-array-unsigned-byte-31-widetag . 2) (simple-array-unsigned-byte-32-widetag . 2) (simple-array-unsigned-byte-60-widetag . 3) (simple-array-unsigned-byte-63-widetag . 3) (simple-array-unsigned-byte-64-widetag . 3) (simple-array-signed-byte-8-widetag . 0) (simple-array-signed-byte-16-widetag . 1) (simple-array-unsigned-byte-29-widetag . 2) (simple-array-signed-byte-30-widetag . 2) (simple-array-signed-byte-32-widetag . 2) (simple-array-signed-byte-61-widetag . 3) (simple-array-signed-byte-64-widetag . 3) (simple-array-single-float-widetag . 2) (simple-array-double-float-widetag . 3) (simple-array-complex-single-float-widetag . 3) (simple-array-complex-double-float-widetag . 4))) (let* ((name (car stuff)) (size (cdr stuff)) (sname (string name))) (when (boundp name) (setf (svref *meta-room-info* (symbol-value name)) (make-room-info :name (intern (subseq sname 0 (mismatch sname "-WIDETAG" :from-end t))) :kind :vector :length size))))) (setf (svref *meta-room-info* simple-base-string-widetag) (make-room-info :name 'simple-base-string :kind :string :length 0)) #!+sb-unicode (setf (svref *meta-room-info* simple-character-string-widetag) (make-room-info :name 'simple-character-string :kind :string :length 2)) (setf (svref *meta-room-info* simple-array-nil-widetag) (make-room-info :name 'simple-array-nil :kind :fixed :length 2)) (setf (svref *meta-room-info* code-header-widetag) (make-room-info :name 'code :kind :code)) (setf (svref *meta-room-info* instance-header-widetag) (make-room-info :name 'instance :kind :instance)) ) ; EVAL-WHEN (defparameter *room-info* '#.*meta-room-info*) (deftype spaces () '(member :static :dynamic :read-only)) ;;;; MAP-ALLOCATED-OBJECTS ;;; Since they're represented as counts of words, we should never ;;; need bignums to represent these: (declaim (type fixnum *static-space-free-pointer* *read-only-space-free-pointer*)) (defun space-bounds (space) (declare (type spaces space)) (ecase space (:static (values (int-sap static-space-start) (int-sap (* *static-space-free-pointer* n-word-bytes)))) (:read-only (values (int-sap read-only-space-start) (int-sap (* *read-only-space-free-pointer* n-word-bytes)))) (:dynamic (values (int-sap (current-dynamic-space-start)) (dynamic-space-free-pointer))))) ;;; Return the total number of bytes used in SPACE. (defun space-bytes (space) (multiple-value-bind (start end) (space-bounds space) (- (sap-int end) (sap-int start)))) ;;; Round SIZE (in bytes) up to the next dualword (eight byte) boundary. #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline round-to-dualword)) (defun round-to-dualword (size) (declare (fixnum size)) (logand (the fixnum (+ size lowtag-mask)) (lognot lowtag-mask))) ;;; Return the total size of a vector in bytes, including any pad. #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline vector-total-size)) (defun vector-total-size (obj info) (let ((shift (room-info-length info)) (len (+ (length (the (simple-array * (*)) obj)) (ecase (room-info-kind info) (:vector 0) (:string 1))))) (declare (type (integer -3 3) shift)) (round-to-dualword (+ (* vector-data-offset n-word-bytes) (the fixnum (if (minusp shift) (ash (the fixnum (+ len (the fixnum (1- (the fixnum (ash 1 (- shift))))))) shift) (ash len shift))))))) ;;; Access to the GENCGC page table for better precision in ;;; MAP-ALLOCATED-OBJECTS #!+gencgc (progn (define-alien-type nil (struct page (flags unsigned-int) (gen int) (bytes-used int) (start long))) (declaim (inline find-page-index)) (define-alien-routine "find_page_index" long (index long)) (define-alien-variable "page_table" (array (struct page) #.(truncate (- dynamic-space-end dynamic-space-start) sb!vm:gencgc-page-size)))) ;;; Iterate over all the objects allocated in SPACE, calling FUN with ;;; the object, the object's type code, and the object's total size in ;;; bytes, including any header and padding. #!-sb-fluid (declaim (maybe-inline map-allocated-objects)) (defun map-allocated-objects (fun space) (declare (type function fun) (type spaces space)) (without-gcing (multiple-value-bind (start end) (space-bounds space) (declare (type system-area-pointer start end)) (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))) (let ((current start) (skip-tests-until-addr 0)) (labels ((maybe-finish-mapping () (unless (sap< current end) (aver (sap= current end)) (return-from map-allocated-objects))) ;; GENCGC doesn't allocate linearly, which means that the ;; dynamic space can contain large blocks zeros that get ;; accounted as conses in ROOM (and slow down other ;; applications of MAP-ALLOCATED-OBJECTS). To fix this ;; check the GC page structure for the current address. ;; If the page is free or the address is beyond the page- ;; internal allocation offset (bytes-used) skip to the ;; next page immediately. (maybe-skip-page () #!+gencgc (when (eq space :dynamic) (loop with page-mask = #.(1- sb!vm:gencgc-page-size) for addr of-type sb!vm:word = (sap-int current) while (>= addr skip-tests-until-addr) do ;; For some reason binding PAGE with LET ;; conses like mad (but gives no compiler notes...) ;; Work around the problem with SYMBOL-MACROLET ;; instead of trying to figure out the real ;; issue. -- JES, 2005-05-17 (symbol-macrolet ((page (deref page-table (find-page-index addr)))) ;; Don't we have any nicer way to access C struct ;; bitfields? (let ((alloc-flag (ldb (byte 3 2) (slot page 'flags))) (bytes-used (slot page 'bytes-used))) ;; If the page is not free and the current ;; pointer is still below the allocation offset ;; of the page (when (and (not (zerop alloc-flag)) (<= (logand page-mask addr) bytes-used)) ;; Don't bother testing again until we ;; get past that allocation offset (setf skip-tests-until-addr (+ (logandc2 addr page-mask) (the fixnum bytes-used))) ;; And then continue with the scheduled ;; mapping (return-from maybe-skip-page)) ;; Move CURRENT to start of next page (setf current (int-sap (+ (logandc2 addr page-mask) sb!vm:gencgc-page-size))) (maybe-finish-mapping))))))) (declare (inline maybe-finish-mapping maybe-skip-page)) (loop (maybe-finish-mapping) (maybe-skip-page) (let* ((header (sap-ref-word current 0)) (header-widetag (logand header #xFF)) (info (svref *room-info* header-widetag))) (cond ((or (not info) (eq (room-info-kind info) :lowtag)) (let ((size (* cons-size n-word-bytes))) (funcall fun (make-lisp-obj (logior (sap-int current) list-pointer-lowtag)) list-pointer-lowtag size) (setq current (sap+ current size)))) ((eql header-widetag closure-header-widetag) (let* ((obj (make-lisp-obj (logior (sap-int current) fun-pointer-lowtag))) (size (round-to-dualword (* (the fixnum (1+ (get-closure-length obj))) n-word-bytes)))) (funcall fun obj header-widetag size) (setq current (sap+ current size)))) ((eq (room-info-kind info) :instance) (let* ((obj (make-lisp-obj (logior (sap-int current) instance-pointer-lowtag))) (size (round-to-dualword (* (+ (%instance-length obj) 1) n-word-bytes)))) (declare (fixnum size)) (funcall fun obj header-widetag size) (aver (zerop (logand size lowtag-mask))) (setq current (sap+ current size)))) (t (let* ((obj (make-lisp-obj (logior (sap-int current) other-pointer-lowtag))) (size (ecase (room-info-kind info) (:fixed (aver (or (eql (room-info-length info) (1+ (get-header-data obj))) (floatp obj) (simple-array-nil-p obj))) (round-to-dualword (* (room-info-length info) n-word-bytes))) ((:vector :string) (vector-total-size obj info)) (:header (round-to-dualword (* (1+ (get-header-data obj)) n-word-bytes))) (:code (+ (the fixnum (* (get-header-data obj) n-word-bytes)) (round-to-dualword (* (the fixnum (%code-code-size obj)) n-word-bytes))))))) (declare (fixnum size)) (funcall fun obj header-widetag size) (aver (zerop (logand size lowtag-mask))) (setq current (sap+ current size)))))))))))) ;;;; MEMORY-USAGE ;;; Return a list of 3-lists (bytes object type-name) for the objects ;;; allocated in Space. (defun type-breakdown (space) (let ((sizes (make-array 256 :initial-element 0 :element-type 'fixnum)) (counts (make-array 256 :initial-element 0 :element-type 'fixnum))) (map-allocated-objects (lambda (obj type size) (declare (fixnum size) (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)) (ignore obj)) (incf (aref sizes type) size) (incf (aref counts type))) space) (let ((totals (make-hash-table :test 'eq))) (dotimes (i 256) (let ((total-count (aref counts i))) (unless (zerop total-count) (let* ((total-size (aref sizes i)) (name (room-info-name (aref *room-info* i))) (found (gethash name totals))) (cond (found (incf (first found) total-size) (incf (second found) total-count)) (t (setf (gethash name totals) (list total-size total-count name)))))))) (collect ((totals-list)) (maphash (lambda (k v) (declare (ignore k)) (totals-list v)) totals) (sort (totals-list) #'> :key #'first))))) ;;; Handle the summary printing for MEMORY-USAGE. Totals is a list of lists ;;; (space-name . totals-for-space), where totals-for-space is the list ;;; returned by TYPE-BREAKDOWN. (defun print-summary (spaces totals) (let ((summary (make-hash-table :test 'eq))) (dolist (space-total totals) (dolist (total (cdr space-total)) (push (cons (car space-total) total) (gethash (third total) summary)))) (collect ((summary-totals)) (maphash (lambda (k v) (declare (ignore k)) (let ((sum 0)) (declare (fixnum sum)) (dolist (space-total v) (incf sum (first (cdr space-total)))) (summary-totals (cons sum v)))) summary) (format t "~2&Summary of spaces: ~(~{~A ~}~)~%" spaces) (let ((summary-total-bytes 0) (summary-total-objects 0)) (declare (fixnum summary-total-bytes summary-total-objects)) (dolist (space-totals (mapcar #'cdr (sort (summary-totals) #'> :key #'car))) (let ((total-objects 0) (total-bytes 0) name) (declare (fixnum total-objects total-bytes)) (collect ((spaces)) (dolist (space-total space-totals) (let ((total (cdr space-total))) (setq name (third total)) (incf total-bytes (first total)) (incf total-objects (second total)) (spaces (cons (car space-total) (first total))))) (format t "~%~A:~% ~:D bytes, ~:D object~:P" name total-bytes total-objects) (dolist (space (spaces)) (format t ", ~W% ~(~A~)" (round (* (cdr space) 100) total-bytes) (car space))) (format t ".~%") (incf summary-total-bytes total-bytes) (incf summary-total-objects total-objects)))) (format t "~%Summary total:~% ~:D bytes, ~:D objects.~%" summary-total-bytes summary-total-objects))))) ;;; Report object usage for a single space. (defun report-space-total (space-total cutoff) (declare (list space-total) (type (or single-float null) cutoff)) (format t "~2&Breakdown for ~(~A~) space:~%" (car space-total)) (let* ((types (cdr space-total)) (total-bytes (reduce #'+ (mapcar #'first types))) (total-objects (reduce #'+ (mapcar #'second types))) (cutoff-point (if cutoff (truncate (* (float total-bytes) cutoff)) 0)) (reported-bytes 0) (reported-objects 0)) (declare (fixnum total-objects total-bytes cutoff-point reported-objects reported-bytes)) (loop for (bytes objects name) in types do (when (<= bytes cutoff-point) (format t " ~10:D bytes for ~9:D other object~2:*~P.~%" (- total-bytes reported-bytes) (- total-objects reported-objects)) (return)) (incf reported-bytes bytes) (incf reported-objects objects) (format t " ~10:D bytes for ~9:D ~(~A~) object~2:*~P.~%" bytes objects name)) (format t " ~10:D bytes for ~9:D ~(~A~) object~2:*~P (space total.)~%" total-bytes total-objects (car space-total)))) ;;; Print information about the heap memory in use. PRINT-SPACES is a ;;; list of the spaces to print detailed information for. ;;; COUNT-SPACES is a list of the spaces to scan. For either one, T ;;; means all spaces (i.e. :STATIC, :DYNAMIC and :READ-ONLY.) If ;;; PRINT-SUMMARY is true, then summary information will be printed. ;;; The defaults print only summary information for dynamic space. If ;;; true, CUTOFF is a fraction of the usage in a report below which ;;; types will be combined as OTHER. (defun memory-usage (&key print-spaces (count-spaces '(:dynamic)) (print-summary t) cutoff) (declare (type (or single-float null) cutoff)) (let* ((spaces (if (eq count-spaces t) '(:static :dynamic :read-only) count-spaces)) (totals (mapcar (lambda (space) (cons space (type-breakdown space))) spaces))) (dolist (space-total totals) (when (or (eq print-spaces t) (member (car space-total) print-spaces)) (report-space-total space-total cutoff))) (when print-summary (print-summary spaces totals))) (values)) ;;; Print info about how much code and no-ops there are in SPACE. (defun count-no-ops (space) (declare (type spaces space)) (let ((code-words 0) (no-ops 0) (total-bytes 0)) (declare (fixnum code-words no-ops) (type unsigned-byte total-bytes)) (map-allocated-objects (lambda (obj type size) (declare (fixnum size) (optimize (safety 0))) (when (eql type code-header-widetag) (incf total-bytes size) (let ((words (truly-the fixnum (%code-code-size obj))) (sap (truly-the system-area-pointer (%primitive code-instructions obj)))) (incf code-words words) (dotimes (i words) (when (zerop (sap-ref-word sap (* i n-word-bytes))) (incf no-ops)))))) space) (format t "~:D code-object bytes, ~:D code words, with ~:D no-ops (~D%).~%" total-bytes code-words no-ops (round (* no-ops 100) code-words))) (values)) (defun descriptor-vs-non-descriptor-storage (&rest spaces) (let ((descriptor-words 0) (non-descriptor-headers 0) (non-descriptor-bytes 0)) (declare (type unsigned-byte descriptor-words non-descriptor-headers non-descriptor-bytes)) (dolist (space (or spaces '(:read-only :static :dynamic))) (declare (inline map-allocated-objects)) (map-allocated-objects (lambda (obj type size) (declare (fixnum size) (optimize (safety 0))) (case type (#.code-header-widetag (let ((inst-words (truly-the fixnum (%code-code-size obj)))) (declare (type fixnum inst-words)) (incf non-descriptor-bytes (* inst-words n-word-bytes)) (incf descriptor-words (- (truncate size n-word-bytes) inst-words)))) ((#.bignum-widetag #.single-float-widetag #.double-float-widetag #.simple-base-string-widetag #!+sb-unicode #.simple-character-string-widetag #.simple-array-nil-widetag #.simple-bit-vector-widetag #.simple-array-unsigned-byte-2-widetag #.simple-array-unsigned-byte-4-widetag #.simple-array-unsigned-byte-8-widetag #.simple-array-unsigned-byte-16-widetag #.simple-array-unsigned-byte-32-widetag #.simple-array-signed-byte-8-widetag #.simple-array-signed-byte-16-widetag ; #.simple-array-signed-byte-30-widetag #.simple-array-signed-byte-32-widetag #.simple-array-single-float-widetag #.simple-array-double-float-widetag #.simple-array-complex-single-float-widetag #.simple-array-complex-double-float-widetag) (incf non-descriptor-headers) (incf non-descriptor-bytes (- size n-word-bytes))) ((#.list-pointer-lowtag #.instance-pointer-lowtag #.ratio-widetag #.complex-widetag #.simple-array-widetag #.simple-vector-widetag #.complex-base-string-widetag #.complex-vector-nil-widetag #.complex-bit-vector-widetag #.complex-vector-widetag #.complex-array-widetag #.closure-header-widetag #.funcallable-instance-header-widetag #.value-cell-header-widetag #.symbol-header-widetag #.sap-widetag #.weak-pointer-widetag #.instance-header-widetag) (incf descriptor-words (truncate size n-word-bytes))) (t (error "bogus widetag: ~W" type)))) space)) (format t "~:D words allocated for descriptor objects.~%" descriptor-words) (format t "~:D bytes data/~:D words header for non-descriptor objects.~%" non-descriptor-bytes non-descriptor-headers) (values))) ;;; Print a breakdown by instance type of all the instances allocated ;;; in SPACE. If TOP-N is true, print only information for the ;;; TOP-N types with largest usage. (defun instance-usage (space &key (top-n 15)) (declare (type spaces space) (type (or fixnum null) top-n)) (format t "~2&~@[Top ~W ~]~(~A~) instance types:~%" top-n space) (let ((totals (make-hash-table :test 'eq)) (total-objects 0) (total-bytes 0)) (declare (fixnum total-objects total-bytes)) (map-allocated-objects (lambda (obj type size) (declare (fixnum size) (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0))) (when (eql type instance-header-widetag) (incf total-objects) (incf total-bytes size) (let* ((classoid (layout-classoid (%instance-ref obj 0))) (found (gethash classoid totals))) (cond (found (incf (the fixnum (car found))) (incf (the fixnum (cdr found)) size)) (t (setf (gethash classoid totals) (cons 1 size))))))) space) (collect ((totals-list)) (maphash (lambda (classoid what) (totals-list (cons (prin1-to-string (classoid-proper-name classoid)) what))) totals) (let ((sorted (sort (totals-list) #'> :key #'cddr)) (printed-bytes 0) (printed-objects 0)) (declare (fixnum printed-bytes printed-objects)) (dolist (what (if top-n (subseq sorted 0 (min (length sorted) top-n)) sorted)) (let ((bytes (cddr what)) (objects (cadr what))) (incf printed-bytes bytes) (incf printed-objects objects) (format t " ~A: ~:D bytes, ~:D object~:P.~%" (car what) bytes objects))) (let ((residual-objects (- total-objects printed-objects)) (residual-bytes (- total-bytes printed-bytes))) (unless (zerop residual-objects) (format t " Other types: ~:D bytes, ~:D object~:P.~%" residual-bytes residual-objects)))) (format t " ~:(~A~) instance total: ~:D bytes, ~:D object~:P.~%" space total-bytes total-objects))) (values)) ;;;; PRINT-ALLOCATED-OBJECTS (defun print-allocated-objects (space &key (percent 0) (pages 5) type larger smaller count (stream *standard-output*)) (declare (type (integer 0 99) percent) (type index pages) (type stream stream) (type spaces space) (type (or index null) type larger smaller count)) (multiple-value-bind (start-sap end-sap) (space-bounds space) (let* ((space-start (sap-int start-sap)) (space-end (sap-int end-sap)) (space-size (- space-end space-start)) (pagesize (sb!sys:get-page-size)) (start (+ space-start (round (* space-size percent) 100))) (printed-conses (make-hash-table :test 'eq)) (pages-so-far 0) (count-so-far 0) (last-page 0)) (declare (type (unsigned-byte 32) last-page start) (fixnum pages-so-far count-so-far pagesize)) (labels ((note-conses (x) (unless (or (atom x) (gethash x printed-conses)) (setf (gethash x printed-conses) t) (note-conses (car x)) (note-conses (cdr x))))) (map-allocated-objects (lambda (obj obj-type size) (declare (optimize (safety 0))) (let ((addr (get-lisp-obj-address obj))) (when (>= addr start) (when (if count (> count-so-far count) (> pages-so-far pages)) (return-from print-allocated-objects (values))) (unless count (let ((this-page (* (the (values (unsigned-byte 32) t) (truncate addr pagesize)) pagesize))) (declare (type (unsigned-byte 32) this-page)) (when (/= this-page last-page) (when (< pages-so-far pages) ;; FIXME: What is this? (ERROR "Argh..")? or ;; a warning? or code that can be removed ;; once the system is stable? or what? (format stream "~2&**** Page ~W, address ~X:~%" pages-so-far addr)) (setq last-page this-page) (incf pages-so-far)))) (when (and (or (not type) (eql obj-type type)) (or (not smaller) (<= size smaller)) (or (not larger) (>= size larger))) (incf count-so-far) (case type (#.code-header-widetag (let ((dinfo (%code-debug-info obj))) (format stream "~&Code object: ~S~%" (if dinfo (sb!c::compiled-debug-info-name dinfo) "No debug info.")))) (#.symbol-header-widetag (format stream "~&~S~%" obj)) (#.list-pointer-lowtag (unless (gethash obj printed-conses) (note-conses obj) (let ((*print-circle* t) (*print-level* 5) (*print-length* 10)) (format stream "~&~S~%" obj)))) (t (fresh-line stream) (let ((str (write-to-string obj :level 5 :length 10 :pretty nil))) (unless (eql type instance-header-widetag) (format stream "~S: " (type-of obj))) (format stream "~A~%" (subseq str 0 (min (length str) 60)))))))))) space)))) (values)) ;;;; LIST-ALLOCATED-OBJECTS, LIST-REFERENCING-OBJECTS (defvar *ignore-after* nil) (defun valid-obj (space x) (or (not (eq space :dynamic)) ;; this test looks bogus if the allocator doesn't work linearly, ;; which I suspect is the case for GENCGC. -- CSR, 2004-06-29 (< (get-lisp-obj-address x) (get-lisp-obj-address *ignore-after*)))) (defun maybe-cons (space x stuff) (if (valid-obj space x) (cons x stuff) stuff)) (defun list-allocated-objects (space &key type larger smaller count test) (declare (type spaces space) (type (or index null) larger smaller type count) (type (or function null) test) (inline map-allocated-objects)) (unless *ignore-after* (setq *ignore-after* (cons 1 2))) (collect ((counted 0 1+)) (let ((res ())) (map-allocated-objects (lambda (obj obj-type size) (declare (optimize (safety 0))) (when (and (or (not type) (eql obj-type type)) (or (not smaller) (<= size smaller)) (or (not larger) (>= size larger)) (or (not test) (funcall test obj))) (setq res (maybe-cons space obj res)) (when (and count (>= (counted) count)) (return-from list-allocated-objects res)))) space) res))) (defun map-referencing-objects (fun space object) (declare (type spaces space) (inline map-allocated-objects)) (unless *ignore-after* (setq *ignore-after* (cons 1 2))) (flet ((maybe-call (fun obj) (when (valid-obj space obj) (funcall fun obj)))) (map-allocated-objects (lambda (obj obj-type size) (declare (optimize (safety 0)) (ignore obj-type size)) (typecase obj (cons (when (or (eq (car obj) object) (eq (cdr obj) object)) (maybe-call fun obj))) (instance (dotimes (i (%instance-length obj)) (when (eq (%instance-ref obj i) object) (maybe-call fun obj) (return)))) (code-component (let ((length (get-header-data obj))) (do ((i code-constants-offset (1+ i))) ((= i length)) (when (eq (code-header-ref obj i) object) (maybe-call fun obj) (return))))) (simple-vector (dotimes (i (length obj)) (when (eq (svref obj i) object) (maybe-call fun obj) (return)))) (symbol (when (or (eq (symbol-name obj) object) (eq (symbol-package obj) object) (eq (symbol-plist obj) object) (eq (symbol-value obj) object)) (maybe-call fun obj))))) space))) (defun list-referencing-objects (space object) (collect ((res)) (map-referencing-objects (lambda (obj) (res obj)) space object) (res)))